Maitre Stéphane Micheli > Herald Avocats > Paris, France > Profil de l'avocat
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Maitre Stéphane Micheli

property department and white collar crime department
Stéphane Micheli has been a partner of the firm since 1997. He specialises in family law and inheritance law. In this capacity, he advises, assists and represents a clientele composed of individuals in all types of procedures related to a property project or a dispute settlement.
He also assists individuals and institutions in criminal business law, particularly in the context of Tracfin.
In real estate law, he advises his clients in the context of acquisitions, real estate purchase operations, leases or dispute settlements.
Carrière professionnelle
He started his career in 1989 as an associate of Maître Blanc, lawyer at the Court of Cassation and the Council of State.
In 1990, he joined the law firm Herald, formerly Granrut, as an associate, then became a partner in 1997.
French - English
– Member of the ACE (Association des Avocats Conseils d’Entreprises)
– Member of the Association of Penal Lawyers (ADAP)
– Member of the Institut du Droit de la Famille et du Patrimoine (IDFP)
Formation académique
– DEA in business and economic law from the University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne (1988)
– Master’s degree in private law from the University of Paris XII