Hall Of Fame

Next Generation Partners

Leading Associates

Firms To Watch: Commercial, corporate and M&A

With notable expertise in M&A, joint ventures and corporate restructurings, Marcelo Tostes Advogados is often retained by companies from the food and beverage, fintech, healthcare and insurance segments. Lorena Castilho is the main contact in the Belo Horizonte office.

Commercial, corporate and M&A in Brazil

Azevedo Sette Advogados

The team at Azevedo Sette Advogados is a popular choice for corporate and commercial matters in the Minas Gerais market; areas of particular strength include advising on M&A,  joint ventures and infrastructure projects, as well as drafting contracts. Companies from the energy, mining, infrastructure, finance and pharmaceutical sectors feature on the group’s client roster. A trio of partners leads: Fernando Azevedo Sette, who is praised for his negotiation and leadership skills, has expert knowledge on commercial and financial contracts; alongside him, Luis Ricardo Miraglia and Ana Paula Terra Caldeira major on M&A, foreign investments, and corporate mandates relating to the mining and technology sectors. Frederico Bopp Dieterich and Bruna Bouissou, both of whom have extensive experience in infrastructure projects, and M&A and corporate law specialist Roberto Ribas Wilson are additional partner-level names to note. Eduardo Monteiro was promoted to the partnership in January 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fernando Azevedo Sette; Luis Ricardo Miraglia; Ana Paula Terra Caldeira

Principaux clients

Laboratorio Geraldo Lustosa

RHI Magnesita

Santander (Spain)

SAM Ambiental


Andrade Gutierrez Participações

Grupo Mater Dei

Toro Investimentos

LOG BTS Extrema Empreendimentos Imobiliários


Concessionária Do Aeroporto Internacional De Confins

Vita Participações

Magnesita Refratários

Localiza Rent A Car

Evolua Energia

Banco Bs2

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Escola Crescimento and stakeholders on the sale of 100% of the equity interest of Jardim Escola Crescimento, Bacelar Educação Infantil Pré-Escola e Fundamental, and Castro Material Escolar e Uniformes to Inspira Mudança Participações.
  • Advised Evolua on a CRI emission for the construction of five photovoltaic plants in Brazil.
  • Advised Vörr Brasi on receiving an investment by Madfish Group Participações and other investors as new stakeholders in the company.

Madrona Fialho Advogados

Madrona Fialho Advogados is a strong choice for complex domestic and cross-border M&A, corporate restructurings, and joint ventures. It has extensive sectoral experience in mining, energy and infrastructure, and collaborates closely with both the firm’s São Paulo office and its public law, tax, IP and infrastructure departments. The team is led by an experienced group of partners:  M&A, joint ventures and corporate reorganisation specialist Alice Dourado; firm co-founder Érico Andrade, who is well versed in public law matters; Patricia Alvarenga, who handles the structuring of commercial agreements for the sale of equity interests; and Leonardo Canabrava, who is highlighted for his knowledge of the infrastructure marketOther key figures include Anderson Novais, Gustavo Magalhães, Thiago Vieira and Leonardo Birchal, the latter of whom was promoted to the partnership in February 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alice Dourado; Luciano Fialho; Patrícia Alvarenga; Anderson Novais; Érico Andrade; Gustavo Magalhães; Gustavo Uchiyama; Leonardo Canabrava; Leonardo Birchal; Lucas Spadano

Les références

‘Broad corporate knowledge, organisation skills and easy to deal with. Alice Dourado is recommended.’

‘Good technical knowledge, good value for money and personalised service. Patricia Alvarenga stands out.’

Principaux clients


Embaré Indústrias Alimentícias

Aperam Inox America do Sul

Rio Branco Alimentos

Sandvik Mining and Construction do Brasil

Aliança Geração de Energia

BNDES – Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social

BMPI Infra (Barbosa Mello Participações Investimentos)

BH Iluminação Pública

Empresa Construtora Brasil/Mota Engil Engenharia e Construção

Canopus Holding

BRK Ambiental Participações (Brookfield Group)

AEGEA Saneamento e Participações

Domingos Costa Indústrias Alimentícias

Terna Plus

BTG Pactual Gestora de Recursos

Construtora Remo

Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais – COPASA

Omega Energia


CEI – Energética Integrada

ABC – Atacado Brasileiro da Construção

Gerdau NEXT

Eco Diagnóstica

Vinci Energies

APPIAN Capital

U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)

Inspira Mudança Participações


Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Construtora G-Maia and Soegeo Soluções em Engenharia Geotécnica with two M&A transactions.
  • Advised Suzano on the preparation and negotiation of the shareholders’ agreement of Biomas – Serviços Ambientais, Restauração e Carbono, which is to be transformed into a privately-held corporation.
  • Advised Inspira Mudança Participações on the acquisition of 100% of the quotas representing the share capital of two companies that maintain Colégio Sete de Setembro, located in Fortaleza, Ceará.

Cescon Barrieu

Praised for its ‘enormous capacity to understand client problems and provide practical and customised solutions‘, Cescon Barrieu‘s corporate team has particular strength advising clients from the automative, mining, energy and real estate sectors on financial restructurings, corporate governance, IPOs, and M&A, as well as drafting commercial contracts. The group’s national capabilites are strengthened by its close collaboration with the firm’s other offices situated across Brazil. Practice head Frederico Viana Rodrigues is highlighted for his strong performance in capital markets deals, corporate governance and M&A. Partners Alice Brandão and Júlia Lobo focus on capital markets and M&A, and Marcelo Augusto Amim Correia is the name to note at the associate level. Associate Pedro Campos Vasconcellos left the firm in August 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Frederico Viana Rodrigues

Les références

‘Excellent knowledge and regulatory depth in the Brazilian capital markets. They always seek to facilitate complex transactions with the necessary legal certainty.’

‘The team stands out for its technical quality and fast service. Partner Julia Lobo stands out for her excellence in technical quality and business vision. They are organised in the provision of services from the proposal to conversations for alignment and execution. They have knowledge about the topic and bring important considerations to the discussions.’

‘They are proactive in solving problems and are always available when there are any doubts or questions.’

Principaux clients

Bauminas Participacoes

Rio Branco Alimentos

D3 Energias Renovaveis


Galaxy Resource

PST Empreendimentos e Participacoes

Banco Mercantil do Brasil

Afya Participações

Bulbe Energias Renováveis


Cemig – Companhia Energética de Minas


Maestro Locadora de Veiculos

Patrimar Engenharia

Direcional Engenharia

Log Commercial Properties e Participações

Banco Inter

Hospital Mater Dei

Aura Minerals

Senior Sistemas


Ferrovia Centro Atlântica

Angelalign Technolgy

Vetria Mineração (Grupo Vetorial)

AG7 Participações

SB Crédito Securitizadora

One Corporate Assessoria e Consultoria

Urca Comercializadora de Gás Natural

Vaccinar Industria e Comercio

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Localiza Group on several debt and securities issuances.
  • Advised Aura Minerals on the acquisition of 100% of the issued and outstanding common stock of Big River Gold.
  • Acted for Cemig Geração e Transmissão in its offer to purchase $500m of its outstanding 9.250% senior notes due in 2024.

Freitas Ferraz Advogados

The ‘highly qualified’ corporate team at Freitas Ferraz Advogados handles corporate and equity restructurings, M&A and commercial contractual work for domestic and international clients in the healthcare, fintech, real estate, mining and private security sectors. The practice is jointly led by Bernardo Freitas and Adriano Ferraz, both of whom have a wealth of experience in M&A, private equity, venture capital and joint ventures. Associate Juliana Marcincowski assists the partners across the board.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bernardo Freitas; Adriano Ferraz

Les références

‘A very skilled team, from the partners to the associates. Juliana Marcinkowski and Adriano Ferraz were very productive.’

‘The Freitas Ferraz team is multidisciplinary and able to deliver on complex projects. The lawyers are always available to assist, which sets them apart from other firms. In particular, I highlight their technical skill on M&A, corporate and tax projects.’

‘Bernardo Freitas demonstrated great skill combined with an attitude of extreme availability to assist the client.’

Principaux clients

Horizonte Minerals

Avenue Code Desenvolvimento e Comércio de Software

Afya Participações

ArcelorMittal Brasil

Noverde Tecnologia e Pagamentos

QDois Consultoria

Blue Participações

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Horizonte Minerals in the negotiation of amendments to the finance and security agreements concerning the project financing of the Araguaia project.
  • Advised the shareholders of Avenue Code on the sale of shares to Compass.Uol.
  • Advised Afya on the acquisition of Além da Medicina, Cardiopapers, and Glic.

Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados

Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados‘s ‘highly qualified’, ‘dedicated’ and ‘multidisciplinary’ team is known for its expertise in commercial contracts, M&A and privatisations. Collaborating closely with the firm’s energy, mining and tax departments, the group is regularly instructed by clients from the automotive, energy, mining, construction and agribusiness sectors. The group is led by the ‘experienced’ and ‘qualified’ Fabio Appendino, who specialises in corporate reorganisations and complex M&A transactions, and Luis Gustavo Miranda, who routinely handles compliance issues, infrastructure and real estate projects. Associate Alessandra Rezende Torres is skilled in M&A, reorganisations and corporate structures, while associate Paulo Teixeira Fernandes is often engaged in infrastructure, compliance and contractual work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fabio Appendino; Luis Gustavo Miranda

Les références

‘Dedicated team with great knowledge in M&A and privatisations.’

‘Team with solid knowledge, in particular Fabio Appendino.’

‘Multidisciplinary team, excellent technical quality, fair price, good work ethic.’

Principaux clients

Companhia Celg de Participações (CELGPAR)


Samarco Mineração

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

Aliança Energia


Mosaic Fertilizantes

BMG Group/Banco BMG


Coca-Cola FEMSA

Eletrobras Participações (Eletropar)

AngloGold Ashanti


EDP Energia

Lundin Mining

Brazilian Nickel




Zurich Seguros



Bordeaux Group (Fundo Bordeaux, Ligga Telecom, Horizons, Sercomtel, and Nova)

Grupo CSC

MIL Aviação (Inter, MRV, and Bamaq)


Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted CelgPar in the sale of 100% of the shares of Celg Transmissão (Celg-T).
  • Assisted NUCLEP and BNDES in NUCLEP’s privatisation.
  • Provided corporate assistance to Vallourec do Brasil regarding the construction of the Vallourec Sumitomo steel complex in Jeceaba, Minas Gerais.

Coimbra & Chaves

The ‘excellent’ team at Coimbra & Chaves particularly excels in structured transactions and M&A involving companies in the healthcare sector. The group also attracts instructions from clients in the technology, mining, retail and construction segments, and is capable of handling deals of domestic and international relevance. M&A and venture capital specialist Paula Andrade Chaves heads up the department, where Francisco Camilo Gruppioni Côrtes Júnior is a name to note for M&A transactions. Senior associates Loni Mellilo Cardoso and Fernando Ferreira Baptista de Oliveira left the firm in September and December 2022, respectively.

Responsables de la pratique:

Paula Andrade Ribeiro Chaves

Les références

‘Excellent firm. Very prepared and competent team which has advised us on several M&A transactions. Without a doubt the best M&A firm in Belo Horizonte.’

‘I recommend Paula Chaves, one of the best lawyers I’ve ever met. She has a lot of experience in M&A and corporate law and is always directly involved in matters.’

‘Excellent firm. High quality service. Extremely committed and ethical professionals.’

Principaux clients

Grupo Super Nosso

Neuman & Esser América do Sul

Takraf do Brasil Equipamentos de Mineração e Manuseio

Herculano Mineração

Starline Tecnologia

Engeform Engenharia

Gerencianet Pagamentos do Brasil

Clínicas Expressas do Brasil

CBPF – Companhia Brasileira de Planos Funerários (Grupo Zelo)

Fundep Participações

Resale Tecnologia e Serviços

Zona da Mata Mineração

Cita Participações Societárias (Grupo Cita)

Instituto Hermes Pardini

Peers Consulting & Technology

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Instituto Hermes Pardini in the acquisition of Anatomia Patológica Hugo Silviano Brandão, a medical laboratory based in Minas Gerais.
  • Assisted Instituto Hermes Pardini in the acquisition of 99% of CSV – Central Sorológica de Vitória, a clinical analysis laboratory based in the state of Espírito Santo.
  • Advised Cita Participações Societárias on the acquisition of Novaclin Terapia Avançada em Reumatologia, a medical clinic based in Bahia that specialized in rheumatology.

Gotlib Massara Rocha Advogados

The ‘highly skilled’ team at Gotlib Massara Rocha Advogados offers support in corporate, M&A and contractual matters to clients from a range of sectors, including energy, real estate, construction, healthcare and agribusiness. Additional specialisms include capital markets, venture capital, commercial and financial agreements, private equity, and succession planning work. The practice is led by M&A, corporate and capital markets specialist Renzo Gotlib and David Massara Joanes, who stands out for his experience in IT, digital services and software matters. Pedro Figueiredo Rocha is another name to note for transactional work.

Responsables de la pratique:

Renzo Brandão Gotlib; David Massara Joanes

Les références

‘The team is highly skilled and always available.’

‘Renzo Gotlib is a professional with vast knowledge in several areas of law, with emphasis on corporate, energy and mining matters. With a 360º vision of the client’s business, he is able to find the best strategies to achieve the desired objectives.’

‘A very personalised service and excellent technical quality. In addition, it is great value for money.’

Principaux clients

Grupo Salta Educação

Vision Engenharia

Construtora Aterpa

Grupo Multipar

BII Ventura Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário – FII

Grupo Saritur



CSS Construtora

Opus Construções Modulares

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Pedra Histórica Holding e Participações’s shareholders on the R$70m sale of its shares to CMX Realty III Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário.
  • Advised Vision Engenharia e Consultoria on its first debentures issuance by public offering.
  • Advised Operações Escolares on the acquisition of 49% of the shares issued by CEI – Centro de Educação Integrada, a school located in the city of Natal.

Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados

With a strong following of banks and companies from a range of sectors, including agribusiness and real estate, Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados‘ Belo Horizonte-based team has notable strength in capital markets transactions. The ‘dedicated and committed’ group is also well versed in M&A transactions and provides regulatory and general corporate advice to public companies. Singled out for his ‘deep technical knowledge‘, co-head Gustavo Rugani specialises in capital markets and M&A transactions. Fellow co-leader Bruno Costa takes the lead on real estate-related matters. Capital markets deals and related compliance issues are key areas of activity for associate Wagner Duarte.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gustavo Rugani do Couto e Silva; Bruno Costa

Les références

‘The firm has professionals who display deep knowledge in their areas of expertise and exceptional dedication.’

‘Gustavo Rugani has deep technical knowledge and always works very closely with the client.’

‘The team is made up of high-quality professionals who provide an excellent service. They are dedicated and committed, have expertise in critical matters such as mining and crisis management, and have diverse skills.’

Principaux clients

Tex Courier

Armac Locação, Logística e Serviços

Araújo Fontes Participações


Companhia Brasileira de Serviços Funerários – Grupo Zelo

Iguasport (Decathlon)

GFP Global Forest Partners

Biotrop Participações

Sylvamo do Brasil

AMBAPAR – Amba Participações

Ômega Geração

Atlantic Forest


Banco Santander (Brasil)

Banco BTG Pactual

Banco Bradesco BBI

Banco Itaú BBA

Xp Investimentos CCTVM

Viação Águia Branca

Banco Votorantim

Banco J.P Morgan

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Anima Holding


ArcelorMittal Brasil

Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais – BDMG

Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio – CBA

Vix Logística

Aço Verde do Brasil

Instituto Hermes Pardini

Hospital Mater Dei

Patrimar Engenharia

Rio Branco Alimentos

Starwood Capital Group

Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (GPA)


Construtora Canopus

Ferroeste Industrial

EBES Sistema de Energia

Sequoia Fundos de Investimentos

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Itaú Unibanco Asset Management with structuring and publicly distributing some quotas of the first issuance of Itaú Asset Rural FIAGRO-Imobiliário (Fund).
  • Advised a syndicate of banks on the 77th issuance of agribusiness receivables certificates (CRAs), in a single series, of VERT Companhia Securitizadora, backed by agribusiness credits owed by Klabin.
  • Assisted a consortium of banks and financial institutions in the 98th issuance of agribusiness receivables certificates (CRAs) by Virgo Companhia de Securitização.

Vilas Boas, Lopes e Frattari Advogados

The expertise of the ‘technically qualified’ team at Vilas Boas, Lopes e Frattari Advogados lies in M&A transactions, contractual matters, arbitration and corporate consulting. Practitioners are regularly retained by companies from the technology, real estate, energy, mining and telecoms sectors. The practice is jointly lead by three individuals: Christian Lopes, who brings together experience in corporate law, contracts and arbitration; Fernanda Galvão, who handles the negotiation of contracts and claims for domestic and international clients; and senior associate Pedro Ernesto Rocha, who is active in M&A transactions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Christian Lopes; Fernanda Galvão; Pedro Ernesto Rocha

Les références

‘Technically qualified firm. They deal with matters with speed and excellence, in addition to politeness; they act ethically. Christian Lopes and Fernanda Galvão are recommended.’

‘It is a long-standing firm and provides us with a lot of support in commercial contracts and partnerships. It has a team of lawyers with excellent technical knowledge who are distinguished by their business understanding and offer of robust technical solutions.’

Principaux clients

FCA Fiat Chrysler Automóveis Brasil

USIMINAS – Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais

Arcelormittal Brasil

Samarco Mineração

Cruzeiro Esporte Clube


Grupo Solatio

Grupo Cedro

Algar Telecom

Aperam Inox América do Sul

CMU Energia


Candiotto Valle Advogados

With extensive experience in M&A, corporate restructurings and corporate governance, Candiotto Valle Advogados is routinely instructed by real estate, energy, banking, manufacturing, agribusiness and logistics companies. Private equity deals and capital markets are other areas of activity for the firm, which is adept at advising foreign clients on their entrance into the Brazilian market. Marcelo Candiotto maintains a broad practice, but is particularly active in M&A and investments. Corporate law specialist Rodrigo Valle is proficient in M&A, corporate restructurings, and succession planning. Associate Maria Luísa Estanislau Reis stands out for her experience in business combinations, corporate reorganisations and strategic partnerships.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marcelo Candiotto; Maria Luísa Estanislau Reis; Rodrigo Valle

Les références

‘Marcelo Candiotto and Rodrigo Valle are the people we have dealt with most frequently, and they do impeccable work. The other lawyers are capable and attentive.’

‘Marcelo Candiotto is extremely nice and polite. He has holistic views that combine litigious with alternative approaches.’

‘Rodrigo Valle has in-depth knowledge of the legislation, and good ideas in conducting alternatives to reach the result.’

Principaux clients


Grupo Voll


Bruck Importação Exportação e Comércio

Bacco’s Comercial Importadora Escócia

Rede Flex


Grupo Movyx

Destrava Aí

Datec Engenharia



Grupo Level

Grupo SADA

Grupo Super Nosso

Banco Itaú

Fundo Kinea



China in Box

4º Tabelionato de Protestos


Santo André Boulevard Jardim EMpreendimento Imobiliário

Instituto de Formação de Líderes

Bom Despacho Empreendimentos

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Recuperação Serviços Especiais de Engenharia in the drafting of a shareholders’ agreement in order to regulate relations between the partners within the company.
  • Advised Seletto Locação e Administração de Imóveis, Tempore Empreendimentos Imobiliários, GE Energia Renovável on a corporate restructuring involving Seletto Locação e Administração de Imóveis.
  • Advised Voltália Energia on the implementation of a small hydroelectric power plant, called PCH Cabuí.

Goulart & Colepicolo Advogados

Goulart & Colepicolo Advogados is best known for its experience in transactional matters involving real estate assets, most notably shopping centres. The group showcases additional strengths in acting for venture capital and investment funds, shareholders and founders in the purchase and sale of equity stakes in technology companies. The practice is led by tax and real estate specialist Cristiano Silva ColepicoloJoão Gilberto Freire Goulart, who handles M&A, investment funds and litigation mandates, and Pedro Paulo Moreira Rodrigues, a key contact for venture capital and capital markets deals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cristiano Silva Colepicolo; João Gilberto Freire Goulart; Pedro Paulo Moreira Rodrigues

Guimarães & Vieira De Mello Advogados

Guimarães & Vieira De Mello Advogados is skilled at advising company directors on corporate governance matters, investment agreements, corporate reorganisations and joint ventures. Clients work primarily in the mining, gambling, technology and financial sectors. Founding partner Leonardo Guimarães leads the corporate and M&A team alongside partner Helder Fonseca, who is based in São Paulo.

Responsables de la pratique:

Leonardo Guimarães; Helder Fonseca

Principaux clients

Intralot Group

ASM Participações Societárias

GSM Mineração

AGFA Fundo de Investimentos em Participações Multiestratégia

Grupo Canopus

Codeme Engenharia

EMCASH Serviços Financeiros Sociedade de Empréstimos Entre Partes

Estuda.com Tecnologias Educacionais

Belvedere Investimentos

SAGA Consultoria Empresarial

Colégio Santa Maria

Cemig Soluções Inteligentes em Energia – CEMIG SIM


Okto Pagamentos

Kaizen Gaming International Limited

Captamed Cuidados Continuados

Banco Máster

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Intralot do Brasil on the joint venture with Neogames.
  • Advised SAGA Consultoria on a joint venture with IGT Global Solutions Corporation and Scientific Games.
  • Assisted EMCASH Serviços Financeiros Sociedade de Empréstimos Entre Pessoas in the sale of 10% shares to investors.

Lacerda Diniz Sena

The ‘organised and multidisciplinary’ group at Lacerda Diniz Sena is routinely instructed by clients in the agribusiness, technology, food and beverage, healthcare and real estate sectors seeking support in corporate reorganisations, corporate governance and due diligence matters. In addition, the team also advises on M&A and shareholder agreements. Practice head Rafael De Lacerda Campos, highlighted for his ‘strong knowledge and negotiation skills’, is well versed in M&A, tax, succession and estate planning.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rafael de Lacerda Campos

Les références

‘Organised, up-to-date, multidisciplinary team; the partners are highly involved.’

‘Rafael Lacerda – strong knowledge and negotiation skills.’

Principaux clients

Laticínios Porto Alegre Indústria E Comércio

Loja Eletrica

Rede Dom Pedro De Postos

Unimed Vale Do Aço

Nova Minas Transportes E Locações

Falconi Capital



Minas Mineração


Vilma Alimentos

Jeito Caseiro

Instituto De Olhos De Belo Horizonte

Hermes Pardini

Grupo Zelo

Expresso Nepomuceno

DL Comércio E Indústria De Produtos Eletrônicos

Rúmina Tecnologias Para Pecuária

Cetus Oncologia

Tractor Parts

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Lenarge Transportes e Serviços on its joint venture with Sotran.
  • Advised Loja Elétrica on the restructuring of its real estate assets.

Maneira Advogados

With expertise in the real estate, pharmaceutical, mining and financial services sectors, Maneira Advogados is well positioned to advise on corporate restructurings, M&A, succession planning and IP matters. Department head Pedro Brito, who is widely recommended by clients, is often engaged in corporate and real estate-related deals. Key support is offered by José Elias de Pádua, who has a wealth of experience in domestic and cross-border transactions, and is proficient in corporate governance issues, and Eduardo Caixeta, whose areas of expertise cover M&A, estate planning, private equity, banking and finance contracts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pedro Brito

Les références

‘Ample capacity to legally, technically and commercially discuss clauses and contents that facilitate the execution of business opportunities.’

‘They have deep knowledge of corporate law matters and all stages of M&A processes. They are creative, punctual, competent and very professional.’

‘Undoubtedly, what makes service provision unique is the strategic thinking and incessant care for the client.’

Principaux clients

LGA Mineração e Siderurgia

Descompplica Intermediação Corretagem de Seguros

Cabo Verde Mineração

Jingjin do Brasil Representações Comerciais

2A Investimentos

KST Incorporações e Participações

Delux Participações e Empreendimentos

Pimenta de Ávila Consultoria

Sebrem – Soluções Ecológicas para Beneficiamento de Resíduos Minerarários

Lucro Participações

Banco Inter

Kinross Brasil Mineração

Cemig Distribuição

Mineração Maracá Indústria e Comércio

Solubio Tecnologias Agrícolas

JCA Holding Transportes, Logística e Mobilidade

CSN Mineração



Shell Brasil Petróleo

Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários


Oi Móvel

MSchiavo Participações

Lafargeholcim (Brasil)

Agropecuária Filé do Papa

Vibra Energia

Lactalis do Brasil – Comércio, Importação e Exportação de Laticínios

Tangará Importadora e Exportadora

Itaú Unibanco

Telefônica Brasil

Acrisure Brasil Participações

Claro NXT Telecomunicações

Farmarim Indústria e Comércio

Bambuí Bioenergia

Companhia AIX de Participações

Sistenco – Sistemas e Construções

SFBTS Empreendimentos Imobiliários Spe

SPL Engenharia

B&B Administração de Bens Próprios

Manucci Advogados

Manucci Advogados is skilled at handling domestic and cross-border corporate matters, commercial agreements and M&A transactions. The firm is especially sought out by clients from the technology, healthcare, agribusiness, telecoms and mining sectors who wish to invest in Brazil. A group of four partners leads the department: managing partner Daniel Manucci, who is of key importance on matters involving foreign investment in Brazil, joint ventures and M&A transactions; Edson Martins; Guilherme Poggiali and Délber Andrade Gribel Lage.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Manucci; Edson Martins; Guilherme Poggiali; Délber Lage

Les références

‘The team stands out for its international capabilities, the practical experience of thee partners, their focus on solution, market knowledge and business vision.’

‘The technical knowledge and application of this knowledge to client problems is excellent. The firm stood out for the involvement of partners and senior associates, agility in service, and real ability to advise on international transactions.’

Principaux clients

Boart Longyear

Tenda Construtora

Xmobots Aeroespacial



Aliança Energia

Balt International

Aperam Inox América do Sul

Take Blip

Transcontinental Group Australia

Rádio Itatiaia




Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted drone manufacturer Xmobots Aeroespacial in the negotiation of its second round of investments from Brazilian investment fund FZFM.
  • Assisted Oculare Medicina Especializada in the negotiation and structuring of the sale of the company’s capital stock to Holding Brasil Olhos Participações.
  • Advised Sulfur Mills on the acquisition of a Brazilian agricultural products company.

Tavernard Advogados

The ‘highly qualified and experienced’ group at Tavernard Advogados excels in M&A, complex contract negotiations, corporate restructuring, data protection and capital markets work, including the structuring of REITs. The team is regularly sought out by clients from the energy, construction, food, healthcare and real estate sectors. At the helm of the practice, the ‘brilliant’ Mário Tavernard demonstrates ‘extremely high quality leadership’ and brings together expertise in private equity, venture capital, succession planning and capital markets. Other key contacts include dispute resolution practice head Guilherme Martins and public law specialist Murilo Melo Vale.

Responsables de la pratique:

Mário Tavernard Martins de Carvalho

Les références

‘Mário Tavernard is an excellent lawyer. In addition to his excellent technical skill, he is business-focused and has great experience in academia.’

‘The firm has a highly qualified and experienced team – Mário Tavernard is a notable example. With regard to their commercial, corporate and M&A activities, the professionals mentioned respond quickly and offer innovative and effective legal solutions.’

‘Mário Tavernard has great technical capacity and aligns his work in law very well with academic knowledge.’

Principaux clients

Hermes Pardini Controlling Shareholders – Victor Pardini and Regina Pardini

Ministério da Economia (União) and UNDP (United Nations – UN)

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)

Buyco Tecnologia em Negócios

Verde Urbanismo Participações

Fernandes Administradora de Bens e Negócios

Hermes Pardini Shareholders – Victor Pardini and Regina Pardini

WayCarbon Soluções Ambientais e Projetos de Carbono

Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais (CODEMGE)

Fernandes Administradora de Bens e Negócios

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Hermes Pardini’s controlling shareholders Victor Pardini and Regina Pardini on the merger of shares with Fleury Laboratory.
  • Assisted Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais with legal studies to access the viability of divesting in three projects.
  • Assisted WayCarbon Soluções Ambientais e Projetos de Carbon in the structuring of a technical collaboration term involving the UK Government.