Hall Of Fame

Dispute resolution in Honduras


Hailed by clients as a ‘dynamic team that always seeks to be at the forefront of legal knowledge on a global level‘, the dispute resolution practice at regional firm Arias is highly skilled in both litigation and arbitration, acting for an extensive roster of major international clients from across the media, pharmaceuticals, retail and energy sectors. In particular, the team stands out for its prowess in civil and administrative litigation, where it has a notable strength in claims relating to the termination of distribution agreements. The widely renowned Fanny Rodríguez leads the department; she also heads the firm’s labour practice and frequently handles employment-related disputes. Experienced senior associate Ekber Matute, who joined the team in August 2022 from an in-house role at World Vision, has broad expertise spanning civil, labour and administrative cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fanny Rodríguez

Les références

It is a young, dynamic team that always seeks to be at the forefront of legal knowledge on a global level.

The firm stands out for its client service and response times.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC), which operates Central America’s largest seaport, Puerto Cortés, in a claim for damages brought against Chiquita Honduras Company relating to the payment for services rendered in the port.
  • Defending Punto Fa (trading as Mango) in a damages claim brought by Eurocomer, its former franchisee in Honduras, relating to the termination of a contract between them.
  • Representing Essity in contentious-administrative proceedings seeking the cancellation of the licence granted to a former distributor.

Consortium Legal

Central American firm Consortium Legal's comprehensive dispute resolution practice is the first port of call for a host of large Honduran and multinational clients, routinely handling both domestic and cross-border litigation and arbitration, including proceedings before the International Chamber of Commerce. Contractual disputes are a core area of strength for the team, which has expertise across a wide range of industry segments, with recent cases spanning the automotive, food and beverages, banking, real estate, construction and energy sectors. Ulises Mejía, who is highly sought after both as counsel in litigation and arbitration, and as an arbitrator, leads the practice. The experienced team also includes Gustavo León-Gómez, a high-profile name for international commercial arbitration, and Daniela Villafranca, who is equally adept at civil and administrative litigation and arbitration. Senior associate Eduardo Medrano provides capable support, particularly in commercial litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ulises Mejía

Principaux clients

Nestlé Hondureña

Volvo Do Brasil Veículos (Volvo Brasil)

Volvo Construction Equipment

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Volvo Brasil and Volvo Construction Equipment in a claim brought by a former distributor in Honduras relating to the unilateral termination of a distribution agreement.
  • Representing Volvo Brasil in a claim brought by Income, a former Volvo customer in Honduras, against the client (as the manufacturer), Grupo Laeisz (the former Volvo distributor in Honduras) and Dequipos (the current distributor), seeking compensation for alleged hidden defects in machines purchased between 2006 and 2007.
  • Defending Nestlé Hondureña in a lawsuit before the court of San Pedro Sula over non-compliance with a transportation contract.

Aguilar Castillo Love

Commercial arbitration is a mainstay of the dispute resolution practice at Aguilar Castillo Love, which garners praise from clients for its ‘personalised service‘ and ‘immediate contact‘. The team is well versed in both domestic and cross-border proceedings, with an emphasis on cases in the energy and construction sectors, and also handles the enforcement of arbitral awards. Civil, commercial and administrative litigation are also areas of strength. Honduras managing partner Enrique Rodríguez Burchard, who handles the full spectrum of contentious matters, and Juan José Alcerro Milla, whose broad practice encompasses commercial, tax and IP disputes, lead the team. Carolina Aguirre Larios also plays an increasingly active role in arbitration, particularly advising foreign investors on claims against the state.

Responsables de la pratique:

Enrique Rodríguez Burchard; Juan José Alcerro Milla

Les références

The team stands out for its personalised service.

The cases are always analysed from all points of view and the probability of success is considered. The team’s willingness to work with our company is something that we value very much and being able to have that immediate contact is something that is not found very often in the sector.

Enrique Rodríguez Burchard demonstrates willingness, strategic ability, empathy, respect and understanding of the legal framework.

Principaux clients

Volvo Construction Equipment

Tigo (Millicom)

Banco Lafise

GE Healthcare

Principaux dossiers

  • Continued to act for Volvo Construction Equipment in a long-running case seeking the enforcement of an international arbitral award for a payment owed by a local distributor, which was recognised by the Supreme Court of Honduras.


One of the few international firms in Honduras, ECIJA counts a number of household-name multinationals among the clients of its dispute resolution practice, which is singled out for its ‘excellent follow-up‘ and ‘24/7 responses‘. The team has an extensive litigation practice, with its recent caseload including disputes across the banking, insurance, pharmaceutical and energy sectors; in addition, Honduras managing partner Roberto Williams and renowned IP practitioner Leonardo Casco Fortín (who is also a partner at IP boutique Bufete Casco) recently handled several high-profile trade mark-related cases. Williams co-heads the practice with up-and-coming partner Jorge Arturo Reina, who handles civil, commercial, administrative and construction disputes. Rosalinda Cruz Sequeira also lends senior expertise to the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Roberto Williams; Jorge Arturo Reina

Les références

We are very pleased with the service provided by the firm. One point I would really like to highlight is the excellent follow-up on our cases and 24/7 responses to any inquiry.

Excellent partners and associates, professional service and prompt attention.

The team stands out for its availability and attention to the needs of my company.

Principaux clients

Banco Lafise

Cámara Hondureña de Aseguradores (CAHDA)

Grupo GSQ

Guccio Gucci


Banco Ficohsa

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Banco Lafise in a high volume of debt recovery actions.
  • Acting for Cámara Hondureña de Aseguradores (CAHDA) in a series of contentious-administrative cases against the National Commission of Banking and Insurance.
  • Acting for Grupo GSQ in a dispute over the benefits of a private pension fund which are being claimed by a former employee.

Galeano & Garcia

Boutique litigation firm Galeano & Garcia wins high praise from clients for its ‘intelligence, dynamism and great capacity to resolve conflicts‘, representing an array of high-profile domestic companies and frequently joining up with Honduran and international firms without disputes practices in the jurisdiction to take on contentious mandates. The team handles the full spectrum of civil litigation, including tax, labour and insurance claims, with notable strengths in high-value damages and breach of contract claims in the real estate and construction sectors. At the head of the practice, Luis Enrique Galeano Milla, whose almost four decades of experience includes serving as an adviser to the Supreme Court, and Alberto García Fortín are widely recognised for their litigation expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luis Enrique Galeano Milla; Alberto García Fortín

Les références

The team at Galeano & García has been very responsible, punctual and honest in the cases it has handled for us.

The lawyers stand out for their intelligence, dynamism and great capacity to resolve conflicts. Luis Enrique Galeano Milla is intelligent, prudent, honest, thorough and loyal. Alberto Garcia Fortín is dynamic, punctual and helpful.

The firm has a very good relationship with us in terms of work and billing.

Principaux clients

Compañía Azucarera Hondureña

Grupo Terra

Corporación Lady Lee

Asociación de Exportadores de Café de Honduras (ADECAFEH)

Crowe Honduras

Banco de los Trabajadores

Asociación de Consultores en Ingeniería (ACI)

Rainforest Alliance

Seguros Crefisa

Fir Developments

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending ACI against a claim for breach of contract brought by a Bolivian company which provides a new construction design technology.
  • Representing a construction client in ongoing damages claims brought by home owners and lenders relating to the collapse of houses in the Ciudad de Ángel real estate development.
  • Defending Seguros Crefisa in a case relating to the denial of an insurance claim.


Central American firm Lexincorp has a thriving arbitration practice in Honduras, with an emphasis on projects and concessions-related disputes, stemming from firm-wide expertise in this space. The team is also noted for its strength in mediation and litigation, including representing municipal authorities and major regional groups in the recovery of unpaid debt and taxes. Honduras managing partner Benito Zelaya leads the practice and enjoys a strong profile in arbitration; he previously shared leadership duties with senior associate Fabian Villeda, who left the firm in May 2023. The capable pool of junior lawyers includes senior associate Max Canelas, who has an emphasis on criminal and financial enforcement litigation, and experienced associate Juan Carlos Benítez, a key contact for the full spectrum of litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Benito Zelaya

Principaux clients

Chuck E Cheese Honduras

Puma Energy

Municipalidad del Distrito Central Tegucigalpa-Comayaguela

Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI)

Colegio de Ingenieros

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending Entretenimiento y Diversiones, the Chuck E Cheese franchisee in Honduras, in a claim brought by the municipality for unpaid fees relating to the use of games machines on the client’s premises.
  • Representing CMI in a series of debt recovery lawsuits in Honduras.
  • Representing the municipality of Distrito Central (Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela) in a series of tax recovery lawsuits.

Mayora & Mayora, S.C.

The dispute resolution team at Mayora & Mayora, S.C. has recently built a strong track record in representing clients based in the industrial hub of San Pedro Sula, leveraging its growing presence in the city. The practice handles a wide range of litigation, spanning civil, commercial, labour, tax, IP and public international law, and can also turn to the firm’s branches in Guatemala and El Salvador for support in cross-border cases. The ‘outstandingOdín Guillén Leiva, whose broad experience also covers arbitration, leads the team from Tegucigalpa, where senior associate Iván Flores is another name to note for civil and labour litigation; Guillén is also managing partner of both Honduras offices. Senior associate Andrea Tercero is the key contact in northern Honduras.

Responsables de la pratique:

Odín Guillén Leiva

Les références

‘I believe that their sincere concern for the client and their search for multiple solutions makes them a great team to work with. I would like to congratulate Odín Guillén and Iván Flores and encourage them to continue giving their best.’

‘I think it is important to point out the evolution of the dispute resolution team in Honduras. It is a young team with a positive dynamic and a lot of energy. It has good back office support and a presence in both Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. I also think it’s important to stress the honesty and transparency with which they have dealt with our cases, as well as their immediate responses to our different requests – these are the elements that differentiate them from other competitors.’

‘I think the serious and ethical way in which they act sets them apart. In addition, their strategic focus in their cases is important. Odín Guillén is an outstanding lawyer in terms of his strategic intelligence when handling the process and his advocacy skills in court, in addition to the technical ability that he possesses.’

Principaux clients

Chiquita Banana

Chiquita Brands

Chiquita Logistics

Coats Honduras

Grupo Tradeco

Applus Norcontrol

Asheboro Elastics

Latam Hotel Corporation (Hyatt Hotels)

Grupo Terra (Uno Petrol Honduras and Uno Petrol Nicaragua)

Golán Protégé (Grupo Golán)

Elevadores Otis


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Latam Hotel Corporation (Hyatt Hotels) in litigation with several remaining creditors following its restructuring.
  • Defending Elevadores Otis against a lawsuit brought by a former distributor.
  • Representing Applus Norcontrol in a breach of contract claim against Empresa Energía Honduras (EEH), the main energy provider in the country.

Alta Melara & Asociados

The ‘highly competent‘ and ‘meticulous‘ dispute resolution team at Alta Melara & Asociados combines with the administrative and public law department to handle both litigation and arbitration, as well as out-of-court settlements, with an emphasis on commercial, administrative and labour disputes. Benefitting from its broad regional network, the firm is particularly prominent in representing major Central and Latin American groups. ‘Dynamic‘ office managing partner Oscar Melara heads the practice alongside Michael Rascoff, who is highlighted for his ‘extensive experience‘; both are certified arbitrators in addition to acting as counsel. At senior associate level, Josafat Izaguirre (who has notable expertise in labour and administrative cases) and Alejandra Suárez are the names to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Oscar Melara; Michael Rascoff

Les références

Alta Melara & Asociados has a highly competent team of lawyers, working to a high standard that can easily compete with any firm with an international presence. Their responses to queries and requests for advice are timely, and they maintain an excellent balance with colleagues of different ages and specialties.

Oscar Melara is an accurate, dynamic lawyer with knowledge of the national legal and business environment. Michael Rascoff is very analytical and has extensive experience in commercial, notarial, civil and litigation matters. Josafat Izaguirre assists us in complex administrative procedures and labour cases; he has very good judgement and experience, despite his young age, and provides timely advice.

The knowledge of the Alta Melara lawyers about the current state of affairs in Honduras is exceptional. They have a great capacity to provide analysis and support to clients to resolve complex situations.

Principaux clients

Corporación Multi Inversiones

Compañía Avícola de Centroamérica

Universidad Tecnologica Centroamericana

The Results Company


Teleperformance Honduras

Derivados del Maiz Honduras

Desarrollos Inmobiliarios Cascadas de Honduras

Telefónica Celular (Millicom)

Tubos y Perfiles (Aceros de Guatemala)

Grupo Salinas (Banco Azteca, Comercializadora EKT)

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Honduran branch of Corporación Multi Inversiones in the settlement of a labour lawsuit brought by former employees.
  • Acted for Derivados del Maíz de Honduras (DEMAHSA), a Grupo Gruma company, in an arbitration relating to the termination of a distribution agreement with an international company based in Honduras.
  • Defended Compañía Avícola de Centroamérica (CADECA) in a claim for damages relating to the termination of an employment relationship.

Central Law

CENTRAL LAW has a strong track record in handling disputes on behalf of clients based in the industrial centre of San Pedro Sula, with wide-ranging expertise spanning tax, IP, competition and real estate cases. The team can turn its hand to both arbitration and litigation, and has additional experience in the enforcement of arbitral awards. Ricardo Padilla, whose practice covers civil, commercial and labour litigation, leads the team in San Pedro Sula, which expanded in April 2022 with the arrival of senior associate Mario Acevedo from Ulloa & Asociados, while the experienced Claribel Medina de León heads the practice in Tegucigalpa.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ricardo Padilla; Claribel Medina de León

Principaux clients

OTI de Honduras

Protección Total de Seguridad (Protos)


Solunion México Servicios

Innovak Global

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Innovak Global in a lawsuit seeking the payment of debt owed to the client by a Honduran company.