D'Empaire has a firm grasp in handling economic regulation matters for clients in the pharmaceutical industry in particular, with the team providing advice on matters ranging from administrative contracts to regulatory issues relating to entering the market and importing products into Venezuela. José Valentín González, who counts compliance among his areas of expertise, and regulatory specialist José Humberto Frías lead the team.
Economic regulation in Venezuela
Responsables de la pratique:
José Valentín González; José Humberto Frías
Principaux clients
Novartis Venezuela
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Bayer Venezuela
Principaux dossiers
- Advised the Venezuelan branches of clients including Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Bayer on new mechanisms to import drugs to Venezuela under the new regulatory framework.
Mendoza, Palacios, Acedo, Borjas, Paez Pumar & Cia.
Mendoza, Palacios, Acedo, Borjas, Paez Pumar & Cia. offers a wide variety of regulatory services, encompassing advice on economic sanctions affecting Venezuela, price controls and exchange controls, and banking and insurance compliance, among other areas. Carlos Eduardo Acedo Sucre is an expert in regulatory matters in the insurance and reinsurance sectors, while Diego Lepervanche and Luisa Lepervanche are key names for advice on foreign sanctions.
Responsables de la pratique:
Carlos Eduardo Acedo; Diego Lepervanche; Luisa Lepervanche
Principaux clients
MSD Pharmaceutical
National Credit Bank
Solsica Corporation
Venezuelan Operational Transportation Industry
Coca-Cola Services
Munich Re and Munchener from Venezuela
Elmor Laboratories
Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry
National Association of Colombian Businessmen
Principaux dossiers
- Advised various clients and private forums, including the Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce (VenAmCham), Ecoanalítica and the National Association of Colombian Entrepreneurs (ANDI) on complying with the sanctions imposed by the United States of America and the European Union as they engage with Venezuelan law.
- Advised MSD Farmacéutica, Corporación Solsica and others on regulatory matters including currency exchange controls, international sanctions, banking and insurance regulations, consumer protection regulations and foreign investments.