Next Generation Partners

Leading Associates

Firms To Watch: State aid

Instructed by a client base that ranges from municipal to European level, BBG und Partner particularly often advises on state aid in the transport sector. Here, the group especially focuses on assisting with public transport funding.

State aid in Germany

Gleiss Lutz

Gleiss Lutz continues to offer market-leading advice on funding and state aid law, which companies in the TMT sector and various public sector clients rely on in particular. The team is known for providing comprehensive assistance with IPCEI semiconductor projects and advises various projects on funding according to the objectives of the European Chips Act; projects in the energy and aviation sectors represent additional mainstays. Practice head and European state aid expert Ulrich Soltész primarily handles these matters and in addition to his experience in project support, also possesses in-depth litigation skills and regularly represents clients in audit proceedings and competitor lawsuits. The team has additional dispute resolution capacities in counsel Harald Weiß, who deals with state aid issues that touch on European antitrust law. State aid compliance specialist Burghard Hildebrandt advises the public sector on Covid-19 aid and investment funding structuring, among other matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ulrich Soltész

Autres avocats clés:

Burghard Hildebrandt; Jacob von Andreae; Christian von Köckritz; Harald Weiß; Eva Koch

Les références

‘Very competent, very client-oriented team with in-depth knowledge of all relevant competition law issues. Good sense of future trends. Understands our needs perfectly. The advice is given in very clear and understandable words. Very professional attitude, very friendly atmosphere.’

‘Ulrich Soltész and Harald Weiß: Outstanding competition and state aid lawyers. Very experienced and client-oriented. Excellent service combined with a perfect understanding of commercial and technical needs of our industries. Very talented and creative in finding the right solutions for our needs. Always finds pragmatic solutions.’

‘The law firm has extensive knowledge in the area of ​​state aid law.’

Principaux clients

Bundesrepublik Deutschland-Finanzagentur GmbH

Deutsche Telekom AG

Freistaat Bayern

Globalfoundries Management Services LLC & Co. KG

Infineon Technologies AG

Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes NRW



Total / SAFT

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Deutsche Telekom AG on funding and state aid law in the context of the sale of a majority stake of 51% in GD Towers radio tower business to a bidding consortium consisting of Canadian investment company Brookfield and US infrastructure investor DigitalBridge.

  • Advising Infineon Technologies AG on the construction of a new factory for analogue/mixed-signal technologies and power semiconductors in Dresden; the project should be funded in line with the objectives of the European Chips Act.

  • Advising STEAG on state aid and funding law during group-wide transformation and the subsequent sales process; Separation of the group into a black coal business area and a green growth business area; one of the most significant transactions in the German energy sector at the moment.

Hengeler Mueller

Hengeler Mueller impresses with its in-depth expertise across all areas of funding and state aid law, both on project level as well as in contentious proceedings before European courts. The team is particularly well versed in advising on the design and promotion of innovative technology projects: Jan Bonhage assists with several IPCEI projects related to battery technology and microelectronics, advises on the eligibility of innovative hydrogen projects as well as on large government stabilisation and rescue measures, and is also regularly instructed by private companies to assist with issues relating to the Covid-19 funding program. Hans-Jörg Niemeyer is another popular contact, especially for Europe-wide state aid issues, who has strong expertise in insolvency and recapitalisation issues and also acts for companies in the aviation industry in EU Commission proceedings.

Autres avocats clés:

Jan Bonhage; Hans-Jörg Niemeyer

Redeker Sellner Dahs

Redeker Sellner Dahs' broad team covers the whole spectrum of state aid matters for a client base consisting of energy suppliers, financial services sector players as well as state and federal ministries. The practice particularly impresses with its focus on sustainability issues and the European Green Deal, which enables it to comprehensively assist with large infrastructure projects: the team is developing an increasing number of funding concepts for renewable energy projects, including a project for the production of green hydrogen. Clients from the energy industry also benefit from Clemens Holtmann's expertise in Foreign Subsidies Regulation. The team's sustainability competencies further show in contentious proceedings: Simone Lünenbürger regularly represents clients in notification procedures and also acts for the public sector in proceedings under European law, while practice head Andreas Rosenfeld is also active in litigation and further assists publicly financed infrastructure projects with antitrust issues. Furthermore, Ulrich Karpenstein contributes constitutional law expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Andreas Rosenfeld

Autres avocats clés:

Ulrich Karpenstein; Kathrin Dingemann; Simone Lünenbürger; Clemens Holtmann

Chatham Partners LLP

Combined with adjacent capacities in public procurement and antitrust law, Chatham Partners LLP offers clients from the infrastructure, real estate and energy sectors comprehensive advice on state aid law and also represents them in EU notification and review proceedings. The practice assists with various investment subsidies related to residential and commercial construction projects, particularly in northern Germany, and is also regularly instructed by airport and seaport operators to advise on state aid issues. Projects to promote renewable energy represent another mainstay: practice head Marco Núñez Müller assists with the funding of several IPCEI projects in this area and also advises on German funding eligibility for energy projects abroad. Energy suppliers further rely on Christos Paraschiakos, who made partner in July 2022 and stands out for his litigation expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marco Núñez Müller

Autres avocats clés:

Christos Paraschiakos

Principaux clients

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

LHG Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH

Hansestadt Lübeck

Athos Solar GmbH



Gauselmann AG

Zebra Handelshaus GmbH

Trianel GmbH

Deutsche ErdWärme GmbH

Jungheinrich AG

Zweckverband linkes Weserufer

Kreis Pinneberg

AquaVentus Projektfamilie

Hochtief AG


Landkreis Waldshut


FPS Anklam GmbH

Aqua Primus

Principaux dossiers

  • Comprehensive state aid advice to HafenCity Hamburg GmbH in connection with the sale of large building areas and the granting of cultural investment aid for the construction of a digital art museum.

  • Comprehensive advice on state aid and procurement law to Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH, including on state infrastructure and superstructure financing, sale of terminals, changes to the port operating concession and aid to competing ports.

  • Comprehensive advice to Siemens Energy on state aid in the area of ​​renewable energies (especially hydrogen), including IPCEI projects.


CMS primarily advises on state aid issues at federal level: in addition to private energy suppliers, the practice group predominantly assists the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection with funding initiatives to secure energy supplies and climate protection. The team recently represented BMWK in two notification proceedings before the EU Commission in connection with high-profile recapitalisation aid and also advises on the structuring and registration of sustainable funding concepts. Practice head Michael Bauer‘s expertise extends to state aid and antitrust law, which he applies both in advising the federal government as well as in representing private companies in state aid review proceedings and competitor lawsuits. In addition to these focus areas, the team further regularly advises on restructuring aid.

Responsables de la pratique:

Michael Bauer

Autres avocats clés:

Luisa Thomasberger

Les références

‘Michael Bauer: Has very good and in-depth knowledge of EU state aid law, is very easy to reach and committed. We would instruct him again for advice on EU state aid law.’

Principaux clients

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Principaux dossiers

  • Comprehensive advice to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection on the recapitalisation of the largest German gas importer Uniper SE to secure gas and energy supplies in Germany.

  • Comprehensive advice to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and the Federal Network Agency on the recapitalisation of Germany’s second largest gas importer SEFE (Securing Energie for Europe GmbH – formerly Gazprom Germany) to secure gas and energy supplies in Germany.

  • Comprehensive advice to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection on the legal drafting and development of the funding guideline for climate protection contracts (Carbons contracts for difference).

Kapellmann und Partner

Kapellmann und Partner counts various airports, energy suppliers, sports clubs and industrial companies among its client base and primarily advises them on funding eligibility as well as state aid and grants issues related to the structuring of their infrastructure projects. The public sector also makes use of the practice's state aid expertise: practice head Robin van der Hout primarily advises on financing arrangements that comply with state aid law, but also represents clients in complaint proceedings before the EU commission. Antitrust expert Christian Wagner is adept in litigation and assists clients with notification proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Robin van der Hout

Autres avocats clés:

Christian Wagner

Baker McKenzie

Research and development projects represent a focus for Baker McKenzie's state aid team: it not only assists with the funding of broadband projects and sustainable energy projects, but also advises on notification and funding proceedings pertaining to a semiconductor plant IPCEI, in close cooperation with its corporate and employment practices. Practice head Marc Gabriel is experienced in both state aid and public procurement law and is considered the key contact for innovative funding projects. The team has additional expertise in dispute resolution: Andrés Martin-Ehlers, who joined the practice as counsel in February 2023, applies his antitrust and state aid expertise in various competitor lawsuits in the aviation industry, among other matters. Counsel Janet Butler further advises on matters touching on both state aid and environmental law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marc Gabriel

Autres avocats clés:

Andrés Martin-Ehlers; Janet Butler

BLOMSTEIN Rechtsanwälte

BLOMSTEIN Rechtsanwälte offers clients advice on state aid matters related to antitrust, public procurement and foreign trade law and focuses on complex state aid proceedings in the aviation and energy sectors. The team is particularly often instructed to assist with stabilisation financing to counteract economic consequences of the Ukraine and Covid-19 crises: as a member of various monitoring trustee teams of the EU Commission, practice head Max Klasse oversees commitments related to large recapitalisation and restructuring aid; he also represents clients in several state aid proceedings and further advises on grant issues and foreign subsidies regulation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Max Klasse

Autres avocats clés:

Ramona Ader

Les références

‘Top lawyers, very pragmatic and efficient.’

‘Max Klasse: A top-class state aid lawyer. A figure of light.’

‘Blomstein has excellent industry expertise in state aid issues that play a role in agriculture and, based on this, the sugar industry.’

Principaux clients

Air France



TAP Portugal


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Air France as part of the Monitoring Trustee team to monitor structural and behavioral commitments arising from the aid decision on France’s recapitalisation measures to support Air France in the context of the Covid-19 crisis.

  • Advising TAP Air Portugal as part of the Monitoring Trustee Team to monitor structural commitments from the aid decision on the restructuring aid from Portugal in favour of TAP Air Portugal.

  • Advising SEFE as part of the Monitoring Trustee Team to monitor structural commitments from the aid decision to recapitalise SEFE (formerly Gazprom Germania) with €6 billion due to the war against Ukraine.


Dentons is primarily known for its expertise in state aid litigation: the team regularly acts for both plaintiffs and defendants in disputes concerning the legality of EU aid payments and primarily represents players from the transport and infrastructure sectors in review proceedings and competitor lawsuits. Matthias Nordmann's contentious skills span state aid and antitrust law, while practice head Ilka Mehdorn is considered an environmental law expert. Andreas Haak joined Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB in October 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ilka Mehdorn

Autres avocats clés:

Matthias Nordmann

Principaux clients

BARMER Ersatzkrankenkasse

Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat

Duisburger Hafen AG

EFN eifel-net Internet-Provider GmbH

Landesbetrieb Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen

NeXovation Inc.

Universität des Saarlandes


Wacker Chemie

enercity AG

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising duisport on EU state aid law in connection with the sale of shares in Duisburg Gateway Terminal GmbH.

  • Advising Spanish airline Volotea on a long-standing EU state aid procedure, in which the ECJ decided that the accusation of illegally received aid to Volotea for flights to Sardinia is untenable and that the European Commission must also continue to adhere to the traditional market investor test to determine whether a company is receiving state benefits.

  • Representation of EFN Eifel-Net in a constitutional complaint procedure before the Federal Constitutional Court due to excessive determination of costs in a competitor lawsuit under state aid law.

GvW Graf von Westphalen

GvW Graf von Westphalen's state aid practice is led by state aid and foreign trade lawyer Gerd Schwendinger and primarily applies its wide range of expertise in funding projects in the research and development sector as well as in the aviation industry. The team advises, among other matters, on funding guidelines and contract design and also represents public sector clients in complaint proceedings before the EU Commission and the European Court of Justice. The practice also regularly assists real estate industry clients with state aid aspects of property transactions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gerd Schwendinger

Les références

‘The firm has been known for many years as a very active and visible entity in EU law. The law firm acts very competently and successfully in EU state aid law.’

‘Gerd Schwendinger: Not only a very approachable and likeable contact, but also extremely professional.’

‘Gerd Schwendinger: Gave us excellent and targeted advice.’

Principaux clients

Acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften

DRM Datenraum Mobilität GmbH

Flughafen Bremen GmbH

Flughafen Paderborn/Lippstadt GmbH

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft

HEAG mobilo GmbH

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH

Hotel Schloss Stolberg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH



Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen

Mahr EDV GmbH

Makea Industries GmbH

Marktgemeinde Großostheim

Max Eberhard & Sohn GmbH

Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH

Nordzucker AG



Regionalverband Großraum Braunschweig

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen


Sprinkenhof GmbH

Thüringer Landesamt für Bau und Verkehr


ZAL Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung GmbH

Zweckverband für den Nahverkehrsraum Leipzig

Hogan Lovells International LLP

In close cooperation with its antitrust and public procurement practices, Hogan Lovells International LLP's state aid team advises clients from the transport, industrial and financial services sectors on a wide range of financing and funding issues as well as on state aid aspects of state stabilisation measures. While compliance expert Thomas Dünchheim assists with state aid issues pertaining to various M&A transactions and privatisation initiatives and further advises clients on state aid review proceedings, competition lawyer and practice head Marc Schweda focuses on funding projects in the transport sector and further increasingly assists with state aid effects of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marc Schweda

Autres avocats clés:

Thomas Dünchheim

Les références

‘Marc Schweda: Very good specialist knowledge, on time, efficient and client-oriented.’

‘Thomas Dünchheim: Very well connected, extremely solution and client-oriented. He has a very good understanding of different interests of project parties.’

‘Thomas Dünchheim: Is characterised by his connection to administration authorities and the fact that he is an initiative-taker.’

Principaux clients

Autobahn Tank & Rast GmbH


Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW GmbH

Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Finanzagentur GmbH

Center Parcs Leisure Deutschland GmbH

EAM Beteiligungen GmbH

Eppendorf SE

ETERNA Mode Holding GmbH

Flix SE

NRW Bank


Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH

Stadtwerke Menden GmbH

Verein für Bauforschung und Berufsbildung des Bayerischen Bauindustrieverbandes e.V.

Principaux dossiers

  • Comprehensive advice to Autobahn Tank & Rast on EU state aid law, procurement law and other regulatory aspects in connection with the development of fast-charging infrastructure at managed rest areas on German motorways in accordance with the new fast-charging law, including representation towards the federal Autobahn GmbH.

  • Advising EAM Beteiligungen GmbH on state aid, grants and municipal law in connection with the privatisation of BNG and NCK.

  • Advising NRW.BANK and NORD/LB on the sale of their shares to Bremer Spielcasino GmbH & Co. KG.

Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH‘s team provides comprehensive state aid advice in relation to the energy transition and thus assists with various infrastructure and industrial projects; in close cooperation with its environmental and energy practices, the team advises on the funding and eligibility of hydrogen projects and power plant decarbonisation. Public sector clients further instruct privatisation proceedings expert Ulf-Dieter Pape to assist with state aid compliance issues. The group is led by EU state aid lawyer Helmut Janssen, who, in addition to his experience in energy projects, also acts in legal proceedings before the EU commission.

Responsables de la pratique:

Helmut Janssen

Autres avocats clés:

Ulf-Dieter Pape; Stefan Mager

Les références

‘Helmut Janssen: Pragmatic and solution-oriented.’

Stefan Mager: Very high level of competence and also very high recognition from the public sector.’

Principaux clients

Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke

Bochumer Veranstaltungs-GmbH

INEOS Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH

Industrie- und Handelskammer für München und Oberbayern

Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen-NBank

Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen

Landkreis Mittelsachsen

Landkreis Nordsachsen

Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG

Stadt Köln

Wepa Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG und Wepa Papierfabrik Sachsen GmbH

Zoo Hannover GmbH

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG on structuring and eligibility for funding according to national and European funding guidelines in relation to transformation projects towards climate neutrality.

  • Comprehensive advice on funding and procurement law to Dillinger Hüttenwerke in relation to its transformation to decarbonise the steel industry.

  • Comprehensive advice on state aid and procurement law for investment and development bank Niedersachsen-NBank related to the set-up of a growth fund.


Noerr houses expertise in state aid law as well as overlapping antitrust issues and represents private companies and public sector clients in various litigation, notification and audit proceedings. EU state aid expert Sarah Blazek jointly leads the practice with antitrust lawyer Fabian Badtke and is particularly experienced in defending public stabilisation and restructuring initiatives pertaining to the Corona and energy crises. Blazek further assists public sector clients with state aid compliant structuring of such measures and advises companies across sectors on eligibility issues and foreign subsidies regulation. State aid advice on real estate transactions represents another practice mainstay.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fabian Badtke; Sarah Blazek

Autres avocats clés:

Jens Peter Schmidt

Les références

‘The team is technically excellent, responds very quickly to inquiries and is always well informed about proceeding status and next steps. New information is summarised and transmitted immediately, clearly and precisely. Lawyers are available at any time, I feel like a first class client.’

‘Sarah Blazek: Gives clear and pragmatic advice, she knows everyone involved in the federal government and the EU Commission and we always feel super supported.’

Principaux clients

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Finanzagentur GmbH

Condor Flugdienst GmbH

Deutsche Fußball Ligaa

Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Condor in several disputes with Ryanair before the General Court of the European Union (ECG) in Luxembourg.

  • Advising the BMWK on state aid in connection with the ongoing coal phase-out in Germany and on state aid in connection with the energy price caps in the form of a German aid scheme worth €50 billion to support companies in connection with the war in Ukraine.

  • Advising the federal government (via the finance agency) on the merger control and state aid review of a stabilisation package for TUI AG using funds from the federal economic stabilisation fund.

Taylor Wessing

Taylor Wessing's team focuses its state aid advice on clients from the healthcare and infrastructure sectors as well as from the public finance sphere. Procurement and EU state aid expert Michael Brüggemann assists companies and project sponsors with the funding of future-oriented construction and infrastructure projects as well as digitalisation projects in connection with the Hospital Future Act. Under the leadership of antitrust expert Marco Hartmann-Rüppel, the practice further advises on insolvency applications and restructuring.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marco Hartmann-Rüppel

Autres avocats clés:

Michael Brüggemann

Les références

‘Wide range of specialist expertise (e.g. EU state aid law, media law). Use of new media and high-quality event formats to convey practical knowledge and experiences.’

‘Experience, confidentiality, independence.’

Principaux clients

Bundesministerium der Verteidigung

Bundesministerium des Innern

Chefs Culinar GmbH & Co. KG

coparion GmbH & Co. KG

Electrify GmbH

Entsorgungsbetriebe Essen GmbH

Flughafen Frankfurt Hahn GmbH

Hardtwaldklinik I Werner Wicker GmbH & Co. KG


Principaux dossiers

  • Comprehensive advice on state aid law to Flughafen Frankfurt Hahn GmbH due to insolvency and implementation of a bidding process in accordance with EU state aid law.

  • Advice on procurement and state aid law to Marienhaus Group on funding in accordance with the Hospital Future Act.


WilmerHale impresses with in-depth expertise in state aid dispute resolution, which it applies for transport, hotel and infrastructure companies in complaint proceedings and competitor actions before national and European courts. The team also assists numerous public sector players (especially state ministries) with privatisation initiatives as well as with the state aid compliant structuring of various cultural and scientific funding projects. Hans-Georg Kamann, whose expertise ranges from European state aid and antitrust law to data protection, heads the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Hans-Georg Kamann

Autres avocats clés:

Peter Gey

Principaux clients

INC SpA und Consorzio Stabile Sis SCpA

Jugendherberge Berlin Ostkreuz gGmbH

Land Hessen HMdF

Landgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt

Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance's internationally connected, Düsseldorf-based practice primarily assists with state aid compliance and is particularly often instructed by large companies in the TMT and automotive sectors seeking advice on issues relating to foreign subsidies regulation. The expertise of practice heads Thomas Voland, who focuses on constitutional and state aid regulation issues, and Joachim Schütze, who frequently advises on antitrust issues, also shows in their state aid advice on energy projects and investment projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thomas Voland; Joachim Schütze

Les références

‘Highest competence in state ​​aid.’

‘Clear communication and professional expertise.’

‘Excellent knowledge of EU subsidy law, seamless collaboration and coordination of offices in different jurisdictions, practical solutions, good project organisation and management.’

Principaux clients

German LNG Terminal

Tesla Gemrany GmbH

Farco Pharma

GSK Stockmann

GSK Stockmann's client base primarily includes airports and seaports, which the group advises comprehensively on the public financing of their infrastructure projects. The team recently assisted with a project to expand port infrastructure for the operation of a liquid gas terminal and also represented the client in notification proceedings. In this context, companies particularly benefit from the expertise of transport infrastructure expert Arne Gniechwitz, who jointly leads the practice with Wolfgang Wuerfel; the latter mainly advises public sector clients on the state aid compliant structuring of financing initiatives. In July 2023, Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann (state aid with a focus on public infrastructure) left and is now self-employed.

Responsables de la pratique:

Arne Gniechwitz; Wolfgang Würfel

Les références

‘In my opinion, expertise and the agile, solution-oriented team are one of its greatest strengths.’

‘A high level of customer orientation leads to adaptive solution finding. The firm meets the client where he is.’

‘Experience in real estate transactions.’

Principaux clients

bremenports GmbH & Co. KG

Flughafen Bremen GmbH

Hamburg Port Authority AöR

JadeWeserPort Realisierungs GmbH & Co. KG

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG

Principaux dossiers

  • General state aid advice to JadeWeserPort on the financing of seaport infrastructure.

  • Advising Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG on state aid and contracts related to the new construction of port infrastructure (investment volume of €300 million) in Stade for the operation of an offshore (FSRU) and onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal.


Heuking‘s strong team assists public sector players with state aid issues in close cooperation with its public procurement practice, while private companies primarily instruct the team to  advice on state aid litigation. For instance, the team, which is led by state aid and procurement lawyer Ute Jasper, assists with public tenders and master agreements related to urban infrastructure and digitalisation projects. Antitrust expert Rainer Velte further represents clients in annulment proceedings before the European Court of Justice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ute Jasper

Autres avocats clés:

Christopher Marx; Laurence Westen; Susanne Monsig; Rainer Velte

Jones Day

Jones Day's cross-location EU state aid practice counts large German and European companies as well as state ministries among its client base and regularly acts for them in state aid and notification proceedings before the European Commission. Due to ancillary antitrust competencies, the team is adept at examining various state aid cases on both the plaintiff and defendant side as well as in competitor lawsuits. In this context, practice head Philipp Werner's expertise is particularly valued, who, in addition to his litigation skills, also advises on state aid compliance pertaining to restructuring, public tenders and privatisation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Philipp Werner

Principaux clients



Principaux dossiers

  • Advising and representing RWE AG in state aid proceedings before the EU Commission in connection with the German federal government’s proposed compensation payments to energy companies for the political decision to end lignite-fired power generation.

Oppenländer Rechtsanwälte

Oppenländer Rechtsanwälte's broad advice offering is aimed primarily at clients in the Baden-Württemberg region, inlduding private companies and public sector players. The group has a particular focus on the transport and health sectors and advises on various modernisation projects, state aid compliant contract redesigns as well as the structuring of funding programs. The practice is headed by Corina Jürschik-Grau, who also handles state aid litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Corina Jürschik-Grau

Autres avocats clés:

Christofer Lenz; Julia Felger

Les références

‘Good, trusting and goal-oriented cooperation.’

‘Corina Jürschik-Grau and Christofer Lenz: Work in a targeted and understandable manner, have a very good market overview and great specialist knowledge. I would particularly like to emphasise Ms. Jürschik-Grau’s commitment, even with short-term inquiries.’

‘The collaboration with the Oppenländer law firm is very successful. Oppenländer provides practical suggestions – even for extremely short-term requirements – and answers questions that arise competently, comprehensively and in a solution-oriented manner. We are very satisfied with Oppenländer’s work.’

Principaux clients

AWO Bezirksverband Hannover e.V.

Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin

Bodensee-Oberschwaben-Bahn GmbH & Co. KG

Dillmann-Verein e.V.


Hochschule Schmalkalden

Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund

Kinostar Theater GmbH

Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg

Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg

Modellfabrik Papier gGmbH

Oberschwaben Tourismus GmbH


SSB Reisen GmbH


Stadt Garching

Stadtwerke Baden-Baden

Stuttgarter Verkehrsverbund VVS

Universität Stuttgart

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH

Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe GmbH

traffiQ Lokale Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main mbH

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport on the design of bus funding, including under the recently amended AGVO.

  • Advising the Stuttgart transport association VVS on the implementation of the Deutschlandticket.

  • Advice and representation of Bodensee-Oberschwaben-Bahn GmbH & Co. KG (BOB) in securing its traffic in the coming years.

Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB

Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB's state aid advice focuses on universities, research institutes and colleges and concerns the establishment of publicly financed research and science infrastructures. In this context, practice head Anke Empting assists clients with both the implementation and participation in funding programs and also advises them on the appropriate use of government grants. Empting is further increasingly active in research projects that are intended to help accelerate the coal phase-out.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anke Empting

Autres avocats clés:

Julia Paul; Sebastian Niehues

Les références

‘The team can present complicated issues in such a way that a decision can be made. Even for non-lawyers without experience of state aid law, it is clearly communicated.’

‘Anke Empting: Offers top advice with great experience!’

‘A very good, diverse and complementary team that works very well together across various areas (public law, non-profit, labor law and general contract law).’

Principaux clients

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

BTU Brandenburgische Technische Universität

BSP Business School Berlin

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Papierfabrik Zerkall GmbH und WEPA

RWTH Aachen

MSB Medical School Berlin

MSH Medical School Hamburg

Universität des Saarlandes

Universität Paderborn

Universität Duisburg-Essen

Universität Potsdam

Universität Siegen

Technische Universität München

TUM Venture Labs Management gGmbH

UnternehmerTUM GmbH

University of Gloucestershire

Fachhochschule Potsdam

Oakley Capital V Master ScSP

Stadt Meersburg

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Papierfabrik Zerkall GmbH on the establishment of Zerkall Fiber Innovation Center (FIZZ), which was coordinated together with Jülich Research Center.

  • Advising RWTH Aachen (ITA) on the ‘Digital Nonwoven Innovation Center (D-NIC)’ project to set up a real-world laboratory for the development of production-related artificial intelligence and digitalisation solutions for the nonwovens industry at the Düren site and in the CDVP project.

  • Advising Technical University of Cottbus-Senftenberg as part of a funded project on structural change.