Retour United Kingdom - The Bar

Leading Silks

Paul Bowen KCBrick Court Chambers 'He is a bold advocate who puts forward his clients' cases with gusto and passion. He is able to spot unusual and important human rights and public law issues that others may miss.'
Jude Bunting KCDoughty Street Chambers 'Jude is supremely intelligent and strategic. What sets him apart is his advocacy - he is charm personified and holds a court room in his rapture.'
Monica Carss-Frisk KCBlackstone Chambers 'An outstanding leader. Judges respect her highly, and listen to every argument.'
Jason Coppel KC11KBW 'Jason is phenomenally smart, unflappable and strategic.'
Kate Gallafent KCBlackstone Chambers 'She has brilliant technical knowledge, and commands the trust and respect of the court.'
Nigel Giffin KC11KBW 'A very impressive silk.'
James Goudie KC11KBW 'He is extremely knowledgeable and has a great client manner.'
Tom Hickman KCBlackstone Chambers 'A gifted and creative legal thinker.'
Julian Milford KC11KBW 'He is a star of the public law Bar.'
Karon Monaghan KCMatrix Chambers 'A formidable advocate.'
Fenella Morris KC39 Essex ChambersShe is extremely articulate, and the power of her written advocacy matches her persuasiveness in court.’
Jenni Richards KC39 Essex Chambers  'Jenni has a brilliant legal mind - she is a go-to silk for the most complex and strategic administrative law challenges.'
Jemima Stratford KCBrick Court Chambers 'A supremely clever silk.'
Victoria Butler-Cole KC39 Essex Chambers 'A silk who grasps difficult issues with ease.'
Joanne Clement KC11KBW 'She has a ferocious intelligence and is a compelling advocate. Her submissions are succinct and insightful. She speaks with authority and conviction in court.'
Marie Demetriou KCBrick Court Chambers 'A silk with excellent judgement, who provides clear and concise advice.'
Clair Dobbin KC – Three Raymond Buildings 'Clair is a superb lawyer and wonderful advocate. An all-round star.'
Gerry Facenna KCMonckton Chambers 'A very strategic silk with a good client manner.'
Caoilfhionn Gallagher KCDoughty Street Chambers 'Caoilfhionn is a powerhouse. She is incredibly intelligent, strategic and committed. She gives everything to cases and is a real team player. Her advocacy is persuasive and passionate.'
Sam Grodzinski KC  - Blackstone Chambers 'For his opponents, Sam is depressingly good. He has a tendency to make his case sound irresistibly correct.'
Sarah Hannett KCMatrix Chambers 'Sarah is tenacious and very astute when it comes to strategy and tactics.'
Ivan Hare KCBlackstone Chambers 'His knowledge of the law is exceptional and he has an easy, understated advocacy style.'
Jonathan Hough KC4 New Square Chambers 'An extremely sensible and acute tactician, and is formidable when necessary.'
Schona Jolly KCCloisters 'Schona is at the top of her game. She is able to balance compassion and care with fearless advocacy. She gets to the core of an issue quickly and leads with unparalleled expertise in this area.'  
Maya Lester KCBrick Court Chambers 'Her advocacy is well-balanced, always well-thought-through, and compelling.'
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers 'A go-to name for difficult cases.'
Thomas de la Mare KCBlackstone Chambers 'A silk with a razor-sharp mind.'
James Maurici KC – Landmark Chambers 'James is truly exceptional with an unrivalled intellect. He is razor-sharp, very user-friendly and extremely responsive.'
Hugh Mercer KCEssex Court Chambers 'Hugh combines an excellent mind with a superb grasp of the facts.'
Anthony Metzer KCGoldsmith Chambers 'He is a formidable force in the legal realm.'
Jonathan Moffett KC11KBW 'A very personable silk. Clients have confidence in his advice.'
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy KCFountain Court ChambersLeigh-Ann is intellectually brilliant, extremely diligent and has flawless judgement.'
Tim Owen KCMatrix Chambers 'He is an expert cross-examiner and instinctively gets to the heart of a case.'
Robert Palmer KCMonckton Chambers 'A silk with an incredibly powerful brain.'
Shaheen Rahman KC1 Crown Office Row 'She has excellent foresight, coupled with sound strategic thinking.'
Thomas Roe KC3 Hare Court 'A fantastic advocate; considered and in-depth, with a laser-sharp focus on the pertinent legal issues while also being commercially astute and user-friendly.'
Dan Sarooshi KCEssex Court Chambers 'A powerful advocate who is undeterred by difficult arguments; a real force in the field.'
James Segan KCBlackstone Chambers 'James is as urbane in court as he is with clients. He instinctively knows which points to take and which to let lie, and will invariably deliver his points with panache.'
Hugh Southey KCMatrix Chambers 'Hugh is a wonderful barrister, who is never less than 100% committed to his clients.'
Daniel Squires KCMatrix ChambersDaniel is an extremely impressive advocate, who argues extremely complex legal cases with ease.’
David Wolfe KCMatrix Chambers 'David has an excellent understanding of human rights law, and his advocacy is very methodical and thorough. He is very compelling on his feet.'
Jonathan Auburn KC11KBW 'He brings cogent arguments and is very good at putting people at ease.'
Alex Bailin KCMatrix Chambers 'He is a master strategist and fantastic advocate.'
Lord Banner KCKeating ChambersCharles is a fantastic advocate. He is extremely responsive and very impressive with clients.’
Jessica Boyd KCBlackstone Chambers 'She is an exceptional advocate. She has a great ability to identify the key legal and tactical issues in a case and her advice is always well judged and considered. Judges appreciate the clarity of her advocacy, which is always well pitched.'
Jamie Burton KCDoughty Street Chambers 'A silk with tactical nous. He is a powerhouse of legal knowledge and a very strong cross-examiner.'
Christopher Buttler KCMatrix Chambers 'Having him involved in any case makes the work an absolute breeze.'
Estelle Dehon KCCornerstone Barristers 'Estelle is excellent; her ability to quickly grasp novel areas of law and untangle them in a way that can be understood by clients is very impressive. She is incredibly bright and personable.'
Shaheed Fatima KCBlackstone Chambers 'Shaheed is superb - extremely diligent and very thorough.'
Danny Friedman KCMatrix Chambers 'He can spot difficult public law issues and think through knotty legal matters.'
Stephanie Harrison KCGarden Court Chambers 'Stephanie is exceptionally energetic and committed, a fantastic leader and a commanding advocate. She has great vision and drive.'
Charlotte Kilroy KCBlackstone Chambers 'Charlotte is an outstanding advocate.'
Zoë Leventhal KC – Matrix Chambers 'A powerful court advocate who expertly argues her case. Her calm but piercing advocacy is extremely effective and she is excellent at getting judges on side.'
Tom Little KCDeka Chambers 'Tom has a phenomenal work rate, and he sees points that other barristers often miss. He has a commanding presence in court. There is no doubt that judges listen with care when he speaks.'
James McClelland KCBrick Court Chambers 'His advocacy is a brilliant blend of measured and persuasive.'
Hanif Mussa KCBlackstone Chambers 'A consummate advocate with a huge intellect. He is insightful and very persuasive.'
David Pievsky KCBlackstone Chambers 'David is commercially aware and user-friendly.'
Deok Joo Rhee KC39 Essex Chambers 'Her advocacy is particularly strong in relation to making complex legal reasoning clear and accessible for both clients and tribunals.'
Oliver Sanders KC1 Crown Office Row 'A serene and clear advocate.'
Fiona Scolding KCLandmark Chambers 'She is an excellent communicator, and has the human touch. Judges love her.'
Andrew Sharland KC11KBW 'Andrew is a versatile advocate, who is never afraid to a take a novel point.'
Maya Sikand KC - Doughty Street Chambers 'Maya is incredibly detailed, impressively knowledgeable and refreshingly forthright and clear in her approach. She is a force to be reckoned with.'
James Strachan KC39 Essex Chambers 'He is totally unflappable, crisp, precise and doesn’t take bad points. James is an authoritative presence in court.'
Adam Straw KCDoughty Street Chambers 'He's a strategic marvel. He has outstanding judgement and knows just how far to push his submissions without losing the ear of the court.'  
Leslie Thomas KCGarden Court Chambers 'He is very personable, immensely talented, and good with clients. He brings an incisive analysis to every case he considers.'
Victoria Wakefield KCBrick Court Chambers 'A superb advocate, who earns and maintains the trust of the court.'
Galina Ward KC - Landmark Chambers 'Galina excels in her meticulous preparation. An excellent strategist who is always on top of the facts.'

2023 Silks

Katherine Apps KC39 Essex Chambers 'Katherine has incisive knowledge of administrative and public law. Her advocacy is a masterclass in timing and judgement.'
Nick Armstrong KCMatrix Chambers 'He has an uncanny ability to memorise the most minor details in the most complex cases. He remains calm even when up against aggressive opponents, and judges are very receptive to his delivery.'
Claire Darwin KCMatrix Chambers 'Claire's written and oral advocacy is exemplary. She has the ear of the court.'  
Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KCMatrix Chambers 'Her eye for detail is extraordinary.'
Alex Goodman KC – Landmark Chambers 'A superb strategist.'
Nicola Greaney KC39 Essex Chambers 'Nicola is a very reliable barrister with an ability to pick up complex facts really quickly, as well as to tease out often complex legal issues in a way that is readily understandable for the court and clients alike.'
Joe Middleton KC - Doughty Street Chambers 'Joe is an incisive and effective advocate, able to distil a case into the key points and communicate it effectively to the court.'
Tom Richards KCBlackstone Chambers 'Tom's ability to identify all the pertinent issues in each case, and relay the same to judges in a digestible manner, is remarkable. He is a calming presence in court.'
Philip Rule KCNo5 Barristers' Chambers 'An advocate of the strongest kind.'
Irena Sabic KC - Garden Court Chambers 'Irena is an outstanding barrister. She is not afraid to run difficult challenges.'

Leading Juniors

Anthony Jones4 New Square Chambers 'A deeply knowledgeable and committed junior.'
Christopher Knight11KBW 'An incredible advocate, with exceptional legal acumen.'
Eric Metcalfe  - Monckton Chambers 'Eric is such a joy to work with for many reasons: he is skilled in explaining complicated legal concepts in simple terms, tailoring it to the audience, and is very quick to respond in fast paced litigation. His written and oral advocacy is outstanding. Judges appreciate his advocacy and are assisted by both his submissions and questioning of witnesses. '
Patrick RocheGarden Court ChambersPatrick has fantastic judgement and is a tenacious advocate. He always makes his point and his points are always well-judged.’
Adam WagnerDoughty Street Chambers 'An exceptional barrister who is a star of the future.'
Malcolm BirdlingBrick Court Chambers 'He enjoys the intellectual challenge of a difficult case, and he easily applies his deep knowledge of the law to the facts of his cases, and the issues in dispute.'
Tom Cross11KBW 'A creative thinker and safe pair of hands with all the right skills.'
Raj DesaiMatrix Chambers 'Raj is incredibly intelligent, insightful, tactical and forward-thinking.'
Catherine Dobson39 Essex Chambers 'Catherine's legal analysis is razor sharp. She has very strong instincts on how to present arguments best to a judge. She is extremely diligent, and always thinks strategically.'
Owen Greenhall – Garden Court Chambers 'Owen is an expert on protest law. He is a sound tactical and strategic advisor.'
Nikolaus GrubeckMonckton Chambers 'He is one of the most intelligent barristers at the Bar, and is incredibly down to earth.'
David HeatonBrick Court Chambers 'David is a dedicated, hard-working and tenacious advocate.'
Tim JohnstonBrick Court Chambers 'Tim is a match for any silk. He is a formidable advocate, equally comfortable with novel legal issues and with challenging factual cases.'
Helen LawMatrix Chambers 'Helen has a huge brain. She is extremely responsive to her solicitors and can turn her hand to anything. Her advocacy is wonderful.'
Paul LuckhurstBlackstone Chambers 'An excellent tactical thinker.'
Gráinne Mellon   –Garden Court ChambersGráinne is highly conscientious and person-centred in her approach to cases and clients. She has good attention to detail and leaves no stone unturned.’
Naina PatelBlackstone Chambers 'Naina is a compelling advocate, who is able to cut through to the heart of a case.'
Jason PobjoyBlackstone ChambersJason has a brilliant mind, allied to very strong emotional intelligence, and provides a wonderful service to instructing solicitors.’
Hannah Slarks11KBW 'She is a truly persuasive advocate with a gift for eloquence. Her intelligence sparkles in court.'
Julia SmythLandmark Chambers 'Julia is fiercely bright, bold and incredibly hard-working.'
Iain SteeleBlackstone Chambers 'He is proactive, pragmatic and approachable.'
Tim BaldwinGarden Court Chambers 'Tim's advocacy is measured, meticulous and performed with gravitas. He is a stalwart barrister.'
Katherine Barnes39 Essex ChambersKatherine is very responsive, with brilliant attention to detail and consistently delivers high-quality work.'
Natasha Barnes1 Crown Office Row 'She is an exceptionally quick thinker and can see the key point in a case in a flash. She always has command of the details of a case.'
John Bethell11KBW 'John has an understated confidence which is very effective in the court room.'
Miranda ButlerLandmark Chambers 'Miranda is incredibly client-driven. Her focus is always on achieving the best results for the client, and she is persuasive and diligent.'
Daniel CashmanBlackstone Chambers 'A junior who listens and is firm in his advice.'
Tom Coates – Blackstone Chambers 'A client focused barrister, who always provides very thoughtful, timely advice.'
Emma DixonBlackstone Chambers 'Emma is an outstanding barrister with a dynamic approach.'
Katherine Eddy11KBW 'Katherine has a meticulous eye for detail and she is strong on her feet.'
Joanna Evans25 Bedford Row 'An effective and committed advocate.'
Emma Foubister – Matrix Chambers 'Emma is a superb advocate, and she is able to explain difficult points of law easily to clients.'
Matthew Fraser Landmark Chambers 'Matthew is a powerful advocate.'
Leon GlenisterLandmark Chambers 'Leon is committed and approachable, great at cutting through complex cases to get to the key points, and at making difficult points seem simple.'
Alasdair Henderson1 Crown Office Row 'Alasdair is an outstanding barrister. His client care is second to none, and his ability to simplify complex cases is remarkable.'
Darryl Hutcheon – Matrix Chambers 'He has an exceptional eye for detail and makes even the most complex cases seem simple. His written work is extraordinary - clear, concise, and compelling.'
Arianna Kelly –39 Essex Chambers 'A junior who is well respected by judges, and has phenomenal attention to detail.'
Ruth Kennedy – 11KBW 'Ruth is very strong on human rights law. A very insightful analyst and a very clear, concise and effective communicator.'
Annabel Lee39 Essex Chambers 'Annabel is an insightful junior.'
Ravi MehtaBlackstone Chambers 'Ravi is strategic, dedicated and demonstrates great judgement.'
Scarlett Milligan39 Essex Chambers 'Scarlett has a fiery determination to achieve the best possible results for her clients. She is courageous, bold, and clients love her. She is highly determined and fiercely bright.'
Audrey Cherryl Mogan – Garden Court Chambers ‘A junior with thorough and insightful knowledge of human rights and protest law.’
George Molyneaux  – Blackstone Chambers 'An incredibly clever and astute barrister, who has an enviable combination of technical knowledge and tactical acumen.'
Charles Morgan   - Six Pump Court  'Charles is a fantastic environmental lawyer.'
Aaron Moss – 5 Essex Chambers 'A true expert who is very responsive, and turns things around incredibly quickly. He understands clients.'
Jane Oldham – 11KBW 'Jane is conscientious and approachable.'
Angela PatrickDoughty Street Chambers 'A brilliant and very experienced public law expert with a particular mastery of human rights law.'
Navid Pourghazi – Blackstone Chambers 'A junior with meticulous attention to detail.'
Celia RooneyBlackstone Chambers 'Celia is wise far beyond her year of call. She is confident making difficult calls under pressure.'
Paul SkinnerMatrix Chambers 'A very able practitioner with extensive knowledge and experience.'
James Stansfeld – Matrix Chambers 'A very powerful advocate who always retains the confidence of the court.'
Azeem SuterwallaMonckton Chambers 'A formidable senior junior. He provides robust, sensible and strategically sound advice to extremely vulnerable clients with compassion, and remains calm and thoughtful under pressure.'
Benjamin Tankel39 Essex Chambers 'Benjamin is highly strategic and his judgement is impeccable.'
Rachel ToneyThe 36 GroupRachel is a master of all the key skills. She has a complete command of the law, is highly astute and demonstrates impeccable judgement. She has the ear of the court and is very persuasive. She’s a fighter.’
Jacob TurnerFountain Court Chambers 'Jacob has a first-class intellect. A wonderful, quick-witted advocate.'
Tom Wainwright - Garden Court Chambers 'A direct and compelling advocate.'
Sarah WilkinsonBlackstone Chambers 'A very approachable and engaging junior with a calm and measured demeanour.'
Isabel BuchananBlackstone Chambers 'Isabel is extremely bright. Her legal analysis is impeccable.'
Joanna BuckleyMatrix Chambers 'A junior with impressive knowledge of administrative law matters.'
Ayesha Christie – Matrix Chambers 'Ayesha has a unique ability to look at a case holistically and make creative legal arguments, including policy challenges, without ever losing sight of what matters the most to the client.'
Paul Clark Garden Court Chambers 'An assiduous junior with a sharp intellect. He is an authoritative advocate.'
Stephanie David – 39 Essex Chambers 'A brilliant lawyer with a first class legal mind. She is assiduous and determined.'
Ben Fullbrook - Landmark Chambers 'Ben is an outstanding barrister. His legal advice is always very thorough and rational.'
Rose Grogan - 39 Essex Chambers 'A sound advocate who wins clients' confidence quickly.'
Admas Habteslasie – Landmark Chambers 'A very strong, very intelligent advocate, who is clearly passionate about and dedicated to human rights matters.'
Naomi Hart – Essex Court Chambers 'Naomi is a star in the field of human rights law.'
Hollie Higgins – Blackstone Chambers 'Hollie gets on top of the issues really quickly. An incredibly responsive junior.'
Bijan HoshiGarden Court Chambers 'Bijan is extremely responsive and easy to work with. He is able to think of innovative arguments, and he has intellectual rigour.'
Saara Idelbi5 Essex Chambers 'Her manner and delivery is as excellent as her analysis. She is both charming and tenacious in court.'
Daniel Isenberg11KBW 'A highly articulate advocate on this feet, who makes his points with great force, but not aggressively so.'
Cecilia Ivimy11KBW 'Cecilia is clear-sighted, very driven, and works incredibly hard.'
Natasha Jackson – Landmark Chambers 'A team player with a meticulous eye for detail.'
Paul Jarvis – 6KBW College Hill 'Paul is a very calm and measured advocate, who has the ear of the court.'
Jessica JonesMatrix Chambers 'Jessica is impressive in every way - she is bright, empathetic and efficient. Her drafting and advocacy are superb.'
Stephen Kosmin11KBW 'He has a superb mind, and judges listen to him as if he were a KC.'
Jonathan Lewis – Monckton Chambers 'An extremely bright and practical junior.'
Alexandra Littlewood – Monckton Chambers 'She is an exceptional junior, whose drafting, strategic insight and advocacy all well exceed her year of call.'
Emily MacKenzieBrick Court Chambers 'She has a brilliant brain.'
Jennifer MacLeodBrick Court Chambers 'Jennifer is extremely intelligent and she applies her formidable intellect to every case in which she is involved. She has a phenomenal work ethic.'
Conor McCarthy  - Monckton Chambers 'Clever, even in an area with lots of clever barristers.'
Catherine Meredith – Doughty Street Chambers 'A passionate barrister who goes above and beyond to ensure the best outcomes for her clients.'
Jesse NichollsMatrix Chambers 'A passionate and insightful junior.'
Ruchi Parekh – Cornerstone Barristers 'An ambitious, learned and quick-witted junior.'
James Robottom – Matrix Chambers 'He is always on hand to give clear and realistic advice throughout the life of a case. He goes the extra mile for his clients.'
Nina Ross – 12 King's Bench Walk 'A junior with a hugely analytical eye.'
Sarah Salmon – Cornerstone Barristers 'Sarah is very quick to digest complex information and her advice is fantastic - she cuts through the issues and presents them in a very clear, concise way, always providing solutions.'
Emmanuel Sheppard  – 3 Verulam Buildings 'A diligent junior.'
Natasha Simonsen – Blackstone Chambers 'She is extraordinarily clever, and a good strategist.'
Michael Spencer – Doughty Street Chambers 'Michael has a clear case strategy, and he is analytical in his approach.'
Robert Strang3 Hare Court 'A very persuasive junior.'
Tom Tabori39 Essex Chambers 'He sees straight to the heart of the issue irrespective of the complexities. If your case is in court you want Tom on your side.'
Aidan WillsMatrix Chambers 'A highly analytical, creative, strategic and tactical junior.'
Emily Wilsdon39 Essex Chambers 'Emily has an encyclopaedic knowledge of public law. She is astute, bold and innovative in her approach. She is incredibly hard-working, determined and leaves no stone unturned.'
Stuart Withers - No5 Barristers' Chambers 'Stuart is a dedicated and hard-working barrister. His knowledge of law, particularly as it relates to parole and prison law matters, is exceptional.'
Georgina Wolfe - 5 Essex Chambers 'She is enormously hard-working and also indomitably positive in her approach. She sails through crises and is never daunted.'
Pippa Woodrow - Doughty Street Chambers 'She is extremely bright - a quick learner with an always excellent command of the facts.'

Rising Stars

Rosalind Comyn – Matrix Chambers 'Rosalind is very strategic, and her drafting is highly persuasive.'
Eva Doerr – Garden Court Chambers 'She is extremely approachable, fearless, and is able to think laterally about cases.'
Conor Fegan – Francis Taylor Building 'Conor is simply excellent. His advocacy style is measured and assured. He is superb on his feet.'
Freya Foster – Henderson ChambersFreya has a comprehensive understanding of the law. She is very team oriented.’
Sam Fowles – Cornerstone BarristersSam is incredibly tenacious. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of constitutional legal positions that he is able to draw upon with apparent ease to make coherent and compelling arguments. He is very impressive and punches above his year of call.’
Donnchadh Greene – Doughty Street Chambers 'He is very talented, and his keen legal mind is a valuable asset to any legal team.'
Raphael Hogarth – 11KBW 'Raphael is very pragmatic, with superb attention to detail, and his technical knowledge is impressive.'
Joshua JacksonDoughty Street Chambers ‘A fiercely intelligent, prodigious talent who is unquestionably destined for greatness.’
Oliver Jackson  – 11KBWHe is rigorous, responsive and very intelligent.’
Jagoda Klimowicz – Brick Court Chambers 'A clear-sighted and independent thinker.'
Ben Mitchell – 11KBW ‘He is serene under pressure and has excellent technical knowledge.’
Emma MockfordBrick Court Chambers 'Emma is a fearless advocate, respected by clients and the court alike.'
Elena Papamichael - Garden Court Chambers 'Elena is a fantastic barrister. She is a fighter and goes out to bat for each client. She is personable and has a warm manner in court.'
Will Perry – Monckton Chambers 'Will is highly intelligent, easy to work with and reliable.'
Ollie Persey – Garden Court ChambersHe is proactive, creative in his thinking, great on his feet and thrives under pressure.’
Gayatri Sarathy – Blackstone ChambersGayatri is extremely bright and exceptionally hard-working.’
Joshua Yetman – 7BR 'A dedicated and committed barrister.'

Administrative law and human rights in London Bar

Blackstone Chambers

With a reputation for being ‘the leading public and administrative law set‘, Blackstone Chambers is also highly regarded for its ‘strong core of human rights work‘. In a prominent case highlight, Sir James Eadie KC (as "Treasury Devil", the government's first-choice external counsel), Thomas de la Mare KC, Tom Leary and Hollie Higgins appeared for various parties in the Divisional Court in Liberty v Secretary of State for the Home Department, a judicial review challenging the Public Order Act 1986 (Serious Disruption to the Life of the Community) Regulations 2023, which were found to be ultra vires as it defined a threshold of "serious disruption" as "more than minor". Lord Pannick KC garners praise as ‘one of the outstanding legal minds of his generation‘, and Monica Carss-Frisk KC is ‘one of the most persuasive advocates at the Bar‘. Tristan Jones KC was elevated to silk in March 2024.

Les références

Gary Oliver is a star. He knows the business and very commercial.’

Gary Oliver is always available for any queries.’

Mat Swallow and Adam Sloane have always gone the extra mile.’


11KBW is ‘a stellar public law set with real talent under the roof‘. Jason Coppel KC has ‘excellent analytical skills, and his advocacy is focused and compelling‘; he has a solid track record in advising on a broad range of human rights law matters. Among the juniors, the ‘brilliantChristopher Knight is ‘clear, concise and incisive‘ – ‘a dream junior‘ – he appeared before the Court of Appeal in R (IAB & others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, a case concerning the scope of public authorities’ duty of candour in judicial review, with particular focus on the government’s practice of redacting the names of junior civil servants in disclosure documents. Bolstering the team at the senior end, Joseph Barrett KC and Amy Rogers KC took silk in March 2024.

Les références

Excellent clerking team, and Mark Dann is a star.’

Michael Smith and Mark Dann are great to work with. They always coordinate clearly and are transparent about fees. They are very commercial and knowledgeable about what is going on.’

Michael Smith is friendly and efficient.’

39 Essex Chambers

Impressive set39 Essex Chambers fields ‘an excellent and versatile range of counsel in the field of administrative and public law‘. The ‘succinctFenella Morris KC has established strength in advising on high-profile administrative law cases, with notable expertise in handling matters involving healthcare issues and challenges concerning public sector pensions. Recent work highlights include Katherine Apps KC acting for the Lord Chancellor in R (Gulshan) v Lord Chancellor, concerning the lawfulness of HMCTS’ policy on kirpans - small ceremonial swords carried by observant Sikhs - into court buildings. Among the junior end of chambers, the ‘brilliantCatherine Dobson has ‘an incredibly sharp legal mind‘, and Katherine Barnes is ‘extremely knowledgeable‘, ‘adapts well to challenging situations and remains composed under pressure‘. Bolstering the team at the senior end, Colin Thomann KC took silk in March 2024.

Les références

Sheraton Doyle stands out.’

Andrew Poyser is great.’

Oscar Redif is a particularly adept clerk.’

Brick Court Chambers

Very strong setBrick Court Chambers is home to ‘a full range of highly talented counsel‘ in the public law arena. The ‘tenaciousPaul Bowen KC has ‘impressive knowledge of the law of human rights‘, and James McClelland KC‘s ‘tactical advice is spot on‘. Victoria Wakefield KC represented the Church Commissioners for England before the Privy Council in All Saints Spring Park Parochial Church Council v Church Commissioners for England, an appeal concerning the issue of whether the Church could be considered as a public authority for Human Rights Act matters. Malcolm Birdling is ‘a star of the administrative Bar‘; he and Jagoda Klimowicz successfully represented the claimants in R (L J Fairburn & Son and others) v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, a challenge to the legality of the policy of compensation payable to farmers for the cull of poultry to curb avian influenza, which was alleged to be in violation of Article 1 Protocol 1 rights. Yaaser Vanderman joined the team in July 2024.

Les références

Jo Francis is excellent.’

Jo Francis and Hannah Rayner are wonderful to deal with.’

Jo Francis has been a joy to work with.’

Matrix Chambers

Matrix Chambers is regarded by many as ‘an excellent human rights and public law set‘ with a ‘very bright and talented‘ team. The group continues to handle a high volume of claimant work in the space. Jessica Simor KC is ‘a stand-out silk‘. The ‘excellentRaj Desai is well versed in advising on complex human rights matters. In recent work for the group, Paul Skinner appeared in FL v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, a case heard in the Upper Tribunal concerning a disability benefits claimant's move from legacy benefits to Universal Credit - the tribunal ruled that the failure to provide the claimant with transitional protection for the loss of an enhanced disability premium following the move to Universal Credit was unlawful.

Les références

Liz Boucher is an incredible clerk. She is quick to respond, understands the requirements of solicitors and the cases, and is a pleasure to deal with.’

Paul Venables is very charming, and goes out of his way to assist.’

The clerks are efficient and helpful.’

Doughty Street Chambers

Doughty Street Chambers is regarded by many as ‘exceptional when it comes to human rights‘, and is equally adept at handling complex administrative and public law matters. Edward Fitzgerald KC has ‘encyclopaedic knowledge‘ of human rights law, and successfully represented the claimant in R (Quaye) v Secretary of State for Justice, a case concerning the impact of s.128 of the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 on the provision of sentence reviews to murderers who, owing to the fact they committed the offence under the age of eighteen, are sentenced to detention at His Majesty’s pleasure rather than life imprisonment. Jude Bunting KC is ‘a work of art in the court room‘, and the ‘very astuteAdam Wagner is ‘an outstanding lawyer‘.

Les références

Grace Walton could not be more helpful. She is quick to respond and always friendly.’

The clerks are very accommodating and go above and beyond to assist.’

Clerks are very efficient.’

Garden Court Chambers

Garden Court Chambers garners praise as ‘one of the strongest sets in administrative and human rights law, a very formidable operation‘, a ‘leader in the field‘ and ‘trailblazers in the field of human rights‘. Stephanie Harrison KC is ‘a formidable advocate who combines expert knowledge of human rights with an approachable manner‘. Patrick Roche is ‘a persuasive, canny advocate who inspires confidence in his clients‘. Protest law matters have been prominent in the group’s recent workload, and in one prominent example, Bijan Hoshi appeared as junior counsel for the intervener in Liberty v Secretary of State for the Home Department, a high-profile judicial review challenge to the Public Order Act 1986 (Serious Disruption to the Life of the Community) Regulations 2023. Joanne Cecil KC was elevated to silk in March 2024.

Les références

Colin Cook is a great senior clerk.’

Colin Cook is a stand out clerk.’

Lisa O’Leary is a gem.’

Landmark Chambers

At Landmark Chambers, the ‘methodical‘ and ‘incisiveJames Maurici KC is well known for acting in a wide range of high-profile public law cases, and the ‘insightfulFiona Scolding KC‘s ‘advice on tactics is always spot on‘. Turning to the junior end of chambers, the ‘outstandingJulia Smyth was instructed by the Child Poverty Action Group on behalf of the appellant in PR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, a case heard in the Upper Tribunal concerning whether the DWP’s backdating rules for benefit claims applicable to the appellant were contrary to Article 14 ECHR, read with Article 1 of Protocol 1. The Upper Tribunal ruled that the legislation was in breach of the appellant’s ECHR rights and should be disapplied.

Monckton Chambers

Monckton Chambers‘ team is well versed in representing claimants and defendants in complex cases across the public law arena, with particular focus on commercial and regulatory judicial reviews. The ‘superbRobert Palmer KC recently acted for the Secretary of State for the Home Department in successfully defending the second judicial review claim brought by the Duke of Sussex concerning his security arrangements in the UK. The ‘proactiveGerry Facenna KC has established strength in representing claimants, interveners and states before the European Court of Human Rights. Nikolaus Grubeck is very experienced in advising on claims involving issues of national security. Strengthening the team at the senior end, Brendan McGurk KC and Ewan West KC took silk in March 2024.

Les références

Steven Duffett is my first port of call and he is a pleasure to deal with, offering practical solutions, availability and accurate costs information.’

The clerks are so easy to talk to and are problem solvers, they have great communication skills.’

Reliable and responsive clerks.’

1 Crown Office Row

1 Crown Office Row is an ‘excellent set for public law and human rights‘. The ‘very persuasiveShaheen Rahman KC is well known for acting as Special Advocate in cases involving prominent human rights challenges; Angus McCullough KC has a track record of handing the Special Advocate role in challenging cases, with an excellent reputation for advising on high-profile national security matters. The ‘very intelligentNatasha Barnes has a solid track record in appearing before the Administrative Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, and Alasdair Henderson regularly represents claimants and defendants in judicial reviews.

Les références

Excellent clerks, very responsive.’

The clerks are great and it is a joy to work with them.’

The clerks provide rapid responses and are always eager to assist.’

Essex Court Chambers

Essex Court Chambers is a noteworthy set in the human rights space, with the team of ‘excellent human rights and public law practitioners‘ often instructed in high-profile cases with crossover public international law issues. Dan Sarooshi KC is ‘very knowledgeable and has good judgement‘. In a prominent case highlight, Hugh Mercer KC and Naomi Hart acted for the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission as intervener on behalf of the applicants in Dillon and Ors v Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, a challenge concerning the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023. The case involved issues of the UK’s obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights, the Windsor Framework and the Good Friday Agreement.

Les références

Kevin Grubb is friendly and responsive.’

The clerks have been incredibly helpful.’

Great clerking.’