Retour United Kingdom - The Bar

Leading Juniors

Gary Lewis – Cobden House Chambers 'Gary is extremely thorough, as he leaves no stone unturned in his preparation of a case and his attention to detail is impressive. He always identifies key issues in a case alongside potential weaknesses and provides practical advice on the same, and he is an excellent advocate and very persuasive in his submissions.'
Joseph Markus – Garden Court North Chambers 'Joseph is knowledgeable, quick, and very easy to work with. He is clear sighted and a good advocate, and he can be relied upon to get the law correct, even in the most complicated cases.'
Tom Royston – Garden Court North Chambers 'Tom is extremely thorough and good at discussing cases and his thoughts before making any final decision. He is great with clients and has clear advocacy.'
James Stark – Garden Court North Chambers 'James is second-to-none in knowledge of the law and in thinking of things that others have missed. He never gives up, is utterly committed to getting the best possible outcome for the client, and, as an advocate, he is extremely well prepared, clear thinking, and is not to be bullied or cowed out of putting his case.'
Brynmor Adams – Exchange Chambers 'Brynmor is technically brilliant.'
Sonia Birdee – Garden Court North Chambers 'Sonia is a conscientious and committed practitioner in the field of housing. She is especially knowledgeable in discrimination law, particularly race and disability, as it pertains to the rights of tenants, and she is an articulate advocate, both orally and on paper.'
John Hobson – Doughty Street Chambers 'John is an excellent advocate and has very good client care skills, particularly with vulnerable clients. He is very approachable and takes a practical stance when trying to find a solution, as there are often complex legal issues.'
Elizabeth Mottershaw – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Elizabeth is excellent at quickly getting to grips with complex cases, and her knowledge and expertise in housing law is evident. The advice provided is always clear and detailed and provided in a timely manner, and the quality of her written pleadings and her expertise in assisting clients with complex mental health problems and capacity issues has always been impressive.’
Anna Watterson – Garden Court North Chambers 'Anna is very approachable, clear, and thorough, and she is happy to discuss issues and take new ideas on board. She is knowledgeable and willing to take on a challenge, and she is always helpful in answering questions, whether big or small.'
Lucie Wood – Cobden House Chambers 'Lucie is extremely knowledgeable, she is great on her feet, and superb with clients, who love her. She is always meticulously prepared and is able to get straight to the heart of issues to obtain excellent results for clients.'

Rising Stars

Rosalind Burgin – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Rosalind is very thorough with her advice, which is provided in a format that is especially easy for junior members of the housing team to understand and work through. Rosalind is also willing to accept urgent instructions and has a quick turnaround time.’

Social housing in Regional Bar

Garden Court North Chambers

A significant proportion of the work undertaken at Garden Court North Chambers in the social housing space is for people who are eligible for legal aid, and its members have substantial expertise in cases surrounding homelessness, possession claims, disrepair, and unlawful evictions. The set is home to James Stark, for whom homelessness and human rights issues form core areas of expertise. Sonia Birdee is frequently instructed to represent tenants and homeless applicants across all levels of court, with a strong focus on the Equality Act 2010. Joseph Markus is another notable name regarding the representation of vulnerable clients, and he acted for the claimant in R (Shakeel) v Manchester City Council, judicial review proceedings surrounding the defendant’s policy of diverting young homeless people to a third-sector organisation, which was found to be unlawful and was subsequently withdrawn. Elizabeth Mottershaw‘s clients often have vulnerabilities, including mental and physical disabilities, drug or alcohol dependency, or lack of capacity.

Les références

‘Nicola Carroll is always very helpful and willing to check availability, even when it appears they may have none. This is greatly appreciated and ensures we have the confidence to instruct them on cases which are urgent.’

‘The service is good; the clerks are always friendly and approachable.’

‘Garden Court North is an excellent set of chambers. Their commitment to publicly funded work and the level of expertise within their housing and homeless team sets them apart.’

Principaux dossiers

Cobden House Chambers

The social housing team at Cobden House Chambers features expertise in possession claims and anti-social behaviour cases. Gary Lewis has notable experience in representing landlords, and of recent note, he successfully represented the defendant landlord in a case regarding the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 and an alleged breach of the defendant’s obligations to their tenants due to presence of large amounts of mould in the rented property; the tenant was found to have cause the mould, so the landlord was not liable. Lucie Wood is another key name, and she frequently represents clients before the County Court, the High Court, and the First-tier Tribunal; her expertise extends across unlawful eviction claims, anti-social behaviour, and succession disputes.

Les références

‘The clerks are first class; they always respond promptly and are extremely efficient. Both Christina Crook and Mitch Bibby provide excellent service and are always contactable.’

‘Excellent service from all clerks, but especially Christina Crook and Mitch Bibby. They always respond to queries and bookings promptly, always confirm the same by way of an immediate email, and both are very friendly and easy to deal with.’

‘Christina Crook and Mitch Bibby are responsive and provide an excellent service.’

Principaux dossiers