Patrick Jaïs > De Pardieu Brocas Maffei > Paris, France > Profil de l'avocat
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Patrick Jaïs

Mergers & Acquisitions
Patrick Jaïs, Partner, specialises in mergers and acquisitions, stock exchange regulations and complex restructurings. He also handles private equity transactions, representing both issuers and investors, and handles mergers and acquisitions and stock exchange litigation matters (including AMF and white collar proceedings). He mainly represents French and foreign-listed companies, investment funds and industrial groups.
Carrière professionnelle
He joined De Pardieu Brocas Maffei as a partner in 2009, after working at Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson in Paris (2005-2008) and Veil Jourde (1994-2005) as a partner and at Gide Loyrette Nouel (1987-1994) as an associate.
French, English
Member of the Paris Bar since 1987.
Formation académique
He holds an advanced degree (DEA) in business law from the University of Paris X Nanterre (1985).
Patrick Jaïs is an Expert of the “Club des Juristes” and wrote some articles in his practice areas.
He was speaking during the conference organized by the Club des Juristes on the topic: “Quelles evolutions pour la commission des sanctions?” (9th July 2013, Maison de la recherche, Paris) and during the Global M&A Forum in London, the 7th July 2015, on the topic “Trends and innovations in M&A deals”.
He was also speaking during the “4th Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector Conference” by the IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee and the IBA Technology Law Committee in Barcelona the 28th and 29th March 2019 on the topic “Remedies of M&A deals – protection and enforcement“.
Classements des avocats
Paris > Résolution des litiges > Contentieux boursier
(Les grands avocats du marché)Chez De Pardieu Brocas Maffei , Patrick Jaïs qui est un spécialiste des fusions-acquisitions, assiste des sociétés financières ainsi que leurs membres dans la gestion de conflits d’actionnaires et de litiges de gouvernance portant sur des sociétés cotées, ou lors d’enquêtes AMF pour abus de marché (notamment délits d’initiés). Il est assisté par Alice Gaillard. (of counsel).