Firms To Watch: Intellectual property: Patents

Nathalie de Quatrebarbes is the key name at Quatrebarbes Avocats, which acts for a mix of SMEs, start-ups and universities.

Intellectual property: Patents in France

A&O Shearman

At A&O Shearman, the team has an impressive track record in handling high-profile patents cases, which often include international elements. Life sciences and technology are recognised sectors of expertise for the group, which is sought after for its excellent reputation in advising on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) disputes, and infringement matters. Additionally, the department assists clients with the IP aspects of M&A transactions. The practice is jointly led by life sciences expert Laëtitia Bénard, David Por, who excels in the telecoms arena, and Charles Truffeau, who made partner in May 2023. At senior associate level, Elise Romelly brings expertise in national and pan-European patent litigation, and Cyril Riffaud has particular strength in acting for tech sector entities in contentious patent matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Laëtitia Bénard; David Por; Charles Tuffreau

Autres avocats clés:

Elise Romelly; Cyril Riffaud

Les références

‘Diversified team.’

‘David Por and Cyril Riffaud: good at listening to customers, anticipate needs and have a good understanding of files. Moreover, they are friendly.’

Principaux clients


Nokia/ Oppo

Air Liquide

Principaux dossiers

  • Defended a global pharmaceutical and healthcare company in a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) matter concerning the client’s medicinal product for treating diabetes.
  • Representing a global pharmaceutical and healthcare company in preliminary injunction proceedings against several generic companies, based on a patent covering one of the client’s products for treating multiple sclerosis.
  • Acting for a multinational technology company in patent infringement proceedings brought by an individual against Android.

August Debouzy

August Debouzy’s patent team is co-led by the triumvirate of François Pochart, an expert in healthcare, pharmaceutical, life sciences, biotech, and chemical sector matters; FRAND litigation specialist Grégoire Desrousseaux; and Lionel Martin. Under the trio's leadership, the group has expertise in advising domestic and international clients on FRAND and pharmaceutical disputes and infringement actions, as well as licensing and contractual matters and patent applications, to name a few key areas of instruction. Freedom-to-operate analyses and valuations are other key drivers of work. The department often represents clients before domestic and international IP courts, including the Unified Patent Court (UPC).

Responsables de la pratique:

Grégoire Desrousseaux; François Pochart; Lionel Martin

Autres avocats clés:

Pierre-Olivier Ally; Abdelaziz Khatab

Les références

‘August Debouzy is unique in that many patent attorneys are collaborating with attorneys at law, which makes it possible to organize a team that can deal with both technical and legal topics at very high level.’

‘The team is always enthusiastic and creative in developing arguments and can take a very practical approach based on its rich experience and calm observations of the other side and judges, which obviously increases a chance of success.’

‘Grégoire Desrousseaux’s enthusiasm, creativeness and rich experience is a backbone of the firm’s patent team.’

‘AD is clearly one of the best patent teams in France. Their combination of technical and legal knowledge is exceptional and ensures the best possible results for the client. Their understanding of the French and European patent field, in practice and theory, is amazing: this allows them to provide the clients with innovative legal strategies.’

‘The patent team is exceptionally professional. They practice patent litigation on the highest level: always timely and extremely responsive with a face to the business and needs of the client, and always prepared to discuss with the client the various options at hand. Clearly a tier 1 team in patent litigation.’

‘Grégoire Desrousseaux is an extremely experienced litigator, who never gives up finding a suitable solution or way of argument in favor of his client. With Grégoire on your side, you have made the best choice.’

‘Excellent experience and knowledge, and they give good commercial and strategic advice.’

‘Grégoire is a true legal expert in patent law. His extensive knowledge of the law and keen understanding of complex legal matters are truly commendable. I have been consistently impressed by his ability to navigate intricate legal issues with ease.’

Principaux clients



CpK Interior Products

Foubert Papiers Plastiques

K-Fee System Gmbh (Kruger group)


Saint Gobain Isover

Altirnao Inc






B. Braum



Disphar (Nordic Pharma Group)

Epsilon composite


Fresenius kabi

HCT Packaging

Hewlett Packard



Laboratoires Majorelle












Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Centripetal in a patent infringement action.
  • Acting for Insulet against Medtrum in a patent infringement case.

Bird & Bird

The patents team at Bird & Bird is well versed in advising on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious matters. The group has a solid track record in handling domestic and multinational patent litigation, often for prominent blue-chip clients. Patent litigation expert Anne-Charlotte Le Bihan co-heads the practice with Géraldine ArbantYves Bizollon is well regarded for his expertise in acting for food, energy, defence, and automotive sector companies in complex litigation, and Laurent Labatte is very well known for handling litigation in technical fields. The practice was bolstered by the arrival of Thierry Lautier in July 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anne-Charlotte Le Bihan; Géraldine Arbant

Autres avocats clés:

Thierry Lautier; Yves Bizollon; Laurent Labatte

Les références

‘Strong team with great depth of understanding in the technology, met billing estimates/expectations, great at communication.’

‘Great at communicating the case issues and strategy, especially between counsel in multiple countries.’

‘The team is well-organized, works quickly and efficiently, and meets deadlines, giving due attention and keeping to schedules.’

‘Thierry Lautier has an excellent ability to analyze large amounts of information and come to logical and well-reasoned conclusions, with good communication skills. Working on complex topics with accuracy and attention to detail.’

‘Thierry has broad expertise makes him a one-stop shop for IP/patent intensive matters, including commercial negotiations. Thierry is very accountable on any matters he is in charge of, and the team is innovative in its way of working.’

Principaux clients

Edwards Lifesciences









Allergan (Abbvie)





Leko Labs

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Dexcom in a patent infringement action launched against Abbott.
  • Representing Zodiac in a patent infringement procedure launched against its Chinese competitor Wybotics.
  • Acting for Edwards Life Sciences in three patent infringement actions against Indian company Meril and its French distributor.


At Casalonga, the patents group is split into two distinct teams: a patent prosecution and counselling team, which is led by litigators Olivier Delprat and Jean-Baptiste Lecoeur and EU patent attorneys Virginie Martin-Charbonneau and Francis Zapalowicz, and a litigation team, which is led by the triumvirate of Arnaud Casalonga, Caroline Casalonga, and Marianne Gabriel. Both teams are well versed in advising clients from the electronics, chemical, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, life sciences and mechanics sectors on a range of patent matters, and have a strong track record in working in tandem with Spanish and German colleagues to provide support on, among other areas, FRAND matters, French and European patent applications, SPC issues, and validity and infringement cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Arnaud Casalonga; Caroline Casalonga; Olivier Delprat; Marianne Gabriel; Jean-Baptiste Lecoeur; Virginie Martin-Charbonneau; Francis Zapalowicz

Autres avocats clés:

Floriane Codevelle; Gwennhaël Le Roy; Julien Thon; Pascaline Vincent; Patricia Ledrut; Aurélien Tourteau; Chloé Chircop

Les références

‘Casalonga has real knowledge about intellectual and industrial property. Their skills are multiple and their advice allows us to build a real industrial and international strategy.’

‘Pascaline Vincent and Marianne Gabriel are exceptional lawyers for drafting contracts and defending intellectual property.’

‘The team is very knowledgeable in patent law. Having, within the same firm, both good lawyers and CPIs with very good technical analysis skills makes it possible to fully handle patent litigation files, with very good efficiency and relevance.’

‘Marianne Gabriel: Capable of handling complex litigation files from a procedural point of view. The developments she made in the conclusions were decisive. Pascaline Vincent: Very good coordination skills, very educational with the client. Francis Zapalowicz: Very good technical analysis skills (domain: telecommunications).’

‘Great practice! Excellent team, competent and responsive.’

‘Very skilled and proactive team.’

‘Marianne Gabriel is one of the best patent litigators in France.’

Principaux clients

Adeo Group




Baker Hughes

BBG Sistemas


BNIC (National Interprofessional Office of Cognac)

COFINAIR Group (Jacir)

Diam Bouchage (OENEO Group)



Etandex (SPPM)



Fayat Group


GE Renewable Energy & GE Healthcare


Hyline Building Systems France SAS

Implantica Marketing Limited


JCR (Ekoï)

Jean Chéreau SAS




MSI France

Ortho Partner


Rio Tinto



Servier – Les Laboratoires Servier France

SKF (Svenska KullagerFabriken)





Thalgo Group (Perron Rigot)


Université de Genève


Villard Médical



Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.

Under the leadership of Raphaëlle Dequiré-PortierJean-Hyacinthe de Mitry and IP expert Emmanuel Larere, the patents team at Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. has an excellent reputation for its expertise in patent litigation. The group regularly represents clients before European and British courts, and has a strong track record in handling infringement claims, validity disputes, revocation actions and SPC issues. In a prominent development in 2023, the firm announced the creation of a strategic alliance with Regimbeau for patent litigation between lawyers and patent attorneys. In addition to its strength in contentious work, the group continues to handle a steady workflow of non-contentious matters, often acting for pharmaceutical, medical and telecoms entities regarding the drafting and negotiation of IP-related and technology transfer agreements. Counsels Marie-Ange Pozzo di Borgo is a key name to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Raphaëlle Dequiré-Portier; Emmanuel Larere; Jean-Hyacinthe de Mitry

Autres avocats clés:

Marie-Ange Pozzo di Borgo

Les références

‘High quality team. Excellent advocates. Thorough in their review of cases and creative in their development of arguments.’

Principaux clients


Boeringher Ingelheim

C.F.E.B. Sisley

Thomson Licensing


Agri Advanced Technologies






Ono Pharmaceutical







Intellectual property law firm HOYNG ROKH MONÉGIER's French patents practice is jointly led by Benoît Strowel, who is well versed in handling multi-jurisdictional patent litigation, and Sabine Agé, who brings expertise in work involving parallel litigation. The group acts for clients in the aeronautics, cosmetic, digital security, electronics, life sciences, mechanics, pharma and telecoms sectors. Sophie Micallef and Amandine Métier are highly regarded for their expertise in patent litigation, and advise on FRAND disputes and SPC issues. Other key practitioners include Denis Monégier du SorbierMarta Mendes, Florence Jacquand, and Caroline Levesque.

Responsables de la pratique:

Benoît Strowel; Sabine Agé

Autres avocats clés:

Denis Monégier du Sorbier; Sophie Micallef; Amandine Métier; Florence Jacquand; Caroline Levesque; Marta Mendes; Agathe Caillé; Anaïs Pallut

Les références

‘Extremely solid team, led with cohesion by the brilliant Sabine Agé and Amandine Métier.’

‘Sabine Agé, Amandine Métier, and Anaïs Pallut have very great qualities, including combativeness, pragmatism and excellent mastery of procedural strategy. I would also mention Florence Jacquand and Caroline Levêque.’

‘The strength of the team is its European openness and its recruitment across Europe.’

Principaux clients




Bouygues Telecom

Ceva Santé Animale


Danstar Ferment, Cérience, Lallemand SAS



Hanwha Qcells


Institut National de la propriété industrielle (INPI)

JC Bamford







Siemens Gamesa

Signify (formerly Philips Lightning)



Volvo Trucks


Zimmer Biomet

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Illumina in a patent infringement case relating to the client’s DNA sequencing technology.

Jones Day

At Jones Day, the practice has solid experience in working in tandem with the firm's German and UK teams to assist with pan-European patent litigation. The team is well known for its strength in handling infringement proceedings and seizures before UK and German courts, and is very experienced in assisting pharmaceutical companies with patent matters, including freedom-to-operate analyses. Thomas Bouvet, who has established expertise in French and European patent litigation proceedings, co-heads the department with transactional expert Edouard Fortunet. Eddy Prothiere is sought after for advising on validity and infringement claims, and Colin Devinant's practice takes in national and international patent litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thomas Bouvet; Edouard Fortunet

Autres avocats clés:

Eddy Prothiere; Colin Devinant

Les références

‘Good technical knowledge in addition to excellent legal knowledge.’

‘Thomas Bouvet – very good technical understanding. Pragmatic approach to the issues of the procedure.’

‘Colin Devinant – very good legal knowledge in intellectual property law. Ability to synthesize major strengths. Very available.’

Principaux clients

Lufthansa Technik AG

SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH




Infineon Technologies AG

ProGeLife SAS


Daiichi Sankyo

Star Fruits, Western Australian Agriculture

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Infineon in patent infringement proceedings brought by Intellectual Ventures.


Linklaters' patents practice, led by litigation expert Pauline Debré, has extensive experience in representing major clients in national and cross-border patent disputes, often spanning multiple jurisdictions. The client base includes healthcare, mobility, and telecoms sector entities. Gaëlle Bourout garners praise for her expertise in advising on patent litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pauline Debré

Autres avocats clés:

Gaëlle Bourout; Jean-François Merdrignac

Les références

‘Excellent intellectual property (IP) team. Able to manage very large international cases and very used to leading complex litigation processes.’

‘Pauline Debré stands out for her strategic visions.’ 

‘Extremely efficient team in its approach to science and IP.’

Principaux clients


ViiV Healthcare ; GSK

Plastic Omnium

Intel Corporation

Halozyme Therapeutics


Crédit Agricole

Seoul Semiconductor Co. Ltd.


ITM Entreprises SA



Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Halozyme in an appeal against the decision of the French Intellectual Property Office (INPI) to refuse the client’s SPC application.

Pinsent Masons LLP

Pinsent Masons LLP‘ patents practice is adept at handling multi-jurisdictional disputes for major clients, and is equally strong in advising companies on UPC rules. Practice head Emmanuel Gougé is a highly experienced litigator, who regularly advises clients in the life sciences, medical devices, electronics, automotive, and aerospace sectors on disputes. Other key figures include Virginia de Freitas, an expert in technology transfer issues, Marina Jonon and Jules Fabre, who was promoted to partner in May 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Emmanuel Gougé

Autres avocats clés:

Jules Fabre; Virginia de Freitas; Marina Jonon

Les références

‘This is a most accomplished team, one of the very best in France.’

‘Jules Fabre and Emmanuel Gougé are my go-to patent counsel in France. Always well prepared and with a keen mind to find commercial solutions. Highly recommended!’

‘The team shows great flexibility in adapting to our needs, and always manages to be available at short notice. Requests are processed quickly and efficiently.’

Principaux clients

Fresenius Kabi SwissBioSim


Insud Pharma


Plastic Omnium


Accord Healthcare

Teva Pharmaceuticals


France Brevets


Global Wheel



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Global Wheel in pan-European patent litigation against Hutchinson.

Simmons & Simmons

Simmons & Simmons is well known in the French patents arena for its expertise in handling high-profile patent litigation, and is adept at advising on multi-jurisdictional proceedings before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and advising on patent infringement claims and revocation actions across Europe. The team also advises on high-value licensing agreements in the space, and regularly represents clients in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors in work. François Jonquères and Sarah Bailey co-head the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

François Jonquères; Sarah Bailey

Autres avocats clés:

Frédérique Potin; Mickael Da Costa; Estelle Thiebaut

Les références

‘The practice is both strategic and practical. They understand what client’s business needs are and takes those needs into consideration when developing strategy. They are creative advocates.’

‘Francois Jonqueres is an excellent appeals court advocate. He has a very natural and persuasive way of setting forth complicated technical and legal issues. His brief writing is strategic and convincing.’

‘Frédérique Potin stands out for her negotiating skills and her attention to detail which leaves nothing to chance and allows her clients to have complete confidence. Mickaël Da Costa’s mastery of patent procedures both in France and abroad is a serious asset in the negotiation of complex IP agreements.’

Principaux clients

Merck KGaA


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

United Orthopedic Corporation

Neo Medical

Genoscience Pharma


Bayer Healthcare



Abello IP Firm

Abello IP Firm’s patents department is well versed in advising on telecoms and mechanics patents, and is handling an increased amount of pharmaceutical patent matters. FRAND and SEP issues are prominent in the group's workload. Michel AbelloMarie Liens, Jean-Baptiste Thibaud and Julien Astier are the practice heads, and are ably supported by Guillaume Dubos, who focuses on contentious telecoms matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Michel Abello; Jean-Baptiste Thibaud; Marie Liens; Julien Astier

Autres avocats clés:

Guillaume Dubos; Mathilde Junagade

Les références

‘Excellent skills in patent law, combined with the necessary technical background.’

‘Direct and successful communication and recommendations for the necessary legal steps. ’

‘The firm is very responsive and provides good service at reasonable cost. The reports are clear and concise, with clear advice.’

Principaux clients


Manitou BF


GTT (Gaz Transport Technigaz)


ViiV Healthcare UK / GSK

AP-HP (Hôpitaux de Paris)

Cayago TEC


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented ViiV Healthcare UK in a SPC validity matter.


Benjamin May heads up the patents practice at Aramis, which has particular strength in advising prominent pharmaceutical clients on a wide range of patent matters. Key areas of instruction include infringement claims, licensing agreements, preliminary injunctions, invalidity proceedings and R&D agreements. The group has also seen an increase in work from clients in the biotech and life sciences sectors. Other key names in the department include David Roche, who is well versed in assisting emerging technology entities, and Annabelle Divoy, who focuses on FRAND disputes and SEP issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Benjamin May

Autres avocats clés:

David Roche; Annabelle Divoy

Les références

‘Aramis has a solid team to handle IP files, as well as a wide range of skills and the ability to collaborate with different players in the field on complex issues.’

‘Benjamin May is a recognized expert, experienced, clear and lucid.’

Principaux clients

Fresenius Medical Care



Arcadophta & BVI France



Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Fresenius Medical Care in pan-European litigation against Nipro relating to the infringement and validity of a European medical device patent.
  • Acted for Lanaform in an infringement action.

Armengaud Guerlain

Armengaud Guerlain‘s patents practice has a strong track record in assisting blue-chip companies, multinational corporations and SMEs. Under the leadership of patent disputes expert Stéphane Guerlain and Catherine Mateu, who is well versed in cross-border litigation, the team is sought after for its expertise in handling international patent disputes, often involving employee inventions and trade secrets, and is equally adept at advising on patent applications and licensing agreements.

Responsables de la pratique:

Stéphane Guerlain; Catherine Mateu

Principaux clients

Merck Millipore






Telecom design




Principaux dossiers

  • Defending MERCK MILLIPORE in a patent infringement action.

Cabinet Schertenleib

Cabinet Schertenleib's practice is active in patent litigation and disputes concerning trade secrets, with a particular focus on the life sciences sector. Under the leadership of patent litigator Denis SchertenleibOmbeline Degrèze-Péchade and Marc Lauzeral, the team is equally adept at advising on regulatory matters in the patents space, and is also sought after by technology, real estate and telecoms clients.

Responsables de la pratique:

Denis Schertenleib; Ombeline Degrèze Péchade; Marc Lauzeral

Principaux clients



ReCor Medical Inc.

Otsuka Medical Device










Principaux dossiers

  • Defended Fill-Med and Filorga in patent infringement proceedings.
  • Advised the client on the implementation of its FRAND policy.


Dentons' team is well known for handling high-profile patent matters for blue-chip clients in the IT, insurance, and pharmaceutical sectors. The practice has a solid track record in advising on domestic and cross-border mandates, and under the leadership of patent litigator Loïc Lemercier, the group often assists with invalidity claims, negotiating, drafting and licensing research agreements, and defending companies in patent infringement claims. Lemercier is ably supported by Tom Blanchet.

Responsables de la pratique:

Loïc Lemercier

Autres avocats clés:

Tom Blanchet

Les références

‘A large international firm but high-end service at reasonable prices. Loïc is a great professional. Strategies are thought out and executed in an innovative and effective way.’

‘Very good collaboration between attorneys and patent attorneys, professional conduct, picked up business need very quickly.’

‘Loic Lemercier was a very good advisor.’

Principaux clients

EOS Imaging

Peri SE


Sophia Engineering

AL.CHI.MIA. S.R.L. and Ophta France


CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Goliath France (Zuru)

Laboratoires Expanscience



Sorara (Zhejiang Zhengte Co. Ltd)


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Apple in patent litigation.
  • Representing Al.Chi.Mia. and Ophta France in a patent infringement action initiated by Arcadophta.
  • Defending Goliath France in patent infringement litigation initiated by Robotswim and the patent’s owner.

DTMV & Associés

DTMV & Associés is well known for handling patent litigation for a client base of pharmaceutical, automotive, and telecoms sector entities across France and Europe. Thierry Mollet-Viéville has a strong track record in litigation, and Pascal Lefort acts as counsel to clients in the luxury goods, fashion, advertising, automotive, and electronics industries. Litigators Eléonore Gaspar and Thomas Cuche, and Laurine Janin-Reynaud and Grimaud Valat, are other key practitioners to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thierry Mollet-Viéville; Pascal Lefort; Eléonore Gaspar; Thomas Cuche; Laurine Janin-Reynaud; Grimaud Valat

Les références

‘The team has extensive experience in industrial property, particularly in patent litigation.’

‘Thierry Mollet-Vieville and Thomas Cuche particularly stand out. Thierry Mollet-Vieville has handled countless cases. He knows how to convince the judges with his pleadings. Thomas Cuche is extremely reliable and competent. He was involved in major patent files, particularly in pharmacy, where he excelled. He is one of the rare lawyers with in-depth knowledge of CCPs.’

‘DTMV stand out for their quality of service – they are transparent with regard to cost estimates, they communicate clearly, and they are willing to adapt what they do in view of client needs. We are also happy with the high quality legal and strategic advice that we have received.’

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP‘s patents team advises across the spectrum of contentious and non-contentious matters. The group works closely with the firm's London and Milan offices to provide comprehensive support to clients in relation to patent claims in multiple jurisdictions. Infringement and nullity actions are other key drivers of work for the department. Practice head Alexandra Neri has an excellent track record in handling litigation. Frédéric Chevallier handles high-value and complex multi-jurisdictional patent matters within the pharmaceuticals sector. Suzanne Carayol is singled out for her contributions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexandra Neri

Autres avocats clés:

Frédéric Chevallier; Suzanne Carayol

Principaux clients


Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Sanofi in relation to one of its fastest growing products, Aubagio®, for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
  • Provides ongoing assistance to Sanofi in relation to one of its fastest growing products, Jevtana®, for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Hogan Lovells (Paris) LLP

Hogan Lovells (Paris) LLP' patents practice excels in handling cross-border patent disputes, leveraging the firm’s international network to represent companies from a wide range of sectors before the French and European courts. Led by patent litigator Stanislas Roux-Vaillard, the team is regularly instructed in patent matters by clients in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. Adrien Bonnet is very experienced in handling major patent infringement litigation, and is recognised for his strength in advising on FRAND matters across multiple European jurisdictions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Stanislas Roux-Vaillard

Autres avocats clés:

Adrien Bonnet

Principaux clients


Dürr Systems

Eli Lilly

GE Renewable Energy


OPPO Guangdong


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised OPPO Guangdong on the French aspects of a patent infringement case initiated by Nokia.


Under the leadership of Jean-Frédéric Gaultier and Grégoire Triet, the team at Taliens is well placed to advise on high-value, international patent infringement matters, and is equally strong in advisory work, often assisting with the development of license agreements and technology transfers. The client base includes telecoms, pharmaceutical, medical and mechanics entities.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jean-Frédéric Gaultier; Grégoire Triet

Autres avocats clés:

Tougane Loumeau; Sophia Gintersos

Les références

‘The Talien team is efficient, competent and reliable.’

‘Jean-Frédéric Gaultier is an excellent lawyer specializing in IP.’

Principaux clients

Johnson & Johnson/Janssen






Bausch Health


Clifford Chance

Bignon Lebray

Bignon Lebray is home to a robust patents practice. The team is adept at advising on a broad spectrum of matters, including R&D agreements, trade secrets matters and licensing issues, and has recognised strength in handling patent litigation, including infringement claims and validity and nullity actions. Under the leadership of life sciences expert Barbara Bertholet, the group is regularly instructed by start-ups, public sector companies, government entities and investment funds in work within both France and the EU.

Responsables de la pratique:

Barbara Bertholet

Autres avocats clés:

Nicolas Moreau; Benjamin Mourot

Principaux clients

Dedienne Santé

Etablissement Jean Villeton

Hengelhoef concrete joints NV





Etablissements Lamaison

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Dedienne Santé in patent litigation brought by a competitor company, Amplitude.
  • Acted as counsel to YPOSKESI on development agreements.

De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés

At De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, the patents team has an excellent reputation for its expertise in patent litigation and transactional matters, and often acts in tandem with the tax and M&A groups in order to provide comprehensive support on mandates. Key areas of instruction for the team include patent licensing, joint ventures and research agreements, and the department has a solid track record in advising life sciences companies on patent portfolio protection issues within French and EU jurisdictions. The practice is led by the quartet of Louis de Gaulle, Julien Horn, Francine Le Péchon-Joubert, and Cécile Théard-Jallu.

Responsables de la pratique:

Louis de Gaulle; Julien Horn; Francine Le Péchon-Joubert; Cécile Théard-Jallu

Autres avocats clés:

Charlotte Hébert-Salomon

Principaux clients

Energy Observer Developments


Alstom Transport


Hoya Surgical GmbH



Tyron Runflat Ltd



Reed Smith

Reed Smith’s patents group is well known for working with the firm’s US IP practice in order to assist media, luxury and automotive clients with patent litigation spanning multiple jurisdictions. Licensing issues, settlement negotiations and freedom-to-operate matters are other key drivers of work for the team, which has a solid track record in appearing before French and EU IP offices.


ADVANT Altana is active in contentious patent matters, and often advises on patent infringement, invalidity and ownership claims and injunction actions. Cross-border disputes are a key driver of work for the group, which acts for clients in the telecoms, electronics and medical industries. The practice, which is led by the triumvirate of Armand AvigesPierre Lubet, and Jean-Guy de Ruffray, is equally adept at assisting with non-contentious matters, and the team is well versed in assisting with R&D agreements, the management of patents pertaining to inventions, patent audits and licensing matters, to name a few areas of strength.

Responsables de la pratique:

Armand Aviges; Pierre Lubet; Jean-Guy de Ruffray

Autres avocats clés:

Camille Raclet

Principaux clients




CMS Francis Lefebvre

CMS Francis Lefebvre's patents practice is centred around contentious work, acting for life sciences, electronics and mechanical sector clients in patent litigation. The group also works in tandem with patent experts in the firm's wider international network to handle disputes pertaining patent ownership between employers and employees, patent infringement litigation and associated claims for damages. Led by Jean-Baptiste Thiénot, the team is also adept at advising on R&D and licensing agreements and portfolio audits.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jean-Baptiste Thiénot

Les références

‘Efficient team, pragmatic advice.’

Principaux clients




Amosan Distribution

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Amosan Petrochemicals in patent revocation proceedings.
  • Successfully acted for a diagnostic biotech company in an action concerning the patent for its AI technology.

DLA Piper

At DLA Piper, the patents team has established experience in working closely with the firm's wider global network to support clients with patent matters. The group is also recognised for its expertise in advising on cross-border patent litigation, as well as infringement, contractual and enforcement issues. Led by Frank Valentin, the practice is equally adept at assisting with the management of patent portfolios, rights audits and distribution agreements. The client base includes prominent pharmaceutical companies, TMT entities and life sciences companies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Frank Valentin

Principaux clients

Laboratoires Vivacy


Marie Fillon heads the patents practice at Goodwin, which draws on the strength of the firm's international platform to provide support to clients in the life sciences sector on the IP aspects of M&A deals, the management of patent portfolios, and licensing and collaboration agreements. R&D agreement matters are also prominent in the team's workload. On the contentious side, the group has a solid track record in representing medtech and biotech clients in patent disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marie Fillon

Principaux clients

Affluent Medical

Ascendance Flight Technologies

Biomunex Pharmaceuticals

BNP Paribas Développement


Cathay Capital




DNA Script

DTA Medical


Go Capital

Graegis Pharmaceuticals


Kurma Partners

Johnson & Johnson




Sofinnova Partners




Lavoix‘s team is sought after for its expertise in advising on a broad range of patent matters, often for clients in the luxury goods and life sciences sectors, both within France and wider EU jurisdictions. Led by Camille Pecnard, the group’s workload includes trade secrets matters and infringement actions. Pharmaceutical law expert Pierre Emmanuel Meynard and Martin Simonnet are key names to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Camille Pecnard

Autres avocats clés:

Pierre-Emmanuel Meynard; Martin Simonnet

Les références

‘Lavoix has a team of young, skillful and talented lawyers.’

Principaux clients

Naval Group

Panthera dental INC


Inserm transfert and Nantes Université


Lavazza pro


Continental AG

10x genomics inc

SBM Offshore

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for ArcelorMittal and one of its suppliers in litigation brought by a competitor concerning alleged patent infringement.
  • Representing Inserm Transfert and Nantes Université in patent litigation against a former partner involving the filing of patent applications without the clients’ agreement.
  • Representing Continental in a patent infringement case before the Paris Court of First Instance.