Firms To Watch: Dispute resolution: class actions

Amanda Beattie joined Wotton + Kearney in Sydney from King & Wood Mallesons in March 2023, along with Georgie Austin and Richard Leder, in Melbourne, who moved over from Corrs Chambers Westgarth in January 2023; the new team combines commercial litigation experience with the firm’s existing insurance expertise.

Dispute resolution: class actions in Australia


Allens‘ defendant-side class action offering is co-led by Belinda Thompson in Melbourne and Alex Tolliday in Sydney. The group has notable financial services expertise, with extensive experience acting for banks. In addition, the team has seen an uptick in work for defendants in shareholder class actions, including those which relate to reputationally significant issues. Jenny Campbell, in Sydney, is appointed by the Supreme Court of NSW as an independent advisor to class members, and brings her specialist advice to a range of clients. Alongside contentious work, the team also advises clients on mitigating risk and class action liability. Guy Foster retired in June 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Belinda Thompson; Alex Tolliday

Autres avocats clés:

Malcolm Stephens; Ross Drinnen; Paul Nicols; Alex Tolliday; Duncan Travis; Peter Haig

Les références

‘The Allens team has great depth of experience in disputes, litigation and class actions. They are responsive and invested in understanding their clients’ requirements and objectives. The team is dedicated, responsive, enthusiastic and expert in the litigation and class actions processes. They are easy to work with and nothing is too much for this team.’

‘Alex Tolliday is a market leader in class actions, knowledgeable and experienced, and very valuable to have on the team.’

‘There are some very promising junior partners who are smart, commercial and who are developing a name in this space. The greatest strength Allens has is its bench strength across the senior associate and associate levels. This speaks to the quality of their recruitment and training.’

Principaux clients

Crown Resorts

ANZ Banking Group


Insurance Australia Group (IAG)

Brambles Limited

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)



Ford Motor Company of Australia

PTTEP Australasia

Westpac Banking Corporation

Nissan Motor Company (Australia)

National Australia Bank (NAB)

Whitehaven Coal


Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Crown Resorts in a shareholder class action in relation to matters arising from the Bergin Inquiry, the Victorian and Western Australian Royal Commissions and AUSTRAC’s enforcement proceeding against Crown.
  • Acting in a class action relating to alleged breaches of continuous disclosure laws in relation to IAG’s exposure to claims under business interruption insurance policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Acting for ANZ in relation to a superannuation class action proceeding against OnePath Custodians, Zurich Australia and ANZ.


The class action team at Ashurst can often be seen acting for clients in major disputes, ranging from underpayment matters to data breaches. Jeremy Chenoweth, Ian Bolster and Mark Bradley co-lead the team from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, respectively. Chenoweth heads the firm’s dispute resolution practice; Bolster is praised for his ‘keen strategic approach’ and involvement in market-leading claims; and Bradley has notable experience in financial services and corporate regulatory disputes. Sydney-based partner John Pavlakis is sought out for his shareholder class action expertise and strength in class actions against government bodies. Also in Sydney, senior associate Sally-Anne Stewart is recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jeremy Chenoweth; Ian Bolster; Mark Bradley

Autres avocats clés:

John Pavlakis; Ellena Cavell; Lucinda Hill; Sally-Anne Stewart

Les références

‘The Ashurst dispute resolution team is incredibly strategic, and are able to devise successful strategies to reach the best litigation outcomes. They look ahead and are also very mindful of costs. I have found that they work in a wonderfully efficient way too and keep on top of the client’s budget and desired outcomes, which are not easy to achieve in litigation.’

‘Ian Bolster is a trusted adviser, he is very strategic, clear-minded and focused on achieving efficient outcomes. He is an excellent lawyer and litigator.’

‘The Ashurst Disputes team has guided us expertly through the complex interaction between a class action and associated regulatory proceedings. They have been thoughtful, practical, efficient and strategic.’

Principaux clients

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited

Woolworths Group

Commonwealth Government of Australia

BMW Australia


Westpac Banking Corporation

NSW Government


McGrath Nicol

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Kagara Ltd

Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society

Murray Darling Basin Authority

Standard & Poors

Macquarie Bank

AGL Energy

Societe Generale

SingTel Optus

Hyundai Group

Price Waterhouse Coopers



Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Woolworths in a class action alleging underpayment of store managers.
  • Acting for Optus in a major privacy and data breach class action following its high-profile data breach.
  • Acting for Hyundai and Kia in four separate class actions concerning alleged engine defects creating risk of fire, and ABS brakes.

Clayton Utz

‘One of the leading practices in Australia‘, the Clayton Utz commercial litigation department boasts a range of sector expertise in class actions, and is equipped to handle product liability, employment, financial services and consumer action claims, among others. In Sydney, Greg Williams and Colin Loveday co-lead the team; ‘the doyens of the class action’, both are sought after for their product liability expertise, including in the pharmaceutical industry. Also in Sydney, Andrew Morrison maintains a practice that spans the automotive, consumer and competition sectors. Alexandra Rose is recommended for her ‘great tactical nous’. Matthew Spain joined the team in Melbourne from DLA Piper in May 2023, specialising in work for financial services clients.

Responsables de la pratique:

Greg Williams; Colin Loveday

Autres avocats clés:

Andrew Morrison; Ross McInnes; Alexandra Rose; Sheena McKie; Katie Wood; William Atfield; Alex Corsaro

Les références

‘The team has one of the leading practices in Australia. In particular, their product liability team is unparalleled in their expertise, experience, strategic thinking, and implementation. They are very client focused, but not at the expense of their litigation strategy.’

‘The team is very talented at all levels and the senior practitioners are very open to the thoughts of their junior team members.’

‘Colin Loveday and Greg Williams are the doyens of the class action, in particular, in the product liability space. They lead a closely knit team of partners, in particular, Alex Rose, and senior practitioners: Sheena McKie, Caitlin Sheehy, William Atfield and Alex Corsaro; who work together to deliver the best outcomes for their clients.’

Principaux clients

Philips Electronics Australia Ltd

Philips RS North America LLC

Victorian Department of Health

Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd

Hino Motors, Ltd (HML)

Hino Motors Sales Australia Pty Ltd (HMSA)

Bayer Australia Ltd

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Bayer Healthcare LLC

Bayer Essure Inc.


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Jaguar Land Rover Australia

The Reject Shop

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for the Victorian State Health Services to recover payment of alleged unpaid unrostered overtime owing to junior doctors (doctors in training) employed in Victoria between 2015 – 2021.
  • Acting for Bayer Australia in a complex class action concerning a contraceptive device, which is currently in trial in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
  • Acting for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) in various high-profile class actions, including in relation to a class action commenced by the Financia Sector Union on behalf of its members against CBA.

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Jason Betts leads Herbert Smith Freehills' class actions group, an experienced defendant-side team carrying out large, complex class actions across a range of industries. Betts, in Sydney, specialises in product liability, with additional experience in shareholder class actions. In Melbourne, Damian Grave has particular strength in advising public companies on corporate, commercial and regulatory matters across both Australia and the UK. Expertise in the team also extends to mining and resources claims, consumer products, environmental events and securities; the last of these being a particular specialism for Christine Tran in Sydney. In Brisbane, Elizabeth Poulos has notable experience advising financial services clients. Ante Golem is the key contact in Perth. The team continues to develop, with Melissa Gladstone promoted to partner in May 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jason Betts

Autres avocats clés:

Peter Butler; Damian Grave; Christine Tran; Ante Golem; Ruth Overington; Aoife Xuereb; Melissa Gladstone

Principaux dossiers

King & Wood Mallesons

Melbourne-based partner Matthew Swinn heads the class action offering at King & Wood Mallesons, advising on a range of claims from cybercrime to insurance, with an emphasis on the financial services industry, including work arising out of the Financial Services Royal Commission. In Sydney, Moira Saville acts for major corporate clients in defence of claims, while Alexander Morris focuses on financial services class action matters of high reputational significance. Emma Costello is a key name in Brisbane, with notable experience in infrastructure and environmental claims; Liam Burgess, in Sydney, has growing experience working with government and state-owned clients. Other team members are also based in Canberra and Perth, working collaboratively across the country.

Responsables de la pratique:

Matthew Swinn

Autres avocats clés:

Liam Burgess; Peta Stevenson; Emma Costello; Emma Lawrence; Sam Dundas; Alexander Morris; Domenic Gatto; Ben Kiely

Les références

‘Strategic and first class intellectual fire power.’

‘Domenic Gatto draws on a highly skilled and experienced team. They are great. They are not focused on a particular industry, but get up to speed quickly when entering new industries. Dom’s ability to lean on Ben Kiely covers all capacity gaps.’

‘Domenic Gatto gives clear, frank advice.’

Principaux clients

The Star Entertainment Group Ltd

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited



AMP Class Actions (various)

Tyro Payments

Transurban Queensland (TQ)

QSuper Board



Principaux dossiers

  • Advising The Star Entertainment across four class actions commenced in the wake of statutory investigations, including against allegations that Star made misleading or deceptive statements to the market.
  • Advising various insurers and a bank, including Allianz Australia Insurance, Suncorp and Westpac, in separate class actions concerning motor vehicle add-on insurance.

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Corrs Chambers Westgarth‘s class actions practice has notable strength in data and technology claims, with experience working for high-profile clients, which extends to its expertise in class actions arising from cyber security incidents. Team head Chris Pagent, in Sydney, has experience in such matters, alongside a range of shareholder, product liability and employment claims. Also in Sydney is Brad Woodhouse, who has notable strength in cases involving employee underpayments and natural disasters. Daniel Marquet is a key team member in Melbourne, and Katrina Sleiman and senior associate Thomas Scott in Sydney are also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Chris Pagent

Autres avocats clés:

Brad Woodhouse; Daniel Marquet; Anna Ross; Katrina Sleiman; Thomas Scott

Les références

‘The team is extremely competent and well resourced, covering all skill sets, from pure litigation skills to subject matter expertise.’

‘Chris Pagent is the market leader. His strategic insight is second to none, brought about by the fact that he has acted for respondents in major litigation and is therefore able to see complex matters from both sides.’

Principaux clients

Meta Platforms Inc (Facebook)


Ernst & Young

National Australia Bank (NAB)


Isuzu Ute Australia



Victorian Government

British American Tobacco

Omni Bridgeway

Life Without Barriers


Victorian Government



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Meta (Facebook) in its defence of a class action claim brought on behalf of members of the cryptocurrency industry alleging that Meta and Google engaged in cartel conduct.
  • Representing Google in a landmark piece of litigation commenced by Epic Games, the $30bn gaming leader responsible for the popular Fortnite game.
  • Acting for Ernst & Young (EY) in defending high-profile competing class action proceedings brought against Blue Sky Alternative Investments (Blue Sky), two of its former directors and EY in its role as long-time auditor of Blue Sky.

Johnson Winter Slattery

The class actions team at Johnson Winter Slattery comprises 'highly strategic thinkers'. Under the leadership of Robert Johnston, it leverages years of experience on both the plaintiff and defendant side to support clients in industries from hospitality to insurance. Paul Reidy is noted for his ‘experience and wisdom’ as well as his 'highly commercial and practical approach'. Frances Dreyer specialises in claims related to financial and investment products and is highly recommended alongside Felicity Karageorge. All named lawyers are based in Sydney.

Responsables de la pratique:

Robert Johnston

Autres avocats clés:

Paul Buitendag; Paul Reidy; Frances Dreyer; Andreas Piesiewicz; Felicity Karageorge

Les références

The JWS team consists of some very experienced litigators – highly strategic thinkers. They are developing an excellent reputation acting on plaintiff side class actions.’

‘Paul Reidy, Frances Dreyer, Andreas Piesiewicz and Felicity Karageorge are all first rate. Frances’ attention to detail is off the charts. Paul leads the team so they get the benefit of his experience and wisdom as someone who has been around the block plenty of times.’

‘JWS are unique in the Australian market for their proven track record of success on both sides of Australian class actions. This experience provides JWS with a clear strategic advantage over other law firms who just work for only plaintiffs or defendants on class actions. It also doesn’t hurt that the team at JWS is stacked with the best legal talent in the country.’

Principaux clients

Merivale Group

Harbour Litigation Funding UK

Balance Capital

Omni Bridgeway

Woodsford (Hyundai and Kia)






Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Balance Legal Capital in its application for the first ever Judgment Common Fund Order seeking a commission from an estimated $1bn in damages arising from successful class action proceedings against Toyota.
  • Acting on what is the largest motor vehicle class action in Australia against Hyundai and Kia involving defective engines in over 500,000 cars.
  • Representing Merivale Group in defence of the high-profile alleged underpayment class action proceedings commenced in the Federal Court.

Phi Finney McDonald

Plaintiff-side class action boutique Phi Finney McDonald specialises in complex, large-scale litigation, focusing on shareholder class actions. Firm co-founders Ben Phi, Tim Finney and Odette McDonald jointly lead the team from Melbourne. ‘Legal mastermind’ Phi has particular expertise in cross-border claims, Finney has notable experience in financial services litigation, and McDonald works across the UK and Australia; the trio are ‘well-regarded for their astuteness’. Clients range from pension schemes to private investors, alongside investment platforms and sovereign wealth funds.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ben Phi; Tim Finney; Odette McDonald

Les références

‘They are an outstanding team with extensive experience. The team are incredibly detail-oriented and highly commercial. They certainly know how to win a case. They are my go-to team for high-stakes class actions.’

Ben Phi is a legal mastermind and leading expert in class actions. His track record and exceptional knowledge of class actions make him an outstanding lawyer.’

Industry leaders and ever present on the most significant cases. Pursued new cases on climate change that align with the values of the founders. Innovative thinkers with willingness to challenge and critique the norm.’

Principaux clients

Californian State Teachers Retirement System

Teachers Retirement System of Texas

Massachusetts PRIM

Colorado PERA

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Vince Impiombato and others in a shareholder class action against BHP in Australia.
  • Representing First Nations Leaders Pabai Pabai and Paul Kabai on behalf of all Torres Strait Islanders, in a landmark climate change class action against the Commonwealth of Australia on behalf of all Torres Strait Islanders facing the climate crisis.
  • Representing Edmund How Fen Yong and others (including institutional investor clients) in a shareholder class action against Westpac Banking Corporation.

DLA Piper

Cameron Maclean and Kieran O’Brien lead the class action offering from DLA Piper, based in Perth and Melbourne, respectively. O’Brien is notably acting for the AFL in two concussion class actions brought by former players, and co-chairs the firm’s global class actions and collective redress group. Sydney-based partner Tricia Hobson has particular expertise in the insurance sector, also an area of strength for James Morse in Sydney. Liam Prescott is a key contact in Brisbane. John Middleton AM KC joined the team as a senior advisor in March 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cameron Maclean; Kieran O’Brien

Autres avocats clés:

Tricia Hobson; James Morse

Principaux clients

Australian Football League

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd

AVZ Minerals Limited

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for the Australian Football League in two concussion class actions that have been issued against it in the Supreme Court of Victoria, along with all other concussion litigation issued around Australia.
  • Defending Domino’s Pizza Enterprises in a high-profile industrial relations class action filed in the Federal Court of Australia by Australian franchisee employees.
  • Advising AVZ Minerals in connection with a shareholder class action publicly foreshadowed in December 2022 by ASX-listed litigation funder Omni Bridgeway.

Gilbert + Tobin

The ‘first class team’ at Gilbert + Tobin is led by Richard Harris, a class action specialist with particular expertise in financial services disputes and pre-litigation risk advice. Rebecca Spigelman has notable experience in class actions across Australia as well as in New York and Canada, including claims concerning product liability and antitrust. The team works on both the plaintiff and defendant side, with an emphasis on regulatory compliance matters. Colleen Platford is well versed in insolvency and restructuring-related cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Richard Harris

Autres avocats clés:

Crispian Lynch; Colleen Platford; Matt Mackenzie; Rebecca Spigelman; Philippa Hofbrucker

Les références

‘First class team and strength in depth. Very thorough, considered litigators. Strategic, commercial, hardworking and deliver top rate legal advice, case and strategic analysis.’

‘Matthew Mackenzie and Rebecca Spigelman are extremely smart, strategic and legal thinkers. Hands on team management and across all the detail of their cases so able to effectively advise. Legal advice is always carefully considered and well executed. Ability to manage and direct multiple heavy workstreams, filter key client updates and never drop the ball. First class litigators.’

The team work collaboratively with in-house legal teams, are commercially minded, and conscious of the client’s brand and strategic approach to litigation.’

Principaux clients

Westpac Banking Corporation

Macquarie Bank


QBE Insurance

BT Financial

Downer EDI

Balance Legal Capital

LCM Funding

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Macquarie Bank in relation to a Federal Court class action against it in relation to consumer finance in the auto industry.
  • Advising Westpac in relation to class action proceedings which arose from proceedings commenced by AUSTRAC (Australia’s financial intelligence government agency) against it in the Federal Court.
  • Advising Nuix in relation to consolidated class action proceedings commenced in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Norton Rose Fulbright

Cameron Harvey in Melbourne leads the litigation offering at Norton Rose Fulbright, which works collaboratively with the wider firm internationally. Consumer markets are a particular area of expertise for the class actions team, which has also notable experience in the life sciences industry and growing activity in franchising disputes. Nigel Jones in Melbourne focuses on brand management and reputation protection; Sydney-based partner Ann Donohue specialises in long-running disputes. Also in Sydney, Kate Green is recommended for both domestic and international disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cameron Harvey

Autres avocats clés:

Ann Donohue; Jack Pembroke-Birss; Grant Bonner; Nigel Jones

Principaux clients

7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd




GM Holden


Smith & Nephew

Thorn Australia Pty Limited

Zimmer Biomet

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented 7-Eleven in the defence of the largest franchising matter litigated in Australian courts.
  • Acting for Holden in a class action proceeding in the Supreme Court of Victoria commenced on behalf of 11 Holden dealers.

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

The class action litigation team at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP is co-led by Damian Scattini and Michelle Fox, both in Sydney. The team acts for plaintiffs and defendants, with expertise across a broad range of areas, including shareholder class actions, consumer claims, product liability claims and mass torts. The group has notable international expertise - with Fox qualified in Massachusetts and England and Wales, as well as Australia - and has developed a strong practice handling COVID-related business loss class action claims.

Responsables de la pratique:

Damian Scattini; Michelle Fox

Autres avocats clés:

Nicholas Lennings; Meagan Bertolatti; Ashleigh Whittaker

Principaux clients

5 Boroughs NY Pty Ltd v Victoria (as lead plaintiff, on behalf of Group Members in representative proceedings)

Ardent Leisure Group (shareholder class action) (defence)

Ashita Tomi Pty Ltd & Ors v RCR Tomlinson & Ors (shareholder class action)

Ewok Pty Ltd v Wellard (shareholder class action)

Damian Norris (as lead plaintiff, on behalf of Group Members in representative proceedings)

Robert Laird Kilah (As lead plaintiff on behalf of group members)

Darren Mitchell and Rosaline Mitchell (as lead plaintiffs, on behalf of Group Members in representative proceedings)

Principaux dossiers

Arnold Bloch Leibler

Leon Zwier in Melbourne leads the dispute resolution and litigation team at Arnold Bloch Leibler, which has particular strength regarding elder care matters – an area of particular expertise for Sydney-based partner John Mitchell. Also based in Melbourne is Teresa Ward, who acts for both public and private companies alongside individuals in industries including professional services, telecoms and manufacturing.

Responsables de la pratique:

Leon Zwier

Autres avocats clés:

John Mitchell; Teresa Ward

Principaux clients

Aveo Group

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Heritage Care Pty Ltd


Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for retirement village operator Aveo Group in a class action commenced in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of current and former residents of Aveo’s retirement villages.
  • Acted for an officer of Macquarie Group in a securities class action commenced in the Supreme Court of Victoria relating to the initial public offering of Nuix and subsequent events.
  • Advised Maurice Blackburn Lawyers in relation to a class action against oil exploration company PTTEP Australia over a spill at its Montara oil fields.

Baker McKenzie

The Baker McKenzie class actions team’s ‘deep experience instils considerable confidence’. Led jointly by Peter Lucarelli in Melbourne and Mark Chapple in Sydney, the team is developing notable expertise in the cybersecurity sector, an area in which Sydney-based partner Paul Forbes specialises. Chapple is particularly active in professional negligence issues. Special counsel Jayme-Lyn Hendriks, also in Sydney, is another key practitioner.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mark Chapple; Peter Lucarelli

Autres avocats clés:

Paul Forbes; David McCredie; Amy Middlebrook; Jayme-Lyn Hendriks; Edwina Tidmarsh; Maria O’Brien

Les références

‘The team is able to access a wide number of resources internationally and nationally to deliver a good product.’

‘David McCredie is an exceptionally careful partner who is focused on making sure he delivers the best product. He is ably assisted by Edwina Tidmarsh who is – for good reason – one of the most in demand senior lawyers in the team. Maria O’Brien is able to deliver great and practical solutions to the most difficult of problems.’

‘Deep experience instils considerable confidence.’

Principaux clients

CMC Markets Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Estate of Peter Smedley, Maycock, Roberts and Nankervis

Former Chair and CEO of Virgin Australian Holdings Ltd

Astora Women’s Health LLC

American Medical Systems LLC

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for the lead applicant in the Medibank cybersecurity class actions, seeking substantial damages against Medibank following its widely publicised data breach in October 2022.
  • Acting for CMC Markets Asia Pacific in its defence of a class action brought in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of retail customers.
  • Acting for three former directors and the estate of the late former Chair of Arrium in their defence of a securities class action commenced on behalf of Arrium shareholders against them.

Clyde & Co LLP

With expertise across the insurance, construction and maritime sectors, among others, Clyde & Co LLP’s commercial disputes team acts for both insurers and parties to class action proceedings. The team is co-led by Lucinda Lyons and Michael Tooma, both based in Sydney, and Maurice Thompson in Melbourne. Nicole Wearne, also in Melbourne, is experienced in financial services matters and regulatory investigations, while in Sydney, the highly regarded Janette McLennan specialises in commercial claims.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lucinda Lyons; Michael Tooma; Maurice Thompson

Autres avocats clés:

Janette McLennan; John Moran; Patrick Boardman

Les références

‘Janette MacLennan is absolutely exceptional. Completely across all the detail, industry trends, developments and stats and with a huge dose of grace and humility.’

Principaux clients

Murphy Operator Pty Ltd

Tobari Pty Ltd

SPW Pty Ltd


Beazley Syndicates 2623/623 at Lloyd’s (Beazley)

AIG Australia Limited (AIG)

Catlin Australia Pty Ltd

The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd

Various commercial fishing companies, prawn farming companies and seafood importers

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Beazley Syndicates 2623/623 at Lloyd’s and AIG Australia on the class action following the collapse of RCR Tomlinson.
  • Acting for Catlin Australia and The Hollard Insurance Company in defence of class actions launched on behalf of insureds claiming for COVID-19 related business interruption losses.
  • Acting for Tweed Bait as lead plaintiff and circa 500 other claimants from the commercial fisheries sector including commercial fishers, commercial prawn farming companies and seafood importers.

Colin Biggers & Paisley

The disputes and investigations team at Colin Biggers & Paisley has particular expertise in class actions involving insurers, including those which involve companies in distress and liquidation. Michael Russell leads the team from Melbourne and is experienced in handling shareholder and employment class actions. The team also works from Sydney, where Greg Skehan a key name; Skehan specialises in construction-related cases, also an area of focus for Paul Bannon.

Responsables de la pratique:

Michael Russell

Autres avocats clés:

Paul Bannon; Greg Skehan; Adrian Konstantinidis

Les références

‘Colin Biggers & Paisley are very good at managing complex disputes, often involving difficult insurance positions.’

‘Michael Russell is a savvy operator, who is good at managing clients whilst at the same time focusing on getting a deal over the line.’

Principaux clients

Chandler MacLeod


RCR Tomlinson

Monash IVF

Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance

James Cook University

McDonalds Australia

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Monash IVF in the defence of a consumer class action filed in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
  • Acting for RCR Tomlinson (first defendant) as defence counsel in the defence of three shareholder class actions commenced in the NSW Supreme Court in relation to the $1 billion collapse of RCR

Minter Ellison

The class actions lawyers at Minter Ellison in Sydney ‘are at the top of their game’, acting as part of the wider dispute resolution group led by James Beaton and Beverley Newbold. Newbold specialises in class actions, with experience acting for listed companies. David Taylor is noted for his ‘encyclopaedic knowledge of the law’ and is an expert in shareholder and superannuation class actions with particular strength regarding quantification of loss. Jacky Wong is also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

James Beaton; Beverley Newbold

Autres avocats clés:

David Taylor; Jacky Wong

Les références

‘The class actions team are at the top of their game, on top of the law, very organised and easy to deal with. A very easy group to recommend.’

David Taylor is a market leader with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law and great attention to detail as well as being very client friendly. His working relationship with Jacky Wong makes them a formidable team. Jacky is a personable, astute and hardworking lawyer who never misses a beat and who you always want on your team.’

‘David Taylor is a leading class action lawyer, whippet smart and focused.’

Principaux clients

Stanwell Corporation Limited

Crown Resorts

G8 Education Limited

Mesoblast Limited

Icon Co (NSW) Pty Ltd

Northern Territory Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

OnePath Life Limited (now Zurich Australia Limited)

Hardi Australia

NSW Ministry of Health


Principaux dossiers

Piper Alderman

The dispute resolution and litigation team at Piper Alderman acts in class actions on both the plaintiff and defendant side, with particular strength in cases in the financial services and life sciences industries. Martin del Gallego leads the team from Sydney, a commercial litigator with notable experience in cross-border class actions. Greg Whyte, in Brisbane, is noted for his ‘technical ability’, and Anne Freeman, in Sydney, is an ‘exceptional practitioner‘. Also in Sydney, Kate Sambrook made partner in January 2023, and has notable experience in the financial services sector.

Responsables de la pratique:

Martin del Gallego

Autres avocats clés:

Greg Whyte; Kate Sambrook; Lillian Rizio; Anne Freeman; Millie Byrnes Howe

Les références

‘Piper Alderman has grown into a mature litigation practice in Sydney, now running high-profile and high-value cases across various industries.’

Kate Sambrook is a highly experienced, efficient and driven practitioner. Martin Del Gallego is commercially minded, an excellent communicator and very approachable. Both Martin Del Gallego and Kate Sambrook are strategic and able to change tack quite quickly, which is invaluable in fast-paced litigation.’

‘They are all extremely well organised, efficient, engaged, strategic and reliable. Their work is a very high quality, and they are a pleasure to work with.’

Principaux clients

Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd

Stillwater Pastoral Pty Ltd

R and N Hunter Pty Ltd

Adeva Home Solutions Pty Ltd v Queensland Motorways Management Pty Ltd & Ors

Jowene Pty Ltd (ACN 001 714 585)

Geoffrey Peter Davis & Anor v Quintis Limited & Ors

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Stillwater Pastoral in a legal claim brought against Stanwell Corporation and CS Energy on behalf of electricity consumers in Queensland.
  • Acting for the applicants in a class action against AMP Financial Planning, Charter Financial Planning, Hillross Financial Services, AMP and Resolution Life Australasia (formerly AMP Life Limited).
  • Acting for the Representative Lead in a class action which alleges IG Markets has marketed complex contracts for difference (CFDs) to inexperienced retail investors and facilitated those investors to trade in CFDs without applying adequate checks and balances.