DLA Piper Denmark‘s environment team sits within the wider real estate group and offers deep specialist expertise across the entire spectrum environmental law, chiefly advising on contaminated soil liability, transactions involving contaminated properties, municipality and local planning issues, environment impact assessments, climate change projects, waste regulation and environment liabilities, among others. Department head and ‘very skilled environmental lawyer’ Line Marie Pedersen is an expert in municipal and local planning, environmental impact assessments, climate change projects and contamination liability; while Per Vestergaard Pedersen is a long-time adviser to the Greenland Government in relation to hydropower, minerals and mining, environment and climate matters.
Environment in Denmark
DLA Piper Denmark
Responsables de la pratique:
Line Marie Pedersen
Autres avocats clés:
Per Vestergaard Pedersen
Les références
‘DLA Piper has a unique set of skills and knowledge when it comes to environmental legislation. This reflects all DLA team members, but I would like to underline the assistance from partner, Line Marie Pedersen.’
‘We have had excellent collaboration with Partner Line Marie Pedersen. She can very quickly identify all the icebergs ahead, and can lead us through rough seas. Or advise us to find another route.’
‘Line Marie Pedersen and her team maintain a particularly high legal level in the field of environmental law. Line has in-depth knowledge of special contamination of soil and groundwater both in relation to the legal framework and insurance coverage.’
Principaux clients
The Danish Petroleum Industry Association (Drivkraft)
The Greenland Government, Ministry of Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment
The Greenland Government, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Justice
Crossbridge Energy A/S (former A/S Dansk Shell)
AIG Europe S.A
DCC Energy Center A/S
Topdanmark Forsikring A/S
Chubb Insurance Compagny
The Danish Central Stockholding Entity (FDO)
Copenhagen Airports A/S
Colas Danmark A/S
Avista Oil Danmark A/S
The City of Copenhagen
The municipality of Frederiksberg
Frederiksberg Forsyning A/S
Vestforsyning A/S
Maabjerg Energy Center A/S
The Danish Petroleum Industry Association’s Energy Saving Pool
Lidl Danmark K/S
De Danske Bilimportører (The Danish Car Importers Association)
H. Lundbeck A/S
Vestegnens Kraftvarmeselskab, VEKS
Falck Danmark A/S
Shell International
Cloudberry Energy ASA
Etex Group
Principaux dossiers
- Assisted FDO in connection with the reassessment of existing environmental approvals, including the establishment of new conditions with a view to compliance with Best Available Technic (BAT).
- Acting as adviser to the Government of Greenland on legal matters relating to hydropower, minerals and mining, and other natural resource activities and related environmental matters.
- Advised A/S Dansk Shell on environmental approvals, pollution conditions, nature protection, etc. in connection with the operation of the refinery in Fredericia.
Horten‘s specialist environmental group is praised as ‘adaptable and responsive to the client’s needs’ and provides legal advice on all areas of environmental regulation, including assisting with permits for business activities and construction projects, emission and pollution issues, natural resources work, climate change constructions, environment protection matters and planning instruments. Henriette Soja heads up the department and is sought after by clients for her specialist knowledge regarding environmental, planning and construction law, coast and climate change law and supply regulations and circular economies. Of counsel and highly experienced litigator Poul Hvilsted is renowned for his expertise in environmental and planning law, and Anne Sophie Kierkegaard Vilsbøll is another key point of contact for public infrastructure projects, including the Copenhagen Metro.
Responsables de la pratique:
Henriette Soja
Autres avocats clés:
Poul Hvilsted; Anne Sophie Kierkegaard Vilsbøll; Tue Bing Trier; Rikke Søgaard Berth
Les références
‘Anne Sophie Kierkegaard Vilsbøll is very knowledgeable within her field of expertise and knows her way around, also in relation to dealing with the public authorities.’
‘Horten has a continuous focus on optimising their advice to their clients. They are adaptable and responsive to the client’s needs.’
‘Henriette Soja is among the strongest in her field. Her legal expertise is top notch and she manages to advise on a complex world with multiple interests on the client side.’
Principaux clients
Aalborg Portland A/S
A Espersen A/S
AffaldVarme Aarhus
Argo Forsyning
Carlsberg Byen
Dania I/S
DIN Forsyning
Dreyers Fond
Gate 21
Norlys a.m.b.a.
Lemvig Vand & Spildevand
MT Højgaard A/S
NCC Industry
Novafos A/S
Roskilde Sten & Grus Aps
Solum Roskilde ApS
The Danish Construction Association
The Danish Green Investment Fund
The Danish Road Directorate
The Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company (CTR)
The Municipality of Allerød
The Municipality of Aarhus
The Municipality of Billund
The Municipality of Brøndby
The Municipality of Copenhagen
The Municipality of Elsinore
The Municipality of Frederikshavn
The Municipality of Gladsaxe
The Municipality of Guldborgsund
The Municipality of Horsens
The Municipality of Kolding
The Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk
The Municipality of Naestved
The Municipality of Odense
The Municipality of Randers
The Municipality of Syddjurs
The Municipality of Sønderborg
The Municipality of Frederikssund
The Municipality of Gribskov
The Municipality of Dragør
The Municipality of Vordingborg
The North Denmark Region
Principaux dossiers
- Providing continuing legal assistance to The City of Copenhagen in relation to the urban development project on Amager Fælled.
- Represented N1 A/S in a legal action brought by the insurance company TRYG concerning claim for severe damages on submarine cables coursed by a vessel.
- Providing legal assistance to The City of Copenhagen in relation to the establishment of Lynetteholm, an artificial island planned to be established in the Port of Copenhagen to provide climate change protection, a place for surplus soil and urban development.
Poul Schmith
Poul Schmith‘s specialist environmental team handles the full range both contentious and non-contentious matters arising out of the space. The team acts as the main adviser to a range of governmental and public bodies, often appearing before the Danish High Court. Kim Christian Højmark, Britta Moll Bown and Jakob Kamby jointly spearhead the practice; Moll Bown is a go-to name for contentious work in the space, whilst Højmark has a strong track record when it comes to advising public and private sector clients in complex, high-profile matters. At associate level, Louise Solvang Rasmussen leverages her knowledge of environmental law to undertake high-profile complex infrastructure and construction project-related matters, while Josephine Fie Legarth advises on environmental regulation applicable to construction and infrastructure projects.
Responsables de la pratique:
Kim Christian Højmark; Britta Moll Bown; Jakob Kamby
Autres avocats clés:
Louise Solvang Rasmussen; Josephine Fie Legarth
Les références
‘Louise Solvang Rasmussen, Britta Moll Bown and Josephine Fie Legarth – as for all of the mentioned, they are highly experienced and specialised, and they all walk an extra mile in order to help out their clients to the highest possible extent. They are also pragmatic, and aware of the circumstances that pose special challenges when a client is of a public nature. They are very experienced when it comes to cases before the courts of law at all levels.’
‘Poul Schmith distinguishes itself through its unique strengths and capabilities. Potential clients would be interested in knowing about the team’s exceptional expertise, unwavering commitment to client help/solutions and the ability to do it quickly.’
‘Poul Schmith has a highly skilled environment practice. The team has in-depth knowledge of environment law in general but certainly also when it relates to major infrastructure projects.’
Principaux clients
The Danish Environmental and Food Board of Appeal
The Danish Planning Board of Appeal
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Region Hovedstaden (Capital Region)
The Danish Business Authority
Rail Net Denmark (Banedanmark)
The Danish Energy Board of Appeal
The Danish Road Directorate
The Danish Ministry of Environment
By og Havn (CPH City and Port Development)
Femern A/S
Hovedstadens Letbane (Greater Copenhagen Light Rail)
The Danish Ministry of Transportation
The Danish Energy Agency
The Danish Coastal Authority
The Danish National Agency for Housing and Physical Planning (Bolig- og Planstyrelsen)
Frederiksberg Municipality
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Aarhus Municipality
Gentofte Municipality
Danish Ministry of Defence Estate Agency
Principaux dossiers
- Assisted the Danish Energy Agency with planning the Danish energy islands.
- Provided advice and regulatory assistance in connection with the establishment of the legal basis for the fixed link across the Fehmarn Belt and the related land installations in Denmark and providing advice on environmental and regulatory matters throughout the construction stage of the project.
- Assisted the Danish Ministry of Transport with adopting the legal basis for the creation of Lynetteholm, a new peninsula in the Port of Copenhagen between Refshaleøen and Nordhavn.
The large-scale team at Bech-Bruun represents both government entities and leading corporate clients on the full-suite of matters, with noted expertise in major infrastructure projects and high-profile environmental disputes at all levels of the Danish court system. Public and environmental law expert Jacob Schall Holberg leads the team and frequently acts for states, regions, municipalities and private companies. Hanne Mølbeck is the go-to name in the department for infrastructure projects, regularly representing public construction authorities and infrastructure owners.
Les références
‘The strength of the team is the solid overall hands-on experience with other similar environmental cases in Denmark.’
‘The collaboration between Jacob Schall-Holberg and Dorte Kirkeskov Carlsson serves the client well. They make a great duo.’
Principaux clients
Femern A/S
Metroselskabet I/S
Odense Letbane P/S
Hovedstadens Letbane (The Greater Copenhagen Light Rail)
By & Havn
The Municipality of Lejre
M. Goldschmidt Holding A/S
Ny Valby Byggemodning P/S
Ny Valby Udvikling A/S
Municipality of Aarhus
MT Højgaard Projektudvikling A/S
Principaux dossiers
- Advising state-owned company Femern A/S on the environmental and public law issues relating to the €7bn project that will ultimately lead to the construction of the longest immersed tunnel in the world.
- Assisting Energinet (the Danish national electricity and natural gas transmission system operator) with all environmental matters in connection with the Baltic Pipe Project, which aims to improve the transmission of natural gas from Norway to Poland, Denmark, Sweden, the Baltic countries, and central and eastern regions of Europe.
- Acting for Metroselskabet on all legal issues arising from the Cityringen project and the associated metro line expansion projects.
Gorrissen Federspiel
Gorrissen Federspiel's cross-practice environment group handles complex matters concerning real estate transactions, environmental issues pertaining to public law, and mining and energy mandates. The ‘diverse and extremely competent team’ is headed up by Aarhus-based Lotte Eskesen and Copenhagen’s Hans-Peter Jørgensen. Eskesen is a key contact for environmental litigation as well as advice on regulatory issues, soil contamination, nature protection and waste management; while Jørgensen lends his expertise to environmental issues arising out of real estate transactions and construction projects. Uffe Bøgelund Jensen retired in December 2022.
Responsables de la pratique:
Lotte Eskesen; Hans-Peter Jørgensen
Autres avocats clés:
Christian Sauer
Les références
‘Very pleased. A diverse and extremely competent team. Pleasant and flexible with clear focus on value creation. Very happy with our partnership.’
‘Dedication, competence, business understanding and high degree of flexibility.’
‘Christian Sauer is an outstanding expert within renewables with excellent expertise.’
Principaux clients
Shell Petroleum Company Ltd (Shell)
Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Obton A/S
Jyske Bank A/S
Aquila European Renewables
SDK Freja A/S
Uno-X Danmark A/S
Anaergia Inc
Omnicon A/S
Køge Kyst P/S
Green2x ApS
Principaux dossiers
- Advising Encavis AG on the acquisition and subsequent project development of a 500MW PV pipeline of solar projects in Denmark.
- Assisting Køge Kyst P/S with the development of a whole new city quarter around the Køge harbour.
- Representing Uno-X Danmark A/S in a number of matters involving environmental issues. The matters mainly concern rented or owned areas where pollution is discovered when the client is vacating the premises.
Haugaard | Braad
Haugaard | Braad is known in the marketplace for its strong capability across all aspects of Danish and EU environmental legislation, providing expert advice to both municipalities and large corporate clients. Flemming Elbaek heads up the practice group, with his work focusing on representing domestic manufacturing and utility companies on the full suite of environmental law issues.
Responsables de la pratique:
Flemming Elbaek
Autres avocats clés:
Helle Ina Elmer
Principaux clients
Port of Aalborg
Municipality of Rebild
Municipality of Horsens
Municipality of Brønderslev
Danfoss A/S
Aarhus Vand A/S (Utilities of Aarhus)
Nomi4s i/s
Danish Agriculture and Food Council
Aalborg Portland A/S
HOFOR A/S (Utilities of Copenhagen)
Udviklingsselskabet By & Havn I/S
Topsøe A/S
European Energy A/S
KLAR Forsyning A/S
DIN Forsyning A/S
Fors A/S
Metroselskabet I/S
Sund & Bælt Holding A/S
The Danish Road Directorate
Gas Storrage Denmark
Energinet A/S
Municipality of Vesthimmerland
Municipality of Vejen
Principaux dossiers
- Providing legal advice to Danfoss A/S regarding the clean-up of a highly contaminated site, Himmark Strand, in terms of soil.
- Providing legal advice to Metroselskabet I/S (The Copenhagen Metro) regarding the EIA of the new metro line M5 in Copenhagen.
- Assisting HOFOR A/S with the EIA and permits regarding Regnemark Vandværk which will be the largest water plant in Denmark.
Kromann Reumert
The team at Kromann Reumert is praised as possessing a ‘high level of knowledge in respect to environmental law at national and EU levels’. The group undertakes the full range of environmental matters, with particular emphasis on representing both commercial and industrial entities, as well as public authorities, in regards to environmental and planning law litigation. Practice head Kim Trenskow has extensive expertise advising public and private sector clients in cases involving environmental and planning law issues.
Responsables de la pratique:
Kim Trenskow
Autres avocats clés:
Mads U. Østergaard; Mikkel Vindfeldt
Les références
‘The lawyers working in Kromann Reumert have a high level of knowledge in respect to environmental law at national and EU levels. They have a high level of competence with focus on delivering high-quality counselling.’
‘Kim Trenskow who leads the team of environmental lawyers is a very competent person with broad insight into environmental law.’
‘We have worked together with Kim Trenskow for more than 10 years – and we are very pleased with the job they are doing at Kromann Reumert.’
Principaux clients
Danish Crown
Musholm A/S
Aquapri A/S
Snaptun Fisk Export A/S
The Central Denmark Region
Skamol A/S
NGF Nature Energy Biogas A/S
Aalborg Municipality
Oiltanking Copenhagen A/S
Novozymes A/S
Q8 Denmark
DSK – De Samvirkende Købmænd
Danish Aquaculture
The Regional Council of Southern Denmark
Gentofte Municipality
Odense Municipality
Wind Estate A/S
Frederiksberg Municipality
Morsø Municipality
Billund Municipality
Skanderborg Municipality
Odder Municipality
Affald Varme Aarhus
Sønderborg Forsyning
DANVA Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening
Fritz Schur Group
DLF Beet Seed ApS
Danmarks Grønne Investeringsfond
European Energy A/S
Jammerbugt Municipality
Coop Danmark A/S
Beveridge & Diamond PC
Principaux dossiers
- Representing HOFOR in the first principle cases regarding BNBO, i.e. the legality of administrative orders issued to landowners restricting the use of areas surrounding drinking water drillings before the Supreme Court.
- Representing Dansk Akvakultur and AquaPri A/S before the Eastern High Court in a landmark case regarding the interpretation of the Habitat Directive in connection with the environmental approval of sea farming activities.
- Representing Novozymes in an ongoing matter regarding compliance with the Habitats and EIA Directives in relation to water catchment from Lake Tissø for industrial purposes.
Lundgrens‘ ‘very competent team’ advises both international and domestic clients on the entire gamut of environmental work, including environmental regulation litigation, compulsory acquisitions, and regulation of contamination with PFA. The group further advises on issues arising out of project development matters, such as nature protection issues. Team leader Håkun Djurhuus specialises in environmental, public and construction law, and dispute resolution. Associate Betina Wichmann is frequently engaged on zoning planning work, environmental assessments of plans and projects, wastewater supply issues and compulsory acquisitions.
Responsables de la pratique:
Håkun Djurhuus
Autres avocats clés:
Betina Wichmann
Les références
‘The team is small but well founded. They have very good knowledge both in environmental law, in litigation practices and are skilled at manoeuvring.’
‘Håkun Djurhuus has a very strong profile, is good to work with and challenging to be up against.’
‘Håkun Djurhuus is clearly one of the best environmental lawyers in Denmark.’
Principaux clients
Municipality of Ballerup
Danish Agriculture & Food Council
SCT Holding ApS
Utility Company Sønderborg
Utility Company Kalundborg
DSV Environment Group A/S
Fælledby P/S
Municipality of Slagelse
Motor Sport Center Fyn ApS and Fyens Motor Sport Odense
The landowners of the Cliffs of Stevns’ hiking path association
Principaux dossiers
- Representing Fælledby P/S in several disputes about the urban development project “Fælledby”. The project has given rise to cases before the District Court of Copenhagen and the Eastern High Court.
- Acting for DSV Environment Group A/S in a Supreme Court dispute regarding a Danish municipality’s rejection of permission for extraction of natural raw materials below ground water level.
- Assisting the Municipality of Ballerup with the Environment Impact Assessment and the ground water protection strategy regarding a major urban development project in a nature protection area.
SIRIUS advokater
SIRIUS advokater‘s environmental practice group has extensive experience in providing advice on the intersection of environmental law with general public law issues including planning, nature protection, climate change and expropriation mandates, public utilities work and litigation arising out of the space. The team also has considerable expertise in advising the public utility sector and government entities. Søren Stenderup Jensen and Kurt Helles Bardeleben jointly lead the department; Jensen has extensive experience appearing before the Danish Supreme Court and the Environmental and Food Board of Appeal regarding soil contamination, EIA and expropriation under article 73 of the Danish Constitution, while Bardeleben handles public sector activities, particularly relating to transactions between the public and private sectors, and acts in lawsuits and arbitration proceedings involving public sector entities.
Responsables de la pratique:
Søren Stenderup Jensen; Kurt Helles Bardeleben
Les références
‘They are easy to get a hold of. They process requests very quickly and with great precision.’
‘They have a deep understanding of our workplace, the tasks we do, and their counsel is based upon that knowledge. Especially our two main partners, Kurt Bardeleben and Søren Stenderup Jensen.’
‘Strong insights into the Danish laws, and an ability to navigate political processes.’
Principaux clients
NCC Industry A/S
Trelleborg AB
Telenor A/S
Nordic Waterproofing A/S
Municipality of Køge
Arwos Forsyning A/S
Din Forsyning A/S
SK Forsyning A/S
NK-Forsyning A/S
KLAR Forsyning A/S
Clearidium A/S
UTF Holding ApS
Taasinge Elementer A/S
FSK Foreningen Skaansomt Kystfiskeri
Municiplality of Stevns
Field’s A/S
Indsamling på Tværs I/S
Codex Advokater
Codex Advokater provides specialised environmental advice to public entities, including litigation, planning, utility, expropriation and pipeline matters. Head of the department Sarah Jano is a specialist in pipelines and is frequently directly involved in litigation and environmental assessment cases arising from such projects. Jacob Brandt is vastly experienced in environmental and planning law, while Jens Flensborg focuses on representing Danish municipalities, and Mads Kobberø acts for public authorities in environmental litigation before the Supreme Court. Elsewhere, Mark Christian Walters primarily advises public authorities and private actors in relation to major infrastructure projects, construction issues, project developments and land use.
Responsables de la pratique:
Sarah Jano
Autres avocats clés:
Mads Kobberø; Jens Flensborg; Jacob Brandt; Mark Christian Walters
Principaux dossiers
- Advised Sund & Bælt Holding A/S on the application of the EU Habitats Directive, the EU Water Framework Directive, expropriation and pipelines on the expansion of the Copenhagen Airport train station.
- Advising the municipalities of Hvidovre, Dragør, Tårnby and Copenhagen on the storm surge protection of the Greater Copenhagen area, including the application of e.g. the coastal protection act, the EU Habitats Directive and the EU Water Framework Directive.
Plesner provides full-service legal advice on large project development work, including environmental, planning and construction law. The team places particular emphasis on environmental work in the utilities and energy sector, and notably advises on the development of renewable energy projects. Niklas Korsgaard Christensen and associate Marcus Elskær Mollerup head up the team.
Responsables de la pratique:
Niklas Korsgaard Christensen; Marcus Elskær Mollerup
Les références
‘Marcus Elskær Mollerup provided great support on a multi jurisdictional review of waste regulation.’
‘The team possess a willingness to listen and are very service minded. They are very easy to work with.’
Principaux clients
Gaz-System S.A.
RWE Renewables
Udviklingsselskabet Kildedal P/S
Stena Recycling A/S
Innargi A/S
Municipality of Rudersdal
Fortum Waste Solutions A/S
Icopal Danmark/BMI Group
Lokaltog A/S
Sund & Bælt Holding/A/S Øresund
Freja Ejendomme
NCC Industry A/S
Principaux dossiers
- Advising the Polish gas transmission system operator Gaz-System S.A. on the Baltic Pipeline Project regarding establishment of an international gas transmission pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
- Assisting Udviklingsselskabet Kildedal ApS on multiple aspects of a project regarding the urban development of a new urban area near Kildedal Station in the vicinity of Copenhagen.
- Assissting Thor Wind Farm I/S, an affiliate to RWE Renewables Sweden AB, as the concessionaire in the future largest offshore wind park in Denmark, Thor, with a capacity of 1 GW.