Hall Of Fame

Firms To Watch: Personal injury: claimant

March 2024 saw the acquisition of Novum Law by Simpson Millar LLP, thus strengthening the personal injury offering.

Personal injury: claimant in South West

Clarke Willmott LLP

The team at Clarke Willmott LLP is known for its ‘willingness to take on and fight difficult cases', and represents clients with injuries of the utmost severity and in fatal accident claims. The Taunton office fields head of the serious injury team, Lee Hart, a highly-regarded brain injury specialist who is assisted in this type of work by James Edmondson, and is ‘always one step ahead of the game'. Marguarita Tyne, who oversees the wider clinical negligence and serious injury department, lends support from the Bristol office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lee Hart; Marguarita Tyne

Autres avocats clés:

Philip Edwards; James Edmondson

Les références

‘Lee Hart went above and beyond, I felt he had my best interests at heart. I could fully trust Lee and his advice.’

‘The client care is second to none. There is a wealth of experience across all aspects of personal injury work. There is a willingness to take on and fight difficult cases.’

‘Lee Hart is the standout partner. He has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of traumatic brain injury cases. He is proactive and forward thinking in his approach, and cases are prepared meticulously.’

Enable Law

Enable Law’s ‘strength in depth separates it from all but a few competitors’, with a large, specialised team working in tandem across the Bristol, Taunton, Exeter, Plymouth and Truro offices. Huw Ponting, ‘who knows more about serious injury and head injury victims than any other solicitor practising in this field’, heads up the personal injury department. Pamela-Jane Riley has a particular interest in acquired brain injury claims for children, while Sue Upton is well versed in the gamut of brain injury claims affecting both adults and children. Gary Walker oversees the dedicated abuse sub-group.

Responsables de la pratique:

Huw Ponting

Autres avocats clés:

Kay McCluskey; Tim Jones; Charlotte Morgan; Pamela-Jane Riley; Gary Walker; Sue Upton; Katherine Moyse; Leigh Woodham

Les références

‘Enable’s strength in depth separates it from all but a few competitors. They are certainly one of the key players in the PI market. They have a habit of taking on cases that other firms wouldn’t, taking a risk for their clients and making it pay off through their talent and hard work.’

‘The team at Enable Law comprises a highly-skilled group of lawyers with high-level expertise coupled with a client-centred, empathetic approach to claims for injury and clinical negligence. Due to the specialisms within the team, they have a breadth that enables support for any type of injury and incident circumstances and where needed, a team can be created to provide the very best help for early resolution.’

‘Pamela-Jane Riley has been impressive in her knowledge of working with complex brain injury clients and has extensive knowledge of how to deliver legal information in an accessible manner. In my experience she has gone above and beyond, and has made an extremely positive impact on not only the litigation of this case, but also her input into the multidisciplinary team offering her wealth of knowledge to support treatment sessions and navigation of a complex client’s needs.’

Irwin Mitchell

Irwin Mitchell’s Bristol office ‘attracts the biggest and most serious cases’, and is valued by clients for having the ‘specialism and efficiency that comes with a large practice’. James Davies leads the serious injury team, which focuses on maximum severity brain and spinal cord injuries, amputations, and fatal accidents, and also includes the ‘fantastic’ Georgina Moorhead. Virginia Chalmers oversees the workplace illness group, which handles asbestos-related disease cases, as well as occupational lung cancer and silicosis claims, and is capably supported by Isabelle Selley, Rebecca Buxton, Alexandra Lausen.

Responsables de la pratique:

James Davies; Virginia Chalmers

Autres avocats clés:

Isabelle Selley; Rebecca Buxton; Alexandra Lausen; Georgina Moorhead

Les références

‘Virginia Chalmers and her team were excellent. She led us through the process, kept us informed, was always there when we needed advice nothing was too much trouble. Outstanding.’

‘Specialism and efficiency that comes with a large practice. Their experience with this type of claim was evident. Good national coverage.’

‘Very efficient and empathetic solicitor in Alexandra Lausen. Excellent communicator.’

RWK Goodman

RWK Goodman’s Bath-based personal injury department is organised into a number of discrete specialist teams, ensuring excellence across the full gamut of areas. Stuart Brazington helms the brain and spinal catastrophic injury group, and is seen as ‘exceptional in his field’. Louise Hart oversees claims relating to chronic and complex regional pain, and amputations. ‘Coolest of heads’ Mark Hambleton takes the lead on equine cases and cycling accidents, as well as regularly acting in fatal claims. Jennifer Seavor heads up the mesothelioma and asbestos disease offering.

Responsables de la pratique:

Louise Hart; Stuart Brazington; Mark Hambleton; Jennifer Seavor

Autres avocats clés:

Laura Wilkinson; Charlotte Webb

Les références

‘Mark Hambleton is the coolest of heads, and a pleasure to work with. Mark knows his stuff, but wears it lightly. He’s got a great sense for what will work and how, and an unerring talent for finding productive and cooperative working relationships with opponents even in circumstances where everything is set up to prevent it.’

‘Stuart Brazington is exceptional in his field, due to his expertise in the field of brain injury, his comprehensive legal understanding of the relevant issues, and his absolute focus on client care and support.’

‘I have found this team to be experienced and interested in finding the best solution to the client’s problems. There is good collaboration between the team and the client. Good and regular communication is a feature of the each person in the team. They demonstrate commitment to the client’s needs.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Instructed to perform a complex quantum assessment for the estate of a mesothelioma sufferer.

Humphreys & Co.

Humphreys & Co. is differentiated by its exclusive focus on handling asbestos-related claims, which it does ‘with much experience and expertise’. Due to its reputation in this niche area, the firm receives instruction from claimants across the globe, including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, the US, Ireland, France and Spain. Practice head Fabio Seccatoreoffers a first-class service to his client‘.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fabio Seccatore

Les références

The practice is completely focused on their clients and communication is first rate.’

‘Amazing personal service. Extremely good with asbestos-related litigation.’

‘Fabio Seccatore offers a first-class service to his clients. Very knowledgeable.’

Lester Aldridge LLP

Lester Aldridge LLP runs the gamut of personal injury cases; the Bournemouth-based team has a particular focus on brain and spinal injuries, but also expertly handles fatal claims, amputations, serious fractures and industrial disease work. The ‘incredibly dynamic’ David Healy brings his dual experience as head of both the clinical negligence and personal injury departments to bear on his role. Karen Watts and Fiona Brooke are also noted, and the latter is recommended for her expertise in serious orthopedic injuries.

Responsables de la pratique:

David Healy

Autres avocats clés:

Karen Watts; Fiona Brooke

Les références

‘David Healy is a highly experienced practitioner in the largest of claims, bringing common sense, preparation, and excellent client care skills to what are often challenging cases.’

‘Karen Watts has long experience across a range of personal injury claims and sound judgement in her approach to resolution of disputes. Fiona Brooke is careful, comprehensive, and detailed in her approach to case preparation, which reaps benefits in early and successful settlement of claims.’

‘David Healy is very experienced, personable and fantastic with clients.’

Lyons Davidson

Emma Saville heads up Lyons Davidson’s personal injury team in Bristol, which houses the serious and catastrophic injury units. The firm fields dedicated specialists focusing on a wide range of matters arising as a result of road traffic accidents; motorcycle, cyclist and pedestrian accidents; and accidents in the workplace. A large proportion of practitioners have expertise in brain injuries, including Katie Charlesworth, Sally Welsh and Laura Merry, who has a niche focus on child brain injury matters. Oliver Marsh oversees the foreign claims group, while Chris Kemp leads the non-motor injuries offering.

Responsables de la pratique:

Emma Saville

Autres avocats clés:

Laura Merry; Kerry Dutton; Chris Kemp; Oliver Marsh; Katie Charlesworth; Sally Welsh; Dave Slader; Rachel Green

Les références

‘Katie Charlesworth is a very impressive and capable lawyer who achieves excellent results for her clients. Her client care skills are of the highest order. I cannot recommend Katie highly enough.’

‘The quality of work they handle and the quality of service they deliver are both equally impressive.’

‘I have been struck by the professionalism and willingness to go the extra mile for their clients shown by the individuals I have worked with.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted in a claim relating to breach of the Animals Act 1971, which settled pre-action in the net sum of £350,000.
  • Represented a claimant in a fatal accident case, for which settlement was reached in the sum of £730,286.
  • Representing a claimant following a road traffic accident which resulted in serious lower limb fractures, for which fusion surgery to both feet has been recommended.

Thompsons Solicitors LLP

Thompsons Solicitors LLP continues to stand out as the firm of choice for trade union work, and consequently focuses particularly on workplace accidents and industrial disease cases. Lisa Gunner brings her ‘substantial expertise’ to oversight of the serious injury arm, while Nicholas Seymour leads on asbestos-related claims, noted by a client as ‘an area of law in which he excels’.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nicholas Seymour; Lisa Gunner

Autres avocats clés:

Ian Cross

Les références

‘The team deals with industrial disease claims all over the South West and has particular experience in relation to asbestos-related injury.’

‘Nicholas Seymour has a wealth of experience as a civil litigator and over the last decade has concentrated on asbestos-related injuries, an area of law in which he excels. Nick has a fantastic manner with clients who find him accessible and approachable. First-rate.’

‘Very strong and highly experienced team dealing with serious personal injury claims.’


VWV fields ‘a team of compassionate lawyers motivated to get the best outcome for their clients’, who increasingly include high-profile and high-net-worth individuals, including actors, international sports personalities, and company directors. The ‘clever, practical, realistic and hugely efficient’ Nicola Bickham heads up the practice. Jonathan Peacock brings a wealth of experience conducting serious brain injury cases to the team, while Dan Thompson deals with multi-track claims, including fatal accidents.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nicola Bickham

Autres avocats clés:

Jonathan Peacock; Dan Thompson

Les références

‘Dan Thompson is very efficient at maintaining contact with clients. A strategic and sensible approach to cases. Very personable to deal with.’

‘Nicola Bickham: excellent legal knowledge, good strategist, able to explain difficult points to client in simple terms. Very reliable.’

‘Jonathan Peacock is such a pleasure to work with and is passionate about getting the best possible outcome for his clients. Jonathan is highly intelligent and has an unrivalled knowledge of medical conditions, procedures and rehabilitation as well as litigation. He is thorough, kind and approachable and is able to communicate his knowledge to his clients in an understandable way. He is creative in his thinking and able to handle complex and sophisticated cases.’

Barcan+Kirby LLP

Barcan+Kirby LLP offers clients a ‘personal and local touch with very committed and diligent practitioners’ who expertly handle the gamut of personal injury cases, ranging from fatalities, brain and spinal injuries, to amputation and psychiatric injuries. Practice head Samantha Castle has a particular focus on accidents at work and cycling accidents. Also noted are the ‘very experienced and compassionate’ Myfanwy Buckeridge and Emily Williamson, who ‘showcases exemplary dedication and innovation’.

Responsables de la pratique:

Samantha Castle

Autres avocats clés:

Myfanwy Buckeridge; Emily Williamson

Les références

‘A personal and local touch with very committed and diligent practitioners who are always willing to go the extra mile.’

‘Emily Williamson is excellent and a pleasure to work with. She is always on top of her cases and clearly works very hard for her clients.’

‘Very impressive team of PI lawyers who take on a range of good quality work. I have been repeatedly impressed with the level of professionalism and the obvious intellectual ability of the team.’

Slee Blackwell

Slee Blackwell is best known for its stellar track record in niche areas of personal injury, in particular Animals Act, abuse, and criminal injuries compensation authority claims. James McNally is regarded by clients as ‘the ultimate expert in dog bite claims’, while Elizabeth Duncan, leveraging her ability to be ‘excellent with vulnerable clients’, regularly handles historic sexual abuse cases. Jasmine Moxey-Butler is developing a strong reputation for police claims.

Responsables de la pratique:

James McNally

Autres avocats clés:

Elizabeth Duncan; Jasmine Moxey-Butler; Carly Sylvester

Les références

‘Elizabeth Duncan is a shining star in the PI firmament of lawyers in the South West. Manages a busy workload with grace under pressure.’

‘Excellent with clients. They tread the right line between friendly and professional. Real strength in unusual cases.’

‘Elizabeth Duncan is excellent with vulnerable clients. She builds rapport effortlessly. She hones in on the key issues in cases.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented a claimant who suffered amputation of eight fingers due to a safety switch failure on machinery at work, settling the case for £4.4m.
  • Represented a claimant who was standing behind his HGV and was injured when the defendant’s employee unexpectedly opened the rear doors, causing heavy boxes to fall on him, fracturing his foot and wrist, settling the case for £1.2m.
  • Represented a survivor of childhood sexual abuse at a boarding school, pursuing compensation against the school for vicarious liability, and achieving a £150,000 settlement plus costs.

Wards Solicitors LLP

The ‘extremely knowledgeable and experienced team’ at Wards Solicitors LLP takes on the gamut of personal injury cases, and has particular expertise in handling complex cases requiring cross-departmental knowledge of trusts, as well as claims resulting from third-party negligence and accidents at work. Alison Underhill heads up the practice, closely supported by catastrophic injury specialist Helen Boyd and the ‘honest and caring’ Richard Green.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alison Underhill

Autres avocats clés:

Helen Boyd; Richard Green

Les références

‘This is an extremely knowledgeable and experienced team.’

‘Helen Boyd and Alison Underhill are two of the most dedicated and knowledgeable solicitors in the region. They always have a firm grasp on all of the facets and nuances of their client’s case.’

‘Alison Underhill is a very kind and knowledgeable individual who throughout my entire time during my case continued to keep me informed and up to date on every stage. I was able to email, phone and contact her at any time and she always got back to me at her earliest convenience to answer any questions I had at any stage.’

Coles Miller Solicitors LLP

Adrian Cormack leads the team of ‘great practitioners offering a wide range of services’ at Coles Miller Solicitors LLP; his particular areas of focus are complex brain injury cases and catastrophic injury claims. In June 2023, Jonathan Rich joined the firm from Pardoes Solicitors LLP, and has since been developing the group’s capabilities in the amputations, sexual abuse, asbestos-related diseases, and fatal injuries spheres.

Responsables de la pratique:

Adrian Cormack

Autres avocats clés:

Jonathan Rich; Brian Parsons

Les références

‘Great practitioners offering a wide range of services.’

‘The people who dealt with my claim were helpful and courteous, offering sound advice and facilitating all that I needed for a successful claim.’

‘Coles Miller have helped me with my personal injury claim. Everyone on the team I have spoken to has been helpful and informative. I have felt well supported through this difficult process.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a claimant who was involved in a road traffic collision whilst commuting to work and suffered a 3mm parafalcine subdural haematoma causing a severe head injury, specific phobia anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder, a fracture of the left lateral 7th and 6th rib, a fracture of the 6th, 7th and 8th right rib, a comminuted oblique fracture through the left iliac wing and various bruising and abrasions.
  • Representing a claimant who suffered a number of life-changing injuries after being struck by a car.
  • Representing a claimant who suffered life-changing injuries while tasked with repairing the second defendant’s goods lift.

Coodes Solicitors

Coodes Solicitors continues to enjoy a strong reputation for handling catastrophic injury and complex nerve damage cases, and has recently been developing its expertise in minor traumatic brain injury, large limb amputation and secondary victim claims. Rachel Pearce leads the growing team, which welcomed Demelza Pallant from WSP Solicitors and David Usher from Russell Worth in December 2022, and May 2023, respectively.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rachel Pearce

Autres avocats clés:

Demelza Pallant; David Usher

Les références

‘They provide great coverage for all PI work in the South West. Plus the work that they do is life changing, whilst always being personable and available.’

‘Demelza Pallant is exceptional. Friendly, extremely knowledgeable and goes above and beyond for her clients.’

They have a good level of work and I have been impressed with their pro-active way of advancing their clients’ interests. Hard working and diligent in a tough market.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a claimant in a multi-track employers’ liability personal injury claim.
  • Representing a claimant in a multi-track pedestrian road traffic accident personal injury claim, where the claimant sustained significant injuries and wounds to her lower body including both legs, knees and ankle.
  • Representing a claimant in a multi-track personal injury road traffic accident claim, in which the claimant sustained serious multiple injuries including rotator cuff injury to her shoulder, fracture to her nose, fracture to her coccyx, pain to her lower back, bruising to her ribs, multiple cuts and bruises and PTSD.

GA Solicitors

The ‘thorough and dedicated team’ at GA Solicitors is well versed in a wide range of cases, from acting against the Ministry of Defence, to bringing claims against councils for breaches of duty, to representing employees against negligent employers. Matthew Sheather has an ‘excellent eye for figures’, and heads up both the personal injury and clinical negligence practices. James Walsh, who oversees the industrial disease group, is ‘unmatched locally in his chosen specialism’.

Responsables de la pratique:

Matthew Sheather; James Walsh

Autres avocats clés:

Kevin Digby; Harry Smyth

Les références

‘The solicitor team were brilliant in everything, they worked together, it’s a really great team, they supported and helped me in everything. They always informed me of what was happening and the various next steps. I have never had any problems because they were always very clear in everything and always with such kindness, professionalism and humanity.’

‘I chose my solicitor because he was immediately an honest person with a big heart and in a moment of so much pain he was sensitive and supported me in my difficulties and helped a lot. Even after many difficulties that arose along the way, he never thought of giving up but always moved forward with new investigations. I felt safe and protected and I never thought I had made a mistake in choosing the solicitor.’

‘If I ever need it again in the future both for myself and for someone I know it will always be GA Solicitors without doubts. Honesty, heart, humanity and professionalism are 10/10, you couldn’t ask for more.’

Hugh James

Hugh James houses a highly-regarded specialist asbestos group, which is headed up nationally by Richard Green from Cardiff. The firm’s offering also includes regularly conducting international litigation in the US and South Africa. ‘Exceptional practitioner’ Andrew Walker is the key name to note in the Plymouth office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Richard Green

Autres avocats clés:

Andrew Walker

Les références

‘The team at Hugh James consistently go above and beyond in their daily practice, offering a holistic service to clients and their families, ensuring they are kept at the centre of any plans.’

‘They are very responsive and happy to attend clients at very short notice where needed. The team are also very supportive of the clinical team caring for patients damaged by exposure to asbestos and are committed to supporting education and wellbeing across the whole patient pathway.’

‘Andrew Walker is an exceptional practitioner, committed to ensuring the very best for his clients.’

Trowers & Hamlins LLP

Due to its regular co-operation with the firm's travel, tourism and insurance department, the personal injury team at Trowers & Hamlins LLP is expert in dealing with English jurisdiction cases arising out of accidents abroad. Bronwen Courtenay-Stamp and Ian Brown are the key senior contacts. The group is increasingly active in claims following on from leisure activities, agricultural incidents, and encounters involving dogs and horses.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bronwen Courtenay-Stamp; Ian Brown

Autres avocats clés:

Tom Sampford


Under the leadership of Elizabeth Smith, the sizeable team at Wolferstansdoes not shy away from complex cases’. Paul White is noted for his expertise in fatal accidents, while Linda Woollams has a strong track record of acting for serving personnel and veterans in claims against the Ministry of Defence. For industrial disease work, particularly asbestos-related litigation, Liz Makin is the key name to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Elizabeth Smith

Autres avocats clés:

Linda Woollams; Tracey Barton; Liz Makin; Paul White; Dean Cruickshanks

Les références

‘Strengths are communication, inclusiveness, helpfulness, understanding and always respectful.’

‘My case was dealt with by Tracey Barton who always had the time to explain any matter which I was unsure of and it was easy to share any hopes or fears that I had regarding specifics attributed to my particular situation.’

‘The team does not shy away from complex cases. Communication is both effective and timely and case updates arrive regularly. The advice received is realistic and client expectations are appropriately managed.’

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a claimant following a road traffic accident where serious orthopaedic and psychological injuries were suffered.
  • Representing a claimant in a claim against the Ministry of Defence.
  • Representing the claimant’s estate in a fatal claim.