Retour United Kingdom - The Bar

Leading Silks

Lesley Anderson KC – Kings Chambers 'Lesley is bright, focused, and strong and persuasive, both on paper and on her feet. She is commercial and reassuring with clients who quickly repose trust and confidence in her, and she is  go-to silk for anything within her practice.'
Paul Chaisty KC – Kings Chambers ‘Paul is undoubtedly a legend in his own lifetime. His advocacy skills are truly unparalleled, and his cross-examination is so thoroughly devastating and entertaining, it is both an honour and a privilege to see him in action.’
Mark Harper KC – Kings Chambers 'Mark provides excellent, on-point advice and is great with clients.'
Richard Chapman KC18 St John Street Chambers 'Richard has a delightful client manner, keeps people onside even when delivering bad news, and is quick to the point.'
Andrew Grantham KC – Kings Chambers 'Andrew is a brilliant barrister with great technical knowledge, and he is brilliant on his feet. He is impossibly bright and always ten steps ahead, and there's seemingly nothing he does not know the answer to.'

Leading Juniors

James Malam – Exchange Chambers 'James is clever and considered, with a great understanding of civil litigation and in particular professional negligence claims. He is very good to work with, co-operative and constructive, pragmatic and efficient, and his written work is clear and precise.'
George Rowell – Exchange Chambers ‘George is insanely talented; the depth and breadth of his knowledge is utterly remarkable and unsurpassed by any other counsel. He is unwaveringly committed to his clients’ cause and his advocacy is ruthlessly prepared.’

Professional negligence in Regional Bar

Kings Chambers

Kings Chambers ‘houses some of the best known names’ in the North West in the professional negligence arena, and the team has substantial expertise in handling actions brought against professionals including solicitors, surveyors, and accountants. The set is home to Andrew Grantham KC, who has a particular focus on claims against accountants, financial and tax advisers, and insurance brokers, as well as stockbrokers and surveyors. Lesley Anderson KC represented the defendants in Glasson Grain Limited v RE & S Baldwin, a case concerning a counterclaim against a farm agronomist following their negligent advice regarding the application of nitrates, which caused crops to fail. Mark Harper KC and Paul Chaisty KC are also key names at the silk level, and Martin Budworth is a notable senior junior in the group.

Les références

‘Both Gary Young and Harry Young are very good.’

‘Gary Young is excellent.’

‘Kings Chambers is undoubtedly one of the very best in Manchester. It houses some of the best known names in the industry with some real stars of the Bar.’

Principaux dossiers

Exchange Chambers

The professional negligence team at Exchange Chambers, which is praised as a ‘go-to set’, regularly handles claims both for and against a range of professionals, including legal service providers, surveyors, accountants, auditors, and construction professionals, to name a few. George Rowell has particular expertise in claims against accountants and tax advisers, and he frequently acts in cases surrounding failed tax avoidance schemes. James Malam represented the claimant in a professional negligence claim against a stonemason arising from the renovation of a Grade II listed 17th century church (Aled Mission Area v Wolley & Taylor).

Les références

‘Jonathan I’Anson runs a tight and steady ship and is great to work with. He truly knows his people and clients.’

‘Nick Buckley is the stalwart of the set. Always available and always delivering.’

‘Exchange Chambers is a go-to set. It offers a breadth of expertise which is unrivalled in Manchester.’

Principaux dossiers