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Firms To Watch: Public law and regulation

Caputo, Bastos & Serra Advogados acts for private entities and public sector clients in a variety of administrative and public law matters, including public procurement, public contracts and related litigation before administrative and judicial bodies; Gustavo Henrique Caputo Bastos and Francisco Queiroz Caputo Neto are the main points of contact.

Public law and regulation in Brazil

Mattos Filho

Covering advice on public procurement, administrative contracts, and related litigation, the ‘well-prepared‘ public law practice at Mattos Filho boasts an impressive and continually growing client base. The team is capable of handling high-value, complex and cross-border mandates. The main partner of the group is public law, anti-corruption, and technology specialist Thiago Sombra, who is proficient in private-public partnerships (PPPs), concessions, administrative sanctioning proceedings, administrative contracts, and public tenders. Sombra’s former positions as State Attorney at the Supreme Court and clerk at the Superior Court of Justice make him adept at handling administrative proceedings. Another vital member of the team is Adriano Drummond Trindade who concentrates on regulatory and ESG matters concerning the mining sector. Associate Eduardo Costa Guerra is a notable name in the practice for his experience before the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).

Autres avocats clés:

Thiago Sombra; Adriano Drummond Trindade; Eduardo Costa Guerra

Les références

‘No firm has such a team well-prepared, not only technically but also with experience in the sector like Mattos Filho.’

‘The members, in addition to personalised and differentiated treatment, know very well how organisations operate and are always one step ahead of legislative changes, which gives us confidence and security in our performance.

‘The team has the ability to analyse and understand the client’s needs.’

Principaux clients

Google Brasil Internet

Unipar Carbocloro

Vopak Brasil

Banco Bradesco

Banco BTG Pactual

Tok Stok

Winity Telecom

Pearson Education do Brasil

Israel Weapon Industry

VTCLOG Operadora Logística

IBM Indústria de Máquinas e Serviços

Chubb Seguros do Brasil

Kyocera Solar do Brasil

Kinetic Pressure Control


Pearson Education do Brasil


Pan American Silver

New Wave Tech

G Mining Ventures

Ero Copper

Lithium Royalty

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Pearson Education on an administrative proceeding before the TCE-PE regarding a contract.
  • Represented Valaris in an administrative proceeding before the Federal Court of Accounts related to the CarWash Operation.
  • Represented VTCLOG in a case before the Federal Court of Accounts regarding the public procurement contract granted to the company.

Piquet, Magaldi e Guedes Advogados

Piquet, Magaldi e Guedes Advogados is a powerhouse in the Brasilia market. The public law and regulation practice is renowned for handling complex and high-value matters for clients predominantly from the infrastructure sector. The team has extensive experience in public contracts, procurement, government and regulatory matters, and litigation, regularly acting before the Federal Court of Accounts. Judicial and arbitration disputes specialist Arthur Lima Guedes co-leads the practice alongside administrative litigation expert Gilberto Mendes Calasans Gomes. Guedes regularly acts for domestic and international clients from the construction, telecoms, and technology industries in public law and dispute resolution cases involving the Federal Court of Accounts, while Gomes is noted for his role in judicial litigation, antitrust law and contractual matters. Another vital member of the team is Antonio Henrique Medeiros Coutinho who concentrates on representing clients before the the TCU, and in arbitrations involving the public sector.

Responsables de la pratique:

Arthur Lima Guedes; Gilberto Calasans Gomes

Autres avocats clés:

Antonio Henrique Medeiros Coutinho; Vitória Damasceno

Les références

‘A very technically competent firm that proposes innovative solutions. Arthur Lima Guedes is recommended.’

Principaux clients

Techint Engenharia

Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia

VLI Multimodal

Petróleo Brasileiro

Concessionária Rota do Oeste

Concessionária Rio-Teresópolis

Consortium Tratenge-Engeform

FDS Engenharia de Óleo e Gás

Procomp Amazônia Indústria

Marítima Petróleo e Engenharia

Nova Participações e Nova Engevix Engenharia

Deltan Martinazzo Dallagnol

Brazilian Association of Port Terminals

Triunfo Logística

Construtora OAS


Construções e Comércio Camargo Corrêa

Interstate Union of Audiovisual Industry

Vports Autoridade Portuária

Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar

CMT Engenharia EIRELI

Consortium Metrosal


Galvão Engenharia

Construtora Barbosa Mello

ECOVIX Construções Oceânicas

NM Engenharia

Capgemini Latin America and Capgemini Brasil

Archer Daniels Midland

Bandeirantes Deicmar Logística Integrada

ViaBahia Concessionária de Rodovias

Construtora Norberto Odebrecht

Associação Brasileira de Concessionárias de Rodovias

Temape Terminais Marítimos de Pernambuco

Principaux dossiers

  • Advises Concessionária Rio Teresópolis on a procedure before the National Land Transportation Agency regarding the offsetting of accounts phase of a highway concession contract.
  • Defended FDS Engenharia de Óleo e Gás in a procedure of special accounting regarding liabilities and debts related to the interruption of the construction works of an oil refinery.

Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Offering judicial, regulatory, administrative and consultancy services, the public law department at Pinheiro Neto Advogados specialises in privatisations, PPP structures, government tenders for public concessions, and contract negotiations. The practice’s growing client base consists of notable companies from a range of industry sectors including transport, sanitation, healthcare, and defence. Carlos Vilhena focuses on mining law and government relations, advising on regulatory, M&A, and contractual matters; Leonardo Rocha e Silva handles investigations related to anticompetitive practices, as well as filings before CADE; José Alexandre Buaiz Neto is adept in compliance cases and antitrust litigation;  Vicente Coelho Araujo has expertise in appellate litigation; and Daniel Costa Rebello is experienced in negotiating leniency and settlement agreements with CADE.

Autres avocats clés:

Carlos Vilhena; Leonardo Rocha e Silva; José Alexandre Buaiz Neto; Vicente Coelho Araujo; Daniel Costa Rebello

Principaux clients

GR Serviços e Alimentação







CA Programas de Computador

Boston Scientific

Caixa Econômica Federal

Toyo Engineering Corporation




General Dynamics

Cleary Gottlieb

Hyundai Rotem

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) No


Principaux dossiers

Ana Frazão Advogados

Boutique firm Ana Frazão Advogados fields a public law and regulatory practice that predominantly represents clients from the energy, telecoms, and maritime sectors, although their client base continues to expand. Ana Frazão leads the group, and her former position as commissioner at Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defence makes her a widely recognised figure in the market. She has extensive experience advising on contracts, as well as acting before government agencies in disputes. Angelo Prata De Carvalho is another notable name in the team, who stands out for his expertise in contracts, competition, regulatory and compliance mandates.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ana Frazão

Autres avocats clés:

Angelo Prata de Carvalho

Les références

‘Technical ability, market knowledge and speed.

‘Very committed and helpful. Worked miracles.’

Principaux clients

Santander Brasil

Itaú Unibanco



Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio

The Brazilian Union of Liquefied Gas Distributors

Engepack Embalagens

Amgen Research

Gran Petro Distribuidora de Combustíveis

Blau Farmacêutica

Buser Brasil Tecnologia

Corr Plastik Industrial

Marimex Despachos Transportes e Serviços

Refinaria de Petróleo de Manguinhos

Associação de Beneficência e Filantropia São Cristóvão

Costa do Sol Operadora Aeroportuária

Prisma Capital

Poly FFS Plásticos

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Buser Brasil Tecnologia on the legality of the company’s mobility platform.
  • Advised Cyrela on water and sewage regulations.
  • Advised Itaú Unibanco on the legality of the commercial policy held by Rede, a credit card payments acquirer which is controlled by Itaú.

Bento Muniz Advocacia

Brasília-based firm Bento Muniz Advocacia has a strong local presence and a robust public law offering which covers matters relating to project development, concessions, and public civil actions, among others. The team regularly acts before the superior courts and higher bodies of public administration, and is capable of handling complex cases which involve multiple jurisdictions. The group acts for an impressive and growing client base operating in a range of industry sectors including energy, construction, and logistics. Former Federal District Attorney Wesley Bento heads the practice and specialises in corporate and public law, focusing on representing clients in judicial and administrative proceedings. Associate Lucas Rodrigues de Paula stands out for his assistance in infrastructure projects and administrative misconduct actions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Wesley Bento

Autres avocats clés:

Lucas Rodrigues de Paula

Les références

‘The services provided by Bento Muniz are exceptional. What makes them unique, in addition to the in-depth legal knowledge and competence of their team, is the partners’ ability to analyse cases objectively, taking into account both cost/benefit and risk/benefit, leading to assertive strategies that have generated positive results, with adequate cost and minimal risk.’

‘Wesley Bento has in-depth knowledge and the ability to devise assertive strategies with very positive results.’

Principaux clients

Petrocity Portos and Petrocity Ferrovias

CTIL Logistics

Queiroz Galvão


Rodobens Group

Golden Cross Group

Purificatta Water Purification

Teccon Construction and Paving

Amazonas Energia

Inovally Data Drive

Brazilian Association of Logistics, Transport and Freight

Brazilian Association of Distributors of Specialised, Exceptional and Hospital Medicines

City of Paulo Afonso


Visan Group

Principaux dossiers

  • Advising Petrocity Portos on the plan to structure railroads in Minas Gerais, through protocols with Brazilian government agencies.
  • Represented Queiroz Galvão in a R$100m case between the client and the Superintendence of the Port of Rio Grande regarding possible non-compliance with conditions set forth in the Terms of Use Concession of Property.
  • Representing the Municipality of Paulo Afonso in a public civil action filed to define the administrative and financial responsibilities in the operation of the Nair Alves de Souza Hospital.

Bermudes Advogados

Experts in litigation and arbitration, the public law and regulation practice at Bermudes Advogados has extensive experience representing clients from the power, insurance, healthcare, and life sciences sectors before judicial, regulatory, and administrative bodies. The group has teams dedicated to multiple areas including constitutional, administrative, electoral, and tax law, and notably handles direct actions of unconstitutionality before the Federal Supreme Court. André Silveira and Guilherme Coelho co-lead the team and both specialise in public law litigation before the Superior Court of Justice. Robson Lapoente Novaes is another notable figure in the firm, who regularly acts for mining companies, electricity generators and distributors in regulatory and civil cases before the Federal Regional Court of the First Region.

Responsables de la pratique:

André Silveira; Guilherme Coelho

Autres avocats clés:

Robson Lapoente Novaes

Les références

‘Bermudes is one of the firms best qualified to act in highly complex procedural cases, especially before the highest courts. It has a strategic approach and a unique procedural vision.’

‘André Silveira: high technical knowledge, availability and strategies.’

‘Guilherme Coelho: predictive action on procedural steps, great availability and high technical competence.’

Principaux clients





Norte Energia





White Martins

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Fenasaúde – Federação Nacional de Saúde Suplementar in a case before the Superior Court of Justice.
  • Defending Chubb in a R$1bn dispute.
  • Assisting Berkley Brasil Seguros with filing an injunctive relief.

Figueiredo & Velloso Advogados

Figueiredo & Velloso Advogados’ public law practice concentrates on infrastructure projects, PPPs, and arbitration matters for clients from the energy, construction, aviation, and IT sectors. The group offers advisory services as well as representation before judicial, administrative, and regulatory entities. Business and constitutional law expert Luciano Barros leads the team and has extensive experience handling infrastructure projects, tenders, and contractual and regulatory disputes. The practice also benefits from the expertise of Daniel Mesquita and Pedro Ivo Velloso, both of whom specialise in administrative proceedings and investigations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luciano Barros

Autres avocats clés:

Daniel Mesquita; Pedro Ivo Velloso; Anna Luísa Guimarães; Gabriel Brito

Les références

‘The technical knowledge of the lawyers is really impressive. We are very satisfied.’

‘Luciano Barros: a unique professional. He has knowledge and rapport, and puts the client at ease.’

‘Commitment and agile, proactive action are hallmarks of Figueiredo & Velloso that set it apart from other law firms I’ve hired. The strategic and multidisciplinary vision and the density of the legal reasoning with which they handle cases bring security and reliability to the solutions proposed.’

Principaux clients

Álya Construtora

BR Educacional Gestora de Recursos

Saga Sociedade Anônima Goiás de Automóveis

Manaus Transmissora De Energia

Jotage Engenharia Comércio e Incorporações

Consórcio Puente Bioceánico

A Chaves Coimbra EPP

Usina Sta. Clotilde

J&F Investimentos

J&F Participações

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Álya Construtora on a bidding procedure which was investigated by the Federal Audit Court.
  • Represented Manaus Transmissora de Energia in an action regarding a public service concessionaire in a case of constitution of administrative easement for the passage of electricity transmission lines.
  • Advised A Chaves Coimbra EPP on a special account procedure against the company for alleged irregularities in the execution of an administrative contract.

MJ Alves Burle e Viana Advogados

MJ Alves Burle e Viana Advogados‘ public law practice has extensive experience representing clients before the Federal Superior Courts, the Federal Auditing Court, governmental agencies such as the SEC, legislative bodies, and arbitration and mediation chambers. Co-leading the practice are Marcos Joaquim Gonçalves Alves, Fernanda Burle, and Alan Flores Viana: Alves concentrates on public law matters related to tax and administrative issues, while Viana focuses on negotiations and settlement agreements, and Burle is noted for her expertise in international trade.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marcos Joaquim Gonçalves Alves; Fernanda Burle; Alan Flores Viana

Autres avocats clés:

Adriana Rocha Abrão; Gabriella Alencar Ribeiro; Ana Carolina Georges e Castro

Les références

‘MJ Alves e Viana Advogados provided outstanding services. The firm was able to provide first-hand information to the industry, increasing our ability to react to government decisions regarding biofuel markets in a timely manner.’

‘Fernanda Burle stands out for her insightful recommendations and her ability to reach the right people within the Brazilian government to address the concerns of clients.’

Principaux clients

Oeste Sul Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura

Shopping do Cidadão Serviços e Informática

Associação das Mulheres Diplomatas

Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social

Instituto Brasileiro de Arbitragem e Transação Tributárias

TV Ômega

Alupar Investimento

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Oeste Sul Empreendimentos Imobiliários in a case regarding the city planning of Brasília.
  • Advising Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura on a case regarding issues with the client’s project.

Veirano Advogados

The public law and regulation team at Veirano Advogados is recognised for its involvement in transactions that include administrative and regulatory components, though the practice is also engaged in disputes, such as administrative proceedings and arbitration. Its client roster features companies from heavily regulated sectors such as energy, telecoms, infrastructure, and natural resources. Elinor Cotait, based in São Paulo, leads the national practice, while Marcelo Reinecken, based in Brasília, leads the local team. Reinecken has deep experience acting for domestic and international companies from in public law and regulatory disputes heard before the Supreme Court, the Superior Court of Justice, and the Administrative Board of Tax Appeals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marcelo Reinecken; Elinor Cotait

Autres avocats clés:

Ana Beatriz Robalinho; Renata Andréa Joner

Principaux clients

Autotrac Comércio e Telecomunicações

Philip Morris

SENCINET Brasil Serviços de Telecomunicações

Associação Dos Produtores De Biocombustíveis Do Brasil

CropLife Brasil

Associação Brasileira de Defensivos Pós-Patente

IDB Intermediação e Agenciamento de Serviços em Sites

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development