Firms To Watch: Dispute resolution

With an international client base of primarily German clients, the dispute resolution team at bnt attorneys in CEE, led by Gyula Horváth, is noted for its expertise in commercial and investment arbitrations.
Under the leadership of Gábor Márky and Andrea Jádi Németh, bpv JÁDI NÉMETH Attorneys at Law’s dispute resolution team handles corporate, commercial and labour disputes.
Established in 2020, Queritius is a boutique firm specialising in international dispute resolution; key contact Dániel Dózsa is instructed by a range of clients across the CEE and CIS regions.

Dispute resolution in Hungary


The dispute resolution team at CMS has a particular focus on both criminal and compliance matters relating to the pharmaceutical, finance, construction, aviation, and technology sectors. ‘Exceptional‘ litigation and arbitration specialist Zsolt Okányi leads the team, and is noted for his particular expertise in white-collar crime investigations, while József Kohl specialises in criminal proceedings against corporate entities. Péter Bibók specialises in construction disputes, István Pozsgay focuses on insurance law and investigations, and Gergely László is an expert in international investment disputes. The practice boasts a strong team of juniors, with Szandra Wolf, Attila Jákói and Boldizsár Bálint providing further support in both national and international cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Zsolt Okányi

Autres avocats clés:

József Kohl; Péter Bibók; István Pozsgay; Gergely László; Szandra Wolf; Attila Jákói; Boldizsár Bálint

Les références

‘Dedication to the case and excellent teamwork should be highlighted. Professionalism, deep understanding of the case and its background are considered as typical. The collaboration within the team, among the members and towards the client, is excellent and should receive greatest recognition.’

‘Zsolt Okányi is an exceptional lawyer with a lot of experience and knowledge in alternative dispute resolution with problem-solving, business-oriented approach and the ability to build an enthusiastic team; in a few words: professionalism, focus, efficiency, teamwork.’

‘The lawyers are well prepared, and they involved subject matter experts when needed. The team members were very good at the civil procedure law and, at the same time, they have an insight into the industry trends and specific terms. The were good at understanding how a complex project worked.’

Principaux clients


Magyar Telekom (Deutsche Telekom subsidiary)


Ryanair DAC / Ryanair Sun S.A. / BUZZAir / Laudamotion

Esterházy Privatstiftung

MOL Hungarian Oil Plc. / KVV

Veolia/Dalkia Group

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH

Colas Alterra

Commerzbank AG


Siemens Mobility

Aegon Magyarország

E.ON Hungária

DLA Piper Posztl, Nemescsói, Györfi-Tóth and Partners Law Firm

Handling high-profile litigations and arbitrations, on both a national and international level, the dispute resolution team at DLA Piper Posztl, Nemescsói, Györfi-Tóth and Partners Law Firm has experience before the ICC, CJEU and various Hungarian courts. Dávid KőhegyiAndrás Nemescsói and Viktor Radics jointly lead the team. Kőhegyi, who specialises in international investment arbitration, also oversees the team’s established investment arbitration practice, representing both investors and the Hungarian state. Radics regularly represents clients in gambling, construction and telecoms disputes. Zoltán Fabók is a specialist in insolvency litigation and arbitration. Zsófia Deli has experience before the European Court of Human Rights. At the associate level, Dániel Elő and Beatrix Pólya are key names to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

András Nemescsói; Viktor Radics; Dávid Kőhegyi

Autres avocats clés:

Zoltán Fabók; Zsófia Deli; Dániel Elő; Beatrix Pólya

Les références

‘Viktor Radics and Dániel Elő are very knowledgeable in the litigation space in Hungary. They have both succeeded and had a lot of success acting for us in a number of litigations, including those that have been to the top Hungarian Court. They are very proficient and very able.’

‘They have an in-depth and invaluable knowledge of the litigation landscape in Hungary. We have worked with them for a number of years.’

‘Strategic thinking and creative solutions, delivering results. Stellar reputation in the legal and business community, client can take informed decisions, customer focused.’

Principaux clients

Peddy Power Betfair

Danieli & C. S.p.A.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development / Agency for the Administration of the National Land Fund

Pfizer Gyógyszerkereskedelmi Kft. Hungarian subsidiary of Pfizer Inc.

GRAWE Életbiztosító Zrt.

FLAGA Hungária PB-gáz Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

OTP Bank Nyrt.

Government Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented an international online gambling operator in EU law-based litigation concerning the compliance of the Hungarian online sports betting monopoly.
  • Representing Pfizer Gyógyszerkereskedelmi in a litigation concerning the side effects of Champix, a smoking cessation medicine.
  • Representing Danieli & C Officine Meccaniche in an international project delay dispute, with the involvement of UK-based delay and technical experts, before the ICC.

Lakatos, Köves and Partners

With diverse expertise which spans investment, M&A and employment litigation, as well as damages cases and healthcare sector-related claims, the dispute resolution team at Lakatos, Köves and Partners receives instruction from a varied client base that includes both national and international clients. The practice has been involved in cases before the Constitutional Court of Hungary, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. Balázs FazakasPéter Lakatos and Péter Köves lead the group; Fazakas bring ten years’ experience in front of Hungarian and international courts and arbitration forums to the role, Köves is experienced in alternative dispute resolution, and Lakatos is an expert in the TMT sector. Sára Darnót is involved in international commercial arbitration and Gabriella Szabó has experience representing both corporate clients and government agencies. Adrienn Mándoki is another name to note. In March 2024, Viktor Jéger joined the team from Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda.

Responsables de la pratique:

Balázs Fazakas; Péter Lakatos; Péter Köves

Autres avocats clés:

Gabriella Szabó; Adrienn Mándoki; Sára Darnót; Viktor Jéger

Les références

‘Good advice that just works.’

‘Our main contact is Balázs Fazakas and he’s responsive, creative, pragmatic, nerve-calming for clients.’

‘The team is highly responsive and business minded.’

Principaux clients

TVOT (National Organization of School Book Distributors)



Indotek Group,



Mid Europa

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented TVOT before the ECtHR in legislation which effectively created a state-owned monopoly for the distribution of schoolbooks.
  • Defending the client in a damages claim relating to a fatal incident during plant maintenance works involving an unauthorised subcontractor.
  • Representing several Hungarian subsidiaries of the Colas Group as defendants in follow-on cartel damages claims launched by the Hungarian State and the Municipality of Budapest.

LFB – László Fekete Bagaméry

Boutique firm LFB – László Fekete Bagaméry provides clients with a full dispute resolution offering, spanning corporate, commercial and criminal cases. Tax disputes are a key specialised focus area for the group. The team fields strong international capabilities and regularly handles corporate and M&A disputes with cross-border elements. Litigation and arbitration expert András Dániel László leads the team, and is one of several practitioners with dual qualifications in both Hungary and New York, with Gábor Kökényesi being another example. Gáspár Bagaméry brings almost 20 years’ experience representing clients in tax litigation and commercial disputes to the group. The practice continues to expand, both in terms of new clients and with the addition of Béla Madarász, who joined the team from Wolf Theiss Faludi Ügyvédi Iroda in April 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

András Dániel László

Autres avocats clés:

Gáspár Bagaméry; Gábor Kökényesi; Béla Madarász

Les références

‘The team is very well synchronised with full knowledge and awareness of the Hungarian legal system.’

‘Very patient and always willing to explain the situation, next steps and suggested course of action, at length and in full detail.’

‘A very well organised team of practitioners, able to work in project mode and under big pressure. A backup solution is in place to make sure if one expert is on holiday, someone from the team provides quick support. When legal advice is provided, they always focus on the business environment to provide guidelines which are easy to put into practice.’

Principaux clients

Budapest Transportation Corporation

Budapest Public Works Corporation

Pannonia Bio



Közgép Zrt.

UTB Envirotech

Alexandra Group



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Budapest Public Transportation Company in a €83m warranty claim relating to the refurbishment of its underground railway fleet against the manufacturer.
  • Representing Geodis in a contractual dispute, with the aggregate amount of claims and counterclaims exceeding €20m.
  • Representing DIGI in a judicial review of the data protection authority’s resolution before the Hungarian courts and the European Court of Justice in connection with a large fine under the GDPR rules imposed in Hungary.

Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda

The ‘outstanding‘ dispute resolution team at Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda is involved in arbitration proceedings on both a national and international level. With a particular focus on tax, the group handles a range of relevant disputes, boasting a diverse and extensive clientele that spans various industries. Péter Nagy leads the team with a key focus on litigation, arbitration and tax law. ‘Stellar litigator’ Orsolya Kovács also focuses on tax litigation and tax administrative procedures, supported by György TiborfiGyörgy Kiszely covers banking and insolvency litigation and construction and property disputes, while Lúcia Detvay has particular experience in IP mandates and Mónika Vrancsik focuses on and commercial lawsuits. Balázs Karsai typically represents banks, automotive companies, agricultural and pharmaceutical businesses.

Responsables de la pratique:

Péter Nagy

Autres avocats clés:

Orsolya Kovács; György Kiszely; Balázs Karsai; Lúcia Detvay; György Tiborfi; Mónika Vrancsik

Les références

‘The team is well experienced.’

‘Orsolya Kovács is well experienced and ready to provide exceptional solutions.’

‘This is an outstanding dispute resolution team, one of the best in Hungary. ’

Principaux clients

OTP Bank


MNV (Hungarian National Asset Management Inc.)

Raiffeisen Bank


Volvo/Renault Group

Semmelweis University




St. Elisabeth

Dunamenti Erőmű

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Volvo/Renault Group in numerous Hungarian court proceedings and out-of-court negotiations relating to a competition law infringement determined by the European Commission.
  • Representing Dunamenti Erőmű in damages litigation against the OEM caused by faulty repairs to a generation unit resulting in loss of power generation.
  • Representing Kedrion in a case before Hungarian courts against the Hungarian government’s subsidiary.

Oppenheim Ugyvedi Iroda

Led by Tamás ÉlessOppenheim Ugyvedi Iroda’s dispute resolution team has extensive experience in cross-border cases, regularly representing clients in international litigation and arbitration proceedings. The group’s diverse client base includes major names from the construction, insurance, transportation and real estate sectors, as well as financial institutions and sovereign bodies. As well as damages cases and the claims enforcement, the practice has a successful track record in finance-related disputes. Zsolt Farkas and Tibor Kiss are experts in bankruptcy and liquidation matters. Sarolta Szabó’s focus is on international arbitration, while Kiss is regularly involved in proceedings before Hungarian arbitration forums.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tamás Éless

Autres avocats clés:

Tibor Kiss; Zsolt Farkas; Sarolta Szabó

Les références

‘They are very professional and take everything very seriously.’

‘They are always available and answer immediately.’

‘Tamás Éless is very smart, knows the law and is thorough, all of which are essential as an arbitrator.’

Principaux clients



OXO Properties

Egis Pharmaceuticals

venture capital fund



Central Venture Capital Fund

TÜV- Rheinland



Holcim Ltd.


Continental Automotive


HELL Energy

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing 78 Korean claimants against Viking Cruises for compensation for pain and suffering in connection with the Hableány disaster.
  • Defending Strabag in the cartel dameges case initiated by the state.
  • Defending Meta against a personal rights claim initiated by an active political player.

Szecskay Attorneys at Law

The DAF trucks cartel case has been a key focus for the dispute resolution team at Szecskay Attorneys at Law. The team is also increasing its arbitration presence, participating in proceedings before the Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The team works on an international level, with a client base that spans multiple jurisdictions. Practice head Miklós Boronkay is handling the DAF trucks cartel follow-on litigation cases both in Hungary and before the CJEU. ‘Exceptionally qualified and great arbitrator‘ András Szecskay continues to be an active senior member of the team. György Wellmann handles both domestic and international litigation and arbitration cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

András Szecskay; Miklós Boronkay

Autres avocats clés:

György Wellmann

Les références

‘Special mention must go to Miklós Boronkay who is not only an excellent lawyer but is a joy to work with. He understands the concerns clients may have, knowing the bigger picture of the case and works with you to resolve them.’

‘Miklós Boronkay is in a league of his own. His strategic thinking is unmatched, and his legal skills are outstanding. He has an excellent grasp of the key legal issues and is able to convey his advice in clear terms. He fights tooth and nail for advancing the client’s objectives.’

‘When it comes to international dispute resolution, Szecskay’s standing on the Hungarian market is unique. From a foreign perspective, this holds true both when it comes to international commercial arbitration and Hungarian state court proceedings (in an international context). Szecskay’s dispute resolution team is a pleasure to work with.’

Principaux clients

DAF Trucks N.V.

DIGI Communications N.V.

Former executives of a Hungarian oil company

Dob utca 93 Kft.

COFCO International Ltd.

STX corporation


European Union

Mikromikomed Kft.

Gedeon Richter Plc.

MGI International Sales Co. Limited (Hong Kong) and Latvia MGI Tech SIA (Latvia): members of the Chinese BGI Companies

CE Dynamic Kft.

Scott & Fyfe Ltd.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing DAF Trucks in a number of competition damages actions brought against the client based on the European Commission’s decision in the truck infringement case.
  • Representing Gedeon Richter in a dispute related to the granting of a public health compulsory licence for the patented active substance of remdesivir.
  • Representing the European Union in relation to a damages claim brought against a former Member of the European Parliament concerning alleged budget fraud.

CERHA HEMPEL Dezso & Partners

Construction and project development cases are a key area of expertise for the dispute resolution practice at CERHA HEMPEL Dezso & Partners. Bankruptcy is another of the group’s focal points, and the group is well known for representing creditors in bankruptcy procedures and specialising in enforcing claims against the shareholders and company directors of bankrupt companies. With over 20 years’ experience in the field, Ilona Rónay-Csordás leads the team. András Fenyőházi has a wealth of experience in construction claim management relating to infrastructure and commercial projects. Bence Rajkai also specialises in construction claims management, while Zsanett Szabó is an expert in dispute resolution pertaining to the real estate space, as is Flóra GábeliKároly Zaicsek counts a number of banks among his core clients, and regularly acts in damages cases and debt recovery lawsuits. Evelin Varga and Anna Nánási are also key names to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ilona Rónay-Csordás; András Fenyőházi

Autres avocats clés:

Károly Zaicsek; Bence Rajkai; Zsanett Szabó; Flóra Gábeli; Evelin Varga; Anna Nánási

Les références

‘We have worked with several law firms before, both with Hungarian and international ones, however we never experienced such an excellent ability “to put oneself in the client’s shoes” as the team of CERHA HEMPEL Dezső & Partners has.’

‘Regardless of whichever team member had a particular role or contribution to the case, we continuously experienced just the same high level representation of our company. Each individual can be characterised by a strong client-focused approach, high-level professionalism and remarkable vocation.’

‘My impression of the dispute resolution practice team of Cerha Hempel is that they are reliable, time-efficient in their case management, have a matter-of-fact approach, good situational awareness in negotiations, and quick and thoughtful reactions.

Principaux clients

Swietelsky Magyarország Kft

Public Procurement Dispute Resolution Body

Agro-Pacht Kft. – an agribusiness with an international background

GE Hungary Kft.

Scheldebouw B.V. [Atlas Holdings LLC (Connecticut, USA)]


FirstFarms Hungary Kft.

WashTec GmbH

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Swietelsky Magyarország in a number of litigations and arbitrations.
  • Representing GE Hungary in litigation.
  • Representing Scheldebouw in claims arising from the construction of a new skyscraper in Budapest.


The sizeable dispute resolution team at Dentons continued to grow this past year, with the addition of new practice head Gergely Stanka, alongside a team of seven practitioners, from Burai-Kovacs, Perlaki, Stanka, Szikla & Partners in July 2023. The strengthened group continues to service a diverse client base and covers work ranging from tax, white-collar and financial litigation to real estate, construction and employment disputes. Stanka’s broad practice covers both litigation and alternative dispute resolution proceedings, including both domestic and international arbitration. István Réczicza brings over 30 years of experience representing both private and state-owned companies and sovereigns to the group. Ádám Kulcsár has experience representing financial institutions, while László Fenyvesi focuses on energy regulation matters. International arbitration is one of Mihály Czesznak’s particular areas of expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gergely Stanka

Autres avocats clés:

István Réczicza; Ádám Kulcsár; László Fenyvesi; Mihály Czesznak

Principaux clients

CIB Bank Zrt.

CIB Lízing Zrt.

Capsys Kft.

Hiventures Zrt.

Erinum Zrt.

Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.

Communications Reconciliation Council (HÉT)

Dentsply Sirona

Ikarus Group (Műszertechnika)

Budapest Airport Zrt.




Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority in a proceeding brought against it before the European Court of Justice regarding the revision of an order.
  • Representing CIB Bank in a damages claim brought by a debtor in connection with a project finance loan attached to a shopping mall in Budapest.
  • Successfully represented Vodafone Hungary and the members of HÉT before the administrative court in a claim against EJI-MAHASZ’s attempt to increase the tariffs related to a direct injection as part of its royalty scheme.

Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm

Dispute resolution is one of the three core practice areas at Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm. The firm’s dispute resolution team fields strong cross-border capabilities, regularly handling disputes with international elements. The group noted a recent increase in corporate disputes. Gábor Damjanovic and Zoltán Forgó jointly lead the team; the former acts as an arbitrator in a range of construction, real estate, energy, TMT and M&A and commercial cases, while the latter’s expertise in transactional work sees him handling a range of disputes deriving from corporate and M&A deals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gábor Damjanovic; Zoltán Forgó

Autres avocats clés:

Réka Bali

Les références

‘Gábor Damjanovic stands out with his expertise.’

‘Zoltán Forgó was instrumental in analysing the potential risks and upsides for us in the litigious situation and in building up and executing a communication strategy with our counterparty. He forcefully lead the negotiation with the counterparty and guided the dispute to a good exit transaction. I would note that he is a tough negotiator but at the same time he is able to throw many alternatives on the table which yielded good results.’

‘Creativity: I’ve found that Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners’ dispute resolution team is known for their creative approach to solving disputes. They think outside the box and tailor strategies to each case. Problem-Solving: the team excels at problem-solving, dissecting complex issues, and developing effective strategies to resolve disputes. Good Results: they consistently achieve positive outcomes, whether through negotiation, alternative methods, or litigation. Responsiveness: I appreciate their commitment to staying responsive and keeping clients informed throughout the dispute resolution process.’

Principaux clients

Cargill Group

Obton A/S

the Benetton family

Nielsen Corporation

HDI Global SE

Finext Group

Centrope Holdings Limited/EUROVEGAS

the Finext Group

Due A srl

Hungarian Post Insurance Company


Triumph Motorcycles Ltd.

Unipetrol Group

GIR Refractories

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing HDI Global Insurance Company in a case whereby the client’s insured company, Oliefabriek Van Damme, and its Hungarian subsidiary, delivered oil for chocolate production which was allegedly contaminated with salmonella to Barry Callebaut in Belgium.
  • Successfully represented EUROVEGAS Group in a shareholder claim worth over €50m.
  • Represented a financial services company in ten shareholders’ disputes aiming at the cancellation of several general meeting resolutions, initiated by one of the shareholders with significant minority voting rights.

Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori Law Office

Banking, finance and capital markets are the key focus areas for the dispute resolution team at Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori Law Office, and the practice covers banking litigation, restructuring proceedings and investor disputes. Péter Gárdos, who fields extensive expertise in banking and finance law, leads the team alongside András Nagy; both regularly serve as arbitrators at the Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Rúben Matovics brings extensive experience in damages claims to the group, while Veronika Papp’s practice focuses on insurance and contractual disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Péter Gárdos; András Nagy

Autres avocats clés:

Rúben Matovics; Veronika Papp; Erika Tomori

Les références

‘Péter Gárdos is a “straight-arrow” professional who confidently relies on his deep substantive law knowledge when creating litigation strategies, as well as in cases when there is an immediate need for the adjustment of the same. His calm and self-confident appearances evidently prove that he has no willingness to be carried away by emotions.’

‘Péter Gárdos is extremely smart and a fantastic arbitrator to sit with.’

‘Péter Gárdos – outstanding in the field.’

Principaux clients




National Deposit Insurance Fund







Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Iveco in the Hungarian damages litigation relating to the truck decision of the European Commission.
  • Successfully represented the National Deposit Insurance Fund in litigation relating to the sale of 11 claims.
  • Representing an ex-CEO in litigation initiated by the company against the client.

Hegymegi-Barakonyi and Fehérváry Baker&McKenzie Attorneys-at-Law

Zoltán Hegymegi-Barakonyi and Artúr Tamási head up the dispute resolution team at Hegymegi-Barakonyi and Fehérváry Baker&McKenzie Attorneys-at-Law. The team offers a full range of dispute resolution services, from litigation to arbitration, with particular expertise in construction disputes, financial and insolvency litigation and damages claims. Commercial litigation, private enforcement and liquidation procedures are also key areas of expertise for Réka Vass, who brings over ten years’ experience representing national and international clients in these areas to the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Zoltán Hegymegi-Barakonyi; Artúr Tamási

Autres avocats clés:

Réka Vass

Les références

‘We have selected this particular law firm because they are capable of handling dispute resolutions that involve multiple jurisdictions.’

‘Zoltán Hegymegi-Barakonyi and Artúr Tamási were co-ordinating the work of various teams in different jurisdictions. What we liked the most was that they were always available, they have developed the legal arguments to the agreed direction, and they provided realistic predictions about the likely outcome of the case.’

‘They were amazingly supportive, with excellent knowledge of the law and proper command of negotiations.’

Principaux clients

Market Zrt.

Nyíregyháza Spartacus

M-Híd Zrt.

Grabarics Építőipari Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully acted in an international sports arbitration.
  • Successfully acted in a case concerning a historic bank guarantee governed by foreign law.
  • Successfully acted in a fraud case on behalf of a Hungarian financial institution.

Réti, Várszegi and Partners PwC Legal

Leveraging its strong background in tax litigation, the dispute resolution team at Réti, Várszegi and Partners PwC Legal regularly represents clients from the real estate, IP and TMT industries. The group is also noted for its expertise in corporate, commercial and agricultural land disputes. The practice is jointly headed up by László Réti, who brings over 35 years' experience to the role; Péter Zalai, who focuses on civil law cases, Dániel Kelemen, whose diverse litigation practice spans the automotive, chemical, financial and healthcare sectors; and Zoltán Várszegi, who is primarily involved in tax litigation. Noémi Szabó and Balázs Balog provide key support. János Faragó regularly represents clients in alternative dispute resolution proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

László Réti; Zoltán Várszegi; Dániel Kelemen; Péter Zalai

Autres avocats clés:

Noémi Szabó; Balázs Balog; János Faragó

Les références

‘We have been satisfied with the multidimensional approach.’

‘I really appreciate the timely (actually very fast) and very professional advice and actions of the law firm and of János Faragó specifically.’

‘The law firm has provided excellent support to us in difficult times.’

Principaux clients


Flovestor Passage Kft.

VITERRA Hungary Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Successful represented VITERRA Hungary in several tax and customs disputes, including representation based on previous representations in front of the European Court of Justice.

Schoenherr Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda

The dispute resolution team at Schoenherr Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda regularly represents clients in civil, commercial and criminal cases, as well as handling enforcement proceedings and acting in alternative dispute resolution proceedings. Kinga Hetényi and Alexandra Bognár jointly lead the team; the former‘s practice focuses on commercial and M&A litigation, while the latter oversees the white-collar crime offering.

Responsables de la pratique:

Kinga Hetényi; Alexandra Bognár

Les références

‘Quick responses, good understanding of the local law and peculiarities of local proceedings.’

‘Alexandra Bognár is very responsive and approachable, excellent in communicating with non-legal colleagues, quick grasp of the respective business, good advice on strategy.’

‘Fast responsiveness.’

Principaux clients


Daimler AG


Augimount Logistika

Swiss International Air Lines



Premium Leisure Invest AG (PLI)

Elektronikai Hulladékhasznosító Kft


Airial Robotics GmbH and Airial Robotics Kft

NLB Bank

Vermeer Baltic ÖÜ

Brussels Airlines

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Apple in various commercial litigations.
  • Representing Swiss International Air Lines in various court and administrative cases.
  • Representation VOLTA in various commercial disputes.

Siegler Bird & Bird Ügyvédi Iroda

As well as representing clients in commercial, real estate and product liability disputes, and white-collar investigations, the dispute resolution team at Siegler Bird & Bird Ügyvédi Iroda handles alternative dispute resolution proceedings and out-of-court settlements. With 25 years of experience, László Nanyista leads the practice. The team fields a wide scope of expertise: Bálint Halász has specialist IP knowledge; Viktor Kodela represents clients in administrative and corporate cases; and Karim Laribi focuses on employment litigation. The addition of Mihály Harcos, an experienced tax lawyer, from Deloitte Legal Göndöcz and Partners Law Firm in May 2022 strengthened the team’s capabilities in relation to tax disputes. Mátyás Schultheisz focuses on international arbitration.

Responsables de la pratique:

László Nanyista

Autres avocats clés:

Bálint Halász; Mihály Harcos; Viktor Kodela; Mátyás Schultheisz; Karim Laribi

Les références

‘The lawyers in the team are very well informed on the different legal subjects, both regarding commercial litigation in general and sector-specific regulation. They advise fast and are always available if needed. It’s very pleasant to work with them. They have a very strategic approach and level of expertise, whenever there is an unexpected issue, they always have the right solution.’

‘László Nanyista has an excellent eye for detail and stays several steps ahead of others tactically. He is definitely one of the most experienced and intelligent lawyers I have ever met. His deep understanding of the law is indisputable.’

‘Mátyás Schultheisz is really talented and always good to work with. He is very conscientious, hardworking and extremely efficient.’

Principaux clients


Hungarian State

be2 S.á r.l. / insparx GmbH / Interdate S.A.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing MÁV in the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in proceedings initiated by certain Holocaust survivors and their heirs.
  • Representing the Hungarian Government in a lawsuit initiated before the US District Court for the District of Columbia by certain US nationals seeking restitution of property allegedly taken by Hungary during World War II.

Szabó Kelemen & Partners Andersen Attorneys

The dispute resolution team at Szabó Kelemen & Partners Andersen Attorneys demonstrates particular strength in the agribusiness, manufacturing and gaming industries. Practice co-head László András Kelemen boasts over 25 years’ experience in dispute resolution, representing clients before labour and administrative courts in Hungary, as well as before various arbitration bodies. Kelemen heads up the department alongside András Komáromi, who typically represents clients in international corporate and commercial arbitration proceedings. Gergely Gundel-Takács and Eszter Rupnik provide further support.

Responsables de la pratique:

László András Kelemen; András Komáromi

Autres avocats clés:

Gergely Gundel-Takács; Eszter Rupnik; Tamás Kárpáthegyi

Les références

‘Our firm operates in the construction sector, in which industry contentious matters are frequent. The firm understands our business and the special requirements in construction-related dispute resolution.

‘Our key person is László András Kelemen. His experience is highly valuable for our operations.’

‘The team is solid and highly professional; resources are allocated smartly, and the client on-boarding process is very smooth.’

Principaux clients

Viterra Hungary Kft.

Axel Niels Hartmann

Dr. Rita Tuzson

Sygnus Kereskedelmi Kft.

Screen GP Europe B.V. and Opia d.o.o.

Wolf Theiss Faludi Ügyvédi Iroda

The ‘experienced and well known‘ dispute resolution team at Wolf Theiss Faludi Ügyvédi Iroda is noted for its extensive litigation and arbitration experience across the energy, financing and real estate sectors. Tax, construction and property litigation are key areas of expertise, along with restructuring and insolvency proceedings. The practice is involved in alternative methods of dispute resolution, including mediation. Practice head Zoltán Faludi brings over 25 years’ experience in both domestic and international commercial arbitration to his role. Tímea Csajági has experience representing clients before the European Court of Justice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Zoltán Faludi

Autres avocats clés:

Tímea Csajági

Les références

‘Experienced and well known on the local market.’

‘Practitioners show flexibility and deep understanding, responses are quick and the work is to a high standard.’

Principaux clients


INA-Industrija nafte

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing MOL and INA against the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in an ICC arbitration.

Kapolyi Law Firm

József Kapolyi leads the dispute resolution team at Kapolyi Law Firm. The group supports clients through both litigious and non-litigious proceedings, including damages lawsuits, contract disputes, labour issues and enforcement of claims. The practice continues to expand its services, fielding niche expertise in areas such as press rectification, violation of personal rights and unfair market practices. Capital markets and bankruptcy litigation are some of the team’s particular strengths, and Zsófia Somlóvári has particular experience in the latter area.

Responsables de la pratique:

József Kapolyi

Autres avocats clés:

Zsófia Somlóvári

Les références

‘The team provides us with personalised legal advice and seeks more convenient solutions. Their work is highly effective. Availability and responsiveness are at first-class level. The most important development I shall highlight is the appointment of Zsófia Somlóvári – she is a very knowledgeable lawyer with huge experience and expertise in dispute resolution, and with a kind personality, too.’

‘Zsófia Somlóvári is highly dedicated to her work and her clients; she thoroughly explores and prepares the issues in question, her negotiation skill is persuasive, reassuring, convincing, her argumentation is well-grounded and logical. ’

‘In my opinion the dispute resolution team is extremely professional, and the legal services are all timely, detailed and within budget. – in a word they provide a high-quality service. The team members are competent, reliable, multilingual and experienced (some of them have decades’ long expertise in their field(s)).’

Principaux clients

Hungast Group

Riverside Kft.

Savencia Fromage & Dairy Hungary Zrt.

Dialóg Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.

Családbarát Ország Nonprofit Közhasznú Ltd.

Viking Executive Golf Club Kft.

Project 3 Mobility d.o.o

MHC Hotel Company Kft.

Cyberg Corp Nyrt.

BitGap Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Viking Executive Golf Club in a case relating to a real estate development against Magyar Nemzeti Vagyonkezelő.
  • Representing Dialóg Befektetési Alapkezelő in a case against production company Dialóg Befektetési Alapkezelő, which gave a financial donation for the creation of a movie which would have been deducted from corporate tax, but which could not be deducted after movie production failed.
  • Representing a private client in a Forex Trading matter against WH Selfinvest, in which the brokerage company has sued the client to compensate for a €50,000 loss.

Lohn Law Firm

At Lohn Law Firm, the dispute resolution team’s wide-ranging expertise covers a wide spread of industries, spanning commercial, corporate and malpractice disputes. The team is regularly instructed by real estate investment, architectural and trading firms, as well as representing corporate and sports clients in arbitration proceedings. With a strong track record in property and contractual litigation, Balázs Lohn co-leads the team alongside Márta Mráz, whose own expertise covers IP, employment and competition law. Evelin Kovács focuses on enforcement-related matters and litigation, while Tamás Szerbin typically handles construction disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Balázs Lohn; Márta Mráz

Autres avocats clés:

Tamás Szerbin; Evelin Kovács

Les références

‘Lohn Law Firm offers creative and effective ideas that they turn to solutions based on solid procedures once a dispute arises.’

‘Balázs Lohn is a skilled negotiator and an expert of various procedures.’

‘Evelin Kovács makes an outstanding performance in implementing various strategies.’

Principaux clients


Material Logistic Kft. and Material Group Kft.

SPP Solar Power Production Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing NYÍRTERV-PLUSZ Kft against various clients and architecture firms in IP-related disputes with an aggregate claim value of €3.8m.
  • Representing Material Group, Material Logistic and VARIO PLUSZ against a major Hungarian player in the energy, water and waste management industry in a dispute where the total value of the claims exceeds €6m.
  • Representing SPP Solar Power Production in a case against the Hungarian Energy Authority following the amendment of the distributor regulation of the provider license owners.

Sándor Szegedi Szent-Ivány Komáromi Eversheds Sutherland

The dispute resolution team at Sándor Szegedi Szent-Ivány Komáromi Eversheds Sutherland boasts extensive experience in labour and employment cases, as well as construction, contract, damages and tax disputes, and bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings. Practice head Péter Sándor has over 15 years’ experience in commercial litigation, representing clients before the Administrative Court, with a particular focus on regulatory mining law disputes. Seasoned arbitrator Péter Komáromi  also remains an active senior member of the team. With extensive experience in employment litgation, Katalin Varga represents clients in labour law disputes and also handles out-of-court settlements. Gréta Zanócz is another active member of the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Péter Sándor; Péter Komáromi

Autres avocats clés:

Katalin Varga; Gréta Zanócz

Principaux clients


Toyota Magyarország

Turkish Airlines


Universal Hungary Kft.

Bazaltech Group

Biotit Kft.

BSH (Bosch Siemens Hungary)

Tata Consultancy Services




Kerepes Bau

PSP Engineering a.s.


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Momentum in claims against the liquidator as well as the former shareholders of Vectigalis for causing damages deliberately and causing an insolvent situation.
  • Representing Turkish Airlines in all its dispute resolution work in Hungary, including handling passenger claims for compensation pursuant to Flight Compensation Regulation 261/2004 EC.
  • Representing Formatex in a legal dispute against its former Polish distributor, Biedronka, to enforce compensation of damages caused by the distributor.

Taylor Wessing Hungary

The dispute resolution team at Taylor Wessing Hungary is instructed by clients across Europe, and is well known for its expertise in cross-border litigation and international arbitration. The practice has a strong background in IP, sovereign and commercial disputes, with additional expertise across the construction, media and government sectors. Practice head Zoltán Novák is active in corporate, employment, copyright and trade mark disputes. Enikő Lukács represents clients before various arbitration centres, while Gábor Kőhidai focuses on real estate disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Zoltán Novák

Autres avocats clés:

Enikő Lukács; Gábor Kőhidai

Les références

‘The team was able to resolve an unbelievably difficult matter in favour of the client. The matter was novel for the Hungarian legal system; Taylor Wessing suggested a very difficult legal route and has achieved a positive result in arbitral proceedings in Hungary.’

‘We worked with Zoltán Novák and Gábor Kőhidai. They demonstrated a very creative client-oriented approach and suggested a lot of fresh helpful ideas.’

‘The collaboration and the reaction time of the Zoltán Novák is exceptional, with a competent team behind him.’

Principaux clients

Hungarian State, Museum of Fine Arts

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented the Hungarian State, Museum of Fine Arts in a restitution lawsuit filed by the heirs of a Jewish art collector in the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

VJT & Partners

Insurance litigation is a key focus for the dispute resolution team at VJT & Partners; practice co-head Zoltán Csernus has extensive experience in disputes involving distressed companies and assets, and Andrea Belényi is also active in the insurance space. Csernus leads the team alongside András Lovretity, who represents clients in corporate disputes before both state courts and arbitral bodies. Eszter Vezse regularly handles employment disputes as part of the firm’s employment litigation practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

András Lovretity; Zoltán Csernus

Autres avocats clés:

Andrea Belényi; Eszter Vezse

Les références

‘A well-prepared team with practical and theoretical knowledge in various areas of law. In addition to high professional standards, they are also characterised by a good atmosphere. ’

‘In addition to high professionalism, team members are characterised by helpfulness and proactivity. They are result-oriented, looking for solutions.’

‘Good partners that are experienced.’

Principaux clients

Vienna Insurance Group

NN Insurance (former ING Insurance)

Kinstellar Andrékó Ferenczi & Társai Ügyvédi Iroda

Andrékó Ferenczi Kinstellar provides a full dispute resolution offering across both litigation and arbitration. The ‘well-prepared and flexible’ team has expertise in competition and insolvency claims. Péter Vörös leads the practice, and is particularly noted for representing clients in cartel, abuse of dominant position and consumer protection cases. Noémi Varga has a strong track record in employment disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Péter Vörös

Autres avocats clés:

Noémi Varga

Les références

‘The team is well-prepared and flexible and able to solve issues with deep professional background.’

‘Team members are committed and reliable, working with high-level client focus, demonstrating high-level ownership.’

Principaux clients

Nitrogénművek Zrt. and affiliates

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Nitrogénművek in a Hungarian cartel case, in which the Hungarian Competition Authority imposed a fine of €36.8m.

Deloitte Legal Göndöcz and Partners Law Firm

Led by Péter Göndöcz, the dispute resolution team at Deloitte Legal Göndöcz and Partners Law Firm has a strong background in tax litigation and debt collection procedures. Zsuzsanna Huszl represents clients before the tax authorities, Diána Takács is regularly involved in tax litigation, and Ákos Balázsi advises on VAT and corporate income tax disputes. Attila Kövesdy established the group’s transfer pricing practice. Dávid Ramocsa was promoted to senior managing associate in September 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Péter Göndöcz

Autres avocats clés:

Attila Kövesdy; Dávid Ramocsa; Zsuzsanna Huszl; Diána Takács; Ákos Balázsi

Les références

‘The team’s approach was unique to the case, as the first step was to develop a comprehensive litigation strategy. Such a strategy included the available legal solutions, their pros and cons and their potential success. One of the strengths of the team was its ability to deal effectively with events as they arose during the course of the dispute in the context of the overall strategy to achieve the objective.’

‘Dávid Ramocsa’s and Ákos Balázsi’s work is characterised by their active management of the litigation strategy and the proceedings. They are also very responsive and ready to provide constructive solutions to new challenges.’

‘Communication and collaboration are great, team was very professional.’


Tax and commercial litigation are the main strengths of the dispute resolution team at Jalsovszky. Péter Szilas has almost 20 years’ experience in civil and commercial litigation, while Péter Barta focuses on fiscal and tax matters. Practice head Tamás Fehér is an active arbitrator, supported by Zoltán Dobos. Levente Bihari is active in real estate, construction and commercial disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tamás Fehér

Autres avocats clés:

Péter Barta; Péter Szilas; Levente Bihari; Zoltán Dobos

Les références

‘We engaged Jalsovszky as independent experts on Hungarian law matters. The team provided us with a very well-written and professional expert report. They were able to do a significant amount of work within a short time.’

‘Our main contact was Péter Szilas – he was very detail-oriented, always available to answer the questions of the client. The answers were clear, and the level of argumentation was high.’

‘The firm are sure in their professional knowledge, and they are able to transmit it, which causes calmness in the client. They are confident in using the most up-to-date technical solutions as well, using both professional and legal knowledge. It is clear for us as a client that there is a good atmosphere among the members which is necessary to effectively discuss complex cases.’

Principaux clients

Slovenské Energetické Strojárne a.s.,

Euler Hermes

K&H Bank Zrt.

Borsodchem Zrt.

WIZZ Air Hungary Légiközlekedési Zrt.

Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.

Smartkas B.V.

BioTech USA Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented Wizz Air in a procedure to challenge a local tax introduced by the 18th District Municipality on passengers travelling through the Liszt Ferenc Budapest International Airport.
  • Providing a legal opinion on Hungarian law in relation to a setting aside procedure in the US of an arbitral award concerning Bitcenter.
  • Successfully represented Hold Alapkezelő in a dispute against the Hungarian National Bank before the ECJ and the Hungarian courts, concerning the applicability of the remuneration policies of UCITS on dividend distributions.

KCG Partners Law Firm

KCG Partners Law Firm‘s dispute resolution team, led by Levente Csengery and Rita Párkányi, covers banking, real estate, IP and insolvency disputes. The practice also noted a recent increase in immigration and international mobility cases. Bálint Éberhardt 'throws himself into investigating and pursuing all the cases'. Eszter Ila-Horváth specialises in employment-related disputes, and the addition of Borbála Maglai from Lohn Law Firm in April 2023 further strengthened the team’s employment litigation practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Levente Csengery; Rita Párkányi

Autres avocats clés:

Bálint Éberhardt; Eszter Ila-Horváth; Borbála Maglai

Les références

‘KCG Partners’ team comprises of excellent lawyers, that provide full-fledged legal service to their clients. On the one hand their legal expertise in unquestionable, that was demonstrated in many cases. On the other hand, their attitude toward clients is unique. They are handling cases with a delicate approach and also put off so much weight from our shoulders when it comes to dispute resolution.’

‘Levente Csengery and Rita Párkányi are senior strategic thinkers at KCG Partners. They have been advising us for several years and represented us in various cases. Bálint Éberhardt is a young lawyer at their side, who also takes a lion’s share of the work, providing practical suggestions and a youthful dynamism to legal representation.’

‘The team has a unique blend of experience, passion, and relentless pursuit of innovation which forms the basis of their distinctiveness. They are a team of outstanding lawyers who provide us ongoing legal advice on dispute resolution. Their young and dynamic team is ready to solve any situation we face. I feel that client satisfaction is their top priority.’

Principaux clients


SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français)

Lepény Food


KPMG Legal Tóásó Law Firm

The dispute resolution team at KPMG Legal Tóásó Law Firm is composed of experienced arbitrators and litigators, and has experience appearing before international arbitral tribunals, and national and international courts. Manuela Grosu is active in both domestic and cross-border arbitration, as well as mediation. Grosu leads the team alongside Bálint Tóásó, who specialises in data protection and privacy cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bálint Tóásó; Manuela Grosu

Les références

‘KPMG Legal Tóásó Law Firm offers alternative legal solutions, with the primary goal of achieving a solution favorable to the client. They do not limit themselves only to strictly procedural solutions, but also propose other types of legal instruments that can be used.’

‘Bálint Tóásó looks at the client’s problem in a holistic way, striving for a quick and satisfactory solution.’

‘Manuela Grosu has extensive knowledge and experience in conducting disputes. She presents the procedural situation and possible further actions in a clear and comprehensive manner.’

Principaux clients

Trenkwalder Group

Marcas MC Zrt.

Bunzl Magyarország Kft.

Glastronic Hungary Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Trenkwalder Group in front of Budapest-Capital Regional Court in a procedure initiated to overturn the decision of the Hungarian Competition Authority issued in a cartel case.
  • Represented MARCAS MC before the European Court of Justice in a preliminary ruling procedure and before the Curia of Hungary in the underlying domestic tax litigation procedure.
  • Representing Glastronic Hungary in an employment litigation procedure initiated by a dismissed employee.


The dispute resolution team at Noerr is noted for its international capabilities. Litigation specialist Viktor Füzi leads the team, representing clients before various bodies, from environmental authorities to international courts. Edina Czeglédy specialises in employment law, handling restructurings and unfair dismissal proceedings, while Eszter Hegedűs represents clients from the automotive, aviation and manufacturing industries. Eszter Sieber-Fazakas, who is qualified in both Hungary and Germany, was promoted to partner in January 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Viktor Füzi

Autres avocats clés:

Edina Czeglédy; Eszter Hegedűs; Eszter Sieber-Fazakas

Les références

‘Noerr represents high professional competence. Reaction times and punctual execution with accurracy is the most valued adventage.’

‘The individuals at Noerr treat client requests with high priority. Well defined legal areas are delegated to each department, to work together in an efficient way. In each area, Noerr represents high professional competence and accuracy, and executes successful results.’

Principaux clients


Optimum-Béta Ingatlanbefektetési Kft.

F.E. Familien-Privatstiftung

Doktor24 Medicina Zrt.

Schwarzmüller Járműgyártó és Kereskedelmi Kft.

thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft.

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented KUKA at the Supreme Court, after an employee alleged that the client acted unlawfully in terminating his employment.
  • Represented Optimum-Béta Ingatlanbefektetési in a lawsuit dealing with a tenant’s claim for rent decrease and a judicial contract amendment in light of the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Representing the F.E. Familien Privastiftung against the Hungarian State in a civil court case relating to the treasures kept in the Hungarian Museum for Applied Art.

Partos & Noblet in co-operation with Hogan Lovells International LLP

The dispute resolution team at Partos & Noblet in co-operation with Hogan Lovells International LLP is well versed in handling commercial, employment and real estate disputes. The group also specialises in anti-corruption work, and co-head László Partos oversees the firm’s anti-corruption and bribery practice. Partos leads the dispute resolution department alongside Sándor Békési, whose extensive infrastructure experience makes him an established choice for advice on project-related disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

László Partos; Sándor Békési

Les références

‘Professional, high attention to detail.’

‘Handle the client as a top priority.’

Principaux clients


GE Power


TI Automotive

NEPI Rockcastle

DWS (Premier Outlets)

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing MEDIREX in proceedings before the Hungarian Supreme Court following a judicial review request submitted in relation to the decision adopted by the Hungarian Competition Authority for an alleged cartel in public procurement procedures and related administrative court proceedings.
  • Representing GE Power in litigation.
  • Representing NEPI Rockcastle in real estate-related litigation.