Firms To Watch: White-collar crime and investigations

Clarissa Oliveira, an expert in corporate and governmental investigations and criminal litigation, moved to Cascione Pulino Boulos Advogados from boutique firm Advocacia Olavo Chinaglia in July 2023 to lead the white-collar crime, compliance and investigations practice.
Marta Saad, who focuses on white-collar criminal defence matters, compliance expert Rafael Gimenes and a team of criminal law specialists – including André Augusto Mendes Machado, João Pedro Funiscello de Sousa, Luciana Zanella Louzado, Gianluca Martins Smanio and Rafael Machado Freire Amaral – left Veirano Advogados in April 2023 to set up the compliance practice at Huck, Otranto, Camargo Advogados.

White-collar crime and investigations in Brazil

Davi Tangerino Advogados

Despite its relatively recent history, Davi Tangerino Advogados has already become one of the main forces in the Brazilian white-collar crime and investigations legal market. Founded in 2018 by renowned criminal law experts, the outfit, which experienced a rebranding in February 2022 when former partner Salo De Carvalho left to establish his own firm, continues to attract new instructions from a strong corporate client base operating in a range of industries, including energy, technology, banking, infrastructure and life sciences. Singled out for its capabilities in acting for defendants and victims of crime, the firm has recently expanded its services on the litigation front with the opening of its office in Brasília, which strengthened its profile in proceedings before the superior courts. Founding partner Davi Tangerino combines ‘strategic thinking and technical knowledge in criminal law‘; he leads the team, which also includes the ‘excellentAndré Filibe Kend Tanabe, and senior associate Patrícia Dannebrock Águedo. Lucas Albuquerque Aguiar, who previously worked as a law clerk to the president of the Brazilian Supreme Court and as chief of staff at the Ministry of Justice, is the name to note in Brasília.

Responsables de la pratique:

Davi Tangerino

Les références

‘Davi Tangerino Advogados is a firm that combines innovation with experience and solid knowledge in the area in which it operates. The office culture is one of collaboration and diversity. DTA has transformed the way support is provided in matters related to technology and law enforcement, and has accumulated intelligence in this sector that is hardly shared by its competitors.’

‘André Tanabe is one of the most committed professionals I have ever met. He spares no effort and deals with the various challenges of law with extreme elegance.’

Technical preparation well above the market average; concern and commitment to diversity and inclusion.’

Principaux clients

Grupo Nós




Meta Platforms

American Tower do Brasil

Corning Comunicações Ópticas

Procter & Gamble

ATG Americas Trading Group

NR Sports (Neymar Jr.)

Faro Energy



Principaux dossiers

  • Defending American Tower against claims that the client allegedly installed telecommunications towers without the proper licenses.

Iokoi, Paiva, Jonasson e Scalzaretto Advogados

The ‘highly trained and qualified team‘ at white-collar crime boutique Iokoi, Paiva, Jonasson e Scalzaretto Advogados offers representation and advice to clients across the entire spectrum of matters, including corporate and economic crime, and mandates involving fraud, bribery, embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering. Combining ‘objective and precise legal solutions in the face of complex matters typical of highly regulated markets’, such as finance and energy, the team is especially well placed to handle criminal investigations, but is also frequently seen acting in internal fraud investigations, and complex cases, including appeals in the higher courts. Department head Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi, whose ‘strong understanding of the corporate environment and business needs‘ is highlighted by clients, is seasoned in anti-fraud work and in the defence of C-suite executives and politicians. Other key individuals include Bruno Lambert de Almeida, Caio Cesar Tomioto Mendes and Ricardo Capelli, the latter of whom oversees the telecoms and payment methods team. Associate Maria Luiza Maluf Novaes, who regularly assists companies from the education, retail and services sectors, was recently promoted to coordinator of the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi

Les références

‘Firm with highly qualified people, resulting in quality service. Collaborative attitude.’

‘Caio Cesar Tomioto Mendes, Bruno Lambert de Almeida and Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi are highly qualified, proactive, and up-to-date with current trends and issues.’

‘The firm stands out for its agility in meeting clients’ criminal legal demands, maintaining high standards of quality, diligence and integrity in the conduct of services. In addition, it combines objective and precise legal solutions in the face of complex matters typical of highly regulated markets.’

Principaux clients



Banco ABC


DXC Technology

Royal Canin



Banco Rodobens

Sascar (Michelin)


Solar.BR – Coca-Cola


Mercado Livre


Banco Itaú Unibanco

Record TV




United Airlines






Telefônica | VIVO




Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting OLX in a police investigation into fraud involving post office shipping fees.
  • Acting for Cielo in a police investigation into alleged theft by deception involving a restaurant located in the city of Paraopeba.
  • Advising a rural union of the Bastos municipality (São Paulo) on a procedure that investigates corruption crimes involving farm owners.

Mattos Filho

Bringing together strong litigation capabilities, international experience and a multidisciplinary approach, Mattos Filho provides legal support to major companies and high-profile individuals in the full array of white-collar crime and investigations matters. Besides its strength in federal investigations, the ‘extremely competent, dedicated and available‘ group is also skilled in cases involving environmental crimes, tax evasion, bankruptcy and securities fraud, including appeals and proceedings before the higher courts. Flávia Leardini, a ‘go-to‘ for corporate and economic crime, is proficient in non-contentious issues and litigation involving tax evasion, corruption and money laundering. The highly regarded Paula Moreira Indalecio has over 20 years’ experience in criminal law, with a special emphasis on the technology and security spaces. Rogério Taffarello is often engaged by individuals and corporations in criminal investigations and litigation involving corporate crimes. Senior associate Philippe Nascimento joined from Dias Carvalho Filho E Furrier Advogados in May 2022.

Les références

‘Outstanding capability of professionals allows a 360 strategic analysis of complex issues.’

‘Mattos Filho’s team was able to think strategically and provide valuable advice.’

‘Flávia Guimarães Leardini is a technical, accessible and calm lawyer, our go-to lawyer to deal with criminal practice situations.’

Cavalcanti Sion Advogados

Rated by clients as ‘one of the best criminal law firms in the country‘, Cavalcanti Sion Advogados acts for domestic and foreign players – including financial institutions, individuals and corporates from the construction, infrastructure, healthcare, technology, oil and gas, services and agribusiness sectors – in complex investigations and litigation, including proceedings before the superior courts. Dora Cavalcanti, whose experience in this space spans over two decades, is regularly retained to act in white-collar crime and money laundering cases, corruption scandals and cross-border investigations. She jointly heads up the team with the ‘diligent, competent, quick and efficientPaula Sion, who is counsel of choice for major companies in a variety of criminal matters, ranging from corporate and bankruptcy crime to internal investigations. Luiza Moreira Peregrino Ferreira, who has previously worked as a judge at the state court of Santa Catarina, excels in appeals before the higher courts. Gabriel Holtz and Raquel Lima Scalcon, who joined from Scalcon Novaes Advogados in 2022, stand out at the associate level.

Responsables de la pratique:

Dora Cavalcanti; Paula Sion

Les références

‘I have personally known Dora Cavalcanti and Paula Sion for over 15 years. This is one of the best criminal law firms in the country.’

‘Paula Sion is diligent, competent, quick and efficient. Everything was handled masterfully.’

Principaux clients

Minerva Foods


Triunfo Participações e Investimento

Grupo Nilton Lins

Claudio Figueiredo Costa Advocacia Criminal

Claudio Figueiredo Costa Advocacia Criminal possesses ‘in-depth legal knowledge‘ of criminal law and a ‘great ability to understand the cases and situations that arise‘ in the context of complex white-collar crime cases and investigations. Companies from an array of industries, including energy, financial services and construction, as well as high-profile individuals turn to the team for advice on matters involving corruption, money laundering, embezzlement and bid rigging; environmental crime is another area of activity for the group, which is based in Rio de Janeiro. At the helm of the practice, Cláudio Figueiredo Costa has led on several emblematic criminal cases, acting on behalf of heavyweights from the oil and gas, infrastructure, logistics and services sectors. Raphael Gaudio offers key support in high-stakes criminal cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cláudio Figueiredo Costa

Les références

‘Firm with strong performance in the criminal area. Excellent interaction with clients and a very constructive and credible performance with public agents. In-depth legal knowledge and great ability to understand the cases and situations that arise, in order to provide the best possible advice. The team conveys a lot of security to the client.’

‘I’d highlight the attention, technical capacity and agility of the partners in relation to the case.’

‘Claudio Figueiredo Costa – technical capacity, attention, and security.’

Mudrovitsch Advogados

A ‘reference‘ in the white-collar crime market in Brazil, Mudrovitsch Advogados ‘uniquely combines risk analysis with business viability‘ to assist corporate and private clients on risk assessment, preventive measures and criminal proceedings. Financial and tax crimes feature heavily in the diverse caseload managed by the group, which is also active in cases involving money laundering, bribery and corruption, with a particular focus on the construction, energy and agribusiness segments. Showcasing a strong geographical footprint across the country, the firm has offices in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and also has a solid presence in Brasília, Mato Grosso and Rondônia. Rodrigo De Bittencourt Mudrovitsch stands out for his track record in litigation before the superior courts. The ‘extremely competentFelipe Fernandes De Carvalho is one of the main points of contact for criminal law trials and appeals at the higher courts, while Ivan Candido Da Silva De Franco is highlighted for his ‘high technical knowledge‘ of environmental and tax crimes. Gustavo Teixeira Gonet Branco coordinates the Rio de Janeiro-based team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodrigo de Bittencourt Mudrovitsch; Felipe Fernandes de Carvalho; Ivan Candido da Silva de Franco; Gustavo Teixeira Gonet Branco

Les références

‘Prompt service from the team, always available, friendly and capable. Quality and speed in strategies/legal defences evaluating all scenarios. They accompany and guide the client from start to finish.’

‘Felipe Fernandes de Carvalho is one of the best legal professionals in the market. He defends his theses in a clear and objective way.’

‘Super fast response time. Very attentive to the needs and peculiarities of the client. The firm uniquely combines risk analysis with business viability.’

Principaux clients


Direcional Engenharia

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted talk show host Donizete Arruda in an appeal after the client was convicted to seven years and two months in prison on counts of discrimination.
  • Advises the Zulli group in actions brought to investigate the alleged practice of bankruptcy crimes by its partners.
  • Advising a former Petrobras employee and project consultant in the oil and gas area on an appeal against his conviction for the alleged crime of money laundering in favour of former directors of Petrobras.

Tofic Simantob, Perez, José e Ortiz Advogados

Boutique criminal law firm Tofic Simantob, Perez, José e Ortiz Advogados is well positioned to advise household companies and individuals – including public officials, high-profile executives and businessmen – across the gamut of cases relating to white-collar and economic crime, including litigation and federal investigations. Offences relating to finance, tax, bid rigging, bankruptcy, antitrust, corruption and money laundering are core areas of focus for the team, which is also proficient in environmental crimes. The ‘distinguishedFábio Tofic Simantob jointly leads the practice with Débora Perez Dias, a key contact for large companies, banks and associations; the ‘incredible and highly qualifiedMariana Tranchesi Ortiz; and João Henrique Imperia Martini, who has significant experience at the Public Defender’s Office of the State of São Paulo.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fábio Tofic Simantob; Débora Perez Dias; Mariana Tranchesi Ortiz; João Henrique Imperia Martini

Les références

‘The team is exceptional in every way. Lawyers prepare the client with excellence and professionalism. They have a strong commitment to ethics and the highest standards of professional conduct.’

‘I highlight Fábio Tofic Simantob and Mariana Tranchesi Ortiz. Mariana is an incredible and highly qualified professional. Even in the most difficult moments, she is able to bring peace of mind to the client. She manages to translate thousands of pages of an extremely complex legal process into the reality of the client and outline the best defence strategy.’

‘The partners are references in the criminal area. Fabio Tofic is eloquent and very intelligent, a distinguished lawyer!’

David Rechulski, Advogados

David Rechulski, Advogados enjoys a ‘great reputation‘ in corporate crime matters, acting for domestic and international companies operating in a variety of industries, such as mining, telecoms, banking, insurance, construction, energy and infrastructure, among others. The team has notable strength in defending high-ranking executives in criminal investigations and litigation involving allegations of corporate fraud, corruption, bid rigging, cartels, and environmental and financial crimes. Leading the practice, David Rechulski, a specialist in criminal law and corporate crisis management, has assisted household names in highly sensitive criminal matters. Senior partner Ricardo Küpper Pagés, Valeska Pinto, whose notable areas of practice include criminal matters and compliance, and senior associate Juliana Makiyama are also part of the core team.

Responsables de la pratique:

David Rechulski

Les références

‘Partners are very involved and provide personalised services. Great reputation.’

‘David Rechulski and Richard Pages stand out.’

Principaux clients




HTB Engenharia e Construção

Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia

Mosaic Fertilizantes P&K

Demarest Advogados

One of the first full-service firms to create a dedicated white-collar crime group, Demarest Advogados has a wealth of experience in acting in the defence of companies and individuals in criminal investigations and sensitive cases, including financial, tax, cyber and environmental crimes, as well as matters involving corruption, bid rigging and money laundering. The highly recommended Fabyola En Rodrigues is retained by major companies and high-ranking executives seeking representation in criminal law cases, government investigations and enforcement proceedings. She leads the practice, which also includes Larissa Borges Guimarães, who specialises in anti-corruption, anti-bribery and compliance matters, and Aline de Oliveira Silva.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fabyola En Rodrigues

Les références

‘The excellence in quality, the technical and practical approach, and the direct and constant contact with its partners certainly set the team apart.’

‘Fabyola en Rodrigues is recommended.’

‘Experienced, available and efficient professionals.’

Principaux clients

Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Consultores

Grupo Baumgart

Bacardi Martini do Brasil Indústria e Comércio

Zimmer Biomet


E-Frame Tecnologia e Negócios

Phibro Saúde Animal Internacional

E H Silva Oliveira

Mitsui & Co

Jaguar e Land Rover Brasil

ServCarter International

Sodexo do Brasil Comercial

Syngenta Seeds

Unimed Seguradora


Associación de Fútbol Argentino – AFA

Rede Internacional de Universidades Laureat

Akzo Nobel

Carlisle Fluid Technologies

Motorola Mobility Comércio de Produtos Eletrônicos

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Bacardi Martini do Brasil Indústria e Comércio in an investigation launched in 2014 regarding the possible involvement of companies from the beverage sector in a criminal organisation for tax evasion against the State Treasury of Santa Catarina.
  • Defending the director of E-Frame Tecnologia e Negócios in an investigation named “Operation Sovrapprezzo”, an offshoot of the Car Wash Operation that investigates an alleged fraud scheme.
  • Successfully defending the CEO of Agro Amazônia in a criminal lawsuit for the practice of fraud in the agribusiness sector.

KLA Advogados

Anti-corruption, money laundering, tax evasion, cyber, antitrust and environmental crimes are all areas of focus for the ‘highly qualified’ white-collar practice at KLA Advogados, which combines expertise in criminal matters with strong corporate law capabilities. Corporate clients from the construction, infrastructure, education, TMT and pharmaceuticals sectors regularly seek the team’s advice on highly sensitive matters, including instances before the superior courts. Senior associate Juliane Mendonça is a name to note in the team. Former practice head Filipe Magliarelli left the firm in January 2024.

Les références

‘Technical knowledge and service.’

‘Highly qualified team.’

Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Pinheiro Neto Advogados houses a ‘technically impeccable team‘ made up of lawyers specialised in corporate criminal law, who are often engaged by high-profile executives and corporate entities in investigations and prosecutions brought by state and federal authorities throughout Brazil. With extensive experience in the defence of the full array of white-collar crime allegations, from insider trading to corruption, the group also showcases a successful track record in internal investigations. Mário Panseri Ferreira, who has over two decades’ experience in legal counselling and litigation, is a seasoned practitioner in matters involving fraud, anti-corruption issues and compliance. Counsel Lourival Lofrano Júnior focuses on tax, environmental and financial crimes, while Natalia Genina Lugero De Almeida ‘stands out for her analytical and risk assessment capabilities‘ in the context of internal and government investigations.

Les références

‘A technically impeccable team with the capacity to humanise and personalise services, which is something unique in the Brazilian market. The criminal law team at Pinheiro Neto Advogados is far ahead of its peers in this approach.’

‘Natalia Lugero stands out for her analytical and risk assessment capabilities.’

‘Expertise and technical quality of lawyers, in addition to attention and availability.’

Principaux clients



Pátria Investimentos

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Imerys in a case related to a fire incident at a mining plant in Barcarena, Pará, which allegedly affected the surrounding communities.
  • Defending TÜV SÜD in a criminal lawsuit and two investigations initiated by the Federal Police involving the Brumadinho dam collapse.

Ráo & Lago Advogados

With extensive experience in litigation and consulting, Ráo & Lago Advogados provides a ‘high-quality service‘ to banks, brokerage houses, securities distributors and companies from a variety of industries, including construction, real estate and infrastructure, in relation to corporate crime matters. High-profile individuals also routinely turn to the practice for advice on cases that go beyond criminal investigations at the federal and state levels. Sônia Cochrane Ráo ‘possesses a long and distinguished career in criminal law‘, advising clients on corruption, money laundering, tax evasion, environmental and financial crimes. Natasha do Lago ‘stands out for her knowledge of the financial and capital markets‘, while Marina Chaves Alves particularly excels in cases involving financial, tax and money laundering offences. Tarsila Fonseca Tojal and Giovanna Silveira Tavolaro are noted at the associate level for their involvement in sensitive cases.

Responsables de la pratique:

Sônia Cochrane Ráo; Natasha do Lago; Marina Chaves Alves

Les références

‘I have always been very well treated and the work performed is of indisputable quality.’

‘Sonia Ráo and Natasha do Lago are exceptional lawyers.’

‘High-quality service, differentiated by knowledge of financial and capital markets deals. Accurate technical defence in complex cases.’

Siqueira Castro – Advogados

Covering both consulting matters and complex corporate criminal litigation, Siqueira Castro – Advogados is well positioned to defend the interests of companies, senior executives and employees in sensitive proceedings at the administrative and judicial levels, including before the superior courts. Standing out for its broad geographical footprint across the country, the team provides support in the context of tax, financial and economic crimes, allegations of money laundering, big rigging and fraud, as well as environmental offences. The group is led by João Daniel Rassi, who specialises in mandates involving crimes against the financial, capital markets and tax systems. Victor Labate, Pedro Luis de Almeida Camargo, who often acts in litigation, including appeals and cases before the higher courts, and Beatriz Massetto Trevisan stand out at the associate level. Former practice co-head Renata Cestari Ferreira left the firm in August 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

João Daniel Rassi

Les références

‘The team provides personalised services and is prepared to deal with a wide range of topics, especially in matters related to corporate crime.’

‘João Daniel Rassi is recommended.’

Principaux clients

Construtora Camargo Corrêa

Dock Soluções em Meios de Pagamento

Telefônica Brasil

Temoinsa do Brasil

Jinny Software Latin America Imp. e Exp.

ACRY Construtora e Incorporadora

W. Faber Castell

Fedex Brasil Logística e Transporte

GL Eletro-Eletrônicas – Pial Legrand

Acumuladores Moura

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Temoinsa Brasil on multiple cases being brought against its directors and other companies for allegedly defrauding public works bids related to the maintenance of São Paulo’s train and metro system, forming a cartel, and overcharging services prices.
  • Assisting Construtora Camargo Corrêa, which is being investigated for the practice of arson that took place in the Cassia city.
  • Drafted and filed a criminal investigation request before the Police Department of the City of São Gonçalo on behalf of Dock Soluções em Meios de Pagamento to investigate fraudulent financial transactions.

Cescon Barrieu

Founded in 2019, the compliance, white-collar and investigations group at Cescon Barrieu, which works closely with other firm-wide practices, regularly assists corporate clients in the identification of criminal risks and structuring of strategies in the context of capital markets, tax and environmental infractions. Typical instructions for the group also include defending clients in allegations of white-collar crimes before state and federal courts. Since publication, former practice head Yuri Sahione has left the firm, while compliance, white-collar crime and investigations specialist Filipe Magliarelli joined from KLA Advogados, effective as of January 2024.

Principaux clients

FMD Asset Management

SG Comércio Exterior

Klingele Paper Nova Campina

Baldacci Pharma

Rose Mary Vargas de Mello

Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica -ABEEólica

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for SG Comércio Exterior in obtaining the judicial release of 13,000 WMT of manganese seized by the Federal Police prior to exportation.
  • Represented Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica – ABEEólica in litigation against tax consultants concerning wind power players in Brazil.
  • Assisted FMD Asset Management in the implementation of a litigation strategy regarding criminal investigations into securities fraud.

Correa Gontijo Advogados

Focused on economic and white-collar crimes, criminal law boutique Correa Gontijo Advogados acts for companies, executives and individuals – including public officials – in sensitive matters, including federal and state police investigations. Administrative and judicial litigation are key areas of activity for the firm, which has a strong track record before the superior courts. Founding partner Conrado Almeida Correa Gontijo, ‘one of the leading exponents of Brazilian criminal law’, oversees the department, where Bruna Nunes is another name to note for corporate crime matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Conrado Almeida Corrêa Gontijo

Les références

‘The team listens carefully to our concerns, understanding the situation in order to be able to propose a compatible line of action.’

‘The firm combines high technical quality, fast and personalised service, and a good reputation before the criminal prosecution bodies.’

‘Conrado Almeida Corrêa Gontijo – academic excellence, experience and ability to engage in dialogue with the media in cases of great repercussion make him one of the leading exponents of Brazilian criminal law today.’

David Teixeira de Azevedo Advogados

Specialised white-collar and investigations boutique David Teixeira de Azevedo Advogados offers non-contentious and litigation advice to multinational companies operating in a broad range of industries, such as mining, banking, telecoms and pharmaceuticals, among others. Notable areas of practice include criminal issues involving tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, insider trading, corruption and environmental offences; the group is also singled out for its strong credentials in internal investigations. David Teixeira de Azevedo has a wealth of experience in high-stakes criminal cases spanning four decades. He jointly leads the practice with managing partner André Dias de Azevedo, Sandro Lívio Segnini and Reinaldo Staliano.

Responsables de la pratique:

David Teixeira de Azevedo; André Dias de Azevedo; Sandro Lívio Segnini; Reinaldo Staliano

Les références

‘The office is exceptional, it is a premium boutique in the criminal sphere.’

‘André Azevedo and David Azevedo are excellent professionals and lead a highly qualified team.’

Principaux clients

Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes


Usiminas Mecânica










Banco Panamericano

5G Capital

Global Access



Petrobras Executive

Anima Centro Hospitalar

Auto Posto Raízes

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for the Petrobrás general manager in a money laundering and corruption investigation held by the Federal Police of Brazil’s Curitiba branch.
  • Hired to represent the Chief Legal Officer of Banco Panamericano in an investigation by the Federal Police into alleged accounting fraud.
  • Retained by 5G Capital to conduct an investigation on the investment advisory firm responsible for managing most of the funds from the company and its partners.

Donati Buzanelli Advogados

With extensive experience in acting for high-profile individuals and companies from the worlds of banking, pharmaceuticals, construction, infrastructure, technology and retail, Donati Buzanelli Advogados is a solid performer in criminal investigations and litigation. Proceedings involving crimes against the environment, the public administration and the financial system are core focuses for the Brasília-based firm, which is also adept in investigations into alleged bid rigging and corruption. Conrado Donati, who brings together expertise in corporate crime and compliance, and Paulo Victor Buzanelli, who often defends domestic and international companies in criminal allegations, oversee the team. Also recommended, Barbara Lima specialises in criminal law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Conrado Donati; Paulo Victor Buzanelli

Les références

‘The team has good legal knowledge in the area of corporate criminal law and investigations, providing quality advice to its clients.’

‘The team provides good service and works to achieve the results desired by clients.’

‘Special and personalised attention, systematic monitoring and feedback on the evolution of cases and definition of the legal strategy together with the client.’

Principaux clients

Banco Bradesco


J&F Investimentos

Caixa Seguradora

Banco Fator


Scotiabank Brasil

JBS Couros

Flora Produtos de Higiene e Limpeza


Figueiredo & Velloso Advogados

Rated for its ‘high level of legal expertise in the area of corporate criminal law and investigations‘, Brasília-based firm Figueiredo & Velloso Advogados provides advisory and litigation services to a diverse client roster comprised of Brazilian listed companies, multinationals, investments funds, fund managers and foreign investors. The ‘highly skilled‘ group, whose areas of expertise include matters involving corruption, fraud and bid rigging, is jointly led by a capable duo, Ticiano Figueiredo and Pedro Ivo Velloso, both of whom specialise in criminal law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ticiano Figueiredo; Pedro Ivo Velloso

Les références

‘The firm has a high level of legal expertise in the area of corporate criminal law and investigations, being able to provide effective and personalised solutions to the needs of its clients. There is transparency regarding information and legal processes, keeping the client informed about developments in the case, in addition to following high standards of ethics and professional conduct.’

‘The team is highly skilled, experienced and able to provide up-to-date information in a timely manner. They work collaboratively, ethically and are committed to excellence, providing quality work with the aim of achieving the best results for clients.’

‘The firm is renowned for its efficiency, versatility and modernity, with excellent results in the legal and strategic fields.’

Principaux clients


Eldorado Brasil

Cia. Bozano

Crescera Investimentos

Precisa Comercialização de Medicamentos

XP Investimentos

G4F Soluções Corporativas

ATP Tecnologia e Produtos

Manaus Energia/Norte Brasil

Alsar Tecnologia em Rede

Hospital Care

Florêncio Filho & Camargo Aranha Advogados

Praised for its ‘technical quality, availability and commitment‘, Florêncio Filho & Camargo Aranha Advogados is adept at handling contentious and consulting matters concerning corporate and economic crime, fraud, bribery, tax evasion and money laundering. Individuals and companies from a variety of industries, most notably banking and education, seek the team’s guidance in the context of criminal investigations and claims, including proceedings and appeals before the higher courts. Criminal law expert Marco Aurélio Florêncio Filho, who acts on both the victim and defence sides, jointly leads the group with the ‘very knowledgeableRodrigo Aranha and João Paulo Orsini Martinelli, a key contact for corporate and private clients.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marco Aurélio Florêncio Filho; Rodrigo Aranha; João Paulo Orsini Martinelli

Les références

‘Highly specialised firm with excellent structure and disruptive ideas. Extremely qualified professionals committed to the clients’ problems.’

‘Rodrigo and Marco are excellent professionals with a lot of technical knowledge.’

‘Technical quality, availability and commitment.’

Höfling Sociedade de Advogados

Höfling Sociedade de Advogados, which acts exclusively in criminal law matters and white-collar crime cases, offers support to clients – including multinational companies and high-ranking individuals – across Brazil. Covering advice on criminal litigation and investigations, the group is active in matters involving money laundering, as well as crimes against the environment, the financial system and the consumer. Rated for its ‘high technical capacity‘, the department is co-led by founding partner Clarissa de Faro Teixeira Höfling, who has over 20 years’ experience in this space, and the ‘outstandingPedro Beretta, a key contact for both corporate and private clients. Associate Gustavo Nascimento Gomes, who specialises in criminal law and procedure, is also noted.

Responsables de la pratique:

Clarissa de Faro Teixeira Höfling; Pedro Beretta

Les références

‘High technical capacity.’

‘I recommend Clarissa and Pedro for the quality of service and availability.’

‘They are young people who work with excellence and dynamism. Always present in relevant cases and attentive to media positioning.’

Lefosse Advogados

Lefosse Advogados fields a specialised compliance, investigations and white-collar crime practice, launched in 2019, with ‘extensive experience in complex cases‘ and investigations concerning allegations of fraud, money laundering, tax evasion and environmental crime. The group demonstrates particularly strong capabilities in preventive matters and crisis management, and also excels in the negotiation of plea bargain agreements with the Brazilian authorities. Following her tenure on the Petrobras Integrity Board Committee, the ‘exceptionalAdriana Dantas, who has a wealth of experience in compliance and internal investigations, joined in August 2022 with a group of associates, as a result of the incorporation of her former firm Adriana Dantas Advogados. The team was further strengthened by the addition of corporate criminal law expert Marcelo Ribeiro in January 2023, who was previously at the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office; he is skilled in multi-jurisdictional investigations and proceedings related to corruption, money laundering, economic and tax crime. Juliana Daniel is especially active in government enforcement actions and internal investigations. Associates Astrid Lima Rocha and Marina Nicolosi are other names to note for compliance and white-collar crime mandates.

Responsables de la pratique:

Adriana Dantas

Les références

‘The firm provides security to the client. The highly qualified team has extensive experience in complex cases, maintaining a relationship of transparency and trust. The team is very technically qualified.’

‘Adriana Dantas is an exceptional lawyer, with outstanding knowledge and important pragmatism. Develops partnership relationships with clients.’

‘Marcelo Ribeiro is a lawyer who manages to transcend purely technical action and strategically understand the necessary steps to protect the client.’

Principaux clients

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento (BNDES)

Cruzada Maranata de Evangelização

Estre Ambiental

Banco Sofisa

Instituto Nacional de Processamento de Embalagens Vazias – InPEV

China Three Gorges Brasil Energia

Credit Suisse Brokerage Brazil

Mann+Hummel Brazil

Arcelor Mittal Brasil

Telefônica Brasil

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Banco Sofisa on launching a criminal investigation against defendants that exploited a delay vulnerability in its systems to make multiple low-valued transfers with no balance in their accounts.
  • Assisted Instituto Nacional de Processamento de Embalagens Vazias in the launching of a criminal investigation against multiple entities in different Brazilian states.

Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados

Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados is well placed to advise on compliance matters and litigation at both the judicial and administrative levels involving white-collar crime. On the non-contentious front, the team is regularly called upon by companies – most notably those operating in the oil and gas, banking, logistics, pharmaceutical and technology sectors – to provide legal opinions on criminal mandates, leniency agreements and internal corporate investigations, among other issues. Criminal investigations involving potential violations of anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, tax and environmental law are key areas of activity for the group, which is led by Juliana Sá de Miranda, a well-known compliance specialist with a strong white-collar crime background. Gabriela Estefania Paredes Arcentales, a key contact for clients from the automotive, banking, energy, construction and retail segments, ‘is committed to clients and has a strong knowledge of criminal banking’.

Responsables de la pratique:

Juliana Sá de Miranda

Les références

‘The team knows the company’s business model and, therefore, is able to offer solutions and propose strategies that please shareholders.’

‘Juliana Sá de Miranda and Gabriela Paredes Arcentales – promptness, assistance in urgent situations, quick resolution of problems, extensive knowledge of the subjects.’

‘Gabriela Arcentales is committed to clients and has a strong knowledge of criminal banking.’

Principaux clients





Caputo, Bastos & Serra Advogados

Bringing together expertise in investigations and claims involving allegations of environmental and financial crimes, fraud, money laundering, and bid rigging, Caputo, Bastos & Serra Advogados is a popular choice for companies and executives from the worlds of crypto, construction, energy and IT. Paula Lima Hyppolito Oliveira, who specialises in corporate criminal matters, is the main point of contact in the team.

Responsables de la pratique:

Paula Lima Hyppolito Oliveira

Carlos Eduardo Machado Advogados

Criminal law boutique Carlos Eduardo Machado Advogados possesses ‘experienced and practical lawyers with relevant in-depth knowledge‘ of corporate crime matters, including investigations and litigation. Though primarily based in Rio de Janeiro, the group is active throughout the country, often representing high-profile clients in proceedings in Brasília, São Paulo, Curitiba and Recife. Carlos Eduardo Machado, Nastassja Chalub and Nastassja Chalub jointly oversee the practice.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carlos Eduardo Machado; Nastassja Chalub; Rafael Duque Estrada

Les références

‘Fast service and availability.’

‘Carlos Eduardo Machado is super qualified.’

‘Experienced and practical lawyers with relevant in-depth knowledge and expertise.’

Carneiros Advogados

Singled out for its ‘great technical quality‘ and ‘extensive knowledge of the jurisprudence of higher courts‘, Brasília-based firm Carneiros Advogados showcases ‘in-depth knowledge of criminal law issues‘. The firm is well placed to advise on sensitive cases concerning corruption, money laundering and other criminal allegations, and has carved out a solid reputation in the market given its focus on matters before the appellate and superior courts. Rafael De Alencar Araripe Carneiro, who spearheads the practice, is noted for his ‘broad knowledge of the higher courts‘. Pedro Victor Porto Ferreira is also recommended for his experience in corporate crime matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rafael De Alencar Araripe Carneiro

Les références

‘The team has great technical quality and deep knowledge of the higher courts, in addition to being always available and helpful.’

‘Rafael Carneiro has a lot of experience and involvement in higher courts, in addition to a lot of technical knowledge and assertiveness. The associates were also attentive and demonstrated technical quality.’

‘The service provided was very good, the team has extensive knowledge and experience. The ease of communication is also a positive thing. In addition, the lawyers are very familiar with the dynamics of the superior courts, which guarantees us greater security in the conduct of the process.’

Principaux clients

Oi S/A

Eldorado Brasil Celulose

Concessionária SPMAR

Bom Jesus Agropecuária

DMV Brasil Equipamentos

Grupo Belarmino

Emplavi Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Usina Xavantes

Grupo Santa – Rede de Hospitais

JF Pasqua Condutores Elétricos

CAZ Advogados

CAZ Advogados has a strong track record in representing companies – especially those operating in the crypto, financial services, real estate and retail sectors – and individuals in criminal cases throughout Brazil. Proceedings involving environmental crimes, corruption and money laundering issues feature in the firm’s portfolio, which also includes internal investigations and compliance matters. The ‘brilliantHelena Regina Lobo da Costa focuses on allegations of environmental and economic crimes, while Daniel Zaclis has ‘unrivalled experience‘ in corporate internal investigations. Founding partner Marina Pinhão Coelho Araújo combines experience in corporate crime and compliance, and Daniel Gerstler is recommended for criminal litigation cases. Giovanna Bertolucci Nogueira and Gabriela Pizzol are key associates to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Helena Lobo da Costa; Marina Pinhão Coelho Araújo; Daniel Zaclis; Daniel Gerstler

Les références

‘CAZ Advogados is my reference firm (and Daniel Zaclis, my point of contact) for criminal law in the context of financial transactions and mergers and acquisitions. Its technical knowledge, pragmatism, objectivity, availability and clarity in advice set it apart from competitors.’

‘Daniel Zaclis is my great reference in the area.’

‘They manage to solve all our problems quickly, effectively and smoothly. Communication with them is clear and always pleasant, and we never have any surprises when billing. Of all the criminal law firms we’ve worked with to date, they are certainly in the top two.’

Principaux clients

Gucci do Brasil

Pag Seguro – Uol



Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários

DXC Technology/CSC Computer Sciences

Terra Santa Agro

Camargo Correa Desenvolvimento Imobiliário

Netpark Estacionamentos

Cervejaria Malta


SMC Automação do Brasil



Fibra Experts

We Work

RECAP (Sindicato do Com.varejista de derivados de Petróleo de Campinas e região)

Conenge-Sc Construções E Engenharia

Principaux dossiers

  • Defends Clariant and its directors in an investigation for alleged criminal fraud related to state taxes.
  • Represents Camargo Correa Desenvolvimento Imobiliário and one of its directors in a criminal environmental case.
  • Defends the interests of one of Netpark Estacionamentos’ directors in a criminal action arising from an alleged cartel in the parking management services sector.

Felsberg Advogados

At Felsberg Advogados, the white-collar crime and corporate investigations practice regularly assists household names from an array of sectors in crisis management, risk assessments, investigative procedures and litigation at the judicial and administrative levels. The group is especially skilled at handling federal and internal investigations into allegations of corruption, fraud, money laundering and environmental crime. André Fonseca possesses a wealth of experience in criminal litigation and police investigations.

Responsables de la pratique:

André Fonseca

Les références

‘My experience with Felsberg was very positive. Its representatives acted in an agile and integrated way, providing diagnosis, proposals and actions effectively.’

Gamil Foppel Advogados

Based in Salvador, criminal law boutique Gamil Foppel Advogados is seen with great regularity assisting high-profile individuals and companies in matters involving economic, business and tax crime. With considerable experience in criminal investigations and litigation in northeast Brazil, the firm is also developing its presence in Brasília and in the southeast of the country. White-collar criminal law specialists Gamil Föppel and Gisela Borges lead the department.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gamil Föppel; Gisela Borges

Principaux clients

The Blue Health Group

Brazil 3 Business


Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF)



Eletricity Company of the State of Bahia (COELBA)

MSC Crociere



Rahal, Carnelós e Vargas do Amaral Advogados

The ‘cohesive team‘ at Rahal, Carnelós e Vargas do Amaral Advogados is often retained by major companies, their senior executives and high-profile individuals – including public officials – in investigations and litigation involving matters of corruption, fraud and money laundering. Rated for its ‘deep legal knowledge and efficient procedural petitions‘, the group is under the joint leadership of a trio of seasoned practitioners: Flávia Rahal Bresser Pereira, who is recommended by clients for her longstanding experience in white-collar crime; Guilherme Ziliani Carnelós, who ‘has solid knowledge of corporate criminal law and investigations‘; and Camila Austregesilo Vargas do Amaral, who specialises in economic and European criminal law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Flávia Rahal Bresser Pereira; Guilherme Ziliani Carnelós; Camila Austregesilo Vargas do Amaral

Les références

‘The service is exceptional! The team is highly qualified and provides a global service in the criminal area, but with a very personalised approach.’

‘The work of Flavia Rahal in particular is impeccable. She unites technical knowledge and a personal approach that I had never seen before.’

‘Deep legal knowledge and efficient procedural petitions. Absolute transparency in accountability and handling of processes. Cohesive team which stands out for its attention, dedication and kindness in dealing with clients.’

TozziniFreire Advogados

Led by Isadora Fingermann, the white-collar crime department at TozziniFreire Advogados is regularly engaged by major companies and executives in proceedings involving tax evasion and financial crimes. Covering both investigations and litigation, the team often works in collaboration with other practices – most notably antitrust, labour and environment – in crisis management. Key areas of growth for the group include tech-related mandates and investigations into allegations of cyber fraud. Commended by clients for her ‘technical knowledge, strategy and experience‘, Fingermann excels in the defense of criminal cases and interactions with prosecutors. Senior associate Carolina Franco has worked in several high-profile corporate criminal cases. Associate Nathalia Latorre maintains a broad practice acting for corporations and individuals in cases related to the full range of white-collar crime offences, from money laundering to bid rigging.

Responsables de la pratique:

Isadora Fingermann

Les références

‘Professionals with excellent technical knowledge and practical attitude. Excellent reputation in the market. Exceptional client service.’

‘Isadora Fingermann stands out for her technical knowledge, strategy and experience.’

‘Flexible, well-structured and technically well-trained team.’

Trench Rossi Watanabe

Large Brazilian and international companies regularly seek Trench Rossi Watanabe‘s assistance in white-collar criminal law cases and investigations, including matters related to tax crimes, IP criminal violations and public procurement. The group is proficient in crisis management, and proceedings involving allegations of money laundering, fraud and corruption. João Augusto Gameiro, who is noted for his ‘deep knowledge of criminal matters‘, acts for corporations, shareholders and officers in the defence of criminal claims and police investigations. Focused on corporate crime, senior associate Tiago Caruso has advised companies on complex criminal cases and compliance.

Responsables de la pratique:

João Augusto Gameiro

Les références

‘Absolutely competent team with good articulation in transversal themes, which go beyond pure criminal law. With a holistic assessment regarding the possible impacts that decisions may have in the criminal sphere or vice versa, they demonstrate security and expertise to help the client in the best possible way. In addition, the promptness and speed of response are unmatched and are above the market.’

‘João Gameiro conducts matters calmly and objectively, which facilitates the relationship with the client. In addition, it is worth mentioning as a rising star lawyer Tiago Caruso, who, in addition to excellent technical knowledge and experience in the area, has the resourcefulness to deal with complex situations.’

‘TRW serves me incredibly well in the criminal area. They have great professionals, with deep technical knowledge and easy social skills.’