Firms To Watch: Compliance

Led by Yavuz Selim Günay and Çiğdem Gizem Okkaoğlu, the group at Günay Erdogan Attorneys At Law handles a wide variety of matters, including IT issues, cross-border transactions, and anti-trust related compliance.
Karaduman & Esin Law Firm's practice, led by Filiz Toprak Esin is known for handling an array of data privacy and cybersecurity related mandates, with a particular emphasis on assisting clients with investigations by the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority.
Paksoy frequently handles internal investigations by administrative authorities, advising on a range of anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance checks. The team is led by Serdar Paksoy and Stéphanie Beghe Sonmez.

Compliance in Turkey

Balcioglu Selçuk Ardiyok Keki

Hailed by clients as a team of ‘real experts‘, Balcioglu Selçuk Ardiyok Keki is known for its breadth and wealth of experience across a range of highly regulated industries, including online retail, food and beverage, and chemicals. Selim Keki  and Şahin Ardıyok  lead the team alongside Bora İkiler. Keki has exceptional expertise in compliance matters involving global and internal investigations, the establishment of internal policies, and medical ethics standards, while Ardıyok is well-known for his knowledge of Turkish Competition Authority investigations and compliance programmes. İkiler regularly assists clients with AML investigations, providing compliance counseling across an array of regulated sectors, and Armanç Canbeyli primarily advises clients on audits and inspections, representing them before regulators. Having merged with Bozoglu-Izgi Attorney Partnership in October 2023, the practice welcomed Elvan Sevi Bozoğlu , who acts for healthcare and life sciences clients with compliance and policy related issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Selim Keki; Şahin Ardıyok; Bora İkiler

Autres avocats clés:

Armanç Canbeyli; Elvan Sevi Bozoğlu

Les références

‘We have the pleasure of working with Armanç Canbeyli, who possesses a great deal of professional knowledge and is readily available when needed. We enjoy collaborating with him as a valuable member of the team. ’

‘Their follow up on compliance matters are very good. They are competent and business oriented.’

‘BASEAK team supports our company with lawyers who are experts in the field of compliance. They have a strong business follow-up and are compliant and respectful of company procedures.’

Principaux clients

L’Oreal Türkiye Kozmetik Tic. ve San. A.Ş.

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised L’Oreal on a competition compliance program with respect to the mass cosmetic products division.

ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law

ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law‘s practice is noted for its deep bench, with the group’s primary areas of expertise focused on data protection and anti-corruption compliance. The firm also exhibits a great deal of know-how in matters concerning white collar irregularities. Practice co-head Gönenç Gürkaynak is recognised for his broad knowledge of  competition, data protection and privacy, and corporate law, while co-head Ceren Yıldız Özgökçen is known for her deep regulatory expertise, particularly in relation to e-commerce, medical devices, and pharma, often advising on a range of internal regulations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gönenç Gürkaynak; Ceren Yıldız Özgökçen

Principaux clients

İÇDAŞ Çelik Enerji Tersane ve Ulaşım Sanayi A.S.

Harvard Business School

Starbucks EMEA Ltd.

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised İÇDAŞ Çelik Enerji Tersane ve Ulaşım Sanayi A.S. on data protection compliance for their subsidiaries in Turkey.
  • Assisted Harvard Business School with the liquidation process for a company which was operating and incorporated in Turkey.

Esin Attorney Partnership, Member Firm of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein

Advising clients with a ‘high-level of expertise‘, the team at Esin Attorney Partnership, Member Firm of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein is well versed in the full spectrum of compliance issues relating to collusive tendering, and counter-terrorism financing. Yalın Akmenek leads the team, utilising his extensive expertise in handling corporate investigation, collusive tendering, and M&A due diligence related mandates. The ‘exceptionalGökçe Serez is well known for her exceptional knowledge of matters involving compliance with international sanctions, criminal liability, and anti-money laundering issues, regularly advising clients on regulatory investigations, and third party due diligence and compliance.

Responsables de la pratique:

Yalın Akmenek

Autres avocats clés:

Gökçe Serez

Les références

‘Baker McKenzie’s compliance team in Turkey is great. Their compliance team is by far the best team in the region. I especially admire their practicality, responsiveness and deep expertise. Would recommend to anyone!’

‘I worked closely with Gokçe Serez, who is an exceptional attorney and that helped in me in toughest times. Her expertise in trade sanctions and general compliance matters and programs is very deep and she comes up with very pragmatic solutions. I truly enjoy working with her and would seek her guidance in any compliance matter.’

‘The team is highly responsive and available. They are capable of providing to-the-point advice. They act with a high degree of responsibility and professionalism and provided their legal services accordingly.’

Principaux clients

Ethics and Repudiation Society (TEID)



Principaux dossiers

  • Advised a global construction company on the adoption of a comprehensive compliance program, and assisted the client with its communication with international creditors to obtain a temporary release of a suspension decision.
  • Advised a global pharmaceutical company and its Turkish subsidiary regarding a corruption related internal investigation, and successfully provided a set of solutions and a full-scale compliance system against the operational dangers that the scope of the Turkish market may pose to protect the client’s compliant and ethical business practice.

Gün + Partners

Assisting a diverse and lucrative client base across a wide variety of sectors, Gün + Partners maintains its stellar reputation for handling the implementation and audit of compliance structures. The team is jointly led by Barış Kalaycı, the ‘amazingÖzge Atılgan Karakulak, Begüm Yavuzdoğan Okumus, Beril Yayla Sapan. Kalaycı is known for his extensive knowledge of anti-corruption cases, while Karakulak leads on the life sciences side. Okumuş frequently appears before regulatory authorities in a variety of sectors, including telecoms and automotives, and Sapan has ample knowledge of white collar crime related mandates, and legal audits.

Responsables de la pratique:

Barış Kalaycı; Özge Atılgan Karakulak; Begüm Yavuzdoğan Okumuş; Beril Yayla Sapan

Autres avocats clés:

Asena Aytuğ Keser; Dicle Doğan

Les références

‘We work with Özge Atılgan Karakulak on a regular basis and we are very happy with our collaboration. They are very experienced in their field, they are always up-to-date with developments and they provide a high quality of work.’

‘Özge Atılgan Karakulak is an amazing partner, we really appreciate working with her. She is solution oriented and she is always offering advices which are very easy to adapt to our business in real life and she is always very to the point.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised on a patient support program conducted by a Japanese multinational pharmaceutical company, evaluating its characteristics, compliance with regulations, potential risks, and interactions with relevant parties in the pharmaceutical sector.

Kolcuoglu Demirkan Koçakli

The team of ‘dedicated professionals’ at Kolcuoglu Demirkan Koçakli maintains its strong reputation for assisting clients with the creation of crisis management plans, and follow-up actions, with particular emphasis on interactions with regulators. The group is also known for advising on internal investigations and compliance with employment and insurance regulations within Turkey. Practice head Okan Demirkan is a ‘skilled negotiator’ known for his vast expertise in the conduction of anti-bribery and anti-corruption investigations, whilst co-head Maral Minasyan is particularly adept at handling data privacy related compliance issues, such as the structuring of personal data management systems. Ali Tunçsav frequently acts for clients in antitrust investigations, and Neyzar Ünübol leads the firm’s competition practice, regularly assisting domestic and global companies with competition compliance programmes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Okan Demirkan; Maral Minasyan

Autres avocats clés:

Begüm Biçer İlikay; Ali Tunçsav; Neyzar Ünübol

Les références

‘Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı is one of the pioneer firms in the areas of compliance. The team has dedicated professionals who possess an in-depth understanding of the ever-evolving legal requirements and ethical standards in matters related to ethics and compliance, including internal investigations, regulatory inquiries, and enforcement actions.’

‘Okan is one of the most seasoned compliance attorneys in Turkey. He has the ability to create very practical and effective solutions to most difficult business problems. In situations where compliance issues lead to disputes or negotiations with regulatory authorities, he is skilled negotiator who can advocate on behalf of his clients.’

‘They both keep us informed about updates regarding the law and provide constant support when necessary.’

Principaux clients

Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft

Helen Doron Effective Learning Ltd.

Boyner Group


HDI Insurance

NBK Capital Partners


Tik Tok


Costa Crociere S.p.A



Hugo Boss



Boston Consulting Group


Bunzl Plc

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft on its compliance with Turkish personal data privacy law
  • Advised Avalara and its Turkish subsidiaries on their compliance with Turkish personal data privacy law and Turkish employment law.
  • Advised the Turkish subsidiary of Allianz on the compliance of its employment contracts with Turkish employment law and Turkish insurance law.

Moroglu Arseven

Assisting clients with the creation, implementation, and monitoring of compliance programmes, Moroglu Arseven offers broad expertise in the governing economic sanctions, employment, and anti-corruption. All co-leading the practice, Burcu Tuzcu Ersin advises both Turkish and international corporations on the implementation of compliance projects, and the application of anti-bribery legislation; tax and financial regulatory specialist Ertunç Şirin assists clients with due diligence exercises and administrative processes; and Seyfi Moroğlu‘s primary areas of focus are compliance within manufacturing and pharma industries. IT and fintech expert Burcu Güray is well-versed in data protection and e-commerce related compliance, while Ceylan Necipoğlu has broad knowledge of payment systems and cryptocurrency.

Responsables de la pratique:

Burcu Tuzcu Ersin; Ertunç Şirin; Seyfi Moroğlu

Autres avocats clés:

Benan Arseven; İpek Ünlü Tık; Burak Baydar; Burcu Güray; Ceylan Necipoğlu; Metin Abut

Les références

‘The firm provides reliable and business-oriented advice for multinational companies operating in Turkey, particularly in highly regulated industries such as life sciences and healthcare.’

‘Burcu Ersin is our primary contact on the compliance team and is ably supported by Metin Abut, both of whom are very responsive and produce excellent work.’

Principaux dossiers

Bener Law Office

Oya Özarslan and Batuhan Şahmay jointly lead the team at Bener Law Office, known for handling a wide variety of mandates relating to foreign trade regimes, fraud investigations, and anti-money laundering compliance programs. Şahmay maintains an employment focused practice, regularly advising clients on the full range of due diligence and audit related mandates, while Özarslan is noted for her longstanding experience in compliance structures, particularly in relation to anti-corruption policies and ethical standards. Naz Ergörün Yazman primarily handles data protection compliance projects on a global scale, advising clients on data breach notifications to the Turkish Data Protection Authority.

Responsables de la pratique:

Oya Özarslan; Batuhan Şahmay

Autres avocats clés:

Naz Ergörün Yazman; Behiç Ateş Gülenç

Les références

‘The quality of service provided is high. They make quick and solution-oriented suggestions.’

‘The team consists of a good bunch of subject matter experts who have deep understanding of local legislation and the possible impact on our business. Collaboration within the group is great and you always have the sense that you’re in safe hands. They are very open to feedback and comments for improvements which they respond very quickly.’

‘We mainly work with Batuhan Şahmay and Naz Ergörün Yazman. We’re enjoying the advantages of working with highly valued professionals who have a very deep understanding of our industry, and who can interpret our business strategies and principals, creating a tailor-made consultation model.’

Principaux clients








Michael Page


Banvit BRF



Warner Music


Rollic Games

VKR Holding



Glengo Lectra

İston İstanbul




Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted BRF- Banvit with regards to data protection legislation and its implementation.
  • Advised a client on their registration with the Turkish Data Controller Registry, and conducted detailed work on the data inventory of the client.
  • Advised Philips’ on their global data protection documentation (including global privacy rules) in terms of Turkish data protection legislation.

BTS & Partners

Praised by clients for its ‘unwavering commitment to excellence‘, the team at BTS & Partners exhibits deep bench strength across a myriad of areas, advising on compliance relating to data protection and privacy, particularly in relation to the storage of customer information. Jointly leading the team, TMT expert Yasin Beceni assists clients with IT risk analysis issues; Tuğrul Sevim has exceptional expertise in handling both contentious and non-contentious IT and telecoms mandates; Zeynep Ünlü acts for a number of non-governmental organisations (NGO), and domestic and international clients on IT regulations; and Erdem Aslan is known for representing cloud service providers in compliance mandates relating to launches. Melis Mert is noted for her broad knowledge of novel IT issues surrounding AI and digital assets.

Responsables de la pratique:

Yasin Beceni; Tuğrul Sevim; Zeynep Ünlü; Erdem Aslan

Autres avocats clés:

Melis Mert; Miray Muratoğlu; Kaan Can Akdere

Les références

‘BTS &Partners’ team consists of very competent, highly skilled, constructive and cooperative members. They provide comprehensive legal advice and assistance on all aspects of data protection, including registration and enforcement strategies.’

‘Tuğrul Sevim has extensive knowledge on Data Protection and IT related legal issues, and is always available. Kaan Can Akdere is particularly competent in the area of data protection. We are very happy to work with Mr. Akdere.’

‘The team has been exceptionally responsive to our inquiries, consistently delivering prompt and efficient responses. Their dynamism and ability to swiftly grasp our requirements, coupled with their ability to prepare solutions in a timely manner, has greatly impressed us.’

Principaux clients

Baxter Turkey Renal Hizmetler Anonim Sirketi

Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S.

Dogus Holding A.S.

ING Bank A.S.

DHL Lojistik Hizmetleri A.S.

Koc Holding A.S. & Group Companies

Mastercard Europe SA

Mercedes-Benz Turk Anonim Sirketi

Microsoft Bilgisayar Yazılım Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti.

Pegasus Hava Tasımacılıgı A.S.

Anadolu Group & Group Companies

Procter & Gamble Tüketim Malları Sanayi Anonim Sirketi

Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.S.

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Microsoft Bilgisayar Yazılım Hizmetleri on a comprehensive data protection compliance project. The firm prepared a report on the findings of the audit and provided advice to strengthen data protection practices in light of local regulations.
  • Assisted Mastercard with the completion of regulatory scans of various Mastercard services and products under Turkish regulations from the perspective of financial and data privacy regulations. The team assisted with localised customer facing documentation, such as terms and conditions and privacy notices used by the client in accordance with local regulatory requirements.
  • Advised Mercedes on its connected car services, i.e. Mercedes Me Connect. The team analysed the connected car services from the perspective of compliance with data privacy, telecommunications, e-commerce and road safety regulations.


CBC Law‘s ‘dynamic‘ team is known for its ‘excellent and outstanding‘ experience in the development of compliance programmes across a wide variety of areas, with emphasis on energy and infrastructure, personal data privacy, and IT. Kemal Altuğ Özgün leads the team from Istanbul, having expansive expertise in the design and construction of compliance projects relating to foreign direct investment, insurance, and healthcare.

Responsables de la pratique:

Kemal Altuğ Özgün

Les références

‘It is very refreshing to work with a law firm which is firmly rooted in providing practical and business-oriented legal support instead of traditional academic legal advice. CBC Law have a dynamic team dedicated to finding solutions, and can draw on a wealth of real-world experience to help their clients in a very practical and hands-on manner.’

‘This is a law firm which really wants to act as an extended arm of in-house legal departments, offering that legal business support over and above the formal advice.’

‘CBC Law’s compliance team, in particular Altuğ Özgün, has excellent and outstanding experience in ethics and compliance. He has a good understanding not only of ethics & compliance, but also of all aspects of commercial and corporate law, which enables them to provide precise and valuable advice. He always demonstrates empathy and commitment.’

Principaux dossiers

Cukur & Partners

Çukur & Partners‘ broad offering handles an array of compliance mandates for technology and software clients. The Izmir based group displays deep bench strength in matters concerning personal data protection regulation within Turkey, in addition to handling a range of cross-border transactions. Practice co-head Devrim Çukur is known for his vast transactional expertise, with his primary areas of focus being international trade, M&A and banking and finance. Co-head İrem Soyman Alevok handles the full range of compliance related issues on an international scale, assisting financial institutions, and both Turkish and global companies. Ezginaz Çalışır is particularly adept at handling all manner of compliance issues surrounding data privacy and cyber security.

Responsables de la pratique:

Devrim Çukur; İrem Soyman Alevok

Autres avocats clés:

Ezginaz Çalışır; Burcu Gür

Les références

‘The team is able to stay current and relative for our company which operates in a highly legislated sector. They are adaptive and efficient in research and review. Their established way of reporting has been instrumental for in-house work and corporate affairs.’

‘İrem Soyman Alevok uses her experience and knowledge to maximise her efficiency in providing counsel. Comments, considerations and opinions from her are highly regarded and are often proved to be exactly correct.’

Principaux dossiers

Erdem & Erdem Law Office

Noted for their ‘impressive’ legislative knowledge, Erdem & Erdem Law Office‘s diverse offering handles the full range of national and international trade compliance and anti-corruption issues, often representing clients in inquiries. Leading the team from Istanbul and İzmir, Mert Karamustafaoğlu  is adept at assisting clients with a broad range of compliance projects, particularly in relation to competition and personal data protection, and Özgür Kocabaşoğlu, who leads the firm’s corporate practice, is well versed in corporate governance matters, advising board members on management audits and internal investigations. İzmir’s Sevgi Unsal Ozden regularly assists both domestic and international corporations with the application of their personal data protection compliance programmes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mert Karamustafaoğlu

Autres avocats clés:

Sevgi Unsal Ozden; Özgür Kocabaşoğlu; Merve Bakırcı

Les références

‘Erdem & Erdem has been the right choice for us. They are creative, responsible, available and easy to connect with. Their command of legislation is especially impressive.’

‘Özgür Kocabaşoğlu and Sevgi Ünsal Özden create a great working atmosphere. They are specialists who are friendly and easy to understand when it comes to solve complex problems. Özgür Kocabaşoğlu’s great leadership capabilities combined with Sevgi Ünsal Özden’s creative solutions make this team even better.’

‘They take all legal precautions on time and before the job is completed.’

Principaux clients

KumportLiman Hizmetleri A.Ş.

Turkon Konteyner Taşımacılık ve Denizcilik A.Ş

Yılport Holding A.Ş.

Norm Holding A.Ş.

Çolakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş.

Anadolu Isuzu Otomotiv Sanayii ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Xiaomi Turkey Teknoloji Limited Şirketi

Samsunspor Futbol Kulübü A.Ş.

Samsunspor Mağazacılık ve Sportif Ürünler San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Akinon İnternet Yatırım ve Proje Geliştirme A.Ş.

SLT Medikal ve Sağlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. (SapioLife)


Yilport Gavle Container AB

Yilport Gavle AB

Polymetcore Trading

Yıldırım holding

İş Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş.

Livewell Giyilebilir Sağlık Ürün ve Hizmet ve Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

International Chamber of Commerce

Trigo Çözüm Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Tohum Türkiye Otizm Erken Tanı ve Eğitim Vakfı

Tohum Türkiye Otizm Erken Tanı ve Eğitim Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesi

DyDo Drinco İçecek Satış ve Pazarlama A.Ş.

AG Anadolu Grubu Holding A.Ş

Çelik Motor

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Çolakoğlu Metalurji on inquiries related to its personal data processing activities, along with the preparation of memorandums, and the implementation of anti-corruption compliance programmes.
  • Advised Livewell, active in wearable health products, on day-to-day data protection inquiries.
  • Advised Yılport Holding on the preparation of a legal memorandum in relation to the questions regarding the US and EU economic sanctions regime.

Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers & Consultants

Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers & Consultants houses a broad practice, known for displaying broad expertise in the full gamut of compliance issues arising in the context of restructuring transactions, shipping incidents, and corporate governance. Zihni Bilgehan leads the team, and is noted for his deep knowledge of compliance within the IT, maritime, and finance sectors.


Responsables de la pratique:

Zihni Bilgehan

Autres avocats clés:

Emre Ersoy; Kagan Erdem

Les références

‘When compared to other law firms, Ersoy Bilgehan stands out through its commitment to personalised service, innovative approaches to law practice, and a team that embraces diversity and technology. The firm’s willingness to adapt to clients’ preferences sets it apart in an industry often criticised for its opacity.’

‘I have had the privilege of witnessing Emre Ersoy’s legal acumen and character firsthand, and I have no doubt that he is an asset to any client he serves. I wholeheartedly recommend Emre to anyone seeking legal counsel, knowing that they will benefit from his exceptional skills, unwavering dedication, and genuine concern for their best interests. Emre Ersoy is truly an outstanding lawyer who consistently delivers top-notch legal services.’

Principaux clients

Hapag-Lloyd Group

PerkinElmer Holding Luxembourg S.à r.l.

China Telecom


Managers, Charterers and the Owners of M/V Benitamou, Doun Kisen Co Ltd.




Renesas Electronics

Mitsubishi Corporation

CD Media Group

Humanz Ltd.




Rapiscan Systems / OSI Systems

Standard Industries Inc.

Costa Coffee

Columbia Shipmanagement

CStar Line


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Hapag-Lloyd on its daily operations with regard to compliance with regulations in various fields, such as maritime, transportation, employment, real estate, and personal data protection.
  • Advised PerkinElmer Holding Luxembourg S.à r.l. on human resources, healthcare, and licensing with respect to compliance with employment laws and medical services regulations, as part of the client’s global intragroup restructuring project.
  • Advising China Telecom on telecoms licences in Turkey, including the client’s compliance with telecommunication requirements, as well as day-to-day matters concerning its local branch and subsidiary.

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

Primarily centered around white-collar crime related issues, the team at Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership regularly assists with the establishment of whistleblowing hotlines and the amendment of internal policies. Ayşe Hergüner Bilgen is known for her longstanding expertise in dispute resolution and employment law. Commercial disputes specialist Tolga Danışman is a key name for white-collar crime investigations, and Kayra Üçer is an M&A specialist who regularly advises clients on corporate governance. Ufuk Yalçın is noted for handling anti-subsidy, anti-dumping, and safeguarding investigations. Deniz Tuncel is well versed in whistleblowing and anti-corruption matters, and İsmet Bozoğlu regularly acts for the Turkish subsidiaries of international companies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ayşe Hergüner Bilgen; Tolga Danışman; Kayra Üçer; Ufuk Yalçın; Deniz Tuncel; İsmet Bozoğlu

Principaux dossiers

Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale Attorney Partnership

The ‘very energic‘ team at Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale Attorney Partnership handles a wide range of issues across a variety of sectors, including M&A related clearances and compliance investigations. The group regularly advises clients within the automotive, textile, and agriculture industries. Sertaç Kökenek departed the practice in January 2024. Key names of note include Aslı Kınsız   and Izmir’s Selin İvit.

Autres avocats clés:

Aslı Kınsız; Selin İvit

Les références

‘The team is highly experienced and professional in various areas of Turkish law. They were able to help us solve all questions related to an M&A transaction advisory and legal due diligence. Also the team are very nice and friendly people, it was a real pleasure to work with them being a client.’

‘The whole team consists of true professionals in their area. We will definitely be glad to work with them in any our other deals in Turkey.’

‘Very energic team of experts with a clear target towards the future.’

Principaux clients


Stoller Turkey

Syngenta Turkey

Eczacıbaşı Consumption Goods

Dentaş Dunapack Packaging



Gözalan Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising the leading Turkish subsidiary of a France-based group that manufactures refractory products, known for its strong brand reputation, on an array of compliance matters.
  • Advising a Turkish conglomerate on M&A. The team carried out in-depth compliance due diligence throughout the process.

Güleryüz & Partners

Güleryüz & Partners houses a broad and experienced practice, which is noted for its extensive cross-border capabilities when handling contentious and non-contentious matters concerning employment law and white-collar crime. Zahide Altunbaş Sancak and Nihat Özbek co-lead the team. Sancak has a great deal of transactional expertise, acting for a broad range clients, including domestic and international financial institutions and funds, while Özbek is particularly well versed in compliance mandates involving personal data protection and anti-money laundering.

Responsables de la pratique:

Zahide Altunbaş Sancak; Nihat Özbek

Les références

‘They understand what we need and they know what the market needs.’

Principaux clients

Süreyya Ağaoğlu Çocuk Dostları Derneği

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Süreyya Ağaoğlu Çocuk Dostları Derneği on ensuring compliance with data protection laws including separate declaration forms and statements of express consent for scholarship recipients, students, board members and association members.

NSN Law Firm

NSN Law Firm, praised for its ‘exceptional wealth’ of industry knowledge, is known for its specialism in all matters relating to healthcare, pharma, and medical devices, in addition to clinical trials within the biotech industry. All co-leading the team, Selma Ünlü maintains a strong regulatory practice, advising on reimbursement and marketing authorisation issues; Bilge Derinbay assists both international and domestic clients with data protection matters, often representing them before government authorities in challenges against administrative sanctions; and Aylin Aydoğmuş is known for handling anti-corruption issues for pharma companies. With extensive prior in-house experience in the pharma industry, Duygu Beyazo İpek regularly assists clients with the implementation and drafting of international compliance policies and operating procedures.

Responsables de la pratique:

Selma Ünlü; Bilge Derinbay; Aylin Aydoğmuş

Autres avocats clés:

Duygu Beyazo İpek

Les références

‘Competent, easy to contact, collaborative and experienced’

‘NSN’s team of attorneys boasts extensive expertise across diverse practice areas, allowing them to tailor legal solutions to our unique needs. Their personalised approach ensures that we benefit from dedicated attention and strategies aligned precisely with our specific objectives. Their dedication to delivering exemplary legal services has been instrumental in our continued success. ’

‘The standout individual at NSN who have made a profound impact is Selma Ünlü. Duygu Beyazo and Bengisu Çakır are also very high performing. They possess an exceptional wealth of industry expertise. Their sector knowledge, effective communication skills, a knack for foreseeing potential challenges, and preemptively offering solutions are truly exceptional.’

Principaux clients

Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies



CSL Behring


Boehringer Ingelheim


Verus Pharma B.V.



Principaux dossiers

  • Advised a computer hardware company regarding the legal implications of using drones for surveillance in Turkey to combat counterfeiting by focusing on compliance with Turkish laws related to lawful surveillance, data protection, and constitutional rights.
  • Advised a pharmaceutical company on a donation in the amount above 1m TRY to an association, ensuring compliance with pharma regulations and conducting anti-corruption due diligence.
  • Advised a pharmaceutical company on establishing a hospital in the earthquake zone, in collaboration with a state entity by ensuring legal compliance, coordination with public officials, and upholding transparency principles.

Çakmak Attorney Partnership

Çakmak Attorney Partnership‘s practice is known for its strong focus on the energy, banking, and payment sectors, in addition to its broad knowledge of data privacy regulation. Mustafa Durakoğlu and Gülsen Engin co-lead the team from Istanbul and Ankara respectively. Durakoğlu is particularly adept at handling regulatory issues relating to anti-mondey laundering, payment services, and banking, while Engin is noted for her expertise in internal investigations and risk management. Simge Esendal is a key name for payment service clients, often assisting with the implementation of asset freezing decisions, and the prevention of terrorism financing.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mustafa Durakoğlu; Gülşen Engin

Autres avocats clés:

Simge Esendal

Les références

‘We were quite happy with the level of services and advice provided by Gülşen Engin and Simge Esendal.’

Principaux clients

Western Union

Visa Europe

Rönesans Holding

Öksüt Madencilik

An International Defence Company

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Western Union on compliance with Turkish payment services, anti-money laundering and data privacy legislations. The firm also assisted the client with its communications with the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, Turkish Financial Crimes Investigation Board and the Turkish Data Protection Authority.
  • Advising Visa Europe with regard to its transactions, operations and corporate matters in Türkiye in various fields such as corporate, contracts, competition, data privacy, tax and labour law matters, as well as credit card matters and payment services.
  • Advising Rönesans Holding on regulatory matters relating to the establishment and management of the Ceyhan Industrial Zone, including obtaining its operation license and other required licences.