Firms To Watch: Planning and zoning

From its offices in Tel Aviv and Haifa, boutique firm Miller & Co. Law Office handles a significant volume of planning and zoning work, with a focus on urban renewal, municipal tax and land expropriation matters.

Planning and zoning in Israel

Agmon with Tulchinsky Law Firm

A destination practice for planning and zoning, Agmon with Tulchinsky Law Firm houses ‘one of the best teams in Israel’. The group enjoys a dominant position in each of the residential, commercial, office and hotel fields, where it routinely appears before all regulatory authorities, including planning and construction committees and appeals committees. Avi Porten is a stand-out planning and zoning expert and co-heads the department alongside Eyal Mamo, who is also a prominent specialist. The group additionally includes Asher Seliger; who specialises in criminal planning and zoning proceedings; Kira Lerner; who is noted for her expertise in municipal proceedings; and up-and-coming partner, Barak Schwarz.

Responsables de la pratique:

Avi Porten; Eyal Mamo

Autres avocats clés:

Asher Seliger; Kira Lerner; Barak Schwarz; Dana Fried Oshriel; Avi Sheferman

Les références

‘A professional team, one of the best teams in Israel, if not the best. Lawyers are experts in their field. Very good to excellent service and co-operation.’

‘The team was extremely approachable and available. It has represented us throughout the legal process, which has lasted for over 10 years and continues, with professionalism and expertise that has helped us and improved our position and status.’

‘Our team is led by Eyal Mamo and Dana Fried Oshriel. Both of them, in addition to their prominent knowledge and expertise, are approachable and always give us the feeling that they are there for us.’

Principaux clients

Mateh Yehuda

The Builders Association of Israel

Fattal hotels

ICC Jerusalem International Convention Centre

Bezeq the Israeli Telecommunication Corporation

Energix Group

ICL Corporate (Israel Chemicals)

Sha’are Zedek Medical Centre

Rothshtein Construct & Asset

Zion Oil & Gas

Paz Oil


Weizmann Institute

Mifal Ha Pais

Balilius Family

Reality Investment Fund

The local committee for planning and building Modi’in

Tadiran Batteries

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Shikun & Binui

Shikun & Binui Energy

Manufacturers Association of Israel



Diskin Orphan Home of Israel

Or Yehuda Local Committee for Planning and Construction

Holon Local Committee for Planning and Construction

South Ha’Sharon Local Committee for Planning and Construction

Setai Hotels

Ma’oz Daniel

The Economic Company for the Development of the Modi’in Region

KBA Town Builders Group

Galil Maaravi

Milomor Group

Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Sanz Foundation

Veridis Environment

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Bezeq before courts, licensing committees, district planning and construction committees, in all matters pertaining to real estate, planning and construction.
  • Acting for Mei Hof Carmel Co-operative Association in the planning process relating to projects to build floating photovoltaic installations in reservoirs in the Carmel area.
  • Advising Reality Fund on the Ma’on Project in Tel Aviv, which involves the repurposing of the facility into a modern residential complex with commercial, residential, and public facilities to be built on top of a future metro station.

Arnon, Tadmor-Levy

The planning and zoning group at Arnon, Tadmor-Levy impresses with its ability to ‘find creative solutions for planning and promoting projects’. With extensive experience in representing both private and public-sector entities, the practice’s broad client list spans a broad scope of public authorities and municipalities alongside construction groups and private supporters, among others. Key contacts include high-profile name Aner Hefetz, who specialises in planning and construction law; Shoam Keren, who heads the zoning team; Ron Tzin, who focuses on planning, zoning and environmental work; and Hagit Bavly, whose premier real estate expertise additionally spans planning matters. Also recommended are Naftali Nir and Goor Koren.

Autres avocats clés:

Aner Hefetz; Hagit Bavly; Asaf Eylon; Naftali Nir; Goor Koren; Shoam Kerem; Sigal Shapira; Ron Tzin

Les références

‘The planning and zoning department of the firm, headed by Aner Hefetz, accompanies us in complex and unique projects. The department is very available for us, very professional and creative. We are very satisfied with the legal service we receive.’

‘Aner Hefetz has provided legal services to us for many years, including on very complex issues. He is a very dedicated, professional and reliable lawyer. We are very satisfied with the legal service we receive from him.’

‘The team’s wide knowledge, openness to discussions, very good understanding of regulation and the law, and its sense of calm enables it to make good decisions and provide good advice.’

Principaux clients

The Israeli Knesset

The Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv

Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG)

Azrieli Group

Israel Railways

Israel Airports Authority

NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System

Hasharon Hotels Co.

Afikei Smadar/ Afikei Hayarden Group

Ofer Investments group (former Ofer Brothers Properties 1957)

Gazit Globe

Apartment for Rent – The Governmental Company for Housing and Rental

Ramat Gan Municipality

Netivot Municipality


Delek Group

Sufrin Group

Azorim Construction (1965)

Transportation Master Plan

Ministry of Transportation

JV of Y. H. Dimri Construction & Development and Ophir Urban Renewal Group

JV of Mishab Housing Construction & Development, Mivney Ophir Group and Y.H. Dimri Construction & Development

Avi Cranes Group

Israel Weapon Industries (I.W.I.)

Mishab Housing Construction & Development

Israel Discount Bank

State of Israel (Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environmental Protection)

Association for the Well Being of Israel’s Soldiers

Oranim Academic College of Education

Shaniv Paper Industries

Houses owners in large scaled urban renewal projects (Havradim St., Ha’LH St., Aliyat Hanoar Street St., Givatayim)

Y.H Dimri Construction and development

Zichron Yaakov Municipality

Rassco Rural & Suburban Settlement Co.

Rotshtein Realestate

CCCC Third Harbor Consulting Co. (THCC) and Shanghai Jianke Engineering Consulting co. (JKEC)

Amidar Israel National Housing Company

Kardan Real Estate

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully advised the Evangelical Episcopal Church in Jerusalem on its petition to the Supreme Court on the issue of granting an exemption from the improvement levy to non-profit public institutions that sell properties and land.
  • Advised the Knesset of Israel on the procedures for approving a plan to expand and double the area of the Parliament Building.
  • Advised a China-based planning and construction company that was chosen to plan a major project in the Dead Sea.

Erdinast, Ben Nathan, Toledano & Co

According to sources, Erdinast, Ben Nathan, Toledano & Coacts as a partner to clients, not only a legal adviser’. The team supports entrepreneurs and corporations across the full range of planning and zoning issues, from the promotion of national master plans, through to complex administrative law matters and criminal proceedings. Sector specialist Haim Waintrob maintains a comprehensive planning and zoning practice, which spans the residential, commercial, energy, and infrastructure segments, among others. Ronen Yardeni is also a high-profile figure in the market and brings to bear significant experience in Tama 38 projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Haim Waintrob; Ronen Yardeni

Les références

‘The team acts as a partner to clients, not only a legal adviser, it is caring, knowledgeable, skilled and responsive. The team is includes several outstanding partners and great associates.’

‘Ronen Yardeni is a specialist in the field and a great litigator. Erez Kaminitz is clever, understands the law and the practice.’

Principaux clients

Shikun & Binui Real Estate Development

Shikun & Binui Renewable Energy

EDF-EN Israel

Joint Venture of Shikun & Binui and The Meshulam Levinstein Group

Rotem Shani

H2ID Water desalination

Ewave real estate

Zilbermintz and Son

Yuvalim Group Projects

Blue Square Real Estate

The Israel Land Development Company (ILDC)

Shikun & Binui

Rubinstein Avraham & Co. Building Co.

Aluel – Construction Company

Dizengoff Center

Israel Levy – Real Estate Developer

Kardan Real Estate

Allied Real Estate

Oranim Projects


Representation of landowners in the most prestigious and highly valued lands in Israel

Shapir Engineering & Manufacturing

Reality Investments

Metropolis (P.A.E) 2011 Urban Enterprises

Boaz Gil Entrepreneurship

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Oranim in many large-scale projects, including a residential-commercial project in Ramat Hasharon, and a senior citizens housing project in Rishon LeZion.
  • Acting for Yochananof in an objection to the national plan 101A – Metro line M1S.
  • Acting for Shikun & Binui Renewable Energy on all aspects of planning & zoning regarding large-scale renewable energy projects, including solar projects, in Be’er Yaacov and Dimona.


Lawyers at FISCHER (FBC & Co.)never say never but always try to find the way to the best solution’, according to satisfied clients. The team provides full-service support to planning and zoning clients, often teaming up with the wider firm’s real estate, environmental law and litigation practices to offer comprehensive advice on multifaceted or complex work. Key names among the enviably deep bench include Tali Salton-Yeshua, who contributes extensive experience in precedent-setting issues before appeals committees and courts; Galit Shitzer, whose expertise spans residential, commercial, and industrial matters; Efrat Sharon, noted for her record in representing both local municipalities and private clients; managing partner Amir Chen; and next-generation partner Jonathan Libchik.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tali Salton-Yeshua; Galit Shitzer; Efrat Sharon

Autres avocats clés:

Amir Chen; Jonathan Libchik; Shilo Hershkovits; Alona Korman Gafni

Les références

‘A team comprised of professionals demonstrating up-to-date knowledge, an above-and-beyond attitude, adherence to schedules and familiarity with the market, particularly Tali Salton-Yeshua and Jonathan Libchik.’

‘A very professional team; dedicated and up-to-date with court decisions. Lawyers provide sharp representation, very efficient work and great work skills.’

‘The team has broad knowledge and understanding of the relevant laws and practices, as well as experience and familiarity with precedents. The team is also up to date on the public authorities’ and planning boards’ decisions.’

Principaux clients

Africa Israel Group

Africa Israel Residences

The Tidhar Group

Amot Investments

Aura Israel – Initiating & Investments

Azrieli Group


Bank Hapoalim

Clal Industries

Itzik Tshuva Group

G City Ltd. (Formally Gazit Globe)

Reality Investment Funds

Lodzia Rotex Investments

Menora Properties and Investments

Prashkovsky Investments and Construction

Ashdar Building Co.

Azorim Properties

Union Properties

Ybox Real Estate Group

AMIT Organization

Discount Bank

Israel Canada

Egged Transportation

The Kibbutz Movement Council

Izaki Group Investments

Issta ltd.

Sheba Medical Center

SolarEdge Technologies

Universal Motors Israel (UMI)

Grofit Yesodot Enterprises & Construction


Ofer investments Group

Sonol Israel

The Company for the Management of the Remuneration and Pension Fund of Employees of the Jewish Agency for Israel

Ramot in the City

Rotshtein Real Estate

Allied Real Estate

Tsabarim Entrepreneurship, Development, and Investments


Eastern Holdings Co.

Shufersal Real-Estate

The Colmobil Group

Baladi Holdings

Ungar Properties

Carasso Real Estate

Meshulam Levinstein Group

Danya Cebus

Gav-Yam Lands Corp

Ackerstein Industries

Ampa Group

City People of Rotshtein Group

Marathon Fund

HMG Holdings

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising many major real estate clients (including Tidhar Group, Acro Real Estate and Israel Canada) in filing objections against the comprehensive plan for the western industrial zone in Herzliya.
  • Representing various groups of private clients in dozens of objections to the consolidation and division tables of several plans in the North-West district in Tel Aviv, known as the ‘3700’ template.
  • Facilitating a large number of city building plans that were approved over the past year, involving hundreds of thousands of square metres of land designated for residences, offices, commerce and more.

Goldfarb Gross Seligman & Co.

Goldfarb Gross Seligman & Co. acts for a varied mix of entrepreneurs, construction groups, infrastructure clients and property owners on planning and zoning work. The team covers all key real estate spheres, including residential, urban renewal, infrastructure and industrial projects, where it advises on the full life cycle of matters, from proceedings for the approval of master zoning plans, through to complex litigation. Levy Amitay and Avi Arad co-lead the overarching real estate, planning and construction department; both handle planning issues and real estate transactions. The planning and construction sub-practice is led jointly by Orna Verhovsky and Sagiv Hanin. Real estate head Israel Aziel is also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

Levy Amitay; Avi Arad; Israel Aziel; Orna Verhovsky; Sagiv Hanin

Autres avocats clés:

Eyal Shakiv

Principaux clients

A. Adler Properties


Amot Investments

Angel Bakeries


Apartment for Rent – Rental Housing Government Company

Ariel Properties, Management

Ashdod Bonded

Aspen Group

Association for the Welfare of Israeli Soldiers (AWIS)

Aura Israel

Avney HaChoshen Tourism

Ayala Agam Real Estate Consulting

Ayalon Highway Company

AYM Holdings

Azorim Group

Azrieli Group

B.S.R. Group

Bat Yam municipality

Bayside Land Corporation (Gav-Yam)

BE Drugstores

Be’er Sheva Municipality


Big Shopping Centers

Biolojic Design

BST Group

Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Corporation

Calcalit Jerusalem

Canaan Gardens (Ganey Can’an)

Canada Israel Group


Chen and Itai Gindi Israel

Clal Insurance Company

Clalit Health Services

Coca Cola Israel (The Central Bottling Company)

Cooperative Society for Mutual Assistance and Savings of Employees of Clalit Health Services

Crazy Line

Cross Israel Highway

Dan Public Transportation Co.

Darom Natural Gas

David Czapnik & Sons

Dor Chemicals

DTCP Israel

Dunitz Brothers

Edri & Shahar Entrepreneurship & Construction

El Al Israel Airlines

Energix Group

Eran YD Entrepreneurship and Construction Group

Establishment Nahal

Etz HaShaked Engineering

“Ezra Lemarpe”

Gad Nazareth Mor

Gal Nave Real Estate

Ganey Cnaan

Gindi Friedman Real Estate Entrepreneurship

Green Park (G.Y.A) Entrepreneurship & Real Estate Marketing

Grofit Construction

Grofit Yesodot

Growth Israel Urban Development

Hadera Municipality and its Economic Development Company

Harel Insurance Company – Investment Division

Hewlett Packard

Hizuk Plus of the Tama 38 Group

Hogla-Kimberly (Kimberly-Clark Israel)

Holon Municipality, Holon Economic Development Company

Hotel Eden Nursing Homes in Nahariya

I Belong Israel (Masa Israeli)

IDB development Corporation


Inovytec Medical Solutions

IPC Jerusalem

ISPRO: the Israel Properties Rental Corp

Israel Aerospace Industries

Israel Canada Rem (ICR)

Israel Railways

Israeli Properties Rental Corporation (ISPRO)

Jerusalem Municipality

K.B.A Town Builders Group

Keren Kayemet LeIisrael Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF)

Kfar Netter Local Council

Kfar Saba Water Plant – Cooperative Agricultural Society

Kidmat Eden

Kiryat Gat Mall


Kupat Holim Meuhedet

Lesico Group

Leumi Partners

M.S.K.S. Cheetah Real Estate Investments

Magen David Adom In Israel (MDA)

Maman Group

Marine Ties Investment Ltd

Massad-Oz Management & Engineering

Mehadrin Ltd. and Pri Or

Mekorot Water Company

Menivim – The New REIT

MI CompanyB.V

Milouot Corporation for the Development of Haifa Bay Settlements

Minrav Holdings

Mivney Taasia (of the Mivne Group)

More Provident Funds

Nahalat Amir

Nea Hotel

Negev Natural Gas

Netanya Municipality, Halat – The Netanya Development and Tourism Company

Netivei Israel – The National Transport Infrastructure Company

Neve Gad

New Lineo Cinema (2006)

New Reality


Nitsba Holdings 1995

NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System

Ora, a cooperative agricultural community

Otonomo Technologies

Overseas Commerce

Pardes Savings Kadima

Paz Ashdod Refinery

Peretz Boney Hanegev

Petah Tikva Municipality, Petah Tikva Development Company

Property and Building Group

Rafael Feed Mills

Ramat Hasharon Municipality

Rami Levi Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006

Rami Shabiru Engineering Construction and Investments

Reality Investment Funds

Refael Nadlan (Refael Real Estate Group)


Representing dozens of private clients in various planning matters.

Rompart Israel

Rozio Group

Ruppin Academic Center

S.I.E. Ashkelon

Sde Warburg, a cooperative Israeli village.


Shapir Civil and Marine Engineering

Sharbat Brothers Construction Company

Shareholders in Pardes Bachings Kadima

Shhakim Real Estate Group

Shikun & Binui – Solel Boneh – Infrastructure


Silon Sport Marketing (1989)

Sorek Operation and Maintenance Company

Strauss Group

System Management Company

The Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering

The Arison Investment Fund

The City People Group

The Elad Group

The Knesset, Israel’s parliament.

The Local Committee of Planning and Construction – Jerusalem District.

The Phoenix Insurance Company

The Rashi Foundation

Tiberias Hot Springs Co.


Urban Brand


Verint Systems


Wolfson Clore Mayer Corp.

Y.D.E. Menivim

Yochananoff Supermarkets

Yossi Avrahami Civil Engineering Works

Yuval Alon

Zemach Hammerman

Zim Urban

Zohar & Zafrir Sharbat

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Canada Israel Group on the planning and zoning aspects of several large-scale, mixed-use projects amounting to billions of NIS.
  • Advising major government companies, such as Ayalon Highways and Netivei Israel, on complex planning and zoning aspects of large-scale national infrastructure projects.
  • Advising Zim Urban on advancing the plans of multiple significant projects and on all related matters.

Meitar law offices

Housing a standalone planning and construction offering, Meitar Law Offices’ group draws on dedicated specialists in the field. The team is routinely engaged to advise on major projects in the residential, commercial, industrial, infrastructure and energy sectors, where it leverages experience in representing both private and public-sector clients. Go-to department head Tamar Migdal is ‘very well-known and respected in the industry’; she is equipped to handle all stages of planning and zoning procedures, with specialist expertise in land expropriation law and challenging betterment and development levies. Lior Levi is also highly regarded for his focus on planning law, including advising on approval processes and contentious matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tamar Migdal

Autres avocats clés:

Lior Levi

Les références

‘We recommend the team for its high-level expertise and good availability. A one-stop-shop.’

‘Tamar Migdal is very experienced and possesses vast knowledge. She is very well-known and respected in the industry.’

Principaux clients

Elad Israel Residences

Amot Investments

Reality Investment Fund

Yh Dimri Construct & Develop

B.S.R. Engineering & Development

Acro Real Estate

Ramat Hasharon municipality and the local committee of Ramat Hasharon


Cross Israel Highway (Highway No. 6)

Ackerstein Industries

The Economic Company for Bnei Brak

Azrieli Group

Reuven Ella Holdings Ltd. And Issta Lines

Mivne Group

JTLV Investments

JVP – Jerusalem Venture Partners

Metropolis P.A.A. 2011 Urban Renewal

Ezra & Bitzaron


Oron Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Acro Real Estate on various matters, including licensing, planning, and representation across diverse projects such as urban renewal initiatives.
  • Advising B.S.R. Engineering and Development on zoning procedures for HaArgazim’s ‘northern compound’, an urban renewal project of 1,800 housing units, alongside a displacement framework for the existing neighbourhood.
  • Acting for Cross Israel Highway (Highway No. 6) on all regulatory and statutory aspects concerning its development, including representation before the National Committee and objection hearings.

Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. Advocates and Notary

The planning and zoning department at Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. Advocates and Notary is structured into five sub-groups covering real estate and construction; real estate planning and zoning; municipalities and local authorities; environmental law; and urban renewal. In this way, the practice spans the full range of related matters, with a notable focus on contentious work. Team head Yuval Gal-On additionally steers the administrative law department and is noted for his extensive experience in planning proceedings. Dan Or specialises in planning, building, zoning, and environmental protection.

Responsables de la pratique:

Yuval Gal-On

Autres avocats clés:

Dan Or

Principaux clients

A committee of dozens of residents in the Tel Aviv Dizengoff Tower

A committee of 120 Ra’anana residents

A Kfar-Saba conservation property rights owners

Ayalon Assets and Investments

Bat Yam Beach Towers

Chen Hamakom

Keren Nadlan

Kiryat Shmona Local Planning and Building Committee

Local Building and Planning Committee Givatayim

Rotem Technologies and Ecological Solutions

Shikun & Binui Real Estate

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing SAB Management Enterprise and Investments in proceedings against the Israel Lands Authority over a breach of an agreement over agricultural areas in Ashkelon.
  • Acting for Yakhin-Affect in opposing the published national infrastructure plan stipulating that a high voltage line would run through its site causing major damage to historic buildings.
  • Representing the Nahariya Village Co-operative of Agricultural Settlement in opposing the method of pricing of land in the Nahariya area that was rezoned from agricultural to residential status.

AYR – Amar Reiter Jeanne Shochatovitch & Co

AYR – Amar Reiter Jeanne Shochatovitch & Co’s planning and zoning team exhibits adept handling of planning and licensing procedures, as well as litigation before administrative authorities and courts. Well-versed across a range of residential, commercial, infrastructure and energy projects, the group also stands out for its complementary municipal tax offering. Yacov Cohen works across all aspects of real estate law, with a focus on planning and construction; he co-leads the department together with head of the firm, Amir Amar.

Responsables de la pratique:

Amir Amar; Yacov Cohen

Les références

‘The team is attentive and lawyers demonstrate great accessibility.’

Principaux clients

Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises

Shapir Industries

Aura Israel Development and Investments

PHI Networks

Delek – The Israel Fuel Corporation

Gindi Tower Tel Aviv

The Bazan Group

Ono Academic College

Chevron Corporation (Formerly Noble Energy Mediterranean)

Kavim Public Transportation

Bank Hapoalim

Ashtrom Group

Adama Agan

Israel National Gas Lines Company

“Meuhedet” Health Services

Gabay Group

Africa Israel Group

BIG Shopping Centers

Israel Electric Corporation



Kesher Rent A Car (Hertz)

A. I. america israel investments

Isras Investment Company

Ohana Group DS 1998 Project Management and Initiation

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Shapir Industries on the construction of the light rail in Jerusalem, including representation in a legal battle against a group trying to prevent the construction of a concrete plant that is highly necessary for the project.
  • Acting for the Bazan Group in legal proceedings connected to an outline plan for changing the face of Haifa Bay, which is in the preparation stages.
  • Representing the Bazan Group in filing a petition concerning Bazan’s right to keep operating until the future plan for Haifa Bay comes into action.

Firon Law Firm

Firon Law Firm’ diverse planning and zoning practice is reflected in its broad client roster, which spans government ministries, state-owned enterprises, real estate developers, private landowners and publicly traded companies. With experience across all core real estate segments, the group is primarily recognised for its activity in urban renewal projects as well as in contentious proceedings. Barak Keinan is recommended for his focus on planning, construction and urban renewal work. Kais Nasser and Dana Biran are also key contacts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Itzhak Narkiss; Tamar Firon-Smorodinsky; Barak Keinan; Kais Nasser; Dana Biran

Les références

‘The team stands out for its proficiency, adjustment to client needs, professionalism, availability and compliance with schedules.’

‘Kais Nasser is a professional lawyer, who is always available, and provides precise explanations that anyone can understand, even non-lawyers.’

Principaux clients

Elbit Systems

Ashdar Building Company

Dan Hotels


Ken Hator Construction and Engineering

Metropolis Urban Development

The Greek Catholic Patriarchate

Arsuf Kedem

Many private owners

Netzer Hazani

Nativ Group

Av Gad

Elad Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Ashdar and Ashdar Boutique in approximately 100 different urban renewal projects, which will include thousands of new residential units.
  • Representing Clalit Health Services in various planning and zoning matters, including in proceedings before the High Court of Justice concerning the proposed route for the M3 metro line.
  • Advising the local council of Iksal regarding a plan to establish an employment and commercial zone in order to encourage women’s employment, among other benefits.

Herzog Fox & Neeman

The planning, construction and municipal taxation team at Herzog Fox & Neeman is equipped to advise on the full range of planning and zoning matters, with an emphasis on approval processes and licensing, municipal taxation, land expropriation and criminal proceedings. Sharon Petel maintains a broad real estate practice, with a focus on representing construction companies and entrepreneurs on planning and construction matters, including litigation. Up-and-coming partner Talia Blazer specialises in municipal taxation, including property tax, development levies and betterment levies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sharon Petel

Autres avocats clés:

Talia Blazer

Les références

‘We recommend the team for its personal attention. Very high availability. Fair calculation of working hours. Expertise. Providing professional security to the customer, particularly Sharon Petel.’

‘Lawyers possess wide professional knowledge and provide availability and personal attention.’

‘An office with a lot of experience, and an emphasis on professionalism.’

Principaux clients

Reality Investment Fund

The Phoenix Insurance Company

Rotshtein Real Estate

Assuta Medical Centers

Israel Electric Corporation

The Academic Center for Law and Business

Facebook Israel

Intel Israel (74)

Mobileye – Intel subsidiary

Bar Ilan University

Rani Zim Shopping Centers

The Israel Museum

Rotshtein Real Estate Urban Redevelopment

H- Meitar Entrepreneurship

Kartin Brothers Real Estate Investment

Efhal Real Estate

Nahalat Asher Limited Partnership

Kata Urban Renewal; Kata Holdings; Kata construction entrepreneurship and investment 2002

Friends of Rambam Association


Maar Tzafon Partnership

MBC north Ashdod limited partnership

Shlomo A. Angel

Glilot Square

Y38 Real Estate Development

Sharon laboratories holdings (2016)

New Era Urban Renewal

Olnik Transportation, Earthworks and Roads Company

Efgad building and environment

Aviv & Co. group real estate 1963

Azrieli Group

G Israel Commercial Centers

Gazit Globe Israel Group

Ram-Center (2013)

Nadlan Haham

Moshav Bnei Zion

Kibbutz Gazit

C. Cochav Hanegev

Jerusalem Jersey

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews


Elapor Investments


Economic & Cultural Projects for State Workers

Ef’al Seminar

Vishay Israel

WeWork Israel

Panormama Zafon

S’energyRenewable Energy

The Third Place

Ofek Batan – Vardiya Partnership


The United Tourism Corporation



Clore Foundation

Paz Oil Company

The Israeli Employment Service


Gat Rimon

Star Pumped Storage

OPC Energy

Levinsky College of Education

Naftali Nissan & Sons

Yaakobi Iron for Concrete Company

Zim Urban

Amot Investments

Hutsot Alonim

Margalit S.A. Vehicle

Gabrielim Entrepreneurship and Investments

Globus International Packaging and Shipping

Mega Or

Gadot Group

S.y. shepets Vaknin Building Contractors

Naveh Tamarim Investments


Elbit Systems Ew And Sigint- Elisra

Ultima Genomics Israel

Datum Dental

Mata Technologies Ventures III (2021)

Ram Center


Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM)

Britania Israel Hamahzeva Nesher

Menora Mivtachim Insurance

V.D Nahal Novea Yazamut and Holdings

Briga Group

Yan Refael Group Real Estate Investments and Holdings

Parcel 11 in Block 5027 Company

“Delek” The Israeli Fuel Company

“Merchavim” Education and Culture Company

Gabay Group



Asden Israel


Shenkar College

Dynamic Yield


Shikun & Binui Real Estate

Gush 3 Mischa (Shaarey Tikva)

Reut Hospital

Wolt Market

Bank Hapoalim


Tel Aviv University


Shefa Yazamut


Saliah Rothschild

Acro Real Estate

Oorah Hakitzah Association

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Intel’s Mobileye on planning and construction matters regarding its new campus in Jerusalem, and also on proceedings regarding objections, appeals, a petition, and an appeal that was submitted to the Supreme Court against the building permit of the project.
  • Successfully represented Israel Electric Corporation in proceedings against the local planning and zoning committee of Hadera challenging a betterment levy charge of NIS592m.
  • Advised Gush 3 Mischa (Shaarey Tikva) on a plan for a new neighbourhood in Elkana, which will connect Elkana with Shaar Shomron.

S. Horowitz & Co

Particularly well-positioned to handle contentious work, S. Horowitz & Co’s signature litigation offering marks it as a key contender for complex planning, zoning and construction disputes. Among its key clients in this sphere, the team represents Paz Oil company in various petitions and claims, as well as Lime & Stone Production Company and Readymix Industries (Israel). On the non-contentious front, the group advises on an array of planning approvals, licensing and other regulatory matters. The department is led jointly by litigators Amir Caspari and Asaf Rentsler.

Responsables de la pratique:

Amir Caspari; Asaf Rentsler

Principaux clients

The Committee of Landowners in Kikar Hamedina in Tel Aviv

China State Construction Engineering Corporation

Paz Oil Company

Lime & Stone Production Company

Readymix Industries (Israel)

Sonol Israel

The Orthodox Palestine Society of Holy Land (Jerusalem and East Section)

ICR Israel Canada Reem Holdings (formerly Minrav Projects)

Scientists of The Weizmann Institute of Science.

Village (“Moshav”) Bnei Zion

Rights holders in the Old Train Station (“HaTachana”) complex in Tel Aviv

Carasso Trade Centers

Municipality of Kafr Qasim

Rani Zim Shopping Centers

Gan Hashichmim

Israel Electric Corporation

Gate to Israel

Israel Land Development – Urban Renewal

Dead SeaWorks

Oron Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing all the rights holders of a private property in Kikar Hamedina in the planning and execution of the joint development project of a luxury residential complex of more than 450 units in three towers.
  • Representing Paz Oil Company in several petitions and claims relating to planning and zoning matters, totalling tens of millions of NIS.
  • Advising ICR Israel Canada Reem Holdings on a transaction with Samwood Construction and Kim Lustigman for the acquisition of the rights of Samwood and Lustigman in the second phase of a real estate project in Jerusalem, valued at $373m.

Shoob & Co. Law Offices

Shoob & Co. Law Offices’ recent merger with Tzvi Shoob should prove particularly fruitful on the planning and zoning side, with the latter firm specialising in real estate, planning, building, and zoning work. The combined group is well-primed to advise developers and management companies on a wide range of building permits, expropriation law, plan approvals and contentious matters. Shmuel Shoob’s practice encompasses all key areas of real estate, including land-use reassignment, municipal taxation, expropriations, and litigation. Tzvika Shoob is also recommended for planning and zoning issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Shmuel Shoob; Tzvika Shoob

Autres avocats clés:

Naama Schiff; Aviad Shoob

Principaux clients

Organization of rights holders at the New Central Bus Terminal in Tel Aviv and 200 individual rights holders

Israel Teachers’ Union

Carmeli – Yoliad


Sadash – Petrol and Oil Agents

Hayarkon Holdings and Rubinstein Family

Bar Yehuda Engineers

Mevo Negba Ltd. and the Brunner Family

Rav Hen Theatres Ltd. and the Greidinger Family

Thousands of private landowners in large-scale development complexes across the country

Zaberko Building, Holding and Initiation

Mr. Hezki Gross, Real Property Appraiser – representative of landowners

Mr. Yitzhak Haimovitz and private landowners

Calanyot and Aharonson Family

Adv. Yehiel Gelman, Trustee

Ms. Orit Bar Levi and Mr. Yaki Hasson

Mr. Rafi Shechter

Electra Investments, part of the Electra Group

Zemach Hammerman

Armonot Hen

Chen & Itay Gindi Group

Africa Israel Residences

Carasso Real Estate, a division of the Carasso Group

Meorot Assets

Merhavey Development

White City Buildings

Urban Renewal Projects – Expertise

Compilation of private landowners in various real property transactions

A group of landowners in a combination agreement with Kardan Real Estate

Ramgor Investments

Purchase Groups of Real Property

Zarfati Zvi & Sons

Prashkovsky Group

A group of owners of land in Bat Yam, the largest one of the group being Shlomo Zevida Assets, Re the Bursekai Complex

Mador Bachrach

Mr. Eran Glick

Kuperley & Shalom Investments

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Organisation of rights holders at the New Central Bus Terminal in Tel Aviv, and 200 individual rights holders, in various matters, including on the promotion of a comprehensive urban building plan for the Tel Aviv Central Bus Terminal.
  • Representing the Israel Teachers’ Union in settlement negotiations with the Israel Land Administration in a dispute over a plot in north Tel Aviv designated for the construction of a Teachers’ Center, with a potential value of NIS700m.
  • Representing Sadash – Petrol and Oil Agents in expropriation proceedings and compensation claims, under Section 197 of the Planning and Building Law, against Israel Roads in connection with the expansion of Highway 4.