Next Generation Partners

Leading Associates

Projects and energy in Czech Republic


Situated within an integrated global network, the energy and infrastructure practice at Dentons covers the full spectrum of work, including transactional and regulatory matters, and contentious issues in the oil and gas spaces. Acting for major energy companies and large corporations, the firm adopts a multidisciplinary approach through its frequent coordination with its litigation, capital markets, and banking and finance departments. Recently, the team has demonstrated strong activity in advising on energy prices and contract reviews, procurements for alternative energy sources, and acting on high-value M&A deals within the energy and mining sectors. Petr Zákoucký heads the group and focuses on complex environmental regulatory cases, as well as energy transition matters. Lukáš Výmola and Štefan Potočnák are notable practitioners within the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Petr Zákoucký

Autres avocats clés:

Lukáš Výmola; Štefan Potočnák

Principaux clients


Energetický a průmyslový holding (“EPH”)

Sev.en Energy (including Elektrárna Chvaletice a.s. and Elektrárna Počerady a.s.)


Pražská energetika (“PRE”)

BPD / Draslovka Holding

Premier Energy / Emma Capital

Sako Brno

Vestar /King’s Casino


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising CEZ on taking capacity in the LNG floating terminal in Eemshaven and on its LNG purchasing arrangements.
  • Advising EPH on the acquisition of the Rijnmond Power Plant, an 810 MW gas-fired power plant located in Zuid-Holland province in Netherlands.
  • Advising CEZ in connection with a series of Schuldschein issuances with an aggregated value of EUR500m.


Kinstellar’s projects and energy department offers a full-service practice, covering transactional and advisory work in relation to a variety of matters, including gas infrastructure projects and highway construction. Other mandates handled by the firm include electricity, gas and metal commodities trading, ESG compliance advice, public law planning and construction, and environmental regulatory concerns. Leveraging its cross-border presence, the firm is well-placed to advise international clients from the district heating, electricity, and oil and gas sectors. Kamil Blažek leads the team and has notable prowess in water and waste regulation, as well as joint venture deals which involve energy assets development. Managing associate Michal Forýtek is a key contact and primarily focuses on energy and public procurement law. Counsel Jan Lehký is a notable member of the group.

Responsables de la pratique:

Kamil Blažek

Autres avocats clés:

Jan Lehký; Michal Forýtek

Les références

‘Kinstellar demonstrated an exceptional level of competence and provided invaluable support throughout the process. Their expertise not only assisted us in the discussions and initial drafting of the agreement but also proved instrumental in negotiating several pivotal aspects of the deal.’

‘We had the pleasure of collaborating with Jan Lehký and Michal Forýtek from Kinstellar Czech Republic. Their professionalism was exceptional, consistently meeting deadlines, offering valuable guidance on critical agreement terms, and maintaining a high level of transparency throughout our engagement.’

‘Excellent knowledge of the energy industry, very good client approach, flexible and productive. Transparent billing.’

Principaux clients


Goldman Sachs




E.ON Česká republika




Haskel Europe LTD

Nexen Tire Corporation (Korea)


Woodburn Capital

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised a group of lenders to the Vinci Concessions SA and Meridiam SAS consortium, on the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the D4 highway, tendered by the Czech Ministry of Transport.
  • Advising NET4GAS and its shareholders in connection with the development and future construction of the Moravia Capacity Extension project.
  • Advised NET4GAS and its shareholders in connection with the construction and development of the Capacity4Gas gas interconnector.

Skils s.r.o. advokátní kancelář

Skils s.r.o. advokátní kancelář’s projects and energy practice advises key players within the field on high-value projects in the Czech Republic. The firm has expertise in real estate projects, transportation infrastructure mandates, and issues concerning corporate and contractual law. Recently, the group has demonstrated strengths in advising on the development of nuclear power plants. Elsewhere, the team is active in litigation concerning competition and environmental law. Managing partner Karel Muzikář leads the offering. Martin Kramar is a notable member of the group and advises on project development cases, as is Petr Severa, a key practitioner within the department.

Responsables de la pratique:

Karel Muzikář

Autres avocats clés:

Martin Kramar; Petr Severa

Les références

‘We consider Skils to be the premium provider of legal services on the Czech market. Skils is generally perceived, and our direct experience confirms this perception, as the highest quality provider. This includes very attentive client service, sound judgement, long and deep experience in the concerned industries which are subject to their legal services as well as very high qualification, expertise and experience of the individual partners and associates.’

‘I would like to mention Karel Muzikář, Petr Severa, and Martin Kramar as people who ensure the overall quality and act as the closest advisors on the most important and sensitive matters. It also needs to be mentioned that we very much value the personal insight and direct involvement of these partners of Skils in our matters, which is truly extraordinary and highly exceeds the standard approach of other firms.’

‘Practical, very detailed and complex knowledge of the Czech law and its very business-oriented implementation. Ability to manage and lead multi jurisdiction transactions. Exceptional negotiating experience and abilities. All partners we cooperate with are very focused and goal oriented.’

Principaux clients


Ceska sporitelna

Property, Administrative and Delimitation Union of Trade Unions

Czech Government/Road and Motorway Directorate


Skoda Praha

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising CEZ Group on its tender for the selection of the supplier of planned unit 5 of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant.
  • Advising CEZ Group on its tender for supply of nuclear fuel for the Temelin nuclear power plant.
  • Advising Ceska sporitelna on the development and construction of its new headquarters in Prague and the adjacent office park.

White & Case, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář

At White & Case, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, the energy, infrastructure, project, and asset finance department counts both non-contentious and contentious work within its scope of activity. Engaged by both local and CEE clients, the team is widely recognised for advising the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic on major infrastructure projects. As well as providing general advice on energy and manufacturing matters, the group also regularly advises on project development and natural resources projects. The practice lies under the leadership of managing partner Vít Stehlík, who has demonstrable experience in gas infrastructure mandates and energy regulation work. Václav Žaloudek is a key practitioner within the team and is involved in the firm’s major project development cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Vít Stehlík

Autres avocats clés:

Václav Žaloudek; Daniel Wilhelm

Les références

‘Extremely good business-oriented lawyers with a focus on client needs. The team is well-organised and diversified. The international network of offices is of a great advantage.’

‘Vít Stehlík and Václav Žaloudek are extremely business and client-oriented lawyers with a deep knowledge of the industry and lots of experience.’

‘Easy to reach, well qualified and with an international reach. The best practice on the market.’

Principaux clients

Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic

ČEZ Group

NET4GAS, s.r.o.

Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. (EPH)

Bonatrans Group a.s.

Pražská plynárenská a.s.

Fifth Wall Ventures Management, LLC


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Fifth Wall on its Series A investment in Woltair.
  • Advised the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic on a PPP infrastructure project in the Czech Republic.
  • Advising Česká exportní banka, a.s., Komerční banka, a.s., in connection with a club loan facility provided to the Republic of Senegal.

bpv Braun Partners s.r.o.

bpv Braun Partners s.r.o.’s projects and energy offering is extensive and includes contractual, regulatory, and transactional work. The team routinely advises on international pipeline projects, renewable energy cases, electricity and natural gas developments, and photovoltaic projects. The firm has recently demonstrated strength in wind energy and hydroelectric mandates. The department is collectively led by Marc Müller, who also handles corporate governance issues, David Vosol, who offers know-how on energy law and corporate restructuring, and Pavel Vincík, who is experienced in litigation. Senior associate Michal Fógel is a notable member of the group and is active in construction projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marc Müller; David Vosol; Pavel Vincík

Autres avocats clés:

Michal Fógel

Principaux clients

Creditas Group

Photovoltaic Power Plants



EP Energy Trading

Dobrá Energie

E.ON Česká republika

Antaris Solar AG

Conseq Realitní



Principaux dossiers

  • Advising the CREDITAS Group on the acquisition of a 100% stake in the British energy group InterGen.
  • Advising Greenbuddies in relation to photovoltaic projects in Germany.
  • Advised UCED on a transaction related to a billion-crowns investment in the expansion of a steam power plant in Prostějov.


With industry expertise in the renewable energy sector, the energy, projects and construction group at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang regularly undertakes high-profile infrastructure work and disputes relating to renewables. Engaged by major local and foreign energy corporations and infrastructure companies, the firm often advises on investments, the development of solar and wind projects, and the contractual elements of green mandates. Expert Lukáš Janíček leads the offering and has a wealth of experience in energy and construction law, in addition to handling M&A-related matters. Associate Michal Samek is a key member of the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lukáš Janíček

Autres avocats clés:

Michal Samek

Les références

‘CMS’ competitive advantage lies in their strong legal capabilities and communication. Their focus is on understanding the business structure, and how the specific needs can be addressed for a client in decision-making and/or transactions processes.’

‘Reliable, responsive and trustworthy professionals that bring strong and yet realistic confidence.’

‘A very good team with a deep knowledge of the Czech energy industry. They are experienced in project management concepts.’

Principaux clients



ORLEN Unipetrol

Škoda JS

CSPPark Planá NL

Gelsenwasser AG


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Vinci and Meridiam on a public-private partnership contract for the D4 motorway in the Czech Republic.
  • Assisting Orlen Unipetrol by drafting an EPC contract for the construction of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plant.
  • Advising Gelsenwasser AG on transactional documentation and regulatory matters regarding the sale of 100% of the shares of Gelsenwasser Beteilgungen SE.

PRK Partners

PRK Partners’ projects and energy practice frequently advises municipalities, non-governmental organisations, and stakeholders on complex greenfield and brownfield projects. Active in both conventional and renewable energy-based developments, the firm regularly assists clients with environmental law strategies, solar power plant projects, and litigation related to real estate mandates. Recently, the group has illustrated know-how in long-term projects in connection with the Czech Republic’s energy transition strategy. The team is collectively led by Jakub Lichnovský, who specialises in strategic industrial and commercial projects, Daniel Rosický, who handles acquisitions and energy projects, and Martin Kříž, who advises on the M&A elements of gas and heating developments.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jakub Lichnovský; Daniel Rosický; Martin Kříž

Autres avocats clés:

Robert Reiss; Jana Pekařová

Les références

‘PRK’s team is very responsive, anticipates the needs of the client, and offers strategic foresight.’

‘Jakub Lichnovský is very hands-on and knows his market well.’

‘Great reputation, great knowledge, and always delivers.’

Principaux clients

Organic technology s.r.o.

EUROFORM spol. s r. o.

UBM Development Czechia s.r.o., subsidiary of UBM Development AG, Austrian developer listed on Vienna Stock Exchange

CAF Signalling

AŽD Prague

WIC Prague a.s.

R2G a.s.

Office of the Commissioner General for the Czech Republic’s participation in the World EXPO

GONDRAND Invest, a.s.

Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava (University Hospital Ostrava)

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia

Cromwell EREIT Czech Properties s.r.o.

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Organic Technology s.r.o. on a project involving the use of technology to produce biogas from recyclable materials.
  • Assisted an American NYSE listed health-tech and industrial company on the sale of a lucrative 50,000 sqm brownfield site in Prague, valued at approximately EUR100m.
  • Advised the client on their participation in the tender procedure for the selection of the EPC contractor for the construction of the unit in the Nuclear Power Plant in the Czech Republic.


Working across multiple sectors, ROWAN LEGAL’s projects and energy team advises on matters such as electricity network maintenance, landfill disputes, water infrastructure transformations, and electric car battery production. Engaged by clients such as distribution system operators, energy traders, and power plant operators, the practice also displays strengths in the waste disposal industry and covers the regulatory and compliance aspects of large-scale infrastructure projects. The department is co-led by Vilém Podešva, who is also active in the public procurement and competition spaces, and Jan Měkota, who assists clients in water supply and energy management projects. Lukáš Sommer is a key contact within the group and advises on construction contracts, whilst senior associate Anna Cervanová often represents clients in administrative proceedings before the Energy Regulatory Office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Vilém Podešva; Jan Měkota

Autres avocats clés:

Anna Cervanová; Lukáš Sommer

Les références

‘The team’s strengths and key capabilities are of a very good level. I can recommend this team to everybody. The team is very reliable and very competent.’

‘I usually work with Vilém Podešva and Jan Měkota, who are able to provide our company with a complete service in the field of competition and commercial law. With regard to our long-term cooperation, they already know our needs exactly and are able to respond to our requests very quickly.’

‘They are not just legal experts with a deep understanding of complex legal issues. They are thought leaders who actively contribute to shaping the legal landscape through their publications, presentations, and involvement in industry associations. They constantly provide innovative and strategic solutions that competitors often struggle to match.’

Principaux clients


Škoda Auto

Statutární město Brno

EG.D, a.s.

Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy

Pražská plynárenská a.s.

Severočeská vodárenská společnost a.s.

Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s.

City of Benešov

DIAMO, státní podnik (DIAMO, State Enterprise)


VODA Želivka a.s.

Statutární město Ústí nad Labem

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted EG.D, a.s. with the preparation of tender documents relating to the construction of power lines, including contract documentation and the complete administration of 33 interdependent tender procedures.
  • Advised Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s. in relation to the transformation of the operation model of water supply infrastructure, including the analysis of relevant corporate and public procurement issues.
  • Assisted Statutární město Brno (City of Brno) in conducting a legal analysis of the significant aspects of management and operation of the water infrastructure system of the City of Brno.

act Randa Havel Legal

At act Randa Havel Legal, the projects and energy department primarily concentrates on the construction and financing of power units for the production of heat, gas, and electricity, in addition to handling the export of investment projects for the generation of thermal energy. Recently, the firm has been active advising on matters relating to photovoltaic power plants and waste management. The group is jointly led by Jan Havel, who advises on energy projects across Asia, the Americas, and Europe, and Alois Šatava, who specialises in acquisitions and renewable energy.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jan Havel; Alois Šatava

Autres avocats clés:

Jakub Adámek; Jan Ožana

Les références

‘Jan Havel has an incredibly deep knowledge of the construction law and energy sector. We rely on him to support us in negotiations on all big deals. He knows the business; hence we can focus on important matters.’

‘I must say that Jakub Adámek is a rising star. He will be probably a partner very soon. He has a deep understanding of law, provides straightforward answers and has a strong commitment to getting things done. ’

‘Quality work, easy access, and timely completion of assignments.’

Principaux clients

ACS International s.r.o.

Teplárna České Budějovice, a.s.


Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o.

Nuclear Property Services s.r.o.

G – Team a.s.

IEM FörderTechnik GmbH

JUFA Investment Group

Pražské služby, a.s. (Prague Services in English)

Synthomer a.s.


Správa a údržba silnic Pardubického kraje

SERW, spol. s r.o.

EPDOR s.r.o.

VEOLIA Energie ČR, a.s.

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. in connection with a tender for the delivery, installation, and service of two turbosets for the Płock power plant (Orlen).
  • Representing JUFA Investment Group in connection with the acquisition of four companies that own and operate a photovoltaic power plant with a total installed capacity of 12,5 MW.
  • Advising Pražské služby a.s. in connection with the ‘General renewal and Ecologization Malešice’ project.

A&O Shearman

A&O Shearman’s Prague-based projects, energy and infrastructure team offers rounded service of project finance and development matters. Benefitting from its global network of offices, the firm is well-placed to undertake cross-border work for its client base, which comprises governments, financial institutions, lenders, and sponsors. With demonstrable experience in the infrastructure, energy, and telecoms markets, the group routinely advises on the structuring and negotiation of contracts, risk management strategies, and project structures. The department is co-led by Petr Vybiral, who offers know-how on capital market transactions and commercial contracts, and English law qualified Jana Maršálková, a specialist in project finance and syndicated lending.

Responsables de la pratique:

Petr Vybíral; Jana Maršálková

Autres avocats clés:

Tereza Veverková

Principaux clients

Kommunalkredit Austria

Komerční banka

Accolade Group

Allianz Capital Partners

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

International Finance Corporation

Penta Hospitals International

Semperflex Optimit

Crawley Investments

Nordea Bank

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia

Glatzová & Co., s.r.o.

Glatzová & Co., s.r.o.’s projects and energy practice count major banks, investors, and real estate sector companies amongst its key roster of clients and is well-positioned to advise on work in both the Czech and Slovak regions. The firm advises on various elements of the field, such as the development and construction of power plants and logistic sites, the operation of energy facilities, and land development projects involving environmental protection issues. Elsewhere, the group displays strengths in the renewable energy sector, and primarily handles work relating to solar power, wind, and natural gas energy. Erik Kolan leads the department and focuses on the regulatory aspects of renewable energy. Tomáš Kessler is a key contact within the team and covers planning and building proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Erik Kolan

Autres avocats clés:

Tomáš Kessler

Les références

‘The team has great experience in the energy sector and permitting process in general. We benefit from a high partner level involvement in our projects which makes the process smooth and effective. 

‘Erik Kolan is a great lawyer – experienced, great negotiator, his involvement in the projects is essential.

‘Tomáš Kessler has perfect communication skills and is also experienced and engaged.’

Principaux clients

Centropol Energy, s. r. o.

Kovošrot Group s. r. o.

Pražská energetika a. s.

Obchodní družstvo Impro

PH Real, a. s.

Erste Group Immorent ČR s. r. o.

Vattenfall Energy Trading GmbH

Bohemia Properties a. s.

Obchodní areál Vídeňská

REKO a. s.

SPROF a. s.

Jiří Smrkovský


Českomoravská nemovitostní a.s.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing CENTROPOL ENERGY in the client’s development project of a new industrial zone in Ústí nad Labem (North Bohemia) of an expected area of more than 100,000 m2 and in the complex development process of two natural gas power plants located within the zone.
  • Representing Kovošrot Group in the sale and redevelopment of several of the client´s extensive industrial sites in the Czech Republic.
  • Representing Pražská energetika a.s. in a development project regarding a joint venture with Metrostav Development regarding the development of a large brownfield real estate project in Prague.

Kocián Šolc Balaštík

At Kocián Šolc Balaštík, the department’s scope of work includes the planning, development, and implementation of heat and power generation instalments, and the construction of power facilities. Additionally, the team offers advice on the development of renewable energy sources, public contracts, compliance concerns, and energy project financing. Recent highlights include assisting clients with the operation of new power plants, nuclear waste management, and distribution grids. The team is jointly led by Václav Rovenský, who specialises in energy construction projects and related regulatory concerns, and Tomáš Sequens, who handles the environmental elements of commercial transactions. Sylvie Sobolová is a notable member of the group and covers public procurement and state aid work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Václav Rovenský; Tomáš Sequens

Autres avocats clés:

Sylvie Sobolová; Petra Mirovská

Les références

‘Kocian Šolc Balaštík has a strong team of experts. For us, they communicated perfectly, responded quickly, and understood our deals and priorities.’

‘Tomáš Sequens is a great person.’

‘KSB has a strong team which deals with energy and environmental issues. They fully understand our commercial needs. They are quick and efficient.’

Principaux clients


Smart Energies Group

Asental Group

Czech Radioactive Waste Repository Authority

Green Gas DPB

Rema System, Rema Battery

Tapas Borek

Teplárna Kladno

Energy Ústí nad Labem


Benthem Crowel Architects

William Matthews Associates

Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised SE PPS Alfa regarding a new a diesel power plant project, which would supply ancillary support services to CEPS, the operator of the Czech transmission grid.
  • Advised Smart Energies Distribution, the member of the Smart Energies Group in connection with the operation of distribution grids.
  • Advised Asental Land in relation to the construction of new solar parks in Ostrava region.