Firms To Watch: Arbitration

CMM Abogados Colombia added a slew of new clients to its arbitration roster over the past year, with a notable emphasis on the energy and telecoms sectors; founding partner Guillermo Cáez is recommended for disputes relating to heavily regulated markets.
Since its establishment in 2020, public law-focused boutique Roldán Uribe & Álvarez Abogados has continued to gain traction as a alternative to the leading firms; of growing weight in the area of infrastructure disputes, the team is particularly active in arbitrations involving road, port, and airport contracts, as well as energy-related matters.

Arbitration in Colombia

Baker McKenzie S.A.S.

Forming a key part of Baker McKenzie S.A.S.’s premier Colombian dispute resolution offering, the arbitration practice maintains an impressive record in representing leading local and multinational corporations in complex cases. Striking a balance between domestic and international arbitration work, the group has been particularly active in the latter sphere of late, where it has represented a string of global clients in commercial proceedings. High-profile department head Claudia Benavides also sits as the global chair of the firm’s dispute resolution group and is particularly sought after for her high-level expertise in multi-jurisdictional litigation and international arbitration. The team also includes up-and-coming dispute resolution partner Cristina Mejia, who brings to bear significant in-house experience as the former head of the litigation department at Coca-Cola Femsa. Mejia is representing Schlumberger in a domestic arbitration initiated by a supplier to terminate a transportation contract. The group additionally benefits from a strong second line of associates, including dual-qualified (Colombia/New York) senior Daniela Páez Cala, who is particularly well versed in international arbitration cases; and Sebastian Quintero, also a senior, who covers a range of arbitration and litigation matters. The group was reinforced the arrival of a trio of new senior associates: rising star Felipe González Arrieta joined from Gómez-Pinzón Abogados (GPA) in June 2022; Ana Carolina Abreo arrived from Brigard Urrutia in June 2022; and Nicolas Rivera Montoya joined in January 2023 from energy company, Oleoducto Central. Former senior María Angélica Burgos left the firm in January 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Claudia Benavides

Principaux clients

Bonus Banca de Inversión


Canacol Energy Colombia

CDM Smith



Motorola Solutions

Parque Arauco

Phoenix Tower International




Sura Asset Management

Transportadora de Gas Internacional


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Schlumberger in a domestic arbitration initiated by a supplier to terminate a transportation contract following an accident.

Posse Herrera Ruiz

Posse Herrera Ruiz’s comprehensive arbitration practice secures strong reviews from sources for its ability to lean into other teams within the wider full-service firm to ensure ‘maximum quality of service without neglecting any aspect of the case’. The sizeable group covers all modes of dispute resolution, from domestic and international arbitration through to mediation and amicable settlement, and is equipped to handle cases across all key industry sectors. In a significant coup, it was engaged to act as local counsel to global mining company South32 in a pair of arbitration cases against Colombia — comprising an investor-state dispute and a commercial dispute — regarding attempts by the Colombian authorities to retroactively claim more than $180m in royalties. Department co-head Carolina Posada is leading the South32 work and is noted for her ‘high capacity for analysis’. Dispute resolution veteran Daniel Posse co-heads the practice and is highly regarded for his experience as an arbitrator as well as acting as party counsel; he is representing new client, Inversiones Zárate Gutiérrez, in a Bogotá Chamber of Commerce arbitration regarding one of the largest real estate projects planned to be developed in Bogotá. Barranquilla-based Estefanía Ponce, who was promoted to director in July 2023, is an adept dispute resolution specialist; while senior associate María Isabel Osorio is highlighted for her ‘in-depth knowledge’. Other key senior associates include Daniela Corchuelo, Laura Vengoechea, and Alejandro Casas, while intermediate Natalia Tobón is also recommended. Since publication, Ponce has been promoted to partner and Osorio to practice director - effective as of March 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Posse; Carolina Posada

Les références

A very complete team, technically super skilled and with great strategic thinking. Carolina Posada is an excellent professional who combines a high capacity for analysis with great warmth in her treatment.

Being a full-service firm, it offers a world view of the issues to ensure maximum quality of service without neglecting any aspect of the case.

Lawyers handle the subject in depth, their work is impeccable, the advice denotes their dedication and work on details. The team is always ready to answer the questions of its clients.

Principaux clients

Consorcio CCC Ituango

Inversiones Zárate Gutiérrez

Elis Colombia


Grupo Constructor Autopistas del Café

Gases de Occidente

Industria Militar (INDUMIL)

South 32

Alianza Fiduciaria

Organización Terpel

Primax Colombia

Jeronimo Martins

Une EPM Telecomunicaciones

Sociedad de Activos Especiales



Principaux dossiers

  • Represented South32 in both commercial international and ICSID arbitration proceedings against Colombia concerning attempts by the Colombian authorities to retroactively claim more than $180m in royalties.
  • Advised Consorcio CCC Ituango on several matters connected to the collapse of the diversion tunnel system of the Ituango Hydroelectric Project.
  • Acted for Inversiones Zárate Gutiérrez in a Bogotá Chamber of Commerce arbitration regarding one of the largest real estate projects planned to be developed in Bogotá.

Suescún Abogados

Widely recognised as a destination practice for complex arbitration proceedings, Suescún Abogados secures an impressive market share of both domestic and international disputes. Despite its more compact size in comparison to some of its peers, the boutique firm’s signature specialism in dispute resolution ensures that its expert lawyers are well positioned to handle major cases — across all market segments — for a mix of leading Colombian and global clients. Firm founder Jorge Suescún is a seasoned arbitration expert, with experience in cases managed under all key domestic and international rules, including the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (CCB) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL); he is currently acting as arbitrator in several ICC disputes, among other cases. Felipe Suescún co-heads the practice and is also widely recognised as a market leader; he is acting as local counsel to Refinería de Cartagena (a subsidiary company of Ecopetrol) in an ICC arbitration seated in New York, under Colombian and New York law, concerning a construction dispute. He is also advising a Finland-based company in ICC arbitral proceedings stemming from the construction of thermoelectric plant in Colombia. The team is additionally supported by intermediate associate Sergio Téllez, who has experience in both domestic and international cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Suescún; Felipe Suescún

Principaux clients


Refinería de Cartagena


Goldman Sachs

Cementos Argos





Sociedad Portuaria de Buenaventura

Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted as local counsel to Refinería de Cartagena in an ICC arbitration concerning a construction dispute.
  • Represented a mining company in a domestic arbitration related to a coal supply contract.
  • Advised a Finnish company in a dispute arising from the execution of an EPC contract for the construction of a thermoelectric plant in Colombia.

Adell & Merizalde

International-facing boutique, Adell & Merizalde has hit the ground running since its establishment in May 2022. Utilising a seamless cross-office approach between its on-the-ground teams in Bogotá, Santo Domingo and Panama, the firm stands out for its exclusive dedication to alternative dispute resolution matters across the Latin American region. The group’s comprehensive experience in the international arbitration arena is evidenced by its involvement in over 200 cases spanning the full range of major global arbitral rules, including ICC, ICDR, UNCITRAL, the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), and others. The practice also impresses with its ability to secure key roles in both commercial and investor-state cases. In a significant example of its credentials in the latter area, founding partner Juan Felipe Merizalde represented the Republic of Colombia, acting as co-counsel alongside Dechert LLP, in a $62.8m ICSID Arbitration brought by Glencore International, Prodeco, and Sociedad Puerto Nuevo, related to Puerto Nuevo’s operation of a coal port in Colombia. Support is provided by director Andrea Santacoloma, who splits her time between Colombia and Panama. Former associate Juan Pablo Gómez Moreno left the firm in July 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Stephan Adell; Juan Felipe Merizalde

Principaux clients

Republic of Guatemala

Republic of Colombia

Grupo HNG

Sociedad Hotelera Tequendama

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented the Republic of Guatemala in its negotiations with Teco arising out of the ICSID award rendered against Guatemala, while the ICSID annulment was still pending; it obtained a reduction of $18.6m – nearly 30% the amount in dispute.
  • Represented the Republic of Colombia, acting as co-counsel alongside Dechert LLP, in a $62.8m ICSID arbitration launched by Glencore International, Prodeco, and Sociedad Puerto Nuevo, related to Puerto Nuevo’s operation of a coal port in Colombia.
  • Represented Grupo HNG on its initiation of international arbitration proceedings against its Colombian partner, Semillas Arroyave, following a failed joint venture.

Arrieta Mantilla & Asociados

Leveraging its premier offerings in public law and projects, Arrieta Mantilla & Asociados specialises in representing its impressive roster of concessionaire clients on construction disputes against the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), and other public bodies. The group is also less frequently involved in international arbitrations, where it has a focus on representing multinational clients on procurement and public law-related cases. Paula Andrea Ramos co-heads the overarching litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution department and is widely recognised for her strong record in the infrastructure, public procurement, energy and telecoms' spheres. Among her recent cases, Ramos represented Concesionaria Nueva Via Al Mar (Covimar) in arbitration proceedings seeking to obtain the termination of an infrastructure project contract. Fellow practice co-head Carlos Alberto Manzano is also noted for his emphasis on infrastructure-related disputes. The group additionally draws on the broad expertise of seasoned public law expert Carlos Gustavo Arrieta Padilla and high-profile litigator Álvaro Mantilla. Associate Rodrigo Sánchez Pineda provides capable support on both judicial and arbitral proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Paula Andrea Ramos; Carlos Alberto Manzano

Principaux clients

Concesionaria Vial de los Andes (Coviandes)

Concesionaria Nueva Via Al Mar (Covimar)

Concesionaria Ruta del Cacao

Concesionaria Vial Del Oriente (Covioriente)

Concesionaria Vial del Pacífico (Covipacífico)

Orica Colombia

Orica Norway

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Concesionaria Nueva Via Al Mar (Covimar) in arbitration proceedings seeking to obtain the termination of an infrastructure project contract, based on a mediator’s force majeure declaration.
  • Represented Concesionaria Ruta del Cacao in an arbitration proceeding filed against the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) concerning the concession contract for the Bucaramanga-Barrancabermeja-Yondo Highway.
  • Represented Concesionaria Vial de los Andes (Coviandes) in arbitration proceedings requesting the nullity of sanctions imposed by ANI due to the alleged breach of a concession contract.

Chemás & Asociados

Chemás & Asociados houses a thriving arbitration practice, which is particularly well versed in representing domestic and multinational corporations in proceedings against public sector entities, including ANI, the National Agency for Legal Defence of the State (ANDJE), and the National Highway Institute (INVIAS), among other agencies. While the team is primarily engaged to advise on domestic cases, it does also handle arbitral proceedings under international rules. Founding partner Jorge Eduardo Chemás is noted for his extensive experience in public procurement-related disputes; he recently represented Telefónica Móviles in arbitral proceedings concerning an alleged breach of contract by ETB (the Telecommunications Company of Bogotá) related to the incomplete payment of tariffs for accessing international traffic. Chemás co-leads the department together with Ingrid Soraya Ortiz and Sergio Alejandro Chemás Vélez, both of whom are also recommended for public law-related cases. At associate level, Manuela Sossa Sánchez has a focus on domestic arbitration and litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Eduardo Chemás; Ingrid Soraya Ortiz; Sergio Alejandro Chemás

Principaux clients

Centro de Gerenciamiento Doña Juana

Sedes Educativas Consortium

Autopista de Santander

Ingetec – Ingenieros Consultores Civiles y Eléctricos

Ingetec Ingeniería y Diseño

Grodco Group

Telefónica Móviles




Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias

Constructora Andrade Gutiérrez

Yuma Autopistas


Malla Vial

Termo Mechero Morro


Coninsa Ramón H

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised CGR Doña Juana, operator of the Doña Juana landfill, in a $230m dispute against the Special Administrative Unit for Utilities.
  • Advised the Sedes Educativas Consortium in an arbitration against Autonomous Patrimony of Educational Infrastructure Financial Fund (represented by the FFIE Alianza BBVA Consortium) concerning a breach of contract.
  • Advised Autopistas de Santander in bringing arbitral proceedings aimed at the annulment of a public procurement conciliatory agreement with ANI.

Gómez-Pinzón Abogados (GPA)

The ‘very prepared and efficient’ arbitration practice at Gómez-Pinzón Abogados (GPA) is distinguished by its strong performance in domestic cases. The team is particularly noted for its expertise in construction-related proceedings, where it acts for a mix of Colombian and global energy and construction companies — among other stakeholders — in prominent disputes. David Ricardo Araque co-heads the group and his arbitration expertise extends to both domestic and international cases, including disputes conducted under ICC, ICDR and ICC rules. Araque recently represented Enel Green Power on initiating arbitration proceedings against Quanta services Colombia regarding the latter’s refusal to fulfil an EPC contract. Of counsel William Araque co-heads the department and has participated in over 75 arbitrations conducted under the auspices of the Chambers of Commerce of Bogotá, Medellín and Pereira. The team’s sizeable second line of associates includes senior Samuel Hernández Lizarazu , and intermediates Alfonso Linares Durán and María Valentina Díaz; along with May and December 2022-hires, associate Cristhian Salcedo (from Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico), and senior Juan Guillermo Otero (from Baker McKenzie S.A.S.). Former seniors Felipe González Arrieta and Loredana De Trizio moved to Baker McKenzie S.A.S. (June 2022), and in house at Grupo Energía Bogotá (June 2023), respectively. Since publication, and in a significant boost to the practice, July 2024 saw the firm welcome back former managing partner Alejandro Linares some ten years after his departure and following his eight year stint at the country's Constitutional Court.

Responsables de la pratique:

David Ricardo Araque; William Araque

Les références

The advice and support provided by the firm has been comprehensive and timely.

David Ricardo Araque is an experienced litigator, who is oriented to the attention and constant service of his clients.

Associate Cristhian Salcedo is a litigator with an excellent disposition and good knowledge.

Principaux clients

Cine Colombia

Enel Colombia (Enel X)

Refinería de Cartagena

Mercado Libre

Aguas Nacionales EPM


Carmeuse Limestone

Patria Re

Constructora Colpatria

Forestal Monterrey (Nuveen Natural Capital)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Cine Colombia on an agreement with its lessor on the readjustment of the economic conditions of their contract.
  • Advised Enel Green Power on initiating arbitration proceedings stemming from the refusal to fulfil a contract.
  • Defended Refinería de Cartagena in a breach of contract dispute.

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría

Lawyers at Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría are ‘always attentive to the needs of the case’, according to satisfied clients. The team continues to increase its market share of international arbitration proceedings, where it stands out for its ability to leverage its international offices in Chile and Peru — as well its formal partnership with Iberian firm Uría Menéndez — to secure roles on prominent, cross-border disputes. The ‘supremely attentiveHéctor Hernández maintains a broad dispute resolution practice, with strong skill sets in both judicial and arbitral disputes. Among his recent work, Hernández has been particularly active in arbitrations concerning the energy and infrastructures spheres of late. Julio César González, who co-heads the dispute resolution group alongside Hernández, also handles a significant volume of arbitration cases. Sources additionally single out principal associates Juan Sebastián Arias (‘very clear in his advice’) and Santiago Cruz Mantilla (‘excellent lawyer’), along with fellow principal Alejandra Gómez. Since publication, Arias has been raised to the partnership - effective as of December 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Héctor Hernández; Julio César González

Les références

The PPU team is quite competent, clearing up doubts and taking action with the required proactivity and efficiency. As a client, I feel safe and well represented by the team.

The firm’s lawyers have great professionalism, are always attentive to the needs of the case, and always have a strategy to deal with the case.

Associate Juan Sebastián Arias seemed to me very clear in his advice.

Principaux clients

Huawei Technologies Colombia

CFMoto Pasión por Colombia

Megger Group

Cárdenas Marketing Network


Odín Grupo de Energía (in reorganisation)

Biomax Biocombustibles


Centro Comercial Santafe Propiedad Horizontal

Urbinar (in liquidation)

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Canal Extensia in an investment arbitration under ICSID rules, pursuant to the Colombia-Spain BIT.

Rincón Castro Abogados

Specialist boutique Rincón Castro Abogados opened its doors in January 2023. The new firm, which has a sharp focus on dispute resolution, public law and projects, is the result of a  spin-off from former top-tier arbitration firm, Zuleta Abogados Asociados. Among the key names, arbitration specialist Rafael Rincón possesses over 17 years of experience in complex international disputes involving states, state-owned entities and international corporations, while Miguel Castro is noted for his emphasis on public procurement and administrative law matters. Rincón and Castro recently paired up to represent Perimetral de Oriente de Bogotá (a vehicle incorporated by a pair of investment funds, one in Israel, one in the UK) and its stakeholders in a multimillion-dollar international ICDR arbitration regarding a road construction project. Completing the group of senior figures, Jorge Tirado is a former General Director of Colombia’s National Agency for Public Procurement; while newly promoted partner Juan Ignacio Guerra focuses on international arbitration and litigation. At senior associate level, Ana María RincónJuan Camilo Artunduaga and Santiago Vernaza are the names to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rafael Rincón; Miguel Castro

Les références

A highly experienced and sophisticated team, at the level of large international firms.

Rafael Rincón has excellent legal training and in-depth knowledge of the cases in which he intervenes. He is an excellent lawyer who excels in the way he conducts interrogations. Miguel Castro has a deep knowledge of administrative law and regulated sectors.

A team committed to the task entrusted, and very strict in its study of the case. They may take the client a little more into account in some cases.

Principaux clients

Perimetral Oriental de Bogotá

Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia

Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales

Valtalia Investments

AES Chivor

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia and Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales in a complex, multi-party conciliation proceeding before Colombia’s Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca.
  • Advised Perimetral de Oriente de Bogotá, a vehicle incorporated by two investment funds in Israel and the UK, and its stakeholders in a multimillion-dollar international ICDR arbitration regarding a road construction project.
  • Advised a Colombia-based client in a multimillion-dollar ICC dispute arising from an EPC contract.

Botero Salazar Tobón Abogados

Dispute resolution boutique Botero Salazar Tobón Abogados possesses extensive expertise in both domestic and international arbitration, particularly in the energy and natural resources, insurance and life sciences sectors. The team is routinely involved in cases under CCB rules and also has significant experience in proceedings under major global rules, including ICC and UNCITRAL. Led jointly by Bernardo Salazar, Luís Botero, and Andrés Tobón, all of whom are equipped to advise on judicial and arbitral disputes, the department acts for a diverse raft of domestic and global clients, including Glencore, GlaxoSmithKline Colombia and Chubb Insurance.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bernardo Salazar; Luis Botero; Andrés Tobón

Les références

They are interested in knowing each case in detail and depth to define the best strategy. His writings are clear, didactic, deep and with the applicable legal arguments, so that they are easily understood by the judge, since most of the time the bottom of the cases is primarily technical, but not legal.

Bernardo Salazar Parra has extensive knowledge, experience and mastery of litigation regulations. He is permanently updated on legal issues. He has excellent communication and treatment with his clients. It is very easy to contact him because he is widely available for his clients. His rates are suitable.

Principaux clients


Pacific Straus Energy

Johnson & Johnson MD&D

Frontera Energy



Seguros del Estado


Glaxosmithkline Colombia


Willis Tower Watson

Clyde & Co/Allianz


Arthur J. Gallagher

Maersk Logistics and Services Colombia



Yuma Concesionaria S.A. en Reorganización


Gran Tierra Energy Colombia Sucursal

British American Tobacco

Paladin La Trocha Investors

Entidad Promotora de Salud Sanitas (EPS Sanitas)

Associação Chapecoense de Futebol

Beat Ride App Colombia


Puma Energy

Aon Risk Services

Compañía de Desarrollo Aeropuerto El Dorado (CODAD)

Equion Energia

Chubb Insurance




Becton Dickinson

Hoteles Decameron

Ciudad Limpia

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Glencore’s Colombian subsidiaries, as co-counsel, in an ICC international arbitration arising out of the termination of certain agreements for the provision of maintenance and repair services to mobile mining equipment.
  • Represented Frontera Energy in a $500m international arbitration before the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce against Cenit and Bicentenario.
  • Represented Ciudad Limpia in an arbitration claim brought by Promoambiental Distrito related to the payment structure of the cleaning services in Bogotá.

Brigard Urrutia

Brigard Urrutia’s arbitration practice sits within the firm’s wider litigation, arbitration, and insolvency department. With experience in both domestic and international arbitral proceedings, the team has a focus on cases concerning public law issues, including energy and utilities-related matters. Irma Rivera Ramírez heads the group and is equipped to act as counsel and arbitrator in domestic and international cases. Other key contacts include Felipe Mutis, who is well versed in judicial and arbitral disputes; former practice director María Victoria Munevar, who was raised to the partnership in July 2023; and senior associate Camilo Valenzuela. Senior associate Ana Carolina Abreo left in June 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Irma Rivera Ramírez

Castro Leiva Rendón Abogados

Castro Leiva Rendón Abogados’ arbitration practice is noted for its focus on infrastructure-related disputes, where it stands out for its ability to lean on the wider firm’s robust public law and projects practices. The team acts for a mix of domestic and multinational companies, most frequently in cases adverse to public sector entities, including recent proceedings against ANI, the National Mining Agency and Cartagena District. Lawyers demonstrate ‘strong attention and availability’, with founding partner José Ignacio Leiva recommended for his record in contentious matters related to public contracts. The disputes group also includes Natalia Uribe, a partner since 2021; and senior associate Laura Amaya, who is director of the arbitration and litigation practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Ignacio Leiva

Les références

‘The Castro Leiva Rendón Abogados’ team differs from other law firms in terms of its strong attention and availability. The team treats all clients as important, and takes into account the client’s people and their growth.’

‘José Ignacio Leiva and Natalia Uribe stand out for their 100% collaboration; they dedicate the time required to the client and are available when needed.’

Principaux clients

Acciona Agua

Concesión San Rafael

Agencia Nacional de Minería (National Mining Agency)

Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construção

Grupo Metrobus

KMA Construcciones


Consorcio Constructor Perimetral de Oriente Bogotá



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Mota-Engil in bringing a $100m international arbitration proceeding against the FFIE Trust and Ministry of Education.
  • Representing Acciona Agua in an arbitration initiated by Empresa Municipales de Cali alleging breach of contract in relation to the Cañaveralejo wastewater treatment plant improvement project.
  • Advising Transambiental in a dispute against Transcaribe concerning a breach of the concession contract for the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) transportation concession in Cartagena.

Lloreda Camacho & Co.

The dispute resolution group at Lloreda Camacho & Co. is well versed in both domestic and international arbitration cases, with a focus on heavily regulated industries — in line with the firm’s signature strength. Among its recent matters, the team has kept busy advising on cases relating to the TMT, energy, and manufacturing sectors, including for multinational clients such as América Móvil’s local subsidiary, Comcel. Key contact Gustavo Tamayo specialises in TMT, dispute resolution and insolvency, and is particularly sought after for his telecoms expertise. The group also includes former associate director, Christian Pérez Rueda, who focuses on dispute resolution, insolvency and insurance work, and was promoted to partner as of August 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gustavo Tamayo; Christian Pérez

Principaux clients

Bray International

Bajaj Auto


Mccann Erickson Corporation Colombia

Comunicacion Celular / Comcel

Eli Lilly Interamerica

Coca-Cola Bebidas de Colombia

Spirit Airlines

Baxalta (Takeda)

Unilever Andina Colombia

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Comcel in an $80m case against Empresas de Telefonos de Bogotá (ETB) regarding interconnection charges.

Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & de la Rosa

Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & de la Rosa’s Colombian arbitration offering forms a part of the international firm’s comprehensive global practice. Although primarily engaged on domestic cases, the team is distinguished by its ability to draw on arbitration specialists in many of the world’s leading arbitration centres, including New York, Paris and London. Insurance specialist Sergio Rojas has significant experience in arbitral proceedings, including recent cases involving the insurance and infrastructure spheres. Rojas co-heads the department alongside corporate and finance partner Camilo Martínez and Julian Solorza, whose practice has an emphasis on domestic arbitration. Associate director of the international arbitration practice Ricardo Alarcón is also recommended. Since publication, the firm has left the DLA Piper network to which it previously belonged - effective as of May 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Camilo Martínez; Julián Solorza; Sergio Rojas

Les références

The team is exceptional. Lawyers take into account the factual and conceptual values of the client, while providing constant feedback on the process.

Its professionals make this team different from other law firms. Sergio Rojas is an excellent professional, with extensive experience and extensive knowledge.

Arrubla Devis Asociados

A responsible and committed firm’, Arrubla Devis Asociados houses a compact arbitration practice that is mainly active on behalf of clients in the education, infrastructure, and public sectors. Splitting his time between  Medellín and Bogotá, high-profile name Jaime Arrubla is a former chief justice of the Colombian Supreme Court and a former general legal counsel to the President of Colombia. Arrubla is acting alongside fellow department head Rafael McCausland, who based in Bogotá, to represent the National State Agency for Judicial Defence (ANDJE) in three arbitral proceedings. Associate director Sebastián Montoya spearheads the arbitration practice in Medellín.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jaime Arrubla; Rafael McCausland; Sebastián Montoya

Les références

It is a responsible and committed firm. Its managing partner has all the necessary experience to take on highly complex litigation.

We highlight Jaime Arrubla for his personalised attention.

Principaux clients

Agencia Nacional de Defensa Jurídica del Estado (ANDJE)

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Taborda Vélez

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented the National State Agency for Judicial Defence (ANDJE) in three arbitral procedures against the state or state entities.
  • Represented Portal Calicanto in its claim against Transcaribe in order to collect the amount due under a 2019 arbitral award.
  • Acted for Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in an arbitral procedure against its contractor regarding the controversy around the construction of a new set of buildings for the University.


Cuatrecasas established an arbitration practice in March 2022 with the hire of high-profile dispute resolution expert Alberto Zuleta, who formerly led the arbitration department at Holland & Knight. With strong recent activity in the energy and infrastructure spheres, the team is well placed to advise on both domestic and international arbitration proceedings. In particular, the firm’s extensive international network — which takes in four offices in Latin America, as well as platforms in Europe, Africa, the US, and the UK — ensures it is a strong choice to co-ordinate multi-jurisdictional cases. Principal associate María Fernanda Díaz, who also joined from Holland & Knight  in March 2022, provides key support.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alberto Zuleta

Les références

You can count on Alberto Zuleta. His sense of responsibility, of justice, of understanding the issues, is excellent. Additionally, recommend María Fernanda Díaz in his work team.

The group is composed of excellent lawyers, who are technical, purposeful, agile, with great business sensitivity and empathy. I highlight Alberto Zuleta.

Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas

Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas’ arbitration practice benefits from the Bogotá-based team’s ability to draw on its formidable global platform to resource international cases. However, the group is also routinely engaged on domestic proceedings. In an example of its work in the latter sphere, department co-head Andrés Fernández de Soto acted for Integral in a domestic arbitration related to the execution of a share purchase agreement. Fellow co-head Paula Vejarano was promoted from senior associate to litigation and arbitration director in August 2022 and brings to bear significant first-chair experience in both international and domestic arbitration cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Andres Fernandez de Soto; Paula Vejarano

Principaux clients

Collins Aerospace


Autopistas de Urabá

Bunker Holding Group

Integral Gestión Ambiental

FCC Construcción

Cerro Prieto Colombia

Minera El Roble


Hella Automotive



Parmalat (Lactalis)

Aecom Technical Services

Azteca Comunicaciones (TV Azteca)

Ford Motor Company

Grupo Peñaflor

Consorcio Aguas de Aburrá HHA (Acciona Agua / Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co / Hyundai Engineering Co)

Consorcio MASA – Acciona (Mantenimiento y Montajes Industriales / Acciona Infraestructura)

Morgan Stanley & Co


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented GCM Mining in an investment arbitration against the Republic of Colombia before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, in a $360m case concerning non-compliance with the Canada-Colombia FTA.
  • Represented an international engineering consortium in an ICC arbitration against a public entity in connection with a contract for constructing a waste management plant.
  • Represented Integral in a domestic arbitration related to the execution of a share purchase agreement.

Durán & Osorio Abogados Asociados

Regularly engaged by public and private companies, Durán & Osorio Abogados Asociados’ team is oriented towards arbitral disputes concerning public contacts. The wider firm’s top tier projects and public law offerings come into play here, with the group particularly active in infrastructure cases, including road, public transport, and real estate-related matters. Managing partner and department head Jorge Gabriel Taboada leverages his extensive public law expertise to specialise in projects-related disputes. The team also includes associate Sofía Leguizamón, who has a focus on dispute resolution. Associate Camila Angulo left for Baker McKenzie S.A.S. in January 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Gabriel Taboada

Les références

D&O has participated in the structuring of the Bogota SITP concession contracts, since the creation of the granting company (Transmilenio SA), more than 20 years ago. Know the key players in the system, and their particular interests.

Gabriel Taboada, partner, has extensive knowledge and experience in structuring projects in the public passenger transport sector, in resolving conflicts and controversies.

Principaux clients

Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI)

Instituto Nacional de Vías (INVÍAS)

Aguas de Cartagena

Consorcio Ferrocol Santander

Unión Temporal Estructura Temporal 2019

Transinnova Usme

Smarbrix Espacios Modulares

Construcciones Rubau (sucursal Colombia

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI) in an arbitral procedure filed against it by concessionaire, Via Pacifico.
  • Represented Transinnova Usme in an arbitration process to solve a dispute between Transmilenio and concessionaire, Somos Usme regarding an alleged breach of contract by Transmilenio; Transinnova Usme is allegedly obliged to indemnify Transmilenio.
  • Advised Aguas de Cartagena (Acuacar) on an arbitration process involving the district of Cartagena de Indias.

ECIJA Colombia

According to sources, ECIJA Colombia’s team ‘provides a series of innovative services that generate value for clients’. Particularly experienced in arbitral proceedings related to public utilities, economic regulation and competition, the group acts for a diverse mix of domestic and multinational corporations, as well as public sector entities. Competition and regulatory specialist Pablo Márquez co-heads the department together with Camilo Ramírez, whose practice has an emphasis on litigation, arbitration and real estate work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Camilo Ramírez; Pablo Márquez

Les références

Ecija is a dynamic firm, with professionals who are completely familiar with technology and new trends, and its work team is helpful, profound, and very willing. They break with the credo that lawyers are slow, old-fashioned and not very dynamic.

I believe that Ecija has three outstanding virtues: it is very well prepared; it is empathetic, which allows it to build good work teams; and lawyers are assertive in their opinions.

Ecija Colombia has a diversity of experience and knowledge that allows it to offer the market a series of innovative services that generate value for clients, in aspects such as legal tech, competition, land regulations,   among others. Ecija Colombia offers unique services that sets it apart from the rest.

Principaux clients

Unidad Administrativa Especial de Servicios Públicos (UAESP)

Principaux dossiers

  • The firm acted as co-counsel to Unidad Administrativa Especial de Servicios Públicos (the district entity responsible for ensuring the provision of public utilities in Bogotá) in an arbitration claim initiated by CGR, the operator of the sanitary landfill Doña Juana in Bogotá.

Tobar & Romero Abogados

Dispute resolution boutique Tobar & Romero Abogados has established a solid record in representing Colombian and foreign companies in domestic and international arbitrations. With experience in handling proceedings under many of the major national and international rules - including CCB, ICC, ICDR and UNCITRAL - the team is well equipped to handle disputes across all key industry sectors. Jaime Humberto Tobar heads the practice and brings to bear extensive experience in acting as counsel and arbitrator in complex disputes. The team also includes associates María Andrea Calero Calero Tafur, who is a former auxiliary justice in the Colombian State Council, and Sebastián Ortegón.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jaime Humberto Tobar; María Andrea Calero Tafur; Sebastián Ortegón

Les références

The most complex issue that we have faced in the history of our company (more than 50 years), is precisely the one that we are about to conclude thanks to the support of the Tobar & Romero team. We have only gratitude for all the members of the team.

The entire team has demonstrated vast ability to apply knowledge in law, negotiation, and effective communication, based on the correct understanding and diagnosis of the problem and its evolution. To date, we have not worked with a firm that has offered all these benefits at this level.

The peace of mind that we have achieved while going through this process has been largely thanks to the clarity, transparency and high levels of ethics and professionalism that this law firm has provided us.

Principaux clients

TransGas de Occidente

Organización Dann


Grupo Nacional de Proyectos (GNP)

Comunicación Celular (Comcel)

Inversiones de Gases de Colombia


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Inversiones GBS, and Organización Dann on a dispute concerning the development of a real estate project.
  • Represented Transgas de Occidente in an arbitral dispute brought by Transportadora de Gas Internacional regarding an alleged breach of contract in the operation, maintenance and transfer of the Mariquita-Cali gas pipeline.
  • Represented Megabús in arbitral proceedings brought by concessionaire, Integra, regarding a concession contract for the provision of mass public transportation.