Firms To Watch: Real estate

Commercial real estate boutique Apex Advokatfirma AS was founded in 2023 and is the new home of Line Ravlo-Losvik, formerly at DLA Piper, and Andreas Mello-Kildal.

Real estate in Norway


Counting institutional investors, private equity funds, and developers, both foreign and domestic, among its impressive roster of clients, BAHR’s real estate department continues to act on several complex high-value real estate transactions and structuring matters. Under the leadership of seasoned real estate expert Anne Sofie Bjørkholt, the team has seen a recent increase in real estate work in the energy industry, advising on energy site acquisitions and developments. Bjørkholt focuses her practice on transactions, development work, and the structuring of real estate portfolios. Working alongside her is the ‘professionally skilledAndreas Rørvik, a key name for developments projects, real estate transactions, and project financings, while Ole Andreas Dimmen handles tax and company law matters for clients in the real estate sector.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anne Sofie Bjørkholt

Autres avocats clés:

Andreas Rørvik; Ole Andreas Dimmen

Les références

‘On individual bases, the team members that we work with in BAHR have over time shown solid practise and been able to give us good guidance. Issues at hand have been delicately solved to the benefit for both us and our counterparts.’

‘We have used Andreas Rørvik as our adviser. Andreas is a professionally skilled lawyer, with a great ability to get the parties to meet and to resolve complex situations.’

‘Solid and reliable real estate understanding.’

Principaux clients

Aker ASA/Aker Property Group

Rica Hotels

AVA Eiendom AS

Oslo Pensjonsforsikring

Deka Bank Deutsche Girozentrale

Höegh Eiendom AS

Union Eiendomskapital

DNB Livsforsikring ASA/DNB Scandinavian Property Fund

Fredensborg Bolig AS

Schage Eiendom AS


Hav Eiendom AS

Braathen Eiendom AS

Niam AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Stiftelsen Hans Rasmus Astrup and Stiftelsen Thomas Fearnley, Heddy og Nils Astrup on the sale of AS Meraker Brug to Statskog for NOK2.65bn.
  • Recently acted for EduCo in connection with Brookfield’s open-ended core infrastructure fund’s $2bn investment in Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget I Norden’s (SBB) Nordics public education portfolio.
  • Assisting listed companies Aker and Aker Horizons with the acquisition and development of several industrial properties in the city of Narvik as part of the clients’ NOK50bn investment plans for a hub for green industrial development.

Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS

Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS’ ‘highly competent‘ offering runs the gamut of real estate issues, including compulsory acquisitions, zoning and infrastructure matters, and transactional work. Lease contracts and large-scale property developments are other core pillars of work for the group, which advises both domestic and international clients in the residential and commercial real estate sector. Terese Negaard Sørli leads the real estate department, supported by Herman Roksund, who heads up the firm’s transaction group. Erling Timm attracts praise for his ‘commercial flair’ and project development expertise, while Magnus Meisingset-Haug is the key name for transactional mandates. Henrik Taubøll joined the team from Wiersholm in 2022 and is recommended for proptech issues, while Sofie Komissar joined in March 2023 from BAHR, strengthening the group’s contentious real estate offering. Elin Mack Løvdal and Stig L. Bech joined the team from Advokatfirmaet CLP DA and Wiersholm respectively in 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Terese Negaard Sørli; Herman Roksund

Autres avocats clés:

Erling Timm; Magnus Meisingset-Haug; Sofie Komissar; Henrik Taubøll; Elin Mack Løvdal; Stig L. Bech

Les références

‘Haavind’s real estate team is highly competent and has extensive experience with real estate law and are specialists in assisting both landlords and tenants in the industrial sector. The team shows an exceptional understanding of the sector and is fast-paced and deal-oriented.’

‘Erling Timm has commercial flair. He knows our company very well, therefore he can go straight “to the target”, hence time and cost efficient.’

‘Very competent across the whole spectrum of real estate issues.’

Principaux clients

NorgesGruppen ASA

Storebrand ASA

Telenor ASA

Pareto Securities AS

Fearnley Securities AS

Ragde Eiendom AS

Skanska Norge AS

Carnegie AS (Project Finance)

Norwegian Public Roads Administration

Anthon Eiendom AS

Vika Project Finance AS

Stor-Oslo Eiendom AS

Solon Eiendom AS

Avantor AS

Veslefrikk Eiendom AS

PEAB Eiendomsutvikling AS

Vatne Property AS

Fredensborg Bolig AS

Hurtigruten Svalbard AS

Cleaves Securities AS

Swiss Life Asset Managers

Øie Eiendomsutvikling AS

Varde Eiendom AS

Eiendomsplan AS

Oxer Gruppen AS


Neptune Properties AS

Eramet Norway AS

Mørenot AS

Linstow AS

H-2 Eiendom AS

Statsbygg SF

Vestre Viken HF

Jotne Eiendom AS

Vedal AS

Genera AS

Waldholz GmbH

Clemens Eiendom

Statskog SF

Norne Securities AS

Scandinavian Property Group

Bane Nor Eiendom

HCH Eiendom

Bo Coliving

Fagerstad Utvikling

Stronghold Invest AB


Landbrukskvartalet Utvikling (JV)

Møller Eiendom


Vessøy Invest (Brick)

Hamang Kontorsenter AS (under Andenæs Eiendom AS)

ORO Eiendom


Fredensborg Bolig AS



Location Holding AS

Mustad Eiendom AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted publicly owned Statskog SF with the acquisition of one of Norway’s largest privately owned properties. The transaction was structured as an auction process.
  • Assisted Pareto Securities AS with a complex transaction for the purchase of the “Volvat property” in Oslo from Capio Norge Holding AS.
  • Acted for HCH Eiendom AS on lease negotiations regarding one of the first true co-living concepts in Norway

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

Leveraging the firm’s corporate, commercial and finance capabilities, Advokatfirmaet Schjødt continues to act on large and complex real estate transactions as well as major development projects. The team is jointly overseen by Martin Støren and Ditlef Thaulow; Støren focuses on real estate development projects, transactions and disputes, while Thaulow is the key contact for international investors entering the Norwegian real estate market. The two work alongside Silje Sund, who oversees the development, and the ‘rock solidAnders Nitteberg Lie, who is head of transactions. Einar Caspersen takes point on transactional mandates while managing partner Camilla Kristiansen Lunne handles both transactions and complex development projects. For cross-border mandates, Christian Bjørn-Hansen is recommended for his ‘strong legal understanding with exceptional commercial acumen’. Also in the core team is the experienced Geir Sand and project development and infrastructure specialist Jarle W. Holstrøm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Martin Støren; Ditlef Thaulow; Silje Sund; Anders Nitteberg Lie

Autres avocats clés:

Geir Sand; Christian Bjørn-Hansen; Camilla Kristiansen Lunne; Einar Caspersen; Jarle W. Holstrøm

Les références

‘Einar Caspersen: Exceptional blend of legal expertise and commercial awareness. Anders Nitteberg Lie: Rock solid, future star.’

‘Christian Bjørn Hansen: seeks good solutions rather than conflicts, effective, quick response, likeable guy, a good insight in real estate.’

‘Very knowledgeable with a commercial approach. Proactive on our behalf. Helping us identify areas of concern.’

Principaux clients

Oslo S Utvikling AS

Citycon Norway AS

Oslo Pensjonsforsikring AS

KLP Eiendom AS

Arctic Securities AS

Entra ASA

Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA

Selvaag Bolig ASA

Selvaag Eiendom AS

Self Storage Group ASA

Veidekke ASA

Galleri Oslo Invest AS

Oslo Havn KF

Urban Property Eier AS

AF Gruppen ASA

DEAS Asset Management AS

IK Lykke Eiendom AS

Asset Buyout Partners AS

Slate Asset Management

Profier AS

Bjørvika Infrastruktur AS

Canica Eiendom AS

UREM Real Estate Fund I AS

H.I.G Capital Europe

Bulk Industrial Real Estate AS

Scandinaviegaardene AS

Tjelta Eiendom AS

Public Property Invest AS

LogCap Invest AS

Bakkegruppen AS

Zetland Special Situations Fund II Scsp Sicav-raif


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Tjelta Eiendom AS on the disposal of an extensive real estate portfolio, consisting of 22 properties.
  • Advised Heimstaden Bostad Invest 10 AS on the disposal of ten apartment buildings containing close to 500 fully let freehold apartments.
  • Advised Citycon Norway AS on a substantial shopping centre transaction.


Thomas Reppe Wetting leads Selmer’s real estate offering, which runs the gamut of transactions, development projects, and lease agreement issues. Collaborating closely with the firm’s finance and tax teams, the group is well-placed to advise real estate developers on all stages of a project. Mikkel Vislie acts for clients in the heavy industry, offshore and IT sectors, advising on developments, transactions and the financing of commercial properties, while Sverre Nordlie is recommended for commercial real estate transactions. Joint ventures, lease agreements, and zoning work are Even Berg’s areas of expertise, while Lars-Petter Weyer-Larsen has broad experience in the establishment of syndicated real estate transactions. At associate level, Helene Flølo has a broad practice spanning both transactional work and tenancy agreement negotiations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thomas Reppe Wetting

Autres avocats clés:

Mikkel Vislie; Lars-Petter Weyer-Larsen; Sverre Nordlie; Even Berg; Helene Flølo

Les références

‘Service-minded. Quick responses, and straight-to-business advice.’

‘Even Berg is one-of-a-kind with a burning heart for his customers.’

‘The team has unique knowledge and industrial experience in the real estate business that provides us with fast and accurate advice.’

Principaux clients

Bane NOR Eiendom

Aspelin Ramm Eiendom

Møller Eiendom

Oslo Pensjonsforsikring


Stor-Oslo Eiendom

Cibus Nordic Real Estate (Sw)

Bertel O. Steen Eiendom


Spabo Eiendom

Scandinavian Property Group

Profier Gruppen

Selvaag Eiendom

Colliers Project Finance

Norsk rikskringkasting

Polaris Eiendom

DNB Markets

Arctic Securities



Clarksons Project Finance

Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS

Leveraging the firm’s strength in M&A, corporate matters, and dispute resolution, the real estate department at Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS is well-placed to advise clients across the full spectrum of contentious and non-contentious matters, handling lease and shareholder disputes, high-value transactions, commercial lease agreements, and property developments. ‘Very talented’ practice head Even Bratsberg takes point on high-value transactions, and also handles refinancings and restructurings, while Christopher Borch focuses on the purchase, sale, development, leasing, and syndication of commercial properties. The ‘extremely good’ Mette Borger Fyksen was promoted to the partnership in January 2023 and handles large property transactions for domestic and international clients. Managing associates Rolf Nyhus and Jenny Mo ably assist with large transactions, syndication projects, and commercial lease negotiations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Even Bratsberg

Autres avocats clés:

Christopher Borch; Mette Borger Fyksen; Jenny Mo; Rolf Nyhus

Les références

‘I highly recommend Thommessen as a real estate law firm. Their expertise, experience, and dedication to the client’s needs make them a trustworthy partner for all types of property projects.’

‘Mette Borger Fyksen is always available to answer questions and provide advice, and she keeps clients updated throughout the process. Her professionalism and dedication to achieving the client’s goals makes her a reliable choice for anyone in need of legal assistance in real estate.’

‘Very competent in zoning and property development issues. Skilled, professional and likeable employees.’

Principaux clients

Artic Securities AS

Clarksons Platou Real Estate AS

Nordic Real Estate Partners AS

Samhällsbygnadsbolaget i Norden AB

Norwegian Property ASA

Aspelin Ramm Eiendom AS

Starwood Capital Group

Watrium Eiendom AS

Promenaden Property AS

Scandinavian Property Group AS

Angelo Gordon


Oslo Airport City AS

Storebrand Eiendom

Axer Eiendom AS

Industrifinans Capital AS

Bulk Industrier AS

Mustad Eiendom AS

Geilo Holding AS

Glastad Farsund AS and Fortus AS

Vika Project Finance AS

Carucel Eiendom AS

Canica Eiendom AS

Eiendomshuset Malling & Co AS /Malling & Co Eiendomsfond AS

Tristan Capital Partners

Scandinavian Development Constructive Development AS

Norgesgruppen ASA

Bane NOR Eiendom AS

Avantor AS

Brødrene Jensen AS

Mont Investor AS

NRE Norway AS

HCH Eiendom AS

Njord Securities

Orkla Eiendom AS

Tellus Eiendom AS

Wahl Eiendom AS

Scala Eiendom AS

Ferd Eiendom AS

OroEiendom AS

Bakke Leiligheter AS

Mestergruppen Eiendom AS

Eiendomsspar AS

Asset Buyout Partners AS

Birk & Co AS

Carnegie AS

Neumann Bygg AS

Gjensidige Forsikring ASA

AMF Pensionsförsäkring AB

Indigo Management AS

Viken Park AS

Bo Coliving AS

EGD Property AS

GC Rieber Eiendom AS


Scandic Hotels AS

Fortin AS and Salmon TopCo AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Residential Holding AS/Union Residential Development in connection with the acquisition of all the shares in Bonava Norge AS from Bonava AB, a Swedish company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
  • Advised Scala Eiendom AS on the purchase of 100% of the shares in Citycon Down Town Eiendom AS and Citycon Sjøsiden Eiendom AS, owning the two shopping centres Down Town in Porsgrunn and Sjøsiden in Horten.
  • Advised Mustad Eiendom AS in connection with the ongoing efforts to realise the large-scale development of ‘Lilleakerbyen’ at Lilleaker in Oslo and Bærum municipalities.


Housing a large and experienced team, Wiersholm is routinely instructed to advise on the full range of real estate matters, with expertise spanning yield investments, high-value transactions, litigation, financings, developments and leasing matters. Described by clients as ‘outstanding in all matters’, Ståle O. Meleng has a broad practice advising businesses on both contentious and non-contentious matters, handling contracts, M&A, development projects, and real estate litigation. The ‘always hardworking’ Tom Rune Lian specialises in structuring, financing, and transactional work within commercial real estate. Meleng and Lian jointly lead the team, which also includes managing associate Andreas Gustavson, who is recommended for commercial real estate transactions. Stig L. Bech departed to Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS in 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tom Rune Lian; Ståle O. Meleng

Autres avocats clés:

Andreas Gustavson

Les références

‘A competent team of people. Swift and valuable consulting, and the best advice going forward.’

‘Wiersholm ensures quality and professionalism in every part of a legal process.’

‘We have used Wiersholm mainly for real estate and environmental matters. The team is very competent, fast and precise in their actions, and the individuals are available on short notice.’

Principaux clients

AB Invest AS

Agri Eiendom AS

Arcus Gruppen AS

AS Apotekernes Hus

Aspelin Ramm AS

Axer Eiendom AS

Bane NOR Eiendom AS


Bonum Utvikling AS

Carnegie AS

Coop Norge Eiendom AS

DNB Næringseiendom AS (REIM)

Ferd Eiendom AS

Fredriksborg Eiendom

Fritzøe Eiendom AS

Herøya Industripark AS

Höegh Eiendom AS

Host Hotelleiendom Norge AS / Flying Elephant AS

Innovasjonsparken / Smedvig Eiendom AS

Jotne Eiendom AS

Linstow Eiendom AS

Miliarium Bolig AS

Nordisk Renting AB /Natwest

Norwegian Property ASA

Oslo Pensjonsforsikring AS

Pareto Alternative Investments AS

Pareto Securities AS

Patrizia SE

Pecunia AS

RSV Invest AS

Schage Eiendom AS

Sequoia Spl1 AS

Statkraft AS

Steen & Strøm AS

UNION Gruppen AS

Vika Project Finance AS

Viken Pensjonskasse

Wikborg Rein

With notable strength in cross-border mandates, Wikborg Rein attracts praise for its ‘excellent commercial understanding‘ and ‘extensive‘ transactional expertise. Lars Ulleberg Jensen oversees the team and has a strong track record in advising on transactions, fund structuring, lease agreements, and property developments for prominent investment banks and private equity clients. The ‘professional, extremely efficient, and creative’ Ingrid Høstmælingen is a key contact for large real estate transactions, lease agreements, and development projects, with significant emphasis on cross-border transactions. The group also includes a strong team of associates, including Håkon Lagesen, who advises international clients on project finance work, transactions, and lease agreements, and Erik Enger-Mår, who has significant experience in development projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lars Ulleberg Jensen

Autres avocats clés:

Ingrid Høstmælingen; Håkon Lagesen; Erik Enger-Mår

Les références

‘Professionalism, solution-orientated, hardworking and always available on short notice.’

‘Excellent commercial understanding.’

‘I find the real estate team in Wikborg Rein to be hands-on, updated at all times and with the strong wish to contribute legally on point and at the same time practically on the matters at stake.’

Principaux clients



Colliers Project Finance

Viken County

DEAS Asset Management

Tristan Capital




Union Gruppen


Malling Investments

Anvil Asset Advisors

Vestaksen Eiendom


Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted the shareholders in Bo Coliving AS in connection with the sale of the shares in Bo Coliving AS to the US real estate investment and management company Heitman for approx. NOK1.8bn.
  • Assisted NREP with the acquisition of the properties Akersgata 51 og Tordenskioldsgate 6 i Oslo from Entra ASA for approx. NOK1.5bn.
  • Assisted a JV between Telenor, Hafslund, HitecVision and Analysys Mason with the purchase of Østre Aker vei 24C for the purpose of constructing a high security data centre for critical infrastructure.

Arntzen de Besche

With strength across both contentious and transactional mandates, Arntzen de Besche attracts praise for its ‘stellar focus on commercial solutions and the ability to offer efficient teams’. Department head Thomas Øslebø focuses on commercial property transactions, investments, and development projects. The ‘highly experienced’ Håvard Bergli has in-house experience from the real estate industry and advises on structuring work, due diligence, and contracts relating to property transactions. Eilif S. Koch acts for investors and project finance clients, while seasoned adviser Hans Henrik Kværne handles major transactions as well as arbitrations relating to commercial real estate. Marianne Raa Bjaaland joined the team in 2022, strengthening its property development offering. Senior associate Erlend Husebye Haug is also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thomas Øslebø

Autres avocats clés:

Håvard Bergli; Eilif S. Koch; Marianne Raa Bjaaland; Erlend Husebye Haug; Hans Henrik Kværne

Les références

‘We highly appreciate their stellar focus on commercial solutions and the ability to offer efficient teams. Thomas Øslebø and the team at Arntzen de Besche proactively support our team with a personal and collegial touch.’

‘Thomas Øslebø and Erlend Huseby Haug are extremely competent and very adaptable, too.’

‘Thomas Øslebø is a prodigy in real estate and in getting to know our business and strategic plans, and implementing them in legal advice.’

Principaux clients

Swiss Life Asset Managers AS

Stor-Oslo Eiendom AS

Møller Eiendom Norge AS

Arctic Securities AS


Oro Eiendom AS

Oslo Finans AS

Lerka Eiendom AS

Trondheim Areal

Veidekke ASA

BRUUN Eiendom AS

Urban Jungle AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Arctic Securities on the purchase of Østre Aker Vei 19 in Oslo.
  • Acting for Certas in a dispute with the Norwegian State Highways Authority and several landowners relating to the expropriation of the leasehold for Norway’s largest fuel station and landmark at the E18 highway due to an expansion of the E18 highway.
  • Assisted Newsec with establishing its project finance set up in Norway, Newsec Investment Management.

Advokatfirmaet CLP DA

Håvard Skogvoll leads Advokatfirmaet CLP DA’s real estate team, which acts for international investment funds, domestic industrial real estate developers, corporations, and family offices on complex transactions and development projects. Financing, investment structuring, and asset management matters also feature prominently in the group’s workload. Skogvoll takes point on real estate transactions, developments, and leases, and has particular experience in advising international investors investing in Norway, ably assisted by senior lawyer Sigrid Ertzaas. Elin Mack Løvdal departed to Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS in 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Håvard Skogvoll

Autres avocats clés:

Sigrid Ertzaas

Les références

‘Always pleasant, prioritises following up cases, and works quickly and efficiently.’

‘Market-oriented, efficient, positive, high-quality advice, strategic.’

‘They are skillful and versatile, showcasing their expertise in the field. Additionally, the informal approach of the team is highlighted as a positive trait. The firm provides high-quality services efficiently. Overall, this feedback reflects the real estate legal team’s strong capabilities and client-friendly approach.’

Principaux clients

Catella Real Estate AG

Heitman International LLC

Velfra AS (Infranode/DIF Capital Partners)

H.I.G Capital

Bonava Norge AS

AF Gruppen ASA

Scandinavian Property Group AS

Euro Real Estate S.a.r.l.


Oslo Pensjonsforsikring AS

Stor-Oslo Eiendom AS

Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

Selvaag Eiendom AS

CapMan Real Estate

Morrow Batteries AS

Fredriksborg Eiendom

Attivo AS

AVA Eiendom AS

Svill Eiendom AS


Vedal Utvikling AS

Vedal Investor AS

Dolphin Eiendom AS

Dypro Eiendom AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised CapMan Real Estate fund on the acquisition of the 19,300 square meter landmark office building at Majorstua in Oslo from the listed company Entra ASA
  • Acted as legal adviser to Heitman International on the acquisition of a portfolio consisting of 52 properties (1500 beds for students and young professionals) on behalf of a pension fund.
  • Acted as legal adviser for Dolphin Eiendom AS on the sale of a retail property and an office property ‘Hangaren Lade’ in Trondheim, in addition to the reinvestment in a new portfolio of companies which includes Hangaren Lade.

DLA Piper

DLA Piper has a ‘highly competent‘ real estate offering that draws on the firm’s global network to advise both domestic and international clients, particularly in the renewable energy sector, on the full range of transactional, leasing, and development-related matters. Magnus Lutnæs heads up the ‘exceptional‘ team, and focuses his practice on inbound investments, transactions, and larger development projects, acting for both domestic and international clients. Tone Gjertsen takes point on planning and building law mandates, while Anders Bergene handles cross-border real estate investment work for private equity firms and investors. Line Ravlo-Losvik left the team in November 2023 and is now at Apex Advokatfirma AS.

Responsables de la pratique:

Magnus Lutnæs

Autres avocats clés:

Thomas Håkonsen; Tone Gjertsen; Andreas Bergene

Les références

‘DLA Norway’s real estate team is exceptional, consistently demonstrating a deep understanding of the complex legal landscape in the Norwegian real estate market. Their ability to navigate intricate regulatory matters, coupled with a strong commitment to client-centric solutions, makes them a top choice for real estate transactions.’

‘The individuals I have the privilege to work with exhibit an outstanding dedication to their craft, with an unwavering commitment to providing exceptional client service.’

‘DLA with Thomas Håkonsen provides excellent advice within real estate and construction.’

Principaux clients

Green Mountain

Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets

Azrieli Group

Kaldnes Vest

DEAS Eiendomsfond Norge I

Skanska Norge


Victoria Eiendom

Madison International Realty

Betonmast Eiendom


Attivo Eiendomsutvikling I, II and III

WeWork Norway

Stor-Oslo Eiendom

Round Hill Capital

90 North Real Estate Partners

Tesla Motors Norway

IKEA / Ingka Centres

Eidos Eiendomsutvikling

Stiftelsen Norges Varemesse/Oslo Spectrum Arena


Torp Eiendom


LCN Capital Partners

Seltor Bolig

Møller Eiendom

Møller Mobility Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Stor-Oslo Eiendom on its NOK850m acquisition of the 57-acre property in Bragernes, Drammen, where the existing Drammen hospital is located.
  • Advised Traaseth Property on its acquisition of the remaining 50% shares in four real estate companies from Merkantilbygg Holding AS/Merkantilbygg AS.

Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig

With demonstrable strength in loan syndications and real estate finance work, Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig’s dedicated practice acts for foreign and domestic investors and handles the full spectrum of transactional real estate matters. Jørgen Lindboe and Gøran Mjelde Aarvik jointly lead the team; Lindboe, described by clients as ‘experienced, calm and a good negotiator’, handles transactions, lease agreements, and investment structuring issues, while Aarvik is a key contact for sale and leaseback transactions as well as syndication projects. Pål Brudvik is another key name for real estate financings and syndications, including equity financings. At associate level, Steffen Myrseth and Kjetil Westby Ranum are also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jørgen Lindboe; Gøran Mjelde Aarvik

Autres avocats clés:

Steffen Myrseth; Kjetil Westby Ranum; Pål Brudvik

Les références

‘The real estate team at Simonsen Vogt Wiig covers all aspects of advice and transactional services that we need.’

‘Jørgen Lindboe – experienced, calm and a good negotiator who always focuses on the client’s best interests.’

‘SVW is showing excellent and up-to-date insight in the Norwegian real estate market, and delivers quick responses when needed.’

Principaux clients

Njord Securities AS (formerly Castelar Corporate Finance AS)

Propcap AS (formerly Colliers International Corporate AS)

Malling & Co, Project Finance AS

Rimfeldt Eiendom AS

Oslo Finans AS

Realkapitial Investor AS

Vika Project Finance AS

Fazenda Utvikling AS

DNB Næringseiendom AS

Seabrokers AS

Coop Norge Eiendom AS

Tesla Norway AS

DNB Bank ASA – DNB Markets Investment Banking Division

RAC NORWAY AS (part of the AVIS group)

The municipality of Bergen

Prospective AS

JM Norge AS

Hero Eiendom AS

Gaustadbekken AS

Ragde Eiendom AS

Coop Øst SA

Tinden Næring AS

Østafjells Eiendom AS

Trolltun Investering AS

E8 Holding AS

Realforum AS/Bergen Næringseiendom AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Njord Securities AS in relation to the purchase and syndication of Storgata 170-172 AS/ANS.
  • Advised Wilog AS, a syndicate set up by Propcap AS, in relation to the buildup of a logistics portfolio and the acquisition of 11 logistics properties in Oslo and the Oslo-region.
  • Advised Median Office AS, a syndicate set up by Propcap AS, in relation to the acquisition of Hausmanns gate 6.

CMS Kluge

Acting for a diverse group of clients that include municipal entities and public sector bodies, property developers, and trade associations, CMS Kluge handles development projects, transactions, lease agreements, and zoning mandates. Naja Dannow heads up the team and focuses on joint venture agreements and lease work in the real estate sector, while Knut Prestvik has significant experience advising major developers on acquisitions and development projects. Tarjei Pedersen takes point on development projects and planning law matters, and Thea Fürst Tyvold is recommended for commercial lease agreements and long-lease contracts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Naja Dannow

Autres avocats clés:

Tarjei Pedersen; Belinda Taranger Ingebritsen; Knut Prestvik; Thea Fürst Tyvold

Les références

‘The team has vast experience with public clients (municipalities, government agencies etc.). This is somewhat unique, and the experience is useful in combination with commercial experience.’

‘Naja Dannow is experienced and service-minded. She has a unique combination of experience from real estate and corporate law, that we find useful. Her advice is prompt, to the point, and she understands our business.’

‘The team consists of highly skilled, professional and service-minded lawyers.’

Principaux clients

Kraft Finans Prosjekt

Cirkle K Norge

Green Mountain

Union Residential

Herøya Industripark/Herøya Eiendom

Bodø municipality

Stavanger Steel Industries

Seff Holding

Drammen Helsepark

Tore Kalberg


Deloitte Advokatfirma AS

Collaborating closely with its tax and VAT department, Deloitte Advokatfirma AS handles commercial real estate transactions, lease work, property developments, and contentious mandates. Practice co-head Thorvald Nyquist focuses on real estate transactions and lease contracts, acting for developers and commercial property owners from the firm’s Oslo office. Practice co-head Christine Haugstvedt Downing leads the Bergen office and has a broad practice with a particular focus on transactional work. Ground lease disputes feature prominently in the group’s workload; Knut Skarvang is the name to note here.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thorvald Nyquist; Christine Haugstvedt Downing

Autres avocats clés:

Knut Skarvang

Les références

‘Strong legal team with complementary skills. Very good commercial understanding.’

‘Our main lawyer Knut Skarvang is always available and always contributes when we need it. He has strong legal expertise and good commercial understanding. Knut is one of our most important partners and advisers. Thorvald Nyquist is also heavily involved and available when we need his expertise. A strong lawyer with expertise in real estate and a good understanding of the market.’

‘We have had the pleasure of working with Thorvald Nyquist for over a decade, and he delivers consistent high-quality work and demonstrates that he has a very deep and broad knowledge of property law, both within lease agreements, transactions and regulatory/zoning matters.’

Principaux clients

Kinland AS


Ballerud Golfklubb

Mustad Eiendom AS

Høyskolen Kristiania AS

Olav Thon Gruppen

Hellik Teigen AS / Ring Tore Teigen

AEKO Gruppen AS


Osloveien 10 Hønefoss AS

Proaktiv Gruppen AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Ballerud Golfklubb and other landowners with negotiations with the third landowner and the buyer Selvaag Bolig ASA regarding the sale of a newly regulated area for more than 300 apartments and houses.
  • Advising Olav Thon Gruppen on legal real estate matters of a wide range, following the projects from start to finish.
  • Advising OBOS on structuring larger and complex properties across a number of ongoing real estate projects.

Advokatfirmaet Føyen AS

The ‘formidable’ Anette Thunes heads up the real estate practice at Advokatfirmaet Føyen AS, which attracts praise for its ‘very good understanding of the industry’ and is frequently instructed by clients in the public and third sectors. Real estate development work is a core pillar of work for the group, which is well-placed to advise its clients on all stages of the development process, including building regulations, ownership structuring, management work, and administrations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anette Thunes

Autres avocats clés:

Lars David Råmunddal; Ottar Egset

Les références

‘They know us and how we want to act. Top service.’

‘Very good understanding of the industry. Continues to provide useful advice on transactions. Continuously punches above their weight.’

‘Anette Thunes – She has a thorough knowledge regarding leasing contracts for commercial premises, both legal, commercial and how it works “in real life”.’

Principaux clients

Fabritius Gruppen AS

Oslo Logistikkpark Gardermoen AS

Stavanger Utvikling KF

Loe Utvikling AS

DNB Bank ASA/DNB Næringseiendom AS

Studentsamskipnaden SiO

Backe Prosjekt AS

Certas Energy Norway AS

Eiendomsspar AS

Norsk Eiendom

Google LLC

Kristiansand Havn KF

Ulven AS/OBOS Eiendom AS

Kirkens Bymisjon

Ferd Eiendom AS

Jessheim Stadion Bolig AS

REMA Etablering Oslo/Østlandet AS

Boligbygg Oslo KF

United Bakeries Holding AS

Collicare Logistics AS

Hathon Holding AS

Ullevål ANS

Glitner Eiendom AS

Nordre Follo Municipality

Fredrikstad Municipality

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Fabritius Gruppen AS, a prominent real estate developer, in connection with the high value sale of its shares in Østfold Lagerbygg AS (tenant Europris) and Moss Lagerbygg AS (tenant Jas Worldwide), to AXA IM Alts.
  • Advising DNB Næringseiendom, one of the largest property owning companies in Norway, in connection with its sale of the Lade Arena shopping centre in Trondheim.
  • Assisting Fabritius in connection with the acquisition of shares in OLG from Nordr AS and Ferd Eiendom AS, giving the client 100% ownership of the company, as well as advising on developing future strategy.

Advokatfirmaet Grette AS

Advokatfirmaet Grette AS' sizeable real estate department is active across transactions, regulatory issues and development projects, working closely with the firm's construction team and corporate and finance practices. Transactional and lease agreement expert Ole-Jacob Farstad heads up the group.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ole-Jacob Farstad

Autres avocats clés:

Dag Henden Torsteinsen

Principaux clients

Olav Thon Group

Sykehusbygg HF

Scala Eiendom AS

Selvaag Property AS

Norsk Rikskringkasting AS

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute/Campus Ullevål AS

Statens vegvesen

Mr Pukk Eiendom AS

Allumgården AS

Harald Lyche Holding AS

Insenti AS

Drammensregionens Interkommunale Havnevesen (Drammen Port Authority)

Pensjonskassen for helseforetakene i hovedstadsområdet

Bindusara AS

Construction City Eiendom AS

Axer Eiendom AS

Asker kommune

Tress Asset Management AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA on the purchase of 50% of the shares in Sørlandssenteret from DNB Livsforsikring.
  • Advised Norwegian Geotechnical Institute on its sale of 50% of shares of Campus Ullevål AS, a research node that will be part of Oslo Science City.
  • Advised NRK (the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) on a complex transaction with Entra, including a lease contract for 20+ years.


SANDS’ commercial property team handles a mix of development and transactional mandates, acting for developers, investors and real estate companies across the firm’s broad domestic network of offices. The ‘extremely sharpChristian Hartmann oversees the team and has extensive experience in advising companies and syndicates on a wide range of real estate projects, including transactions and developments. Roger Engebretsen takes point on real estate-related tax issues, while Morten Brandhaug handles disputes, contracts and transactions within the commercial property industry. Børge Nygårdshaug joined the team in August 2023, strengthening its transactional offering.

Responsables de la pratique:

Christian Hartmann

Autres avocats clés:

Roger Engebretsen; Morten Brandhaug; Børge Nygårdshaug

Les références

‘We get good help from SANDS in our business.’

‘Christian Hartmann gives me and us in our business good advice at the right time.’

‘I perceive the staff gallery in the company to be of a very high standard. Of course, the level of competence is sky-high, the level of service is formidable. But the unique thing is that they range from professionals, deal makers to politicians with good contacts in the government.’

Principaux clients

Det Norske Diakonhjem

NorgesGruppen ASA

Oslo Finans AS

Havila Holding AS

Nordic Investment AS

Anders Opsahl Holding AS

Molobyen Utvikling AS

Capio Norge Holding / Volvat Medisinske Senter AS

Greveskogen Eiendom AS/North Bridge AS

Siva Eiendom Holding AS

Taraldset Holding AS

E & G Bygg AS/Eiendomsgruppen AS

Breivika Utvikling Bodø AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Capio Norge Holding AS/Volvat Medisinske Senter AS on its circa NOK800m development property deal at Borgenveien 2 in central Oslo.
  • Advised Anders Opsahl Holding AS on its sale of two real estate companies in Lillestrøm to the University of Oslo.
  • Advised NorgesGruppen ASA on the acquisition of several properties in the district of Nardo in Trondheim, for development into combined commercial and residential property.

Brækhus Advokatfirma AS

Core areas of focus for the growing real estate team at Brækhus Advokatfirma AS include expropriation cases, regulatory matters, and zoning and planning law. Under the leadership of Thomas Andersen, the team regularly acts for landowners in expropriation disputes, and also acts for developers and real estate companies on transactions and development projects. Other key individuals include the ‘always attentiveKaroline Rørvik Zeiner, recommended for planning and building law matters, and Ingerid Eidesvik Lie, who takes point on contentious mandates.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thomas Andersen

Autres avocats clés:

Karoline Zeiner Røvik; Ingerid Eidesvik Lie; Eirik Espenes; Benedicte Krogh Grimstad

Les références

‘Fantastic people (particularly Karoline Zeiner Røvik), highly capable and really understand the needs of their clients.’

‘Karoline Zeiner Røvik demonstrates unique knowledge, is always attentive, and makes herself available. As a client, you feel valued and cared for which is critical when you are facing complex legal issues. She is a great person.’

‘Very helpful.’

Principaux clients

Recreate (Prev. R8 Property ASA)

PostNord AS

Røa Centrum AS

Øvre Ljan Boliglag

Specter Drift AS

ST1 Norge AS

Mestergruppen AS

Mesterhus AS

Askerlia Fellesråd

Saltdalshytta AS

Sem & Johnsen

Erla Eiendom

EIE (Real Estate Agency)

The Norwegian Real Estate Agents Association (NEF)

Zeiner Eiendom AS

Follohus AS

Tenhold Gruppen

Opsahl Bolig AS

Fossum Terrasse Borettslag

Bærum Vekst AS

Hamang AS

A.F. Eiendom AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for St1 Norge AS in the Court of Appeal against The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, concerning the compulsory acquisition of an energy station situated north of Bergen.
  • Assisting with compulsory acquisition/government procurement of approximately 250 properties along the new highway E 18 from Oslo to Sandvika.
  • Assisted with real estate transactions in connection with PostNord’s acquisitions of single purpose companies and properties, where PostNord has established and will establish new terminals.

EY Norway

EY Norway leverages its tax and VAT capabilities to advise private and public sector real estate clients on transactions, developments, as well as tax appeals and appraisals. Kristian Råum heads up the team and has a broad practice covering tax, corporate, and real estate law. He works alongside Egil Jakobsen, who is recommended for restructuring and merger advice, and Agnete Haugerud, a specialist in real estate VAT.

Responsables de la pratique:

Kristian Råum

Autres avocats clés:

Agnete Haugerud; Egil Jakobsen

Principaux clients

Olav Thon Gruppen

Møller Eiendom AS

KLP Eiendom Oslo AS

Boligbyggelaget USBL

Ferd Eiendom AS

Avantor Eiendom AS

Selvaag Bolig ASA

JFG Eiendom AS

HAV Eiendom AS

Neptune Properties AS


Fremtind Forsikring AS

Aspelin Ramm Eiendom AS

Clemens Eiendom AS

JM Norge AS

Inter Eiendom AS

Sinsenveien Panorama AS


Værste AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Nexans Norway AS on all legal aspects of the acquisition of a new plot for factory expansion, including post acquisition restructuring and integration.
  • Advised Olav Thon Gruppen on several complex and comprehensive real estate development projects.
  • Advised Sinsenveien Panorama AS on the sale of 3 properties in Oslo, including pre-closing restructuring.

Advokatfirmaet Hjort

Advokatfirmaet Hjort acts for property developers, contractors, landowners and investors, advising on the full range of real estate matters, both contentious and non-contentious. Liv Zimmermann leads the team and has expertise in planning, building and property law, acting for both private and public sector developers and owners. On the contentious side, Frode Innjord takes point on real estate litigation concerning land use, planning, and taxation, ably assisted by associate Rune Mykkeltvedt. Jan Gudmund Aanerud and Kristian Korsrud are the key names for development matters; Korsrud joined the team from Advokatfirmaet Grette AS in January 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Liv Zimmermann

Autres avocats clés:

Kristian Korsrud; Frode Innjord; Rune Mykkeltvedt; Jan Gudmund Aanerud

Les références

‘The team works very hard to help their clients also when under time pressure. Their degree of service is high. They seem knowledgeable and aim to find good and reasonable solutions.’

‘We have worked closely with Liv Zimmermann over several years. She is efficient, knowledgeable and has experience from several different areas in real estate which is an asset.’

‘I am very pleased with the people, the collaboration, and their knowledge.’

Principaux clients

Ringsaker kommune

Finnmarkseiendom (Finnmarkkuopmodat) FeFo

Peab Eiendomsutvikling AS

Agdesidens Rederi A/S

KLP Eiendom AS

Moeco AS


Asker municipality

Strandkanten pluss II AS (Selvaag Bolig ASA)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising KLP Eiendom AS on a sustainable property development.
  • Acted for Selvaag Bolig ASA in an extensive dispute with a condominium in Tromsø. The condominium has submitted a claim for alleged errors and omissions.
  • Assisted Urmaker Bjerke AS with negotiations and entering into a new lease agreement with Promenaden Management AS for a new office and retail space centrally located in central Oslo.

Ro Sommernes Advokatfirma DA

The ‘hands-on, competent and efficient‘ team at Ro Sommernes Advokatfirma DA handles lease agreement work, acquisitions and contract negotiations for real estate and construction companies as well as retailers and hospitality clients in the commercial property sector. Nils Petter Hansson leads the team, which also includes the ‘pragmaticErik Sandtrø as well as Henrik A Christensen, who handles bankruptcy and debt negotiation mandates for real estate clients.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nils Petter Hansson

Autres avocats clés:

Erik Sandtrø; Henrik A Christensen

Les références

‘Deep knowledge, reputable, very smart, respected and fantastic in negations as well as providing solid advice.’

‘Erik Sandtrø stands out as a very good and bright lawyer with a pragmatic approach whenever needed. We have done multiple deals together and Erik is very easy to work with and always available.’

‘Nils Petter Hansson is a fantastic discussion partner and lawyer.’

Principaux clients

Aurora Eiendom AS

Nordic Choice Hospitality Group AS

Fearnley Securities AS

Nordic Hotels & Resorts AS

Choice Hotels & Resorts AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Nordic Choice Hospitality Group AS (a part of the Strawberry group) with the purchase of three hotel operation companies from Lily Hospitality Group AS.
  • Assisted Aurora Eiendom AS with the purchase of three shopping malls in Norway, with a deal value of approx. NOK2.6bn.
  • Assisted Fearnley Securities with the purchase of a large property situated at Smestad in Oslo.

Ræder Bing

The commercial real estate group at Ræder Bing is comprised of three divisions covering transaction and commercial leases, construction issues, and real estate developments. The transaction and commercial leases group has considerable experience in complex commercial real estate transactions, both asset and share deals including forward transactions, while the real estate development group handles administrative planning law. Practice head Andreas Frislid regularly advises clients on complex commercial real estate transactions with particular experience in negotiation and due diligence processes, and the structuring and financing of transactions. Anders Utne has particular expertise in the purchase and sale of commercial property, commercial lease agreements, and the management of property investments. Erik Salbu Aasland has a special focus on transactional and financing work, while Eva Hagen and Jøran Kallmyr specialise in real estate development issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Andreas Frislid

Autres avocats clés:

Anders Utne; Erik Salbu Aasland; Eva Hagen; Jøran Kallmyr

Les références

‘They have a broad range of highly dedicated professionals in all areas I have had the need for.’

‘Anders Utne is a highly commercial and quick responder to all matters. The best in the business.’

‘Ræder Bing makes us feel like a valued client. They are efficient in their responses.’

Principaux clients

SKB Eiendom AS (Kaare Berg AS)

RiskPoint AS

Food Folk Norge AS (McDonald’s)

Colliers International AS

60 grader Næringsmegling AS

Scandinavian Property Group

Oslo Airport City AS

Logistic Contractors AS


Major og Advokat Eivind Eckbos Legat (Eckbos Legat)

Morrow Batteries AS

Areal Partner AS

Malling & Co AS

Black Bricks AS

Asker Eiendom AS

Cushman & Wakefield Realkapital AS

Saja Eiendom AS

Jahre Eiendom AS

Bonum AS

Axer Eiendom AS

RSV Eiendom AS

Sørenco AS

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Oslo Airport City (OAC) on numerous legal and strategic property development issues.
  • Advised Logistic Contractors with its expansion in the Nordics.
  • Advised SKB Eiendom AS on the sale of several properties in Bergen and the sale of a portfolio in a south eastern city.