Firms To Watch: Intellectual property: Copyright

The Madrid office of Andersen has ‘extensive regulatory, rights contracting and production execution knowledge‘, making it a key adviser on copyright matters in the media sector. Clients praise practice head Nerea Sanjuan, who recently advised production company Morena Films on copyright clearance matters.
Estudio Juridico Bercovitz-Carvajal is sought after for advice on copyright protection and infringement by numerous clients in the music, audiovisual, architecture and visual art sectors. Clients praise lead partner Alfonso González Gozalo for his ‘great knowledge of the audiovisual sector and exquisite treatment of both the client and the counterparty‘.

Intellectual property: Copyright in Spain

Baker McKenzie

Baker McKenzie acts for a stellar roster of clients, among them international streaming services and global tech giants.  The lead partners are JosĂ© MarĂ­a MĂ©ndez in Madrid (who is ‘of a very high professional quality and is capable of coordinating the work with other areas of the firm or other countries’) and Cristina Duch in Barcelona, who leads the firm’s EMEA brand enforcement and disputes group. Also in Madrid, MarĂ­a Dolores Garayalde is recommended for portfolio management work.

Responsables de la pratique:

José María Méndez; Cristina Duch

Autres avocats clés:

MarĂ­a Dolores Garayalde; Pelayo Puente

Les références

‘This firm has excellent professionals who are capable of offering uninterrupted service on a matter in both Spain and the United Kingdom, with excellent coordination between them.’

‘I have not found a firm that masters the subject and is so dedicated to the objectives we pursue in both countries. JosĂ© MarĂ­a MĂ©ndez is of a very high professional quality and is capable of coordinating the work and needs with other areas of the firm or other countries, without losing focus.’

‘Coordinated team with experience in the matter. Anticipation of regulatory changes with impact on the company. Knowledge of the sector and international advice.’

Principaux clients

Portobello Capital

Principaux dossiers

Clifford Chance

The ‘solid and experienced‘ IP practice at Clifford Chance draws on the firm’s extensive international network to handle high-value copyright matters for international investors and blue-chip companies. Its work encompasses the acquisition of interests in the rights of major brands and sporting teams, as well as copyright litigation and arbitration, regional enforcement and licensing programmes. The vastly experienced Miquel Montañå leads the practice, which is based in the firm’s Barcelona office, and specialises in contentious matters and competition law. IP and unfair competition litigator Josep Montefusco, who has a niche in advertising law, and ‘exceptional‘ senior associate Juan Cuerva de Cañas are the other key names to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Miquel Montañå

Autres avocats clés:

Josep Montefusco; Juan Cuerva de Cañas

Les références

‘The team is solid and experienced. They are close, they try to understand our concerns and adapt to our risk appetite.’

‘Juan Cuerva de Cañas is exceptional. Always willing to listen and give his point of view adapted to what we need and what we specifically want, without losing sight of the possible risks and control of the matter.’

‘Knowledge and precision superior to the competition. Reliable advice and global knowledge. Juan Cuerva de Cañas is the associate we work with.’

Principaux clients

Sixth Street


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)

Generalli (Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.)


The promoters of the European Super League

Key Capital Partners

Cinven Capital Management

Nikken Sekkei

Unibail Rodamco Westfield

Stirling Square Capital Partners

HILTI Corporation


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Sixth Street on the acquisition of a total share of 25% of F.C. Barcelona’s LaLiga audiovisual rights for 25 years, in exchange for an investment of €207.5m.
  • Advised Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. on the acquisition of Liberty Seguros, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. for €2.3bn.
  • Advised Stirling Square Capital Partners on the acquisition of the Spanish group GestiĂłn Tributaria Territorial (GTT), a software provider and software operation service provider to tax administrations in Spain.


Cuatrecasas is home to a sizeable IP team which handles some of the most sophisticated copyright matters in Spain. The intellectual and industrial property, and trade secrets group is well versed in both complex litigation proceedings and transactional matters. Albert Agustinoy in Barcelona, who acts for numerous multinational e-commerce and IT operators, and intangible protection and transfer expert Álvaro Bourkaib in Madrid are the lead practitioners. Rafael Sånchez Aristi frequently advises radio and television bodies, cinemas, and hotel chains on the negotiation of rates with large-scale owners of copyrighted material. IP litigator Jorge Llevat and Alejandro Negro, who focuses on IP, data protection, and new technologies, also play pivotal roles in the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Albert Agustinoy; Álvaro Bourkaib

Autres avocats clés:

Jorge Llevat; Alejandro Negro; Rafael SĂĄnchez Aristi

Principaux clients




PrĂĄctica Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Apanqura on acquiring an important music catalog (the publishing rights and the recording rights of several well-known artists).
  • Advised Renault on the infringement of a third party’s copyrights in advertisements.
  • Representing Adevinta in conflicts concerning protection of database right on its well-known online platforms.


ECIJA‘s sizeable IP practice, which works as part of a large international network and has recently formed an alliance with technology and life sciences firm Taylor Wessing LLP, is ‘fully available and very proactive‘. The firm is best known for its work in TV and film rights, though it has a stellar client roster that spans fashion, retail, music, telecoms and many other sectors. Managing partner Alejandro Touriño is the principal practitioner for copyright matters, though founding partner and chairman Hugo Écija is an expert in media and new technologies, and Elena OrdĂșñez is a key adviser on IP issues arising from audiovisual projects. Entertainment law partner Helena SuĂĄrez, digital transformation specialist Cristina Villasante, and senior associate Carlos Rivadulla also play pivotal roles in the practice. Sandra Garcia, who joined from Auren in October 2022, brings skills in copyright and patent litigation.

Autres avocats clés:

Hugo Écija; Alejandro Touriño; Cristina Villansante; Helena SuĂĄrez; Elena OrdĂșñez; Juan SalmerĂłn

Les références

‘The main difference is the confidence and professionalism they demonstrate every day. They are very close people who empathize and explain themselves perfectly.’

‘What makes this practice unique is the professional and personal treatment.’

‘Their personal and professional treatment set the firm apart. The team is always ready, reachable, and has good manners. Helena Suárez is recommended.’

Principaux clients



Yamaha Music







La Liga



TĂ©cnicas Reunidas





SGAE General Society of Authors and Editors

ACB (Basketball national league)












Sky TV


Rakuten TV



LG Electronics

Mercedes Benz

Havas Media

Santander Bank



Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Mango on pre-litigation negotiations related to the issuing of NFTs in connection with copyrightable protected famous paintings.
  • Advised Sony Music Entertainment on the creation of an animated series featuring footballer Leo Messi, handling all legal aspects, from structuring the project to copyright matter.
  • Advised the production of House of Dragon during the shooting in Spain.


Led by ‘fast, brilliant and super practical‘ IP and digital business partner Carolina Pina and experienced IP prosecutor JoĂŁo Miranda de Sousa, Garrigues' IP practice stands out for its strength in both contentious and advisory work. Whether advising on infringement, commercial contracts, M&A deals, filings, portfolio management, or emerging issues such as AI, neural marketing, NFTs or augmented reality, the firm ‘delivers pragmatic advice‘. The copyright lawyers frequently act for internet platforms, content providers, sports organisers, fashion/retail companies, and clients in the automotive sector. IP and technology litigator Cristina Mesa, newly promoted art and entertainment law partner Antonio Muñoz, and associate Ricardo LĂłpez Alzaga all play significant roles in the firm’s high-profile matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carolina Pina SĂĄnchez; JoĂŁo Miranda de Sousa

Autres avocats clés:

Cristina Mesa; Antonio Muñoz; Ricardo López Alzaga

Les références

‘The great thing about working with Garrigues, and more specifically, with the IP team, is that if you have any questions, they assist you, are always available, and the level of empathy with the client. You feel very confident in their hands and it also seems that you are the best client they have, in terms of attention. They are great professionals.’

‘Carolina Pina – apart from her professional greatness, she gets totally involved in your business. Cristina Mesa is a great professional too.’

‘The team of Carolina Pina, Cristina Mesa and Ricardo López Alzaga are great professionals in their field. Their treatment, knowledge of the subject and way in which they propose solutions is excellent.’

Principaux clients

Netflix International Bv

Javier Calleja

World Productions


Ikiru Films


Pace Rights Management

Red Bull

Atlantis Animation

Cmz Machinery Group, S.A.

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Netflix on a litigation case which will define the lawfulness of audiovisual adaptations of real-life events and characters.
  • Providing legal advice to Spanish visual artist Javier Calleja and his art studio on AI and activating opt-out of generative AI tools.
  • Representing Clave Denia in design, copyright, and unfair competition infringement matters.

Bird & Bird

Bird & Bird's IP group works with teams across the firm’s international network to assist blue-chip companies in sectors as diverse as food and beverage, media, chemicals and apparel. Clients report ‘a great team, with very specialised knowledge, great quality of service, excellent responses and flexibility‘. Setting the tone are lead partners JosĂ© Miguel LissĂ©n and Mariano Santos, and counsel Antonio Cueto, who focuses predominantly on trade secrets. Counsel Manuel Lobato handles IP litigation and strategic advice, and associates Maria Fernandez and Marta Arteaga also play central roles in the firm’s most significant matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mariano Santos; José Miguel Lissén; Antonio Cueto

Autres avocats clés:

Manuel Lobato; Maria Fernandez; Marta Arteaga

Les références

‘Legal service of excellence and above all personalised. Unlike other firms, Bird & Bird is always attentive to the client’s needs.’

‘The partner who stands out in the practice is Mariano Santos. He specialises in trademark and copyright issues and manages global portfolios, especially for Asian clients.’

‘Bird & Bird is without a doubt the best law firm for IPy and copyright. They have a great team, with very specialised knowledge, with a great quality of service, excellent responses and flexibility to address different topics. Without a doubt, it is the firm that gives us the most confidence to advise us on these issues. ’


Elzaburu has a multidisciplinary practice that provides comprehensive advice to holders of copyright in many sectors of the entertainment industry, notably theatre, motion pictures, television, and live shows. Handling both domestic and cross-border matters, it is especially well known for its strong capabilities in IP litigation. The firm also stands out for its busy antipiracy team, which works in close cooperation with customs, police, prosecutors, and courts. Lead legal and business partner Javier Fernåndez-Lasquetty, head of media and entertainment Mabel Klimt, litigation partner Enrique Armijo, and head of anti-counterfeiting Juan José Caselles are the main contacts. Former head of litigation Antonio Castån retired in 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mabel Klimt; Javier Fernåndez-Lasquetty; Juan José Caselles; Enrique Armijo

Les références

‘The team is well versed in all matters of IP protection and enforcement. It has a strong relationship with law enforcement which is very helpful in coordinating anti-counterfeiting activities.’

‘I value their ingenuity is solving problems in a cost-effective manner. The entire team works seamlessly.’

‘Elzaburu is a highly qualified firm in the areas of intellectual and industrial property, branches that require a high degree of specialisation, as well as deep knowledge of different sectors of the industry. Elzaburu provides highly specialised advice, based on the client’s needs and is up to date on legislative developments and legal practice. Elzaburu provides services in a close manner, listening to the client and providing advice tailored to the case in question.’

Principaux clients

MGA Entertainment

Pokeepsie Films

Paramount Global

Principaux dossiers

Grau & Angulo

Highly regarded boutique Grau & Angulo frequently works in cross-border IP mandates alongside international law firms. Its diverse range of work encompasses trade mark, patent, design and copyright litigation, as well as advice on domain names, licensing, unfair competition and anti-counterfeiting. In the copyright area, its client roster consists of major businesses in the automotive, media, entertainment, telecoms, content creation, healthcare, and fashion industries. Lead partner Ignacio MarquĂ©s provides ‘good and practical advice‘ on transactional matters. Litigation partners Maite Ferrandiz and Sonia Santos are central to the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ignacio Marqués

Autres avocats clés:

Maite Ferrandiz; Sonia Santos

Les références

‘Good team work.’

‘Ignacio MarquĂ©s is reactive and gives good and practical advice.’

Principaux clients


Consultorio Dexeus

Moët & Chandon


Veja Fair Trade

International Practical Shooting Confederation

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo

Heir of Jaqueline Picasso

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), the worldwide governing body for the sport of practical shooting, against an infringer making use of a well-known IPSC badge protected under copyright.
  • Advising OFFF EVENTS on the assignment of copyrights of digital artists whose works were featured in the immersive display “Digital Impact”.
  • Representing the heir of Jacqueline Picasso (Picasso’s second wife) against a company for the unauthorised use of the Jacqueline Picasso’s image in the advertising and promotion of a restaurant, cocktail and live music establishment in Barcelona.

GĂłmez-Acebo & Pombo

GĂłmez-Acebo & Pombo is known for its ‘attention to detail and client-oriented  service'. The lead partners are JesĂșs Muñoz-Delgado, who handles the protection and enforcement of copyright, as well as technology transfer matters, and experienced litigator SofĂ­a MartĂ­nez-Almeida. They oversee a broad range of copyright, digital business and technology work including advisory, contractual, regulatory, transactional and contentious matters for a diverse range of clients, among them international gaming and technology companies, food and beverage giants, fashion houses, and media businesses. The firm is also growing demand for its niche advice on artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual and augmented reality, deepfakes, the metaverse, and NFTs. Senior associate BĂĄrbara Sainz De Vicuña is active in copyright enforcement.


Responsables de la pratique:

JesĂșs Muñoz-Delgado; SofĂ­a MartĂ­nez-Almeida

Autres avocats clés:

Isabel Bandín Barreiro; Bårbara Sainz De Vicuña

Les références

‘Team willing to resolve all doubts that arise, with full availability.’

‘These are lawyers who explain everything easily, making the job easier. Isabel BandĂ­n Barreiro and BĂĄrbara SĂĄinz de Vicuña have stood out.’

‘Balanced team (seniors and juniors), with attention to detail and very client-oriented in service.’

Principaux clients


Giorgo Armani

Entertainment One UK Limited



Coca-Cola Europacific Partners


Galletas GullĂłn

Nektium Pharma

Ampere Power Energy

Esprinet Ibérica

Ecoembalajes España



Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Esprinet IbĂ©rica on the legal design of its new proprietary Cloud Marketplace as well as the terms and conditions of its functioning.
  • Advised Zicla Cities in connection with the protection and exploitation of its IP rights and its expansion in the US, South America and China.

Santiago Mediano Abogados

Santiago Mediano Abogados is known for its in-depth understanding of the media and entertainment industries, where it handles an impressive volume of copyright and trade market matters. The firm handles advisory work concerning technology transfer contracts and licensing agreements, but is better known for its IP litigation credentials. Founding partner and IP specialist Santiago Mediano leads the practice, supported by standout pre-litigation adviser RaĂșl Bercovitz. Litigator Francisco Arroyo, whose long career encompasses more than 400 judicial proceedings, and associate Manuel GarcĂ­a EspĂ­n, who specialises in enforcement matters, also stand out.

Responsables de la pratique:

Santiago Mediano

Autres avocats clés:

RaĂșl Bercovitz; Francisco Arroyo; Manuel GarcĂ­a EspĂ­n

Principaux clients

Centro Nacional De Investigaciones OncolĂłgicas (CNIO)

Uría Menéndez

UrĂ­a MenĂ©ndez is a key adviser to companies in the pharmaceutical, electronics, software, food, textile, homecare products, education and retail sectors. The copyright team, which is part of the firm’s digital law group, is known for its ‘high technical level and commitment‘ in both advisory work and litigation. Blending expertise in IP, IT and unfair competition, Montiano Monteagudo in Barcelona and Madrid-based partners Carles Vendrell, Ingrid Pi, and Borja Sainz de Aja lead the practice. Vendrell in particular has a strong focus on copyright and neighbouring rights disputes. Counsel Francisco Javier GarcĂ­a, who frequently acts for companies in the advertising and fashion industries, is another name to note in the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Montiano Monteagudo; Ingrid Pi; Borja Sainz de Aja; Carles Vendrell

Autres avocats clés:

Francisco Javier GarcĂ­a; Cristina Suanzes

Les références

‘High technical level and commitment. Adaptation to the specificities of the client’s area of ​​activity.’

‘High technical level. Partner Carles Vendrell and associate Cristina Suanzes stand out.’

Principaux clients

Kukuxumusu Ideas


AERC (Asociación Española de Radiodifusión Comercial)

Telefónica de España

Banco Santander

Meta Platforms Group

Unidad Editorial


LEFEBVRE – El Derecho

Bioiberica, S.A.U

Glovo Groceries, S.L.U.

CEHAT (Confederación Española de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos)


NH Group

Oakley Capital Investments

Grupo Primavera (Cecid company)

ADIC – IIC (Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento)

Principaux dossiers

CMS Albiñana y Suårez de Lezo

With the ability to handle a broad range of IP work for international clients, CMS Albiñana y SuĂĄrez de Lezo is singled out for its strong performance in copyright litigation. In addition to contentious matters, the group is also well positioned to advise on transfer agreements, publishing contracts, software licensing and film rights assignment. Known for its experience in the media and technology sectors, the practice is led by litigator MarĂ­a GonzĂĄlez Gordon, who is ‘dedicated and builds trust‘. Counsel Ricardo GĂłmez-Barreda, who handles both contentious and non-contentious work, and Jaime Bello play central roles in the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

MarĂ­a GonzĂĄlez Gordon

Autres avocats clés:

Ricardo GĂłmez-Barreda; Jaime Bello

Les références

‘Very professional.’

‘I work closely with María González Gordon; she has a lot of knowledge and great capability to understand the situation. She provides confidence, is dedicated, builds trust and has great relationships.’

‘Their work procedures and availability are outstanding. The treatment, availability and communication towards the client is excellent. The use of technology in the form of communication with clients and in teamwork is very good. I want to highlight, above all, the high degree of legal knowledge of legislation, jurisprudence, and especially procedural law.’

Principaux clients

Atresmedia CorporaciĂłn de Medios de ComunicaciĂłn

Cameron Mackintosh


Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Studios

Banco Sabadell

Squirrel Media

Realogy Group

Hakkasan Limited



Wiloc Technologies

Principaux dossiers


Litigator José Antonio Sanmartín leads the IP practice at HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER which is noted for its expertise in cross-border litigation. Sanmartín is well versed in procedural law, handling IP litigation in both civil and criminal matters. Álvaro Velåzquez is a key adviser to start-up companies in the technology sector. Former practice heads Franz Ruz and Juan José Marín and associate Ignacio Paz-Ares are no longer at the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Antonio Sanmartín

Autres avocats clés:

Álvaro Velåzquez

Les références

‘The skills and competence of Álvaro Velázquez are exceptional.’

‘Outstanding qualification combined with super efficient approach.’

‘Very responsive, clever, wise and goal-oriented.’

Principaux clients

Motion Picture Association (MPA)

Philippe Shangti

Antonio de Felipe

A contracorriente Films, Selenium Films, Al Tiro Films

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the MPA in anti-piracy matters.
  • Successfully represented photographer Philippe Shangti in the defence of his rights in Spain.
  • Representing painter Antonio de Felipe in a case before the Supreme Court.

Pedro AlemĂĄn Abogados

IP boutique Pedro Alemán Abogados handles significant copyright for major domestic and international corporates. Noted for its expertise in the audiovisual sector, the firm is sought after by TV and film production companies, though its work spans many diverse industries. Founding partner Pedro Alemán Laín, head of TMT Javier Martínez Baviùre (who has ‘the ability to merge and nuance Spanish and EU corporate and IP complexities‘), and foreign trade and customs management expert Miguel Ángel Gómez Nix are the key contacts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pedro Alemån Laín; Javier Martínez BaviÚre; Miguel Ángel Gómez Nix

Autres avocats clés:

Laura Arnaiz

Les références

‘It is one of the few firms that I recommend to advise in the area of IP, and particularly in the audiovisual production sector. They have extensive and intense experience in this area, with solid knowledge of the law and the industry and a very practical vision, which saves time and money.’

‘Pedro Alemán Laín goes where others do not, with creative solutions. Javier Martínez Baviùre has a very practical and decisive approach. Miguel Ángel Gómez Nix has a privileged mind, capable of associating ideas that are not so easily reconcilable. The perseverance and dedication of Laura Arnaiz shed hope in cases that were considered lost.’

‘Great technical quality and sector knowledge.’

Principaux dossiers


PĂ©rez-Llorca continues to build its presence in the IP and technology market, thanks to its ‘experience, reputation and deep understanding of where industry regulation is today‘. IP litigator Eduardo Castillo and technology and intangible assets specialist Andy Ramos Gil De La Haza (who is ‘the most prominent and best games lawyer in Spain‘) lead the practice. Ramos recently assisted FĂștbol Club Barcelona with the sale of Metaverse, NFT and web3 rights to, which included an in-depth analysis of the rights that the club was entitled to offer based on previous agreements with sponsors and other third parties. Associate Diego de la Vega also plays a key role in the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Eduardo Castillo; Andy Ramos

Autres avocats clés:

Diego de la Vega; JoaquĂ­n Rovira

Les références

‘Certainly one of the top firms in Spain – if not the top firm. Very responsive, team players, and business-oriented.’

‘Andy Ramos simply is the most prominent and best games lawyer in Spain.’

‘A leading professional team that helps respond to the different challenges that our sector poses. We come from a new sector, different from the existing ones and therefore deregulated, growing and deeply influenced by technological evolution. This creates a mix in which experts in new forms of defence and protection of intellectual property will be more necessary.’

Principaux clients



Archivo Lafuente




Spanish Video on Demand Association – AEVOD


Spanish Video Game Association – AEVI

FĂștbol Club Barcelona

Chemometric Brain


La Claqueta


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised FĂștbol Club Barcelona on the sale of the Metaverse, NFT and web3 rights to
  • Advised Archivo Lafuente on the obligations to remunerate authors of the works included in sale of its catalogue to the Museo del Prado.
  • Legal adviser to the Spanish Video Game Association, which is made up of Spain’s leading video game companies.


The IP practice at Baylos advises on transactional and strategic matters, as well as copyright litigation, and it counts among its clients high-profile companies in the media, and food and beverage sectors. Practice head David Gómez has extensive experience in participating and coordinating global litigations. The team also features prominent partners in litigator Pedro Merino Baylos, IP portfolio management expert Juan Luis Gracia, and authorised EUIPO representative Fernando Rodríguez. Ana Padial, who joined from the Barcelona office of Arochi & Lindner, SC in March 2023, brings experience in a wide variety of pre-judicial and judicial disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

David GĂłmez

Autres avocats clés:

Juan Luis Gracia; Pedro Merino Baylos; Fernando RodrĂ­guez

Principaux clients


Universitas XXI

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Titania compañía editorial, S.L on the legal proceedings for the filing of a lawsuit for copyright infringement due to the disclosure by “El Confidencial” of stills from a documentary without the author’s consent.
  • Advised Universitas XXI on the negotiation of the institutional agreement for the development and integration by UXXI of the Banco Santander App, as well as on the negotiation of the ownership of the intellectual property rights derived from the development of the application software.

DLA Piper

The IP and technology practice at DLA Piper, which is led by vastly experienced IP, data and marketing law partner Diego Ramos, counts emerging technology and pharmaceutical companies, as well as established banks and financial institutions among its clients. The firm recently acted for Pfizer in matters concerning the protection of copyrighted materials and the licensing of software applications. Paula GonzĂĄlez De CastejĂłn, who handles pharmaceutical law, IP, data protection, gaming, contractual law and e-business matters, led that work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Diego Ramos

Autres avocats clés:

Paula GonzĂĄlez De CastejĂłn

Principaux clients

Pfizer Spain




Playtech Software Limited

Universal Television Emerald Productions LLC


PSP Asset Protection Limited

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Pfizer in connection with the protection of copyrighted materials developed by the company, as well as with the licensing of software applications owned thereby.
  • Advised Openbank on the negotiation of services agreements with international tech companies.
  • Advised Clinica Baviera in connection with the development, protection and franchising of a new state-of-the-art medical technology suite.

Eversheds Sutherland

Eversheds Sutherland‘s entertainment, media and IT group spans a global network of more than 60 offices, in which the Madrid office plays a vital role. Vicente Arias is a key adviser to the entertainment industry and counts global music publishing businesses among his clients. His work includes advice on local and international copyright law, as well as contract negotiation and litigation concerning intangible assets. Associate Lara Barrasa focuses on new technologies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Vicente Arias

Autres avocats clés:

Lara Barrasa

Principaux clients

Sony ATV Music Publishing / SM Publishing Spain

Warner Music Spain

Altafonte Networks, S:L.U.

Warner Chappell Music Spain

Aitana Ocaña

Wise Music

Mr. Daniel Heredia Vidal

Kobalt Music Group
