Firms To Watch: Compliance and data privacy

The young compliance practice at Santamarina y Steta handles anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, ethics, data privacy and antitrust compliance matters; associate Ivan Szymanski is the key contact. Since publication, Szymanski has moved to Vázquez Tercero & Zepeda - effective as of December 2023.
The practice at Holland & Knight was substantially strengthened, recently, with the hire of Humberto Morales-Barron, formerly the practice head at Sánchez Devanny; he arrived -in April 2023- as part of a larger group which also included Oscar Quiroz and experienced senior associate Alberto Lascurain.

Compliance and data privacy in Mexico

Bello, Gallardo, Bonequi y García, S.C.

The ‘multidisciplinary’ practice at Bello, Gallardo, Bonequi y García, S.C. is among the market leaders in the compliance space, and offers counsel on anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, data protection and general regulatory matters. Members of the ‘gender-diverse’ team are roundly praised for being ‘well-prepared’, ‘punctual, adaptable and attentive’, and having an ‘excellent professional manner’. Clients predominantly belong to the banking, finance and fintech sectors. At the helm of the practice are founding partner Miguel Gallardo Guerra, who has ‘broad experience’ in AML and fintech matters; data protection specialist Héctor Guzmán Rodríguez; and Javier Pérez Moreno, who was promoted to the partnership in February 2022 and advises companies in the fintech, banking, insurance, and health sectors on AML compliance. Like Moreno, senior associate Alejandra Lobato is certified as an AML expert by the National Banking and Securities Commission (NBSC); she leads on AML audits.

Responsables de la pratique:

Miguel Gallardo Guerra; Héctor Guzmán Rodríguez; Javier Pérez Moreno

Les références

Spectacular, punctual follow-up. The team is available 24/7.

Strong on diversity; at all stages we see male and female lawyers equally involved.

The team is multidisciplinary and very open to listening and solving the specific needs of the client. They are willing to negotiate, and are very flexible with delivery times, among other things.

Principaux clients


Alternativa Financiera Prosesa

Amicorp México


Banco Santander

Banco Mercantil del Norte

Bloom Emprendedores

Braskem México Proyectos

Capital Vertical Promotora Empresarial

Crecer Solución Inmediata

Credit Suisse

Credisocial México

Credit Suisse

Crédito Especializado Stándar

Daimler Financial Services

Deutsche Bank México (Institución de Banca Múltiple)

Deutsche Securities


Engenium Capital




Grupo Capital Vertical

Impulso Crediticio Empresarial

Mercado Libre

Morgan Stanley México (Casa de Bolsa)

Multi-Apoyos de Capital

Mutua Altiplano

Palace Resorts Capital


Servicios Liquick

Structura Capital Management

Vinta Capital

Vision F México

Evo Payments

Banco Multiva

Volkswagen Leasing


Nu Bank



HDF Energy

Medius Collection

Merceron Capital Limited

Rianta Capital Zurich

World Quest Holdings

Federación Mexicana de Fútbol

Apoyo a tu Economía



Banco Azteca


Satoshi Portal





DiDi Global



Arca Continental

Principaux dossiers

  • Provided Blackrock with ongoing compliance counsel related to 43 funds.
  • Advised Deutsche Bank Mexico on regulatory matters during its sale process, including the preparation and implementation of anti-money laundering provisions.
  • Provided ongoing legal advice to Mercado Libre in connection with an authorisation to become a fintech entity.

Jones Day

The team at Jones Day displays strong ‘attention to detail, availability and subject knowledge’ on the gamut of compliance matters, namely AML and anti-corruption, fraud prevention, cybersecurity and data protection, the design of compliance programmes and internal investigations. Recent work highlights include advising Oplay Digital Services, a SOFOM, on its fintech activities in Mexico, and verifying compliance with local regulations; and assisting the identity verification software operator Veriff with KYC requirements in Mexico and Latin America. Of counsel and practice head Guillermo E Larrea leads on compliance, anticorruption and AML mandates, and has particular expertise regarding digital compliance; he is also the current vice-president of the Compliance Managers Commission of the Mexico Chapter of the ICC. Associate Juan Carlos Quinzaños supports Larrea on key cases and has particular knowledge of cybercrime matters. Since publication, Larrea has been promoted to partner – effective as of Janauray 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Guillermo E Larrea

Les références

Knowledgeable about the regulations surrounding audits; they have the ability to thrive in a digital environment and to deal with clients from other countries, in other languages and time zones.

Attention to detail, language skills, availability and subject knowledge.

The compliance team is top notch and one you can fully trust when you need timely, business savvy advice.

Principaux clients

Daikin Industries

Grupo Proeza

Eaton Corporation

Oplay Digital Services

Veriff OÜ



Goldcorp (Newmont)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Daikin on the update and revision of its compliance policies, including anticorruption measures.
  • Assisted Grupo Proeza with an anticorruption, AML, cybersecurity and personal data protection programme for its operations in 24 cities across North and South America and Asia.
  • Assisted Eaton Corporation with an investigation related to invoices.

Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC

Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC continues to provide tier-leading counsel in the compliance space, with particular skill in anti-corruption matters. In addition, the practice’s expertise encompasses national and cross-border investigations, preventive advice, and criminal and civil litigation. A number of its attorneys are dual-qualified to practice law in both Mexico and New York, affording the bench a strong advantage in cross-border cases involving the United States. Team leader Diego Sierra is a standout leader in anticorruption matters; as well as remaining active on the firm’s most high-profile recent cases (such as TelevisaUnivision), he chairs the Anti-Corruption Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce Mexico. Partners Raymundo Soberanis and Pablo Fautsch undertake internal investigations, arbitration and litigation; while Enrique Riquelme - who was promoted to of counsel in January 2023 - is experienced in white-collar investigations and alternative dispute resolution methods. Since publication, the firm has further strengthened the practice with the hire of Ricardo Cacho - a former director general of procedural control at the Ministry of Finance (SHCP) - as counsel, effective March 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Diego Sierra

Les références

They were among the first to establish a compliance practice in Mexico and are among the best at it. Several U.S. companies use this firm to assist with internal investigations related to Mexico, as well as other aspects of Mexican law. Diego Sierra’s leadership and unmatched integrity sets him apart from the rest of the lawyers in Mexico. His ability to understand complex problems and solve them in the simplest of ways is remarkable.

Responsive, dedicated, knowledgeable.

Very responsive; very professional.  This firm works well with lawyers from the United States and does a good job of explaining the Mexican legal system.

Principaux clients

Woodside Energy (previously known as BHP Billiton)

Grupo Modelo


Televisa Univision

Principaux dossiers

  • Providing ongoing day-to-day guidance to Woodside Energy on its Mexican operations to ensure compliance with anticorruption regulations.
  • Advised Cervecería Modelo on AML matters.
  • Assisted Covestro with the optimisation of its crime prevention programme by detecting and identifying potential risks.

Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C.

The ‘experienced’ team at Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C. focuses its efforts on providing counsel regarding anticorruption and investigations, designing and implementing corporate compliance programmes, and preventing criminal corporate liability for clients. It is regularly instructed by multinationals from a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, energy, automotive and IT. Practice head Leonel Pereznieto is highly experienced at conducting compliance investigations, and is recognised for his ‘technical skill and good communication with clients’. ‘Experienced and skilled’ senior associate Santiago Acosta provides clients with preventative compliance counsel and assists on investigations; associate Ana Olivares, in turn, assists with the design of corporate compliance programmes. Following the September 2022 departure of counsel Eduardo Apáez, the practice was strengthened by the arrival of senior associate Iván Saavedra in January 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Leonel Pereznieto

Les références

Creel boasts a well-established and highly experienced investigations and compliance team. They have a detailed knowledge of the local regulatory and operating environment but equally understand the interplay with international structures and institutions, making them particularly adept in cross-border, complex matters.

Leonel Pereznieto is a technically gifted partner with very good communication skills with clients.

Leonel Pereznieto is our go-to person at Creel. He is very practical and always involved on the main issues.

Principaux clients

Landec Corporation


Constellations Brands


Daiwa House Industry

Nucor Corporation


Black Creek Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Landec with a compliance issue reported to US regulators at its Yucatan Foods production facility.
  • Advised Hitachi Astemo on testing and inspections and the implementation of a special reporting system.
  • Advised Nabiax on its compliance obligations in Mexico and Latin America and optimised its internal compliance programme.

Galicia Abogados S.C.

Galicia Abogados S.C. offers clients ‘clear, timely and precise’ guidance on both day-to-day compliance matters (such as the design of corporate compliance policies), and transactional compliance services. As part of the firm’s regulatory practice group, the team cooperates closely with other partners whose expertise spans an array of sectors, namely banking, telecoms, pharmaceutical and transportation. The practice is headed up by an experienced trio: Carlos Chávez specialises in advising railroad, energy, and telecoms corporations on compliance matters; Christian Lippert has a background in M&A and compliance investigations; and Juan Carlos Burgos handles the design and implementation of internal compliance policies for local and multinational corporations. Counsel Gerardo Rodríguez focuses on competition and antitrust matters; while associate Marianela Romero supports on the design of internal compliance and training programmes. Associate Maite Celorio M is another name to note in the competition compliance space.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carlos Chávez; Christian Lippert H.; Juan Carlos Burgos

Les références

Clear, timely and precise advice.

High-quality lawyers that respond to the needs of the client.

The knowledge of compliance and data privacy held by Galicia Abogados’ team is excellent, extensive and they are always constantly updated in order to provide their clients with the best opinions on any given matter.

Principaux clients


BestDay Travel Group

Grupo Mexico (Ferromex-Ferrosur)

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Univision on the transaction agreement by which Televisa’s content and media assets were combined with those of Univision.
  • Assisted Grupo México with an investigation carried out by the Mexican Economic Competition Commission regarding rail freight transportation of chemical products in the south of Veracruz state.
  • Acted as compliance advisors to EGI Intermediate regarding its acquisition of Econolite Group.

OCA Law Firm

OCA Law Firm is a specialist seven-strong boutique that cover the gamut of compliance matters including tax compliance, anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, genera compliance and training, transnational and internal investigations, consumer and criminal litigation, corporate governance and whistleblowing. A renowned figure in the compliance arena, Luis F Ortiz (who is also known for his solid tax expertise), spearheads the team which also includes four experienced and sector-specialised off counsel. On the white-collar front, the practice maintains a partnership with APM Abogados (which opened its doors back in 2018), a criminal defence boutique led by Arturo Palafox. Both firms have been jointly retained to perform risk assessments focused on financial matters and potential tax fraud allegations.

Principaux dossiers

White & Case S.C.

White & Case S.C.'s compliance practice is lauded by clients for the ‘exceptional quality’ of its counsel on regulatory compliance and anti-money laundering matters. In addition, it offers litigation and guidance on investigations to an array of major local and international financial institutions, routinely advising on complex cross-border matters. Longstanding clients include Morgan Stanley and domestic FMCG giant, Oxxo. María Teresa Fernández Labardini co-heads the practice and is an authority on regulatory, anti-corruption, fintech and corporate matters; she demonstrates ‘experience, skill and attention to detail’. Co-leading the team alongside her are: Juan Antonio Martín, who provides specialist fintech and payment systems' experience; and Enrique Espejel, who specialises in white-collar investigations and litigation. The expertise of Andrés Mosqueira and Carlos Mainero lies in financial regulatory guidance. Rebeca García López focuses on the financial sector, and was promoted to local partner in January 2023. The practice has also demonstrates strong growth, with the recent hires of ‘team player’ and partner, Eduardo Flores Herrera; and of counsel Eduardo Apáez - in July and September 2022, respectively - from Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C..

Les références

The team is a benchmark for the sector; its knowledge, monitoring of projects and final deliveries are always of exceptional quality.

Eduardo Flores and Eduardo Apáez listen to the needs of the client, contributing their extensive knowledge of the Mexican financial sector to find the best solutions for projects.

Deep technical knowledge and experience in understanding issues with an unparalleled holistic approach.

Principaux clients




Morgan Stanley

Meta Platforms

Sura Asset Management Mexico



Vanguard Group

CI Banco







Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Citigroup on the potential sale of its consumer, small and middle-market banking businesses in Mexico.
  • Advised Visa on regulatory compliance issues in connection with payment services, outsourcing and other activities carried out by its Mexico-based operations.
  • Advised PayPal on its regulatory, AML and compliance matters regarding its operations in Mexico.

Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C.

Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C.’s practice advises on compliance and anticorruption strategies, as well as conducting internal investigations and training on behalf of local and multinational companies from a range of industries - including manufacturing, pharmaceutical, logistics and transportation. Four partners co-lead the practice: Gilberto Valle is an experienced litigator with additional experience in anticorruption audits; Francisco Tiburcio is a specialist in white-collar crime matters; and Alejandro Catalá and José Massas complete the senior team. Associate Erick Gustavo Soto Ceballos supports from the Querétaro office and is active on investigations and litigation. Counsel Rodolfo Barreda and partner Jorge Medina left the practice in November and December 2022 respectively.

Responsables de la pratique:

Francisco Tiburcio; Alejandro Catalá; José Massas; Gilberto Valle

Les références

The partners and associates display deep technical knowledge, which allows them to solve highly complex and specialized issues. They are distinguished by their excellent customer service and availability to address issues and follow up on them.

Francisco Tiburcio has outstanding knowledge in his area of practice; his ability to solve problems makes him a benchmark figure at the national level. His vision sets him apart from other lawyers from firms of a similar calibre.

Chávez Vargas Abogados

The team at Chávez Vargas Minutti Abogados offers clients guidance on legal and regulatory compliance, process mapping, risk management and antibribery training. Highlighted as being ‘adaptable’ and ‘client-focused’, it is particular strong at advising institutional investors in Mexico (such as AFORES), many of whom look to the firm for compliance counsel. Recent work highlights include acting as independent compliance officer for public and private trusts such as AYLLUPI, LOCK3PI and OAKPI; and advising 414 Capital on ethics and transparency best practices. The practice is led by partners Jose Antonio Chavez Vargas and Brian Minutti Aguirre, boh of whom are experienced in financial transactions. Associate Vanessa Cruz serves as an independent compliance officer in public and private trusts and brings additional expertise regarding public securities' offerings to the table.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Antonio Chávez; Brian Minutti

Les références

Knowledge of our industry and its key players.

Excellent ethics and clarity; client-focused.

Empathy, legal knowledge, customer service, adaptability.

Principaux clients










FCI Administradora

Consultora 414 / 414 Capital

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted as Independent Compliance Officer for Retirement Savings Systems (Sistemas de Ahorro para el Retiro), having been appointed to this role by twelve public and private trusts.
  • Advised 414 Capital on ethics and transparency best practice, as well as acting as independent Chief Compliance Officer for the company.
  • Assisted FCI Administradora with a review of internal integrity policies and ethics codes.


The practice group at Pérez-Llorca handles all aspects of labour compliance, AML and antibribery matters, offering support with baseline analysis, prevention and corrective strategies, national and international investigations, and litigation. Its diverse client base operates in the comms, energy, transportation, tech and hospitality sectors. Two partners co-lead the team: Luis Mancera De Arrigunaga, who specialises in anticorruption, AML and tax-compliance; and Luis Enrique Cervantes Estevez, who leads on investigations. Juan Carlos Peraza, who is experienced at implementing compliance programmes provides further partner level input. However, at associate level, Victor Nakakawa Trejo left the firm in May 2023, as did former senior María Paula Boustani who moved in house the following month. In a major development, Since publication, Peraza has also left the firm (February 2024); and, in a major development, the firm has announced an agreement to merge into Spain's Pérez-Llorca, effective as of April 2024.

Les références

Prompt responses and regular follow-ups with client.

Greenberg Traurig, S.C.

The practice at Greenberg Traurig, S.C. handles anticorruption, AML, regulatory and antifraud-related matters, and assists companies from varied backgrounds such as aviation, oil and gas, food and drink, manufacturing, pharma and telecommunications. The firm’s global presence in the United States, Europe and Asia affords it a large professional network and international expertise. Practice co-head Victor Manuel Frías advises on corporate governance and internal investigations; alongside him, Pedro Reséndez carries out internal investigations and directs the design and implementation of compliance programmes. Associate Hector D. Sanchez Fernandez specialises in regulatory and compliance matters relating to energy, consumer protection, gaming and advertising. Since publication, Hector D Sanchez Fernandez left the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Victor Manuel Frías; Pedro Reséndez

Les références

An outstanding group of lawyers with expertise in different areas, which allows for a multidisciplinary approach to the issues presented to them. The strength of its members allows for effective preventative work and appropriate solutions for its clients.

Excellent relationship with INAI and the Mexican Cybercrime authority.

Business acumen and extremely straight forward approach to issues, sharp responses on a minimal timeframe and practical legal advice.

Principaux clients


Hogan Lovells

Acting for clients from a range of sectors - including manufacturing, construction, healthcare and energy - the compliance practice at Hogan Lovells advises on corporate compliance policies (and ensuring their alignment with Mexico’s National Anticorruption System regulations), conducts internal investigations, and provides compliance-regulations training sessions. Key contacts include Carlos Miranda, who undertakes anti-corruption compliance due diligence and is experienced in corporate, M&A, insurance, infrastructure and energy law; and corporate and finance expert Juan Francisco Torres Landa, who has advised national and multinational companies on matters of compliance, white-collar crime and investigations. Veteran disputes and anti-corruption practitioner Luis Enrique Graham and corporate law-focused Federico de Noriega Olea provide additional depth to the bench’s skillset.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juan Francisco Torres Landa; Carlos Ramos Miranda; Luis Enrique Graham; Federico de Noriega Olea

Les références

Immediate attention and deep knowledge of the industry.

Sound research methodology, knowledge and mastery of the issues.

LEC, Litigio Estratégico y Compliance, S.C.

The ‘uniquely client-focused team’ at dynamic boutique LEC, Litigio Estratégico y Compliance, S.C. is a strong choice for compliance matters. It sets itself apart for its ‘experience, dedication, skill and objectivity’ in handling forensic investigations and providing counsel on anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and corruption and data protection; and as a result, is routinely instructed by multinationals - particularly from the energy, real estate, luxury goods and finance sectors. Founding partner Daniela Ortega Sosa has extensive experience in finance and the management of regulatory risks; Luis Dantón Martínez Corres specialises in anticorruption and investigations, and advises on litigation strategies; José Antonio Coto García advises financial institutions, fintechs and corporations on anti-bribery and corruption, and obtained a new AML certificate issued by the Financial Intelligence Unit in 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luis Dantón Martínez Corres; Daniela Ortega Sosa; José Antonio García

Les références

It is a uniquely client-focused team; they demonstrate real empathy and commitment to the needs of their customers.

They are distinguished by their experience, commitment, ability and objectivity.

Available, experienced, open, analytical, proactive.

Principaux clients

Microsoft Mexico

Christian Dior Couture and Christian Dior

Saavi Energía

Fondo de Capitalización e Inversión del Sector Rural (FOCIR)

BayWa r.e. Desarrollos Solares

Asociación Mexicana de Capital Privado (Amexcap)

Consejo Mexicano de Finanzas Sustentables (CMFS)

Marine Finance



Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Christian Dior Couture on its AML compliance program, including improvements to its KYC internal controls and training to its staff.
  • Advised Saavi Energía on the strengthening of its compliance programme following a $2.2bn investment made by Global Infrastructure Partners.
  • Advised BayWa r.e. on compliance and anticorruption matters related to the donation of solar panels for social purposes.

Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.

The team at Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.stands out from the competition’ for its ‘deep knowledge’ of compliance issues and regulations. Its practice covers two branches – the design and implementation of corporate compliance programmes, and defence and litigation on behalf of corporations and directors. Gabriel Calvillo - a former head of the environmental crimes unit of the Attorney General’s Office - steers the practice, and is experienced in litigation and compliance risk analysis. Associate Adriana Morales Figueroa counsels local and international companies on the application of AML regulations. Partner Pilar Mata retired in April 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gabriel Calvillo; Claudio Jimenez

Les références

Their key strength is their profound knowledge of compliance matters.

The compliance practice has have extensive technical knowledge in environmental matters.

The team is made up of top-quality lawyers; the attention and dedication of Patricio Trad is outstanding.

Principaux clients

Create Purpose

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised the non-profit Create Purpose on its AML obligations in Mexico.

Nader, Hayaux y Goebel, SC

The expertise of the practice group at Nader, Hayaux y Goebel, SC encompasses compliance due diligence, AML, anticorruption and data protection work. Clients include tech, FMCG and automotive giants, Microsoft, Unilever and Toyota. Alejandro Mendiola Díaz co-leads the group and specialises in antitrust and anticorruption matters, in addition to compliance programs and investigations; alongside him, Luciano Pérez Gómez majors in AML and data protection work. Working between the firm’s Mexico City and London offices, experienced insurance partner Yves Hayaux-du-Tilly also assists on compliance matters; while associate Enrique Salcedo provides valued support on regulatory and privacy-related matters. Associates Juan Pablo Sainz and Cecilia Serrano Hernández departed in April and May 2022, respectively.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alejandro Mendiola Díaz; Luciano Pérez Gómez

Principaux clients


Capítulo Cero México

Grupo BAL



InComm Payments


Reinsurance Group of America




Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Microsoft Corporation with the acquisition of the US entity Xandr (the advertising and analytics division of AT&T).
  • Advised Grupo BAL on its proposal to the National Banking and Securities Commission to allow shareholders’ meetings and board of directors’ meetings to be held remotely.
  • Assisted Capítulo Cero México with the establishment of the local chapter of the Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) of the World Economic Forum in Mexico, with the aim of transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050.

Sánchez Devanny

The practice group at Sánchez Devanny advises corporate clients on internal investigations and regulatory audits, undertakes compliance risk assessments, and offers counsel on local and international anti-money laundering regulations. Despite the departure of former Monterrey-based department lead Humberto Morales-Barron in April 2023, the practice continues to count on the capabilities of two practice heads based in Querétaro: Daniel Maldonado-Alcantara, who has extensive experience in complex automotive and retail sector compliance investigations, and José Alberto Campos Vargas, who regularly advises clients from the healthcare, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage sectors on import-export operations. Senior associates Oscar Quiroz and Alberto Lascurain also left the group in April 2023. Since publication, the firm has merged into Garrigues Mexico local office to become Sánchez Devanny Mexico - effective as of July 2024.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Maldonado-Alcantara; José Alberto Campos-Vargas

Les références

Reliable office with excellent value for money – willing to offer competitive fee proposals.

Always available and accessible to the client.

It is a firm with a range of experience in different matters that is always looking for ways to improve its relationship with clients and modernize its practices.

Principaux clients

Amneal Pharmaceuticals

British American Tobacco


Mitsubishi Motors

Olin Industries

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted a major pharmaceutical manufacturer with the compliance implications of selling its products to Mexican governmental agencies.
  • Assisted a major global tobacco company with the implementation of internal compliance procedures.
  • Advised a US ammunition manufacturer on Mexican import and marketing regulations as well as traceability and KYC issues.

Baker McKenzie Abogados, S.C.

The compliance group at Baker McKenzie Abogados, S.C. is focused primarily  on data privacy matters, AML and fraud prevention. It also stands out for its aptitude at handling investigations, with particular strength advising clients involved in pharmaceuticals and life sciences. The firm has a strong domestic network with a presence in CDMX, Ciudad Juárez, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Tijuana, and the compliance team counts a number of lawyers dual-qualified in Mexico and the US among its ranks. Reynaldo Vizcarra-Mendez coordinates the group, along with Jonathan Adams, who focuses on internal investigations and white-collar crime. Senior associate Claudia Aguilar joined in September 2022; partners Deyanira Flores-Rodriguez  and Héctor Díaz left the firm in October and November 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Reynaldo Vizcarra-Mendez; Jonathan Adams

Principaux clients

Boston Scientific

Brambles (CHEP)

Marmon Group

Constellation Brands

Dole Asia

Emerson Electric

Fortune Brands

Hamilton Beach Brands



Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR)

Merck & Co.

Johnson Matthey

Lockheed Martin

SC Johnson

Sony Pictures Entertainment





Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Dollar General with the design of a third-party screening program for its arrival in Mexico.
  • Led an internal fraud investigation at Hamilton Beach Brands Company Holding and its Mexican subsidiaries.

Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa

The compliance department at Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa, highlighted for ‘fostering a relationship of trust’ with the client, assists in developing and optimizing corporate compliance programmes, with a special focus on AML regulations. Its operations are characterised by a two-stage process: the practice first conducts due diligence to ensure compliance with AML regulations, and then enacts policy changes as needed. Four partners co-head the team: César de la Parra focuses on administrative litigation; Daniel de la Parra supports clients with guidance on audits; Diego Marván (promoted to partner in January 2023), specialises in administrative litigation and AML compliance; and Jorge Luis Díaz, at the Monterrey office, who completes the leadership team. Alfredo Soto and Carlos Hutchinson assist at associate level.

Responsables de la pratique:

César de la Parra; Daniel de la Parra; Diego Marván; Jorge Luis Díaz

Les références

‘They are always up to date on current affairs and available to discuss any issues, creating a relationship of trust.’

‘Availability and openness to seek alternatives.’

‘We appreciate the team’s rapid response time and the quality of the services they provide.’

Principaux dossiers