Mining in Canada

Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP

Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP continues to be a leader in the mining space, harnessing the experience of teams in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary, to provide comprehensive support to major multinational mining companies throughout every stage of a project’s lifecycle. The group’s full service covers matters ranging from multi-jurisdictional M&A, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts and reorganizations to project finance, metal streams and royalties, exploration and development, high-stakes litigation and regulatory compliance. The practice is led in Vancouver by M&A and corporate finance expert Jen Hansen, who advises on business combination transactions, take-over bids and domestic and cross-border public offerings; and Jennifer Traub, who acts for issuers and investment dealers in connection with public and private securities offerings. At the Toronto office, mining industry authority and firm executive chair Mark Bennett brings extensive experience advising resource companies across the Americas, Eastern Europe, Africa and Australia to property acquisitions and dispositions. Other key figures include securities specialists Jay Goldman and Paul Stein in Toronto, and Gordon Chambers in Vancouver. Also of note are Jamie Litchen in Toronto, who acted as lead counsel for Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. on its recent $10.6bn merger with Agnico Eagle Mining Limited, and David Redford in Vancouver, who has developed a strong practice assisting with securities law requirements for mineral resource issuers.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jen Hansen; Jennifer Traub

Autres avocats clés:

Mark Bennett; Jay Goldman; Jeffrey Lloyd; David Budd; Brian Dominique; Paul Stein; Alex Pizale; Gordon Chambers; Jamie Litchen; David Redford

Principaux clients

Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.

Lithium Americas Corp.

Consolidated Uranium Inc.

Dundee Precious Metals Inc.

Artemis Gold Inc.

Lundin Mining Corporation

Orla Mining Ltd.

Yamana Gold Inc.

Filo Mining Corp.

SilverCrest Metals Inc.


The powerhouse mining practice at Fasken remains a market leader, channelling the deep bench strength of locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Quebec City, as well as offices overseas in London, Johannesburg and Beijing, to advise issuers, underwriters and major international mining companies (such as Barrick Gold, Glencore, BHP) involved in high-value, multi-jurisdictional transactions. The team is led in Toronto by M&A and project finance authority John Turner, who brings experience assisting resources companies active throughout Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe, and Andrew Gabrielson in Vancouver, a specialist in transactions and commercial agreements related to the exploration, development, acquisition and divestiture of mining and energy projects. Brian Graves in Toronto manages complex take-over bids, plans of arrangement, public and private securities offerings and securities regulatory matters. Other key figures include Johanna Fipke in Vancouver, who provides expertise in M&A, land tenure, finance and project exploration, and Frank Mariage, who specializes in mineral exploration in Montreal.

Responsables de la pratique:

John Turner; Andrew Gabrielson

Autres avocats clés:

Johanna Fipke; Brian Graves; Georald Ingborg; Nancy Eastman; Michael Bourassa; Frank Mariage

Principaux clients

Barrick Gold



Zijin Mining Group

South32 Limited

Gold Fields



Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd.


De Beers Group


First Quantum Minerals


Eldorado Gold

Anglo Pacific Group

Golden Star Resources Ltd.

Neo Lithium Corp.

Bennett Jones LLP

Bennett Jones LLP leverages the deep bench strength of its locations in Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa and New York, to advise issuers, underwriters, agents and multinational mining companies involved in multi-jurisdictional, high-value M&A transactions, in addition to complex matters related to project finance, capital markets, construction, securities and the environment. Mining industry expert Sander Grieve leads the team, assisting with high-value M&A and matters involving global mining exploration, development and extraction. Other key figures include Abbas Ali Khan, a specialist in securities and corporate commercial law, who works in the Vancouver and Toronto offices; Linda Misetich Dann, who negotiates and structures asset and share acquisitions, strategic alliances, joint ventures and corporate reorganizations; and Andrew Disipio, who advises public companies on corporate and securities law obligations. Osie Ukwuoma was promoted to partner in March 2023. Unless noted, all lawyers mentioned work in the Toronto office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sander Grieve

Autres avocats clés:

Abbas Ali Khan; Linda Misetich Dann; Andrew Disipio; James Clare; Marshall Eidinger

Principaux clients

Noront Resources Ltd.

Osisko Metals Incorporated / Osisko Development Corp. / Osisko Gold Royalties Inc.

Asante Gold Corporation

Waterton Global Resource Management

Argonaut Gold Inc.

SolGold plc

O3 Mining Inc.

Mountain Province Diamonds Inc.

First Majestic Silver Corp.

Frontier Lithium Inc.

Sandbox Royalties Corp.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Noront Resources Ltd. in its $600m acquisition by Wyloo Metals, a subsidiary of Australian private investment fund Tattarang, and all M&A and corporate governance matters related to the competing take-over bids by Wyloo and BHP.
  • Representing Nippon Steel Corporation in its proposed $1.15bn investment in Elk Valley Resources Ltd. (EVR), a steelmaking coal business to be spun-out as an independent public company from Teck Resources Ltd.
  • Acted for Osisko Development Corp. in its $145m acquisition of Tintic Consolidated Metals LLC from IG Tintic LLC, and its related $77m acquisition of Chief Consolidated Metals from Ruby Hollow LLC and Emerald Hollow LLC.

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP harnesses the bench strength of national offices in Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal and Ottawa, and abroad in London and New York, to advise junior, major and intermediate mining companies (including BHP and Teck Resources) and financial institutions involved in high-value, multi-jurisdictional M&A and corporate finance matters. In addition, the practice assists with streaming transactions, post-restructuring, ESG and emerging technologies. The group is led by M&A expert John Wilkin in Toronto, who advises on securities law finance and corporate governance. Other key individuals include practice area authority Bob Wooder in Vancouver, who recently advised Sabina Gold & Silver, on its C$1.1bn sale to B2Gold; Charles Kazaz in Montreal, who specializes in mine acquisition and divestitures, mining agreements with First Nations, mine reclamations and closure issues; and Kathleen Keilty in Vancouver, who advises issuers and underwriters on public offerings, private placements and equity and debt securities related to mining M&A transactions.

Responsables de la pratique:

John Wilkin

Autres avocats clés:

Bob Wooder; Charles Kazaz; Kathleen Keilty; Trish Robertson; Susan Tomaine; Sam Adkins

Principaux clients

Atlantic Minerals Limited

Barrick Gold Corporation


Corvus Gold Inc.

Ero Copper Corp.

First Quantum Minerals

GCM Mining Corp.

Orca Gold Inc.

Pretium Resources Inc.

Sabina Gold & Silver Corp.

Seabridge Gold Inc.

Teck Resources Ltd.

Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp.

Turquoise Hill Resources

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. on its C$1.1bn sale to B2Gold Corp.
  • Advised Maverix Metals Inc. on its $606m acquisition by Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp.
  • Advised Canaccord Genuity Corp, in relation to a syndicate of underwriters on the C$150m initial public offering of common shares of Lithium Royalty Corp.

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

With offices in Toronto, Montreal and New York, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP brings strength to high-value transactions, investments and projects on a global scale. In addition to providing day-to-day services, the practice advises senior, mid-size and junior mining clients on matters ranging from cross-border M&A, joint ventures, property purchases and dispositions to litigation, project finance, taxation and environmental and Aboriginal compliance matters. The team is led by practice area expert Melanie Shishler, who assists with complex public and private acquisitions, divestitures, private equity investments and royalty and streaming transactions; and Richard Fridman, who draws on experience advising governments and corporations in negotiations relating to mining rights, land claims and the required licensing for multinational operations. Other key figures include Aaron Atkinson, who manages contested matters, including unsolicited takeover bids and proxy contests, and associate Andrew Mihalik. All lawyers mentioned work in the Toronto office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Melanie Shishler; Richard Fridman

Autres avocats clés:

Aaron Atkinson; Andrew Mihalik

Principaux clients

Barrick Gold Corporation

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited

The Pallinghurst Group

New Gold

Los Andes Copper Ltd.



The Blackstone Group

Lundin Mining Corporation

Vale Canada Limited

Copper Mountain Mining

Burgundy Diamond Mines

Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd.

Royal Bafokeng Platinum

MAG Silver Corp.

Nemaska Lithium Inc.

Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.

Premium Nickel Resources Corporation

Titan Mining Corporation

Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Agnico Eagle Mines Limited in its joint topping bid with Pan American Silver Corp. for the acquisition of Yamana Gold.
  • Acted for Barrick Gold Corporation in its agreement with the governments of Pakistan and Balochistan to reconstitute the Reko Diq Project in the country’s Balochistan province, which hosts undeveloped open pit copper-gold porphyry deposits.
  • Acting for Copper Mountain Mining Corporation in its $439m all-share acquisition by Hudbay Minerals Inc. by way of a court approved plan of arrangement.

Lawson Lundell LLP

With offices throughout British Columbia, Calgary and the Northwest Territories, Lawson Lundell LLP harnesses regional strength to advise major international mining companies on high-value M&A and project development in jurisdictions around the globe. The practice’s full service also covers mining finance, permitting, mine construction, mining infrastructure, litigation and tax, labour and environmental matters. The Vancouver-led team is headed by Khaled Abdel-Barr, who manages complex joint ventures, strategic alliances and royalty and streaming agreements, and Karen MacMillan, who provides expertise in the ownership and development of major projects. Other key figures include Stuart Breen, who brings over 25 years of experience in the practice space, and Michael Li, a specialist in corporate governance and securities regulatory matters. All lawyers mentioned work in the Vancouver office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Khaled Abdel-Barr; Karen MacMillan

Autres avocats clés:

Stuart Breen; Michael Li

McCarthy Tétrault

The mining group at McCarthy Tétrault continues to employ the bench strength of its national presence and offices abroad in London and New York, to advise major multinational mining companies (including Glencore, Silvercorp, Rio Tinto), on complex, high-value multi-jurisdictional M&A transactions. The practice is headed by M&A expert Eva Bellissimo in Toronto, who handles complex corporate finance matters; Shea Small, who operates out of the Toronto and London offices, and who brings over 25 years of experience; and Roger Taplin in Vancouver, who specializes in joint ventures and metal streaming. Daniel Bornstein in Toronto brings strength to advising clients on permitting matters and Aboriginal and environmental law. Shawn Doyle, head of the firm’s Latin America group, who operates out of the Vancouver and Chile offices, displays regional expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Eva Bellissimo; Shea Small; Roger Taplin

Autres avocats clés:

Daniel Bornstein; Shawn Doyle

Principaux clients


Appian Capital Advisory LLP



Gold Fields



KGHM International Ltd.



Newcrest Mining

Rio Tinto

Royal Gold Inc.


Sumitomo Metal Mining



Wheaton Precious Metals

Wyloo Metals Pty Ltd.

Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Stikeman Elliott LLP remains a key player in the mining space, utilizing the deep bench strength of 5 national locations and offices in New York, London and Sydney, to provide a comprehensive service to private and public mining companies (such as Ivanhoe Mines and Dundee Precious Metals) at the domestic and multinational levels. The practice’s full offering covers M&A, public capital transactions, joint ventures, stream and royalty finance, restructurings, taxation and environmental matters. The group is led by securities expert Ivan Grbesic, who advises issuers and underwriters in connection with initial public offerings and private placements; and Amanda Linett and Steven Bennett, both specialists in M&A, private equity and corporate finance transactions. Respected mining industry authority Jay Kellerman brings over 30 years of experience in the practice space to the team. Other key figures include Daphne MacKenzie, who handles complex project finance, restructurings, insolvency and public debt securities; and David Massé in Montreal, who displays expertise in project development. Unless noted, all lawyers mentioned work in the Toronto office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ivan Grbešić; Amanda Linett; Steven Bennett

Autres avocats clés:

Jay Kellerman; Daphne MacKenzie

Principaux clients

Mantos Copper (Bermuda) Limited

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.

Dundee Precious Metals Inc.

SSR Mining Inc.

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd

Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.

AngloGold Ashanti Limited

Pretium Resources Inc.

Sprott Asset Management LP

Hochschild Mining PLC


The Toronto-led mining team at Torys draws on the strength of a network of offices in Montreal, Halifax, Calgary and New York, to advise large, mid-cap and junior mining companies, issuers, underwriters and selling security holders on high-value, multi-jurisdictional M&A, project finance, joint ventures, commodity transactions, mining arbitration, restructuring, permitting matters and negotiations with Indigenous groups. Michael Pickersgill  leads the team, bringing expertise to M&A, corporate finance, earn-in agreements, and royalty, streaming and offtake arrangements. Other key figures include Michael Amm, who handles complex strategic investments, joint ventures, corporate financings, royalty and streaming transactions; Braden Jebson, who was promoted to partner in January 2023; Don Bell, who draws on experience advising on mining projects in North and South America, Asia and Africa; and John Terry and Kevin Morris, who both specialize in capital markets transactions, board governance advice and shareholder activist issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Michael Pickersgill

Autres avocats clés:

Michael Amm; Braden Jebson; Don Bell; John Terry: Kevin Morris; Michael Jason; Carly Klinkhoff

Les références

‘An exceptional team of individuals. Kevin Morris and Braden Jebson are top of their game in Canada for capital markets work in the mining space.’

‘Torys are a powerhouse in Canada, with an attention to detail and deep knowledge of the dynamics in the sector that sets them apart. We rate them highly for mining M&A and management of complex First Nations issues.’

‘Mike Amm is exceptionally personable and responsive, and spends time tailoring solutions to his clients.’

Principaux clients

Alamos Gold Inc.

Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp.

Teck Resources Limited

Orion Mine Finance

BHP Group Limited

Franco-Nevada Corporation

Sherritt International Corporation

Nevada Copper Corp.

Canadian Electrolytic Zinc Limited

Regency Mining Limited

Total Investment

Mitsubishi Corporation

IMEA Canada Inc.

Marubeni Metals & Minerals (Canada) Inc.

Bank of Nova Scotia

Americas Gold and Silver Corporation

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp. in its $606m business combination with Maverix Metals Inc.
  • Advised Teck Resources Limited in its $580m sale of a 50% interest in Minas de San Nicolás, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Teck which owns the San Nicolás copper-zinc development project in Zacatecas, Mexico, to Agnico Eagle Mines Limited.
  • Advised Scotia Capital Markets in its role as financial advisor to Yamana Gold Inc. in connection with a proposed acquisition by Gold Fields Limited, as well as a competing proposal by Pan American Silver Corp. and Agnico Eagle Mines Limited.

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP employs the full bench strength of over 800 lawyers across 5 national locations in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, to provide major domestic and international mining companies, public and private issuers, underwriters and institutional investors with a comprehensive range of services across the practice area. They cover joint ventures, streaming, M&A, project finance, due diligence, as well as environmental, tax and Indigenous matters. Fred Pletcher in Vancouver leads the national team, bringing over 30 years of mining industry experience to acquisitions and dispositions, development projects, exploration properties and option agreements. Graeme Martindale, also in Vancouver, advises clients on initial public offerings, public and private equity and debt financings, compliance and corporate governance. The Toronto office was bolstered by the June 2022 arrival of Timothy McCormick from Stikeman Elliott LLP. Andrew Powers has now left the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fred Pletcher

Autres avocats clés:

Graeme Martindale; Tim McCormick

Principaux clients

Pan American Silver Corp.

Ressources Quebec Inc.

Cameco Corporation

Eldorado Gold Corporation

Imperial Metals Corporation

Kinross Gold Corp.

POSCO Canada Limited.

Sandstorm Gold Royalties

Bear Creek Mining Corporation

BMO Capital Markets

CIBC Capital Markets

TD Securities Inc.

National Bank Financial

Lumina Gold Corp.

Luminex Resources Corp.

Cormark Securities Inc.

Almaden Minerals Ltd.

IDM Mining


The mining practice at Dentons utilizes the strength of its global network to advise major multinational mining companies (including Rio Tinto) involved high-value, multi-jurisdictional financings and complex M&A. In addition, the firm provides comprehensive support with project development, environmental matters and with high-stakes litigation and arbitration. The group is chaired by Leanne Krawchuk KC in Edmonton, who brings expertise to M&A and supply and streaming agreements; and Robin Longe in Vancouver, who advises on joint ventures and the purchase and sale of mines and mining-related assets.  Another key figure is François Brabant in Montreal, who assists with securities and corporate governance matters. In addition to Brian Abraham KC, Kevin Rooney retired from the firm in February 2023. Jennifer Poirier departed in May 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Leanne Krawchuk KC; Robin Longe

Autres avocats clés:

François Brabant; Ora Wexler

Principaux clients

Alamos Gold

Cerrado Gold


Sierra Metals

Black Rock

Aya Gold and Silver

Silver Mountain Resources Inc.

Kiska Metals

Ascendant Resources Inc.

Rio Tinto Alcan Inc.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted as counsel to Millennial Lithium on its acquisition by Lithium Americas Corp.’s proposed plan of arrangement.
  • Advising Aya Gold & Silver Inc. on its C$92m underwritten prospectus offering of common shares.
  • Advising Cerrado Gold Inc. in connection with a $20m secured note and stream agreement with Sprott Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp. to finance its Monte do Carmo gold project in the State of Tocantins, Brazil.

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP leverages the bench strength of offices in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Vancouver and New York, to provide a full range of services to advise domestic and multinational mining companies (including Rio Tinto and Lundin Mining) on matters ranging from multi-jurisdictional M&A, joint ventures and royalties and streaming to tax planning, Aboriginal land claims, disputes and regulatory compliance. The practice is led by Alan Hutchison in Vancouver, a specialist in M&A, corporate finance and corporate governance; and James Brown in Toronto, an expert in regulatory compliance and continuous disclosure obligations. Another key figure is Richard Wong, who operates out of the Toronto and Montreal offices, and who brings over 25 years of experience to the management of contractual, procurement, and project development issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alan Hutchison; James Brown

Autres avocats clés:

Richard Wong; Patrick Sullivan

Principaux clients

Rio Tinto

Cameco Corporation

Kinross Gold Corporation


Wheaton Precious Metals

Radisson Mining

Kenorland Minerals

SPC Metals

Orogen Royalties

Lion One Metals

Kuya Silver

Momentum Minerals

Zacatecas Silver

Amarillo Gold

Sphinx Resources

Bedrock Industries

Lundin Mining

IG Tintic

Lundin Gold

Cygnus Metals

Gowling WLG

With 7 national locations and a presence spanning the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, the mining practice at Gowling WLG brings strength to mid-market matters, assisting domestic and multinational mining operations with matters ranging from mineral exploration and project finance to environmental issues, joint ventures and high-value, multi-jurisdictional M&A. Securities expert Ian Mitchell leads the team, advising on M&A, public offerings, private placements and regulatory compliance. Other key figures include Erik Goldsilver, who brings over 20 years to the practice space; France Tenaille, who brings expertise in Latin America, having practiced in both Ontario and Venezuela; and, in Vancouver, business department head Brett Kagetsu and Cyndi Laval, a specialist in advising publicly-listed companies in the resources industry. Unless noted, all lawyers mentioned work in the Toronto office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ian Mitchell

Autres avocats clés:

France Tenaille; Brett Kagetsu; Cyndi Laval; Erik Goldsilver

Les références

‘A highly motivated and experienced team. They know the sector, the main challenges and pitfalls and how to solve and/or mitigate them. They are empathetic and listen to clients’ needs and fears.’

‘France Tenaille is an amazing professional, with a deep understanding of civil law and common law. Her ability to lead and get the things done is just incredible.’

‘Gowling’s mining team has an unparalleled track-record in the Latin American mining market. The team stands out for its first-hand knowledge of the projects, business and market participants acting in the Latin American mining sector. Partners are hands-on and business-oriented.’

Principaux clients


Silver X Mining Corp.

Aurania Resources

Alto Verde Copper


Salazar Resources Limited

Rokmaster Resources Corp.

Amerigo Resources

Gold Springs Resource Corp.

Platinum Group Metals

West Vault Mining

Aura Minerals

Kivalliq Inuit Association

Canaccord Genuity Corp.

Mawson Gold Limited

Capella Minerals

Rugby Mining Limited

Principaux dossiers

  • Providing Mineros with ongoing counsel related to corporate governance and securities matters following its Canadian IPO and concurrent Colombian public offering and listing on the TSX.
  • Acted as counsel to Sandstorm Gold in the acquisition of nine royalties and one stream from BaseCore Metals for $525m.
  • Acted as counsel to Aura Minerals with respect to its acquisition of Big River Gold Limited and joint venture with Dundee Resource.

Norton Rose Fulbright

Norton Rose Fulbright utilizes deep bench strength and global reach (over 50 locations worldwide and offices in Calgary, Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Quebec City) to provide a comprehensive service to major commercial lenders, export credit agencies and domestic and multinational mining companies(including Rio Tinto and Lundin Gold), advising on matters throughout the entire project lifecycle, ranging from equity raising, debt financing, regulatory compliance, construction and infrastructure to M&A and dispute resolution. The team is led in Ottawa by Alison Babbitt, a project finance expert who advises on projects throughout Canada and Latin America, and Geoffrey Gilbert, who regularly assists clients on royalty agreements and offtake arrangements. In Montreal, Steve Malas brings strength to public and private M&A transactions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alison Babbitt; Geoffrey Gilbert

Autres avocats clés:

Steve Malas; Edward Anido; Meaghan Farrell

Principaux clients

Rio Tinto

Lundin Gold

Yamana Gold

Eldorado Gold Corporation

Glencore Canada Corporation

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited

Marathon Gold Corporation

ArcelorMittal Exploration Miniere Canada

Goldcorp Canada

Canpotex Limited

Jasper Mining Corporation

Arianne Phosphate

Osisko Development Corp.

Patriot Battery Metals

Robex Resources

La Mancha Holding

BMO Capital Markets

Nouveau Monde Graphite

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Turquoise Hill in connection with the C$4.3bn acquisition by Rio Tinto of all shares not already held by Rio Tinto, directly or indirectly.
  • Advised the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of Yamana Gold in connection with the $4.8bn offer made by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited and Pan American Silver Corp.
  • Advising Nouveau Monde Graphite (NMG) on the C$1bn project finance transaction that will enable the development of NMG’s Matawinie Mine and the Bécancour graphite anode processing facility.