Retour United Kingdom - The Bar

Leading Silks

Stephanie Barwise KCAtkin Chambers ‘Stephanie’s written advice is very clear. She is very detailed and authoritative. She never lets you down.’
Sean Brannigan KC4 Pump Court ‘Sean is the best in the market. He is clever, flexible, persuasive, reasonable, hard working. Invests in relationships rather than just focus on one case. Partners with solicitors like no other.'
Stuart Catchpole KCAtkin Chambers ‘Stuart is flawless. His meticulous attention to detail, impeccable command of the evidence, and incisive cross examination makes him a force to be reckoned with.'
Chantal-Aimée Doerries KCAtkin Chambers 'An outstanding silk: calm and authoritative. A really top performer.'
Simon Hughes KCKeating Chambers ‘Simon is undoubtedly a star of the construction Bar. Thorough, industrious and a skilled advocate, he is the first choice for many of the big players in the construction field.’
Simon Lofthouse KCAtkin Chambers ‘Simon is a witness demolition specialist. He does that because he is more prepared than they are and slowly but surely crucifies them on the details.' 
Manus McMullan KCAtkin Chambers ‘Manus has a brilliant mind, puts the dots together in complex matters, and brings unclarities to light in cross-examinations.' 
Alexander Nissen KCKeating Chambers ‘Alexander is a compelling advocate, who is extremely approachable and responsive. A leader in the field and a regular first choice.' 
Paul Reed KCGatehouse Chambers ‘Paul’s expertise on the construction insurance is superb. Also, his advocacy skills before tribunals are excellent and very persuasive.’ 
Andrew Rigney KCCrown Office Chambers ‘Andrew is one of the very best in his field. His breadth of experience across the energy and construction and engineering sectors is incredibly impressive. His strategic approach and thinking is always at the very highest level; all done in a collegiate style.’
David Streatfeild-James KCAtkin Chambers ‘David is very bright and great at thinking out of the box. Excellent advocate.’ 
David Thomas KCKeating Chambers ‘David is a statesman of construction disputes: he knows the law and the issues inside out and has a mastery of crafting a winning case from difficult facts. His oral advocacy is precise and elegant.'
Andrew White KCAtkin Chambers ‘Andrew is a phenomenal advocate and his experience shines through. He remains calm under pressure and sees through the vast detail to grasp the points that matter.' 
Stephen Dennison KC –Atkin Chambers ‘Stephen is a fantastic advocate who is great with clients and good at getting to the heart of a case.'
Lucy Garrett KCKeating Chambers ‘Lucy is one of the best construction silks in the field. She is very much a go-to silk. Lucy has shown a first class ability at determining a strategy in respect of a very complex contractual dispute.’
Riaz Hussain KCAtkin Chambers ‘Riaz is a superb advocate especially in cross examination of both lay and expert witnesses. He is always extremely well prepared and demonstrates a great rapport with his client and legal team.’ 
Fiona Parkin KCAtkin Chambers  ‘Fiona is a very hard worker and very determined.' 
Benjamin Pilling KC4 Pump Court ‘Benjamin is a simply superb advocate. He is clear and focused in his submissions and cross-examination, and highly effective. He reads the tribunal extremely well, and has the right tone and approach with witnesses he cross-examines. Ben is also a highly competent drafter, both of pleadings and submissions.’
Dominique Rawley KC – Atkin Chambers ‘Dominique is razor-sharp on the law with a very good sense of what works in practice. Really good at dealing with witnesses to extract the key information.’
Adam Robb KC39 Essex Chambers 'Adam is excellent. He can get across complex factual and legal issues very quickly. His drafting is strong. Adam is very responsive and reliable. He is someone you want on your team.'
Marion Smith KC39 Essex Chambers ‘Marion is able to understand complicated scenarios and communicate with clients in clear and understandable terms. She provides clear, client-focused advice which also takes account of commercial, reputational and political sensitivities and issues.' 
Steven Walker KCAtkin Chambers ‘Steven is an outstanding advocate. He is calm, forensic, and able to think on his feet. He prepares well and is able to explain tricky concepts and evidential points in a way that lands well with clients! He is a pleasure to work with.'
Martin Bowdery KCAtkin Chambers ‘Martin provides superb analysis. He is very good on his feet and has the ear of the court. Absolutely top notch.' 
Jonathan Acton Davis KCAtkin Chambers 'Jonathan is a powerhouse of a senior advocate who was excellent in setting the tone, and working very well with the solicitor and expert teams.'
Karim Ghaly KC39 Essex Chambers ‘Karim simplifies the most complex issues with ease and his ability to master large amounts of details with ease is unparalleled. He bring a calm presence to the proceedings, never loses sight of what really matters and what will resonate with the tribunal. His advocacy skills are incredible.' 
Andrew Goddard KCAtkin Chambers ‘Andrew is very responsive and is able to provide well-thought-out advice to suit client's legal and commercial needs in an expedient manner. He is a skillful advocate whose submissions are succinct and to the point.'
Simon Hargreaves KCKeating Chambers 'Simon has a very agile brain and is a very friendly and approachable. Simon has a punchy style of drafting which is effective.'
Adrian Hughes KC39 Essex Chambers 'Adrian is the stand-out barrister of his generation. His strategic instincts are excellent and his advocacy is masterful. He also has superb client care and inspires confidence.'
Ben Quiney KCCrown Office Chambers ‘Ben has really excellent drafting skills excellent with clients and excellent advocacy skills.’
Jonathan Selby KC – Keating Chambers ‘Jonathan is an excellent all-rounder. He is thoughtful, analytical, questioning, inquisitive and an excellent advocate.’
Piers Stansfield KC – Keating Chambers ‘Piers is incredibly bright. He discards the noise and gets to what matters. Written work of the highest standard. A fantastic crosser and a measured but extremely powerful interrogator. Top advocacy.' 
Sean Wilken KC – Keating Chambers ‘Phenomenal intelligence and encyclopedic knowledge of the law. An excellent strategist and a first-class drafter. Sean is a formidable advocate, able to think on his feet and argue extremely complicated points in a manner that is not only compelling but very easy to digest.’ 
Sarah Hannaford KC – Keating Chambers ‘Sarah is very good at grasping the key issues of the case and understanding the strength and weaknesses. Her advocacy is superb.'
Neil Hext KC4 New Square ‘Neil is a bright and very articulate advocate. He is a good cross-examiner, hard-working, and very fair.’ 
James Howells KC – Atkin Chambers ‘A superb all rounder. Good to work with and excellent with clients, matched with the legal acumen you would expect from a senior silk.'
Krista Lee KCKeating Chambers ‘Krista is an excellent barrister. She provides robust and detailed advice on the legal elements of any case often identifying novel arguments following a thorough review of documents, identifying the relevant facts and applicable case law quickly, and explaining the position in a clear and straight forward manner. Krista has the in-depth technical knowledge and understanding of the construction.’
Justin Mort KCKeating Chambers ‘Justin has incredible attention to detail, and is phenomenally hard working.'
Ben Patten KC – 4 New Square ‘Very client friendly, clever, speedy, and helpful. A very good lawyer.'
Marc Rowlands KCKeating Chambers ‘Marc is very effective, very direct and to the point. He doesn't mess around. He is very clear in his views and explanations.'
Crispin Winser KC – Crown Office Chambers ‘Crispin is an incredibly talented advocate who is persuasive, calm, and comprehensive, and who delivers oral submissions in a thorough and thoughtful way. His written and oral advocacy is very clear while at the same time picking up on all of the key details, presenting arguments cleverly to put the point across.’ 
Michael Ashcroft KCTwenty Essex ‘Michael is excellent in finding key issues and the key factual matters, subsequently come up with very strong legal case. His writing is also very logical and persuasive. He has an excellent advocacy skills before the tribunal and court panel.' 
Serena Cheng KCAtkin Chambers ‘Serena is absolutely superb. Measured, incredibly bright, tactical, confident in her opinion but very willing to listen, and excellent with clients. She is a cut above the rest.' 
Mark Chennells KC – Atkin Chambers ‘Mark is a brilliant all-round KC. He is very hard working and prepares his cases thoroughly and he masters the detail. He is very intelligent and his written submissions are top drawer and he is an excellent advocate. He is also user-friendly and an absolute pleasure to work with.'
Rupert Choat KCAtkin Chambers ‘Rupert is a fantastic advocate. He really gets into the detail of the case early doors and explains and sets out the key legal points in a comprehensive but client friendly manner. His advocacy is thorough and pointed.'
Kate Grange KC39 Essex Chambers 'Kate has a skillful mastery of a wide range of complex technical issues across multiple expert disciplines and her excellent command of a plethora of technical detail. Kate handles the oral examination of a great number and variety of factual and expert witnesses with enormous skill and subtlety.' 
Isabel Hitching KCCrown Office Chambers ‘Isabel is a thoughtful and highly strategic KC. Two steps ahead of anyone else - she is an excellent advocate.’
Calum Lamont KCKeating Chambers ‘Calum has exceptional cross-examination skills.' 
James Leabeater KC4 Pump Court ‘James is an intelligent barrister in writing and on his feet. He integrates well with the solicitor, expert and client team, and is a real leader when it comes to strategy.' 
Christopher Lewis KCAtkin Chambers ‘Christopher is technically outstanding and very user friendly.'
Richard Liddell KC – 4 New Square ‘Richard is forensic in his attention to detail. His intellect and quick grasp of the key issues in any claim is matched by his flexibility, commerciality and user-friendliness both for instructing solicitors and clients - a quality not always seen in KCs of his experience.'
Siân Mirchandani KC4 New Square ‘Sian is excellent at getting into the detail and working as part of the team to achieve the best outcome for the clients. Sian’s advocacy is excellent and her ability to think on her feet and convey complicated issues in a simple manner to the tribunal is impressive.’
Claire Packman KC4 Pump Court ‘Claire has the ability to get up to speed on detailed technical matters quickly and is user friendly.'
Jessica Stephens KC4 Pump Court ‘Jessica is easy to work worth, pragmatic and user-friendly.'
Samuel Townend KCKeating Chambers ‘Sam is a very bright and technically astute barrister. His oral advocacy is very impressive.'

2023 Silks

Paul Buckingham KCKeating Chambers 'A clear thinker with a friendly approach.'
Jonathan Lewis KC4 Pump Court ‘Jonathan gives clear and succinct advice, has excellent drafting skills, and commercial and pragmatic views on strategy.' 
Catherine Piercy KCGatehouse Chambers ‘Fantastic advocate: Catherine reacts well on her feet and is a devil when it comes to cross-examination. A pleasure to work with. Firm yet fair, commercial yet legal, approachable yet with gravitas and never fails to get to grips with the details. A superstar of the Bar.’ 
David Pliener KCGatehouse Chambers 'David is a stand-out barrister and a clear all-rounder. He is great with clients,  superb on the law, and terrific on his feet.'
William Webb KCKeating Chambers ‘William is very good at getting on with it, setting out what is required, and delivering without unnecessary questions or delay. He is responsive and practical, and always delivers when on his feet, with clients appreciating his approach.’ 

2024 Silks

Jane Davies Evans KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Jane is a wonderful barrister. She is highly intelligent and has very deep and wide understanding of the construction industry on all fronts – the technology, the legalistic and accounting aspects and the ability to perfectly draft legal documents and submission and to advocate and plead cases. She also has a very practical understanding of the parties needs and interests.’
Jennifer Jones KCAtkin Chambers ‘Excellent advice and drafting skills.’ 
Anna Laney KCCrown Office Chambers ‘A well-deserved promotion to KC. A joy to work with – hugely commercial and able to engage well with construction clients.’
Tom Owen KCKeating Chambers ‘Tom is the best counsel around. His advocacy skills, his written work, his connections with the solicitor and client teams, and his rapport with each tribunal are exemplary.’ 
Sanjay Patel KC4 Pump Court ‘Sanjay's work rate is phenomenal and is matched by his intellect and trial strategy. He is user friendly and a go to barristers for large scale international arbitration.'
Camille Slow KCAtkin Chambers ‘Camille is a clever advocate. She is phenomenally good with technical expert evidence. Her cross examination style is focused.' 
Michael Wheater KCGatehouse Chambers ‘Tactically excellent with superb drafting. His advocacy is excellent: clear, concise, and skilfully delivered. He commands respect from opponents and judges. Incredibly astute, but down to earth and well liked by clients as they appreciate that Michael understands their role and the industry.'

Leading Juniors

James Bowling 4 Pump Court ‘James is very good. He is clever, gives clear advice, understands the technical aspects of cases and is good talking to clients.'
Cyril Chern 4 New Square ‘Cyril is pre-eminent in cross-examination of witnesses and especially expert witnesses and does so on a multitude of construction specialisms and he does so in a calm and surgically precise manner and is a pleasure to watch. Simply put he is an extremely effective advocate who can read the court well, is liked by the judges and arbitrators he appears before and puts his points across superbly.’                  
Nicholas Collings Atkin ChambersNicholas’ advice is clear and concise and his drafting powerfully persuasive. Nicholas’ grasp of technical issues is first-class.’ 
Richard Coplin Keating Chambers ‘Richard is one of the best in the business. He totally gets it and is an absolute pleasure to work with. He is client friendly and always provides sound advice.'
Andrew Fenn Atkin Chambers ‘Andrew is extremely client friendly. First class written advocacy based on mastering of the factual and technical case. The first draft from Andrew rarely requires amendment. Assured and compelling oral advocacy that rivals barristers that are many years his senior.' 
Simon Henderson 4 Pump Court ‘Simon is a fantastic lawyer – outstanding judgement and a real team player. Simon is a pleasure to work with and is easily KC quality.’ 
Ebony Alleyne Gatehouse Chambers ‘Ebony goes above and beyond in attention to detail in her preparations. As a result she delivers logical, razor sharp and highly intelligent cross examination. Her advocacy skills are impressive.' 
Lucie Briggs Atkin Chambers ‘Lucie is a superb cross examiner: unflappable and clear thinking.'
Patrick Clarke Atkin Chambers ‘Patrick has excellent analytical skills which inform the basis of a solid strategic posture in litigation. Vast technical experience. Committed to being a proactive team player with his sleeves rolled up.' 
Robert Clay Atkin Chambers 'Robert is a very experienced barrister with clear strategic process in his approach to claims.'
Thomas Crangle 4 Pump Court ‘Thomas is a joy to work with. He is solutions driven and slots seamlessly into our team. A disarming counsel in a number of ways but underestimated at your peril. Tom's cross examination of experts is a specific strength.'
Omar Eljadi Atkin Chambers ‘Omar's strengths include his deep expertise in construction matters, impressive fact-finding skills and strong attention to details. He has distinguished experience in handling construction disputes. His participation in the legal team as counsel is invaluable.' 
Simon Hale 4 Pump Court ‘Simon's command of the details while never losing sight of the bigger picture is second to none. A silk in waiting. His advocacy is clear, cogent and incisive.'
Abdul Jinadu Keating Chambers ‘Abdul is extremely bright and very engaging. If Abdul says that he will meet a deadline, he will meet a deadline and the quality of his work is of the highest order.'
Shourav Lahiri Atkin Chambers ‘Incredible work ethic and excellent advocacy skills.' 
Kate Livesey 4 Pump Court ‘Kate is excellent – she is very thorough and quickly gets to grips with the difficult issues in the claim. When advising, Kate strikes the difficult balance between advising on the currently pleaded claim, while also keeping an eye on potential difficulties that may arise later on.’ 
Rachael O’Hagan – Keating Chambers ‘Rachael’s open but no-nonsense manner means that she builds good rapport with the tribunal and even opposing counsel. She is particularly effective at sorting the wheat from the chaff, and only cross-examining on the points that really mattered.’ 
Sarah Williams Keating Chambers ‘Sarah’s key strength is her attention to detail, forensic analysis of the key facts and also thinking outside the box with difficult legal arguments. She is an all round excellent barrister and is attentive, efficient and hands-on.’
Luke Wygas 4 Pump Court ‘Luke has a great manner and ability to focus on the points which really matter. He is very easy to work with.’
Alexandra Bodnar – Keating Chambers 'Alexandra has an incredible eye for detail, she runs her cases like they were on rails. To say she is client and solicitor friendly is an understatement. She meshes perfectly with the solicitor team. If you are a solicitor, and you have a big construction case, she is the junior you want to keep your silk at peak performance. If you are a silk, she is the junior you want to keep you looking good.'
Timothy Chelmick 4 New Square ‘Tim's strengths are considerable. He is a great black letter lawyer who is also fluent on the technicalities of the industry and user-friendly and pragmatic.' 
Mathias Cheung Atkin Chambers ‘Mathias drafts very well and is good on his feet - an outstanding junior and definitely one to watch.'
Daniel Churcher 4 Pump Court 'Excellent clarity of thought and strategic approach to resolving complex cases backed up by strong advocacy skills.'  
Tom Coulson – Keating Chambers ‘Tom is highly intelligent and very good in writing and oral advocacy. He is a great construction lawyer who is mature beyond his years. One of top juniors at the construction Bar already.’ 
Rebecca Drake 39 Essex Chambers ‘Rebecca’s written advocacy is impressive. The quality of her drafting is excellent, as is the speed with which she produces it.’ 
Benjamin Fowler  – 4 New Square ‘Benjamin is a very reliable, very capable lawyer who is a genuine pleasure to work alongside. He quickly understands the detail and can see the issues. His written advises are clear and succinct, his advocacy is well-received by the bench and he is genuinely an all round delight to instruct.’
Daniel Goodkin  – 4 Pump Court ‘Daniel is extremely bright and creative - focussed on winning and finding a solution. Unflappable.'
Rónán Hanna  – Atkin Chambers ‘Rónán is very bright and capable, as well as being user friendly and responsive.’ 
Emma HealissKeating Chambers ‘Emma is excellent to work with. She is responsive and easy to work with, as well as being technically excellent.’
David Johnson Atkin Chambers ‘David is excellent technically and strategically and always delivers on time even in very difficult circumstances.'
Samar Abbas KazmiAtkin Chambers ‘Samar is extremely bright and very quick. He has a laser-like focus on the important points, and expresses himself beautifully. He knows when to press a point in argument and when to yield gracefully. He is an excellent junior.' 
Zulfikar Khayum Atkin Chambers ‘Zulfikar is very responsive, client friendly, and very sharp. He is unfailingly helpful and on top of the matter, as well as very likeable.’
Thomas Lazur Keating Chambers  ‘Tom is quick on his feet, and always thoroughly prepared for advocacy. Tom is fantastic across the detail, enthusiastic and rigorous advocate. Tom is down to earth, prepared to roll up his sleeves and is a great team player.’
Marc Lixenberg Atkin Chambers ‘Robust, yet polite. Marc is a formidable opponent.' 
Sarah McCann Gatehouse Chambers ‘Sarah's drafting is very good quality, clear and persuasive. She has a good straightforward manner with clients and is commercial. She is also approachable and easy to work with.'
George McDonald 4 New Square ‘It probably goes without saying that George is very bright. He gets to grips with matters very quickly. His stand-out quality is his user-friendliness. He is always an absolute pleasure to work with.’
Charles Pimlott Crown Office Chambers 'Charles is excellent to work with. He is super responsive and always makes himself available. His drafting is first rate, and his advice on merits and strategy is always spot on.' 
Katie Powell Atkin Chambers 'Katie is very responsive and clear and decisive in her advice. She is excellent on the detail, but still able to see the bigger picture.'
Ben Sareen Keating Chambers ‘Ben is excellent on the detail and as a result, his written work is very good. Ben is popular for a reason.’
Hugh Saunders 4 New Square ‘Hugh is extremely hardworking – he definitely goes the extra mile for clients. He is also very user-friendly, and quickly builds a rapport with clients. His legal analysis and written work are first-rate.’ 
Melissa Shipley 39 Essex Chambers ‘Melissa is an excellent junior, who is comfortable leading cases or working with KCs. Melissa’s detailed understanding of the technical and factual issues quickly earn her the respect and confidence of clients.' 
James Thompson Keating Chambers ‘James is very practical, rolls up his sleeves and gets totally gets stuck into the detail of the claim. He is clear and very user friendly.'  
Matthew Thorne 4 Pump Court ‘Matthew is exceptionally bright, with the gift of being able to explain and convey complex legal issues in a persuasive and compelling manner to both clients and the court. He comfortably holds his own against silks.’ 
Jennie Wild Keating Chambers 'Jennie is very intelligent, incredibly hard working and very perceptive as to the needs of a given case. Her appetite for the technical detail is considerable. She researches issues thoroughly and provides comprehensive notes on the position. Very professional.'  
Lauren Adams Atkin Chambers ‘Lauren is exceptional on her feet with complex legal arguments and very much has the ear of the judge. She is at home when pitched against counsel many years her senior, including silks.’
Tom Asquith 4 New Square ‘Tom is an excellent and persuasive advocate, extremely easy to work with. One of Tom's most significant strengths is client management, something unique to most great barristers. Tom has an impressive emotional intelligence, balanced with an ability to clearly and constructively explain complex legal issues to clients in a way that puts them at ease.’
Mischa Balen Atkin Chambers ‘He is a brilliant barrister and definitely a go-to junior. His written work is outstanding and he is extremely efficient. A real pleasure to work with.’
Peter Brogden Keating Chambers ‘Peter is clear and considered when it comes to providing legal advice and obviously has a great understanding of the construction industry.'
Paul Bury Keating Chambers ‘Paul is an absolute star. He has an impressive grip of all legal issues but it is his manner that sets him above the others. He works extremely hard and brings so many new angles to cases. A joy to work with and he will go very far.’
Gaynor Chambers Keating Chambers ‘Gaynor's key strength is her technical acumen and attention to detail. She is excellent at getting to the bottom of an issue and as a result she is able to provide high quality advice tailored to the specific matter.'
Lucy Colter 4 New Square 'Lucy is an exceptionally talented and a brilliant advocate.'
Jess Connors 39 Essex Chambers 'She is extremely thorough and very quick to get on top of complex technical detail.'
Brenna Conroy Keating Chambers 'Brenna is technically brilliant and a grafter. She never backs down from a good fight. Brenna is also a pleasure to work with, leading or being part of a wider team.' 
Simon Crawshaw Atkin Chambers ‘Simon is very well-versed in planning and construction with quick turnaround times when further instructions are given. He is very proactive and provides detailed advice promptly.'
Helen Dennis 4 Pump Court 'She is excellent with the details in complex construction cases.'
Felicity Dynes Atkin Chambers ‘Felicity is extremely bright, laser focused in her written advice and advocacy, a clever cross-examiner and a delight to work with. A top choice junior barrister.'
Matthew Finn Keating Chambers ‘Matthew is one of the best all-round juniors on the market for big-ticket construction cases.' 
Paul Fisher 4 New Square ‘Paul is very bright and identifies the key issues quickly. He is a pleasure to work with. Calm and reassuring with clients. Able to read the room effectively.'
James Frampton Keating Chambers ‘James' ability to digest and distil the detail is impressive. He is exceptionally hard-working, quick to grasp the key issues, easy to work with and highly valued by our team and clients alike. James' is incredibly bright, quick thinking and his advocacy is sharp and precise. 
Caroline Greenfield – Atkin Chambers ‘Caroline is an highly analytical and responsive, with excellent attention to detail. Her written work is of a very high standard and she gives robust and clear advice, focusing on the key points.’
Dalton Hale Atkin Chambers ‘An extremely able lawyer who is able to deliver his advice clearly and with an eye to the wider commercial aspects of a dispute.’
Patrick Hennessey 39 Essex Chambers 'Patrick's strengths are his speed at picking up the key issues, his advocacy skills which are well beyond his level of seniority, down to earth nature and accessibility and responsiveness.'
Gideon Scott Holland Keating Chambers ‘Gideon is an extremely reliable and responsive barrister, with unrivaled expertise and ability in handling PFI related disputes. He is easy to work with, and a great team player.' 
David Hopkins 39 Essex Chambers 'David is excellent at approaching issues from first principles, getting to the nub of the  issue. David also gets on well with clients, helping them take confidence in his advice. David's written advocacy is very sharp. He has a precise yet persuasive style.' 
Laura Hussey – Atkin Chambers ‘Laura produces excellent written legal submissions leading to a successful adjudication result. A team player who is a pleasure to work with.'
Emma Hynes - Gatehouse Chambers 'Emma is forensic in her analysis and has an exceptional ability to articulate her arguments.'
Ed Jones 4 Pump Court 'Ed's strategic input while also tackling a huge amount of detail is invaluable.'
Vivek Kapoor – 39 Essex Chambers ‘Vivek offers judicial insight into a range of construction disputes, drawing upon his experience as a practising arbitrator. He consistently demonstrates a confident and robust demeanour in court which is welcomed by the courts and clients alike. He pleads astutely and efficiently to deliver excellent outcomes for his clients.’ 
Andrew Kearney – Gatehouse Chambers 'Andrew's main strength is his ability to very quickly get to the major issues in the case, and then articulate those major issues with brevity and clarity. This flows through to his advocacy, which is always focused and precise.' 
Simon Kerry  - Gatehouse Chambers 'Simon is a very clear communicator. He is able to distil complicated issues into client-friendly advice, both in writing and in conference. His drafting skills are strong. He is an asset to any case on which he works.'
Saleem KhalidDeka Chambers ‘Saleem is simply outstanding. His knowledge and application of construction and related insurance and professional indemnity law is first rate. His skills as an advocate place him head and shoulders above his peers.'
Nicholas Maciolek Atkin Chambers ‘Nicholas is a very good junior counsel, who is able to process large volumes of information rapidly. He is very proactive, and clearly knows his stuff.' 
Caroline McColgan Crown Office Chambers 'Caroline is excellent: a very good construction lawyer, very bright, extremely hard-working, dedicated and terrific with clients. She is also a very good cross-examiner, and a delight to work with.'
John McMillanKeating Chambers ‘John's drafting is typically excellent but his advocacy is particularly impressive.'
Edmund Neuberger Atkin Chambers ‘Edmund is easy to work with and extremely responsive. He adopts a hands on approach and simplifies the entire process for those working with him.' 
Thomas Ogden 4 New Square 'Tom is able to clearly articulate strategic and tactical points and was quick to get across the detail quickly.' 
Laurence Page – 4 Pump Court ‘Laurence is proactive, entrepreneurial, enthusiastic, and generally excellent.'
Christopher Reid Atkin Chambers ‘Christopher is very bright, good at the detail. Very personable.'
Richard Sage Crown Office ChambersRichard is not afraid to get his hands dirty: his calm demeanour and comprehensive understanding of construction is admirable. His performance in hearings is impressive, and his drafting skills are robust. His grasp and application of arbitration procedures is invaluable, and his breadth of knowledge and experience is exceptional.’ 
David Sawtell39 Essex Chambers ‘David has a forensic knowledge of construction law and is incredibly bright. He combines this with a commercially minded approach to advice. The combination, plus his knowledge of leasehold matters, is invaluable.'
Robert Scrivener 4 Pump Court ‘Robert has the exceptional ability to be on top of the detail for almost every part of a large case. He is easy to deal with, very responsive, has a good eye for strategy, and generally effective advocacy.'
David Sheard Keating Chambers ‘David is widely acknowledged as one of the most cerebral barristers in what is a world-beating set. His advice and drafting is exceptionally good and he has an ability to get to the crux of an issue in a short space of time.'
Gideon Shirazi 4 Pump Court ‘Good advocate. Gideon is very considered and he handles complex legal points with ease. He is also able to explain those points to clients in clear terms.'
Alice SimsKeating Chambers ‘Alice has a very good depth of experience, thanks to her work as a judge sitting on various tribunals in various specialist fields, and always brings a good and fresh insight to the case.’ 
Harry Smith Keating Chambers ‘Very bright, lateral thinker, able to condense complexities into something clients can understand, user-friendly. He writes well and is excellent value for money in what is an expensive chambers.'
Robert Stokell Crown Office Chambers ‘Robert has great attention to detail and a calm and reasoned approach.' 
Carlo Taczalski Crown Office Chambers ‘Carlo is very commercial, but not scared to get into the detail and provide robust advice on the merits too. He is a top class barrister.'
Quentin Tannock 4 Pump Court ‘Quentin is an excellent advocate. He is sharp and gets to the heart of the key issues efficiently. His is adept at presenting difficult concepts and issues to arbitral tribunals in a way that is easy to understand and digest and he is a fiercely sharp cross-examiner.'
Charlie Thompson Keating Chambers  ‘Charlie is clever and thoughtful. In technically-heavy trials, he deals with the experts and the expert evidence with ease. His advocacy is excellent and he brings the judge with him to the conclusion of every point – which is a difficult skill.’
Ryan TurnerAtkin Chambers  'Ryan's attention to detail is second to none and he has a fantastic ability to digest and distil huge amounts of information to produce clear and concise advice and drafting. Very accessible and user friendly. A real pleasure to work with an an invaluable part of the team on a very large and complex matter.'
Dermot Woolgar Crown Office Chambers 'Dermot is very thorough on paper and sets out his advice in a very client friendly manner. He is accessible and approachable which is key, while also being robust in his views. Dermot has a broad practice which is often hugely beneficial in complex cases.'

Rising Stars

Joshua Brown Crown Office Chambers ‘Joshua is an excellent barrister and has the ability to cut to the heart of a case and provide first-rate advice. His attention to detail, often in the face of hundreds of pages of documents and complex issues is exceptional. His advocacy and subsequent reporting further reflects his diligence and he has, in fact, never failed to deliver the outcome desired by clients.’
Harriet Di FrancescoKeating Chambers ‘Harriet has very great attention to detail and excellent caliber in the construction area.' 
Kort Egan Gatehouse Chambers ‘Kort is assured and controlled. Methodical preparation leads to calm yet persuasive advocacy. Understands strategy as well as the law.'
George Eyre Gatehouse Chambers ‘George has exemplary knowledge of both the law and of the client's commercial needs. An ability to retain, understand and analyse a huge amount of information and consistently apply it to queries and issues as they develop.'
Arthur Graham-Dixon – Atkin Chambers ‘Arthur is an exceptional construction junior. His ability to synthesise a significant factual record in a short timeframe, provide accurate and commercially informed advice, and to produce very high quality written work, is impressive.'
Callum Monro Morrison Keating Chambers ‘Callum is very bright, calm and a delight. He is brilliant at pleading and dealing with tricky points of law.'
Max TwivyAtkin Chambers 'Max is extremely detailed, sharp and engaged. He is responsive and is very pleasant to work with. Certainly a name to watch for the future.'

Construction in London Bar

Atkin Chambers

With ‘unrivalled experience in construction and engineering matters’, Atkin Chambers boasts ‘deep bench strength’, and continues to handle major international projects and domestic infrastructure and fire safety matters. In the international arena, Christopher Lewis KC and Manus McMullan KC continue to represent the Panama Canal Authority in disputes arising from the Third Set of Locks project. In addition to the set’s experience in international arbitration, Andrew Fenn   is currently acting for the claimant in Carillion plc v KPMG LLP & Anor, a large audit negligence case concerning the collapse of the construction contractor. On the domestic side, Dominique Rawley KC, Simon Lofthouse KC, and Jennifer Jones KC are instructed on a high-value structural defects claim in the healthcare sector, while Chantal-Aimée Doerries KC is leading on Sheffield Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust v Hadfield Healthcare Partnership Limited, a multimillion PFI dispute relating to fire safety in a hospital. Stephanie Barwise KC and Dalton Hale continued to represent a group of core participants in the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry. Camille Slow KC took silk in March 2024.

Les références

‘Clerks as a whole are very helpful, knowledgeable and quick to respond to queries. Andy Burrows in particular is worth a special mention.’ 

‘The service from the clerks room is excellent. Justin Wilson, Andy Burrows and Rick Bulaitis are the ‘go to’ with David Barnes also accessible if required.’ 

‘Atkin Chambers are a real power house in construction professional negligence. First rate. Real strength in depth.’ 

Principaux dossiers

Keating Chambers

As the ‘strongest specialist construction set in the country’ according to some, Keating Chambers tackles an array of significant domestic and international disputes, with particular expertise in fire safety and cladding related cases. Jonathan Selby KC and Tom Coulson continue to represent the housebuilder in Martlet Homes vs Mulalley & Co, a major post-Grenfell TCC fire safety and cladding case, while Simon Hughes KC and James Frampton are acting for the contractor. Sarah Williams is instructed by Shepherd Construction Limited in another major cladding claim. Other key cases include Piers Stansfield KC, who is representing Cambridge City Council in a High Court action regarding design defects in a major infrastructure project, and Paul Bury acted as counsel for Outotec, defending several liquidated damages, defects, and termination costs claims on a waste-to-energy power plant. Significant team changes include Tom Owen KC taking silk in March 2024.

Les références

‘The clerking team at Keating is excellent – Rob Garvan at Keating is very responsive to urgent enquiries and always very accommodating.’ 

‘The clerks deliver a first class service. The Joint Directors of Clerking James Luxmoore and Will Shrubsall are doing an excellent job and complement each other very well.’

‘Outstanding across the board. Will Shrubsall and James Luxmoore lead the team with distinction. The room is full of stars. Jade Clark, Sam Kennett, Rob Garvan, Jacob Watson and Amy Barrie are professional, dedicated and experienced. The assistant practice managers Rosina Thomas, Charlotte Hindmarsh and Liyah Liburd all provide invaluable support.’

Principaux dossiers

4 Pump Court

Demonstrating a ‘real depth of talent in construction law’, 4 Pump Court offers representation of a wide range of construction related issues, with a particular focus on domestic fire safety and contract termination claims. In addition to the set's global arbitration footprint, it has marked its extensive presence in significant cladding-related cases. Jennie Gillies is led by Alexander Hickey KC as opposing counsel to Ben Pilling KC, representing Edgewater in a Building Liability Order, while Lynne McCafferty KC is instructed by a contractor in a multi-party cladding claim before the TCC. Additionally, Rachel Ansell KC is leading Jonathan Lewis KC in representing manufacturer Kingspan in concerning cladding products in relation to the Building Safety Act 2023. Sanjay Patel KC took silk in March 2024.

Les références

‘Sam Penny is an outstanding clerk who is extremely approachable and passionate in his work. Nothing is too much of an ask for Sam and his responses and follow ups on matters are quick. Niki Merisen is also a good clerk who is very easy to deal with and follows up on matters quickly. Ellis Fairbrass is quick to respond and ensures you feel like a priority.’

‘The clerks are very helpful.’

‘The clerking team is really user friendly. They are responsive, helpful and always looking to accommodate any requests.’

Principaux dossiers

39 Essex Chambers

39 Essex Chambers is ‘an impressive set’, tackling a broad range of construction issues, particularly focusing on professional negligence and insurance matters. Kate Grange KC continues to advise on the Grenfell Tower Inquiry on all construction matters, leading a group of juniors who are examining the design and construction of the tower and whether it complied with relevant statutory provisions. Additionally, Marion Smith KC is acting for Day Architectural Limited in ongoing TCC proceedings regarding cladding and design issues. In the real estate arena, Vivek Kapoor is acting as sole council in a claim before the TCC regarding construction of a luxury residential project. On the international side, David Hopkins is led by Adam Robb KC in a complex multi-jurisdictional case, representing TSK Electronica y Electricidad, a Spanish contractor, in an injunction application regarding a payment under a performance bond.

Les références

‘The clerks are 39 Essex Chambers are exceptionally client focused, Harvey Scott in particular is a pleasure to work with and will always respond to queries very efficiently.’ 

‘Clerks are always professional and reactive.’

‘The clerks room is one of the best around.’ 

Principaux dossiers

4 New Square Chambers

4 New Square Chambers is ‘unwaveringly consistent in providing a top service’, and handles a wide range of domestic and international construction related disputes, often crossing over with the set’s reputed expertise in professional negligence work. Internationally, Hugh Saunders is appearing in a termination contract case for a high-value infrastructure project in Trinidad before that jurisdiction’s courts. On the domestic side, Roger Stewart KC acted for Arconic in civil litigation relating to the Grenfell Tower fire, and led George McDonald in a dispute before the TCC relating to a large construction project in Manchester. In addition, the set also has experience in residential developments, with Ben Patten KC representing Willmott Dixon Construction Limited in a major cladding defects claim.

Les références

‘The clerks are very helpful. Andrew Call in particular is excellent.’ 

‘The clerks are extremely responsive and always willing to go above and beyond to assist.’ 

‘Excellent clerking. Really first class.’ 

Principaux dossiers

Crown Office Chambers

A ‘go-to construction set’, Crown Office Chambers handles a wide range of construction disputes, particularly concerning domestic commercial and luxury real estate developments.  Andrew Rigney KC is acting as lead counsel on a defects and damages claim regarding the roof of Sky’s global headquarters. In Ambassador Theatre Group Ltd v Rise Ltd and 2 others, Isabel Hitching KC is representing Rise Ltd in a major damages and design defects dispute. Members of the set were also instructed in representing Augusta 2008 LLP in a major fire safety defect case before the TCC, with Michele De Gregorio leading Sahana Jayakumar in obtaining permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. Crispin Winser KC is representing Veolia Energy & Utility Services UK plc in a multi-party TCC dispute relating alleged fire safety defects in a health care sector PFI project. In July 2024, James Wilkinson took over as senior clerk from Andy Flanagan, who remains with the set as a business development consultant. Michael Curtis KC has retired.

Les références

‘Excellent. Andy Flannagan is a superstar.’ 

‘All super efficient and very helpful. Always do their best to accommodate and have a commercial approach.’ 

‘The clerks are superior to most. They’re responsive and orgnanised.’ 

Principaux dossiers

Gatehouse Chambers

With ‘genuine strength in depth at every level’, Gatehouse Chambers offers representation on a wide range of construction-related issues, with a particular focus in project disputes and defect claims. Leading Ebony Alleyne, Paul Reed KC is instructed to representing Mace in a major contractual claim concerning roof defects at Sky’s headquarters in Osterley. Simon Kerry acted as opposing counsel to David Pliener KC, who represented JN Piling in a three-party claim arising out of an oil spill, while Catherine Piercy KC acted as sole counsel to a Click St Andrew in a damages claim. Helena White continues to represent W Griffiths Architects as sole counsel in a major professional negligence TCC claim regarding fire safety and cladding issues. In the international arena, Andrew Kearney is acting as lead counsel through a high-value ICC arbitration against an international design and build contractor in the engineering sector.

Les références

‘Clerks are very responsive.’ 

‘Quick, efficient, excellent hospitality. Nothing bad to say about the clerking team.’ 

‘The Clerks are always willing to assist as much as they can and they have shown a real desire to build and develop professional relationships.’ 

Principaux dossiers