Leading Silks

Stephen Free SCEleven Wentworth BarristersStephen has a calm and methodical advocacy style which is particularly effective in disarming witnesses in cross-examination in order to obtain important concessions.’

Leading Juniors

Conor Bannan – 12 Wentworth Selborne ChambersConor is a very experienced senior junior who has genuine expertise in complex competition law matters, which he combines with sound judgment. He is smart, hard-working and easy to work with.’ 
Catherine Bembrick5 Wentworth Chambers 'Easy to work with; hard working, excellent command of the area of law.'
Shipra ChordiaOmnia Chambers  ‘Shipra is extremely bright and hard working. Her technical skills in competition law in particular are excellent, as are her written submissions.’
Alexander Vial5 Wentworth Chambers 'Good operator. Very accessible and responsive. Willing to roll up his sleeves and do the hard work.'
Jonathan Clark12 Wentworth Selborne Chambers 'Jonathan is a highly-skilled and knowledgeable barrister who provides strategic advice to clients.  His breadth and depth of experience make him a go-to practitioner in relation to regulatory disputes. He is an expert in relation to competition law.'

Competition in Australia Bar

12 Wentworth Selborne Chambers

12 Wentworth Selborne Chambers finds its strengths within competition and consumer law, with floor members routinely being briefed by firms and by regulators including the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in civil proceedings. Noted by clients for being a ‘go-to practitioner in relation to competition law,’ Jonathan Clark covers a broad range of issues including in cartel investigations, misleading conduct and unconscionable conduct. Conor Bannan is active in both competition and consumer law, and is briefed on behalf of Apple in the Epic Games Inc & Anor v Apple Inc & Anor proceeding brought by Epic Games alleging anti-competitive conduct in relation to the removal of Fortnite from its App Store. Talia Epstein is active in cases in the Federal Court of Australia including those involving misleading and deceptive conduct, and Daniel Tynan is another key name from the set.


Les références

‘High quality floor, excellent choices of counsel.’ 

‘High quality and very consistent.’


Principaux dossiers

5 Wentworth Chambers

Members of 5 Wentworth Chambers cover a broad range of practice areas within competition law, consumer law questions, to cartel conduct, misuse of market power and regulatory matters. Catherine Bembrick specialises in cartel conduct and misleading and deceptive conduct cases, having acted for the ACCC in the Federal Court prosecution of Mastercard Singapore and Mastercard Australia in Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Mastercard Australia & Mastercard Singapore for misuse of market power. Alexander Vial has been involved in cases with national legal significance.

Les références



Principaux dossiers

List G Barristers

Recognised in competition and commercial law, List G Barristers finds its strengths in a broad range of work including cartel conduct, misuse of market power, exclusive dealing and collective boycotts. Nicholas De Young KC has an active competition practice, often involved in high profile cases including TX Australia Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission involving a dispute between owner and operator of transmission infrastructure in deciding whether there was a failure to agree on terms and conditions of access, and whether the ACC had jurisdiction to arbitrate the dispute. Daniel Preston advises clients in relation to merger and cartel investigations, as well as representing clients before various tribunals. Natalie Hickey is another key name from the set.