The Legal 500 > United Kingdom - The Bar > London Bar
Classements par PratiqueLondon Bar
Retour United Kingdom - The Bar- Administrative and public law (including local government)
- Administrative law and human rights
- Agriculture
- Art and cultural property
- Aviation and Travel
- Banking and finance (including consumer credit)
- Business and regulatory crime (including global investigations)
- Charities
- Civil liberties and human rights (including actions against the police)
- Clinical negligence
- Commercial litigation
- Commodities
- Company
- Company and partnership
- Competition
- Construction
- Consumer
- Costs and litigation funding
- Court of Protection: health and welfare
- Crime
- Crypto and blockchain assets
- Data protection
- Defamation and privacy
- Education
- Elections
- Employment
- Energy
- Environment
- European Union relations
- Extradition
- Family: children and domestic abuse
- Family: divorce and financial remedy
- Family: private FDR judges and arbitrators
- Financial services and fintech regulation
- Fraud: civil
- Fraud: crime
- Group litigation
- Health and safety
- Immigration (including business immigration)
- Inquests and inquiries
- Insolvency
- Insurance and reinsurance
- Intellectual property
- International arbitration: arbitrators
- International arbitration: counsel
- International human rights and criminal law
- IT and telecoms: projects and services
- Licensing
- Local government (including rating law)
- Media and entertainment
- Media and entertainment (including art and cultural property)
- Partnership
- Pensions
- Personal injury
- Planning
- Police law (claimant)
- Police law (forces and constables)
- Private wealth and probate
- Proceeds of crime (POCA) and asset forfeiture
- Product liability
- Professional disciplinary and regulatory law
- Professional negligence
- Property litigation
- Public international law
- Public procurement
- Sanctions
- Shipping
- Social housing
- Sport
- Tax: corporate
- Tax: corporate and VAT/indirect tax
- Tax: personal
- Tax: VAT and excise
- Telecoms Regulation
- Telecoms regulation
- Travel law (including jurisdictional issues)
- Valuation and Rating