Firms To Watch: Projects and infrastructure

Founded in March 2023, Souza Okawa Advogados fields a projects and infrastructure team with vast knowledge of public-private partnerships (PPPs), concessions, project modelling, and regulatory matters in the sanitation, urban mobility and street lighting segments; Rosane Menezes Lohbauer and Fernando Gallaci jointly oversee the group.

Projects and infrastructure in Brazil

Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados

Bringing together ‘decades of experience‘ in project finance, corporate deals, administrative law and regulatory issues, Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados is one of the first ports of call for the most ‘innovative and challenging‘ transactions and projects in the transport, sanitation, oil and gas, power and social infrastructure sectors. Led by the highly regarded José Virgilio Lopes Enei, the team ‘provides high-quality services‘ to a varied client roster of clients that recurrently seek advice on project finance and development, public-private partnerships (PPPs), M&A in regulated sectors and government concessions. Mauro Bardawil Penteado, who stands out for his strong transactional background, is often retained by financial institutions, private equity funds and companies in mandates involving concessions, privatisations and the structuring of PPPs. With extensive experience in the transport, mining and logistics segments, Adriano Schnur is a key contact for financing deals, while José Ribeiro do Prado Júnior is active in M&A involving regulated assets and industries, regulatory law and project finance. The ‘excellentAlberto Faro showcases in-depth knowledge of construction and financing matters. The latter is also an area of expertise for Raphael Zono, who has advised on numerous debentures issuances, and Bruno Racy, a name to note for multilateral and export credit agencies, investment funds and borrowers.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jose Virgilio Lopes Enei

Les références

‘The firm provides high-quality services.’

‘Availability and technical knowledge.’

‘Decades of experience, quality of work, availability of professionals (including partners). Participation in innovative and challenging transactions, which contributes to the firm’s baggage and expertise in several areas.’

Principaux clients



PSP Investments (Public Sector Pension Investment)

Lightsource bp

Vinci Partners

Radar PPP

Caixa Econômica Federal

Allen & Overy

Oxe Energia



FONPLATA – Plata Basin Financial Development Fund

New Development Bank – NDB

Echoenergia Participações


CDPQ – Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Compass Gás e Energia


LD Celulose

CCI Energy

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising the coordinating banks in AES Cajuína AB1 Holdings’ first issuance of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, unsecured, with additional fiduciary guarantee, in a single series, for public distribution with restricted efforts.
  • Assisted Corporación Andina de Fomento – CAF in its first transaction, acting as guarantor, in a project in Brazil.
  • Advised the issuer on a deal that consisted of Portonave – Terminais Portuários de Navegantes’s fifth issuance of simple debentures, non-convertible into shares, in two tranches.

Mattos Filho

Rated for its ‘technical excellence and unique ability to build creative structures to resolve deadlocks in negotiations‘, Mattos Filho houses one of the largest teams in the market focused on projects and infrastructure. Standing out for its strong track record in M&A involving regulated industries and capital markets transactions in the infrastructure space, the team is also well versed in project finance and development, construction, regulatory and PPP matters, covering sectors as diverse as telecoms, logistics, oil and gas, mining and power. On the financing front, the team is often sought out by Brazilian development banks, but it is also adept in acting for owners and contractors in construction, supply and operational contracts. Policy-making matters in the road, port, railway, urban mobility and public sanitation segments also feature in the team’s impressive workload. Devoted to project development, finance and transactions involving the infrastructure sector, Rio de Janeiro-based partner Pablo Sorj has led on the most innovative energy, port, road and mining deals. Thiago Fernandes Moreira is a key contact in the same office for development and construction matters. In São Paulo, Marina Anselmo Schneider often acts in domestic and cross-border capital markets and project finance transactions on behalf of financial institutions, sponsors and development agencies. Alexandre Arlota, whose wide-ranging experience covers infrastructure matters in emerging markets, including Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, and Bernardo Môcho, who concentrates his practice on project finance and development, are also part of the São Paulo-based team.

Les références

‘Mattos Filho is involved in all high-profile deals in the infrastructure segment in Brazil. Their partners are hands-on and have a great response time. Their experience and coverage is impressive.’

‘Impeccable client service, technical excellence and the unique ability to build creative structures to resolve deadlocks in negotiations.’

‘Bernardo Môcho: technically excellent, a monster at the negotiating table, articulate, and straightforward. He manages to dominate discussions and has creative solutions to any impasse that arises.’

Principaux clients

IDB Invest

Prumo Logística



BTG Pactual

Norte Energia


Brookfield Energia

Total EREN Group

Acciona Construccion

Statkraft Energias Renováveis

Pátria Investimentos

CELSE – Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe

Enel Green Power

GNA – Gás Natural Açu

Argo Transmissão de Energia

Atlas Energia Renovável do Brasil

Echoenergia Participações

Contour Global


Rio Energy


Morgan Stanley

BNP Paribas



Scatec Solar


Atlantic Energia


Marlim Azul

Essentia Energia


BRK Ambiental






Macquire Capital

Elera Renováveis






Porto do Açu


Açu Petróleo

Vinci Infraestrutura Gestora de Recursos



Hydro Rein

Eixo SP


Norsk Hydro

New Fortress Energy

Vinci Airports


Victory Hill


Casa Forte

Pan American







Omega Energia

Origem Energia

Trident Energy

NTS – Nova Transportadora do Sudeste

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted BNDES in the setting up and structuring of Brazil’s first nuclear power plant to be built in the last 40 years.
  • Advised Concessionária Linha Universidade and its sponsors on the financing of the construction, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Line 6 of the City of São Paulo subway.
  • Assisted New Fortress Energy in a gas-to-power project, including a regasification terminal and the construction of a power plant which will feed energy into the grid and provide the north of Brazil most of the energy consumed in that region.

Cescon Barrieu

Demonstrating the ability to advise on all stages of energy and infrastructure projects, Cescon Barrieu is a popular choice for financiers, concessionaires and energy companies. The firm excels in project finance mandates, and is also well positioned to act in tender processes, M&A, public law matters, and construction and operational contracts. The practice, which has an impressive track record in an array of segments, ranging from transport and sanitation to oil and gas, power and mining, is under the joint leadership of Maurício Teixeira dos Santos and Rafael Baleroni in Rio de Janeiro. Teixeira dos Santos is regularly instructed by banks, investment funds and multilateral agencies in transactions in the energy and transport segments, while Baleroni has notable strength in the financing and development of oil and gas and renewable projects. Based in the São Paulo office, Mario Saadi oversees the public law department, and is a key contact for project development. Showcasing in-depth knowledge of the power sector, Alexandre Leal Ribeiro Leite routinely assists in development and financing matters, M&A and tax.

Responsables de la pratique:

Maurício Teixeira dos Santos; Rafael Baleroni

Principaux clients

COPEL – Cia Paranaense de Energia

BNDES – Brazilian Development Bank

Enel X

Enel Brasil


AES Brasil

Magni Partners


IDB- Inter-American Development Bank


QMC Telecom

EDP Brasil

Altera Infrastructure



Nova Transportadora do Sudeste – NTS

Banco BTG Pactual

BSB Energética

ING Bank

Yinson Boronia Production

China Development Bank

Albion Capital


Banco Itaú

Banco Santander (Brasil)

Empresa de Navegação Elcano

EDF Brasil

Deutsche Bank

Tucano Holding III

Porto do Pecém Geração de Energia


Concessionária das Linhas 8 e 9 do Sistema de Trens Metropolitanos de São Paulo

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised asset managemant firm Albion on the first distributed generation green FIDC and green CRI securitisations in the Brazilian market, backed by solar farms developed by Origo.
  • Advised CCR Group and the concessionaire of São Paulo Subway Lines 8 and 9 on the R$4.6bn dual-sourced project financing from a BNDES facility and from secured local green project bonds.
  • Assists Enel X in all project development and regulatory aspects of the public-private partnership for the public lighting services in the municipality of Angra do Reis/RJ.

Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Banks, concessionaires, borrowers and project sponsors turn to Pinheiro Neto Advogados for assistance in all areas of project finance, development and implementation. Drawing on the firm’s strong performance in public law matters and regulated industries, the team brings together practitioners specialised in banking, finance and capital markets, who in addition to handling big-ticket financing deals, are also seasoned in the negotiation of construction contracts, public bids and administrative law matters. Ricardo Russo, an expert in project finance via banking and capital markets instruments, oversees the infrastructure team, which also includes Júlio César Bueno, a name to note for construction and engineering contracts and related dispute resolution. Of counsel Marcos Proença has been particularly active in debt transactions, advising several clients on the issue of infrastructure debentures and bonds. Recently promoted partner Thaís Fernandes Chebatt handles all stages of power, mining and ports projects, while Stephanie Hong primarily focuses on financing and M&A transactions in the infrastructure sector.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ricardo Russo

Principaux clients

Iguá Saneamento


VLI Multimodal




The Bank of New York Mellon – BNY Mellon

Banco de Brasília – BRB

CCR Group

State Grid

Contour Global

Sigma Mineração

BRK Ambiental

Passarelli Engenharia e Construção


Inter-American Development Bank

IDB Invest

KIBAG Airfield Construction

KIBAG Brasil

JP Morgan


Group EDP

Energisa Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Globenet and private equity funds managed by BTG Pactual in the acquisition of 57.9% of the shares representing the corporate capital of UPI InfraCo – a subsidiary of Oi.
  • Advising Citibank, as onshore account bank and collateral agent, on the issuance, in the international market, of 7.500% Series 2022-1 Senior Secured Notes, in the total amount of $600m, with maturity in 2035, by Açu Petróleo Luxembourg.
  • Assisted Contour in the sale of its R$1.73bn hydroelectric plants to Patria Investimentos.

Veirano Advogados

Praised by clients for its ‘ability to respond to complex problems‘, Veirano Advogados combines finance and development expertise with comprehensive energy and infrastructure sector knowledge. Recent work showcases its strength in development matters and privatisations in the electricity, oil and gas, road, port and logistics segments. With over two decades of experience in this space, Ana Carolina Barretto acts for sponsors, lenders, contractors and equipment suppliers in the financing, development, construction, acquisition and disposal of infrastructure and natural resources projects. She jointly heads the group with Marcos Ludwig, whose track record in the port and wider transport sector is noteworthy. Daniel Engel brings in-depth knowledge of project contracts with extensive experience in financings, M&A and regulatory matters. Paola Oliveira stands out at the associate level for her involvement in the power generation and construction industries. The practice was strengthened by the arrival of Alberto Büll, who has a wealth of experience in the electricity sector, from 2W Energia in November 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ana Carolina Barretto; Marcos Ludwig

Les références

Team with high technical capacity and the ability to respond to complex problems, meeting the agreed deadlines in an effective and efficient manner.

Marcos Ludwig has the ability to build bridges in negotiations and seek consensus in negotiating parties. He also has an excellent business sense to understand what interests the client and how to reconcile the client’s needs with negotiation and legislation.

Principaux clients

Acciona Infraestructuras

2W Energia

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES

Companhia de Gás do Espírito Santo – ESGas


BSBios Paraguay

Concessionária do Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos (GRU)

Companhia de Gás de São Paulo – Comgás

Deutsche Bank, Banco Santander, CaixaBank and KFW

Norsk Hydro

White Martins Gases Industriais (Linde Group)

Excelerate Energy

MRS Logística

Santos Brasil

Siemens Energy

VLI Logística Multimodal

Wärtsilä Finland

Wärtsilä Brasil

Westrock, Celulose, Papel e Embalagens

Yinson Production

Principaux dossiers

  • Hired by Acciona Infraestructuras, the new concession holder of São Paulo’s subway Line 6, to represent the senior lenders and agents in connection with the financing of the construction and operation of the Line 6 project.
  • Advising BSBios on the structuring and development of the Omega Green project, a $1bn plant that will produce green diesel (HVO) and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) or synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK).
  • Assisted MRS Logística and VLI Logística Multimodal in their participation in a public call by the Santos Port Authority for a 35-year assignment agreement and the constitution of a not-for-profit association with responsibility for the Santos Port Internal Railway (FIPS).

Demarest Advogados

The ‘highly committed team‘ at Demarest Advogados is often called upon by an array of domestic and international stakeholders looking for guidance in all steps of the financing and development of significant projects in the energy, mining, transport, logistics and social infrastructure segments. Besides its strong credentials in project finance and development, the team is also often engaged in public law-related mandates, including bid processes, concessions, PPP agreements and sector-specific disputes. Practice head Bruno Aurélio is singled out for his experience in regulated industries; he is the main point of contact in the team for government projects. Thiago Giantomassi focuses on capital markets transactions, having recently advised on the issuance of debt securities. Renan Sona Silva, who was welcomed to the partnership in January 2023, regularly assists in project development, competitive bids and related litigation. The team was strengthened by the arrival of Marina Ferraz Aidar, Maria Virginia Mesquita Nasser and Luana Komatsu Falkenburger from Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados in September 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Bruno Aurélio

Les références

‘Highly committed team and always willing to discuss as much as possible the strategies to be implemented.’

‘The firm is highly qualified, the lawyers are committed and provide total legal security in their guidelines/opinions.’

‘Bruno Aurélio and Renan Sona stand out for their professionalism, expertise and commitment to the client.’

Principaux clients

Smart Rj Concessionaria De Iluminação Publica


Aena Brasil


Socicam Administração, Projetos E Representações

Pátria Investimentos/ Entrevias

Ecorodovias Concessões E Serviços


Algar Telecom

BRK Ambiental Participações


Meta (Facebook Brasil)

Cargill Agrícola

Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil

Janssen-Cilag Farmacêutica

Construtora Queiroz Galvão

Concessionária Rodovia dos Tamoios

Cobra Brasil Serviços, Comunicações e Energia

Socicam Infraestrutura


Alstom Brasil Energia e Transporte

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)

Empresa de Planejamento e Logística (EPL)

TB Serviços, Transporte, Limpeza, Gerenciamento e Recursos Humanos

Virgin Orbit

Associação Brasileira De Concessionárias De Rodovias (ABCR)

Sagres Agenciamentos Marítimos


Empresa Concessionaria De Rodovias Do Sul

HCC- Projetos Eletricos

Parques Fundo de Investimento em Participações em Infraestrutura

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Smart RJ, its shareholders and Rio Smart Lighting on the issuance, by Rio Smart, of Senior Secured Notes, in the amount of R$925m, under the terms of Rule 144A / Regulation S, due 2032.
  • Assisted Socicam Infraestrutura e Participações in the bid for the concession of public services regarding the expansion, operation and maintenance of 22 regional airports, divided into two blocks (Northwest and Southeast).
  • Acted for Consortium CONECTA Campinas in the public tender for the PPP involving the development, modernisation, expansion, energy efficiency, operation and maintenance of the municipal public lighting network of Campinas.

Lefosse Advogados

The projects team at Lefosse Advogados was recently boosted by the addition of the highly regarded Miriam Signor from Stocche Forbes Advogados, who brings more than two decades of experience in the structuring, financing and implementation of large-scale projects in highly regulated sectors. Rated for its ‘deep knowledge of precedents‘ and attention to client needs, the team has a well-established presence in the energy, telecoms and transport segments, and is adept at assisting sponsors, developers, construction companies and suppliers in all stages of a project. M&A, privatisations and public bids also feature in the firm’s diverse portfolio. Pedro Dante, who specialises in the power sector; Eduardo Carvalhaes, a key contact for administrative proceedings; and Felipe Boechem, who excels in project development and M&A in the oil and gas space, are other key practitioners. Senior associate Mariana David works in cross-border financing and construction matters, while Pedro Pio Borges often acts for publicly-held companies, investment funds and financiers in project finance and M&A deals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Miriam Signor

Les références

‘The team led by Miriam brought a lot of experience in project finance. Deep knowledge of precedents and attentive to client needs. Very focused on closing the transaction.’

‘Miriam Signor is always personally available. She provides sound and prompt advice.’

Principaux clients

Shell Brasil


Winity Telecom



Unipar Carbocloro

New Fortress Energy


Petroleo Brasileiro – Petrobras

Energisa Soluções

Norte Energia

EDF Brasil

Auren Energia


CTG Brasil

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted as legal counsel to Pampa Transmissão de Energia in its first issuance of non-convertible debentures.
  • Advised Banco Votorantim and Banco Itaú BBA on the negotiation for the issuance of bank guarantees in benefit of Ventos de São Júlio I Energias Renováveis, a subsidiary of Casa dos Ventos Group.
  • Advised EDF Brasil throughout the entire concession bid process for the operation of transmission lines in Brazil.

Lobo de Rizzo Advogados

Best known for its impressive track record in project finance, Lobo de Rizzo Advogados‘ infrastructure group possesses exceptional industry coverage and continues to advise Brazilian and foreign entities on sophisticated transactions and projects across the energy, port, logistics, sanitation, and airport sectors. São Paulo-based partner Rodnei Iazzetta, who excels in the structuring of concessions, projects and auctions, coordinates the practice with Marcelo Lennerz in Rio de Janeiro, the latter of whom is particularly active in the water, sanitation, transport and social infrastructure segments. In the São Paulo office, Fabrizio De Oliveira Sasdelli and Gustavo Silveira Da Cunha are skilled in big-ticket project finance and transactions involving infrastructure concessionaires, while Maria Costa Neves Machado excels in capital markets matters. André Ramos Bedim is another contact in São Paulo for financial institutions and multilateral agencies engaged in project finance and structured debt deals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodnei Iazzetta; Marcelo Rangel Lennertz

Les références

‘Very experienced, credible and operationally focused project finance team.’

‘Gustavo Cunha is the partner involved in all aspects of matters, including calls and document review.’

Principaux clients

Itaú BBA

Bradesco BBI


Banco BTG

Anemus Wind Holding

2W Energia

UBS Brasil

Rio alto Energias Renováveis

Casa dos Ventos

São Martinho

IFC – International Finance Corporation


Quadra Gestão de Recursos

V2i Energia

Mercury Renew Participações

Comerc Participações

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Quadra in the auction related to the privatisation of Companhia Docas do Estado do Espírito Santo and the concession of the activities it held in Vitoria and Barra do Riacho Port.
  • Advised Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná – SANEPAR on the 12th issuance of debentures with restricted placement efforts (pursuant to CVM Rule 476) of Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná – SANEPAR, in the total amount of R$600m.
  • Assisted BNDES in the legal due diligence of the brownfield project of Santos Port Authority and São Sebastião Port Authority related to the privatisation and concession of their activities.

Pinheiro Guimarães

At Pinheiro Guimarães, the projects team is well positioned to handle all matters that arise during the life cycle of an energy project, but particularly stands out for its strong credentials in project finance. Rated for its ability to ‘balance legal risk mitigation with various commercial aspects‘, the team is jointly led by André Sigelmann, who is recommended for his longstanding experience in the financing and development of projects, and M&A in the oil and gas, energy, and pulp and paper industries, and Roberta Giamattey Pimentel Fonseca Kelley, a prominent project finance specialist, who excels in the structuring of alternative structures for the funding of energy and infrastructure projects. Fernanda da Cunha Lopez is a key member of the energy department, who works in development, financing and M&A transactions, while Cristiane Selbach is counsel of choice for oil and gas clients.

Responsables de la pratique:

André Sigelmann; Roberta Pimentel

Les références

‘Deep knowledge of infrastructure in Brazil. The team knows how to balance legal risk mitigation with various commercial aspects.’

‘André Sigelmann is always available, and provides high quality opinions and contractual revisions.’

‘PGA Advogados stands out not only for the excellence of its work, but also for its relationship with clients – they always provide high-quality advice within tight deadlines.’

Principaux clients

EDF Renewables

Rio Energy

EDP Energias do Brasil


Brookfield Energia Renovável


Nexa Resources

Aeris Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos para Geração de Energia

Total Eren

Echoenergia Participações

BTG Pactual

Andrade Gutierrez

Itaú BBA

International Finance Corporation

Interamerican Development Bank

Banco Citibank

Itaú Unibanco

Credit Suisse


XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários

Goldman Sachs

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Société Générale in the capacity of shareholder of Concessionária Linha Universidade, in connection with a financing granted by BNDES for the construction, implementation, exploration and operation of São Paulo’s Metro Line 6.
  • Advised Engie on the acquisition of the Serra do Assuruá complex from PEC Energia.
  • Assisted Eneva in the drafting and negotiation of the contracts for the acquisition of the turbogenerator and other equipment and materials for the UTE Azulão Project, a combined-cycle gas-fired power plant.

Stocche Forbes Advogados

The interdisciplinary team at Stocche Forbes Advogados brings together expertise in banking and finance, public procurement and corporate transactions, making it a popular destination for domestic and international clients – such as financial entities and private companies – seeking advice on all phases of energy and infrastructure projects, from structuring to implementation. The team stands out for its activity in the power sector, but also has further strength in project mandates in the oil and gas, transport and telecoms segments. Corporate and financing transactions involving infrastructure assets are a core area of focus for Guilherme Forbes, while Bruno Gandolfo is proficient in M&A in regulated sectors. Project finance and capital markets matters are key specialisms for Frederico Moura. Mariana Saragoça offers support in public procurement matters, and Marco Saliba is recognised for his broad expertise in project finance and construction contracts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Guilherme Forbes; Frederico Moura; Bruno Gandolfo; Mariana Saragoça; Marco Saliba

Les références

‘Frederico Moura possesses a wealth of experience.’

‘Engaged lawyers and young team.’

‘Stocche Forbes is a leading firm in Brazil for infrastructure matters and project finance. They have experience in all sectors. Lenders and sponsors have confidence in their work and dedication.’

Principaux clients


Éléctricite de France

State Grid

EIG Partners

Equatorial Energia

Golar LNG

Banco (Santander) Brasil

Itaú Unibanco


Celse – Centrais Elétricas De Sergipe

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Goldman Sachs, BofA, Bradesco, Itaú and Santander on the bond issuance of Açu Petróleo Luxembourg to refinance the debt of Açu Petróleo with DFC and to acquire the minority equity stake in Açu Petróleo held by Oiltanking.
  • Acted for Banco Itaú BBA as the underwriter of the public offering with restricted placement efforts of the 1st issuance of commercial notes issued by Infraestrutura Brasil Holding III-A.
  • Assisted Origem Energia Alagoas in connection with the reserve based lending obtained by the company to finance the acquisition of Polo Alagoas, a set of seven onshore and shallow water oil and gas concessions in Alagoas, from Petrobras.

Tauil & Chequer Advogados

Showcasing experience in the structuring, financing, construction and operation of large-scale projects in Brazil, Tauil & Chequer Advogados is seen with great regularity advising on matters in the power, renewable energy, oil and gas, and transport sectors. Besides its strong credentials in local projects, the team is also often engaged in cross-border mandates, drawing on its association with international firm Mayer Brown. Clients from the energy, oil and gas, and heavy industries routinely turn to Alexandre Chequer for assistance in asset deals, project development and regulatory issues. In addition to a strong track record in M&A, concessions and privatisations, Bruno Werneck is a seasoned project finance and development practitioner. Banking and finance partner Eduardo Lima advises financial institutions, multilateral organisations, sponsors and corporate clients on the financing of energy and infrastructure projects, while Luis Montes specialises in project finance and construction law. Juliana Deguirmendjian, who has been particularly active in water and sewage concession projects, and Julio Barboza are names to note at the associate level.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexandre Chequer; Bruno Werneck; Eduardo Lima; Luis Montes

Principaux clients

Equipav Pavimentação, Engenharia e Comércio

VeoliaServiços Ambientais

Aegea Saneamento e Participações

Enel X

Bahia Mineração

Bahia Ferrovias

Vinci Airports

Patria Investimentos

Conasa Infraestrutura

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES

Generate Capital INC

CRCC International Investment Group Limited

Águas do Rio

Fundação Ezute

Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo – SABESP

Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil

Monte Equity Partners


United Nations Development Programme – UNDP

Associação Brasileira de Operadores Logísticos – ABOL

Concessionária Ecovias do Araguaia (EcoRodovias Group)

BB – Banco de Investimentos

Banco Safra

Banco Bradesco BBI

Banco BTG Pactual

Principaux dossiers

  • Engaged by BNDES in the structuring of the privatisation of Eletrobras.
  • Advised BNDES on the privatisation of Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos – CBTU.
  • Assists Aegea in the privatisation of Corsan.

TozziniFreire Advogados

Commended for its ‘dedication, involvement and availability‘, the infrastructure group at TozziniFreire Advogados attracts regular instructions from a variety of sponsors, multilateral agencies and investors. The firm, which is well placed to assist with public bids, financings and project development in the energy, water, waste, mobility and logistics sectors, has been particularly active in the purchase and disposal of infrastructure projects and companies. The team is under the joint leadership of two seasoned partners: Leonardo Miranda, who handles a mix of corporate, regulatory, financing and development work, and Jun Makuta, who heads up the Japan desk and routinely advises on transactions in the energy, chemical and infrastructure segments. Among the other names to note, Karin Yamauti Hatanaka specialises in project finance; Caio Loureiro – who joined from Cascione Pulino Boulos Advogados in March 2022 – focuses on government projects, including concessions and PPPs; and senior associate Erica Makiyama is often engaged in M&A deals involving regulated assets.

Responsables de la pratique:

Leonardo Miranda; Jun Makuta

Les références

‘Dedication, involvement and availability to meet demands/work.’

‘Leonardo Miranda and Erica Makiyama stand out.’

Principaux clients

Nouryon Pulp and Performance Indústria Quimica


Argo Energia


Equatorial Energia

bpbunge bioenergia

Celeo Redes


IFC – International Finance Corporation

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

Itapoá Terminais Portuários

Procter & Gamble

bp lightsource

Norte Energia

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Grupo Energía de Bogotá – GEB and Argo Energia (held by Redeia Group and Grupo Energía de Bogotá) in the acquisition of 100% of the control of five power transmission concessionaires held by Quantum/Brookfield Group.
  • Acting as party to the consortium that is assisting BNDES in the ongoing process of structuring the privatisation of Trensurb, a state-owned company that operates the trains in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre.
  • Acting as part of the consortium that won a bidding process and executed an agreement with BNDES, whose scope is to perform the studies for structuring PPP projects for the construction, operation and maintenance of prison complexes in the Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.

Azevedo Sette Advogados

A popular choice for local and foreign clients – including concessionaires – from the logistics, energy, waste management, water, sanitation and social infrastructure segments, Azevedo Sette Advogados is often engaged in public tenders, privatisations, PPPs and concessions. Drawing on its national footprint, the team is well positioned to advise on infrastructure projects across Brazil, but maintains a particularly strong base in Belo Horizonte and strategic presence in São Paulo. Frederico Bopp Dieterich and Bruna Bouissou are the key points of contact in Belo Horizonte for financing, corporate and contractual matters, while Leonardo Moreira Costa De Souza and Natasha Midori Hinata, the latter of whom was promoted to partner in January 2023, are based in the São Paulo office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Frederico Bopp Dieterich; Leonardo Moreira Costa de Souza

Les références

‘A very dedicated team that is close to clients.’

‘Leonardo Moreira Costa de Souza – very approachable and solution focused. Alessandra Martins de Souza – really analyses the cases and looks for solutions.’

Principaux clients

Serveng Civilsan – Empresas Associadas De Engenharia

Construtora Marquise


Opy Health

Cataratas Do Iguaçu

OZN Health SPE

Concessionária Do Aeroporto Internacional De Confins

MLC Infra Construção

ONM Health

Porto De Cima Concessões

Sano Saneamento E Participações

Sanepav Saneamento Ambiental

Comerc Esco Comércio E Prestação De Serviços Em Energia

BMPI Infra

Focus Energia

SAM– Sonel Ambiental E Engenharia

Heleno & Fonseca Construtécnica

Algar Telecom

Goetze E Lobato Engenharia

Focus Energia

Enel X Brasil

Andrade Gutierrez Investimentos (Construtora Andrade Gutierrez)

Grupo Thotus


Vogue Homes Investimentos

RHI Magnesita

Grupo JCGontijo

Árbore Engenharia

J.Malucelli / CPE Participações

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting CCR in the bids for the concessions of toll roads Presidente Dutra and BR-381.
  • Advised JMalucelli Group, by means of Porto de Cima Concessões and ALN Gás e Energia, on the sale of 100% of their equity interest in Gás Verde, São Gonçalo Energia e Gás Renovável and Nova Iguaçu Energia e Gás Renovável to GN Verde Participações.
  • Assisted BNDES in the structuring of the PPP of the sewage system in the state of Ceará.

Dias Carneiro Advogados

Jointly led by project finance specialist Thiago Vallandro Flores and public law partner Ricardo Sanches, the ‘extremely competent and specialised‘ team at Dias Carneiro Advogados stands out for its extensive experience in all aspects of projects work in the power sector. With strong credentials in renewable matters, the group also acts for clients from the sanitation, mining, oil and gas, ports, telecoms and financial services industries in the financing of large-scale projects and M&A involving regulated assets. Gustavo Junqueira has a strong track record in financing and restructuring transactions in the worlds of energy, telecoms and ports. Paulo Leme, a key contact for sponsors and equipment suppliers, maintains a broad practice focused on financing, corporate and development mandates.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thiago Vallandro Flores; Ricardo Sanches

Les références

‘The projects team is extremely competent and specialised. They helped us structure the financing of an innovative deal in the market.’

‘Dias Carneiro is a great firm that we have recommended to many of our clients for project finance transactions.

‘Thiago Flores is very committed and involved in the projects. He has a lot of knowledge of the market and has high standards in terms of the quality of the services delivered.

Principaux clients


EDP Renováveis

First Solar

Inter-American Development Bank

Inter-American Investment Corporation

Trina Solar

Vestas Wind Power

Vestas Power Development

Voltalia Group

International Finance Corporation

DNB Bank

BTG Pactual Gestora de Recursos

Cyan Fundo de Investimento Multimercado Investimento no Exterior – Crédito Privado

Eólica Araruna

YBYTU Empreendimentos de Energia

Albioma Participações do Brasil

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted IDB and IDB Invest on the granting of a $243m loan facility to a company incorporated under the laws of Brazil, to be ultimately controlled by Equinor New Energy, Hydro Rein Invest and Scatec.
  • Assisted Albioma in the acquisition of six operational companies held by GreenYellow.

Felsberg Advogados

Felsberg Advogados provides consulting and transactional advice in the context of project finance and development, M&A and administrative law. A popular destination for development banks, the firm has been particularly active in the structuring of PPP models for the provision of basic sanitation services in a variety of Brazilian states, and continues to be retained in project finance and contractual issues in the renewable energy, distributed generation, waste management and telecoms sectors. Key practitioners include banking and finance partner Maria Da Graça Pedretti; Marianne Albers, who focuses on public law and regulatory matters; Rodrigo Bertoccelli, who leads on project mandates in the sanitation, water, sewage and solid waste segments; and Ligia Schlittler, whose areas of expertise include green hydrogen projects. Joyce Mackay Meneghello Marques is also noted for her experience in the structuring of concessions, most notably in the sanitation sector.

Responsables de la pratique:

Maria da Graça Pedretti; Marianne Albers; Rodrigo de Pinho Bertoccelli; Ligia Schlittler

Principaux dossiers

  • Retained by BNDES in a public bid to develop a PPP for the provision of water and sewage services in the state of Alagoas.
  • Advising BNDES on the ongoing development of a public-private partnership project for the concession of water and sewage services in 93 municipalities in the state of Paraíba.
  • Advising the Fundação Agência da Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Tietê (FABHAT) on the preparation of a public notice for the bidding process for the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan in Alto Tietê.

Manesco, Ramires, Perez, Azevedo Marques Sociedade de Advogados

A leader in the public law space, Manesco, Ramires, Perez, Azevedo Marques Sociedade de Advogados has a loyal following of public entities and private stakeholders seeking advice on PPPs, concessions and public work contracts. The practice is particularly skilled in projects in the sanitation, logistics, transport, social infrastructure and public lighting sectors. Co-leader Maís Moreno regularly acts for national government agencies and development banks in contract management and refinancing of infrastructure projects. Moreno is based in the São Paulo office, while fellow co-head Raul Felipe Borelli, a key contact for multilateral agencies, oversees the Belo Horizonte team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Maís Moreno; Raul Felipe Borreli

Principaux clients


Caixa Econômica Federal

Consórcio. Grupos CCCC e CRCC (CR20)

Consortium Rio Mais – PPP Parque Olímpico

GS Inima



Ikons ATN

IDB (Inter-American Development Bank)

Porto de Açú

Prumo Logística

Principaux dossiers

  • Retained by BNDES to carry out the legal structuring of public service concessions of the use of assets related to a series of parks in the states of Amazonas, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul.
  • Advises CR20,which was part of the winning bidder consortium for the construction of the Salvador-Itaparica bridge.
  • Provides legal advice to IDB in a project involving the constitution of a system of guarantees for prisons in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.

Schmidt, Valois, Miranda, Ferreira & Agel Advogados

Schmidt, Valois, Miranda, Ferreira & Agel Advogados fields a team with recognised credentials in the development of infrastructure and energy projects, with a special emphasis on the oil and gas sector. The group is also well versed in mandates involving power generation, transmission and distribution, and is seen with great regularity handling cross-border transactions on behalf of major Brazilian and international clients. Private equity firms, financial institutions, hydrocarbon clients and suppliers often turn to Paulo Valois Pires for advice on the construction of pipelines, LNG projects and public tenders.Rogério Sobral De Miranda, who possesses over two decades of experience in transactions involving infrastructure and energy projects; Guilherme Schmidt KC; and Antônio Luís Ferreira, who focuses on M&A and regulatory issues in the mining and oil and gas segments, are also part of the core team. Isabela Faria is noted for her knowledge of project finance matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Antonio Luís Ferreira; Paulo Valois; Rogério Sobral de Miranda; Guilherme Schmidt

Principaux clients

EDF Norte Fluminense

MTI Energy

MTI Energy and Nova Técnica Energy

Braserv Petróleo

Great Holdings

Mota Engil

Petrobras BR Distribuidora

Verde Brasil




Repsol Sinopec

Enerflex Energia

Nova Técnica Energia


Jiangsu Asian Star Anchor Chain

Nova Transportadora do Sudeste

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Verde Participações in the acquisition of onshore upstream assets under the divestment programme carried out by Petrobras.
  • Advised Moncarlo on regulatory and contractual issues related to the development of a shared distributed generation project.
  • Assisted LMP Energy Participações e Consultoria and Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Americas on the negotiation of agreements and regulatory aspects of the construction of a major gas thermoelectric power plant in the north of Brazil.

Toledo Marchetti Advogados

Entirely dedicated to the construction and infrastructure sectors, Toledo Marchetti Advogados advises clients on the entire spectrum of legal issues that arise during the life cycle of an infrastructure project. Although it is singled out for its capabilities in complex contractual structures, typical instructions for the group also include administrative law and regulatory matters, project finance and dispute resolution. Leonardo Toledo da Silva, who is skilled in the structuring and negotiation of engineering and construction contracts, and also acts as an arbitrator, steers the team in an array of large-scale projects in the renewable energy, transport, logistics, sanitation and industrial sectors. Contract management – in both the private and public sectors – is a key area of activity for Marcelo Vicentini Marchetti, while Ricardo Medina Salla takes the lead in arbitration matters. Adriana Regina Sarra de Deus is another name to note for construction claims. Focused on infrastructure projects and tax, Rodrigo Esposito Petrasso advises on complex contracts, project finance and PPPs in the transport, logistics and energy sectors.

Responsables de la pratique:

Leonardo Toledo da Silva

Les références

‘Highly specialised in the management of EPC contracts. Competent team with high-quality and quick responses.’

‘I highlight the lawyers Adriana Sarra de Deus and Ricardo Medina.’

Principaux clients

Auren Energia

Enel Green Power

BN Construções


Certek Construtora

Constremac Construções

Construtora Ferreira Guedes

ICSK Brasil Construção

Lightsource Milagres IV Geração de Energia (Lightsource bp)

Neovia Infraestrutura Rodoviaria

Porto do Açu Operações

Castanhal Transmissora de Energia

Empresa Construtora Brasil

Engetec Contruções e Montagens

GD Geração Distribuidora Participações

Montcalm Montagens Industriais

Rumo Malha Central

Rumo Malha Norte

Veolia Brasil

Verde 2 Energética (Brasal Energia)

Alves Ribeiro Do Brasil

Darby Servtec Energia

Mosaic Fertilizantes P&K

Worley Engenharia

Estaleiros do Brasil

Toyo Setal Empreendimentos

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Auren on the drafting, analysis and negotiation of all of the construction contracts and the relevant supply agreements for the implementation of the Jaíba V Project.
  • Assisting Porto do Açu in the structuring of commercial contracts for the development of port terminals, energy and sewage projects.
  • Advised BN Construções on the analysis and negotiation of an EPC contract for the implementation of the Panati Project.

Trench Rossi Watanabe

Singled out for its track record in the purchase and divestment of power and natural gas assets, Trench Rossi Watanabe has recently been developing its capabilities in privatisations and concessions in the energy, ports and defence spaces. A varied client base regularly retains the team on a multitude of mandates, ranging from the development of oil and gas, mining and renewable generation projects, to regulatory matters, joint ventures and dispute resolution. São Paulo-based partner José Roberto Martins, who works on M&A involving regulated assets, project development and concessions, co-manages the group with Danielle Valois, a practitioner to note for oil and gas mandates in Rio de Janeiro. Henrique Frizzo and Bruno Duarte are dedicated to regulatory and public law matters, including concessions and PPP contracts, while Mauricio Pacheco has a strong transactional focus. Associate Adam Milgrom is experienced in deals involving electricity, transport, water and sanitation projects. All attorneys are based in São Paulo unless otherwise stated.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Roberto Martins; Danielle Valois

Les références

‘The service in terms of the quality of information and professional attitude was very high.’

‘Henrique Frizzo and Bruno Duarte are recommended.’

Principaux clients

Air Liquide

America Tecnologia

Andrade Gutierrez

Brookfield Renewables

C6 Launch Systems

Canadian Solar

Casa Dos Ventos

China Tiesjiu Civil Engineering Group



EDP Renovaveis

Engie Solutions

GE Energias Renovaveis

GE Power

Grupo Fortbras



Lightsource BP


Mitsubishi Power


SPIC Brasil


Stryker Corporation

Suncoke Energy

Vibra Energia


Vopak Brasil

ZEG Renováveis

Air Liquide

America Tecnologia

Andrade Gutierrez

Brookfield Renewables

C6 Launch Systems

Canadian Solar

Casa Dos Ventos

China Tiesjiu Civil Engineering Group



EDP Renovaveis

Engie Solutions

GE Energias Renovaveis

GE Power

Grupo Fortbras



Lightsource BP


Mitsubishi Power


SPIC Brasil


Stryker Corporation

Suncoke Energy

Vibra Energia


Vopak Brasil

ZEG Renováveis

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Vibra on the acquisition of 50% of the voting shares of ZEG Biogás e Energia Zeg Biogás, a subsidiary of Zeg Energias Renováveis and FSL Consultoria Empresarial.
  • Assisted C6 Sistemas/C6 Launch Systems in a complex project for the setting up of a satellite launching operation from Brazil’s Alcântara Space Center.
  • Assisted Canadian Solar in the sale of 70% of its share from Panati Holding and Marangatu Holding to the Chinese group SPIC.

Vieira Rezende

Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados is often called upon by domestic and international clients – including corporations and financial institutions – to advise on the structuring of large infrastructure projects, related regulatory issues, as well as PPP contracts and concessions. Its core strength, however, resides in the funding of projects through long-term loans with development banks and infrastructure debentures. Based in Rio de Janeiro, founding partner Cláudio Guerreiro is counsel of choice for clients from the mining, water, sanitation and logistics sectors, while Claudio Roberto Pieruccetti Marques is primarily active in infrastructure projects and litigation involving public concessions. Marina Ferraz Aidar, Maria Virginia Mesquita Nasser and Luana Komatsu Falkenburger are no longer at the firm.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cláudio Guerreiro; Claudio Roberto Pieruccetti Marques

Les références

‘Full-service firm with in-depth knowledge of project finance and renewable energy projects.’

‘Despite being smaller compared to other large law firms with infrastructure practice, the firm manages to deliver an excellent value proposition and cost-effectiveness. The partners are very hands on and pro deal, in addition to seeking industry specialisation, in addition to financial structures.’

Principaux clients

Vinci Airports

Rio Energy Participações

LC Energia Holding

EDP Renováveis Brasil

Norte Energia

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised BNDES, Banco da Amazônia and a syndicate formed by several banks on the financing of R$1.35bn to Vinci Airports for the expansion, operation and maintenance of seven airports in the states of Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia and Roraima.
  • Acted for MRS Logística in a Public Civil Action filed by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office requesting a preliminary injunction to suspend the company’s operating license.
  • Assisted BTG Pactual Asset Management Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários as the initial debenture holder/investor of debentures in the total amount of R$400m issued by Sterlite Brazil Participações to finance and develop power transmission projects.

Aroeira Salles Advogados

Aroeira Salles Advogados provides legal support to public entities, investors, sub-contractors and service providers across the range of matters pertaining to the structuring of infrastructure and energy projects. Advising on the modelling of projects, contract management, related claims and procurement are key areas of activity for the firm, which is also proficient in the economic and financial rebalancing of project agreements. São Paulo-based partner Alexandre Aroeira Salles, whose experience covers the transport, logistics and energy segments, and Mariana Barbosa Miraglia, who works out of the Belo Horizonte office and assists clients in non-contentious matters and dispute resolution in this space, jointly head up the group. Francisco de Melo Franco Ferreira and Clara Sol da Costa, the latter of whom is particularly active in transport and urban mobility projects, are other names to note in Belo Horizonte, while Luís Henrique Baeta Funghi, who advises on project contracts and regulatory matters in the sanitation, energy and transport sectors, is based in São Paulo.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexandre Aroeira Salles; Mariana Barbosa Miraglia

Les références

‘Aroeira Salles is a specialised firm, with tradition, recognition, and proven experience. It gives peace of mind to be able to count on a team that is solid, down-to-earth, and experienced.’

‘Luís Baeta was always available for meetings, contributions, reports and assistance.’

‘The team is fully prepared to analyse and conduct contractual matters, mainly in relation to infrastructure contracts with the public sector. Dialogue flows in an easy and transparent way between all those involved.’

Principaux clients


Andrade Gutierrez

Siemens Gamesa


Camargo Corrêa

CCR Group

Siemens Energy Brasil

Arteris Group


Direcional Engenharia

Genco Energia

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised a leading hospital operator on the construction and operation of three state hospitals in the state of São Paulo.
  • Acting as part of the consortium which prepared feasibility studies for the Jequitaí hydro-agricultural project.
  • Advised Rota do Oeste on the resolution of contractual disputes between the client and the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT).

Giamundo Neto Advogados

Specialised in the infrastructure sector‘, Giamundo Neto Advogados brings together expertise in projects, public law and dispute resolution, providing ‘quality advice‘ to domestic and international clients on all phases of infrastructure projects. The team manages a balanced workload, where public bids feature alongside PPPs, regulatory issues, new concessions and disputes. A popular choice for sanitation and waste management players, the group is also adept at acting for clients from the transport, logistics, energy and social infrastructure sectors. Luiz Felipe Pinto Lima Graziano heads up the projects team, and is especially present in sanitation, water and waste management mandates. Antonio Carlos Bastos specialises in contentious matters involving public and private contracts in the areas of construction and infrastructure. At the associate level, Diogo Albaneze Gomes Ribeiro excels in contractual matters and dispute resolution; Daniel Almeida Stein has notable strength in public concessions and compliance; and Natasha Maria Soares Viana stands out for her regulatory expertise.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luiz Felipe Pinto Lima Graziano; Antonio Carlos Bastos

Les références

‘The service is of the highest quality; the lawyers are fast, diligent and competent.’

‘High performance in the analysis of issues related to the infrastructure sector and outstanding experience of the partners.’

‘Antonio Carlos Bastos – knowledge and background in the area.’

Principaux clients

Atech – Negócios em Tecnologias

Construtora Rocha Calvacante

Tembici Participações

Long Ping High-Tech

Satus Ager

Nebras Power

Spic Brasil

RFM Participações

Aviva Ambiental

Zetta Ambiental


GS Inima Brasil

BRK Ambiental Participações

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Prever Administração Cemiterial e Serviços Funerários in structuring a project related to the management, operation, maintenance, development, revitalisation and expansion of cemeteries and crematoria in São Paulo.
  • Assisting Companhia Paulista de Desenvolvimento in the structuring of a project related to developing a water and sewage system in the municipality of Erechim.
  • Assisting Caixa Econômica Federal in the structuring of a large project related to waste collection in several municipalities of Minas Gerais.

Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini Advogados

Best known for its strong credentials in public law, Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini Advogados is routinely instructed by domestic and international companies in administrative proceedings and judicial litigation involving public concessions. A popular choice for clients with relevant activity in the ports sector, the group is also skilled in non-contentious matters, including bidding procedures and PPP agreements. With a special focus on renewable energy, water, port and airport projects, Cesar Pereira in São Paulo manages the team with Rafael Wallbach Schwind, a seasoned public law partner based in Curitiba. Government concessions, regulatory matters and infrastructure projects are all areas of activity for Victor Hugo Pavoni Vanelli, who is based in the same office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cesar Pereira; Rafael Wallbach Schwind

Les références

‘Extremely attentive to the client.’

Principaux clients

Libraport Campinas

Concessionária Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro (Rio Galeão)

ELDORADO Brasil Celulose

Associação Brasileira de Avição Geral- ABAG

CR Almeida Engenharia de Obras

APM Terminals Itajaí

Ecorodovias Infraestrutura e Logística

BRK Ambiental Participações

EMBRAPORT – Empresa Brasileira de Terminais Portuários

Tecon Salvador

ABRATEC – Associação Brasileira Dos Terminais de Contêiners de Uso Público

Terminal de Contêineres de Paranaguá – TCP

Principaux dossiers

  • Provides ongoing consulting services to Concessionária Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro on issues related to the concession agreement.
  • Represents two consortia formed by CR Almeida Engenharia de Obras in a lawsuit filed against the state of Amazonas involving the construction of the VLT transportation system FIFA World Cup in Mato Grosso and Amazonas.
  • Represents ABRATEC – Associação Brasileira dos Terminais de Contêiners de Uso Público in an administrative dispute at the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).

Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados

Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados‘ infrastructure group draws on the expertise of the firm's partners from across the corporate, M&A, tax and dispute resolution practices to provide comprehensive coverage in projects in Brazil. Clients from regulated industries, including telecoms, energy and mining, routinely seek the team’s advice on the construction of large-scale projects and related licensing, financing and compliance issues. Luis Gustavo Miranda, a solid performer in corporate law, contractual and infrastructure matters, leads the Belo Horizonte-based team. He receives key support from Fabio Appendino and Paulo Teixeira Fernandes, the latter of whom is recommended for compliance matters and infrastructure contracts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luis Gustavo Miranda

Principaux clients

EuroChen Fertilizantes Tocantins

UEG Araucária

Fiat Chrysler Automóveis Brasil (FCA)

Spal Indústria Brasileira de Bebidas(Coca-Cola FEMSA)

Vallourec do Brasil

Brazilian Nickel Limited (BRN)

Helexia (Voltalia subsidiary)

Kinross Gold Corporation

Mosaic Fertilizantes do Brasil

Lipari Mineração

MF Projetos em Energia

Macaúbas Energias Renováveis

Equinox Gold (Leadgold Mining)


Samarco Mineração

Gerdau Aços Longos

AngloGold Ashanti

Brasil PCH

Ciber Equip Rodoviários (John Deere Group)

Lundin Mining

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Vallourec do Brasil in the construction of the Vallourec Sumitomo steel complex in Jeceaba in Minas Gerais.
  • Advises FCA Fiat Automóveis on several matters related to the implementation of the Cavernas do Peruaçu National Park.
  • Assisted Coca-Cola Femsa in all legal aspects related to the expansion of a plant.