Firms To Watch: Dispute resolution: litigation

Founded in November 2022, four-strong disputes boutique Antolín Ruiz Litigios brings together former Albagli Zaliasnik civil litigation and arbitration director, Félix Antolín, and Manuela Ruiz Q, a Santiago Court of Appeals-listed arbitrator, formerly at the now-dissolved Bofill Mir & Álvarez Jana; the firm handles civil, commercial and white-collar litigation, along with arbitration and regulatory matters.
Dispute resolution and regulated markets-focused firm Chahuán Letelier acts in a wide range of litigation involving corporate law, contracts, torts, IP, and real estate; the team is co-led by name partners Pablo Letelier, a commercial litigation and arbitration expert; and former Bofill Escobar Silva Abogados associate Guillermo Chahuán.  
With substantial experience in commercial, civil and administrative litigation, the dispute resolution practice at boutique firm Donoso & Silva Abogados fields a team led by founding partner Rodrigo Donoso, whose track record includes major Competition Court cases; and civil litigation and arbitration partner Bruno Romo.
IP and dispute resolution boutique Epic Litigios & PI received a strong boost in X 2023 with the arrival of Carla Dittus, who handles civil and commercial litigtion, and domestic and international arbitration; she joins Bernardita Dittus (who handles dispute resolution, litigation and strategic consultancy on IP, unfair competition and advertising law), and of counsel Marcela Román.
Established in 2021, Fix Abogados, has notable experience in commercial and shareholder claims, as well as construction, infrastructure, energy and mining disputes, and houses several experienced practitioners, namely: insolvency specialists Clemente Silva and Gerardo Otero; civil and commercial litigator Nicolás Zisis; dispute resolution lawyer Vicente Portales; and public policy expert Tania Villarroel.
HD Legal's litigation department, which specialises in the resolution of civil and commercial proceedings, is led by founding-partner José Luis Honorato, who has 30 years’ experience in civil and commercial litigation, as well as arbitration; Honorato is supported by senior associate Irene Bracho, who maintains a broad disputes practice.
The litigation group at natural resources, energy and environmental law boutique IMAD Abogados is led by civil and commercial litigation expert, Claudio Matute, a 2022 partner recruit from Urzúa | Matute Abogados (where he was name partner).
May 2023 saw the formation of the civil and commercial disputes-focused Jana Leiva Litigio y Arbitraje, which also handles contentious environmental and administrative matters; the new boutique brings together the strengths of former Bofill Mir Alvarez Jana partner, Álvaro Jana; and Felipe Leiva, previously the head of civil and commercial litigation at López Escobar del Río.
Spinning out of Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (PPU) in September 2023, Vial Larraín Femenías’ disputes capability is led by former PPU-practice head Jorge Vial, who has deep experience of both arbitration and litigation. He is flanked by fellow partners, Ignacio Larrain (a competition specialist with considerable disputes experience) and Jorge A Femenías (a contentious-administrative specialist with particular expertise in environmental matters). Clients identify Vial as ‘a litigator whose extensive experience allows him to defend clients effectively.’

Dispute resolution: litigation in Chile

Bofill Escobar Silva Abogados

Focused exclusively on complex and cross-border business disputes, Bofill Escobar Silva Abogados' large 26-strong team routinely acts before domestic and foreign courts (as well as governmental authorities) in high-profile or politically sensitive claims; moreover, the group is increasingly active in litigation before and against public entities, in relation to shareholders, antitrust issues, urban development, infrastructure, and environmental law. Recent highlights include defending Sociedad Concesionaria Costanera Norte against a massive tort case valued at over $300m, which involves over 40 civil liability lawsuits. The team is co-led by renowned commercial litigation, international arbitration and white-collar crime specialist, Jorge Bofill; cross-border litigation expert Sebastián Yanine; and Francisco Aninat, who delivers ‘outstanding performance when leading negotiations'. Other key practitioners include criminal litigation partner César Ramos; and of counsel Marcela Vega, who represents companies and individuals in commercial, civil, criminal, labour and administrative matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Bofill; Francisco Aninat; Sebastián Yanine

Les références

Availability, technical knowledge, good coordination, and permanent communication with the client.’

Excellent ability of the team to understand the problem and formulate the strategy.

Francisco Aninat – outstanding performance when leading negotiations before public or private entities.

Principaux clients

Sociedad Concesionaria Costanera Norte

Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Chicureo

Enel Green Power Chile

Gente Oil Pte

Consorcio Puente Chacao

AMC Networks Latin America

Julio Ponce Lerou (indirect shareholder of SQM)

Obrascon Huarte Lain Amodio (OHLA)

Constructora Trebol

Grupo Auguri


Sterling & Wilson

Constructora Alto Maipo

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending Sociedad Concesionaria Costanera Norte in a massive tort case, consisting of over 40 civil liability lawsuits.
  • Acted for Grupo Auguri in successfully defeating an injunction before the Constitutional Court.
  • Acted for Enel Green Power in its claims that several energy conversion units purchased from Fimer caused serious physical and economic damage to Enel Green Power.


Market stalwart Carey fields a hefty 28-strong practice that is routinely sought out for heavyweight civil and commercial lawsuits. Its representative experience covers shareholder issues, construction claims, environmental and sanctioning procedures, and disputes related to concessions, with the team frequently leveraging the firm’s regulated markets expertise in relation to sectors such as energy, healthcare and pensions. A quartet of experienced partners spearhead the practice: departmental head and commercial and regulatory litigation specialist Gonzalo Fernández; bankruptcy and insolvency expert Ricardo RevecoAldo Molinari, who focuses on civil and commercial litigation, along with administrative and environmental regulatory disputes; and Juan Carlos Riesco, whose practice encompasses civil and commercial disputes, and antitrust and regulatory litigation. In a further boost to the team's litigation capabilities and capacity, Mónica Pérez, whose broad practice covers pre-litigious advice to mining, insurance, energy, automotive and retail clients; and Roberto Villaseca, whose workload includes international trade disputes as well as bankruptcy and insolvency issues, were both promoted to partner in late 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gonzalo Fernández; Aldo Molinari; Juan Carlos Riesco; Mónica Pérez; Roberto Villaseca

Principaux clients


Gmac Comercial Automotriz Chile

Laboratorios Andrómaco


Nova Austral


Compañía Minera Cielo Azul

Porsche Inter Auto


Sun Dreams



Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Sun Dreams in several lawsuits before different courts (including the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal) against Chile’s gambling regulator, in relation to the regulations for casino license renewals.
  • Acted for Compañía Minera Cielo Azul in three lawsuits filed by Cielo Azul for the constitution of legal mining easements.
  • Acted for Nueva Unión in a claim filed by Christie, which affects one of the largest privately-owned properties in Chile (acquired by Nueva Unión in 2009 for the development of a large mining project).

Claro & Cia.

Housing ‘expertise in complex, cross-border, multi-jurisdictional litigation', the disputes team at full-service legal powerhouse Claro & Cia. is consistently sought out to handle high-stakes commercial court litigation, international disputes, and national and international arbitration. Major clients additionally turn to the sizeable practice for its white-collar crime credentials. The principal figures are renowned civil and commercial litigation specialist, Cristóbal Eyzaguirre, whose broad practice extends to antitrust, competition and bankruptcy-related matters; deeply experienced senior partner José María Eyzaguirre G , whose expertise stretched across both litigation and arbitration; Nicolás Luco, who is particularly active in major energy disputes; arbitration and international litigation practitioner Felipe Ossa; and José Miguel Huerta, whose track record includes disputes in the US and Europe, as well as in Chile. Additional practitioners of note include key litigators Santiago Bravo (civil and commercial litigation, arbitration and antitrust); Álvaro Vives, who was raised to the partnership in 2022; recently promoted counsel Javier Rodríguez, and -at associate level- Tomás Kreft and Juan Pablo Celis. Former associate Ignacio Orellana departed the firm in August 2022 to study at Harvard Law School.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cristóbal Eyzaguirre

Les références

Very good teamwork. Coordinated, on time and efficient.

The human and professional qualities of all the team members are noticeable. Great expertise.

Experts with clear concepts. If clients are looking for answers, there they are. Human and professional warmth too.

Principaux clients

Zurich Group

Samsung Electronics


Apple Inc and Apple Chile

LATAM Airlines Group

Minera Los Pelambres


Alto Maipo

Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones

AFP Modelo

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Chilena Consolidada Seguros de Vida in a fraud-related dispute involving the management of life and personal accident insurances.
  • Assisting Samsung Chile on multiple disputes with two of its distributors, who manage the company’s specialised ‘retail experience’ shops.
  • Representing Agrosuper in two cartel-related class actions, brought by a consumer association and the National Consumer Agency (SERNAC).

Gutiérrez, Waugh, Jimeno & Asenjo

Great boutique firmGutiérrez, Waugh, Jimeno & Asenjo fields an 18-strong dispute resolution, litigation and arbitration team that routinely acts in Chile’s most high-profile cases. The practice represents major domestic and international clients in complex negotiations as well as undertaking civil and commercial litigation before the courts and state agencies and handling hearings before arbitral tribunals; it is especially active in disputes involving the construction, mining, telecoms and energy sectors, as well as banking, finance, insurance and retail-related claims. The department is co-led by renowned civil and commercial litigation specialist, Pedro Pablo Gutiérrez; and Cristóbal Jimeno, an expert in civil and commercial litigation, and finance, insurance and construction-related disputes. The senior team is rounded out by: Juan Francisco Asenjo, who has ‘great experience‘; Joaquín Castillo, who handles civil and commercial litigation (and arbitration), along with insurance and bankruptcy proceedings; and civil, commercial, insurance and consumer protection litigation specialist, José Tomás Barros. From the firm’s associate group, both Sebastián Zamora and Pablo Gajardo maintain noteworthy civil and commercial litigation practices.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pedro Pablo Gutiérrez; Cristóbal Jimeno

Les références

A team with great knowledge of the matters they work on, and clients are always kept informed.

They work as a team, and in meetings there are always several lawyers contributing from their own perspectives.

What stands out is the personal and direct participation of the partners in the cases, with at least two of them (and one associate) participating in the work meetings, which clients especially value.

Principaux clients


Allianz Seguros

Isapre Consalud

Meridiam LATAM Holdings

Empresas CMPC

ISA Group (Colombia) – InterChile


Tompkins Conservation


Ripley Store – Comercial Eccsa

Banco Security

AFP Capital

Moneda Asset Administradora de Fondos


Constructora Conpax

Agrícola Don Pollo

EY Servicios Profesionales de Auditoría y Asesoría


Banco Consorcio

Aguas Andinas

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented pension fund Provida in the high-profile La Polar case, in relation to La Polar’s breach of corporate and capital markets laws.
  • Represented Compañía de Seguros de Vida BICE and Seguros de Vida Security Previsión in challenging the legality of CMF-issued instructions in relation to the implementation of a law that allowed pensioners to have early access to part of their accumulated funds.
  • Representing Agrícola Don Pollo in a large compensation case which relates to sanctioned antitrust conduct.

Ortúzar, Vergara & Boetsch Abogados

Fielding ‘well-prepared lawyers who are knowledgeable about their areas of practice‘, Ortúzar, Vergara & Boetsch Abogados acts for both domestic and foreign companies in a full range of litigation proceedings – particularly high-stakes civil and commercial disputes. Consumer law cases, administrative disputes and constitutional litigation are also areas of notable strength. Committed to retaining its boutique format, the practice also handles arbitration and ADR proceedings, including complex negotiations to resolve conflicts at the pre-tribunal stage. The department is led by name-partners Alvaro Ortúzar is a renowned arbitration and litigation specialist; Nicolás Vergara currently focuses on shareholder disputes, insurance litigation and antitrust issues; and Cristián Boetsch, whose practice takes in insurance disputes, along with construction and energy arbitration. The second line of experienced partners features Benjamín Morales, an energy, construction and insurance litigator; and Diego Navarrete, who litigates energy, marine ports, and commercial disputes involving shareholder issues and SPA agreements. From the firm’s associate pool, Andrés Cáceres -who assists with forestry, construction and insurance claims- is noted. María Elena Pinares left the firm in July 2022 to undertake an LLM at Kings College in London.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alvaro Ortúzar; Nicolás Vergara; Cristián Boetsch

Les références

A good law firm, with well-prepared lawyers who are knowledgeable about their areas of practice.

Easy to contact and they provide security through their knowledge.

Alvaro Ortúzar and Cristián Boetch establish good and solid professional relationships with clients.

Principaux clients

Abcdin Retail Company (Yaconi-Santa Cruz Group)


Archdiocese of Santiago

Banco BCI

Celulosa Arauco y Constitución

Cooperativa Agrícola Pisquera Elqui


María Pinto Town Hall

Constructora Salfa

Constructora Sigro

Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso

Enel Green Power

Enel Generación

Engie Energía

HDMI Seguros

Inmobiliaria ISF-XVIII

Mapfre Compañía De Seguros Generales De Chile

REALE Seguros

Sura Insurance Company (Suramericana Group)

Vicente De La Fuente


BCI Seguros

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Municipalities of Curacavi and María Pinto (and over 700 hundred farmers) in potential claims against Colbún (and an association of canal owners), further to the collapse of a tunnel in 2020 that closed the water flow to a valley for over 30 days.
  • Defended the Archdiocese of Santiago against the widow of the founder of Soprole, who sued for the annulment of contracts that were executed to create the Isabel Aninat Canonical Foundation (and endow it with real estate and shares in Soprole).
  • Defending Engie against a civil action brought by Zofri in relation to an accident at a site where it operated.

Vergara Labarca Parodi

With high levels of knowledge and dedication to each case taken on', Vergara Labarca Parodi (known as Vergara, Labarca & Cía until the 2022 elevation of the ‘excellent' Alejandro Parodi to name partner) focuses exclusively on litigation and arbitration. The 10-strong practice consistently litigates before Chile’s ordinary courts of justice, as well as a full range of administrative entities; notably, it is particularly selective in relation to the cases it takes on, acting almost exclusively in high-profile matters such as claims involving large monetary sums, complex issues, or sensitive disputes. The practice has enviable experience in commercial, civil, construction, antitrust, energy, finance, and stock market-related litigation, as well as expertise in shareholder, mining, environmental and regulatory matters. The team is co-headed by ‘great strategist and negotiator' Raimundo Labarca, a renowned specialist in civil, commercial, constitutional and administrative litigation; the above-mentioned Parodi, whose sector expertise includes energy, construction, finance, mining and environment; and complex litigation expert José Manuel Concha. From the firm’s associate pool, both Raimundo Diego Labarca and Carlos Berner Zúñiga maintain noteworthy civil and commercial litigation practices.

Responsables de la pratique:

Raimundo Labarca; Alejandro Parodi; Jose Manuel Concha

Les références

This team is not great, it is exceptional!

Very sharp lawyers, and the service and the results are very satisfactory.

A very close team with high levels of knowledge and dedication to each case taken on.

Principaux clients

Forestal Arauco


Aguas Andina

Inversiones Tricahue

Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro

Empresas Copec

Sky Airlane

Balthus Vitacura

Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos

Fondo Geona

Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully representing Inversiones Tricahue in multiple disputes with Enel.
  • Representing Abastible in a large-value class action lawsuit.
  • Successfully represented Forestal Arauco in a longstanding property dispute.

Barros & Errázuriz

Dedicated to cases‘, the 19-strong disputes group at full-service law firm Barros & Errázuriz acts in a range of civil and commercial litigation, including domestic and international arbitration, mediation proceedings, and matters before Chile’s regulatory agencies. The practice’s representative expertise covers contentious proceedings involving civil and commercial law, tax, bankruptcy, real estate, construction, and antitrust issues; and it is particularly experienced in regulated sectors, such as energy and telecoms. The team is jointly headed by Luis Eduardo Toro, whose disputes workload covers telecoms, energy, contractual liability and damages; and name partner and dispute resolution expert José Tomás Errázuriz. Also integral to the practice, Javier San Martín focuses on disputes, consumer protection, reorganisations, and individual and company liquidation; public law head David Cademartori acts in civil and administrative litigation; and José Luis Corvalán is an experienced civil and commercial litigation practitioner. From the senior associate pool, seniors Isidora Fernández, Milton Gutcovsky and Nicole Nannig are all active litigators.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Tomás Errázuriz; Luis Eduardo Toro

Les références

High level of training and experience.

Good attitude and alignment with the interests of clients.

An attentive, punctual, very understanding treatment of people who are not familiar with the legal field.

Principaux clients



Agencia de Aduana Juan Carlos Stephens Valenzuela y Compañía

Comsa SAU

Agrícola Fundo Bucalemu

Gildemeister Automotive

Automotive Kauffman, Bruno Fritsch, Guillermo Morales

Puerto Coronel Company

Courtyard Group

HDI Insurance

United Warehouse Automation Chile

La Reserva Real Estate

Sky Airlines

Chilean Post Office

Real Estate Security

HAM Chile



Aconcagua Real Estate

Travel ACE

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Colbún in a series of suits arising from the collapse of a tunnel (in a water channel) essential to the operation of one of its power plants.
  • Defending Nuevosur against a lawsuit for breach of contract and damages filed by Esteban Morales against the Chilean Treasury and Nuevosur for allegedly breaching a contract for the construction of a rural drinking water system.
  • Defending Agencia de Aduana Juan Carlos Stephens Valenzuela y Compañía against a civil liability claim for damages, which was filed by Orion Seguros Generales for alleged contractual breaches.

Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos

Highly committed to clients’ needs', Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos' sizeable, 18-strong  practice regularly litigates against the State and its related agencies. The group’s wide-ranging practice covers environmental, regulatory, energy and mining disputes, as well as conflicts over securities, tax, construction, insurance, torts, competition and consumer protection. Its specialisms further extend to defence-side class actions. The principal practitioners are: complex disputes expert Florencio Bernales (‘a benchmark figure for litigation'); Fernando Urrutia, a specialist in construction-related cases and insolvency proceedings; Raimundo Moreno, whose experience incorporates contractual and tort claims; and white-collar crime expert Jorge Boldt. Promoted to director level during 2023, José Ignacio Azar leads the firm’s consumer law and class action practices, while at senior associate level, Trinidad Torres acts in securities' investigations and cross-border disputes, while Lorena Avendaño maintains an active civil litigation and criminal defence practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Florencio Bernales; Fernando Urrutia; Raimundo Moreno; Jorge Boldt

Les références

The dispute resolution team is very sharp and comprises true specialists in litigation.

Navigates with confidence the different areas that are associated with litigation.

Always available to collaborate with clients’ requirements, and with such friendly treatment that they fit perfectly into internal work teams.

Principaux clients

Larrain Vial Corredora de Bolsa

Empresa Nacional de Electricidad

BHP Billiton

Marina del Sol

Empresa Nacional de Energía Enex

Mercado Libre

Sandvik Chile

Dreams Chile

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Larrain Vial (and two executives) in both an administrative investigation conducted by the CMF, and claims filed in the civil courts against the CMF (requesting the reversal of fines).
  • Represented Isapre Vida Tres before the Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court, in relation to the filing of constitutional actions against it by its affiliates.
  • Represented Dreams Chile in two civil cases against the Casino’s Superintendence, in relation to the procedure for renewing two casino permits in San José de Mostazal and Punta Arenas.

Jana & Gil Dispute Resolution

Emerging from Bofill Mir & Álvarez Jana Abogados (BMAJ)’s 2022 dissolution, boutique legal practice Jana & Gil Dispute Resolution is -according to one client- ‘probably the most complete dispute resolution firm around‘. With industry expertise ranging across the construction, mining, energy, real estate, financial and retail sectors, the 20-strong team  has a tight focus on the resolution of highly complex disputes and routinely handles cases before the ordinary and special courts, the Courts of Appeals, the Supreme Court and the full range of administrative entities. The recent track record of ‘great lawyerAndrés Jana and fellow co-founding partner and contractual disputes specialist Rodrigo Gil includes representing Chilean governmental organisation CORFO in a $150m embezzlement dispute; while the practice of managing partner and ‘brilliant lawyer’ Karen Werner covers judicial conflicts, shareholder disputes, and insolvency and corporate reorganisation proceedings. Also of note, young partner Francisco Grob is a July 2022 recruit from ICSID’s World Bank Group in Washington DC; and -leading the associate level support- recently promoted practice director Tomás Bown is a civil claims expert. Carla Dittus left the firm in September 2023. Since publication, Werner has also exited the firm - effective as of August 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Andrés Jana; Rodrigo Gil

Les références

‘Probably the most complete dispute resolution firm around.’

A unique office with great teamwork.

What makes it unique is the level of commitment and involvement.

Principaux clients

Republic of Chile

Pacal Grupo Inmobiliario and Constructora Pacal

Universidad de Chile

Sociedad Canalistas del Maipo

Liebherr Chile

Pacific Hydro Chacayes

Bice Vida Compañía de Seguros


Compañía Contractual Minera Candelaria

Fábrica de Pavimentos y Revestimientos Budnik Hermanos

Casino Luckia Arica

Universidad de las Américas

Norte Abierto

Petropower Energía


Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for the Universidad de Chile in a dispute brought against the Municipality of Recoleta, in relation to the allegedly illegal construction of a university and residential accomodation.
  • Acted for Casino Luckia against the Municipality of Arica, in relation to the successful annulment of an illegally-granted gambling licence.
  • Acted for Bice Vida (and others) in a $350m real estate conflict regarding the 400-hectare Valle Grande project.

Marinovic & Alcalde Abogados

Marinovic & Alcalde Abogados' litigation practice routinely acts in major civil and commercial conflicts that play out before Chile’s ordinary courts of justice, Courts of Appeal and Supreme Court. The six-strong group also makes frequent appearances before arbitration tribunals; and is additionally expert in administrative sanctioning procedures, competition disputes, and insolvency-related claims, along with mining, water, aquaculture and consumer law-related disputes. The practice is led by Enrique Alcalde who specialises in the litigation of disputes concerning corporate governance, power and gas, M&As, and construction and engineering. Providing further partner-level support, Benjamín García ‘stands out because he focuses on keeping clients informed‘; Nicolás Marinovic's civil litigation practice covers contractual liability, torts, and real estate lease-related proceedings; and Tomás Ruiz-Tagle, whose broad caseload includes defence-side civil and administrative matters, claims against government agencies, constitutional issues, energy and natural resources-related disputes, and corporate and commercial conflicts. At associate level, Sebastián Lara Bohle regularly defends civil and commercial litigation claims; the team was strengthened with the July-2022 hire of Estefanía Klima Golborne from Bock Abogados. Since publication, the firm has also hired labour litigation specialist Cristobal Agustín Muñoz from Saavedra & Compañía Abogados - effective as of January 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Enrique Alcalde

Les références

‘Compares favourably with other law firms, as it works very precisely and provides clients with exclusive attention.

‘The work of Benjamín García stands out because he focuses on keeping clients informed, making periodic reports that give an account of the status of trials. Contingencies that arise are brought up in a timely manner, allowing clients sufficient time to evaluate possible alternatives when adopting far-reaching legal decisions.

Principaux clients

Tesoro Mining Chile

Ingenostrum Chile

Administradora de Fondos Provida

Naviera Orca Chile

Maxi Mobility Chile II

Cabify Chile

Marketing y Negocios

República Federativa de Brasil

Fundación Educacional para el Desarrollo Integral del Menor (Fundación Integra)

Inmobiliaria Loja II

Principaux dossiers

  • Defended Tesoro Mining Chile against shareholder Wanaco’s request to annul a company bylaw and a claim for contractual civil liability and damages.
  • Acting for Pasaje Bus (an app for purchasing bus tickets online) in a compensation claim for loss of earnings against competitor Recorrido Latinoamérica (based upon an Appeal Court’s previous ruling).
  • Acted for Naviera Orca in seeking to have a purchase and sale contract declared null-and-void.

Ovalle & Bulnes Abogados

Focused exclusively on the resolution of complex disputes, litigation boutique Ovalle & Bulnes Abogados is routinely involved in large civil, commercial, construction, administrative, competition and insurance cases. The 12-strong team is co-led by name partners Esteban Ovalle , a renowned litigation practitioner who is consistently sought out for heavyweight mandates; and contractual-disputes expert José Tomás Bulnes, who largely acts for companies in the mining, infrastructure, energy, retail and insurance sectors on both local and cross-border contentious matters. In a boost to the practice, Oscar Lihn (who was recruited from Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría back in 2020) was promoted to partner in May 2023. Key associate Santiago Morandé focuses on civil litigation, arbitration, and contentious administrative matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Esteban Ovalle; José Tomás Bulnes

Les références

The level of specialisation and experience of its lawyers is superior to that of its peers.

Esteban Ovalle and José Tomás Bulnes- what clients appreciate is that they have different strengths that complement each other very well when facing highly-complex disputes.

José Tomás Bulnes has great capacity for analysis and judicial strategy.

Principaux clients


Vinci Constructions Grands Projets (Agencia en Chile)

Aes Andes

Power China

Parque Arauco

Sacyr Chile

Salfa Corp

Consultora Tecnazul Cía

Hanwha Q Cells

Elevation Investments

Banco Central de Chile

Grupo Hidromaule

CBRE Chile

Jardín Infantil Mandarino

Luisella Castaño

Macarena Schuster

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Luisella Castaño and Macarena Schuster (and their families) in a high-profile damages claim filed against the State of Chile in relation to a Chilean Air Force plane crash.
  • Representing Salfa Corp in a claim against the Ministry of Public Works before the ordinary Courts of Justice in relation to the construction of a public highway in the south of Chile.
  • Representing Codelco in contractual litigation against ASCH (Coldelco’s contractor for the remodelling of its corporate building).

Pellegrini & Rencoret Abogados

Specialised in complex litigation and commercial arbitration, boutique firm Pellegrini & Rencoret Abogados consistently represents high-profile clients in major civil, commercial and financial litigation. The firm also houses specialists with expertise in competition disputes, construction-related claims, ADR mechanisms, and class actions and consumer law. The ‘very welcoming' 12-strong group is co-led by Julio Pellegrini, who acts in commercial litigation concerning contractual claims, torts and class actions, in addition to representing companies in construction contract-related court proceedings; Pedro Rencoret, who excels in contract-related disputes, unfair competition, and claims requiring the application of economic analysis; and Fernando Zúñiga, whose track record includes international disputes. Also key to the practice, Diego Ramos participates in the majority of the firm’s mandates and investigations work. At associate level, senior María Jesús Cifuentes and Fernando Gazzella are also notable team members. Former associate Bernardo Aylwin joined Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP‘s New York office in September 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Julio Pellegrini; Pedro Rencoret; Fernando Zúñiga

Les références

Great warmth from this team of professionals – very welcoming and make the client’s problem their own.

They work as a team- the assignment of a single professional looking after a case does not apply, as everyone gets involved!

Principaux clients

Isapre Cruz Blanca





Camiroaga Family

Compañía Minera Salares Del Norte

Francisco Ebel Vial

Claro Chile


Principaux dossiers

  • Defended Bupa (and one of its subsidiaries) against sizeable claims brought by over a thousand policyholders who sought to prevent a price adjustment that was authorised by statute further to the pandemic.
  • Representing Gasco in a class action initiated by a consumer association (Conadecus), which is demanding payment for damage allegedly caused by a Covid-19-related gas price increase.
  • Representing Copec in a class action initiated by a consumer association (AGRECU), which is demanding payment for Copec allegedly misinforming the public.

Baker McKenzie Chile

Specialising in complex litigation, Baker McKenzie Chile's 12-member group acts for both multinationals and major domestic companies in litigating class actions, as well as infrastructure, retail, securities, and mining-related disputes. Leading the dispute resolution practice in Chile, Rodrigo Díaz de Valdésstands out' for his track record in representing the Chilean State, as well as major international and local companies, in cases involving long-term energy contracts, construction, projects and investment protection issues; while the wide-ranging disputes experience of Ignacio Naudon encompasses class actions, infrastructure projects, distribution agreements, and corporate and M&A-related litigation. Of note in the Santiago office’s associate group are dispute resolution and arbitration practitioner Antonio López, and public, civil and commercial law expert Felipe Soza.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodrigo Díaz de Valdés; Ignacio Naudon

Les références

The team collaborates with the needs of the client.

Great availability for the client.

Rodrigo Díaz de Valdés stands out for his diligence and professionalism in handling litigation, which allows the client to feel confident that they have timely and professional legal representation.

Principaux clients

BTG Pactual

HDI Securities



Motorola Solutions

Oracle Corporation


AFP Habitat (ILC – Prudential)


Principal Financial

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing AFP Cuprum, AFP Habitat and AFP Planvital (as plaintiffs) in a lawsuit filed against PwC and La Polar’s executives for unlawfully covering up La Polar’s real financial situation.
  • Representing Cencosud in follow-on actions submitted before the Competition Tribunal by consumer association Agrecu and the Chilean Consumer Service (SERNAC) for compensation for damage caused by a hub-and-spoke cartel (for which Cencosud was sanctioned in 2019).
  • Representing tissue company Essity in follow-on actions submitted by consumer association Conadecus and SERNAC, which seek compensation for damage caused by a tissue cartel (for which Essity was sanctioned in 2020).

Bulnes & Urrutia Abogados

Further to the March 2023 departure of former name partner José Manuel Bustamante, specialist disputes boutique Bulnes, Urrutia & Bustamante is now known as Bulnes & Urrutia Abogados. The practice’s wide-ranging expertise covers commercial and civil litigation, financial disputes, and domestic and international arbitration, as well as competition-related claims, with the team’s specialisms also extending to class actions, contentious administrative procedures, bankruptcy and insolvency, and energy, infrastructure and construction disputes. At name-partner level, Felipe Bulnes routinely acts on the most sizeable of cases and claims, while Enrique Urrutia is a construction, energy and finance disputes specialist. Former associate Tomás Wolff departed the firm in April 2023.

Contreras Velozo

Capable of resolving complex issues', Contreras Velozo's litigation client base is primarily comprised of international public entities and multinational corporations, including Latin American governments and international organisations; the practice straddles both civil and criminal work, as well as litigation and arbitration procedures. Co-heading the firm’s civil litigation and commercial arbitration practice, Óscar Contreras Blanco maintains a wide-ranging dispute resolution practice; while Alvaro Awad focuses on disputes involving construction, infrastructure, energy and mining, along with finance, insurance, pharma, transportation, technology, and corporate law-related litigation. Raised to the partnership in January 2022, Óscar Contreras Pomés acts for both domestic and foreign clients - predominantly on contentious administrative law matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Óscar Contreras Blanco; Alvaro Awad; Óscar Contreras Pomés

Les références

Professionals with a lot of experience and prestige, who are capable of resolving complex issues.

Very concerned about details and strategy.

Partners who actively participate in cases, together with a group of top-level associates.

Principaux clients


Sanofi-Aventis de Chile

Caterpillar Financial Services

Caterpillar Leasing Chile


Banco Santander

Genzyme Corporation

Aguas Andinas

Telefónica Chile

International Finance Corporation

TEP Chile

Inmobiliaria Manquehue



Sigdo Koppers

Centro Nacional de Despacho de Carga

Mercado Libre


Empresa Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos

GNL Quintero

Universidad del Pacífico

Fernando Baldrich y Compañía

Always On Servicios Digitales

Banco Security

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Inter-American Development Bank and BID Investment in  several debt claims against Itelecom.
  • Representing Aguas Cordillera in its high-stakes civil action in Chile against Municipalidad de Lo Barnechea, further to the alleged breach of a real estate swap agreement from the 1990s.
  • Representing Orion in a subrogation claim against Costanera Norte, its subcontractor Sacyr, and the State of Chile, to recover damages paid to policyholder Telefónica, further to the 2016 overflow of the Mapocho River.

Correa Squella

Correa Squella’s ‘dynamic and compact team has a very good handling of its cases’. The seven-member litigation practice undertakes headline civil and commercial disputes, and demonstrates expertise that takes in commercial and corporate law, torts, contractual issues and class actions. The team is also active in constitutional and administrative law-related proceedings. Recent highlights include successfully acting for AFP Capital in a landmark case against La Polar and PwC that was decided unanimously by the Supreme Court. The team is co-led by ‘excellent strategistJuan Ignacio Correa, who acts in business disputes, competition claims, and regulatory conflicts; and Jorge Sepúlveda, whose track record includes representing pension fund administrators in complex financial cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Ignacio Correa; Jorge Sepúlveda

Les références

The best in this area – an attentive, disciplined team that is technically impeccable.

The team is committed and puts itself in the client’s shoes.

They have clear ideas and know what is best for the client regardless of the law firm’s own interests, and its dynamic and compact team has a very good handling of its cases.

Principaux clients


AFP Capital

Minera Los Pelambres

Telefónica Chile

Forestal Mininco

Cousiño Macul Group

Empresas CMPC


Buses Bio Bio



Principaux dossiers

  • Successfully acted for AFP Capital in a landmark Supreme Court case against La Polar and PwC.
  • Acted for AFP Capital in a $50m lawsuit that was filed by Conadecus, the largest non-governmental consumer protection organisation.
  • Acting for forestry contractor association Acoforag in a damages lawsuit against the Government for failing to maintain public order in the south of Chile.|

Coz & Blavi

Specialised disputes boutique Coz Jofré & Blavi is now known as Coz & Blavi, following the recent departure of former name partner Álvaro Jofré. The ‘highly sophisticated firm‘ fields a five-member team that consistently acts in high-stakes litigation, as well as domestic and international arbitration work. At founding partner level, the ‘truly extraordinaryFrancisco Blavi is an expert in arbitrations involving construction, energy, finance, projects, and corporate agreements; and the track record of José Coz, who has ‘a permanently strategic outlook‘, includes high-profile, very high-value disputes. Associate-level support is provided by Francisco González G, who regularly appears before local courts, the Competition Court, and the Constitutional Court; and Felipe Campos, a September-2022 hire from Alcalde & Cía.

Responsables de la pratique:

Francisco Blavi; José Coz

Les références

A highly sophisticated firm- young lawyers, but with a lot of experience and dedication.

Great knowledge and experience.

Clients are very impressed by the Coz & Blavi Abogados team, as all the lawyers demonstrate knowledge of their cases, and have different skills that complement each other in an excellent way.

Principaux clients


Cmc Di Ravenna



Tur Bus





Principaux dossiers

  • Representing a branch of the Gomez Pacheco Family in a conflict concerning a division of assets (amounting to over $1.5bn).
  • Representing Aproval, the main association of milk producers in Chile, in a high-profile dispute resolution proceeding initiated against The Not Company for commercialising the product Not Milk.
  • Representing international construction company Astaldi in an annulment proceeding before the Court of Appeals.


The ‘dynamic team' at the Santiago office of Iberia-headquartered law firm Cuatrecasas comprises specialists in civil, commercial and administrative disputes, as well as experts in reorganisations and insolvencies, particularly in relation to complex business crises. The 14-strong group is also experienced in the private enforcement of competition law. Litigation and arbitration practice head Gianfranco Lotito (‘proactive, personalised attention and critical thinking') is an expert in disputes concerning share sales, transferable securities and company law, as well as -more generally- construction, infrastructure, and agencies and distribution; while Cristián Conejero Roos is a widely-respected commercial and investment arbitration specialist. Key support is provided by principal associate Andrés Lafuente, who acts in insolvency matters, as well as administrative proceedings before public entities.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gianfranco Lotito

Les références

A dynamic team with personalised attention and constant concern.

Open to looking for new solutions and ideas.

Cuatrecasas’ way of working makes it easy for the client to review cases.

Principaux clients

AFP Provida

Banco Itau

Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado

Eolica Talinay

Liberty Seguros

Semi Chile

Accor Chile

AFP Planvital

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing AFP Provida before the Supreme Court in challenging a Santigo Court of Appeals decision that rejected a motion to declare the illegality of a Transparency Council judgment.
  • Defended Banco Itau against multiple litigation cases brought by third parties, including civil and commercial claims and constitutional motions before Chile’s higher courts.
  • Represented EFE (and its related company, Ferrocarriles del Sur) in court proceedings against Consortium ECISA SICE, a contractor in charge of the restoration and construction of several rail roads.

Dentons Chile

Dentons Chile's ‘proactive' dispute resolution team is routinely mandated for environmental, administrative and corporate law-related litigation. Other areas of notable strength range from insurance recovery, construction and consumer law cases, to debt collection and energy disputes. Among the group’s several advisers, Gonzalo Nieto is a mining disputes specialist; and Pauline Chiffelle is experienced in disputes concerning environmental law, electricity sector claims, and civil, commercial and competition matters. Also key to the group, litigation and antitrust partner Santiago Ried is ‘a very dedicated lawyer'; while the disputes workload of recently-promoted partner Marcelo Alarcón covers infrastructure and energy project-related claims. Within the associate ranks, Fernanda Streeter is highlighted for being ‘concerned with a case’s every detail'.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gonzalo Nieto; Pauline Chiffelle; Santiago Ried; Marcelo Alarcón

Les références

‘The Dentons team compares favourably with the teams of other law firms, in terms of level of expertise, availability and billing transparency.’

Precise work that covers all topics and details – great experience and practical knowledge beyond theory.

Always attentive to the client and proactive.

Principaux clients


Arysta Lifescience Chile



Betchel Chile

Compañía Mineral Nevada (Barrick Gold)

Capilla Lenclos

RMC Engineering Solutions


FAM Latinoamerica

China Railway Tunnel Group

Compañía Minera Zaldivar

Lime chile

Metra Desarrollo Inmobiliario

Brit Insurance

Zelle International

TSK Chile

Atlas Copco

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Arysta Lifescience Chile in its defence to a claim brought by Sofruco for alleged damage caused by the application of a pesticide.
  • Obtained a favourable ruling for Compañía Minera Nevada (as defendant), in a tort liability claim filed by two Chilean citizens seeking compensation for damage to their properties (allegedly arising from the construction of a road).
  • Defended Compañía Minera Zaldívar against three tort liability claims filed by seven Chilean families and eight contractor company workers who sought compensation for a bus accident.

Garrigues Chile

Fielding ‘a team that brings together talent and diversity at the highest level‘, Garrigues Chile‘s recent caseload includes significant corporate and commercial disputes as well as construction and real estate litigation. Other active areas range from consumer protection class actions, insurance claims and antitrust disputes, to tax conflicts and administrative law-related litigation. ‘An excellent litigator and strategic adviser‘, dispute resolution head Monica van der Schraft is highly regarded and maintains a broad litigation practice. Notable growth in the practice group includes the January-2023 promotion of civil and commercial disputes specialist Cristóbal Sarralde to counsel; and the elevation of José Joaquín Verdugo -whose track record takes in mining, construction, energy and corporate law-related disputes- to principal associate. Since publication, van der Schraft has left the firm to be replaced by Karen Werner (formerly at Jana & Gil Dispute Resolution) as disputes’ practice head at the office – effective as of  August 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Karen Werner

Les références

A team that brings together talent and diversity at the highest level.

For companies with a strong commitment to raising ESG standards, having firms that share and promote such values is essential.

Excellent coordination between the different members of the team, who are capable of understanding and resolving complex cases, achieving satisfactory results for clients.

Guerrero Olivos

Guerrero Olivos’ eight-strong disputes practice routinely appears before Chile’s civil and constitutional courts, particularly in relation to construction and real estate litigation, as well as disputes concerning mining, energy, agribusiness, retail, life sciences, and food and beverages. The dispute resolution group is led by Sergio Yávar, an expert in civil claims, commercial disputes and insolvency proceedings; while the broad practice of ‘very good strategistBenjamín Ferrada includes civil and commercial disputes, constitutional matters, tax-related claims and regulatory litigation. Associate-level support is provided by civil and commercial litigation practitioner, Andrés Cuevas; the arbitration focused Agustín Bulnes (a July 2023 hire from Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Ovalle, Salas & Vial); and junior team-member Rosario Díaz, whose caseload includes consumer law-related individual and collective litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sergio Yávar; Benjamín Ferrada

Les références

Very good availability and knowledge of the law.

A team that is very available to its clients and gives quick responses.

Benjamín Ferrada has great technical knowledge in this area, and stands out for his creativity and ability to design unique strategies for specific cases.

Principaux clients

Santiago Metals

Denham Capital

Compañía General de Electricidad

Naturgy Group

Corporación de Fomento de la Producción

Cuprum Resources Chile

Empresas La Polar

Industrial Centec

Arysta Lifescience Chile


Empresas Carozzi

Falabella Inmobiliario


Forestal y Agrícola Yukón

Szturmak family

Walker Arangua family

Federación Chilena De Bridge

Inversiones Alfalfal

OLX Autos

Webclass Learning Management System


Cap Vert Energie

Autofact Chile

Mutual De Seguros De Chile

Farm Melozal

Western Union

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for US-based mining and energy fund Denham Capital and Santiago Metals in a complex contractual dispute involving a copper project.
  • Acted for Compañía General de Electricidad in a civil lawsuit against Enel Generación Chile.
  • Acted for the country’s economic development agency, CORFO, in a dispute before Santiago’s Appeals Court which concerned an education sector-related bidding process conflict.

Larrain y Asociados Abogados

Housing ‘a team of lawyers at the highest level', Larrain y Asociados Abogados is routinely mandated on commercial, civil, bankruptcy, tax and administrative litigation. The nine-member team also acts in disputes brought before Chile’s Consumer Agency, SERNAC, in relation to the energy, water, sanitation and public services sectors. José Pedro Baraona has a strong track record in litigation; Carlos Aravena acts in disputes involving public infrastructure works; and Isabel Palacios -a partner since January 2022- specialises in civil and commercial cases. Tax expert Víctor Manuel Avilés is also a key contentious practitioner. In the associate ranks, seniors César Vásquez and Claudio Torres, along with Macarena Gonzalez, Catalina Cortez, and 2022 hire from Andrade Leiva AbogadosDaniela Baron all maintain litigation-focused practices.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Pedro Baraona; Carlos Aravena; Isabel Palacios

Les références

Professionals, who are studious, proactive, empathetic and clear.

Clear collection and billing system.

A team of lawyers at the highest level.

Principaux clients


Banco Consorcio

Condominio Parque Monasterio

San Sebastian Inmobiliaria

AIM Fútbol

Sociedad Concesionaria Vespucio Norte Express


Sociedad Punta del Cobre

Industrias Vinicas

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Sociedad Punta del Cobre in a constitutional action filed by residents of Tierra Amarilla (a town in northern Chile).
  • Advised Grupo SAESA in judicial proceedings against the National Consumer Service (SERNAC), in relation to supply disruptions.
  • Representing FLSmidth in several lawsuits, including against Transportes y Servicios J&K and Iremin.

Morales & Besa

Notably active on behalf of international clients, Morales & Besa's large commercial and civil litigation practice covers disputes between contractors and infrastructure project owners, as well as class actions filed by final owners against construction companies. Recent mandates further include a tort case for a major bank, along with administrative disputes and civil liability claims. Group head Gonzalo Cordero is an expert in litigation, national and international arbitrations, reorganisations and insolvency; while Juan Ignacio Eymin -who has been director of the judicial group since the beginning of 2022- appears before a range of courts, from first instance tribunals to the Supreme Court. Senior litigation associate Nicolas Corbeaux ​​is experienced in ADR, and civil and commercial procedures.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gonzalo Cordero

Principaux clients

Sociedad Concesionaria Metropolitana de Salud

Banco de Crédito e Inversiones

The Associated Press

Constructora Ingevec

Corporación Interamericana para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura

Cencosud Retail

Corona Corredores de Seguro


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing BCI in two claims which were initiated by the victim of a fraud (committed by a third party).
  • Representing SCMS in a damages claim initiated by a subcontractor for the early termination of an EPC contract for the construction of the Felix Bulnes Hospital.
  • Representing AP in a damages claim made by one of its former star photographers, which could potentially impact the relationship between photographers and news agencies generally, as well as the interpretation of Chile’s IP laws.

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría

The September 2023 departure of practice head Jorge Vial  and fellow partner Ignacio Larraín  to establish their own firm means in conjunction with director of the contentious administrative and regulatory practice Jorge Femenías means the dispute resolution practice at full-service firm Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría is undergoing a period of transition. Capable senior associate Manuela Cross has been raised to practice director and has experience on mandates concerning construction, infrastructure and consumer protection, along with the the energy and entertainment sectors, insurance-related claims, and litigation concerning real estate disputes, and civil and commercial conflicts. She can call on the deep expertise of senior counsel Jaime Irarrázabal; along with the assitance of counsel Guillermo Zavala on both litigation before the ordinary courts and contentious administrative matters. Josefa Larraín was a 2022 departee for Albagli Zaliasnik.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Vial

Les références

The team is very professional and stands out for the quality of service and availability to take on assignments with excellent professionalism.

Principaux clients


Scarlet Star Group

Ibereólica Cabo Leones II

GPG Solar Chile 2017

Forum (BBVA)



Minera Los Pelambres

Municipalidad de Santo Domingo

Prieto Abogados

The ‘top-level team‘ at full-service practice Prieto Abogados consistently acts before Chile’s ordinary courts in energy, construction, real estate and retail-related disputes. Other areas of increasing strength include claims and disputes involving the transportation, mining, agriculture, finance, healthcare and software sectors. The firm also houses public law litigation specialists. The combined litigation and arbitration department is co-led by Fernando Samaniego, who acts primarily in real estate, construction and antitrust litigation; and real estate, construction and energy arbitration expert, Alberto González V. At counsel level, Juan Pablo Riesco assists with claims involving public law, consumer rights, real estate, construction and energy, while Agustín Prado and Cristóbal Ipinza are the associates to note. Since publication, the team has been further strengthened with the hire of white-collar litigator and economic criminal specialist María Jesús Becerra, formerly of Parraguez & Marín – effective as of January 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fernando Samaniego; Alberto González V

Les références

Prieto Abogados stands out for its teamwork, which gives clients full confidence.

Great level of service.

Fluid communication and quality information, along with other soft skills that lead to a good collaborative relationship with clients.

Principaux clients

Engie Energía Chile

Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte


Plaza (Falabella Group)

Delivery Hero (PedidosYa)


Aguas Andinas (Veolia Group)

YPF Chile

Banco Internacional

Metro (Santiago’s Subway)

Cosmo Consult Chile

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Engie Energía Chile, Central Termoeléctrica Andina, Inversiones Hornitos, and Electroandina in their unlawful-conduct claim against GasAtacama Chile.
  • Defending YPF Chile against a torts law liability claim by 1652 artisanal fishermen, further to an oil spill at a plant in Cullen.
  • Defended Metro against a constitutional protection action which requested suspension of extension works to Line 2 of the Santiago Subway due to the alleged risk of collapse.

Ugarte & Correa

Housing ‘a go-to practice for complex cases', boutique law firm Ugarte & Correa has a successful track record in litigation before Chile’s lower courts, Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court, as well as in disputes before the Chilean Antitrust Tribunal and various administrative bodies. Its broad expertise ranges from commercial litigation involving mining, construction, shareholder claims, energy, concessions and infrastructure, to arbitration award enforcements and insolvency. The core team comprises renowned litigation and arbitration practitioner José Joaquín Ugarte; fellow name partner Pablo Correa, who has ‘great case management skills'; and Liat Tapia, a specialist in commercial and investment disputes in the mining, construction and energy sectors. Currently working as a foreign associate in King & Spalding LLP's international arbitration group in New York, senior associate Karl Conrads is expected back at the firm during the second half of 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Joaquín Ugarte; Pablo Correa; Liat Tapia

Les références

A relatively young firm that, in a few years, has established itself as a go-to practice for complex cases.

Stands out for its excellent team, which is detail-oriented, very well trained, and leaves nothing to chance.

Three top-level partners who are directly involved in the day-to-day management of cases, which is not very common in other firms. The associates are also excellent – dedicated and with vast legal knowledge.

Principaux clients



Desarrollos Renovables Latinoamérica

CAP (Empresa Eléctrica San Victor)






Asociación Canal De Las Mercedes

Agroriego Tattersall


Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Albemarle in public law litigation, further to a lawsuit that was submitted by a group of Congresswomen against CORFO, as a result of lithium contracts that were agreed between the Chilean Government (through CORFO) and Soquimich.
  • Acted for Asociación Canal de las Mercedes in a dispute that arose further to the collapse of a tunnel in an aqueduct that irrigates a highly fertile valley in Chile.
  • Acted for Constructora Alturas del Sur in a dispute that arose after the termination of six construction contracts.

Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Ovalle, Salas & Vial

A highly specialised boutique firm that takes on cases and clients very selectively‘, Yrarrázaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Ovalle, Salas & Vial‘s dispute resolution department has experienced marked growth in construction and unfair competition cases. The team also remains consistently active in relation to civil, commercial and financial disputes, contentious administrative claims, and class actions and consumer law matters. Co-leading the group, Gerardo Ovalle is an expert in construction, unfair competition and tort cases; while the ‘very transparent, clear and availableFernando Salas routinely acts in major civil litigation. Also integral to the practice, fellow name partner Anibal Vial handles both contractual and tort claims, while Miguel Dibarrart maintains a similarly active litigation practice. At associate level, Camila Becker is the key name, but Agustín Bulnes left the firm in July 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gerardo Ovalle; Fernando Salas

Les références

A very solid team, with partners and associates at different stages of their personal and working lives, which ensures a healthily diverse mix of points of view and experiences. A team with strong ethical values and business perspectives – pragmatic and realistic in its proposed solutions.

Studious and intelligent people who get highly involved in the issues.

A highly specialised boutique firm that takes on cases and clients very selectively. Good mix between being studious and having a business outlook.

Principaux clients

RMD Kwikform

Burger Grúas

Claro Comunicaciones


Worley Parson


Ab-InBev Chile (Cervecerías Chile)


Agrícola Valles del Sur

At-Pac Doka Chile


Universidad de los Andes

Hoteles Temporent Hotel


David del Curto

Inmobiliaria Bio Bio

Union Comercial Unimesa

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Claro Comunicaciones in a $41m telecoms dispute.
  • Acting for Hotel Temporent in a complex tort case.
  • Acting for RMD Kwikform in an international bankruptcy dispute.

Albagli Zaliasnik

The civil litigation and arbitration group at Albagli Zaliasnik acts for clients from a range of sectors, including retail, insurance, finance, transportation, logistics, energy, real estate, and construction. The 11-strong team additionally litigates disputes involving unfair competition, IP, consumer protection and corporate law, as well as telecoms and technology-related claims. In addition to IP and competition matters, Ariela Agosin's practice covers civil, commercial and regulatory litigation, and founding partner Gabriel Zaliasnik is a renowned criminal litigation specialist. December 2022 saw civil litigation and arbitration expert Francisco Fuentes promoted to director; while at senior associate-level, Josefa Larraín arrived from Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría in August 2022, replacing former senior Carolina Escandón  who departed the firm the same month.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ariela Agosin

Principaux clients


Mutual de Seguridad

National Petroleum Company (ENAP)

Grupo Unacem

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for The National Petroleum Company (ENAP), in relation to its claim over a large plot of land in Maipú (Santiago), which is illegally occupied by a group of about 15 people.
  • Assisted health insurance company Nexus Group with undertaking a series of legal actions against Empresas Masvida (including a forced liquidation).
  • Assisted social security administrator Mutual de Seguridad with filing four debt recovery-related lawsuits.

Alessandri & Compañía Abogados

Alessandri & Compañía Abogados' litigation practice houses experts in civil and commercial disputes involving insurance, construction, technology, capital markets, manufacturing and transport. The team is also well known for its experience in IP disputes, consumer law claims, and defence-side administrative claims brought by the sanitation authorities, sectorial regulators, undersecretariats and other government agencies. Practice head Raúl Montero maintains a broad litigation practice; and is flanked by civil and commercial litigation specialist Patricio Rámila (raised to the partnership in March 2023), and experienced senior associate Luis Fuentes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Raúl Montero

BACS Abogados

Producing ‘excellent work at the highest level‘, BACS Abogados predominantly acts in commercial and contractual litigation, while also handling disputes that arise from professional negligence. The firm is additionally experienced in class actions, as well as cases with potential political sensitivities. The team is co-headed by the ‘truly brilliantEsteban Barra, who acts for major companies from the healthcare, pharma, mining, fishing, and construction industries; and director of the firm’s civil litigation, commercial and construction practices, Francisco Bassi.

Responsables de la pratique:

Esteban Barra; Francisco Bassi

Les références

BACS provides the highest quality services.

Ability to deal with highly complex problems intelligently and efficiently.

A team that knows each other perfectly and achieves results that clients are more than satisfied with.

Principaux clients

Lumina Copper




Banco Itaú

Iberdigest Group


Grupo Bavaria

Pampa Camarones

Viñedos Valle de Casablanca

Principaux dossiers

  • Represents Guillermo Portales and Patricio Silva-Riesco, both directors of Cementerio Metropolitano (CM), in litigation stemming from a series of disagreements between CM partners.
  • Representing Viñedos Valle de Casablanca in a tort suit for damages brought against a law firm (and one of its partners) for professional negligence.
  • Representing Powerteck in a civil claim against InterChile for breach of contract-related damages.

CMS Carey & Allende

CMS Carey & Allende‘s ‘extremely agile‘, six-strong litigation practice handles preventive pre-trial negotiations as well as fully-fledged judicial actions ranging from torts to civil, administrative and commercial lawsuits (including environmental and sanctioning procedures). The team also assists with consumer-protection class actions, bankruptcy proceedings, and shareholder and company-board conflicts; it demonstrates particular sector expertise with regard to mining, energy, retail, finance, telecoms and infrastructure. The dispute resolution department is co-led by Rodrigo Campero, who ‘produces excellent work‘; and civil, commercial and administrative litigator Stephan Luhrmann, who additionally leads the firm’s regulatory litigation and environmental practices. Associate Carla Cortés, who is experienced in contract-related civil liability claims and competition disputes, joined from PAGBAM Schwencke Chile in June 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodrigo Campero; Stephan Lührmann

Les références

‘The office is extremely agile and of excellent professional quality.’

‘Compared to other firms, they have a top-quality service.’

‘The team always keeps clients informed of any movement in cases and answers queries immediately.’

Principaux clients

ATC Sitios de Chile

Universidad San Sebastián

SFA (NFM Group)

Nol-Tec Chile Ingeniería

Agrícola La Maison

Werco Trade

Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro


Hacienda Inmobiliaria

Pronova Consultores


Bob Rental



Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted SFA (NFM Group) with filing negligence-related civil legal actions against a laboratory.
  • Defended Universidad San Sebastián against Inmobiliaria Cummings’ attempt to enforce a land sale contract despite project development conditions not being met.
  • Defended Agrícola Pacífico Sur (and Humberto Fischer Llop) against a claim that they wrongfully diminished the value of Porkland shares, through alleged unlawful capital increase agreements (and other alleged unlawful acts).

Clyde & Co

Clyde & Co was founded in August 2022, further to the merger of Chilean firms Grasty Quintana Majlis (previously already in association with UK-headquartered Clyde & Co) and Halpern Pino. The eight-strong litigation and arbitration team handles corporate disputes, contractual liability, insurance claims, bankruptcy and torts. The ‘unique' team’s principal figures are founding partner and complex disputes specialist, Arturo MajlisJorge Meneses, who fuses his dispute resolution experience with public law expertise; and Marcelo Guerrero, an expert in corporate disputes, civil law conflicts, and bankruptcy proceedings. At senior associate level, Andrés Cabello are both experienced Francisco Jiménez litigators.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Meneses

Les références

Great strategic vision on conflict resolution.

Clarity and order so as to achieve the proposed strategy, and permanent communications.

Compares very favourably with other firms.

Principaux clients

Feller Rate Clasificadora de Riesgo

Laboratorio Maver

Minera Tres Valles

Catalina Parra

Alberto Parra

Renato Traverso


Constructora Bimoli

Orión Seguros Generales

Inversiones Punta Blanca

Equinox Chile

Hendrix Genetics Aquaculture

Verificación e Inversiones Publicitarias


Cisco Systems

Bridgestone Chile

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Feller Rate in relation to the La Polar case, a major accounting fraud that occurred in 2011.
  • Acting for Renato Traverso (and his companies Plásticos Pet and Traverso), in a lawsuit that was filed by Manuel Cuesta (a former partner), in relation to a complex real estate sale.
  • Acting for Catalina Parra and Alberto Parra, both children of the poet Nicanor Parra, in various inheritance-related judicial proceedings.


Delivering ‘exceptional client service', FerradaNehme's complex litigation practice focuses on litigating disputes involving consumer, environmental and telecoms law, along with civil matters, unfair competition and construction-related disputes. Co-leading the seven-strong team, Nicole Nehme is a longstanding competition and regulatory law specialist; Nicolás Ubilla, who is ‘a very complete, detail-oriented adviser', has substantial civil, commercial, and economic litigation expertise; and Marcela Rodríguez's career includes working as a clerk (investigating lawyer) for the Ministers of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. At director level, Pablo Cornejo also assists with civil and commercial litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nicole Nehme; Nicolás Ubilla; Marcela Rodríguez

Les références

Very complete, exceptional client service that is hard to find in other offices.

Very detailed advice.

Nicolás Ubilla is a very complete, detail-oriented adviser, who anticipates all contingencies that may exist in a controversy.

Principaux clients

VTR Comunicaciones

Walmart Chile

Televisión Nacional de Chile

Pasmar Group

WSP Consulting Chile

WSP Chile

American Tower Chile II

Andes Iron

Servicio de Salud de Aysén

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Pasmar Group in a damages lawsuit against Jean Jano Kourou, Inmobiliaria Mall Plaza de Los Ríos, and Inmobiliaria Tres Ríos.
  • Representing TVN in a breach of contract claim against Compañía Chilena de Televisión.
  • Representing Servicio de Salud de Aysén in a civil indemnity lawsuit filed by Besalco, in relation to the development of the Reposición Hospital Cochrane, XI Region project.

Fleischmann & Román Abogados

Boutique firm Fleischmann & Román Abogadosstands out from its peers for its construction industry knowledge'. The 14-strong practice is also well known for projects-related disputes, civil and commercial claims, and litigation involving infrastructure, energy, finance, mining, public works, shareholder issues and bankruptcy. The principal figures are Hernán Fleischmann Chadwick, who has an enviable track record in public works-related contractual disputes between construction companies and the Chilean State; and experienced litigator Paulo Román Reyes (a name partner since 2022). Notable growth includes the December 2022 hire of construction and commercial disputes specialist Orlando Palominos (‘among the best lawyers around') as a partner from Lembeye; former partner Juan Carlos Flores recently departed the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Hernán Fleischmann Chadwick; Paulo Roman Reyes; Orlando Palominos

Les références

Always available and understands the needs of clients.

Quickly gets on board for difficult issues and provides sound advice, particularly in connection with construction contracts and claim management.

Stands out from its peers for its construction industry knowledge and the ability to react quickly to different and demanding requests.

Principaux clients




First Aval

Fondo de inversión Privado MDPR

Grupo SEK

Unión Española



Aulas hospitalarias

Forestal Terrasur

Sucesion Roger Neumann


Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista del Aconcagua

Grupo Jedimar

Blue Express

Isotron Chile

Empresa Eléctrica Caren

Consorcio Cosal-Kalam

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing CODELCO in a dispute, which was commenced by a services provider that is claiming compensation for alleged contractual breaches.
  • Representing Claro Vicuña Valenzuela (further to its appointment by a liquidator and creditors) in a proceeding against the Chilean State to recover damages resulting from the latter’s alleged breach of a construction contract.
  • Representing Grupo SEK in different disputes regarding the legality of permits for the Santa Laura Stadium (home to the Unión Española Soccer Club).

Frías & Lagos Abogados

Frías & Lagos Abogados' ‘technical quality and availability stand out'.  Since the firm’s establishment in 2018 (further to the dissolution of Frias, Lagos Maira & Vial), the dispute resolution practice has represented several major companies in the litigation and arbitration of energy, construction and civil liability disputes. The five-member team is co-led at founding partner level by the ‘strategic, attentive and decisive' disputes expert Nicolas Frías; and litigation, arbitration and ADR specialist José Tomás Lagos, whose litigation experience covers construction, stockholder agreements, mining, torts, and damages claims. In March 2023, former Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos associate José Pedro Villablanca -who acts in commercial, civil, labour and administrative litigation, as well as contractual and non-contractual liability disputes- joined as partner.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nicolás Frías; José Tomás Lagos

Les références

Great human and professional qualities.

What stands out is the promptness of service, which gives clients confidence and peace of mind.

Precise and concise, they get straight to the point – they do not waste time on formalities or topics lacking in content, as they are diligent and proactive.

Principaux clients

Jorge Luis Sampaoli Diaz

Lenergía Chile

Muebles Undurraga

Arturo Forster de la Barra

AVLA Insurance Group

Hemisferio Sur

Laboratorio Clínico Blanco

Vergara Fabres

Arquitectura y Construcción


Inmobiliaria ISA

Pedro Claudio Belmar Inversiones

Municipalidad de Tirúa

TÜV Rheinland

Ascui Murillo

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing the Municipality of Tirúa in a tort claim, which was filed by victims and relatives of victims of a 2017 traffic accident.
  • Represented Lenergía Chile in filing an injunction for the seizure of several electric permits, which were issued by CGE.
  • Represented Jorge Luis Sampaoli (and his assistants, Sebastián Beccacece and Jorge Desio) in a lawsuit against ANFP for breach of contract and torts.

Gandarillas, Montt, Del Río Abogados

Specialist disputes firm Gandarillas, Montt, Del Río Abogados has a significant track record in complex civil and commercial litigation, shareholder claims, construction and engineering disputes, consumer law class actions, and regulatory litigation. The practice’s principal figures are Cristián Gandarillas, who has longstanding experience in civil and commercial litigation (as well as arbitration); regulatory and competition disputes specialist, Paulo Montt; Gabriel del Río, whose workload incorporates criminal and administrative sanctioning litigation; and administrative and constitutional disputes practitioner James Black. At associate level, Manuel de la Prida, Daniela Herrera and Agustín Risco are all active litigators, while Manuel Sotelo and Francisca Sandoval are 2022 hires from Colombara Estrategia Legal and QRF Abogados (Quintana Ried Flores), respectively.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cristián Gandarillas; Paulo Montt; Gabriel del Río

Principaux clients

Banco Itaú

Banco Scotiabank

CTF Tecnología

Nuevos Desarrollos I y II

Primus Capital

Castro y Tagle

Banco Bice

Quipasur- Casas del Valle

Osoji Robotics Corporation


Manuel Ossandón Larraín

Minera Salar Blanco


Aerovías Dap

Knightead Capital

Toesca Asset Management

Empresa Nacional del Petróleo

Empresa Nacional de Minería

Asociación de Futbol Profesional

Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago

Exportadora Quintay

Forestal Arauco


Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Banco Itaú in several breach of contract-related judicial disputes.
  • Assisted Banco Scotiabank with a nullity of obligations-related lawsuit.
  • Acted for CTF Tecnología in a lawsuit and injunctive relief for unilateral termination of a distribution contract with Huawei.

Harasic ǀ Barros

Emerging from the dissolution of Harasic Medina & Dal Pozzo in early 2022, ‘top-level litigation boutique' Harasic ǀ Barros specialises in complex civil, criminal, commercial, constitutional and administrative litigation. The five-member group also provides preventive advice on potential conflicts, and assists with the resolution of disputes at early stages. a well-known senior figure in the disputes field, Davor Harasic is ‘probably the best litigator in the country'; Ivan Harasic is an expert in civil and commercial claims, as well as criminal disputes; and Natalia Barros routinely litigates a broad range of contentious matters, while being increasingly focused on institutional and ad-hoc arbitrations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Davor Harasic; Ivan Harasic; Natalia Barros

Les références

The team is very competent and carries out its work promptly; and the level of involvement of the partners in all aspects, both civil and criminal, marks a difference from other law firms.

Shows commitment during all stages of litigation, always acting proactively and creatively.

Stands out for its availability, involvement and creativity. A top-level litigation boutique.

Letelier Campora

Providing ‘comprehensive advice to clients‘, the litigation practice at boutique firm Letelier Campora (previously known as Loy Letelier Campora) encompasses all stages of litigation, including pre-trial negotiations, trial documentation and preparation, remedies before the Courts of Appeals and Chilean Supreme Court, and enforcement proceedings. The group has been particularly active in construction, commercial and financial services disputes, as well as forestry-related claims over the couorse of the last year. The team is co-led by name partners Francesco Campora and Juan Pablo Letelier, who ‘take care of their clients in an extraordinary way‘. Former associate Rocío Nalda departed to found her own firm in June 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Francesco Campora; Juan Pablo Letelier

Les références

What makes this practice unique is the ability to provide comprehensive advice to clients.

Very aware of the public nature of civil trials and, consequently, they are careful to analyse their arguments, not only in the light of each specific case, but also in the light of the client’s general strategy, bearing in mind other judgments.

The solid legal knowledge of Francesco Campora stands out, especially in civil litigation, and this is particularly noticeable during negotiations.

López Escobar del Río

Specialised litigation boutique López Escobar del Río Leiva is now known as López Escobar del Río, following the May 2023 departure of former name partner Felipe Leiva to establish his own firm. With ‘the ability to address both civil and criminal issues with great agility‘, the practice comprises specialists in criminal, civil, and administrative litigation; and is particularly experienced in disputes involving the commercial and financial sectors – as well as retail, power generation, ports, mining, banking, and infrastructure. All three founding partners are key practitioners: Jorge del Río has over 40 years’ experience in litigation, alternative dispute resolution and arbitration; and both Julián López and José Ignacio Escobarreally stand out‘. Former counsel Soledad Krause departed for an academic position in late 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Del Río; Julián López

Les références

A very good law firm with the ability to address both civil and criminal issues with great agility and thoroughness.

Excellent preparation and professional quality.

Compares favourably with other firms due to its ability to work collaboratively as a team with other law firms.

Principaux clients

Banco de Chile

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Banco de Chile in a proceeding involving a claim for over $900m.

Molina Ríos Abogados

The 14-strong practice at Molina Ríos Abogados stands out for civil and commercial litigation that involves the construction and public-works concession aspects of reservoirs, gas pipelines, railway constructions, and public buildings, as well as disputes concerning airports, wind farms, photovoltaic plants and highways. The team is additionally experienced in insurance-related litigation. Name partner and practice leader Carlos Molina acts in disputes involving civil and commercial law, construction, insurance, projects, and finance; Felipe Correa is a litigation, arbitration and mediation specialist; and Rachid Ruiz has a significant track record in litigation before the ordinary justice courts, as well Chile’s superior courts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carlos Molina

Principaux clients




Vinci Construction Grands Projects


Grupo San José







Consructora Armas


Banco Santander



Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Acciona Construcción in a civil lawsuit for damages, direct costs, and general expenses (arising from the construction and expansion of a hospital in Putaendo).
  • Acting for Grupo San José in a civil lawsuit which concerns the construction of the Ovalle public hospital.
  • Assisting Acciona and Copasa with the pursuit of extra costs and damages from the Health Ministry, further to the construction of a major urban public hospital.

Schenke Brancoli Abogados | SLBZ

The 13-strong group at boutique law firm Schenke Brancoli Abogados | SLBZ is particularly active in civil and commercial litigation, as well as environmental disputes. Founding figures Jorge Schenke, who focuses on litigation and civil, commercial, administrative and constitutional matters; and ‘efficient and well-prepared lawyerRicardo Brancoli, are both former Jara Del Favero & Ried Fabres partners. Nicolás Prado, who acts in civil, commercial, administrative, constitutional, environmental and antitrust disputes, was promoted to the partnership in early 2022; while competition policy and litigation lawyer Enrique Vergara joined from the Competition Court, where he served as President until 2022. Associate Camila Pozo litigates civil, commercial, and administrative matters, but Benjamín Letelier exited the firm in March 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jorge Schenke; Ricardo Brancoli; Nicolás Prado

Les références

‘A team with various specialties that allow it to understand client companies’ requirements comprehensively.’

‘The team is quick to respond and has a reasonable billing and pricing regime.’

‘With respect to other offices, it stands out for the cost, efficiency and quick responses.’

Principaux clients

San Francisco Investment (Sun Dreams)

Del Monte Fresh Produce Chile

Aguas Andinas

T4F Chile




Forestal Russfin

Ecomac (Gestion y Desarrollo)

Pacific Hydro Chile

Menta Chile

José Antonio Echavarri P

Víctor Valverde Palma

Ingeniería y Construcción Ingesal

Camila Michelini Fernández

Rolf Gremler Zeh

Constructora Pucará

Stephanie Asthon

César López


Inmobiliaria KCP


Felipe Letelier

CNA Chile


Arch Comunicaciones Chile

Trends Industriales

Casino de Juegos Valdivia

Casino de Juegos Iquique

Constructora Altius

Rolando Varela

Soprole S

Agrícola y Lechera La Greda

Comercial Cascadas


Cristián Grohnert (Termofrio)


Sergio Díaz (Grupo FIDES)

Jaime Maturana

Günther Goecke

María Eugenia Prieto

Raúl Zilleruelo

Doña Carne

Arlette Adauy

Arauco Inmobiliaria

Lía Gavilán

Olivares de Quepu

Verónica Stein

Inmobiliaria Los Silos III

Luis Hernán González

Agrícola Pacífico Sur

María Paz Calleja

Constructora Altius

Cristian Grohnert

Mónica Henzi


Jaime Díaz

Inversiones KB

Inmobiliaria Agrícola Los Huapes

Consorcio Besalco Arauco

Asociación Nacional de Fútbol Profesional (ANFP)

Federación de Fútbol de Chile

Abbott Laboratories Chile

Laboratorios Recalcine

Engie Energía Chile

The Fruit Link

Eral Chile

Minera Algorta

Luis Meza Videla

Comercial Mahuida

Recondrilling Chile

Austral Berries

Punto Eléctrico (Sociedad Comercial Herratun)

Spacezat Tecnology

Antonio Puntí (Vineyard Punti Ferrer)

Sociedad Productora de Eventos Anden Limitada

Productora de Eventos La Morada del Cajón

Francisca Riesco

Bapa S.A.

La Finca Teno


Cientochenta Grados

Tricapitals International

Cinthia Nallar


Principaux dossiers

  • Defending Arch Comunicaciones Chile against Samsung Chile’s claim for the collection of 146 pending invoices for products allegedly delivered under a distribution contract.
  • Acted for Inmobiliaria Los Silos III in opposing a wetland declaration by Chile’s Environment Ministry.
  • Defended Abbott Laboratories Chile against unfair competition claims brought by M Kaplan Y Cia for deciding to cease providing it with medical cardiac technology products.

Urenda, Rencoret, Orrego y Dörr

Urenda, Rencoret, Orrego y Dörr's litigation practice is notably active in construction disputes that involve proceedings before public authorities, such as the General Comptroller of the Republic and Municipalities. Other areas of strength range from real estate, environmental and mining-related disputes, to claims involving administrative law, procurement issues, competition law, and energy. Department head Juan Carlos Dörr Bulnes is a construction litigation specialist; and fellow name partner Juan Carlos Dörr Zegers is a well-known civil and commercial law practitioner. In a significant boost to the ranks, Juan Pablo Morales, who has experience in both Chile’s ordinary and special courts, was promoted to partner in January 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Carlos Dörr Bulnes; Juan Pablo Morales Barros

Principaux clients




Grupo Marina

Agrícola Valle Nuevo – AGSA

Enel Generación Chile


Aceros AZA

Servicios Alimenticios Hendaya

Inmobiliaria y Constructora Matilde

Inmobiliaria Bulnes

Inmobiliaria E3

BCI Seguros Generales

Thomson Reuters


Cultivos Yadrán

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending SQM against an action for alleged breach of contract brought by a former contractor.
  • Acted for Enel Generación, as plaintiff, in a tort claim filed against the Municipality of Coronel and its mayor.
  • Defended Aceros AZA against a lawsuit for alleged breach of contract brought by a former cargo carrier.

Abogabir Miranda Abogados

The ‘excellent litigation lawyers' at dispute resolution boutique Abogabir Miranda Abogados are specialists in civil and commercial litigation, regulatory and administrative disputes, bankruptcies, corporate conflicts, and shareholder issues. White-collar crime is also an area of strength, as is litigation related to the construction, energy, environmental, and insurance and reinsurance sectors. Name partners Diego Abogabir and Nicolás Miranda are the principal figures, both of whom have significant litigation and arbitration experience; while civil and commercial litigation practitioner Nicolás Vassallo, an October 2022 partner brought in from his own former firm (Apparcel, Uriarte & Vassallo), is ‘a great disputes lawyer'. The team has since been furhter strengthened with the hire of experienced senior associate Maximiliano Silva H, a contentious administrative law specialist who also has knowledge of procedural and white-collar matters, from Jara Del Favero Abogados del Favero in June 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Diego Abogabir; Nicolás Miranda; Nicolás Vassallo

Les références

Demonstrates experience and knowledge in a wide range of litigation.

Vast and meticulous understanding of litigation issues.

Excellent litigation lawyers, who combine quality and flexibility in their fees, seeking alignment of their interests with the client’s.

Principaux clients


Empresas CMPC

DP World

Banco Itaú Corpbanca


Compañía Cervecerías Unidas (CCU Holding)


Noi Hotels

Hanwha Q Cells

Principaux dossiers

  • Defended Besalco against former contractor Ariterra in several damages proceedings.
  • Defending CMPC Tissue (“Softys”) against a commercial dispute filed by Compañía General de Electricidad, in relation to the recalculation of electricity services.
  • Acting for DCS Conglomerate in pursuing a loan granted to Victoria Yáñez.

Abogados MLV

Recently emerging from the now-dissolved Aylwin Mendoza Luksic & Valencia – AMLV, Abogados MLV predominantly litigates in relation to infrastructure and public works contracts (including before arbitration venues), and distinguishing itself through ‘deep knowledge and longstanding experience‘, with the six-member team frequently acting in disputes involving mining issues, mining contractors and public concessions. Jose Manuel Valencia routinely litigates cases concerning the execution of public works contracts, concessions and mining agreements; and director Cristina Santibáñez Boric is an experienced dispute resolution practitioner with knowledge of both arbitration and litigation. At associate level, Nicole Camilli Santiago is a noteworthy infrastructure litigation expert. Former associate Alejandro Merino Capurro moved in house in January 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jose Manuel Valencia; Cristina Santibáñez Boric

Les références

Great professionalism and special attention throughout the process.

Lawyers all down the line, from the partners, through to directors, associates, and the team of assistants and paralegals, are aware of cases, which makes it much easier to share information when preparing a defence strategy.

Compared to other law firms, it is very positive to have a team of professionals who have been working together for a long time and who remained unchanged over time. This greatly facilitates teamwork.

Principaux clients

Ingenieria Civil Vicente

Icafal Ingenieria Y Construccion

Constructora IS

Constructora Melendez

Empresa Constructora Tricam

Sociedad Anonima De Obras Y Servicios Copasa, Agencia En Chile

Sociedad Ingenieria Construccion Y Maquinarias – Sicomaq

Consorcio Copasa-Corsan-Corviam Dos

Constructora Pitagora


Mainstream Renewable Power Chile

Arrigoni Ingenieria Y Construccion

Aldesa Chile

Patio Riesco

Claro, Vicuña, Valenzuela


Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Claro Vicuña Valenzuela in a civil case against the Ministry of Public Works for breach of a construction contract.
  • Acting for Icafal in a lawsuit before the Chilean Treasury for damages and increased costs, in relation to the construction of the Tierra de Campeones Stadium in Iquique.
  • Acted for Tricam in relation to The Ministry of Public Works’ alleged breach of contract, which concerned the improvement and paving of route J-55.

Allende Bascuñán & Cía

Achieving ‘favourable results through the articulation of strong arguments', Allende Bascuñán & Cía's five-strong disputes practice is experienced in contentious matters involving civil and commercial law issues, aviation and administrative law. The team also acts in litigation concerning mining, agriculture and the financial markets; and its track record incorporates appearances in civil and administrative proceedings throughout Chile, as well as appeal and Supreme Court work. The team is led by disputes specialist José Alberto Allende, who is a ‘great strategist', while at senior associate level, Sergio Avilés is ‘a fantastic asset'.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Alberto Allende

Les références

‘Versatility and ability to cover different types of conflicts, regardless of their nature.’

‘Clients always have a very good experience with this firm. It is a cohesive team that understands business and can quickly understand clients’ needs.’

‘Very easy to work with and it achieves favourable results through the articulation of strong arguments.’

Principaux clients

Anglo American

Air Canada

Constructora Ignacio Hurtado

TNT Express

Korean Air

Fedex Express Chile

Copa (Compañía Panameña de Aviación)


Air France


Agrícola Lomas de Maitenes

Ethiopian Airlines


Fundación Las Rosas

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Philips in a lawsuit filed by the National Consumer Corporation of Chile (Conadecus) for the manufacture and sale of defective products between 2008 and 2021.
  • Acting for Air Canada in different claims raised by Honey Group Chile, after its bees were found dead (further to air transportation to Canada).
  • Defended Anglo American against a breach of contract case that was brought by SIM Ingeniería.

Arteaga Gorziglia & Cia Abogados

Displaying ‘a willingness to fight for clients’ interests', Arteaga Gorziglia & Cia Abogados' litigation and dispute resolution practice comprises specialists in energy, urban law and antitrust-related disputes. The litigation practice is led by conflict resolution specialist María Fernanda Brahm who focuses on litigation, regulatory matters and environmental claims. In a boost to the team, Andrés Del Real, who is experienced in civil, commercial and regulatory litigation, as well as constitutional and administrative proceedings, was promoted to director in October 2022; while associate Santiago Portaluppi acts in environmental and constitutional disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

María Fernanda Brahm

Les références

Anticipation, flexibility and brilliance.

Great experience, – always seeks to understand the state of the matter and hash out potential scenarios.

A team that is prepared and always willing to face emergency issues.

Principaux clients

Sociedad Concesionaria Américo Vespucio Oriente

DPP Holding Chile

Constructor Atacama

Generadora Metropolitana

Sembrador Capital de Riesgo

Entav International


Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Sociedad Concesionaria Américo Vespucio Oriente in a matter before the Technical Panel for Concessions and concerning a discrepancy arising with the Ministry of Public Works.
  • Assisting DPP Holding Chile and the Chilean Association of Renewable Energies and Storage with a highly technical matter that involved both electricity and antitrust issues.
  • Acting for Generadora Metropolitana in relation to a trial before the Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia, which was brought by two hydroelectric companies against the National Commission of Energy (with a view to to overruling a regulation concerning liquefied natural gas in the national electricity market).

Cáceres y Cáceres

Fielding ‘lawyers with notable coordination and teamwork skills‘, boutique firm Cáceres y Cáceres focuses on disputes involving construction businesses, real estate investors, family offices, investment funds, and the retail sector. Delivering ‘extremely creative and effective solutions‘, commercial damages and liability specialist Carlos Cáceres Burgos is experienced in breach of contract litigation; and Ziad Manzur is ‘a great connoisseur of the judicial and court system‘. At associate level, Héctor Cáceres Contador acts in commercial contract-related claims, while Cristóbal Jara's broad practice also incorporates disputes work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carlos Cáceres Burgos; Ziad Manzur

Les références

Knowledge, strategy, collaboration and availability.

A group of lawyers with notable coordination and teamwork skills, which makes them very powerful.

Exceptional ability to work in a team and tackle large projects with multiple edges. Strong ability to coordinate with other firms.

Principaux clients

AZVI Chile


Inmobiliaria Agua Pura

Corporación Nacional De Consumidores Usuarios

Trinidad Irarrázaval

Paulina Wilckens

Carolina Varela

Comercializadora Dvn Jeans

Inversiones San Andrés

Vicente Caruz

Inmobiliaria E Inversiones Parque Mallinco

Inmobiliaria Ochoquebradas

Asesoría y Gestión La Higuera

Nayra Ilic Garcia

Perry Hirsch

Telxius Cable Chile

Michel Durand

Inversiones San Joaquín

Dominga Sotomayor

Principaux dossiers

  • Defending Inmobiliaria Agua Pura against a conflict with Bullrock, its real estate project development partner.
  • Representing Asesorías y Gestión La Higuera in the reorganisation proceedings of Swell Capital, which involves filing a claim for breach of the reorganisation agreement.
  • Defending the Irarrázaval and Navarro families against a claim to stop a real estate project that is currently being developed in front of their properties (without the necessary permits and in breach of current regulations).

Cisternas y Compañía Abogados

Always willing to meet clients’ requirements', Cisternas y Compañía Abogados' 10-strong team is highly focused on the prevention and resolution of large-scale disputes. Name partner Gonzalo Cisternas, who ‘stands out for his solid knowledge', is experienced in both complex litigation, and domestic and international arbitration work; and Katherine Hyde is a civil and commercial litigation specialist. Former partner Luis Masferrer and associate Franco Aracena both departed the firm during 2022 to establish their own separate firms.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gonzalo Cisternas; Katherine Hyde

Les références

It is possible to achieve true teamwork with this team – they have initiative, keep the client informed, and propose different solutions that take into account the different edges.

Responds quickly to clients’ requirements – great quality and efficiency.

Reliable, fast and always responds on time.

Principaux clients

ANFP (National Professional Football Association)

Vega Monumental


Corporación Municipal de La Florida

Comercializadora Better Food Chile

Peluquerias Integrales (Palumbo)

Global Media


Universidad de Concepción

Concesionaria de estacionamientos Alonso de Córdova

Municipalidad de Zapallar

Hong-Kong Rengo

Principaux dossiers

  • Provided Corpgroup with conflict prevention assistance in Chile, which derived from a Chapter XI process in the Federal Court of Delaware.
  • Defended ANFP against a forced contract compliance suit, as well as a damages claim for non-contractual civil liability.
  • Defended Cerro Dominador against a breach of contract claim.


CEPD's ‘skilled lawyers' are experts in civil and commercial litigation, who consistently act in disputes involving real estate, land use, construction, investment funds, and family businesses. The six-strong team also assists with shareholder claims. Co-leading the group, name partner Juan Enrique Coeymans is a specialist in civil and commercial litigation, arbitration, and antitrust; while ‘impressive litigator' María José Larraín  -the firm’s first female partner- has a track record that includes complex construction disputes. Experienced associate María José Berger handles civil and commercial litigation, along with ADR matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Enrique Coeymans; María José Larraín

Les références

The firm has a team of skilled lawyers and very good client service.

María José Larraín is an impressive litigator, whose deep knowledge of legal institutions makes her strategies successful.

Principaux clients

Viña Luis Felipe Edwards


Inversiones Conquista

Inmobiliaria Desarrollo Industrial Dos

American Tower Corporation (ATC Sitios de Chile)

Inmobiliaria Illahuapi


Inmobiliaria Triangular

Inmobiliaria Almazara

RTU Arquitectos

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Viña Luis Felipe Edwards in an ownership recovery action.
  • Acting for (a Chilean online bookseller) in consumer protection cases.
  • Acted for Inversiones Conquista in a nullity claim.

Colombara Estrategia Legal

The first legal practice in Latin America to incorporate itself in the "Metaverse", boutique firm Colombara Estrategia Legal was founded by domestic and international  litigation expert Ciro Colombara, further to the 2022 dissolution of Rivadeneira Colombara Zegers (RCZ). The 10-strong team focuses on defence-side civil, commercial and economic litigation, particularly in relation to the sanitation, energy, mining and construction sectors. The group also includes former RCZ complex-litigation director Aldo Díaz (now a partner), who is experienced in civil and commercial disputes, ADR, and administrative litigation; and former RCZ associate Anna Albano, who is the firm’s litigation chief. Former associates Manuel Sotelo and Ana Catalina Lea-Plaza departed the firm during 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Aldo Díaz

Les références

The team stands out for its professionalism in dealing with defence-side issues.

Strong experience in complex cases where, in addition to knowledge, strong management of complex situations is required.

The firm’s relationships with clients is excellent. There is always someone available in the team, either to report case news or answer questions that arise – the experience with this firm is excellent.

Lama Abogados

Specialist dispute resolution and arbitration firm Lama Abogados fields an ‘excellent team that is sharp and very well prepared'. The eight-strong group handles litigation involving engineering, construction, insurance, telecoms, and IT issues. It also assists with procedures before administrative bodies, unfair competition actions, and consumer law and class actions. The practice is led by founding partner and ‘extraordinary litigator', Nicolás Lama, who acts in civil and commercial litigation, along with bankruptcy matters; while at associate level, Joaquín Sánchezhas a promising future'.

Responsables de la pratique:

Nicolás Lama

Les références

Excellent team that is sharp and very well prepared.

The Lama Abogados team has shown proactivity, seriousness and rigorous knowledge of  litigation.

Anticipates the milestones of litigation and how it should be developed based on the case in question.

Principaux clients

OHL Servicios Ingesan – Agencia en Chile

Equitas Management Partner

Inmobiliaria Santander

Supermercados Montserrat

Industrias Campo Lindo

IKA Infraestructura


Costa Austral

GBV Capitales


Abertis Company

UV Latam Chile

Empresas Armas


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing OHL Servicios Ingesan (Agency in Chile) in a lawsuit against the Municipalidad de Chillán (for its failure to pay two invoices).
  • Representing IKA Infraestructura in over 30 fee collection-related civil lawsuits.
  • Representing Costa Austral in its request for the voluntary liquidation of its assets.

Ossandón Abogados

Ossandón Abogados' five-member litigation team ‘understands the civil litigation courts very well'. Best known for engineering, construction and real estate disputes, the practice has extended its expertise to cover medical negligence, transportation disputes, product liability, and consumer protection. Litigation department head Joaquín Montero  is ‘a dedicated and in-depth professional'; and providing additional partner-level support, Eduardo Spichiger 's track record incorporates consumer associations’ collective claims against banks, while Viviana Brito has a niche speciality litigating on behalf of real estate and construction companies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Joaquín Montero; Eduardo Spichiger

Les références

The Ossandón team understands the civil litigation courts very well, which allows them to design very good legal strategies.

Proven abilities in the use of IT, which allows the clients to free themselves from certain lengthy and tedious activities during the preparation and presentation of documentary evidence.

The diligence and knowledge of the firm in construction contracts stands out.

Principaux clients

Salfa Corp



Inmobiliaria Aconcagua

Inmobiliaria Almagro

Inmobiliaria PY

Inmobiliaria Fundamenta

Constructora Novatec

Latam Airlines

Salinas y Fabres


Banco Estado



Emo Trans Chile

Principaux dossiers

  • Defended Socovesa against Arauco Health Service, which claimed compensation for delays to the construction of a hospital in the city of Cañete.
  • Defended Socovesa Sur against 58 plaintiffs who claimed the payment of compensation for the alleged existence of defects in their homes.
  • Defended Constructora Novatec (Salfa Corp Group) against various lawsuits to obtain the repair of construction problems in owners’ apartments.

Parraguez Marín & del Río

Specialised in the resolution of legal disputes, Parraguez & Marín's acts at all stages of legal cases, its assistance covering strategic analysis, negotiations, conflict prevention, mediation, and litigation before Chile’s courts; the 10-strong team is especially active in mining, construction, transportation and media-related cases. At name-partner level, Gustavo Parraguez routinely litigates financial, commercial, and energy and natural resources disputes; Francisco del Río's broad practice includes corporate and construction claims; and Rodrigo Marín and José Monrroy are highlighted as ‘dedicated to their cases'. At associate level, Javiera Mena's practice encompasses administrative litigation, consumer law and public procurement. Former associates Josefina Trujillo and Alberto Rodríguez left to establish their own respective firms.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gustavo Parraguez; Francisco del Río; Rodrigo Marín

Les références

A proactive, responsible and professional firm, which carefully studies each topic that clients entrust to it.

Proactivity and professionalism.

Actively collaborates with clients, advising preventively to avoid contingencies; and, in case they occur, they deliver excellent results.

Principaux clients

BHP Billiton


Principal (Principal Financial Group)

AFP Cuprum

Red Televisiva Megavisión

Antofagasta Minerals


Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia

Compañía de Servicios industriales


Sociedad Agrícola Norte Chico

FAM América Latina Maquinaria

Transporte de Combustible de Chile

Ameco Chile


Cámara Nacional de Comercio

Compañía de Servicios Industriales

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Falabella in a civil liability suit for alleged pre-contractual liability, in relation to the award of a cybersecurity contract that was frustrated due to Covid-19.
  • Representing Camila Valentini in her civil liability damages suit against an urban transportation bus driver and a transportation concessionaire, further to an accident in which she lost her arm.
  • Represented Antofagasta Railway Company in a damages claim brought by an individual, who claims to have suffered lead contamination when he lived in the vicinity of the railroad’s facilities as a child.

Abdala y Cia

Abdala y Cia's litigation department covers disputes involving state-owned companies, casinos, telecoms players, commercial malls, and construction. The eight-strong department is led by Michele Daroch Sagredo, an expert in complex civil banking and financial law-related litigation before both the civil courts and administrative entities; José Ignacio Arteaga Manieu is the firm’s employment litigation leader; and the broad practice of founder and managing partner Ricardo Abdala Hirane also incorporates disputes work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Michele Daroch Sagredo

Principaux clients

Sun Dreams

Chillan Casino Resort

Ovalle Casino Resort

Ufinet Chile Networks


R&Q Ingenieria



Banco de la Nación Argentina

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Sun Dreams in a $70m case, which sought to nullify an administrative decision to approve modifications to a casino project in Pucón.
  • Represented Ovalle Casino Resort in a series of legal actions deployed to support a Municipality of Ovalle action intended to prevent the illegal availability of slot machines in the city of Ovalle which were causing significant losses to Ovalle Casino’s activity.
  • Acted for Banco de la Nación Argentina in a reorganisation procdure involving Aceros Chile.

Aguad Bañados Izquierdo Abogados (ABI Abogados)

Obtaining ‘very favourable results‘, Aguad Bañados Izquierdo Abogados (ABI Abogados)' conflict resolution practice is consistently mandated to litigate civil and commercial disputes involving finance, mining, energy, services, construction and real estate. The firm’s disputes expertise also covers the hotel, tourism, retail and technology sectors. Litigation group director Francisco Bañados G assists with civil, commercial, bankruptcy and criminal matters; Alejandra Aguad D is a civil litigation expert; and Eduardo Izquierdo B is the firm’s labour practice group director. Senior associate-level support is provided by José Joaquín Meza Maggi.

Responsables de la pratique:

Francisco Bañados G; Alejandra Aguad D; Eduardo Izquierdo B

Les références

A strong point is the trust generated in clients, both with respect to legal and procedural knowledge, as well as its sense of responsibility during the procedures.

Definitely stands out from other firms.

Great speed of response, legal knowledge and responsibility.

Principaux clients

Tanner Servicios Financieros

Tanner Leasing

Maestra Group

AVLA Compañía de Créditos y Seguros (and related companies)

Servicios Financieros Factor Plus

Proinvest Promotora de Inversiones

Parque Zoológico BuinZoo

Mecalux Chile


Recent highlights for the four-member dispute resolution department at ECIJA Otero include representing Microsoft Chile in several defence-side legal actions. The team is led by Rodrigo Nelson, who has longstanding experience in litigation, arbitration and bankruptcy proceedings (both at national and international level). Nelson’s track record includes complex disputes involving construction, corporate conflicts, mining, insurance and damages claims. Providing associate-level support, Jaime Silva Bruce is experienced in civil, labour and criminal law-related disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodrigo Nelson

Les références

‘The team that is always innovating and transmits confidence and security during each step of the process.’

Principaux clients

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Chile

Ricoh Chile

Business Software Alliance

Viajes El Corte Inglés

Isotron Chile (Grupo Isastur)

Grupo Herce

Rissetto Family


Mateco Chile

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Microsoft Chile in claims concerning consumer issues.
  • Acting for Ricoh Chile in administrative litigation initiated by the National Customs Service of Chile.
  • Defending Ricoh Chile against legal actions involving civil actions, administrative law matters, and labour and bankruptcy proceedings.

Garnham Abogados

With ‘great knowledge of procedural law', Garnham Abogados' litigation department predominantly focuses on civil and commercial conflicts (before both ordinary courts and arbitration tribunals), along with bankruptcy-related litigation. The four-member group is routinely active in disputes related to the healthcare, mining, construction and electrical-services' sectors. Litigation and arbitration group head Simón Zañartu is an expert in civil, commercial and administrative litigation, while Ignacio Saavedra provides senior associate-level support.

Responsables de la pratique:

Simón Zañartu

Les références

Great knowledge of procedural law, which allows the firm to propose more creative ideas.

Efficiency and creativity – always available and up to date with topics.

Principaux clients

Asociación Nacional de Futbol Profesional

Sociedad Austral de Electricidad and subsidiaries

Salfacorp and subsidiaries

Sánchez Cano

Hyundai Doosan Infracore Chile

Statkraft Eólico


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Empresa Eléctrica La Frontera in a civil lawsuit for fire-related damages.
  • Acted for Asociación Nacional de Fútbol Profesional in a procedure against the General Treasury of the Republic, which concerned alleged improper charges.
  • Represented Sociedad Austral de Transmisión Troncal in a civil lawsuit for liability damages, further to a delay in an electricity sector-related construction matter.


Lembeye‘s dispute resolution (arbitration and litigation) and criminal law department is led by Daniel Praetorius, a January 2020 partner-hire from Bofill Escobar Silva Abogados who undertakes both civil and criminal litigation, as well as defence in administrative sanctioning proceedings. Completed by  associate Lukas Hudson, the niche, two-member team is particularly active in disputes involving construction contracts and energy projects.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Praetorius

Principaux clients

Condominio P1-Marbella


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Inversiones y Asesorias en Telecomunicaciones e Informática in three executory proceedings initiated by the Interamerican Investment Corporation.
  • Acting for Itelecom in a trial initiated by the City Council of Iquique for alleged breach of contract.
  • Defending Itelecom against an executory claim filed by Trilinc which argues that the company breached its duty to pay a debt into a specific bank account.

PAGBAM Schwencke Chile

PAGBAM Schwencke Chile routinely acts for large companies in major disputes. The department has been particularly active, recently, on behalf of  state copper-company CODELCO in litigation against former contractor companies. The broad practice of name partner Juan Pablo Schwencke encompasses international litigation; however, former counsel and public law and litigation department head Gustavo Delgado left the firm in July 2022 to undertake an LLM in Paris.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Pablo Schwencke

Principaux clients


Kantar IBOPE Media

Empresa Nacional de Energia Enex

Viveros Richter Chile

Moeckel & Weil

GroupM Chile (WPP Group)

Lucy Cominetti

Felipe Fernández

Brian Urrutia

Karina Araya

Constructora Santolaya

Inmobiliaria Trinitarias

Inmobiliaria Sanzio

Inmobiliaria Altos de Reñaca

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing CODELCO in litigation against INDAK, a former vendor that is demanding compensation for contractual breaches.
  • Representing CODELCO in litigation against DIIT, a former vendor that is demanding compensation for contractual breaches.
  • Defending Moeckel & Weil against Revestimientos Sintéticos’ unfair competition claim.

Pumpin, Dorfman, Nasser, Diaz (PDND)

The eight-member litigation team at Pumpin, Dorfman, Nasser, Diaz (PDND) focuses on civil, commercial and labour-related litigation, as well as administrative proceedings before the Financial Market Commission, the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile, and other regulatory bodies. The practice is jointly led by name-partners Marcelo Nasser - a specialist in insurance, consumer protection, and civil and commercial law; Mauricio Dorfman, who ‘knows what needs to be done'; land and maritime transport expert Gabriel Pumpin; and Ignacio Díaz, who handles contentious consumer protection, commercial, transport and insurance issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mauricio Dorfman; Ignacio Díaz; Marcelo Nasser; Gabriel Pumpin

Les références

‘Great experience – a team that knows what to do.’

‘Quick and effective solutions.’

‘Excellent ability to resolve conflicts.’

QRF Abogados (Quintana Ried Flores)

Launched in 2019, QRF Abogados (Quintana Ried Flores) houses specialists in litigation, ADR, and white-collar crime. The ‘excellent' 12-strong team is co-led by the firm's trio of name-partners: former Bofill Mir & Álvarez Jana (BMAJ) partner Rodrigo Quintana, and Ignacio Ried and Camila Flores (both previously senior associates at BMAJ). Quintana is also a former political and legislative adviser to Chile’s Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ried routinely acts in major criminal and civil cases; and Flores is particularly experienced in contractual liability lawsuits.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodrigo Quintana; Ignacio Ried; Camila Flores

Les références

A very good work team that is serious and competent.

Excellent team, highly dedicated to clients’ needs, and with short response times and efficient use of resources.

Friendly and extremely professional attention.

Reymond Abogados

One of the greats in the country‘, Reymond Abogados fields experienced trial lawyers who routinely act in complex civil conflicts. Established in 2019, the firm’s expertise encompasses nullity trials, lease contract terms, medical negligence, and contractual liability, breaches and damages. The key names at founding-partner level are former Reymond & Cía partners Alfonso Reymond Villegas , (‘a benchmark for litigation and conflict resolution‘), and project-related disputes expert Alfonso Reymond Larraín; and Bernardo Rosenberg Pérez, whose track record encompasses litigation before both first instance courts, the Courts of Appeals and Chile’s Supreme Court. Experienced associate Josefa del Pilar Barrientos also assists with the resolution of corporate conflicts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alfonso Reymond Villegas; Bernardo Rosenberg Pérez; Alfonso Reymond Larraín

Les références

A mix of young lawyers with leadership skills, knowledge and autonomy. Lawyers with great experience and a lot of knowledge – this firm compares equally to the highly regarded law firms in the country.

Always up to date with the latest developments in the legal system.

One of the greats in the country – dedication to work, honesty when facing clients, and intelligent and competent lawyers for each assignment.

Principaux clients

Euro Construcción del Grupo Eurocorp

Outlet Medina

Joaquín Astaburuaga Ossa

Vitacura Brokers

Coruro Drilling

Lenin Guardia

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for Vitacura Brokers in relation to the collection of fees.
  • Represented Joaquín Astaburuaga Ossa in his claim for joint and several liability, further to a climbing accident.