Retour United Kingdom - The Bar

Leading Silks

Kate Blackwell KC – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Kate comes very highly recommended for inquiry work. Her strengths are that she is very responsive, extremely intelligent, gets to the heart of the key issues straight away, and gives clear, practical advice.’
Pete Weatherby KC – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Pete's clkients are always expressing their thanks for the way he presents complex issues in an easily digestible way. He is the number one choice for an expert KC.’
Sam Karim KC – Kings Chambers 'Sam is excellent with clients, as he has a lovely manner and is very likeable, and at the same time, he is extremely sharp and an exemplary advocate. His calm approach is very reassuring and he is very easy to work with.'
Michael Rawlinson KC – Kings Chambers ‘Michael’s advocacy is his biggest strength, as he achieves a balance of firmness and charm, though more of the charm. He is a fluid and versatile thinker, and he approaches problems in a novel way and finds solutions that others had not thought of.’

2023 Silks

Anna Morris KC – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Anna is a fearless advocate, both on her feet and also in her written work, and she is empathetic, sensitive, and compassionate to the families that she works with and fights for them every step of the way. In addition, the way that she deals with witnesses at inquests is professional and calm, ensuring that the relevant and important evidence is obtained from the witnesses in a way that also does not cause them distress.'

Leading Juniors

Elizabeth Dudley-Jones – Deans Court Chambers 'Elizabeth is a fantastic advocate who has a great understanding of prison procedure. She has a particular skill in empathising with officers who find themselves giving evidence at inquest, which can often be as traumatic as the incident they are giving evidence about, and she puts them at ease and is able to speak to them on their own level, which works wonders in putting them at ease.'
Leila Ghahhary – Lincoln House ChambersLeila has excellent judgement and insight and is able to think through particularly difficult problems with ease and good humour. She is particularly skilled at being able to see the big picture in matters where it is often easy to get lost in granular detail, and she is also an absolute pleasure to work with, including under highly stressful and pressured conditions.'
Laura Nash – Serjeants' Inn Chambers ‘Laura is an impeccable advocate. She prepares cases inside out and her questioning is succinct and concise, she quickly establishes a rapport with the bench, other advocates, and client and witnesses alike, and her calm and engaging nature means she has the court room in the palm of her hand.’
David Pojur – Lincoln House ChambersDavid knows coronial law incredibly well and he has excellent understanding of processes through his position of Assistant Coroner for North Wales, and this is very beneficial to both clients and instructing solicitors. David has excellent people skills and puts clients' minds at ease in difficult proceedings.'
Kate Stone – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Kate is an outstanding inquest lawyer. She works exceptionally hard and she is prepared to argue difficult points fearlessly, she is forensic in her examination of witnesses and completely committed to uncovering the truth, and she is fantastic with clients and instils their confidence.'
Austin Welch – Lincoln House ChambersAustin is unflappable and combines a grasp of technical detail with an excellent client demeanour which instils confidence in both those instructing and the lay client. His approach in court reflects this and he has a calm and collected approach to advocacy.'
Richard Borrett – Kings Chambers ‘Richard is excellent with clients in inquests and he is very sensitive in his dealing with local authority clients and social workers. He gets to grips with a large amount of documentation very quickly and is very good on his feet, getting to the issue quickly.’
Patrick Cassidy – Kenworthy’s Chambers ‘Patrick has an easy charm with clients and builds a rapport with them from the outset. Always impressive in how he picks up on small details with a witness in cross-examination and develops those points with precision.'
Virginia Hayton – Deans Court Chambers 'Virginia is able to isolate the key evidential points from a complex set of facts and apply them to the points of law in issue, and she is able to achieve this in a speedy manner without compromising the quality of her written evidence. Another strength is her oral advocacy, as she deals with cross-examination in a forthright manner, eliciting the necessary information without coming across as aggressive.'
Peter Smith – Deans Court Chambers ‘Peter is an outstanding barrister and advocate who is highly recommended, responsive, and excellent in conference with clients and in court. He is excellent in front of a jury, excellent with his papers, and excellent on technical points with coroners and in dealing with broader aspects around disclosure.’
Christian Weaver Garden Court North Chambers ‘Christian has a natural attention to detail. He sees issues that other team members may not identify, he is confident with clients and knows the law, and he is a star in the making.'
Tom Gent – Deans Court Chambers 'Tom is extremely knowledgeable, experienced, and committed to ensure a case is thoroughly prepared and leaves no stone unturned. He will always go the extra mile for clients, he is empathetic towards clients and witnesses alike, his advocacy skills are second-to-none, and his skill in getting to the point is understated but packs a punch.'
Lee Hughes – Lincoln House Chambers ‘Lee is excellent with clients, he is clear and straightforward in his advice, and he does not shy away from difficult conversation, and as a result, clients trust his judgement. He is always well prepared and grasps the detail and issues in his cases with ease, in even the most difficult cases, and he is not afraid to roll his sleeves up and get stuck into the case preparation.’

Rising Stars

Ciara Bartlam – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Ciara brings to the table her experience and passion in relation to the issues around supported accommodation, children in care, and young care leavers into her inquest practice, leading the way to create real change through submissions about prevention of future death reports and persuading coroners to look at these issues with the level of detail that they deserve. She is a fierce advocate on her feet and has continued to fight for her clients.’
Oliver Carr – Deans Court Chambers ‘Oliver has an eye for detail and understands the key legal points to a case. He is able to appropriately and sensitively talk through the inquest process with families, discussing the process, together with extracting any information that the family themselves may wish to address, and in terms of advocacy, he is very to the point and clear in questioning, keeping in mind the key points of contention.’
Lily Lewis – Garden Court North Chambers ‘Lily has an excellent understanding of policy and parliamentary advocacy, and she has brilliant insight into how to bring together the evidence from her advocacy on behalf of bereaved families and the opportunities to influence law, policy, and practice. A key part of inquest work is highlighting examples from inquests to show the need to reform the coronial service, and Lily always quickly understands the specific brief and is ready with multiple case studies to use to make policies work more effectively.'
Rebecca Titus-Cobb – St John’s Buildings 'Rebecca has great interpersonal skills when speaking with clients, which is helpful as this can be a difficult area, and she has a compassionate approach. She is always well prepared for conferences and hearings and can talk the clients through difficult evidence and complex legal concepts, her advocacy is to the point and she is able to draw out the key issues in a case, and she is a safe pair of hands.'

Inquests and inquiries in Regional Bar

Deans Court Chambers

Deans Court Chambers ‘has some of the best barristers doing some top-quality work‘, and in the inquests and inquiries arena, the set is home to the reputable Sophie Cartwright KC, who was notably instructed on the Manchester Arena inquiry. Amongst its strong bench of juniors, Elizabeth Dudley-Jones acts for local authorities, private companies, and professional regulators, as well as regulatory defence unions, and she frequently acts in cases arising from deaths in custody, deaths resulting from domestic violence, and deaths which raise questions surrounding mental or physical illness. Of recent note, Dudley-Jones was instructed on an inquest following the death of a convicted murderer after he swallowed drugs his girlfriend had smuggled into prison for him. The set is also home to Virginia Hayton, who is skilled in inquests arising from the death of individuals in health care settings, and Peter Smith, who has substantial expertise in both section 5(1) Jamieson inquests and Article 2 Middleton inquests. Tom Gent and Joseph Hart are also notable juniors who are regularly undertaking complex inquests and inquiries work at the set.

Les références

‘Excellent clerking team. Peter Kelly is efficient and responsive, very helpful and proactive around listing issues, and highly recommended.’

‘Peter Kelly, Benjamin Bennett-Williams, and Matthew Gibbons are all fantastic. Nothing is ever too much trouble. They will bend over backwards to ensure they can help. The client care is superb.’

‘The clerks’ room is always extremely helpful. They are quick to respond with counsel availability and offer alternative dates and counsel if necessary.’

Principaux dossiers

Garden Court North Chambers

Garden Court North Chambers is praised as ‘a go-to chambers for inquests and inquiries’, and its members have significant expertise in representing bereaved families. Both public law specialist Pete Weatherby KC and Anna Morris KC are representing the Covid-19 Bereaved Families 4 Justice UK group at the public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic, as is inquest practitioner Kate Stone; she is especially skilled in representing bereaved families in inquests that engage Article 2 of the ECHR. One of the rising starts of the set, Lily Lewis, has a growing public law practice, and she was instructed on the four-day inquest arising from the death of 14-year-old Mia Janin, who died following allegedly being bullied by other pupils at JFS, a London secondary school, in a Snapchat group.

Les références

‘The clerks at Garden Court North Chambers are exceptionally helpful in finding appropriate counsel to assist solicitors and families alike. The clerks equally go above and beyond to assist with any enquiries, ensuring a swift turnaround.’

‘The clerks are all committed to their clients and are prepared to go the extra mile.’

‘Garden Court North Chambers is a go-to chambers for inquests and inquiries. They offer a range of experience from the top to the newly practicing. All have the same drive and ambition to find answers for their clients.’

Principaux dossiers

Exchange Chambers

The members of Exchange Chambers advise the entire gamut of clients involved in inquests and public inquiries, including bereaved families and individuals, trade unions, clinical practitioners, governmental bodies and local authorities, police forces and officers, and prison officers. The set boasts particular expertise in inquests that engage Article 2 of the ECHR. Louis Browne KC is a notable presence in this area, and he is instructed on the forthcoming Thirlwall Inquiry into events at the Countess of Chester Hospital, for which former neonatal nurse Lucy Letby was convicted of murder and attempted murder of numerous babies under her care and is serving a whole-life sentence. David Sandiford is another active member of the set in inquests and inquiries, having been instructed on significant, high-profile cases across his career. Another key junior, Sara Sutherland, is active in an inquest arising from the death of a newborn baby born at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary.

Principaux dossiers

Kings Chambers

The members at Kings Chambers act for a wide range of parties involved in inquests and inquiries, including bereaved families, local authorities, NHS trusts, government departments, care homes and insurance companies, and police and fire services. The set is home to Michael Rawlinson KC, who is skilled in handling inquests arising from the deaths of military personnel. Of recent note, he was instructed on the inquest examining the death of Olivia Perks, a student officer who took her own life at RMA Sandhurst. Sam Karim KC is another key name, and he is currently engaged in the Covid-19 public inquiry, representing multiple public bodies. Richard Borrett is often instructed by the families of vulnerable individuals that come to harm in the care of the state, as well as local authorities.

Principaux dossiers

Lincoln House Chambers

At Lincoln House ChambersKate Blackwell KC was appointed head of chambers in September 2023, and she specialises in public inquiries, having handled numerous significantly high-profile proceedings. Austin Welch has a broad-ranging inquests practice, with expertise in deaths in the workplace, healthcare institutions, care and nursing homes, prisons, and secure units. In an inquest into the death of a customer who suffered an anaphylactic shock after consuming dairy products, which she was allergic to, Welch represented Rare Restaurants, the owner of the Gaucho restaurant chain. Leila Ghahhary is another key name here, having been instructed on the Manchester Arena inquiry, and strong junior David Pojur joined the set in September 2023.

Les références

‘Ty Price is a particularly thorough and helpful clerk.’

‘David Wright understands the needs of his instructing solicitors and has fostered a first-class service.’

‘Ty Price is the standout. He understands his area and what solicitors want. He is quick and responsive.’

Principaux dossiers

St John's Buildings

St John’s Buildings is home to Rebecca Titus-Cobb, who frequently handles cases arising from the death of children and self-inflicted deaths. Of recent note, she represented the daughter of a voluntary psychiatric patient in a jury Article 2 inquest arising from self-inflicted death by suffocation with a plastic bag.

Les références

‘Martin Craggs has been at SJB for many years. He is friendly, approachable, and always willing to help where he can.’

‘Mark Heald is a shining example of a senior clerk. Nothing is ever too much trouble.’

‘The clerks are always happy to assist and are great with fitting conferences and hearings around the diaries. Martin Craggs is a star and the rest of the team are always able to assist.’

Principaux dossiers