Retour United Kingdom - The Bar

Leading Silks

Kate Blackwell KC – Lincoln House ChambersKate is an exceptional trial advocate, an extremely skilful operator, brilliant on tactical decision making, and great to work with.'
Simon Csoka KC – Lincoln House ChambersSimon has a brain the size of a planet. His ability to be able to retain huge amounts of information, then present the most complex and cogent legal submissions in regards to this information, is such that you have never seen before; he is a once in a generation barrister.’
Nina Grahame KC – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Nina is simply the best silk in the north, and probably in the country. She is a warm and empathetic advocate who is highly persuasive with a jury, her warmth and empathy combine with a compendious knowledge of the law and a steely commitment to getting the best for a client, and she prepares cases with meticulous precision.’
Nicholas Johnson KC – 7 Harrington Street ‘Nicholas is one of the most able and hard working silks on circuit. His preparation and presentation of cases is exemplary, he is excellent with clients, both lay and professional, and highly respected by the judiciary.'
Benjamin Myers KCExchange Chambers ‘Benjamin is an exceptional advocate who is able to effectively communicate to judges and juries alike. His natural talent to communicate is supported by his work ethic and his tactical brilliance, and he is a barrister who thinks deeply about tactics, and because his judgement is second-to-none, he always makes the right choice.’
Michael Hayton KC – Deans Court Chambers ‘In terms of advocacy, Michael is the number one criminal silk in the north. His closing speeches are breath taking, he has a wonderful manner with clients, and he is always a master of his brief.’
Nigel Power KC – 7 Harrington Street ‘Nigel is meticulously prepared and tactically astute. He always brings his A-game to the court and conference room, he is across all the detail in lengthy and voluminous trials, and he is rightly instructed on the major trials in the country.’
Richard Pratt KC – 7 Harrington Street ‘Richard’s experience is his most valuable asset. As lead counsel, he has been involved in some of the biggest cases to come before the courts in the past two decades, and he therefore has the respect of the judges, and his delivery in speeches before the jury are a work of art.’
Imran Shafi KCExchange Chambers ‘Imran’s calm and meticulous approach is persuasive and devastating in equal measure. Thoroughly planned advocacy leaves no weaknesses to be exploited by his opponents.’
David Temkin KCExchange Chambers ‘David is the first choice for homicide cases, as he is extremely thorough and prepares meticulous documentation to assist the court at each and every hearing, not just trial. He strikes the perfect balance of being approachable and accessible, but robust when it is necessary, and he is the model modern silk.’
Mark Ford KC – Lincoln House ChambersMark is one of the very best criminal defence advocates in the north. He is excellent with the client, he fights their corner vigorously and fairly, and he is very user-friendly for solicitors.’
Peter Glenser KC – 7 Harrington Street ‘Peter is a superb jury advocate who brings the perfect balance of theatricality and incisiveness to his advocacy. A fine tactician, he is imperturbable in the face of forensic setbacks and he has deep understanding of forensic medicine surrounding violent death and a near encyclopaedic knowledge of firearms, which is deployed with apparently effortless charm and skill examining expert witnesses.’
Siobhan Grey KC – 18 St John Street Chambers 'Siobhan is one of the best barristers to instruct for all serious and complex criminal allegations. She always finds time to have professional conferences with you to ensure that the litigation she requires is prepared correctly, and she provides clear guidance as to what work is needed to defend a case.'
Mark Rhind KC – Exchange Chambers ‘Mark is an outstanding trial advocate to whom the jury can immediately relate. In multi-handed cases you can literally see them sit up to pay attention when Mark takes to his feet.’

2023 Silks

Iain Simkin KC – Deans Court Chambers 'Iain is an exceptional advocate who is capable of delivering unpalatable truths in an unfettered manner but with compassion. He delivers in every way by being responsive to requests, providing advice and other written documents in a very timely manner, and crucially, always being correct in that advice.'

Leading Juniors

Clare Ashcroft – Lincoln House Chambers 'Clare possesses an unfaltering breadth of legal knowledge whilst also exhibiting a rare combination of empathy and tenacity. She demonstrates an unwavering dedication to securing the best possible outcome for her clients, her advocacy skills are superb, and she holds a presence in the court room which is commanding yet respectful.'
Joseph Hart – Deans Court Chambers 'Joseph is an excellent advocate and his client care skills are also extremely good. He prepares thoroughly for cases, his advice is always pragmatic, and he is also friendly and very prompt at providing advice on cases when it is requested.'
Virginia HaytonDeans Court Chambers ‘Virginia is a fantastic advocate and held in very high regard by the bench and Bar alike. As well as being a gifted advocate in all aspects of criminal cases, including cross-examinations and closing speeches, she is also extremely hard-working and diligent.’
Charlotte KennyExchange Chambers ‘Charlotte is a formidable trial lawyer who shows a steely determination to get the best possible outcome for the client. Throughout the case, she is always approachable and ready to discuss the best tactical approach, she is a first-class performer in court when dealing with the most serious and complex of fraud cases, and she regularly produces outstanding results.'
Michael Lavery – Exchange Chambers ‘Michael is very well-received by the full range of clients, from murderers to company directors. He has an easy manner with all of them and in court is an extremely persuasive and empathetic jury advocate.’
Damian NolanExchange ChambersDamian is a real fighter who clients love to have on their side. His preparation is fantastic, his paperwork meticulous, and juries really enjoy listening to him.’
David Toal – Exchange Chambers ‘David is a phenomenal barrister and an excellent and articulate advocate. He is well respected by all on the circuit, he is able to absorb a great deal of information in complex cases at short notice, and he is incredible with clients and able to put defendants at ease regardless of the case before them.'
Ian WhitehurstExchange Chambers ‘Ian is an extremely able advocate. He is strategically tactful and personable, and immediately builds rapport whilst taking positions to robustly defend his client's interests.'
David Birrell – Exchange Chambers ‘David is an exceptional jury advocate and a silk in the making. His tone and delivery are incredibly persuasive, he is a confident advocate, his competent manner appeals to judges, and he’s always prepared and never flustered.'
Richard Brigden – Exchange Chambers ‘Richard is a committed and thoughtful barrister who does excellent work on behalf of his clients. He prepares all cases thoroughly and with strong attention to detail, he is an excellent communicator, he is able to communicate effectively with clients from a wide variety of backgrounds, and his strong communication skills make him a good jury advocate.'
Fiona ClancyExchange Chambers ‘Fiona demonstrates a wide range of strengths throughout the duration of her trials. In respect of her advocacy, she strikes an excellent balance of firmness and fairness when cross-examining the complainant and her closing is extremely down-to-earth and relatable for the jury.'
Mark Connor – St John’s BuildingsMark is hard working and on conferences it is apparent he is fully au fait with the file and engages well with the client. He handles himself well in court, both so far as the client is concerned and in his dealings with the judge, and he is politely forceful when putting his points across.'
Richard Dawson – Lincoln House ChambersRichard is one of the best in the business on his feet in front of a jury. His experience really tells in the cross-examination of witnesses and he thinks outside the box when it comes to defending cases, always adding something different that others had not considered.'
Jonathan Duffy – 7 Harrington Street ‘Jonathan has the enviable ability to be able to construct any argument on his feet. He is very composed before the judges, he is very intelligent and exceptionally calm, and he has a persuasive manner about him that brings real confidence to the client.'
Andrew Evans – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Andy is extremely thorough and meticulous, both in his preparation prior to court and in court. He is available for conferences and clients warm to him given his extensive knowledge.'
Rachel Faux – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Rachel's advocacy is truly second-to-none. She is incredibly personable, both with the client and the jury in the court room, and she is extremely thorough and leaves no stone unturned.'
Rebecca Filletti – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Rebecca is a highly intelligent, skilled, and persuasive advocate. She is already considered a leading senior junior in Manchester and she is instructed in serious and sensitive cases of a kind rarely briefed to someone of her call, but which she is more than able to conduct with ease.’
Simon Gurney – Lincoln House ChambersSimon is simply fantastic. A go-to barrister who ticks all the boxes, his preparation is excellent, his written work brilliant, and he is a fantastic advocate.’
Sara Haque – Kenworthy’s Chambers ‘Sara has an unwavering dedication to her cases, and her meticulous preparation for conferences and hearings, coupled with a determination to secure the best outcomes for her clients, sets her apart as an exceptional legal professional. In court, she really does fight for the interests of her clients and the preparation she has undertaken beforehand is clear to see and puts her miles ahead of her opponents.'
Gwen Henshaw – Cobden House Chambers ‘Gwen is an outstanding advocate and clients are extremely impressed with both closing speeches and sentencing submissions. She is always keen to attend conferences to ensure clients have sufficient time to discuss matters away from court, and this is so important in many cases as time at court can be limited.’
Oliver Jarvis – Exchange Chambers 'Oliver is an exceptional advocate who obtains very good outcomes for all clients, whether it be a not guilty verdict or as a result of his mitigation. His preparation of cases and presentation is always very thorough, and he has a very good manner with clients and places them at ease in highly stressful situations.'
Benjamin James Knight – Central Chambers ‘Apart from exceptional attention to detail, Benjamin’s knowledge of technology in all aspects is quite phenomenal and of immense use, especially in cases involving Encrochat and similar technologies. He has excellent communication abilities, his empathy with the clients is quite outstanding, and he will provide written advice covering things such as sentencing guidelines and the law in a digestible form.’
Daniel Lister – 23 Essex StreetDaniel is a phenomenal advocate, as his preparation is meticulous and his execution confident and persuasive. Judges think highly of him and often defer to him on sticky legal points in the knowledge that he knows what he's talking about.'
Gemma Maxwell – St John’s BuildingsGemma is without a shadow of doubt one of the best barristers on the northern circuit. Her legal knowledge is surpassed by none, she is incredibly well organised and formidable in court, and her advocacy skills are incredible as she is able to think strategically throughout the duration of the case to ensure the best possible outcome for clients.'
Hugh McKee23 Essex Street 'Hugh is always on top of his brief. He is a good trial strategist and an effective and skilful advocate, and he has excellent knowledge of the law.'
Erimnaz Mushtaq – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Erimnaz has an excellent bedside manner, is able to engage and communicate with clients from all walks of life, and is able to adapt to each individual client's needs. She is down to earth and an excellent listener, she is adaptable and works well under pressure, she is organised with her time, and is both tactically astute and effective in cross-examination and mitigation.’
Rebecca Penfold – St John’s Buildings ‘Rebecca is an outstanding junior who is always prepared, works extremely hard, and is an incredibly clear thinker. She can deal with novel and challenging situations and judges have confidence in both her written advocacy and command of the law.'
Charlotte Rimmer – Exchange Chambers ‘Charlotte is a rare diamond in that she has it all. She comes to court always fully prepared and knows every detail of her case, she has a wonderful manner with clients which ensures that even the most vulnerable clients are heard and their interests protected, and she is a dynamic advocate in court and has the ability to navigate complex legal issues quickly as and when they arise.'
Gareth Roberts – Exchange Chambers ‘Gareth genuinely fights for clients and he has the underrated ability to converse in a manner that clients both appreciate and understand, making them feel not only represented but supported throughout their case. He conducts brilliant analysis of issues in cases that others would miss.’
Bob Sastry – 23 Essex StreetBob is extremely professional with excellent attention to detail. He works on cases in a collaborative manner and achieves good outcomes for the clients, his advocacy skills are excellent, and he is able to communicate well with clients from all walks of life.'
Rachel Shenton – 18 St John Street ChambersRachel is an outstanding counsel, and her trial advocacy is consistently powerful and engaging. She maintains excellent communication throughout the contact that she has with both clients and instructing solicitors, explaining her reasoning for the actions being taken at every step of the way, and her preparation is detailed and she consistently reviews unused material to ensure that all avenues possible are considered when planning the defence case.'
Richard Vardon – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Richard deals with heavyweight cases of serious violence, drugs conspiracies, and fraud. He is an excellent barrister with fantastic oratory skills that are extremely persuasive.'
Alaric Walmsley – 7 Harrington Street 'Alaric is a measured yet forthright advocate with great written and oral advocacy skills. He is extremely hard working and dedicated, as well as personable, and he will leave no stone unturned.'
Marianne Alton – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Marianne is an exceptional and fearless advocate. She is incredibly thorough in her preparation and is able to assimilate large volumes of evidence, and she presents concisely and persuasively.’
Katy Appleton – 7 Harrington Street 'Katy combines a calm determination to win every case with an outstanding work ethic. She is an intelligent lawyer and a fearsome cross-examiner.'
Jamie Baxter – 7 Harrington Street 'Jamie boasts meticulous preparation in advance which lends itself to his eloquent and confident performance in court. He has developed a practice well beyond what might normally be expected for someone of his call, and he is a go-to choice of junior in murder cases.'
Hayley Bennett 9 St John Street 'Hayley is a strong advocate and she is particularly well versed in dealing with vulnerable clients and has an ability to provide advice which is clear, concise, and tailored to the individual client's needs. Her expertise combined with her exceptional advocacy skills makes her an invaluable asset.'
Claire Brocklebank – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Claire marries outstanding intellect with an incredible work ethic. She goes above and beyond in every case, providing first-class client care and ensuring that every angle of the case is covered.'
Daniel Calder 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Daniel has an excellent knowledge of the law and he exercises sound judgement. His advocacy is compelling and engaging too.'
Anna Chestnutt – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Anna is a thorough and tenacious barrister who pays close attention to detail and prepares cases meticulously, leaving no stone unturned. She is exceptional and her advocacy skills show diligence and persistent determination in all that she does.’
Rachel Cooper – Lincoln House Chambers 'Rachel is a fearless advocate who will stand her ground where appropriate whilst having a calm and reassuring manner with defendants, especially those with mental health or learning issues. She will assist instructing solicitors wherever possible and will undertake work herself to help as required.'
Huw Edwards Exchange Chambers ‘Huw stands out for his superb advocacy. He has a gentle but extremely effective approach in cross-examination and he is also a very good lawyer with excellent judgement.'
Chudi Grant – Kenworthy’s Chambers 'Chudi has a very calming persona and immediately puts clients at ease. They feel listened to and confident in his representation, and he is particularly excellent in dealing with distressed families and ensuring that they feel involved in the case.'
Harriet Johnson – Doughty Street Chambers 'Harriet is an exceptional barrister. She is very clever and always up to date with the law, considering complex matters with ease, and she is not just an excellent technical lawyer; she is approachable, responsive, and clients love her.'
Helen Longworth – 9 St John Street ‘Helen presents cases with efficiency and with especially incisive cross-examination. She presents attractive written submissions on complex issues and delivers persuasive closing speeches to the jury.’
Sarah Magill – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Sarah is a joy to instruct as she is great with clients, fastidious in her preparation of all matters, and responsive. She is authoritative without a hint of arrogance, extremely well-prepared for any eventuality, and clearly enjoys advocacy.’
Kimberley Obrusik – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Kimberley’s communication skills are second-to-none, whether that be with vulnerable or difficult clients, the judiciary, juries, or police teams and the CPS. Her preparation is particularly detail-orientated and her advocacy style is robust but searingly charming.'
Isobel Thomas – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Isobel is an impressively conscientious barrister with a superb eye for detail and excellent client care skills. Her advocacy is persuasive and forceful, whilst always remaining courteous and accessible in tone, and when cross-examining, taking witnesses in chief, and in addressing the jury and the judge, she demonstrates excellent judgement and skill.'

Rising Stars

Rosalind Burgin – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Rosalind has developed a commanding and astute style of advocacy when in the court. She creates a narrative on the facts on the case and develops key points through cross-examination and taking clients through their evidence.’

Sophie Kenny – Cobden House Chambers 'Sophie is an outstanding counsel. Her attention to detail is second-to-none, she has the most approachable manner when dealing with clients, and her advocacy style is fluid and sincere and she is able to put her case in a clear and concise manner, filling not only her clients with confidence, but also her instructing solicitor.'
Hamish McCallum – Garden Court North Chambers 'An excellent junior.'
Holly Menary 7 Harrington Street 'Holly is a most thorough advocate and her case preparation is of the highest standard, identifying each issue with precise regard. Her approach to defending matters in court is through and robust, and her advocacy is superb.'
Graham Rishton – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Graham is a very hard-working, astute barrister who is excellent with clients. His advocacy is to a high standard, which is carefully thought through on the basis of his meticulous preparation, and he does not fear a good fight as an advocate.’

Crime (general and fraud) in Regional Bar

Exchange Chambers

Exchange Chambers is praised as ‘the go-to set for serious criminal work‘, with members called upon to defend and prosecute at all levels of court across the North West of England. The set has a strong bench of silks, including Ben Myers KC, whose practice encompasses the entirety of criminal law, from murder, manslaughter, rape, and sexual offences, to high-value fraud, money laundering, and drug trafficking – of recent note, he represented Lucy Letby, the former neonatal nurse convicted of the murder of seven infants and the attempted murder of six more after a ten-month trial. David Temkin KC is another notable criminal law silk handling both defence and prosecution work, while Imran Shafi KC exclusively defends in a range of criminal trials, including murders, complex fraud, and drug conspiracies. Head of the set’s criminal group Richard Littler KC has significant expertise in terrorism cases, and he also represented a fifteen-year-old autistic, mute boy, one of two defendants convicted of the murder of transgender teenager Brianna Ghey in Liverpool. Mark Rhind KC is another active silk who frequently handles multi-handed murder cases, as well as pension and timeshare frauds. Among the juniors, Damian Nolan predominately acts for the defence and his expertise spans across terrorism cases and international drug conspiracies, while Ian Whitehurst is notable for his expertise in cyber-related criminal activity. David Toal has expertise in prosecuting serious sexual offences, and he also prosecuted American boxing trainer Brian McIntyre for possession of a firearm – illegal in the UK but licensed in the US – that was found in his suitcase at Manchester Airport. Michael Lavery is another notable name, and he mostly handles defence work in fraud cases.

Les références

‘Nick Buckley is an exceptional criminal clerk. A real fixer and super responsive.’

‘The main reason for the enduring success of Exchange is the management of the whole business, and the clerks are an integral part of that. Nick Buckley epitomises what Exchange are all about – excellence, professionalism, and complete reliability. The clerks room is seamless across the three cities and the service is simply superb.’

‘Strong clerk’s room. Nick Buckley is a robust senior clerk leading a hard working team at the Manchester set. In Liverpool, Kate Masher continues to provide excellent service. She is always honest in her assessment of counsel’s strengths when approached for comment.’

Principaux dossiers

Lincoln House Chambers

Lincoln House Chambers is a ‘go-to set in crime’, and it saw Kate Blackwell KC appointed as head of chambers in September 2023. Another key silk is Simon Csoka KC, who exclusively acts for the defence and his practice largely centres around organised crime and fraud. Of recent note, he is defending in the case of Operation Tradite, which is thought to be the largest ever drugs importation cases in the UK. Alexander Leach KC is active in cases of terrorism, bribery and corruption, and multi-handed murders, and Mark Ford KC is another key criminal law silk. Turning to the juniors, Clare Ashcroft is a specialist criminal defence practitioner with expertise in murder, manslaughter, and fraud, and Rebecca Filletti has experience in cases surrounding child cruelty, rape, and firearm-related offences. Filletti represented a woman charged with the murder of her abusive partner, in which a partial defence of loss of control was accepted. Simon Gurney has substantial expertise in handling cases regarding historic sexual abuse, as well as large drugs conspiracies, and Richard Dawson specialises in road traffic law and related criminal offences, including death and serious injury caused by carless and dangerous driving. Richard H English is another notable name, and he is often sought after to defend in cases arising from sexual violence, murder, and fraud. Money laundering cases are an area of expertise for Gerard Doran, while Rachel Cooper is especially strong in cases involving clients with significant mental health needs. Isobel Thomas is skilled in representing younger defendants accused of gang activity.

Les références

‘The clerks are very good. Ty Price, Andy McGuinness, and David Gibbons deserve particular praise.’

‘David Gibbons at Lincoln House is an asset to the team. He stays in touch and is always committed to assuring that instructing solicitors are aware of any changes to the court timetable or listings on the off chance that the court have not communicated the same to the firm.’

‘Senior clerk David Wright is extremely proactive in managing counsel, and focused on making sure that they are well equipped and guided to provide a top-quality service. Above all, he is honest and delivers what he says he will to instructing solicitors.’

Principaux dossiers

7 Harrington Street

At 7 Harrington Street, the criminal law members are frequently sought after to prosecute and defend in a range of complex and high-profile cases. Nicholas Johnson KC has notable expertise in criminal case involving medical elements; he lead the prosecution of Lucy Letby, a former neonatal nurse who was convicted of the murder and attempted murder of numerous babies while working at the Countess of Chester Hospital, receiving a whole-life tariff. Richard Pratt KC is another key silk in the team who has handled various murder and serious fraud cases, and Nigel Power KC is representing one of the defendants in Operation Tradite, one of the longest running serious drug importation cases in the UK. Andrew Ford KC is highly experienced in serious gang-related cases. Defence practitioner Jonathan Duffy has expertise in handling cases involving charges of murder, rape, and fraud.

Les références

‘Rachel Kehoe is very professional and easy to deal with.’

‘Members receive a first-rate service, and Rachel Kehoe and Chris Peek are most helpful. John Kilgallon, the senior clerk, is in a class of his own.’

‘Rachel Kehoe is the most fantastic clerk. She’s so dedicated to her position, works so hard for her set, and deserves recognition. Rachel is always available and willing to help, she will always listen to solicitors needs, and does everything she can to assist. She’s also a wonderful person and her communication skills are second-to-none.’

Principaux dossiers

Kenworthy's Chambers

Kenworthy’s Chambers is home to Barry Grennan, who specialises in criminal defence, especially in cases arising from gangland murders, fire offences, and drug conspiracies. Patrick Cassidy is another strong criminal defence practitioner, and David Morton has substantial expertise in handling a variety of cases, from serious violence and murder, organised gang activity, and public disorder charges, to drug and sexual offences, fraud, and arson. Waheed Baber is another core member of the team, and Sara Haque is called upon to defend and prosecute in cases of serious sexual offences; she is especially skilled in representing vulnerable clients. Stephen Tettey is another notable name, and he defends those accused of fraud and terrorism offences.

Les références

‘The criminal clerks are always very helpful and try to assist and work with other criminal justice partners. Paul Mander is a criminal clerk who is very helpful.’

‘Paul Mander is particularly helpful and dependable.’

‘Chambers have a number of good and capable criminal advocates. The clerks are always good at offering assistance and resolving diary issues. The clerks will always strive to cover all hearings and confirm in advance when counsels’ diaries are not able to accommodate the hearing.’

Principaux dossiers

St John's Buildings

St John’s Buildings‘ criminal practice group is home to Gemma Maxwell, who has notable expertise in cross-examining children and vulnerable adults, in addition to conducting section 28 hearings in cases concerning rape, serious violence, and sexual offences. Rebecca Penfold predominantly defends in serious sexual offence cases, and of recent note, she represented one of the defendants in a child sexual exploitation case. Mark Connor is frequently sought after to defend and prosecute in cases surrounding charges of murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, death by dangerous driving, and drug offences. Connor prosecuted in a case involving historic child abuse, including sexual offences and child cruelty.

Les références

‘The clerks are excellent, keep you updated and informed throughout, and they are always on hand. Andy Booth in particular is incredibly helpful and efficient.’

‘Mark Robinson, Greg Brooker, and Avril Vaughan never fail to provide excellent service, being especially helpful and flexible, appearing to make the impossible happen at times.’

‘Excellent clerking, particularly by Andy Booth and Joe Murphy.’

Principaux dossiers

18 St John Street Chambers

The members of 18 St John Street Chambers have expertise in defending and prosecuting across a wide range of cases, including murder, serious sexual offences, fraud, and terrorism. Siobhan Grey KC and Richard Vardon both have substantial experience in cases regarding organised crime, murder, and sexual offences, and both exclusively act for the defence. Rachel Shenton is sought after for her knowledge of sexual offences work, and has been involved in several grooming trials. Cases surrounding drug offences and dishonesty are a strength of Rachel Faux, in addition to cases regarding serious injuries to, and death of, children. Of recent note, Faux prosecuted a woman who was found guilty of murdering a 13-month-old baby, who she was also planning on adopting. Andrew Evans is another key name at the set, and he specialises in proceeds of crime matters.

Les références

‘James Hotchin is the senior criminal clerk in chambers and has an excellent reputation among instructing solicitors and indeed other chambers. He is organised and amenable to assisting whenever he can.’

‘The clerks are amazing, very polite, very helpful and they keep you informed of any changes to the case. James Hotchin and Oliva Aldred are an asset to their team.’

‘James Hotchin, the senior criminal clerk, is quite simply exceptional in all aspects of his job, in particular the way he deals and communicates with solicitors.’

Principaux dossiers

23 Essex Street

23 Essex Street boasts ‘an excellent range of barristers who are able to deal with all aspects of criminal law’. One such barrister is Daniel Lister, who is regularly active in both the defence and prosecution of criminal cases. Notably, he defended the former CEO of UKFast, who was charged with multiple counts of sexual assault offences against his employees, which also included historic allegations. Bob Sastry has a broad-ranging criminal law practice, and he is called upon to prosecute and defend in cases of large-scale drugs conspiracies, murder, and manslaughter, as well as serious fraud. Hugh McKee is another key member of the team, and he defended in a case concerning a large-scale cannabis production operation across Yorkshire.

Les références

‘The clerks provide an excellent service, in particular Wayne King, Kevin Ambridge, and Sean Hulston.’

‘Wayne King, Kevin Ambridge, and Sean Hulston are top drawer. Very responsive and fair on fees.’

‘The clerks Sean Hulston and Kevin Ambridge in particular are extremely user friendly, efficient, and helpful.’

9 St John Street

9 St John Street houses a ‘number of excellent juniors‘, including Helen Longworth, who defends and prosecutes across a wide range of criminal cases, including cases arising from charges of rape, serious sexual and drug offences, and domestic violence. Recently, she prosecuted a five-defendant kidnap conspiracy case. Hayley Bennett is another notable team member with expertise in complex drug conspiracy cases.

Les références

‘Senior clerk Chris Swann is one of the best in the business and is always willing to help out where he can.’

‘Chris Swann and David Ellis are excellent clerks who are always keen to help whenever they can.’

‘David Ellis and Austin Brock-Clements are always as helpful as possible.’

Principaux dossiers

Deans Court Chambers

The members of Deans Court Chambers handle both prosecution and defence work. Head of chambers Michael Hayton KC has notable expertise in gang-related murders, as well as murders committed for a reward. Iain Simkin KC made silk in the 2023 round. Virginia Hayton is called upon to handle murder and historic sexual abuse cases with particular expertise in handling young and vulnerable witnesses – she prosecuted two men who entered guilty pleas to leaving a hand grenade on the doorstep of a house in Bury. Joseph Hart predominately acts for the defence in financial crime cases, as well as cases involving sexual offences.

Les références

‘Great service from the clerks. Peter Kelly is particularly helpful.’

‘The clerks at Deans Court Chambers are extremely professional and efficient. Peter Kelly in particular has gone the extra mile to ensure chambers provides solicitors with a first-rate service.’

‘The clerks room overall is extremely good. For Peter Kelly, no job is too big or small and he is always at hand to assist. Amanda Wilson shines; she is absolutely amazing at diary management and accommodating last minute requests, and she is a credit to chambers.’

Principaux dossiers

Garden Court North Chambers

The criminal law team at Garden Court North Chambers is home to Nina Grahame KC, who is highly sought after for her expertise in cases involving loss of control and diminished responsibility, as well as joint enterprise and gang-related offences - in one case, she successfully represented the defendant who was accused of murder pursuant to a long-running feud between two different families. Hamish McCallum defends clients across the entire gamut of criminal law cases, including murder, serious assault, and fraud.

Les références

‘This is a great set with some excellent up-and-coming barristers who are clearly committed to social and criminal justice.’

‘Their diversity and willingness to leave no stoned unturned underpins the admiration everyone has for their skillset and achievements.’

‘Garden Court North Chambers is a unique and valuable resource in the north. Their barristers have experience in issues concerning civil liberties and human rights that are not generally available outside London. All counsel share a commitment to providing an excellent service, especially to the most vulnerable. Clerking is effective and helpful, and their training programmes are superb.’

Principaux dossiers