Firms To Watch: Dispute resolution

L/R/P advokáti, s.r.o. handles a broad range of civil and administrative disputes. Martina Lysinová and Rastislav Roško are the key senior contacts.

Dispute resolution in Slovakia

A&O Shearman

Noted for its ‘meticulous attention to detail,’ the dispute resolution department at A&O Shearman represents international and domestic clients before courts and arbitral tribunals. Areas of expertise range from commercial litigation, which is typically overseen by Martin Magál, to international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration, which is usually led by Lucia Raimanová. The firm also fields a strong practice in public law and energy disputes, which are Peter Šťastný's fields of oversight, and a specialised team handling employment and IP litigation, which is led by Zuzana Hečko. Matej Košalko is dual-qualified in English and Slovak law, while Richard Macko is noted by one client as ‘a rising star in dispute resolution'. Lucia Dulovičová is regularly involved in arbitrations conducted under the rules of the ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL. Peter Plachý is another name to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Martin Magál; Lucia Raimanová

Autres avocats clés:

Lucia Dulovičová; Peter Šťastný; Matej Košalko; Michal Porubský; Zuzana Hečko; Richard Macko; Peter Plachý

Les références

‘Michal Porubský understands the industry and the needs of his clients.’

‘Zuzana Hečko is a great expert in her legal area, very enthusiastic.’

‘Richard Macko is a rising star in dispute resolution, lots of expertise.’

Principaux clients

Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s.

Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s.

U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.


UniCredit Bank

O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.


BG Exploration and Production India Limited (BG), Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)

Canepa Green Energy Opportunities I, S.À R.L. and Canepa Green Energy Opportunities II, S.À R.L.

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. and Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s. in over 60 court disputes, in which producers of electricity were claiming back the payment of the G-tariff.
  • Representing BG Exploration and Production India Limited and Reliance Industries Limited in a London-seated arbitration against the Government of India under the UNCITRAL Rules 1976.
  • Acting for U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. in a dispute involving an entity based in Delaware over an alleged breach of intellectual property rights.

Barger Prekop s.r.o.

Led by Roman Prekop and Monika Simorova, both of whom are noted for their experience in international commercial arbitration and litigation, the team at Barger Prekop s.r.o. fields specialists who are equally comfortable handling cases rooted in complex EU and Slovak law. Peter Suba specialises in insurance and aviation litigation, as well as waste management disputes, while Peter Petho is noted for his broad practice across international and domestic commercial arbitration. Tomas Surgos and Martin Bako are further key contacts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Roman Prekop; Monika Simorova

Autres avocats clés:

Peter Suba; Peter Petho; Tomas Surgos; Martin Bako

Les références

‘BP are experts in energy and infrastructure and they use this deep knowledge for litigations and arbitrations in the sector. Their lawyers know not only the law but they also understand the energy business and we like it. They are very easygoing and proactive, they are always available and responsive. We appreciate that they see the big picture and can advise us on international and domestic disputes.’

‘The Barger Prekop team is known for their flexibility in time and personnel. They are always ready to address the needs of the client unlike any other competitor we have worked with. It is a top-notch law firm with very pleasant behavior.’

‘Roman Prekop is a superb negotiator planning many steps ahead, he really sees the bigger picture but at the same time has an eye for details, and all the time even when dealing under pressure his demeanor is still respectful and very representative. He is very persuasive.’

Principaux dossiers


RELEVANS Law Firm‘s litigation practice is adept at handling a wide range of disputes, including in the commercial, tax, administrative, finance, and IP spheres. The firm has a strong practice in public law, handling disputes arising from violations of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural or legal persons. Founding partner Alexander Kadela co-heads the practice with Tomáš Bardelčík  and Slavomír Máčaj; all three are recognised for their expertise in both domestic and cross-border litigation. Jaroslav Bratek navigates commercial, civil and administrative disputes, while Michal Leňo‘s focus is on constitutional and civil cases. 2023 saw the team grow considerably, with the arrival of Pavol Chrenko from Dentons, and Tomáš Balun from RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS shortly after.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexander Kadela; Tomáš Bardelčík; Slavomír Máčaj

Autres avocats clés:

Jaroslav Bratek; Michal Leňo; Pavol Chrenko; Tomáš Balun

Les références

‘I am particularly impressed by the quality of the whole team. Their legal knowledge is as fantastic as their strategic thinking. The litgation team works very precisely and always takes all eventualities into account during the case. The assignments are completed quickly. They are always ready to answer queries, which are also dealt with quickly.’

‘Alexander Kadela is a brilliant legal mind. He is a very experienced and talented litigator. His performance is outstanding in all aspects. He always stays on top of things, remains calm, considerate and respectful.’

‘The most important feature of Relevans Law Firm is very good team, beginning from the top. The top managers are often present at the meeting – with many ideas, experiences and knowledge. They keep the personal and business values, which is very important for us. The result of their work is very professional, and – what is very important – very clear and easy to read.’

Principaux clients

365. bank, a.s.

Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.

News and Media Holding a.s.

Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska

Veolia Energia Slovensko, a.s.

J&T BANKA, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky

Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s.

Západoslovenská energetika, a.s.

Tatry mountain resorts, a.s.

Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka, a.s.

Carlton Property, s.r.o.


ČEZ Slovensko, s.r.o.


Crown Bewcan

RMS Mezzanine, a.s., organizačná zložka

Sandberg Capital, správ. spol., a.s.

Swan a.s.

WOAL s.r.o.

Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a. s.

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending a number of major energy companies against claims initiated by electric power manufacturers seeking refunds of payments for access to distribution networks.

BBH advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.

The team at BBH advokátska kancelária, s.r.o. is skilled in alternative dispute resolution methods, regularly handling out-of-court settlements. The firm is also well known for representing clients in bankruptcy proceedings. Olga Beláňová  heads up the practice and represents both local and foreign clients in significant disputes, including those arising out of restructuring processes. Roman Vydra is also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

Olga Beláňová

Autres avocats clés:

Roman Vydra

Les références

‘We think that competency, level of professionalism and really good knowledge of the Slovak legal environment are what make BBH’s team really unique. We really appreciate the quality of the lawyers from BBH as well as their level of engagement. In all our previous dealings, BBH was able to meet and even exceed our expectations. They are very detail oriented, which is what makes the difference.’

‘As regards dispute resolution, our go-to person is Olga Beláňová, who has been representing us as a litigator in numerous disputes. She guided us and provided her expertise in both court and out of court settlements. For her qualities as a lawyer and for our long-lasting cooperation, we cannot imagine a better person for this role.’

‘We mainly deal with Olga Beláňová and Roman Vydra. Both are very competent, skilled in the area of practice and we highlight especially the business and managerial attitude applied to the cases in question by Olga Beláňová.’

Principaux clients

Erste Group Immorent Slovensko, s.r.o.

O2 Czech Republic a.s.

Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. (Erste Group)

Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG (Erste Group)

Česká spořitelna, a.s. (Erste Group)

BMB Partners s.r.o. and their clients


Electrolux s.r.o.

Europapier Slovensko, s. r. o.


PPF Group N.V.


Nagel Slovensko s.r.o.

Innopharma, s.r.o.

Bratislavská teplárenská, a.s. (member of MH Teplárenský holding)

RE Košice, s.r.o.

SPV Košice, s.r.o.

Green Point Offices s.r.o.

Zlato, a.s.

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG, as pledgee, in the sale of the House of Culture in Banska Bystrica from two bankrupt companies to a JV established by the City of Banska Bystrica and the Self-Governing Region of Banska Bystrica.
  • Instructed by FORTISCHEM to act in settlement negotiations with the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic regarding unjustified state aid provided to the legal predecessor of the client.
  • Representing companies from Erste Group in disputes.


Dentons covers all aspects of disputes work, including strategic constitutional and EU law litigation, arbitration, criminal litigation and commercial litigation, with the firm benefiting from its close collaboration across offices to expertly handle cross-border cases. Heading up the team is managing partner Peter Kubina, who regularly represents clients before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and the European Commission. Juraj Gyárfáš and Martin Mendel often handle arbitrations on behalf of both domestic and international clients. Stanislav Ďurica and Ján Dulovič are further key names from the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Peter Kubina

Autres avocats clés:

Juraj Gyárfáš; Stanislav Ďurica; Martin Mendel; Ján Dulovič

Les références

‘Lots of experience and sharing of it between team members.’

‘Strong client orientation is rooted in the firm’s culture.’

‘Hard working. Fast response. Lots of experience. Strong client orientation.’

Principaux clients

Eiffage Construction Slovenská republika

The Slovak Republic

NFŠ (National Football Stadium)


Česká spořitelna (member of the Erste Group)

GPN – Sanatórium Koch


Tatra banka (Member of the Raiffeisen Group)

UniCredit Leasing

MSM Group

Československá obchodná banka (Member of KBC Group)

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending the former President of the Slovak Republic in criminal proceedings concerning allegations of tax fraud and evasion.
  • Representing a same-sex couple in strategic litigation to obtain a residence permit for the Argentinian national on the grounds of family unification with his Slovak husband.
  • Representing GlobalTel and Swan in several disputes in connection with the website.


Hillbridges' dispute resolution team was significantly bolstered by the arrival of a number of practitioners from Aldertree legal s.r.o. in November 2022; of particular note, senior litigators Zoran Draškovič and Peter Hodál arrived at the firm. Martin ČabákZuzana Bartosovicova, Filp Juris and Lukáš Královič remain key contacts. The team is experienced in handling ICC arbitrations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Zuzana Bartošovicová; Martin Čabák; Peter Hodál

Autres avocats clés:

Filp Juris; Lukáš Královič; Alex Medek; Zoran Draškovič

Les références

‘They are a highly experienced team with a core group of senior lawyers who have a very hands-on approach to matters on which they advise.’

‘Zoran Draškovič is a very experienced lawyer with significant expertise in the sector. He is responsive and easy to work with.’

‘Deep knowledge, instant reaction.’

Principaux clients

NOVIS Insurance

Association for the Protection of Creditors’ Rights – AVEA

Slovak National Highway Company


City of Bratislava

NFŠ a.s.


Slovenské elektrárne

Health Care Surveillance Authority (Úrad pre dohľad nad zdravotnou starostlivosťou)

Dopravný podnik Bratislava, akciová spoločnosť

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the City of Bratislava in a number of disputes regarding damage and access to public property.
  • Representing NOVIS in multinational proceedings related to dealings with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and National Bank of Slovakia.
  • Representing Megacom in two lawsuits against the Slovak Republic for damages in connection with the adoption of local legislation related to a hybrid mail service.


Led by Roman Oleksik, the team at Kinstellar is regularly involved in high-profile and complex commercial disputes across a range of sectors, including energy, automotive, healthcare, real estate and IT. Viliam Myšička focuses on bankruptcy proceedings, while Peter Kováč typically represents clients in labour disputes. Michal Hrušovský is another key name.

Responsables de la pratique:

Roman Oleksik

Autres avocats clés:

Viliam Myšička; Peter Kováč; Michal Hrušovský

Principaux clients

FR-INVEST, s. r. o.

Československá obchodná banka

ADM Hamburg

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Union Health Insurance in proceedings before the Constitutional Court concerning a complaint against the decision of the Supreme Court dismissing a claim for recovery of damages caused by a cartel agreement of hospitals.
  • Representing a multinational commodity trading and mining company in a dispute with its supplier.
  • Representing Ceskoslovenska obchodna banka in a lawsuit relating to alleged breach of obligations concerning foreign exchange trades and related damages incurred by the client.

LEGATE, s.r.o

The team at LEGATE, s.r.o regularly acts in arbitral proceedings, and has a strong track record across construction claims, shareholder disputes, tax disputes, and administrative disputes. Managing partner Peter Vrábel heads up the practice. Michal Mistrík regularly handles international disputes, and is also well versed in alternative dispute resolution. Norbert Havrila and Miroslav Dudlák are also notable senior litigators.

Responsables de la pratique:

Peter Vrábel; Miroslav Dudlák; Michal Mistrík

Autres avocats clés:

Norbert Havrila

Les références

‘LEGATE provides us with a unique combination of in-depth knowledge and fast work pace. They are very flexible, focused on pragmatic solutions and do not devote time to the issues which are not so relevant for the client. This excellent team always delivers to us very practical advice on very efficient terms.’

‘Peter Vrábel significantly benefits from acting as the arbitrator for the most reputable arbitration court in the country and we see how this experience is utilised in our mandates. We were in good hands right from the start and very much appreciated the professional, precise and structured working method.’

‘Peter Vrábel is an exceptional lawyer who has the ability to see the core of the dispute, his arguments are always very well thought through and structured. He is always on time and his advice is always very rational and practical. He knows how to present the case to the tribunal and has great advocacy skills.’

Paul Q Law Firm

Paul Q Law Firm advises clients on pre-litigation and arbitration strategies, as well as providing expert representation before courts of all levels. The team frequently handles disputes for clients in the banking, IT, media and publishing. Tomáš Kamenec regularly appears before the Constitutional Court, as well as the CJEU and the ECtHR. Jiří Budinský focuses on disputes in the financial services and IT sectors.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tomáš Kamenec; Jiří Budinský

Les références

‘The Paul Q team provides a perfect combination of in-depth legal knowledge and pragmatic solutions. They are thinking out of the box and ready to provide tailor-made solutions for the client. They work on very efficient terms and do not spend time on issues which are not relevant for the client.’

‘Jiří Budinský and his team are always prepared to advise even on difficult issues. No case is lost with them.’

‘Paul Q is a firm with unique experience in providing legal support and advice in protection of personality cases, representation of reporters and cases connected to freedom of speech.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a major Czech bank in a €20m dispute.
  • Representing a CME Slovak affiliate in a €60m promissory note dispute.
  • Representing a civic association in a number of court proceedings concerning freedom of expression claims.


The litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution team at RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS has a stellar reputation for acting in cross-border disputes across competition, procurement and telecoms law. The firm represents clients before courts of all levels across Slovakia, as well as providing advice on all forms of alternative dispute resolution. Šarlota Štosová focuses on cross-border litigation, while Katarina Kováčová represents clients before the Constitutional Court in matters relating to damages and unfair competition. Eva Nagyová and Peter Ružička are also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Šarlota Štosová

Autres avocats clés:

Katarina Kováčová; Michal Kohn; Peter Zilizi; Eva Nagyová; Peter Ružička

Principaux clients

Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic

Slovak Telekom, a. s. (Deutsche Telekom Group)

KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group

MH Manažment

Ružinov city district

Národná diaľničná spoločnosť (National motorway company)


The capital city of Bratislava

AIG/Colonnade Insurance Company

Siemens Mobility

adidas Slovakia

Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co KG

Československá obchodná banka (KBC Group)

MetLife Europe d.a.c.

Slovnaft, MOL Group


Komunálna poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurace Group

Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing MH Manažment in seven lawsuits with an aggregate contested amount of approximately €82.5m against former attorneys and members of the board of directors based on alleged nullity of a contract concerning legal representation.
  • Successfully represented the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic in several lawsuits relating to €30.4m worth of damages caused by the decision of a construction authority.
  • Representing Ružinov City District in disputes worth €200m with its former provider of heating services.


SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o.'s team is noted particularly for its expertise in international construction arbitrations. David Soukenik regularly handles both cross-border litigation and arbitration, while Peter Štrpka handles commercial litigation with a focus on the banking sector. Lukáš Štefánik heads up the litigation team and is instructed by a large roster of state-owned enterprises, regularly representing them in cases involving unjust enrichment cases. Oľga Svitek Dlhopolčeková and Barbora Ivanová  are also highlighted.

Responsables de la pratique:

David Soukeník; Peter Štrpka; Lukáš Štefánik

Autres avocats clés:

Oľga Svitek Dlhopolčeková; Barbora Ivanová

Les références

‘The team is ready to provide tailor-made solutions for the client. They work on very efficient terms and do not spend time on issues which are not relevant for the client.’

‘Good team.’

‘Lukáš Štefánik is very able.’

Principaux clients

Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic


National Motorway Company

Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic

Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s.

BILLA s.r.o.

Health Care Surveillance Authority

Železnice Slovenskej republiky

Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a.s.


Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.

SPP – distribúcia, a. s.

ČSOB Leasing, a.s.

AXA Group

Marius Pedersen, a.s.

REAL PRIM, s.r.o.

Nitra, municipality

Nová Baňa, municipality

consult s. r. o.

RAJO s.r.o.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the National Motorway Company in FIDIC international construction arbitration according to the ICC rules.
  • Representing VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, ŠTÁTNY PODNIK in multiple disputes against Slovenské elektrárne.
  • Representing Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa in judicial disputes regarding the increase of capital from public funds.

Squire Patton Boggs s.r.o.

The Bratislava-based team at Squire Patton Boggs s.r.o. forms an integral part of the firm’s international dispute resolution team, which operates across multiple jurisdictions, under the leadership of US-based arbitration specialist Stephen Anway and Rostislav Pekař in Prague. In Slovakia, Tatiana Prokopová is the key senior contact. The firm is experienced in handling investor-state cases concerning natural resources, as well as commercial arbitrations for clients in the real estate, healthcare and construction sectors. Eva Dragúňová focuses on international and domestic dispute resolution, and regularly represents clients before local courts and administrative authorities. Jakub Kamenický is also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Stephen Anway; Rostislav Pekař; Tatiana Prokopová

Autres avocats clés:

Eva Dragúňová; Jakub Kamenický

Les références

‘The firm stands out as an exceptional legal powerhouse, setting a benchmark for excellence in the field. What truly distinguishes this firm is its remarkable team of legal experts, whose dedication, skill, and passion for innovation are nothing short of extraordinary.’

‘They work seamlessly together, harnessing their collective expertise to tackle complex legal challenges with finesse.’

‘Their commitment to meticulousness is unparalleled; they meticulously follow a step-by-step process, leaving no stone unturned.’

Principaux clients

The Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

The Republic of Kosovo

Foreign Disputes Department of the State of Libya

Rand Investments

Republic of Croatia

Government of Turkmenistan

Tesco Stores

Romanian Embassy


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Slovak Republic in an investment treaty arbitration of $568m initiated by US oil and gas company Discovery Global LLC, arising under the US-Slovakia bilateral investment treaty.
  • Successfully represented the Republic of Croatia by dismissing a claim of €200m brought before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes in relation to a property located next to Mirogoj cemetery.
  • Successfully represented the Republic of Turkmenistan, obtaining complete dismissal of all claims on the merits, valued at $2bn, and obtaining a cost award from a telecoms company of over $11m, in an ICSID arbitration case.

Taylor Wessing Slovakia

Taylor Wessing Slovakia regularly handles cases which involve cross-border elements, and is particularly active in the real estate and construction sectors. Alternative dispute resolution is another core area of focus. Radovan Pala  and Andrej Leontiev co-head the Bratislava office. Ján Lazur handles trademark and unfair competition litigation. Tomáš AmbrosEva Smoleňová  and Marek Anderle are also active members of the group.

Responsables de la pratique:

Andrej Leontiev

Autres avocats clés:

Radovan Pala; Ján Lazur; Marek Anderle; Tomáš Ambros; Eva Smoleňová

Principaux clients

Zuzana Čaputová

ZTS – Špeciál, a.s.

Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj


ZOO Bratislava

Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa


Čiernohronská železnica

Mesto Bratislava

Letisko Poprad-Tatry

Štátna pokladnica

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the City of Bratislava in a dispute regarding the development of the area surrounding the main railway station.
  • Representing ZTS Special, a state-owned company producing army equipment, in a dispute with its supplier concerning the payment of the purchase price and reparation of defects.
  • Representing a non-profit organisation operating the Čiernohronská Forest Railway tourist attraction in a number of civil disputes concerning the use of land under the railway, as well as various administrative proceedings regarding operation permits and its status as a national cultural monument.

Advokátska kancelária MCL, s.r.o.

Advokátska kancelária MCL, s.r.o. is well versed in a range of forms of dispute resolution, from mediation and out-of-court settlements, to representation before domestic courts of all levels. Matej Firický specialises in state aid disputes, while Martin Jurečko and Martin Habán both focus on real estate and construction disputes. Tomáš Langer is focused on defending clients against high-profile reputational attacks.

Responsables de la pratique:

Martin Jurečko; Matej Firický; Martin Habán

Autres avocats clés:

Tomáš Langer

Principaux clients

Letisko M.R. Štefánika – Airport Bratislava, a.s. (BTS)


Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. (former BS Legal s.r.o.)

Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. (former BS Legal s.r.o.) handles both the pre-litigation phase and in-court proceedings on behalf of financial institutions, and construction and industrial companies. The firm is well versed in employment litigation, and regularly handles disputes over the validity of dismissals on both the employer and employee side, as well as disputes with unions and employees’ representatives, and oppositions to labour inspection sanctions. Peter Bartošík, Boris Šváby and Igor Šváby are the trio leading the practice, and are noted for their ‘concise advice, and providing out of the box solutions.’

Responsables de la pratique:

Peter Bartošík; Boris Šváby; Igor Šváby

Les références

‘Very competent legal team. Their advice is always concise, and they can provide solutions which are out of the box.’

‘Boris Šváby – provides very clear and professional advice.’

‘Extensive litigation experience and practice, excellent team, responsive, nice to work with.’

Principaux clients

PEVA Investments s.r.o.

Raiffeisen Bank S.A.

HUFI, s.r.o.

Plastics – Trade, a.s.

Immocap, a.s.

TRANS VAT, s.r.o.

HatroConsult, s.r.o.


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Peva Investments s.r.o. in a dispute with National Motorway Company concerning a contract concluded between the two parties.
  • Representing the Romanian branch of the Raiffeisen Bank in court proceedings regarding claims arising from a documentary letter of credit.
  • Representing French citizen Clément Guenebeaud in several proceedings concerning an original work of art by Bernini.

Cechová & Partners

Cechová & Partners regularly appears before arbitration tribunals, as well as handling administrative proceedings for local and international clients. Katarína Čechová serves as a permanent arbitrator of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre, and the Court of Arbitration of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, alongside serving as ad hoc arbitrator under the ICC and UNCITRAL rules of arbitration. Miroslav Zaťko  and Peter Fedor  are further key names.

Responsables de la pratique:

Katarína Čechová

Autres avocats clés:

Miroslav Zaťko; Peter Fedor

Principaux clients

Eiffage Construction

SMRC (former Reydel) Automotive Slovakia s.r.o.

Merck, Sharp & Dohme



Crown Bevcan Slovakia

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Eiffage Construction Slovenská republika in litigation with a former managing director, including separate proceedings relating to a security injunction.
  • Representing SMRC Automotive Slovakia in proceedings regarding compensation due to a defective contractual performance.

Glatzová & Co., s. r. o.

Glatzová & Co., s. r. o.'s team in Slovakia is involved in disputes across all business sectors, and has a close relationship with the firm's Prague office, enabling it to handle cross-border litigation. Veronika Pázmányová  heads up the team, and Jiří Sixta remains an active senior member of the group.

Responsables de la pratique:

Veronika Pázmányová; Jiří Sixta

Les références

‘They have wide knowledge and good availability.’

‘The individuals are reasonable, knowledgeable and available for us.’

Principaux clients

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Manuvia, a. s.

Edymax Europe s. r. o.


Mikona s.r.o.

NTT DATA Business Solutions s. r. o.

VAM sas

Modus-FAM s.r.o.

Alltechnology C.Z. s.r.o. (Alltechnology C.Z. s.r.o. – organizačná zložka)



Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Cadence Design Systems in out-of-court settlement negotiations with Tachyum.
  • Representing Manuvia, a major international group of recruitment agencies, in multiple lawsuits with a total approximate value of €20m, including a case of invalid withdrawal from a share purchase agreement and related breach of a competition clause by a managing director of one of the client’s subsidiaries.
  • Representing Edymax Europe in multiple lawsuits with a collective value of approximately €20m.


The team at PETERKA & PARTNERS handles various types of disputes including employment, commercial, tax, IP and administrative proceedings. Andrea Butasova leads the practice along with Lubomir Lesko; between them, the duo have extensive experience in real estate and construction-related disputes, customer-supplier relationships, and unfair competition litigation. Vladimira Roštárová is noted for her experience in both litigation and arbitration.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lubomir Lesko; Andrea Butasova

Autres avocats clés:

Vladimira Roštárová

Les références

‘Excellent communication, reactivity and pedagogy.’

‘Andrea Butasova – high level of knowledge, professionalism, well prepared each time.’

Principaux clients


Veolia Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing international construction company Aldesa in several commercial disputes concerning the construction of a public infrastructure project in Bratislava.
  • Represented Podtatranska vodarenska prevadzkova spolocnost, a member of the VEOLIA group, before the Constitutional Court in Slovakia.
  • Representing a telecoms company in a dispute with its former contractor.

Wolf Theiss

Wolf Theiss is well versed in commercial, regulatory, IP, IT, employment and banking disputes. The team also helps clients to manage their corporate liability risk and prepare procedures for handling crisis situations within the context of white-collar crime and sanction. Robert Pelikán leads both the Slovak and Czech practice groups. Zuzana Hodoňová is experienced in the private enforcement of competition law. Bruno Štefánik and Rudolf Pfeffer  are also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Robert Pelikán

Autres avocats clés:

Zuzana Hodoňová; Bruno Štefánik; Rudolf Pfeffer; Marko Ernek

Principaux clients

Wiener Privatbank



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing LOGSTOR, a Danish manufacturer of energy efficient products, in connection with the bankruptcy of its exclusive distributor in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
  • Representing GoEastFashion in litigation relating to significant damage caused by a transportation company while transporting the client’s goods in the UK.

bnt attorneys in CEE

bnt attorneys in CEE is valued for its ‘proactive and detailed approach,’ with the firm seen across domestic and cross-border litigation and arbitration, particularly in the IT and automotive sectors. Róbert Vrablica co-leads the group with Dávid OršulaMartin Gazdík is noted for his focus on civil and commercial litigation, as well as cross-border insolvency disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Róbert Vrablica; Dávid Oršula

Autres avocats clés:

Martin Gazdík

Les références

‘Very proactive and detailed approach – they follow all the aspects of cases, deadlines, strategy steps, etc. I can rely on their work, let them take care about everything, and focus myself on another tasks.’

‘Personal approach, individuals very deeply involved in the case.’

‘Great collaboration with excellent people resulting in solutions fitting to our wishes.’

Principaux clients



Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Kongsberg Automotive

Logman (Fresenius Medical Care Group)

VTG Group

System 360

Erwin Maria Spari

Regensburger Druckgußwerk Wolf

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented the Slovak subsidiary of Kongsberg Automotive, a major global technology corporation, in domestic litigation arising from an apparent unequal framework transport agreement with a former business partner.
  • Representing Longman in litigation with former employees.

Deloitte Legal s. r. o.

Deloitte Legal s. r. o. provides a multi-disciplinary approach to clients’ needs, with the litigation department working closely with the firm's tax group to handle corporate, commercial, real estate and financial disputes from all angles. Dagmar Yoder handles civil procedures and arbitrations across Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Róbert Minachin specialises in tax disputes. Andrea Makarová and Kristina Sílešová are also key contacts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Dagmar Yoder; Róbert Minachin

Autres avocats clés:

Andrea Makarová; Kristína Sílešová

Les références

‘Our cooperation with Deloitte Legal in relation to tax litigation fully met our expectations. Deloitte Legal has a very skilled legal team with complex knowledge not only of the respective legal procedures in front of court, but also of tax regulations. They have a professional approach to the matter and the ability to react promptly.’

‘We worked with Róbert Minachin and Andrea Makarová, who are both qualified lawyers with experience and deep knowledge. We would like to highlight their pro-client approach and high-quality work.’

‘The team is particularly flexible and pragmatic.’

Principaux clients

Ingram Micro Slovakia, s.r.o.

U-Shin Slovakia s.r.o.

Anton Orbán

Carcoustics Slovakia Nováky s. r. o.

NEPI Rockcastle

PKO Leasing S.A.

U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing NEPI Rockcastle in litigation related to compensation for damages caused by untrue representations and warranties provided by the seller in the share purchase agreement.
  • Representing PKO Leasing S.A. in a dispute related to the payment of damages arising from a traffic accident.
  • Representing U. S. Steel Košice in multiple court proceedings regarding claims arising from contracts for works.

G. Lehnert s.r.o.

G. Lehnert s.r.o. regularly represents clients in international arbitration and disputes, with IP litigation and unfair competition cases featuring as areas of particular focus. Vladimír Jakubička is skilled in both litigation and arbitration proceedings, as well as trade mark law. Tomáš Luščoň and Jana Hamarová are also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

Vladimír Jakubička; Tomáš Luščoň

Autres avocats clés:

Jana Hamarová

Principaux clients

Stercorat Hungary, kft

Stercorat Slovakia, s.r.o.


BUDIŠ, a.s.

ST. NICOLAUS – trade, a.s.

Snowblossom, s.r.o.

McDonald’s Corporation

West Media

General Plastic a.s.

Poľnohospodárske družstvo Tvrdošovce


Národná diaľničná spoločnosť a.s.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a producer of fertilisers in VIAC arbitration proceedings concerning a claim for compensation of €45m pertaining to the use of a certain production process.
  • Represented a soft-drink producer in ICC arbitration proceedings concerning the alleged claim of a former shareholder pertaining to the frustration of contractual conditions.
  • Represented the Town of Pezinok in administrative and related court proceedings concerning a ban on the placement and operation of a landfill.


HAVEL & PARTNERS S.R.O., ATTORNEYS AT LAW delivers a cross-jurisdictional service comprising seasoned litigators from the Czech and Slovak departments, specialising in commercial litigation and arbitration, with additional experience in IP and unfair competition litigation. Dušan Sedláček specialises in insolvency proceedings. Ondrej Majer has worked on a number of cross-border disputes, while Jan Šturm‘s expertise lies in disputes involving intellectual property issues. Juraj Dubovský and Josef Krkošek are likewise recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ondrej Majer; Jan Šturm; Dušan Sedláček

Autres avocats clés:

Juraj Dubovský; Jozef Krkošek

Les références

‘These lawyers have very good expertise and extremely high dedication to their client. When working with them, we always felt they were going the extra mile for us, both in terms of the quality of advice and the way they delivered the results.’

‘Amazingly responsive, quick, cost-efficient, smart and practical solutions. At all times we have been treated with priority.’

‘The firm provides a high-quality service in terms of experience and active attitude in the litigation process with deep analysis before the litigation process is even started. The representation at the court was outstanding and with extraordinary deployment in several difficult cases.’

Principaux clients

Naftogaz of Ukraine

BNP Paribas

Doprastav, Metrostav, Váhostav and Strabag

Athel Aplicationes y Tecnologia


Samsung SDS

Železara Smederevo

Dassault Systèmes

Redside investiční společnost a.s.


Principaux dossiers

  • Defending Naftogaz of Ukraine against enforcements in respect of natural gas transported in the Slovak transmission system.
  • Representing BNP Paribas Faktoring and Atradius Crédito y Caución in the insolvency proceedings of Slovak textile manufacturer Bodet & Horst.
  • Representing Doprastav, VÁHOSTAV – SK, STRABAG and Metrostav in a dispute concerning a contract for works.

Poláček & Partners

Poláček & Partners has a strong focus on energy disputes, with regularly handling litigation and administrative proceedings before regulatory bodies in this space. Real estate and construction disputes are the other core area of strength. Jozef HudákPavol PoláčekJuraj Ondrejka, Nikoleta Kakusová, Šimon Hudák and Jakub Žák are the key senior contacts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pavol Poláček; Jozef Hudák; Juraj Ondrejka; Nikoleta Kakusová; Šimon Hudák; Jakub Žák

Autres avocats clés:

Nina Ševčeková

Les références

‘Reliable, professional, business-oriented, results-oriented.’

‘Pavol Poláček and Jozef Hudák – very good cooperation.’

‘High flexibility and strong will to actively cooperate under time pressure.’

Principaux clients

Prievidzské tepelné hospodárstvo, a.s.

City of Prievidza

Generali Poisťovňa, pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu

HUTIRA Slovakia


Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic

Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic

Energie2, a.s.

Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.

Nitrianska teplárenská spoločnosť, a.s.

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic in litigation relating to the alleged breach of a construction contract.
  • Representing Hutira in court proceedings related to the approval of the local mining authority for the construction of a pyrolysis plant.
  • Representing Nitrianska teplárenská spoločnosť in several court proceedings related to the acquisition of a heating facility.

PRK Partners s.r.o.

PRK Partners s.r.o. handles judicial proceedings, arbitrations, administrative disputes and bankruptcy proceedings. Recently, the team has also appeared before the ECtHR. Practice head Miriam Galandova is particularly well versed in tax disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Miriam Galandova

Autres avocats clés:

Kristian Csach; Silvia Kratochvilova; Ivan Telepcak; Sebastian Petic

Principaux clients

Vienna Airport/BTS Holding, a.s.


Accenture, s.r.o.

JRC SK s.r.o.

Agrinet Central Europe (A.C.E) Ltd.’s and Agrofim Poland

ATOPS Development s.r.o.


Skanska SK a.s.


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Slovak daughter company of Vienna Airport in proceedings in front of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the refusal tonenforce and recognise an ICC arbitration award by the Slovak courts.
  • Represented UNIQA in court proceedings concerning €4m worth of damage.
  • Acting in the administrative proceedings of ROLEX in relation to the protection and enforcement of its IP rights in Slovakia.


Stentors represent clients in litigations before domestic and international courts of all levels, including the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the ECtHR. The firm handles all stages of proceedings, from pre-trial issues to enforcement of decisions. Peter Neštepný leads the dispute resolution practice. Vladimír Kordoš specialises in disputes in the real estate sector. Lenka Tomanová is likewise recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Peter Neštepný

Autres avocats clés:

Vladimír Kordoš; Lenka Tomanová

Principaux clients

Miele s.r.o.

Premier Sport Tour s.r.o.



Signify Slovakia s.r.o.

MF Centrum s.r.o.


BALTYRE s.r.o.

UniCredit Leasing

B.N.L., s.r.o. in bankruptcy

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing UniCredit Bank, as sole lender, in the bankruptcy proceedings of its borrower, concerning loan facilities of more than €4m.
  • Defending a family business operating in the real estate sector against an unfriendly takeover.