Alice Gaillard > De Pardieu Brocas Maffei > Paris, France > Profil de l'avocat
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Alice Gaillard
Dispute Resolution
Alice Gaillard, Counsel, advises companies and their managers at all stages of disputes and litigation, including before administrative authorities – from investigation or audit to sanction procedure or appeal before French and European jurisdictions.
She has an in-depth expertise in market abuse (insider trading and market manipulation), issuers’ financial reporting, ethics and fraud and in the regulations applicable to financial firms and statutory auditors.
She is also experienced in advising companies, including financial firms and statutory auditors on the implementation of new sustainability and due diligence reporting obligations and she represents them in any related litigation, including in greenwashing matters. She assists them in their transition, both on the strategic aspects of their governance and their business, and on their sustainability reporting.
Member of the Sustainable Finance Working Group of the ANC, she takes part in the work of the EFRAF on draft industry standards. She also lectures at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas on the duty of due diligence and ESG/CSR disclosure requirements.
Carrière professionnelle
She joined the Dispute Resolution and Stock market transactions & capital markets teams of De Pardieu as counsel in 2021.
French, English
Formation académique
- AMF Sustainable Finance Certification, July 2022
- Legal supervisor to the Rapporteur-general of the Haut conseil du commissariat aux comptes – H3C, 2016 – 2021
- Assistant to the Rapporteurs of the Enforcement Committee – AMF, 2012 – 2016
- Associate in a French law firm, 2009 – 2012
- Master 2 in Banking and Financial Law – University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 2009
- Master 2 in General Private Law – University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 2008
- Lawyer since: 2011
- Bar admission: Paris
Classements des avocats
Paris > Résolution des litiges > Contentieux boursier
Chez De Pardieu Brocas Maffei , Patrick Jaïs qui est un spécialiste des fusions-acquisitions, assiste des sociétés financières ainsi que leurs membres dans la gestion de conflits d’actionnaires et de litiges de gouvernance portant sur des sociétés cotées, ou lors d’enquêtes AMF pour abus de marché (notamment délits d’initiés). Il est assisté par Alice Gaillard. (of counsel).