Leading Arbitrators

David Bateson – 39 Essex Chambers ‘David is a highly regarded international arbitrator. He is always very well prepared and knows the facts inside out.'
John Beechey – Arbitration Chambers 'An excellent arbitrator, very experienced and efficient.'
Anneliese Day KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'She is excellent - on top of the details, attentive and courteous.'
Sarah Grimmer - Twenty Essex 'Sarah is an excellent arbitrator who inspires confidence. She is very measured and has great gravitas.'
Neil Kaplan KC – Arbitration ChambersThe godfather of arbitration in Hong Kong.’
Toby Landau KC  – Duxton Hill Chambers 'A well-prepared, persuasive advocate with commercial acumen.'
Chan Leng Sun SC – Duxton Hill Chambers 'An advocate with excellent knowledge.'
Christopher Moger KC4 Pump Court ‘Christopher is one of the best arbitrators in the business. He knows the case inside and out, and he is industrious, experienced and wise. A role model as an arbitrator.'
Jern-Fei Ng KCDuxton Hill Chambers 'A diligent, first-rate barrister.'
Colin Ong KCThe 36 Group 'Colin is a highly intelligent arbitrator. He is very quick to grasp difficult and complex concepts, and is very intuitive and good at seeing the overall picture. He has a strong ability to articulate his points clearly and persuasively.'
Robert S. PéArbitration Chambers 'Robert is a highly experienced and very knowledgeable arbitrator. He has great listening and diplomacy skills.'
Kim Rooney - Rede Chambers 'Kim is very detail-orientated, very intelligent and extremely diligent. A very solid arbitrator.'
Clare Ambrose - Twenty Essex 'Clare is very conscientious, well prepared, efficient and diplomatic. A complete superstar.'
Gavin DentonArbitration Chambers 'He is no-nonsense and very diligent.'
Matthew Gearing KC  – Temple Chambers (also Fountain Court Chambers in London and Singapore)
Steven Lim – 39 Essex ChambersSteven is efficient and intelligent, and manages the arbitration process well. He is charming, and has an excellent demeanour.'
Benny LoDes Voeux ChambersBenny is a very efficient and responsive arbitrator.'
Loretta Malintoppi – 39 Essex Chambers 'She is diligent and well-organised. A great lawyer.'
Charles Manzoni KC, SCTemple Chambers (also 39 Essex Chambers in London and Singapore) 'He is well versed in the rules of major international organisations. An excellent choice as tribunal.'
Sara Masters KC – Twenty Essex 'Sara has great legal knowledge and judgement - she has the ability to see the wood from the trees. A reliable and efficient barrister.'
Lucy Reed – Arbitration Chambers 'A legend in the field. She brooks no nonsense and is very firm, but also very fair.'
Peter Rees KC – 39 Essex Chambers 'An excellent presiding arbitrator with an authoritative style and an excellent grasp of technical issues.'
Vasanti Selvaratnum KC  – The 36 Group 'Vasanti is an excellent arbitrator. She is always completely prepared, incisive and very commercial. She is one of the most highly thought of arbitrators in shipping.'
Hi-Taek ShinTwenty Essex 'An excellent arbitrator. He is experienced and knowledgeable in the field.'
Marion Smith KC – 39 Essex Chambers ‘Marion is an excellent arbitrator. She is very conscientious, hard working, and diplomatic.’
Marcus Taverner KC - Keating Chambers 'A very experienced and talented construction barrister, who is well suited to the role of arbitrator.'
Horace Wong SCRede Chambers 'Horace is very fair, conscientious and responsive.'

Arbitrators in Asia Pacific: Regional International Arbitration

Arbitration Chambers

Arbitration Chambers is ‘a reputable set‘, housing a team of full-time international arbitrators with established expertise in appearing in cases heard under the rules of major arbitral institutions. The group is especially well known for handling investment treaty arbitrations. Notable names in the set include the ‘superb arbitratorNeil Kaplan CBE KC SBS and the ‘very efficient and persuasiveRobert S. Pé. Gavin Denton is ‘a very experienced and reliable arbitrator‘.

Les références

‘One of the best chambers for arbitrators.’

39 Essex Chambers

Viewed as ‘one of the leading sets of chambers for arbitration matters’, 39 Essex Chambers ‘team is well versed in handling international arbitrations under the rules of the ICC, SIAC, HKIAC and ICSID institutions. David Bateson is ‘vastly experienced in construction, engineering, commercial and arbitration law – he is an efficient, capable and fair arbitrator‘. Loretta Malintoppi regularly presides over complex disputes touching on China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, India and Thailand. Steven Lim has ‘deep knowledge of arbitration practice and procedure and is rigorous and thorough in his analysis’.

Les références

39 Essex has a good talent pool.’

39 Essex Chambers has an excellent set of arbitrators.’

Fountain Court Chambers

Fountain Court Chambers has an established footprint in the Asia Pacific region due to its solid presence in Singapore, and members have extensive experience in handling arbitrations both in Singapore and the wider Asia jurisdiction. Darius Chan is a key contact for investor-state arbitrations, and Stephen Moriarty KC is well regarded for his experience in handling arbitrations under ICC and SIAC rules. Matthew Gearing KC (who shares dual tenancy with Temple Chambers in Hong Kong) has been kept busy presiding over ICSID matters and India-focused arbitration cases.