Firms To Watch: Data privacy and data protection

Led by Laurie-Anne Ancenys, A&O Shearman‘s data protection practice assists major corporate clients with a range of strategic data protection matters and with their response to CNIL investigations.
Frequently sought out by clients from the health sector, Bignon Lebray‘s practice, helmed by Elise Dufour and Benjamin Mourot, is well placed to advise on matters such as the processing and reuse of health data.
A strong focus on cyber risk defines the offering at Clyde & Co LLP, led by David Méheut and Pierre Affagard, which excels at assisting corporate clients, including CAC 40 companies, with their response to cyber attacks.
Helmed by Jérôme Philippe, the data regulation and cyber team at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP launched in 2022 and is equipped to assist with matters such as data-related litigation, M&A deals and responses to cyber incidents.

Data privacy and data protection in France

August Debouzy

Described as an ‘expert team in personal data protection and all issues surrounding data’, August Debouzy is equipped to assist with issues such as the implementation of GDPR compliance programs, CNIL investigations and the protection of data transfers outside the European Economic Area. The team also handles litigation before the CNIL and the French courts, and data privacy due diligence. Team lead Florence Chafiol is well posititoned to advise on GDPR compliance. Roxane Blanc-Dubois is frequently sought out by clients from the life sciences sector. Both Blanc-Dubois and Chafiol are  praised for their ‘accurate advice’ and ‘legal rigour’. Stéphanie Lapeyre has specific expertise relating to the nexus of data protection and new technologies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Florence Chafiol

Autres avocats clés:

Roxane Blanc-Dubois; Stéphanie Lapeyre

Les références

‘The teams are professional, responsive, trustworthy and extremely efficient.’

‘Florence Chafiol is particularly attentive and efficient.’

‘Florence Chafiol is a trusted legal advisor who we can always rely on to provide strong strategic advice. She understands our business and the wider sector very well, meaning that her advice is always on point and her insights are valuable.’

‘One of the major firms in terms of personal data protection. The team is very attentive to its clients and always provides very practical advice.’

‘Florence’s team shows outstanding expertise on the topic of international data flows, as well as forming important bridge between our organisation and the local data protection authorities.’

‘Stéphanie Lapeyre stands out thanks to her leadership and her ability to adapt to her interlocutors without ever losing sight of the objective. Florence Chafiol embodies the charisma and expertise of this team.’

‘Florence Chafiol and Roxane Blanc-Dubois are my favourite contacts on GDPR subjects. I appreciate their very accurate advice, their legal rigour, the ease of interaction that we have and their great responsiveness.’

‘An expert team in personal data protection and all issues surrounding data.’

Principaux clients

Principality of Monaco




Totalenergies & Totalenergies eEectricite et Gaz France

Veolia Vnvironnement

Pernod Ricard














Neuflize OBC/ABN Amro




Principaux dossiers

  • Provided assistance to a tech company in the context of complex litigation before the CNIL concerning the company’s practices regarding the use of cookies.
  • Provided advice and assistance to a French company in the digital sector following a cyber attack that had a major impact on its business and that of its customers.
  • Assisted a client with the compliance of several major marketing/digital projects from a data protection standpoint.

Baker McKenzie

Notes for its ‘strong expertise in data privacy and health law’, Baker McKenzie‘s broad offering encompasses data privacy litigation and compliance, cyber crime issues, data processing and regulatory advice. Transactional specialist Rémy Bricard and IT expert Laurent Szuskin co-head the practice. Magalie Dansac Le Clerc, who is praised for her ability to provide ‘tailor-made solutions’, has longstanding experience of assisting major companies with their global data privacy compliance programmes. Marie Catherine Ducharme’s practice extends to representing clients before the CNIL, while Elsa Dalimier excels in the drafting and negotiating of IT contracts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rémy Bricard; Laurent Szuskin

Autres avocats clés:

Magalie Dansac Le Clerc; Marie Catherine Ducharme; Elsa Dalimier

Les références

‘Very strong expertise in data privacy and health law. The proposal to set up a hotline was highly appreciated, as it allows for rapid responses and for appropriate solutions to be obtained.’

‘I appreciate Elsa Dalimier’s availability and business focus.’

‘Very pleasant team, demonstrating teaching skills, flexibility, and availability.’

Principaux clients

BNP Paribas



IES Synergy



Crédit Agricole Group



Bird & Bird

Bird & Bird‘s ‘responsive and dynamic team’ is well regarded for its ability to handle issues such as global compliance, international transfers of data and the data protection aspects of cloud computing services. The unit’s expertise is frequently sought out by clients from regulated sectors such as banking, insurance and life sciences. Ariane Mole heads up the team and counts digital compliance issues, such as cookies, cyber security and e-health, among her practice strengths. Willy Mikalef‘s expertise covers assistance with CNIL dawn raids, GDPR audits and data transfer tools. Oriane Zubcevic frequently handles GDPR compliance audits, while Julie Verdure has specialist expertise pertaining the use of processors, including cloud providers.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ariane Mole

Autres avocats clés:

Willy Mikalef; Oriane Zubcevic; Julie Verdure

Les références

‘A responsive and dynamic team, with in-depth knowledge of regulations. In addition, there are few firms specializing in data protection capable of working in an international environment, which represents a strength of Bird & Bird.’

‘Willy Mikalef, Julie Verdure and Ariane Mole are all excellent!’

‘The team is unique in that it has in-depth, multidisciplinary, diversified, pragmatic, educational and international expertise. The quality of the work is therefore excellent. In particular, the team uses unique innovative technologies to provide its advice.’

‘Ariane Mole and Willy Mikalef stand out for their experience and way of advising clients – no time is wasted, owing to their immediate understanding of the problems.’

Principaux clients









DPD Group – Geopost


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Meta on data protection and privacy regulatory matters concerning personal data processed within the metaverse under the GDPR, taking into account the future state of regulations.
  • Assisted Euronext on data protection issues and successfully represented the client in litigation before the Conseil d’État (France’s highest administrative court).
  • Advised Doctolib, HubOne, Salesforce, Novocure, IQVIA, LEEM, Cityscoot, Equinix, Biosency, Shoebox, CWT (Carlson Wagonlit Travel), Huawei, and DPD Group (Geopost) on data protection matters.

DLA Piper

DLA Piper‘s data privacy team is engaged by major French corporations and multinationals, notably from the life sciences and pharmaceutical sectors, for contentious and advisory work incorporating cross-border data transfers, GDPR compliance programmes and data privacy clauses. The firm also has deep experience in relation to cyber security work. Denise Lebeau-Marianna oversees matters and is geared to advise on projects involving new technologies and the preparation and approval process of binding corporate rules. Yaël Hirsch‘s data protection expertise is valued by clients from the health sector, with health data applications and clinical trials standing out as key areas of activity.

Responsables de la pratique:

Denise Lebeau-Marianna

Autres avocats clés:

Yaël Hirsch; Fabien Ganivet

Les références

‘Able to collaborate with other EU lawyers at DLA to enable a consistent approach to legal strategy.’

‘Available in a crisis. Accurate advice.’

Principaux clients

Pierre Fabre Group

Société Générale



Gibson Dunn

Assisting with investigations launched by national data protection authorities, cyber incidents and data transfers stand out as key areas of activity for Gibson Dunn. The firm is praised for its ‘mastery of GDPR subjects’ and enjoys a diverse client base, including private equity firms, leading social media firms and multinational communications companies. Ahmed Baladi and Vera Lukic co-lead the practice, with the former frequently called upon to assist with data breach and national security matters and the latter a key contact when it comes to the IT and data privacy aspects of major M&A deals. Clémence Pugnet frequently drafts privacy and cookie policies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ahmed Baladi; Vera Lukic

Autres avocats clés:

Clémence Pugnet

Les références

‘Team has strong GDPR capabilities.’

‘The firm has a strong and established global network.’

‘Ahmed Baladi always provides pragmatic advice, adapted to his clients. He also has extensive practical experience in data protection, which allows him to provide detailed and precise recommendations.’

Principaux clients


London Clearing House

Louis Vuitton


Platinum Equity Advisors



TAG Heuer



Unibail Rodamco Westfield

Western Digital


Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.

Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. wins plaudits for its ‘in-depth knowledge of topics specifically related to smart grids, connected objects and the IoT. Data protection impact assessments, data breach assistance and major data protection projects are also areas in which the team excels. The ‘exceptionalThierry Dor heads up the practice and frequently assists clients with personal data processing matters, as well as representing clients before the CNIL. Aurélie Pacaud has a focus on healthtech and is notably strong on the rules applicable to the processing and hosting of health data. Camille Truchot is well placed to advise on mandates relating to new technologies such as blockchain and AI.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thierry Dor

Autres avocats clés:

Aurélie Pacaud; Camille Truchot; Julien Guinot-Deléry

Les références

‘The team is extremely good on all innovation topics, with knowledge going beyond the legal issues. The team have inquiring minds and are up to date with everything that happens in the tech and digital sector.’

‘Julien Guinot-Deléry knows how to mobilise his team. He inspires confidence and is our go-to person on all these subjects.’

‘A team that gets to the bottom of personal data protection issues, with a capacity for mature thinking and in-depth knowledge of topics specifically related to smart grids, connected objects and IoT, etc.’

‘Thierry Dor thought ahead to help us interpret data protection rules and find pragmatic solutions while keeping business issues in mind.’

‘Gide is my go-to, not just in France, but in other parts of the Middle East and Asia. Their privacy work is exceptional and practical.’

‘For privacy and data protection, I work with Thierry Dor. Thierry is well versed in EU and global privacy and data protection laws, is practical in his recommendations and has a business mindset. Thierry is exceptional.’

Principaux clients

Orange Business (OB)

Reputation Squad

Société Générale


Agence France Presse


Crédit Agricole


France Televisions



Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

The ‘practical, commercially driven and tech-savvy’ team at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP runs the gamut of contentious and advisory data protection matters. The practice’s expertise is underscored by its frequent handling of major data privacy mandates for Google. Assisting multinationals undertaking large-scale digitalisation projects with GDPR compliance is another area of strength. Alexandra Neri heads up the cohort and wins plaudits for her ability to assist clients in cyber crime-related disputes. She is described as forming a ‘complementary duo’ with Sébastien Proust, a practitioner who is well versed in a slew of internet law issues such as the right to be forgotten and the digitalisation of books. Robin Nini and Antoine Sullice are further key contacts in the Paris office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexandra Neri

Autres avocats clés:

Sébastien Proust; Robin Nini; Antoine Sullice; Suzanne Carayol

Les références

‘A good team that handles advisory and litigation work, which is not very common.’

‘Competent, understands the needs of clients, and very committed. It is one of the best teams in the data privacy space.’

‘Alexandra Neri and Sébastien Proust are a very complementary duo – Alexandra is a strategist and Sébastien masters all the workings of French and European data protection law. Antoine Sullice is also very involved.’

Principaux clients


Expedia Group/Homeaway

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Google in several ongoing disputes in respect of the listing of personal data in Google search results, and advising on a delisting in relation to copyright infringement.
  • Assisting several subsidiaries of the Expedia group (HomeAway and EG Rentals) with litigation against the Paris town hall council regarding Expedia’s refusal to communicate user data for the purpose of penal inquiries.
  • Handling several disputes brought by professional individuals (including doctors, dentists and lawyers) regarding the personal data used in professional listings that appear in Google results.

Hogan Lovells (Paris) LLP

Praised for its ‘high-level technical expertise’, Hogan Lovells (Paris) LLP combines expertise in data protection and privacy regulatory compliance with extensive experience of representing clients before the CNIL and in litigation relating to data protection and privacy. Etienne Drouard‘s far-reaching practice encompasses IT infrastructure projects, e-commerce and consumer protection issues. He co-leads the practice alongside the ‘exceptionalPatrice Navarro and contentious specialist Christine Gateau. Julie Schwartz is well placed to assist clients with their response to data breaches. The firm’s client base includes blue chip tech, pharmaceutical and automotive companies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Etienne Drouard; Patrice Navarro; Christine Gateau

Autres avocats clés:

Julie Schwartz

Les références

‘The team combines high-level technical expertise, deep understanding of our industry and a very friendly approach that allows them to integrate with our organisation, understand the issues and provide spot-on advice.’

‘Patrice Navarro is exceptional.’

‘Patrice Navarro regularly demonstrates expert technical skills, which provides us with effective and relevant support in an environment where few firms have such expertise.’

Principaux clients

Aéroports de Lyon

Vertex Pharmaceuticals


Major Automotive Parts Manufacturer


BPI France


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising a major global airport infrastructure operator on the implementation of a facial recognition project.
  • Assisted General Electric Group in obtaining the first-ever separation of binding corporate rules from the CNIL and the EDPB within the context of the restructuring of a group of undertakings.
  • Advising Vertex on the implementation of an innovative drug treatment (CAR T) for sickle cell disease for all European countries, as well as numerous non-EU countries.

Alain Bensoussan-Avocats Lexing

Lauded for its ‘precise and strategic legal advice', Alain Bensoussan-Avocats Lexing‘s far-reaching advisory offering encompasses assistance with CNIL inspections, the implementation of DPO policies and data protection disputes. The firm has seen an increase in instructions from cities relating to GDPR compliance. A quintet of partners heads up the practice: Alain Bensoussan, an authority on GDPR compliance; Chloé Torres, who is well placed to audit information systems for legal compliance; Virginie Bensoussan-Brulé, who leads the digital litigation group at the practice; advertising and e-marketing expert Céline Avignon; and Anne Renard, whose practice focuses on compliance and certification issues connected to data privacy and data protection.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alain Bensoussan; Chloé Torres; Virginie Bensoussan-Brulé; Anne Renard; Céline Avignon

Autres avocats clés:

Frédéric Forster; Jérémy Bensoussan; Emmanuel Walle; Isabelle Chivoret

Les références

‘The team is made up of highly qualified and experienced lawyers who deliver high-quality work, providing precise and strategic legal advice.’

‘The team is able to consider business realities.’

‘A dynamic, responsive and extremely efficient team!’

Principaux clients

Musée du Louvre

Fondation Abbé Pierre

First Abu Dahbi Bank

Château de Versailles

Les Hôtels Baverez (Hôtel Raphaël, Hôtel Regina, Majestic Hôtel)

Conseil Général d’Île-de-France

AAA Data


Institut supérieur de l’aéronautique et de l’espace

Ficime (Fédération des Entreprises Internationales de la Mécanique et de l’Electronique)

Syndicat intercommunal de la Périphérie de Paris pour les réseaux de communication

Syndicat Intercommunal Funéraire de la Région parisienne

Régie Réunion THD

Service Général de Médecine Conseil et Contrôle des industries électriques et gazières

ACM Habitat (Office public de l’Habitat de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole)

Groupement pour l’itinérance des recharges électriques de véhicules

Guest Suite



Comité Interentreprises Thales et adhérents

Laboratoire de Biologie du Val d’Orme

VNH Ressources


Consulting Service by Randstad

Gitec Human Resources


Établissement public de coopération interdépartemental Yvelines Hauts de Seine


Domidom Services

Adhap Performance

GIE Aréa Santé

HMN Partners


Lucy In the Sky with Data

Elit Solutions


Soins Services PSAS

Bandai Namco

Aréa Santé

Aldès Aéraulique

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting as DPO of various entities of the news branch of Lagardère Group: Lagardère Publicité; Europe1 Digital; Europe 1Télécompagnie; Europe 2 Entreprises; Europe Digital and RFM Entreprises.
  • Acting as DPO for about 10 news entities of Synlab Group, a leading global group of laboratory diagnostic/test services.
  • Acting as external DPO (under a sponsorship agreement) for Fondation Abbé Pierre, a foundation dedicated to combating bad housing conditions.

Clifford Chance

Compliance projects, cyber security and strategies concerning emerging technologies are core pillars of Clifford Chance‘s offering. Compliance investigations and matters that fall at the intersection between data protection, consumer law and antitrust are further strengths. Practice head Dessislava Savova, who is praised for her ‘expertise in new technologiesfrequently advises on data protection issues in a global context. Grégory Sroussi is equipped to lead on multi-jurisdictional projects, while Alexandre Manasterski‘s data protection expertise comes to the fore on advisory work for strategic partnerships and digital transformation projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Dessislava Savova

Autres avocats clés:

Grégory Sroussi; Alexandre Manasterski

Les références

‘Professional and accessible.’

‘Dessislava Savova has expertise in new technologies and in advising large technological groups – she perfectly masters the needs of her clients in relation to both advice and litigation.’

Principaux clients







Plastic Omnium







Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Legrand with the launch of a range of innovative home and security products with its online app.
  • Acting as lead advisor to Oracle on data protection and consumer law strategy issues at a pan-European level.
  • Assisting MTN with the data protection aspects of its digital transformation strategy.

CMS Francis Lefebvre

Praised for its  ‘availability, efficiency and competence, CMS Francis Lefebvre is well placed to assist domestic and multinational companies, as well as public entities, with data protection compliance in relation to e-commerce, digital platforms and connected vehicles, among other issues. The team also has a focus on cyber security and is geared to assist online platforms with their response to CNIL investigations. Anne-Laure Villedieu oversees matters and counts privacy impact assessments and employee-related data issues among her areas of competence. Maxime Hanriot is a key contact for the negotiation of the data protection aspects of M&A deals. Pierre Fumery is praised for his ‘effective support’.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anne-Laure Villedieu

Autres avocats clés:

Maxime Hanriot; Pierre Fumery

Les références

‘A team that quickly understands the issues and provides pragmatic responses.’

‘Pierre Fumery provided effective support.’

‘The CMS team is always helpful and very knowledgeable on data privacy and security matters, not only in France but also in Europe. They come up with alternative solutions and recommendations.’

Principaux clients

Al Khaliji France

Bank of China

CTS Eventim

SPIE Operations

SPIE France


Ideal promotion

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Al Khaliji with respect to all its data protection issues, and acting as the external DPO of the company.
  • Implemented a global GDPR compliance programme for SPIE Operations, affecting all subsidiaries of the SPIE Group located in France and elsewhere.
  • Implemented a specific GDPR compliance programme for SPIE France and its subsidiaries, relating to their activities in France.

De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés

Praised for its in-depth knowledge of ‘the particularities of medical data protection in the life sciences sector, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés is additionally well placed to advise on HR digitalisation processes, data privacy issues connected to blockchain, and cyber security. Georgie Courtois, who is well versed in software anti-piracy issues, heads up the team alongside e-commerce specialist Matthieu Dary and Cécile Théard-Jallu, an expert in the data implications of technology transfers. Julie Bader and Adèle Binnié further bolster the team's data protection expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Georgie Courtois; Matthieu Dary; Cécile Théard-Jallu

Autres avocats clés:

Julie Bader; Adèle Binnié

Les références

‘For each new case, the firm endeavours to draw on the expertise of several lawyers in a variety of fields, with a 360° view of the issues and challenges.’

‘A very dedicated and competent team.’

‘In-depth knowledge of the subject, including the particularities of medical data protection in the life sciences sector.’

‘Cécile Théard-Jallu stands out for her expertise and proactive attitude.’

Principaux clients





Consortium Tehdas


Epic Games


Gouvernement de la Guyane

Gouvernement de la Nouvelle Calédonie





Legal Place

Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer

MSF Médecins sans Frontière


Orientis Kusmi Tea


Pole Systematic




Derriennic Associés

Derriennic Associés combines experience in current matters such as cyber security and health data warehouses with expertise in longstanding issues such as GDPR compliance and contract management. François-Pierre Lani brings his knowledge of new technologies to bear on mandates relating to contract law and data transfers. Protection of personal data and IP are areas of strength for Alexandre Fievee. Bruno Ducoulombier, Pierre-Yves Margnoux and Georges Jenselme complete the leadership team.

Responsables de la pratique:

François-Pierre Lani; Alexandre Fievee; Bruno Ducoulombier; Pierre-Yves Margnoux; Georges Jenselme

Les références

‘Excellent professional skills.’

‘Alexandre Fiévée always provides excellent advice both technically and strategically.’

‘ The team demonstrates excellency and efficiency.’

Principaux clients

Cerba Healthcare


City One

Fondation Pierre Fabre


UFC-Que Choisir

Hopscotch Congrès



Talentia Softaware

Generix Group

Eurobio Scientific

Live Colonies





Total Energie

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting UFC-Que Choisir with an action before the relevant court relating to the nature of the contractual terms of Twitter (in particular in terms of respect of privacy).
  • Advising the DPO team of a leading player in medical diagnostics in order to make its new “professional whistleblowing tool”, which involved data flows to the US and the Philippines, GDPR compliant.
  • Advising an important software publisher in the field of health and diagnostics in Europe on several topics linked to data protection.


A popular choice for clients in sensitive industry sectors such as banking, insurance and pharmaceuticals, Féral‘s broad data protection team is geared to assist with work such as data protection compliance audits, personal data transfer agreements and the drafting of IT guidelines. Richard Willemant‘s varied practice includes assisting clients in the wake of data breaches. Christiane Féral-Schuhl‘s expertise includes advising on cross-border personal data transfers. Justine Sinibaldi advises clients from industries spanning health, education and advertising on issues such as GDPR compliance, contractual responsibility and cybercrime. Olivia Luzi was a new arrival following the firm’s merger with Luzi Avocats.

Responsables de la pratique:

Richard Willemant; Olivia Luzi

Autres avocats clés:

Christiane Féral-Schuhl; Bruno Grégoire Saint-Marie; Justine Sinibaldi

Les références

‘Competent, efficient, responsive.’

‘A team very close to its customers with very good knowledge of the industry and activities. This allows for a relationship of total trust and rapid execution.’

‘Perfect adaptation to the needs and world of the client. Great responsiveness combined with great friendliness from everyone.’

‘The team as a whole was perfect. We greatly appreciated the availability and expertise of the team led by Olivia Luzi who paid constant and very dynamic attention to the case.’

‘High availability, high responsiveness; good knowledge of the market; easy and fluid collaboration.’

‘A competent team that knows how to listen, analyze and judiciously respond to expectations while respecting deadlines. The team knows how to follow the legal and technical developments of our professions which evolve very quickly and respond on time. We greatly appreciate it.’

‘Olivia Luzi particularly stands out for her analysis of the files entrusted to her, particularly her ability to anticipate and project unforeseen problems that could have significant contractual consequences. Her mastery and knowledge of our businesses and our environment are real assets.’

Principaux clients



Expedia Group, Inc.

Ortho Clinical Diagnostics


DQE Software


Fédération Française du Batiment (French Building Federation)

SCR Group

SGD Pharma


Emineo Education

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Biogaran on the drafting and negotiation of several IT agreements in connection with a major CRM project based on Salesforce software.
  • Advising Eventeam Group in the context of a GDPR compliance review.
  • Advising Quidel-Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics on the drafting and the negotiation of a key strategic exclusive master license and services agreement under which Ortho will commercialise on-premises white label versions of middle software products to its own customers worldwide.

K&L Gates LLP

The ‘young and innovative team’ at K&L Gates LLP has a strong reputation in the market for its ability to handle data protection liability issues in M&A transactions and global data protection compliance mandates. Areas of activity for the practice include machine learning, autonomous driving and blockchain-based services. Claude-Étienne Armingaud heads up the team and is described as a ‘fount of knowledge on the subject of privacy and data protection‘. He is frequently sought out by clients from the software industry for assistance with cross-border technology transactions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Claude-Étienne Armingaud

Autres avocats clés:

Camille Scarparo

Les références

‘The team are a pleasure to work with and the level of knowledge they have is very high in the field of privacy and data protection. I also find them to be very active in thought leadership.’

‘Claude-Étienne Armingaud is great to work with and is a fount of knowledge on the subject of privacy and data protection. Very impressive in front of clients and has a great profile in the sector.’

‘I’m continuously impressed by the personability of everyone I’ve worked with in the K&L Gates privacy group. Everyone is very kind, humorous, and engages with you as a person first, rather than a client. This helps build trust in the relationship, which is really important when engaging legal counsel. You want to know that you are able to trust that they’re working both for you and with you.’

Principaux clients


Amarin Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited

Anika Therapeutics S.r.l.

Argo AI

Bamboo Airways

BlueJay Therapeutics

Caisse des dépôts



Cap Gemini

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

ChannelAdvisor Corporation

Coty Inc.

Crédit Mutuel Arkéa


Cyber Civil Rights Initiative




Federated Hermes, Inc.

First Citizens Bank

Flywheel Partners

Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC




International Justice Mission


Ipsen S.p.A.

K&N Engineering

Kinship Partners, Inc

La Boite à Encas d/b/a Foodles

Lands’ End


Maytronics Limited

SeAH Holdings



Summit Park


TM Forum

Viva Model Management


Wabtec Corporation

Wella International Operations Switzerland S.a.r.l.

World Organisation for Animal Health

Young Presidents’ Organization, d/b/a YPO

Principaux dossiers

  • Offering free legal services to individuals who fall victim to acts of revenge porn as part of the Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project.
  • Assisting leading Chinese multinational corporation Envision with data protection issues relating to its acquisition of QOS Energy SAS.
  • Assisting a non-profit organisation active in rescuing victims of sex and labour trafficking worldwide with the management of its global data protection compliance.

Latham & Watkins

A strong focus on the TMT industry at Latham & Watkins has seen the firm well positioned to handle a range of transactional, contentious and regulatory matters for clients from the sector. GDPR compliance, personal data transfers and advice on the use of tracking technologies are all core proficiencies for a team that is praised for being ‘very familiar’ with the CNIL. Myria Saarinen leads the team and has longstanding experience in IT litigation and data privacy issues such as unlawful data processing.

Responsables de la pratique:

Myria Saarinen

Autres avocats clés:

Floriane Cruchet; Charlotte Guérin

Les références

‘The team is very familiar with French practice, particularly the CNIL.’

‘An international team with great knowledge of the subject, an exceptional capacity to analyse doctrine and jurisprudence, and true legal intelligence.’

‘Myria Saarinen’s analysis is always relevant. Floriane Cruchet and Charlotte Guérin also stand out for their knowledge of the law and institutions.’

Principaux clients

Blue Torch Capital


Meta Platforms, Inc.


Orange S.A.

TotalEnergies SE


McDermott Will & Emery AARPI

The data protection and cyber security expertise at McDermott Will & Emery AARPI is prized, in particular, by clients from the mobility sector, the e-commerce sector and the luxury industry. Intragroup data transfer agreements, GDPR and cyber security compliance programmes are all areas of strength for a team that is praised for its ‘in-depth analytical capacity’ and ‘excellent understanding of the automotive sector. Romain Perray oversees matters and is well versed in issues connected to the EU Digital Services Act package. Lorraine Maisnier-Boché is equipped to advise on data protection issues in the life sciences sector. Hélène Adda is a key contact for data protection audits, notably related to the user experience on websites.

Responsables de la pratique:

Romain Perray

Autres avocats clés:

Lorraine Maisnier-Boché; Hélène Adda

Les références

‘Excellent expertise.’

‘Romain Perray and Lorraine Maisnier-Boché are both very competent, responsive and quick in their analyses.’

‘Romain Perray and his team systematically demonstrate a desire to be innovative and efficient, while maintaining the excellence of their legal practice. It is a well-rounded team, with diverse skills.’

‘We work mainly with Lorraine Maisnier-Boché, who always provides excellent advice with pragmatism and efficiency, and knows how to present legal concepts in a simple way, allowing non-lawyers to fully understand the issues and risks associated with the situation.’

‘This team demonstrates strong involvement in the cases entrusted to it. In addition to its in-depth analytical capacity, it stands out from other competing teams on the market through its excellent understanding of the automotive sector.’

Principaux clients

Nissan Motor Co & Nissan entities

Europcar Mobility Group

Aptar Group



White & Case LLP

White & Case LLP pulls together a strong data protection and privacy offering, with data security breach preparedness and response, compliance with the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules System and the handling of privacy-related disputes all areas in which the firm excels. Due diligence for M&A work is another area of strength for the team. Bertrand Liard co-leads the unit and is praised for his ‘very strong expertise in the field of new technologiesHe is also known for his in-depth knowledge of contentious cross-border data work. Clara Hainsdorf often assists her clients with their interactions with the CNIL and other data protection authorities, and is noted for her ‘impeccable expertise‘.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bertrand Liard; Clara Hainsdorf

Les références

‘A dynamic team, with active and well-presented communication.’

‘Bertrand Liard has very strong expertise in the field of new technologies, with a perspective that is always relevant and interesting on the questions submitted to him.’

‘The team has always been able to scale its work as closely as possible to the client’s needs. Able to enter deep dive when requested or provide light support.’

‘Clara Hainsdorf and Bertrand Liard have great client care and listening skills.’

‘What it is really a strength for the White & Case team is its adaptability to its clients’ requirements. White & Case always proposes dedicated solutions and never a pre-shaped proposal.’

‘Clara Hainsdorf and Bertrand Liar are very pleasant. Their direct approach and the ease with which we can work is a real plus. Their client contact is excellent, in addition to their impeccable expertise.’

Principaux clients

Meta (formerly Facebook)




Free/Free Mobile

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain/Saint-Gobain Group


Société Générale

Crédit Agricole Group



Principaux dossiers

  • Advising French mass media holding company Vivendi on the intragroup sharing of customers’/visitors’ personal data to enrich user profiles and customise content for user and visitors.
  • Assisting Publicis with data protection issues relating to its strategic partnership with Carrefour in the field of retail media, including the development of a behavioural advertising platform and its exclusive distribution.
  • Advising Free in the context of a dawn raid by the CNIL and the associated CNIL sanctions procedure.


Advising on a wide range of data protection matters such as personal data processing audits, GDPR compliance and contentious mandates related to the transfer of personal data, ADVANT Altana is additionally well placed to handle transnational recovery procedures in the aftermath of cyber crimes. Pierre Lubet and Jean-Guy de Ruffray share team leadership duties: the former is a key contact for clients from the manufacturing and luxury sectors, while the latter is equipped to handle contentious work related to IT law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pierre Lubet; Jean-Guy de Ruffray

Les références

‘The team is knowledgeable, competent and eager to assist on international matters.’

‘Jean-Guy de Ruffray is highly responsive and easy to deal with. His advice is pragmatic and punctual.’

‘Altana’s IP, IT and data privacy department is made up of a stable and highly qualified team. The team offers great visibility both in terms of reporting deliverables and invoicing. The team stands out for the quality and relevance of its recommendations, as well as its availability and responsiveness.’

‘Jean-Guy de Ruffray attaches particular importance to providing his clients with impeccable quality of service, combining rigour, precision and pragmatism in the approaches he offers. The expertise, availability and transparency of this partner allows him to entrust his team with complex issues and innovative projects with complete confidence.’

Principaux clients



Bouygues group

Ducati West Europe/Ducati Motor Holding

NRJ Group

Algo Avocats

Algo Avocats is praised for its ‘perfect knowledge of GDPR and other laws’ and is recommended ‘for both advice and CNIL disputes’. Sandra Tubert and Laura Ziegler co-lead the practice. Tubert, who is described as a ‘remarkable lawyer’, has a far-reaching practice encompassing expertise in data protection impact assessments, data protection compliance audits and the implementation of web-marketing projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sandra Tubert; Laura Ziegler

Les références

‘The team is always very responsive. Its strength is to be very pragmatic in its analysis.’

‘Sandra Tubert is a remarkable lawyer – very competent in all areas of data protection with great skills in the fields of IT, marketing and real estate.’

‘A very competent team that provides tailored, practical and innovative advice. Great niche practice!’

‘I appreciate the firm’s attention to detail, personalised approach and close communication.’

‘Sandra Tubert is a great lawyer.’

‘Perfect knowledge of GDPR and other laws. Pragmatic advice taking into account major risks with various options. Good firm for both advice and CNIL disputes.’

‘Excellent knowledge of the IT sector.

‘The standout quality of this team lies in its high level of technical competence.’

Principaux clients





Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting an international company with respect to litigation concerning the compliance of some of the company’s practices with the GDPR and the French Labour Code provisions.
  • Assisted a major French company with several marketing and web-marketing projects.
  • Providing regular assistance to software editors (in the AI, e-health, blockchain and targeted advertising fields) with data protection and privacy matters.

Delsol Avocats

The personal data department at Delsol Avocats offers a range of expertise that includes advising on GDPR compliance, providing assistance in audits by data protection authorities and advising on issues connected to big data and AI. Jeanne Bossi Malafosse heads up the practice and is equipped to advise on the exchange and sharing of health data. Apolline Lefaure is singled out for her experience pertaining to data protection issues in new technologies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jeanne Bossi Malafosse

Autres avocats clés:

Apolline Lefaure

Les références

‘The team has experience and seniority in health law and more particularly GDPR-related health data matters.’

‘The team demonstrates expertise and great responsiveness on this subject. The legal advice is formulated in a clear manner with a systematic search for solutions that are simple to implement.’

‘Our relationship with Jeanne Bossi Malafosse was established very easily, Jeanne is also always available and follows our case carefully.’

‘An ultra-specialised and competent team which can advise on specific and general subjects. Invoicing is based on the issues involved in the case and is generally very reasonable.’

Principaux clients




Impact healthcare

CNOP (Conseil National de l’Ordre des Pharmaciens)





Principaux dossiers

  • Provided assistance to SOLIHA in order to comply with GDPR and appointed as DPO.
  • Advising RHISA with the setting up of a data warehouse.
  • Advising OWKIN on all issues regarding the use and reuse of data, in particular to develop new algorithms for AI matters.

Ernst & Young Société d'Avocats

Ernst & Young Société d'Avocats provides data privacy assistance to a slew of multinationals from sectors ranging from luxury goods to banking and insurance. Combining advisory and contentious capabilities, the team handles mandates including cross-border data maturity assessments and data protection-related litigation. As the firm’s global head of the data protection law practice, Fabrice Naftalski oversees matters from the Paris office alongside Yaël Cohen-Hadria, Sophie Revol and Sandrine Cullaffroz-Jover.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fabrice Naftaski; Yaël Cohen-Hadria; Sophie Revol; Sandrine Cullaffroz-Jover

Les références

‘The team listens to the client’s needs and provides easy and clear contact.’

‘Yaël Cohen-Hadria stands out for her professionalism and interpersonal skills.’

‘Great availability and responsiveness. Technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of the legal issues and risks. Pragmatic solutions adapted to the client’s needs.’


A key port of call for public sector entities, the data and cyber department at Franklin is well versed in IT and data disputes before the administrative authorities. On the non-contentious side, the group is knowledgeable in GDPR issues and the digital use of content, as well as the global management of cyber attacks. Experienced practitioner Merav Griguer leads the team. Her broad caseload encompasses social network matters and GDPR compliance. Salomé Silliaume is adept at handling digital law and personal data protection mandates, while Wissem Addoun is noted for his capabilities in drafting IT contracts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Merav Griguer

Autres avocats clés:

Salomé Silliaume; Wissem Addoun

Principaux clients


Fnac Darty







La Compagnie des Alpes

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Orange before the CNIL in various data privacy matters.

Klein Wenner

GDPR compliance analysis, the drafting and reviewing of data protection regulation documents and contentious data protection work are key pillars of the practice at Klein Wenner. Practice co-head Matthieu Bourgeois‘ advisory and contentious expertise is sought out by clients from sectors such as health, energy and entertainment. Fellow co-head Laurent Badiane is equipped to advise clients on the implications of French, European and African legislation relating to data protection and privacy.

Responsables de la pratique:

Matthieu Bourgeois; Laurent Badiane

Les références

‘The team offers innovative solutions.’

‘Laurent Badiane maintains constant contact with clients and takes an interest in their developments and their strategy so as to offer appropriate and fair advice.’

Principaux clients

Hitachi Solutions




Alliance du commerce

Totum Pharmaciens

Lucky Cart



Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Hitachi Solutions on the negotiation of a multimillion-euro agreement with a customer containing issues relating to personal data and intellectual property.
  • Advising Nhood, a real estate operator, in the context of the acquisition of the largest shopping centre in a French city by Unibail.


Linklaters' data protection offering encompasses advice on the implementation of GDPR compliance programmes, data management strategies and the conduct of GDPR audits. The unit is also well placed to advise on personal data breach responses. ‘Excellent technicianSonia Cissé leads the team and frequently leverages her TMT expertise to advise on a wide range of data protection issues, including those related to new technologies such as AI. Clémentine Richard and Faustine Piechaud provide key support.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sonia Cissé

Autres avocats clés:

Clémentine Richard; Faustine Piechaud

Les références

‘The Linklaters team is very talented and has detailed knowledge in the field.’

‘Sonia Cissé is a brilliant, talented partner, and is daring in her approach to issues linked to new technologies and innovative in the solutions she offers to her clients.’

‘A very attentive, diverse team which responds quickly and clearly. The quality of work and service is excellent. We have a very good working relationship.’

Principaux clients


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising CACEIS on the data protection issues surrounding the acquisition of RBC Investor Services’ operations in Europe.

LPA-CGR avocats

Praised for the ‘granular precision’ of its contractual work, LPA-CGR avocats has expertise in areas ranging from personal data litigation to advice on the impact of AI on GDPR compliance and data breach responses. Prudence Cadio heads up the unit and excels in cross-border data compliance issues, notably those involving North African countries and China. Eva Naudon and the ‘extremely competentOlivia Roche further extend the data protection expertise of the firm’s Paris office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Prudence Cadio

Autres avocats clés:

Eva Naudon; Olivia Roche

Les références

‘Prudence Cadio and Olivia Roche are extremely competent in the field of personal data protection. They have been able to adapt their documentation and direct their advice in perfect harmony with the company’s practices and sector of activity.’

‘The team has granular precision in its contracts work.’

Principaux clients

Q energy

France Biotech




Norton Rose Fulbright

Compliance and strategy relating to privacy and security risk management, local and cross-border issues connected with sensitive business data, and the handling of data security incidents are core pillars of Norton Rose Fulbright‘s data privacy and data protection offering. Nadège Martin heads up the team. Her broad practice encompasses expertise in data sharing agreements and data export solutions. Geoffroy Coulouvrat receives frequent plaudits for his handling of major cyber incidents.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nadège Martin

Autres avocats clés:

Geoffroy Coulouvrat

Les références

‘The team stands out for its agility, efficiency and innovation.’

‘The team gives practical advice.’

‘Great personal skills and a good assessment of the risks.’

Principaux clients

Schneider Electric




Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted on a privacy impact assessment for a company specialised in the consumer market in respect of the profiling activities of its customers’ various interactions with the brands of the group.
  • Assisted a UK provider of software as a medical device on the launch of its HCP and patient portal and application in France, and advised on the applicable requirements under data protection and public health regulations.
  • Assisted companies from various industry sectors (including technology, insurance and energy management) with the management of data breaches resulting from the cyber attack that exploited the MOVEit vulnerability.

Osborne Clarke

Providing assistance in the event of data breaches, advising on the cross-border use of cookies and the data protection aspects of digital joint ventures are all acknowledged proficiencies of the team at Osborne Clarke. Practice co-head Claire Bouchenard, whose practice straddles contentious and advisory work, is an expert in advertising and marketing issues. Data protection questions arising from the use of new technologies such as blockchain is a key focus for fellow co-head Xavier Pican. Grégoire Dumas frequently assists with the drafting of IT contracts, while Laurène Zaggia is well versed in data protection issues in smart cities.

Responsables de la pratique:

Claire Bouchenard; Xavier Pican

Autres avocats clés:

Grégoire Dumas; Laurène Zaggia

Les références

‘This firm has good knowledge of different industrial sectors and in-depth expertise in digital issues. Since its creation, the team has built its expertise with both French and foreign clients, and with both digital service providers and client companies of these services, and knows very well how to advance the digital transformation projects of companies.’

‘Grégoire Dumas and Claire Bouchenard display a pragmatic and efficient approach to cases.’

‘Very innovative, competent, available, fast and efficient.’

‘Very good understanding of clients’ issues.’

‘Claire Bouchenard always looks for innovative solutions.’

‘Xavier Pican is a very competent expert, providing additional advice on the subject to enable improvements in the client’s organisation.’

Principaux clients


Elsan group


The Pokemon Company International


Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Elsan group, a major player in the heathcare sector in France, in relation to a major data breach involving ransomware.
  • Assisted Unicancer with negotiating the creation of a consortium with Owkin, a biotech specialising in AI applied to medical research, for the official launch of PortrAIt.
  • Assisting RelevanC with negotiations with Intermarché for the creation of a digital joint venture (Infinity Advertising) and for a retail, media and data-sharing services agreement.

Simmons & Simmons

Simmons & Simmons fields a team with expertise in issues such as data security, interceptions of communications, and data access requests. Sarah Bailey and Eric Le Quellenec jointly assume leadership responsibilities. The former has in-depth expertise in mandates relating to health and financial data, while the latter is notably strong on contractual management issues. Complaints relating to privacy regulations infringement are one of Emilie Danglades-Perez‘s areas of competence.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sarah Bailey; Eric Le Quellenec

Autres avocats clés:

Emilie Danglades-Perez

Les références

‘The team are highly responsive and able to flex their knowledge commercially and practically to help achieve the best result. They work brilliantly with their employment colleagues to offer a seamless service.’

‘Sarah Bailey is the go-to partner for us on data privacy in the context of employment cases.’

‘An available, dynamic, proactive team demonstrating pragmatic and in-depth analysis.’

Principaux clients


Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Rhythm in relation to the regulatory and data privacy aspects of its activities in Europe, both at EU level (including GDPR issues) and local laws.

Taylor Wessing

The ‘forward-thinking‘ team at Taylor Wessing has experience in issues including GDPR compliance programmes, the implementation of data protection governance schemes and advising on international data sharing. The team’s prowess in data breach responses is additionally sought out by a slew of major corporate clients. Marc Schuler heads up the practice and is well versed in issues that sit at the nexus between communications technologies and data management. Benjamin Znaty frequently advises on the business implications of data protection regulations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marc Schuler

Autres avocats clés:

Benjamin Znaty

Les références

‘The Taylor Wessing team is forward-thinking, up-to-date on the latest technological developments and related legal updates. They always provide the best client care with practical advice. In addition, Taylor Wessing has an advanced technology offering.’

‘Marc Schuler is pragmatic and generally wonderful to work with.’

‘A close-knit team that is passionate about its subject.’

‘Marc Schuler is very competent in his area of specialty.’

‘The main strength of the team at Taylor Wessing, in my opinion, is its very pragmatic perspective on the issues. From a technical legal point of view, they are obviously very good, but what makes them different is that they understand the operational and/or commercial issues that a company can encounter, and offer legal solutions adapted to these challenges.’

Principaux clients

Oppo Telecom











Zurich Insurance

Principaux dossiers

  • Providing assistance to Comcast in a business model transformation project in relation to its programmatic services platform from a contractual as well as privacy standpoint.
  • Assisting Hiscox with handling claims in relation to its cyber risk cover.
  • Assisting Airship with its day-to-day GDPR compliance programme.