Firms To Watch: Litigation

Cuatrecasas’ litigation team continues to strengthen its foothold in the market under the leadership of high-profile dispute resolution expert, Alberto Zuleta. The team is particularly active in administrative and constitutional law cases.
During 2023/24, Dret Legal’s litigation group demonstrated significant growth in energy disputes, where it represents domestic and multinational oil-and-gas companies in contentious matters; Juan Mendoza is recommended.
Freire & De La Pava’s team is distinguished by its solid success rate in litigation cases, which stands at over 80%. The group specialises in advising consortiums, infrastructure companies and government entities on construction-related disputes.
Medellín-based dispute resolution and insurance boutique Londoño & Arango Abogados has considerably strengthened its national profile of late. The team handled a growing volume of constitutional law cases and class actions during 2023/24.
Established in 2018, OST Abogados has a marked focus on conflict resolution, litigation and arbitration; the practice stands out for its representation of both corporate and public-sector clients in administrative disputes.

Litigation in Colombia

Baker McKenzie S.A.S.

The dispute resolution team at Baker McKenzie S.A.S. scores highly for its ‘careful analysis of the counterpart’s arguments to refute them’, while its ‘creativity’, ‘organisation’ and ‘deep knowledge’ are also praised by clients. A truly international-facing practice, it acts for an impressive raft of domestic and multinational corporations in judicial and administrative law proceedings, as well as in investigations conducted by government agencies. As global chair of the firm’s dispute resolution group, Claudia Benavides is one of the most sought-after litigators in the region due to her experience in complex litigation, particularly disputes involving energy and infrastructure projects. Up-and-coming partner Cristina Mejia is also highly regarded for her extensive experience in domestic and international litigation, which spans the full spectrum of commercial, civil and administrative law cases. Together, Benavides and Mejia represented HSBC, as indenture trustee of certain senior unsecured notes, in judicial bankruptcy liquidation proceedings initiated by the Transtel group of companies. The department also benefits from a strong second line of associates, including senior Sebastian Quintero, whose international experience was honed during an early career stint at the firm’s London office; senior Ana Carolina Abreo, who was formerly assistant legal counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration; and seniors Daniela Páez Cala  and Felipe González Arrieta, both of whom specialise in arbitration but also handle judicial disputes. Former senior Nicolas Rivera Montoya left to establish his own firm in May 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Claudia Benavides

Les références

‘A robust team, with members handling specific tasks but with global knowledge of the entire case.’

‘The level of depth of the argument was outstanding. The careful analysis of the counterpart’s arguments to refute them was outstanding. The creativity to defend the client’s position was striking, as was the counterclaim strategy that ended with a favourable result.’

‘The team that faced the final hearing was made up exclusively of women, which reveals the firm’s willingness to attribute critical responsibilities to the women who are part of the organisation. The presentation of the writings was careful in both substance and form.’

Principaux clients

AAR Corp



CDM Smith



Motorola Solutions


Phoenix Tower International




Sura Asset Management



Principaux dossiers

  • Represented HSBC, as indenture trustee of certain senior unsecured notes, in judicial bankruptcy liquidation proceedings initiated by the Transtel group of companies.
  • Successfully represented Consorcio Itacol in an administrative investigation initiated by the Comptroller General’s Office, in connection with the engineering design and subsequent construction of 13 bridges.
  • Successfully represented Sika in a judicial proceeding filed by a former landlord of warehouses where Sika used to maintain a production and distribution centre.

Brigard Urrutia

Creative and knowledgeable in the field of litigation’, Brigard Urrutia maintains a broad dispute resolution practice, which houses specialist offerings in civil and commercial disputes, administrative law cases, private litigation and contentious bankruptcy proceedings. Well versed in cases across all of Colombia’s key industry sectors, the team is chiefly recognised for its skill sets in the infrastructure, energy, and public services and utilities spheres, where it can additionally link up with the wider firm’s top-tier projects, energy, and public law practices. Irma Rivera Ramírez heads the department and acts for a diverse mix of domestic and multinational corporations in judicial proceedings, with strong recent showings in the technology and transport spheres. Rounding out the partner group is María Munevar Torrado (promoted to the partnership in June 2023), who has an emphasis on disputes concerning infrastructure, energy and corporate law, among other market segments. The team also draws on two recently promoted (December 2023) directors: Paola Guerrero Yemail, who heads up the the insolvency and bankruptcy litigation practice; and Carlos Mauricio Cerrato, who focuses on antitrust, unfair competition and consumer protection disputes. At associate level, seniors Camilo Valenzuela and Paula Juliana Téllez provide support across the full range of dispute resolution matters. Felipe Mutis  left the firm in September 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Irma Isabel Rivera

Les références

‘It is creative and knowledgeable in the field of litigation. Good support is guaranteed in the hearings and it demonstrates adequate preparation and strategy for them.’

‘We highlight its lawyers’ knowledge and formulation of solutions to cases, especially Paola Guerrero Yemail, who stands out for her very good management.’

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría

According to satisfied clients, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría’s litigation team is ‘more creative and more versatile in determining solutions than other firms’. Ranking among the largest dispute resolution practices in the market, the three-partner team is additionally distinguished by its ability to draw on the firm’s formal partnership with Uría Menéndez for further contentious firepower, particularly in cross-border cases. The group’s international strength is reflected in its client roster, which is composed of major regional and multinational corporations such as Viva Airlines, Canacol Energy and Clipper Oil — it also acts for leading domestic companies and state-owned entities. Key names to note include Julio César González, who is singled out by sources as ‘an experienced lawyer who fully masters procedural law’; he successfully obtained a decision ordering an early termination of class action proceedings against Fast Colombia in relation to an alleged violation of collective rights. González co-heads the department together with Héctor Hernández, who led on several high-stakes cases involving the infrastructure and technology sectors during 2023/24; and Juan Sebastián Arias, who was promoted to partner in January 2024 and represented Clipper Oil in filing a breach-of-contract claim against CI Terra Bunkering. The group also benefits from a band of capable associates, including principal Santiago Cruz Mantilla, who stands out for his ‘agility in responses’; intermediate Esteban Lagos; and junior Ricardo Valencia. Since publication, Cruz Mantilla has been raised to the partnership - effective as of January 2025.

Responsables de la pratique:

Héctor Hernández; Julio César González; Juan Sebastián Aras

Les références

‘What makes this practice unique is the definition of a solid strategy as a starting point to face any matter entrusted to it. I also highlight the ability of the entire team to be aligned with the information and follow the strategy. It is more creative and more versatile in determining solutions than other firms.’

‘Julio César González is an experienced lawyer who fully masters procedural law. He is strategic, creative, mentally organised, determined and capable of redirecting strategies if he concludes that better ones are on the horizon.’

‘It is very good at legal strategy and looking for litigious alternatives to each problem that arises. Julio César González and Ricardo Valencia stand out for their knowledge in procedural law.’

Principaux clients

Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH)

Fast Colombia (in liquidation)

Viva Airlines Perú

Cerro Matoso

Epik Asociados

Mapfre Seguros Generales

Pepsico Alimentos Colombia

Canacol Energy

Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Buenaventura

SAP Colombia

Clipper Oil

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully obtained a decision ordering an early termination of class action proceedings against Fast Colombia (Viva Airlines), claiming an alleged violation of collective rights.
  • Represented SAP Colombia in a lawsuit filed by Mtbase, in which it claims the alleged existence of an agency relationship between the companies based on a software licence distribution contract.
  • Represented Clipper Oil in filing a breach-of-contract claim against CI Terra Bunkering.

Posse Herrera Ruiz

Lawyers in Posse Herrera Ruiz’s litigation group ‘understand the business and provide practical and legal solutions’. The team’s deep bench combines with its ability to marshal specialist sectoral support from across the wider full-service firm to mark it as a popular choice for high-stakes disputes, including cross-border cases. In a high-profile example of its reputation for complex matters, Grupo Nutresa turned to the practice for support on all litigation related to Grupo Gilinski’s attempted hostile takeover bid of Grupo Nutresa, Grupo Sura, and Grupo Argos, which resulted in a $4bn settlement plan. Department co-head Daniel Posse led the Nutresa litigation and is widely regarded as a market leader with clients valuing his ability to ‘propose creative alternatives’. Fellow co-head Carolina Posada is also highly recommended for her extensive experience across the full suite of dispute resolution processes; she is representing Frontera Energy Colombia in a breach-of-contract claim brought by Power Generation Technology, as well as in Frontera’s counterclaim. The sizeable team also draws on litigation partners Pablo Enrique Sierra and Juan Pablo Bonilla as well as competition specialist Jorge de los Ríos, who is noted for regulatory litigation. A formidably deep pool of associates includes senior Alejandro Casas, who supports on a mix of judicial and arbitral proceedings; senior Laura Vengoechea, who secured a string of second-chair roles on litigation cases during 2023/24; Pedro Miguel Álvarez, who was promoted to director in March 2024 and specialises in corporate and trust disputes; and intermediate Juan David Fiallo.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Posse; Carolina Posada

Les références

‘This firm has a team of experts in different areas, so the advice is always very complete. In terms of conflict resolution, the partners’ extensive experience ensures adequate support in the search for innovative and creative solutions — they always seek to protect the client’s interests.’

‘Daniel Posse’s professional quality, knowledge and experience, together with his good judgement, make him a solid representative of his clients’ interests. He has a great capacity to understand business, to propose creative alternatives and to look for solutions to complex problems.’

‘The team is differentiated by the capacity for teamwork that it develops with the client, with openness to learning the specific sector and a proactive approach. It is a team that cares about detail and has good analytical skills. In everything it does, ethics and compliance principles prevail.’

Principaux clients

Grupo Nutresa

Africola El Retiro

Frontera Energy

Brock Colombia

Granitos y Marmoles

Sumitomo Rubber Latin America

Sumitomo Rubber Industries

Automotores Toyota Colombia

Distribuidora Toyota

Arcelor Mittal Interncional Colombia

Redcol Holdings

CI Natural Resources I

Consorcio FFIE Alianza BBVA


Itau Fiduciaria

Industria Nacional de Gaseosas

Controladora Interamericana de Bebidas

Refrescos Latinoamericanos

Sociedad de Activos Especiales

Organización Terpel

Empresa Telefonica de Bogota

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Grupo Nutresa in all litigation related to the hostile takeover bid by Grupo Gilinski and others.
  • Advised Organización Terpel in litigation concerning an allegedly unjustified termination of a business relationship.
  • Advised CI Colombian Natural Resources on a class action concerning the alleged effects of its mining activities on a local community.

Arrieta Mantilla & Asociados

A first port of call for judicial proceedings involving public law elements, Arrieta Mantilla & Asociados stands out for ‘its specific knowledge, concrete experience and practical knowledge’. The boutique’s signature strength in projects and administrative law is reflected in its long-term relationships with major construction, infrastructure and energy clients; it is currently advising Estudios y Proyectos del Sol (EPISOL), Drummond Coal Mining and Cerrejón Zona Norte -among others- on litigation cases. Paula Andrea Ramos co-heads the litigation and arbitration practice and represents government entities, multinational corporations and banks in contentious matters; she recently acted for EPISOL in a direct reparation proceeding initiated by the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI). Other names to note include former Attorney General Carlos Gustavo Arrieta, who is acting alongside Ramos to represent Cerrejón Zona Norte in a $1bn environmental and indigenous rights class action; next-generation partner Carlos Alberto Manzano, who co-heads the department; and senior partner Álvaro Mantilla, who is well versed in both judicial and arbitral disputes. Additional associate support is provided by Juan Felipe Cornejo, who specialises in litigation and IP. Former dispute resolution associate Rodrigo Sánchez Pineda recently relocated to the infrastructure department.

Responsables de la pratique:

Paula Andrea Ramos; Carlos Alberto Manzano

Les références

‘The team stands out for its specific knowledge, concrete experience and practical knowledge.’

Principaux clients

Estudios y Proyectos del Sol (EPISOL)

Concesionaria Ruta del Cacao

Concesionaria Vial de los Andes (COVIANDES)

Concesionaria Nueva Vía al Mar (COVIMAR)

Constructora de Infraestructura Vial (CONINVIAL)


Cerrejón Zona Norte

Concesionaria Vial Andina (Coviandina)

Concesionaria Vial del Pacífico (Covipacífico)

Concesionaria Panamericana

Drummond (Colombia branch)

Drummond Coal Mining (Colombia branch)

VP Ingenergía

Proyectos y Desarrollos Viales Del Pacífico (Prodepacífico)

Proyectos de Inversión Vial del Pacifico (ProinviPacífico)

Concesionaria Vial Del Oriente (Covioriente)

Grupo Aeroportuario del Caribe

Concretos Argos

Comunicación Celular (Comcel)


Orica Colombia

Orica Norway

Proyectos de Infraestructura (PISA)

Concesionaria Nueva Vía al Mar (COVIMAR)



Desarrollo Vía Al Mar (Devimar)

Ferrovial Construcción

Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad de Bogotá

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented Estudios y Proyectos del Sol (EPISOL) by securing the reversal of an order to pay $256.4m.
  • Represented Cerrejón Zona Norte in a major environmental and Indigenous rights class action, involving claims of more than $1bn.
  • Represented ConocoPhillips in obtaining a milestone ruling about fracking.

Botero Salazar Tobón Abogados

Botero Salazar Tobón Abogados’ team impresses with its ‘strategic analysis, experience and knowledge of various legal disciplines’. As a key pillar of the dispute resolution boutique’s service offering, the litigation practice provides comprehensive coverage of commercial, civil and public law proceedings. Its diverse client list demonstrates that it punches above its weight in this area and it is routinely engaged by leading domestic and multinational corporations, including Glencore, Johnson & Johnson and GlaxoSmithKline Colombia. A go-to litigator, Bernardo Salazar co-heads the practice and leads the firm’s representation of Glencore’s Colombian subsidiaries in a $99m case related to the annulment of an amendment of a mining concession contract. The group is additionally co-led by Luís Felipe Botero, whose recent work highlights span cases in the energy, healthcare and financial services spheres; and Andrés Tobón, who maintains a broad dispute resolution practice. The team also draws on senior associate Julián Mateo Morales, who supports on trade law, litigation and arbitration; intermediate associate María Alejandra Serna, who formerly served as a lawyer on the Superior Council of the Judiciary; and junior associate Julian Mauricio Morales.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bernardo Salazar; Luís Felipe Botero; Andrés Tobón

Les références

‘The commercial management of the team in the midst of litigation is possibly superior to many firms.’

‘Luís Felipe Botero and Julian Mauricio Morales are very quick to respond and very commercially skilled in finding commercial solutions, in addition to handling litigation very well.’

‘The team stands out for its knowledge in this area of ​​expertise and also for its friendly treatment of clients.’

Principaux clients


Pacific Straus Energy

Johnson & Johnson MD&D

Frontera Energy

Trafigura/ Impala


Ciudad Limpia

Parque Arauco

Hoteles Decameron Colombia

Seguros Del Estado


Glaxosmithkline Colombia


Willis Tower Watson

Clyde & Co/ Allianz

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain (RPC)

Arthur J. Gallagher

Maersk Logistics And Services Colombia



Yuma Concesionaria


Gran Tierra Energy Colombia

Paladin La Trocha Investors

Entidad Promotora De Salud Sanitas (EPS Sanitas)

Associação Chapecoense De Futebol

Puma Energy

Compañía De Desarrollo Aeropuerto Eldorado (CODAD)

Pacific Straus Energy

Equion Energia

Black Horse Management

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Glencore’s Colombian subsidiaries in a $99m case related to the annulment of an amendment of a mining concession contract.
  • Representing Eurocontrol (Colombia branch) — as part of the consortium supervising the contract — in a lawsuit filed by a Colombian ministry claiming that the supervisor of a contract improperly approved payment orders.
  • Representing Johnson & Johnson in a commercial agency dispute brought by a former distributor.

Chemás & Asociados

Chemás & Asociados’ litigation team strikes the right note with clients for ‘its negotiation skills, experience and ability to resolve issues’. Contributing an impressive record in public law disputes across the transport, energy, telecoms and infrastructure spheres, the group is best known for representing concessionaires, energy clients and construction companies in litigation against public bodies such as ANI, ANDJE and others. The group also brings to bear significant experience in commercial disputes. A high-profile figure in public law litigation, Jorge Eduardo Chemás is acting alongside Ingrid Soraya Ortiz to represent Consorcio Ingetec-Sedic in a $800m contractual dispute and a $2.3bn fiscal responsibility proceeding related to the construction of the Ituango Hydroelectric Plant. The group also draws on the services of next-generation partner Sergio Alejandro Chemás, who is well versed in regulatory and administrative law litigation. At associate level, the team includes Sergio Morales, who supports on the full range of judicial and arbitral proceedings, and Nicolas España, whose litigation work spans consumer law, liability issues and state contracts, among others. In July 2023, associate Manuela Sossa left to join ANDJE.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Eduardo Chemás; Sergio Alejandro Chemás; Ingrid Soraya Ortiz

Les références

‘Lawyers stand out for their attentiveness, knowledge, opportunity, responsibility, assertiveness and commitment.’

‘We value the team not only for its knowledge but also for its negotiation skills, experience and ability to resolve issues. It is always analysing the risks, particularly Jorge Eduardo Chemás.’

‘Lawyers demonstrate knowledge, experience, good handling of the subject,  kindness and responsibility.’

Principaux clients

Centro de Gerenciamiento Doña Juana

Sedes Educativas Consortium

Autopista de Santander

Ingetec – Ingenieros Consultores Civiles y Eléctricos

Grodco Group


Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias

Consorcio Troncales de Colombia

Colombiana de Escenarios


Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented Consorcio Ingetec-Sedic in a lawsuit related to the Ituango Hydroelectric Plant, following the  Comptroller General’s declaration that Ingetec-Sedic was not responsible for any financial liability.
  • Represented Inverlink in a criminal investigation that highlighted systemic concerns in Colombian public law, addressing issues of evidence sufficiency, prolonged trial times, and asset sequestration practices.
  • Advised Uniones Temporales Américas in a lawsuit concerning the payment of construction works.

Esguerra JHR

Litigation is a mainstay at Esguerra JHR and the team leverages the wider firm’s premier offerings in public law and competition to excel in complex regulatory and administrative law cases. That being said, the group also handles a significant volume of commercial disputes, with strong recent experience in the financial services, energy and transport spheres. A former government minister, Juan Carlos Esguerra is widely recognised as a leader in constitutional law matters; he is representing UNE EPM Telecomunicaciones in litigation against the Colombian Ministry of Telecommunications and Technology. Felipe Piquero is also highly regarded for his expertise in administrative law disputes and additionally maintains an active commercial litigation practice; he is advising Confianza in several insurance coverage cases related to the construction of the TransMilenio roads. Esguerra and Piquero co-head the practice together with competition specialist Andrés Jaramillo, who advises on disputes concerning unfair competition, state contracts and commercial matters. Providing support is key associate Harry Montoya, who specialises in insurance and civil and state liability. Associate Jorge Andrés Gómez left to establish his own firm in June 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Carlos Esguerra; Felipe Piquero; Andres Jaramillo

Les références

‘The team stands out for its immediate attention to client requirements and its availability.’

‘A highly qualified firm, focused on service and legal depth.’

‘Lawyers are focused on client service, with strong professional and human qualities.’

Principaux clients

Caja Colombiana de Subsidio Familiar (Colsubsidio)

Compañía Aseguradora de Finanzas (Confianza)

Sociedad Fiduciaria para el Desarrollo Agropecuario (Fiduagraria)

Seguros Generales Suramericana

Carbones del Cerrejón

Colombia Móvil

Une EPM Telecomunicaciones


Manuelita, Riopaila Castilla and Ingenio La Cabaña

Nortesantandereana de Gas

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented UNE EPM Telecomunicaciones in a $30m judicial proceeding against the Colombian Ministry of Telecommunications and Technology.
  • Advised Emgesa on bringing proceedings against the Autonomous Environmental Authority of Cundinamarca, following its imposition of $25m worth of environmental compensation obligations against the company.
  • Advised three sugar producers (Manuelita, Riopaila Castilla, and Ingenio La Cabaña) on challenging several administrative sanctions imposed by the SIC for the violation of antitrust laws.

Gómez-Pinzón Abogados (GPA)

A committed team that always anticipates issues and prepares cases carefully’, Gómez-Pinzón Abogados (GPA)’s full-spectrum litigation practice handles a broad scope of commercial, civil and administrative law disputes. The group is particularly active in cases involving construction, insurance, energy and commercial distribution matters, but its experience encompasses the full range of contentious work. Key partner David Araque possesses a strong record in disputes concerning investment projects; he is advising Transportadora de Gas Internacional in a commercial dispute brought by Ismocol concerning an alleged breach of a contract related to the construction of a gas pipeline in Colombia. Araque co-heads the department alongside experienced of counsel William Araque. The group additionally draws on a deep bench of associates, including senior Carlos Alberto León, who specialises in civil and commercial litigation; senior Samuel Hernández Lizarazu, who has supported on both judicial and arbitral proceedings; senior Juan Guillermo Otero, who has a significant public law dimension to his practice; and intermediate Daniela Velásquez. Additionally, senior Jorge Rodríguez and intermediate Mario Alejandro Carrillo joined from Lloreda Camacho & Co. and Medellín & Durán Abogados in June and September 2023, respectively; the former replacing senior Loredana De Trizio who moved in house at Grupo Energía Bogotá. In an additional boost in July 2024, the firm welcomed the return of former managing partner Alejandro Linares, who rejoined following an eight-year stint as Justice of the Colombian Constitutional Court.

Responsables de la pratique:

William Araque; David Araque

Les références

A young but experienced group of lawyers mixed with the experience of other seasoned lawyers at the partner level. It is a committed team that always anticipates issues and prepares cases carefully. Perhaps there are offices with similar qualities, but we have done well with Gómez-Pinzón.’

‘We value lawyers for their experience in this area, for their constant reporting on cases, and for treating causes as their own. I highlight the work of David Araque, Carlos Alberto León and Juan Guillermo Otero.’

‘The team is efficient and meets requirements in a timely manner. All the people are very friendly and willing to serve the client.’

Principaux clients

Itaú Colombia

Falabella de Colombia

Bavaria & Cia

Sierracol Energy Arauca

Congelados Agrícolas (Congelagro)

Viscofan CZ

Procter & Gamble Colombia

Laad Américas

Kimberly Clark

Suramérica Comercial (Dollarcity)

Refinería de Cartagena

General Motors


Construcciones Mendebal


Grupo de Energía de Bogotá

Solucion Colombia Servicios de Crédito

Constructora Hayuelos

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending Marriott International and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company in proceedings brought by a former contractor seeking declaration of commercial agency and compensation.
  • Advising Kimberly-Clark on the potential settlement of a class action seeking compensation for damages caused by its alleged involvement in a cartel.
  • Advising Refinería de Cartagena in a contractual dispute before the Administrative Courts of Cartagena regarding the breach of a purchase and sale agreement for the acquisition of carbon credits.

Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & de la Rosa

DLA Piper Martínez Beltrán rebranded as Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & de la Rosa in May 2024, following the decision of its local partners to cut ties with the wider DLA Piper network. The group’s dispute resolution offering is expected to make gains following the change, due to the reduced potential for client conflicts going forward. The litigation practice now draws on seven partners with contentious experience — following the February 2024 promotions of Sergio Londoño and Juan Pablo Amaya — and sources say, it ‘responds to needs and concerns with agility and high professionalism’. Key names include managing partner Camilo Martínez, whose broad practice spans transactional and contentious matters; he teamed up with José Miguel Mendoza, who focuses on corporate conflicts, as well as Julián SolorzaSergio Rojas and Londoño, to advise Jaime Gilinski on a corporate dispute aimed at acquiring control of Grupo Nutresa. On the contentious insolvency side, Nicolás Polanía is noted. The group also benefits from the support of several non-partners including associate director Ricardo Alarcón, who manages the international arbitration practice, and senior associates Andrés Sarmiento, David Felipe Benítez and Carlos ParejaSince publication, Polanía has left the firm to establish his own bankruptcy boutique - effective as of January 2025.

Responsables de la pratique:

Camilo Martínez; José Miguel Mendoza; Julián Solorza; Sergio Rojas; Juan Pablo Amaya; Sergio Londoño

Les références

‘The corporate litigation team, led by José Miguel Mendoza responds to needs and concerns with agility and high professionalism. The team stands out for its personalised and timely attention and for its commitment to employ all its knowledge for our best interests.’

‘We highlight its lawyers for the agility with which they serve us, from the partner down through the entire team. Many firms have very good people, but not all partners serve us with such dedication.’

Principaux clients

Gilinski Group

Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM)

Integral S.A., Integral Ingeniería de Supervisión and Consorcio Generación Ituango



Fiduciaria Bogotá

Moncada Holding

Legis Editores

Credicorp Capital Colombia (Correval)

Novus Civitas

Zarzur family

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Jaime Gilinski on a corporate dispute aimed at acquiring control of Grupo Nutresa.
  • Advised Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) on the execution of a defence strategy that prevented EPM from being squeezed-out of Tigo-UNE.
  • Represented Integral, Integral Ingeniería de Supervisión and Consorcio Generación Ituango in a lawsuit brought by Empresas Públicas de Medellín alleging breaches of agreements related to the Hidroituango Hydroelectric Project.

Arrubla Devis Asociados

Lawyers at Arrubla Devis Asociados ‘stand out for their seriousness and commitment’. Dispute resolution is a key pillar of the firm and this is reflected in a varied client list that includes large domestic and multinational companies through to important public-sector entities, including the government agency in charge of the judicial defence of the Colombian state (ANDJE). As a former chief justice of the Colombian Supreme Court, Jaime Arrubla is a sought-after litigator; he paired up with Rafael McCausland — who is a key contact for the litigation, arbitration and corporate practices — to represent Marina Park in litigation against the Colombian State concerning the illegal revocation of a maritime concession. Other senior names include Jaime Esteban Arrubla, who advises on litigation and arbitration; and litigation director Gustavo Amaya Yepes. Recommended non-partners include associate directors Cristina Arrubla, Sebastián Montoya and Lorena Vargas — all of whom maintain broad litigation practices. Former associate director Carolina Boada left to go freelance in April 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jaime Arrubla; Rafael McCausland; Sebastián Montoya; Cristina Arrubla

Les références

‘The teams’ strengths are its honesty when accepting a client’s case (in the sense that if it believes there is no good chance of success, it lets the client know); and its reluctance to file urgent lawsuits.’

‘Lawyers stand out for their seriousness and commitment. They take into account the times to present or respond to the courts and tribunals, particularly Jaime Arrubla, Lorena Vargas and Cristina Arrubla.’

Principaux clients

Portal Calicanto

XM Compañía de Expertos en Mercado

Ruth Díaz

Marina Park

Acción Sociedad Fiduciaria

Grupo Portuario

Boston Medical Group


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Portal Calicanto in a dispute regarding overcosts in a contract.
  • Represented XM Compañía de Expertos en Mercado, the administrator of the country’s electricity market interconnection system, in a suit filed by Poliobras, the company in charge of the construction of thermo-generation project, Termocol.
  • Represented Marina Park in actions brought against the Colombian State due to the illegal revocation of a maritime concession for the construction of what is intended to be the main marina in the Cartagena Bay.

CMS Rodríguez-Azuero

During 2023/24, CMS Rodríguez-Azuero added a raft of new clients to its roster including Cemex Colombia, Credibanco and Equidad Seguros. The full-service practice handles a broad scope of commercial litigation, administrative law disputes and contentious bankruptcy proceedings, while its sector strengths include financial services, energy and telecoms. Founding partner and department co-head Sergio Rodríguez-Azuero stands out for his combination of dispute resolution, and banking and finance expertise; he is currently advising Fiduprevisora, as trustee and administrator of the Fondo Nacional de Garantías, on a $12m claim initiated by Isagen. The team is additionally co-led by Henry Sanabria and Felipe Andrade, who are highlighted together for their ‘sincere interest in clients’ concerns’. The group also includes insolvency partner Daniel Rodríguez; Jacques Simhon, who specialises in corporate crime law; and senior associate María Fernanda Bejarano, who supports on dispute resolution and insolvency. Former senior associate Jorge Ramírez left for a full-time position at Universidad Externado de Colombia in March 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sergio Rodríguez Azuero; Henry Sanabria; Felipe Andrade

Les références

‘Felipe Andrade and Henry Sanabria stand out for their knowledge of legal issues, constant updates on the case, sincere interest in clients’ concerns, kindness and willingness to serve.’

‘Henry Sanabria and Felipe Andrade are lawyers with good qualities. Henry Sanabria stands out for his knowledge of procedural law and litigation skills.’

‘We highlight the team for the legal knowledge and skills of Henry Sanabria.’

Principaux clients


Avantel (in reorganisation)

Elite (Group of victims)

Estraval (Group of victims)

Tu Renta (Group of victims)

Vesting (Group of victims)

Felipe Rocha and Agropecuaria Achury Viejo Group of Victims (19)

BBVA Seguros Colombia

Asociación Colombiana del Petróleo

Cemex Colombia

Cemex Latam Holdings

Cerámica Italia


Equidad Seguros

Electrificadora de Santander

Grupo Energía Bogotá

Sociedad Portuaria Río Córdoba

Fondo Nacional del Turismo

Politécnico Internacional

Ty Gas

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Fiduprevisora, as trustee and administrator of the Fondo Nacional de Garantías, in a $12m claim initiated by Isagen in relation to the credits made when it was a public entity.
  • Advising Avantel, as one of the defendants, in proceedings initiated by Comcel seeking the nullity and reinstatement of a resolution issued by the Communication Regulation Commission that modified the general conditions for the provision of the essential National Automatic Roaming facility.
  • Representing BBVA Seguros in a dispute concerning a subrogation stemming from a fire in Barranquilla.

Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas

The dispute resolution team at Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas is differentiated by its international capacities, with its ability to draw on an extensive global network translating into a truly multinational client list. The group’s robust commercial litigation expertise is complemented by an active administrative law practice and it handles a wide array of contentious work, from regulatory proceedings, through to civil and commercial cases. Department co-head Andrés Fernández de Soto has litigated before all judicial and administrative levels and is representing FCC Construcción (Colombia branch) in administrative proceedings for patrimonial reparation initiated by the Comptroller General. Other key contacts include fellow co-head Paula Vejarano, who was promoted to partner in April 2024 and handles a mix of litigation and arbitration cases; Ximena Zuleta, whose practice spans public law, dispute resolution, and competition and antitrust; and senior associate Carlos Miranda, who supports on arbitration, contentious bankruptcy and litigation matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Andres Fernandez de Soto; Paula Vejarano

Principaux clients

Autopistas de Urabá

Bunker Holding Group

Integral Gestión Ambiental

FCC Construcción

Cerro Prieto Colombia

Minera El Roble


Collins Aerospace



Hella Automotive



Parmalat (Lactalis)

Aecom Technical Services

Azteca Comunicaciones (TV Azteca)

Ford Motor Company

Grupo Peñaflor

Consorcio Aguas de Aburrá HHA (Acciona Agua / Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co / Hyundai Engineering Co)

Consorcio MASA – Acciona (Mantenimiento y Montajes Industriales / Acciona Infraestructura)

Morgan Stanley & Co

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a multinational infrastructure company in a breach-of-contract case brought by a governmental entity.
  • Representing Cerro Prieto Colombia in a lawsuit filed by Inversiones J5 related to a contract for the sale of a real estate for the construction of an industrial facility.
  • Representing Ford in a domestic civil lawsuit initiated by a local dealer seeking damages for the alleged undue termination of a distribution agreement.


Iberian giant Garrigues’ litigation group in Bogotá is ‘characterised by its delivery of fast results in complex matters’. Despite its compact size, the one-partner team scores highly for its ‘promptness’ and ‘personalised attention’, while its international outlook ensures that it enjoys close links with multinational as well as domestic clients. Alberto Acevedo spearheads the practice and provides ‘out-of-the-box and elegant legal strategies’; he successfully represented Frontera Energy in a class action filed by a group of minority shareholders claiming that it failed to inform the stock market of its restructuring plans in 2016. Acevedo is supported by a strong group of non-partners, including counsel Guillermo León Ramírez, who joined from the Superintendence of Corporations in March 2023 and is particularly noted for contentious insolvencies; and senior associates María Carolina Sarmiento (who specialises in arbitral proceedings), Lina Marcela Moreno (who focuses on insurance, litigation and administrative law), and Daniel Quintero, who returned from study leave in October 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alberto Acevedo

Les références

‘Alberto Acevedo stands out for his expertise in the field of procedural law and for generating innovative procedural strategies. His writings are concise and concrete. He is a facilitator in reaching agreements; he locates a reasonable position and implements a strategy to balance procedural, legal and economic burdens.’

‘The Garrigues team has excellent professionals, very willing to work on our matters.’

‘Alberto Acevedo is an excellent professional and provides us with his services first-hand. Daniel Quintero is an outstanding lawyer.’

Principaux clients

Frontera Energy


Itec (Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology)


MSL Technology (Atos)

Estrella Andina


Perimetral Oriental De Bogota



Team Foods



Ruta al Sur




Parques y Funerarias


Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented Enel Colombia in filing a liabilities’ claim following the wire-tapping of Enel’s legal representative.
  • Defended Frontera Energy in a class action filed by a group of minority shareholders claiming that it failed to inform the stock market of its restructuring plans in 2016.
  • Represented Perimetral Oriental de Bogotá in a claim brough by a group of business owners claiming that construction works performed by POB severely affected their businesses.

Holland & Knight

Holland & Knight continues to make inroads into the market following the absorption of Cuberos Cortés Gutiérrez in May 2023, with an increasingly broad set of contentious offerings. Most notably, consumer law cases are a growing area of activity for the firm, with the team recently handling a high volume of work for clients such as Copa Airlines and iShop Colombia. Department head José Gutierréz Mestre leads on the consumer law cases and also keeps busy advising on infrastructure, transport and corporate disputes. The practice additionally leverages the wider firm’s highly-regarded environmental law offering to excel in energy regulation-related work, with energy specialist Jose Vicente Zapata recommended in this sphere. Next-generation partner Juan Casallas and senior counsels Lorena Martínez and Estefanny Pardo are also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Gutiérrez Mestre; Jose Vicente Zapata; Juan Casallas

Les références

‘The strong points of the team are its teamwork, distribution of offices and co-ordination of a partner, who is always available. We only work with this firm.’

‘Lawyers are very accessible, they get down to the user’s level and speak in terms that they understand, and they accept all suggestions very well and when they are not valid, they give the reasons why, particularly José Gutierréz Mestre.’

‘The team always cares about the context of the situations that arise. Lawyers are excellent solution providers.’

Principaux clients

Carbomax de Colombia

Compañía Panameña de Aviación – COPA Airlines

iShop Colombia


DHL Global Forwarding

Inversiones y Parcelaciones del Meta – Inparme


Consorcio Express

Este Es Mi Bus (in reorganisation)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising a major mining company on several constitutional claims.
  • Representing the operators of Bogotá’s public transport system in a class action lawsuit regarding the system’s infrastructure and its impact on the system’s value for the end customer.
  • Representing DHL Global Forwarding in a transportation agreement dispute regarding goods located in the Middle East.

Lloreda Camacho & Co.

Lloreda Camacho & Co.’s dispute resolution practice is marked by its strong international focus, with its client list primarily composed of multinational companies in the life sciences, consumer, manufacturing and TMT spheres. Class actions are a notable strong suit — in line with the IP heavyweight’s dominant regulatory offering — and it recently secured victories in two major class actions, where it represented global corporations in pharmaceutical and tobacco litigation totalling over $500m. The department is led jointly by Gustavo Tamayo, who additionally heads the TMT group and is noted for his strong telecoms expertise; and Christian Pérez Rueda, who was promoted to partner in August 2023 and maintains a comprehensive dispute resolution focus; together, they led the class action cases. Senior associate Jimmy Buenaventura provides additional practice support. In July 2023, senior associate Esteban Isaza joined from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, where he was a professor. Senior associate Jorge Rodríguez left the firm in June 2023. Since publication, Pérez Rueda has left the firm to establish his own boutique - effective as of November 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gustavo Tamayo

Principaux clients

Bray International

Bajaj Auto

Merck Sharp & Dohme Colombia

Mccann Erickson Corporation Colombia

Comunicacion Celular (Comcel)

Bel Star

Coca-Cola Bebidas de Colombia

Spirit Airlines

Baxalta (Takeda)

Unilever Andina Colombia

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Bray International in a dispute with Casaval over the allegedly unfair termination of a distribution agreement.
  • Successfully represented a multinational pharmaceutical company in a product liability class action regarding vaccines.
  • Successfully represented a big tobacco company in a major product liability class action.

Palacios Lleras

Public law stalwart Palacios Lleras is best known for its record in administrative and constitutional law disputes, where it represents domestic and multinational companies — and, less frequently, government agencies — in proceedings before regulators, courts and arbitral institutions. The group enjoys a particularly strong relationship with Drummond and it advises the mining giant on a broad range of environmental law cases, class actions and contractual disputes. Other strong areas for the team include tax litigation, consumer law matters and corporate disputes. As a former judge, department lead Hugo Palacios Mejía brings significant hands-on experience to his role. The team also includes Óscar Gutiérrez, who specialises in tax, mining and infrastructure disputes; Pedro Pacheco, whose practice spans commercial litigation, administrative law disputes and financial services-related matters; Luis Miguel Falla, who focuses on dispute resolution relating to administrative law, state contracts and corporate conflicts; and Daniela Devia, who was promoted from junior lawyer to associate in June 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Hugo Palacios Mejía

Les références

‘Lawyers stand out for their experience, knowledge and immersion in problems to analyse them.’

‘We highlight Hugo Palacios Mejía and Óscar Gutiérrez for their dedication to their work, solidity and depth of advice.’

Principaux clients


Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras – Fogafin

Grupo Sura

Concesionaria Panamericana

Canacol Energy Colombia

Aerovías del Continente Americano (Avianca)

Concesionaria Alternativas Viales

CNR III – Colombian Natural Resources III

Fundación Ceiba

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Drummond in several class actions and individual liability actions alleging that the mining industry causes air pollution and water contamination.
  • Successfully represented Avianca in a constitutional action alleging that it violated collective rights related to the antitrust and consumer rights regime, due to its proposed corporate integration with Viva.
  • Advised Grupo Sura on contentious matters related to the hostile takeover launched by Grupo Gilinski.

Tamayo Jaramillo & Asociados

According to clients, Tamayo Jaramillo & Asociados’ team is composed of ‘people with diverse skills who generate deliverables with a holistic, complete and efficient analysis’. A prominent name for insurance work, the firm’s contentious expertise extends beyond insurance to take in construction, consumer law and administrative law disputes, among other matters. Up-and-coming litigators Laura Castaño Echeverri and Daniel Ossa Gómez are highlighted together as ‘very smart and strategic lawyers’; they teamed up with firm founder and high-profile insurance expert Javier Tamayo Jaramillo to successfully represent the inhabitants of the ‘Space’ building in their lawsuit seeking compensation for damages caused by construction deficiencies. The group also draws on risk analysis partner Carlos Andrés González, who is ‘skilled in strategic litigation and civil liability’; and Luis Miguel Gómez, who specialises in dispute resolution, and civil and state liability. Key associates include Daniel Bedoya and Manuel Cadavid Valencia. Luis David Pérez left the firm in November 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Javier Tamayo Jaramillo; Daniel Ossa Gómez; Carlos Andrés González

Les références

‘The dispute resolution area has been an important ally for us and, best of all, effective. We highlight its lawyers personalised attention and willingness to always serve the client; they are frank in saying when they cannot address an issue and that is valued in this environment.’

‘A prepared and human team that is knowledgeable about the needs of its clients, empathetic, committed, studious, but above all, sensitive and open, which allows for clarity in the objectives of its advice and internal debate scenarios that ensure understanding all angles of the problem.’ 

‘Individually, the team is made up of people with diverse skills who generate deliverables with a holistic, complete and efficient analysis. The leadership of people with high academic standards ensures commitment to results.’

Principaux clients

HDI Seguros

Seguros Generales Suramericana

Seguros de Vida Suramericana

Compañía Aseguradora de Fianzas – Confianza

Chubb Seguros Colombia

Cemex Colombia

Sodimac Colombia

Aseguradora Solidaria de Colombia

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented Emgesa (now Enel Colombia) in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit regarding El Quimbo Hydroelectric Power Plant.
  • Successfully represented the inhabitants of the ‘Space’ building in their lawsuit against the construction companies and the state seeking compensation for damages caused by deficiencies in the construction of the building.
  • Represented Electricaribe in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against a major soft drink and beer company.

Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico

Ustáriz & Abogados Estudio Jurídico is a first port of call for banks and financial services clients in contentious matters and one client attests, ‘there is no other team in Colombia with its specialty in handling bank fraud litigation’. Alongside fraud-related disputes, the group attracts praise for its adept handling of financial consumer law litigation and trust litigation, among other financial law matters. The group is also increasingly active outside of its niche, as evidenced by a growing volume of cases involving construction, real estate and corporate conflicts. Department head Luís Humberto Ustáriz is highlighted as ‘above outstanding for banking litigation’; he recently represented Mundial de Seguros in a $14.3m claim filed by the trust Fondo de Financiamiento de la Infraestructura Educativa (FFIE) related to the construction of educational institutions in Colombia. The group also benefits from the support of Angela Restrepo, who serves as associate director of the dispute resolution practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luis Humberto Ustáriz

Les références

‘There is no other team in Colombia with its specialty in handling bank fraud litigation. It is the best by far in this area. It has the best technology and personnel in Colombia.’

‘The firm’s team is characterised by its constant updating on the issues in which it defends the interests of the bank. It also stands out for its commitment, availability, and the technological resources it utilises for this work.’

‘Lawyers are differentiated by their marked proximity to clients and their availability. Luis Humberto Ustáriz is above outstanding for banking litigation, due to his knowledge of the issues and strong professionalism.’

Principaux clients

Banco Popular

Mundial De Seguros

Banco Davivienda

Financiera Juriscoop

Consorcio Betaoil

Fiduciaria Bogotá

Banco Caja Social

Fiduciaria La Previsora

Fiduciaria Colpatria

Fts Desarrollos Inmobiiliarios

Coninsa Ramón H

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Fiduciaria Colpatria in disputes concerning the real estate project, Verano Mall.
  • Representing Banco Davivienda in different processes related to electronic fraud.
  • Representing Banco Agrario de Colombia in various contentious proceedings.

Castro Leiva Rendón Abogados

Castro Leiva Rendón Abogados’s litigation practice attracts praise from clients for its ‘excellence in client service and for its preparation in relation to potential issues’. The wider firm’s focus on public law and infrastructure is reflected in its litigation caseload and it is well positioned to advise its extensive roster of construction and concessionaire clients on disputes before state entities concerning infrastructure and public contracts. The department is led by José Ignacio Leiva, who is best known for his experience in public law disputes, and additionally draws on the partnerlevel expertise of projects specialist Marcela Castro. Associate director of the dispute resolution group, Laura Amaya is also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Ignacio Leiva

Les références

‘Castro Leiva’s practice, led by José Ignacio Leiva, has gained a relevant position over some of the top firms in Colombia. The team is differentiated by its relationship between cost and experience, which is why several litigations regarding projects (infrastructure) are being led by Castro Leiva.’

‘Marcela Castro and José Ignacio Leiva provide advice that is punctual and of greater clarity, due to the experience they have acquired. Castro Leiva has been gaining an important share in the market in Colombia, even above more well-known Colombian firms.’

‘The team stands out for its excellence in client service and for its preparation in relation to potential issues, which elevates its professional service compared to other firms.’

Principaux clients

Ruta Costera

Concesión La Pintada – Pacifico 2

Concesión Unión Vial Río Pamplonita

Ingerop – Consorcio ATI

Concesión Loboguerrero-Buga

Concesión Mar 1

Concesión Devisab

Concesión Costera Cartagena Barranquilla

Concesión Alto Magdalena

Concesión Pacifico 3

Concesión Autopistas de Urabá – Mar 2

Concesión Conexión Norte

Concesión Autopistas del Nordeste

Concesión GICA

Concesión San Rafael

Concesión Ruta al Mar

Concesión Cambao Manizales

Concesión Convías

Concesionaria Nueva Fiscalia

SI18 Suba

SI18 Calle 80

SI 18 Norte




Consorcio Estación Elevadora Canoas


Consorcio MAHFER (Ferrovial y MHC Ingeniería y Construcción)

Acciona Construcciones y Acciona Agua

Ruta Costera

MHC Ingeniería y Construcción de Obras Civiles

Consorcio Vial de Soacha

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Ruta Costera in all litigation matters involving the concession and related to the operation of the road, including actions for reparations for victims of accidents on the road.
  • Advised Ingerop and Consorcio ATI (in which Ingerop is a party) on six litigation cases connected to the construction of the Ayacucho Tramway.
  • Advised Consorcio Vial de Soacha on a technical dispute related to the construction of an urban road in the city of Soacha.

Gamboa, García, Roldán & Co.

Gamboa, García, Roldán & Co. has a significant financial dimension to its litigation practice, with strong recent showings in the debt recovery, funds, and contentious insolvency spheres. Other notable sweet spots include construction disputes and corporate conflicts. A founding partner of the firm, department co-head Juan Ignacio Gamboa contributes extensive experience in representing domestic and multinational clients on the full spectrum of civil, commercial and administrative litigation. The team additionally draws on fellow co-head Juan Felipe Roldán, whose practice spans transactional and contentious work; Pedro Hernán Montaño, who is noted for his record in financial law; and Felipe Andrés Díaz, who serves as associate director of the litigation team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Ignacio Gamboa; Juan Felipe Roldán; Pedro Hernán Montaño

Principaux clients

DEME Concessions

Cosco Shipping Lines Colombia

Jeeves Technologies Colombia

Mad Capital

Environmental Resources Management Colombia

Israel Aerospace Industries

Dredging International

Jiangling Motors Colombia

Mettler Toledo

Schreder Colombia

Elbit C4i & Cyber

NSO Group

Hupecol Operating Co

Bogota Coque

Grand Bogotá

Cordis Medical Holdings

JOKR Colombia

Ingram Micro


Hunter Douglas de Colombia

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Concesionaria Ferrea de Occidente, a local subsidiary of China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, on the judicial collection of five bank guarantees, totalling over $5m, against Itaú Corpbanca Colombia.
  • Representing Jeeves Technologies Colombia in a claim concerning debts owed from over 130 different debtors in different cities of Colombia
  • Representing Cimarrona in a $13m lawsuit filed by Ecopetrol concerning the execution of two association agreements, derived from the interpretation of the concept of reimbursements in the development of the contracts.

Garrido Fonseca Abogados

Garrido Fonseca Abogados’ litigation practice is distinguished by its experience in acting for energy and natural resources clients in contentious matters. The team’s industry focus is reflected in its niche expertise in cases concerning environmental law issues, including indigenous community displacement and land restitution, as well as energy regulation and administrative law. Group co-head Juan Manuel Garrido brings to bear broad litigation experience, which spans civil and commercial cases, environmental law matters and class actions, among other issues. Claudia Fonseca co-heads the department and is noted for her emphasis on contentious energy work. Senior associate Cristian Felipe Sánchez provides support on the full spread of judicial, arbitral and administrative proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Manuel Garrido; Claudia Fonseca

Principaux clients

Gran Tierra Energy

Equion (formerly BP)

Petrobras Colombia


Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales

Puerto Bahía


Maurel & Prom



Grupo Techint


Drummond Energy





Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Gran Tierra Energy Colombia in more than 1000 actions filed by several individuals concerning their alleged displacement from certain properties.
  • Representing Drummond Energy in five actions filed by two Indigenous communities seeking the suspension of two exploration and production contracts due to the alleged displacement of their lands.
  • Representing the Colombian Association of Concrete Producers (ASOCRETO) in a class action filed by Felix Antonio Campos Cruz against the Mayor of Bogotá’s Office concerning the construction of certain TransMilenio slabs.


Noted for its ‘broad capacity for analysis and resolution of concerns’, Goh’s firm-wide focus on the tax and infrastructure areas is reflected in its litigation practice. Clients are primarily drawn from the construction, and energy and natural resources spheres, but the team also undertakes work for companies operating in the transport, financial services and TMT industries. Tax specialist Catalina Hoyos is noted for contentious tax work, where she is widely recognised as one of the market’s leading tax litigators. Hoyos co-heads the department together with Mario Pérez (who stands out for his ‘attention and collaboration’), and Claudia Patricia Barrantes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Catalina Hoyos; Claudia Patricia Barrantes; Mario Pérez

Les références

‘The team stands out for its attention and collaboration, particularly Mario Pérez.’

‘The Goh team provides excellent client service with a broad capacity for analysis and resolution of concerns. The team includes specialists in each area, who are always attentive.’

‘Lawyers stand out for their attention, response times and ability to cover different specialised areas of law.’

Principaux clients

Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario (Finagro)

Obrascón Huarte Lain, Colombia branch (OHLA)

Cenit Transporte y Logística de Hidrocarburos

Sociedad Constructora Ecuatorial

Concesionaria Autopistas del Nordeste

Oleoducto Central (OCENSA)


OPP Graneles

Interconexión Eléctrica (ISA)

Carbones de la Jagua (Prodeco Group)

Carbones El Tesoro (Prodeco Group)


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario (Finagro) in a lawsuit filed against it and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development alleging the violation of the collective rights of morality and defence of the public patrimony.
  • Represented Obrascón Huarte Lain, Colombia branch (OHLA) in a $9m construction dispute.
  • Represented Cenit Transporte y Logística de Hidrocarburos in a case brought by Felguera IHI (Colombia branch) against it and Ecopetrol for alleged cost overruns in the execution of a contract.

Parra Rodríguez Abogados

Always approachable and keen to move things forward’, Parra Rodríguez Abogados’ active litigation team frequently represents domestic and multinational companies in contentious matters. The group possesses experience in the construction, financial services, contractual liability, consumer protection and energy and natural resources spheres, with a particularly strong showing in collection proceedings. Key names include transactional aviation expert Bernardo Rodríguez, who also handles judicial and arbitral disputes; Álvaro Parra whose tax expertise informs his contentious practice; and associate practice director Ángela María Serrano, who is valued for her ‘good response times and clear feedback’. Administrative law partner Augusto Figueroa and labour specialist Diego Sastoque are also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bernardo Rodríguez; Álvaro Parra; Ángela María Serrano

Les références

‘Very proactive and pragmatic approach combined with specialist knowledge.’

‘Ángela María Serrano stands out for her good response times and clear feedback on matters, taking into account the overall strategy and different options at hand.’

‘A great team. Always approachable and keen to move things forward.’

Principaux clients

Inversiones El Charrascal

Haskoning DHV

Drug Store

Halcrow Group UK

Innovation Worldwide DMCC

Petreven Servicios y Perforaciones Petroleras CA

Viña Santa Carolina

United Airlines (Colombia branch)

Federal Express Corporation


OIS Telecomunicaciones

Portales Urbanos

Coiffman Fraynd

Comercializadora Colombiana de Carbones y Coques

Abet Laminati

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented a company dedicated to the production and distribution of medical supplies in a lawsuit filed by a worker’s family following an accident in the company’s facilities.
  • Represented a company in a employment lawsuit seeking to establish the employer’s liability for the death of an employee who contracted Covid-19.
  • Represented Halcrow Group in an executive collection proceeding initiated by the City of Cartagena to collect the outstanding capital and interest allegedly due under an arbitration award.

Pinilla González & Prieto Abogados

Pinilla González & Prieto Abogados’ litigation team ‘proposes effective and quick alternatives to solve complex situations’. The firm’s pre-eminent real estate offering uniquely positions it to represent construction and real estate clients on contentious matters, where it is well versed in cases concerning real estate planning, urban law, corporate conflicts and liability. Litigator Óscar Martínez is ‘sharp and sagacious in designing and implementing judicial defence strategies’ and co-heads the group together with founding partner Felipe Pinilla, who handles an array of transactional and contentious work. At associate level, criminal and disciplinary law specialist César Augusto Gónzalez and dispute resolution-focused Margarita María Hurtado are noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

Felipe Pinilla; Óscar Martínez

Les références

‘It proposes effective and quick alternatives to solve complex situations, avoiding lawsuits and judicial processes. It has very good knowledge of the rules and different alternatives for amicable conflict resolution. It stands out for its kind and respectful relationships with clients, and eventually with counterparts.’

‘Lawyers are professionals with a deep sense of ethics. They always speak the truth in the face of any conflict, even informing their clients if they have acted badly and must recognize their mistakes, suggesting the best way to do so. Their support is permanent and their strategies have a very high success rate.’

‘This firm has a multidisciplinary team that is very well trained, experienced and articulate when providing support in judicial processes. It works closely with the client and provides advice in a timely and complete manner.’

Principaux clients

Casiri Inmobiliaria

CCRS Inmobiliaria

Hillside Flowers

Suprema Compañía Inmobiliaria



Wavecomm Corporation

Inversiones Alcabama

AR Construcciones

Promotora Parques Industriales

Fiduciaria Colombiana de Comercio Exterior

Estacionamientos Lugano

Constructora Flormorado

Escalar Gerencia Inmobiliaria

Andres Echavarría Olano

Cemex Colombia


ATC Sitios de Colombia

Banco Caja Social

Icono Urbano

Prabyc Ingenieros

Arias Serna Y Saravia


Desarrolladora de Zonas Francas

GCC Constructores

Miriam Alice Herz

Asociacion Para La Ensenanza Aspaen

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented AR Construcciones in a judicial process concerning alleged damages caused by settlements suffered during the construction of a building.
  • Represented Amarilo in a civil declaratory action where a group of defendants sought the annulment of the domain chain of a property destined for the development of a mixed-purpose urban project.
  • Advised AR Construcciones in a consumer protection case before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce brought by 115 consumers.

Rincón Castro Abogados

Rincón Castro Abogados’ thriving litigation practice ‘proposes strong strategies that lead to success stories’. Arguably best known for its dominant arbitration offering, the firm also houses an increasingly active litigation group that excels in representing domestic and multinational energy, transport, telecoms and construction clients in high-stakes litigation. Key names to note include Rafael Rincón, who stands out for his extensive expertise in transnational judicial and arbitral proceedings, particularly in the infrastructure sphere; Miguel Castro, who specialises in public law matters; and Juan Ignacio Guerra, who is establishing a strong record for domestic litigation. Senior associates Ana María Rincón and Santiago Vernaza are also recommended. Since the conclusion of researcher the practice group has been further strengthened with the September 2024 hire of former Brigard Urrutia partner Felipe Mutis, who has a strong administrative aspect to his disputes practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rafael Rincón; Miguel Castro; Juan Ignacio Guerra

Les références

‘What makes Rincón Castro unique, is that it is the first firm that is highly specialised in, and focused on, high-value, strategic litigation and complex arbitrations. It has created a group of partners highly specialised in complex matters in the investment protection and administrative litigation sectors.’

‘Lawyers stand out for their specialisation in dispute resolution and their orientation towards excellence.’

‘The team that makes up Rincón Castro demonstrates sufficient knowledge to face any issue associated with infrastructure. Compared to other teams, it proposes strong strategies that lead to success stories.’

Principaux clients

Sociedad Anónima de Obras y Servicios – COPASA



AES Colombia


Grupo de Energía de Bogotá

Partners Telecom Colombia

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully represented Uber in unlawful competition litigation initiated against it, and two related companies, by a taxi-cab services corporation.
  • Represented Isagen in a judicial action seeking to annul several administrative acts and claim damages against Colombia’s energy regulator and XM Compañía de Expertos en Mercados.
  • Represented AES Colombia on potential conflicts regarding the company’s operations.

Sanclemente Fernández Abogados S.A.

As a firm specialising in representing oil-and-gas industry clients, Sanclemente Fernández Abogados S.A.’s interdisciplinary practice is mainly active in energy regulation disputes, employment litigation and contentious contractual matters. Claudia Rodríguez fronts the group and her broad experience encompasses labour, administrative law, civil and environmental law disputes. At associate level, the team additionally draws on senior Catalina Cardenas, who has an emphasis on contentious labour and administrative law work; and senior Carolina Ríos, who is noted for her focus on labour and social security-related litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Claudia Rodriguez

Abril Gómez Mejía Abogados

Abril Gómez Mejía Abogados’ litigation practice is held up by clients as ‘effective in achieving results’. Along with public law and corporate law, dispute resolution is a cornerstone of the firm’s service offering and it handles a mix of civil, commercial and administrative litigation. Clients are drawn from both the corporate and public-sector spheres, with its recent work for the Rural Development Agency standing out as particularly significant. Litigator Diego Fernando Gómez heads the team, with support from Luís Abril, who is noted for bankruptcy work. Associates Tatiana Aldana, María Alejandra Cortes and Denisse Posada are also praised by sources.

Responsables de la pratique:

Diego Fernando Gómez

Les références

‘The AGM firm is distinguished by its highly specialised and trained team in the areas of corporate and litigation. Lawyers have postgraduate training and extensive experience in the business and legal field, which allows them to successfully manage large-scale and complex processes.’

‘I think it compares favourably to other firms. In addition to being highly qualified, the team is effective in achieving results. Its soft skills set it apart, such as its ability to analyse business and legal strategies, as well as its willingness to collaborate and work as a team.’

‘The team is made up of young lawyers with a great interest in new technologies. They promote the exchange of knowledge between collaborators and maintain effective communication with us, which gives us confidence in their management.

Principaux clients

Agencia de Desarrollo Rural (the Rural Development Agency)

Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications

International Committee of the Red Cross

Ventas Institucionales

Capital Bank

Audiocentro Internacional

Banco Itaú

Constructora Amarilo


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Agencia de Desarrollo Rural on a class action seeking to improve the mobile and internet connectivity in San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina.
  • Represented Agencia de Desarrollo Rural in a class action case seeking the fundamental right to drinking water in La Guajira Department.
  • Represented Ventas Institucionales in bringing a claim regarding an unfulfilled contract.

Ariza & Marin

From its Medellín headquarters, Ariza & Marin’s litigation practice harnesses the wider firm’s robust public law and projects practices to focus on representing infrastructure companies in construction disputes. The group, which routinely appears before all levels of courts as well as before administrative agencies, additionally brings to bear skill sets in contentious employment, tax and insurance matters. Infrastructure and public law specialist Camilo Marin co-heads the team together with senior associate and litigation co-ordinator Tomás Cuartas Orrego. The department additionally benefits from the senior experience of co-founding partner Carolina Ariza.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tomás Cuartas Orrego; Camilo Marín

Principaux clients


Consorcio Loma Alta

Consorcio Vías del Centro

Comercializadora SYE

Hidroeléctrica Barrancas

Consorcio Obras Edeso 2019


Conjunto Residencial Atavanza

O-tek Central

Unión Temporal Mejía Acevedo


Grupo SYC

Caja de Compensación Familiar

Rave Agencia de Seguros

Juan Felipe Uribe

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Rehabiductos in its efforts to obtain compensation for damage derived from the change of technology during the execution of a contract, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Represented Consorcio Vías del Centro, as the consortium in charge of the maintenance and improvement of the road from Manizales to Bogotá, in legal proceedings related to disasters caused by heavy rainfall.
  • Represented Grupo SYC in legal proceedings against the Department of Caldas concerning a construction contract.

BBGS Abogados

During 2023/24, the ‘very committed and creative’ litigation team at BBGS Abogados handled a string of contentious bankruptcy proceedings on behalf of various creditors. Other notable areas of experience include IP disputes, consumer protection cases, contract litigation and tort liability. Key contact Lorenzo Pizarro was promoted to partner in 2024 and is highlighted as ‘very clear in his advice’; he handles a wide scope of dispute resolution work, with a focus on contentious insolvency proceedings and consumer law disputes. The group also draws on IP partner Felipe Rubio and senior associate Lorena Parrado, who contributes significant administrative law experience.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lorenzo Pizarro; Luis Felipe Barrios Cadena

Les références

‘The litigation team is very committed and creative in the situations we present as clients. In addition, it has a quality/price component that is difficult to improve. Lorenzo Pizarro is an excellent lawyer and leads a team of young lawyers who are very competent in their area.’

‘It is a team committed to knowing the needs of its clients, always seeking the best strategy and being available to its clients when they need it.’

‘Lorenzo Pizarro and Lorena Parrado are lawyers who maintain constant contact with their clients, keeping them informed of the status of the processes, the strategy that has been planned and the feasibility and opportunity of applying that strategy.’

Principaux clients

Allcot Group

Smith & Nephew Colombia

MullenLowe – SSP3

Mass Digital

Samsung Electronics Colombia

Forus Colombia

Inversiones Sillar Segovia

MAH international Corporation

World Trade Center Association

Ciudadela Centro Comercial Unicentro

El Retiro Centro Comercial

Centro Comercial Palatino

Hitachi Energy Colombia

Plural Comunicaciones – Canal 1

Caracol Televisión

Laboratorio Francolombiano (Lafrancol)

Abbott Laboratories de Colombia

Sodimac Colombia

Panafoto Zona Libre

HMC Administradora General de Fondos

Sed International de Colombia

Europastry Colombia

Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá

Human Capital Outsourcing

Casa Editorial El Tiempo

Laboratorios Synthesis

MECM Profesionales Contratistas (in reorganisation)


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Allcot in conciliation proceedings against Empresas Municipales de Cali (EMCALI) concerning a breach of contract dispute.
  • Represented Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá in a lawsuit brought by German Torres Lozano and TMCI alleging arbitrary and illegitimate occupation of the field where the Gustavo Escallón Cayzedo Hospital operates.
  • Represented Hitachi Energy Colombia, as creditor, in the bankruptcy proceedings of Electrificadora del Caribe (Electricaribe).

J. Correa Abogados

Noted for its coverage of the marine, insurance and transport industries, boutique firm J. Correa Abogados is a popular choice to represent clients in financial liability and insurance disputes. The group is particularly active on behalf of Constructora Colpatria and it advised the construction company on a string of matters during 2023/34, including financial liability proceedings, traffic accident cases and contractual liability litigation. Founding partner John Correa heads the department and ‘impresses with his direct attention and dedication’. Senior associate Andrés Felipe Ávila provides core support to Correa on all litigation matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

John Correa

Les références

‘The team stands out for its relationship with the client, collaboration, joint construction of litigation strategy and dedication of time to the client.’

‘John Correa impresses with his direct attention and dedication.’

Principaux clients

Seguros Generales Suramericana

Constructora Colpatria



Perimetral de Oriente



Alimentos Finca



Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Constructora Colpatria in a case alleging financial detriment to the state due to supposed irregularities in the construction of 38 schools throughout Colombia.
  • Represented Constructora Colpatria in an investigation initiated by the Comptroller General for alleged financial detriment to the state.
  • Advised Constructora Colpatria on a preliminary inquiry by the Huila Comptroller for alleged financial harm to the state stemming from supposed defects in its construction projects.


Kennedys’ litigation team is commended for its ‘impeccable legal level’. Forming a key part of the international firm’s dominant insurance offering, the Bogotá-based group enjoys strong links with major regional and global insurance and reinsurance entities. With experience across the full range of contentious insurance matters, the team is particularly noted for its record in large-scale construction cases and complex administrative proceedings. Colombia office head Mónica Tocarruncho leads a team that also includes Catalina Botero, who was promoted to partner in May 2023; and Mauricio Carvajal García, who specialises in shipping-related cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mónica Tocarruncho

Les références

‘Kennedys Colombia has a great team of professionals that provides excellent service to its clients.’

‘The Kennedys team has an impeccable legal level. I highlight the services provided by Catalina Botero and Mónica Tocarruncho.’

‘It stands out for its organisation and punctuality. We have complete confidence in assigning a process to Kennedys, because in addition to knowing that it will make the best decisions and strategies within the judicial process and will strive for its success, it provides timely responses to each  request.’

Principaux clients


Swiss Re

Munich Re

Hannover Re

Berkley Re






Seguros Confianza

Nacional de Seguros



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Mapfre, and the reinsurance market, in bringing a lawsuit against the Comptroller General seeking the annulment of financial penalties connected to the Ituango Hydroelectric Project.
  • Representing Previsora, and its reinsurers, in fiscal liability proceedings related to a significant loss of public funds in the Colombian Health System and one of the biggest scandals of corruption and misappropriation of public funds in the country.
  • Representing SBS Seguros Colombia and AIG (as reinsurer), in a fiscal liability proceeding concerning the alleged loss of public funds in implementing the multimillion-dollar contract to construct the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Dam.

Medellín & Durán Abogados

Unique for its focus on state defence, Medellín & Durán Abogados’ litigation group routinely represents government entities across a wide range of contentious matters, from disciplinary issues through to criminal proceedings. The group is particularly well positioned to advise on disputes involving public contracts, with its broad sector experience spanning transport, energy and construction projects, among others. As the former legal director to the Presidency of Colombia, department co-head Carlos Eduardo Medellín enjoys a strong national profile for his public law prowess. The group also includes fellow co-head Rodrigo Antonio Durán, who specialises in administrative law litigation; and associate Adriana Medellín, who serves as executive manager of the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carlos Eduardo Medellín; Rodrigo Antonio Durán

Les références

‘The team is excellent. Firms are made by people and definitely the people with whom I have interacted at Medellín & Durán Abogados are exceptional, for their treatment, their cordiality, their teamwork and their timely precise and concrete responses.’

‘Adriana Medellín is exceptional, helpful and excellent. Carlos Eduardo Medellín is an innate leader, courteous, respectful and honourable. The team of lawyers overall is very good and efficient.’

Principaux clients

Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá

Autoridad Ambiental de Licencias Ambientales


Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano

Fondo de Adaptación

Cenit Transporte y Logística de Hidrocarburos

Asociación Aeropuerto del Café

Secretaría Jurídica Distrital

Fondo Nacional de Garantías

Consorcio Pacifico Sur

Transportes Armenia

Refinería de Cartagena

Fideicomiso Lagos de Torca

Superintendencia de Transporte

Unidad Administrativa Especial de Catastro Distrital

Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi

Empresa Metro de Bogotá

Secretaria de Educación

Secretaria Distrital de Movilidad

Unidad Administrativa Especial de Servicios Públicos

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented the Unidad Administrativa Especial de Catastro Distrital before the Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca in a $6m dispute covering public law and urban law.
  • Defended the rights and interests of the National Authority of Environmental Licences in relation to a construction and conservation project on Gorgona Island.
  • Represented the Superintendence of Transport in the Viva Air bankruptcy class actions, among other disputes.

Nieto Abogados

Nieto Abogados houses an experienced dispute resolution practice which is well versed across a broad scope of commercial and administrative law litigation. The team’s diverse client roster includes domestic and multinational names, with a focus on the manufacturing, retail and financial services sectors. The department is led jointly by firm founder Luis Eduardo Nieto and Juan Antonio Vallejo, who previously served as a judge of the commercial procedures unit of the Superintendence of Corporations. Associate César Eduardo Pérez provides support on both judicial and arbitral proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luis Eduardo Nieto; Juan Antonio Vallejo

Principaux clients


Conagra Foods Incorporated

Hyundai Corporation

LX International America & LX International Corp

Dicermex (in reorganisation)

Ingenio San Carlos

Refractarios Magnesita Colombia.

Corporación Financiera GNB Sudameris

ETB – Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá


Santiago Cárdenas

AGP Agentes Portuarios

Frontier Agencia Marítima

Seaboard Overseas Colombia

Rotam Agrochemicals Colombia

UPL Colombia

Le Pain Quotidien – LPQ Restaurantes

G Barco



Instrumentos y Controles

Terminal de Contenedores de Buenaventura (TCBUEN)

Óscar Narváez

Carlos Avendaño

Diseños Interventorías y Servicios


GOR Acrílicos

Ualet, Comisionista de Bolsa

RHI Magnesita Refratarios (Brasil)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Hyundai Corporation in a dispute related to the alleged existence and breach of a commercial agency agreement.
  • Represented Dicermex in a controversy concerning the existence of a commercial agency agreement for the distribution of beer produced by Cerveceria Modelo de Mexico.
  • Advised Tobar & Tobar in a dispute against Enaex (Colombia branch) regarding a commercial agency agreement.

Parra Quijano & Cuadros Abogados

A boutique firm with very high specialisation in litigation matters’, Parra Quijano & Cuadros Abogados is noted for its record in civil litigation, administrative law and unfair competition disputes. The team is held in particularly high esteem for the academic background of key partners Jairo Parra Quijano, who is a former Chancellor of the Universidad Libre; and Jairo Parra Cuadros, who formerly served as an attorney of the Unfair Competition and Industrial Property Group at the SIC — the duo have also been members of the drafting and review commissions of the Colombian Code of General Procedure.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jairo Parra Quijano; Jairo Parra Cuadros

Les références

‘The team demonstrates special knowledge and experience in procedural law. It has a highly specialised practice in civil, administrative and unfair competition litigation. It is unique for its use of social media, podcasts, and other media to share recent court rulings, case law analysis and procedural rules.’

‘A team of excellent professionals, prepared, up-to-date and with specialised knowledge. Lawyers are honest, impeccable and brilliant people.’

‘A boutique firm with very high specialisation in litigation matters. Jairo Parra Quijano is one of the most important names in Colombian procedural law. Jairo Parra Cuadros has continued his legacy, being a renowned teacher, researcher and analyst of the subject.’

Principaux clients

Banco BBVA Colombia

Comunicación Celular

Uber Technologies


Centro Comercial y de Negocios Andino

Divemotor Colombia

Inchcape Colombia


Derco Colombia

Sociedad Nacional de la Cruz Roja Colombiana

Consultoría de Ingeniería Colombiana


Bumo Global

Roberto Ramírez Ocampo

Camilo Garzón

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised a technology company in unfair competition litigation.
  • Advised the representative of a Colombian airline’s employees, flight attendants and pilots, following the airline’s decision to prevent travel expenses from being recognised as part of their salaries.
  • Represented a telecoms company in a case brought by two competitors alleging unfair competition and breach of contract.

Tobar & Romero Abogados

Lawyers in Tobar & Romero Abogados’ dispute resolution team ‘put their hearts into the cases they handle’, according to clients. The team is equipped to handle an array of civil, commercial and administrative law matters and is notably becoming an increasingly popular choice to handle appeals, due to the experience of firm co-founder Rafael Romero, who serves as an Associate Justice at the Supreme Court of Justice. Other key contacts include litigation head Jaime Humberto Tobar; María Andrea Calero, who concentrates on administrative law matters; Alfredo Sanchez, who specialises in financial services litigation; and associate Sebastián Ortegón.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jaime Humberto Tobar; María Andrea Calero; Sebastián Ortegón; Rafael Romero

Les références

‘A team we value for its cutting-edge thinking, knowledge about procedures and high degree of responsibility in its obligations with the client. Lawyers are wonderful professionals.’

‘Jaime Humberto Tobar, Sebastián Ortegón and Valentina Salazar de Greiff put their hearts into the cases they handle for our company. They are interested in knowing the operation in depth and investigating the case in detail in order to truly understand the problem and look for arguments in our favour.’

‘Lawyers stand out for their attitude, availability and the kindness with which they always serve us. They take the time to explain and clarify doubts. The team’s support and backing instils calm.’

Principaux clients

Eléctricas De Medellín Comercial (EDEMCO)


Frontera Energy

Holcim (Colombia)

TransGas de Occidente

Inversiones GBS (Organización Dann Carlton)


Laboratorio Sanofi Pasteur


Grupo Nacional de Proyectos

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Transportadora de Gas Internacional in bringing a breach of contract dispute against TransGas de Occidente.
  • Represented Laboratorio Sanofi Pasteur in a lawsuit brought by a group of plaintiffs claiming they contracted post-vaccine poliomyelitis, after receiving a vaccine including a dose of oral polio-IM.
  • Represented Holcim (Colombia) in seeking the nullity of sanctions imposed by the SIC following the determination that Holcim was involved in a cement cartel.

Valbuena Abogados

A good team that investigates and prepares for all requests’, Valbuena Abogados’ litigation practice is closely aligned with the boutique firm’s signature regulatory law offering, with an emphasis on administrative litigation and contentious competition cases. The group frequently supports clients before administrative authorities and courts and is particularly well-positioned to handle administrative sanction proceedings. Competition expert Gustavo Valbuena spearheads the group and brings over two decades' experience representing domestic and multinational companies in private and public law litigation to the table.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gustavo Valbuena

Les références

‘The team is up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations that apply to the processes carried out. An experienced team that is capable of listening to client needs to align them with an appropriate legal strategy.’

‘We value the firm’s experience in commercial matters.’

‘It is a good team that investigates and prepares for all requests that are made.’

Principaux clients



Ingeniería y Mantenimiento (IMSACOL)

Aceco TI

Colombian Civil Aviation Authority (Aerocivil)

Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Colombia

Frontera Energy Colombia Corp

KPMG Advisory Tax & Legal

ETD Solutions

Hoteles Decameron

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Comcel in its dispute with UNE EPM Telecomunicaciones alleging breach of the obligations assumed in the access, use and interconnection agreement.
  • Advised an international company on a contractual dispute initiated by Empresas de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá (ETB) regarding a data centre construction project.
  • Represented Aseos Colombianos (Aseocolba) in a contractual dispute before the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca.