Leading Associates

Dispute resolution in Brazil

Azevedo Sette Advogados

A strong choice for both litigation and arbitration matters, Azevedo Sette Advogados demonstrates considerable experience in consumer, corporate, real estate, environmental and mining-related disputes. The group’s client roster is composed of domestic and foreign corporations, who highlight the lawyers’ ‘extreme technical skill and availability’. The department is coordinated by a capable trio: João Capanema, who is well versed in litigation and arbitration arising from civil, environmental, IP and real estate issues; Felipe Moraes, who often handles arbitration proceedings and mediation for infrastructure, construction and energy clients; and Leonardo Farinha Goulart, who focuses on litigation involving the steel and mining sectors. The ‘very competent and technical’ Marcos Augusto Leonardo Ribeiro is another key partner-level name of note.

Responsables de la pratique:

João Capanema Barbosa Filho; Marcos Augusto Leonardo Ribeiro; Leonardo Farinha Goulart

Les références

‘We have worked with the firm for many years and what distinguishes it is its client care, always making itself available and concerned with the best way to serve us, whether in terms of procedural strategy or results.’

‘Qualified, available and punctual.’

‘The team’s service is exemplary and the lawyers demonstrate extreme technical skill and availability.’

Principaux clients

Anglo American Minério de Ferro Brasil

White Martins Gases Industriais


Mineração Morro Verde

Samarco Minerações

Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia

Localiza Rent a Car

Banco Semear

MIP Engenharia

Jaguar Mining e Mineração Serras do Oeste

Ibe Business Education De São Paulo and Fundação Getulio Vargas

Empresa de Transmissão do Alto Uruguai (Etau) E Transmissora Aliança de Energia Eletrica (Taesa)


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Anglo American Minério de Ferro Brasil in a public civil action filed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Minas Gerais.
  • Represented White Martins Gases Industriais in a series of lawsuits filed by SUPRAM-CM.
  • Represented Claro in a series of disputes, including an action for indemnity filed by Atitude Telecomunicações.

Madrona Fialho Advogados

Corporate clients in the engineering, construction, mining, infrastructure, energy and technology sectors routinely turn to Madrona Fialho Advogados for assistance in high-profile litigation and arbitration. Covering both private and public law, the team is singled out for its wealth of experience in regulatory issues and conflicts arising in the context of PPP projects, infrastructure contracts, and public procurement.  Anderson NovaisÉrico Andrade and Gustavo Magalhães are key contacts for public law-related contentious matters. Leonardo Canabrava maintains a broad practice, which covers proceedings before judicial courts and arbitration chambers in Brazil and abroad. With extensive experience in both litigation and arbitration, Leonardo Birchal handles complex disputes involving the energy, infrastructure, mining and construction segments. Other noteworthy individuals include senior associate André Martins, who acts for companies and individuals in complex cases, and associate Breno Vaz, who excels in public law disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anderson Novais; Érico Andrade; Gustavo Magalhães; Leonardo Canabrava; Leonardo de Abreu Birchal

Principaux clients

BRK Ambiental

AEGEA Saneamento

Inspira Mudança Participações

OECI Engenharia e Construção (Novonor Group)

Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia

Associação Brasileira das Empresas Estaduais de Saneamento

Associação Brasileira das Concessionárias Privadas de Serviços Públicos de Água e Esgoto

GS Inima Brasil

Construtora Barbosa Mello

Cogna Educação

Marista Group

Empresa Construtora Brasil

Up Brasil Administração e Serviços

Mascarenhas, Barbosa, Roscoe Construções

Usina Siderúrgicas De Minas Gerais – Usiminas

Inspira Mudança Participações

Hap Engenharia

Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas

Mohallem Engenharia

Parex Engenharia

Aliança Geração de Energia


MB Negócios Digitais

Unicred Central MG Cooperativa Central de Economia e Crédito Mútuo dos Profissionais da Saúde de Nível Superior e Outros Segmentos de Crédito do Estado de Minas Gerais


Montreal Informática

SumUp Soluções de Pagamento Brasil

Snef Serviços e Montagens

Labtest Diagnóstica

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Engeform in a lawsuit concerning its disqualification from the bidding process for a PPP project to operate the public lighting network in Estância de Atibaia, SP.
  • Representing Hidro Forte, a company responsible for providing water supply and sewage services in multiple municipalities in the States of Pará and Tocantins, in a collective lawsuit filed by the Ministério Público of the State of Pará.
  • Advised the Associação Brasileira das Concessionárias Privadas de Serviços Públicos de Água e Esgoto (ABCON) on a lawsuit of unconstitutionality challenging a legislative act of Matão, SP that requires the inclusion of new mandatory information on invoices issued for water and sewage utilities.

Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados

The ‘highly professional’ disputes team at Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados is recognised for its solid performance in complex commercial litigation. Clients from the telecoms, energy, steel, automotive and mining industries are consistently drawn to the group for representation in an array of contentious matters, including regulatory and real estate disputes. At the helm of the group, Helvécio Franco Maia Júnior  has ‘great expertise’ in conflicts arising from franchise dealership agreements, regulatory matters, mining contracts, consumer law and real estate. At associate level, key contacts for litigation include Patrícia Pilo Bittencourt Redig, who often advises on disputes involving vehicle distribution contracts, Luís Felipe Bernardes Sá Teles, who has focused his practice on contentious energy and consumer law matters, and Felipe Renault Coelho Da Silva Pereira, who is skilled in energy and telecoms-related litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Helvécio Franco Maia Junior

Les références

‘Services are provided in a highly professional manner, in line with our corporate values and in accordance with our needs and budget.’

‘Patricia Pilo Bittencourt Redig and Helvecio Franco Maia Junior provided fantastic client service.’

‘In addition to having qualified professionals with regard to theoretical issues, they have extensive practical experience.’

Principaux clients

FCA Fiat Chrysler Automóveis

Peugeot Citroën do Brasil Automóveis

Mercedes-Benz do Brasil

Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans Brasil

TSEA Energia


Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica – TAESA

Algar Telecom

CNH Indústria Brasil

Telefônica Brasil

Anglogold Ashanti

Lundin Mining – Brasil

BP Bunge Bioenergia

ABRADEE – Associação Brasileira de Distribuidores de Energia Elétrica

Mosaic Fertilizantes P & K

Consórcio Candonga


CPFL Group (Cia. Paulista de Força e Luz – CPFL – and Rio Grande Energia)

Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS)

GELF Siderurgia

Companhia de Geração e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica do Sul do Brasil – CGT ELETROSUL

Ciber Equipamentos Rodoviários

Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – CEMIG

Ligas de Alumíno – LIASA

Kinross Brasil Mineração

Companhia Estadual de Geração e Transmissão de Energia – CEEE-G

Grupo Evoltz

Vallourec Soluções Tubulares do Brasil

Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil – Eletronorte

Kuttner do Brasil Equipamentos Siderúrgicos

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Telefônica in the annulment of a R$388m fine imposed by the Brazilian Telecoms Agency (Anatel) for alleged non-compliance with user rights standards.
  • Represented CPFL in a dispute with the private operator of a major complex of highways in the State of São Paulo.
  • Assisted Mercedes in the annulment of several clauses of vehicle distribution contracts signed over 20 years ago.

Freitas Ferraz Advogados

The ‘dedicated’ team at Freitas Ferraz Advogados is skilled at handling complex corporate disputes, working closely with the firm’s corporate and regulatory departments, as well as its São Paulo office. Regularly retained by companies from the construction, steel, mining, life sciences, telecoms and real estate sectors, the group handles an array of contentious matters, ranging from post-M&A and shareholder disputes to contractual breaches. Litigation and arbitration specialist Guilherme Capuruço steers the practice, and is characterised by clients as a ‘natural leader’. He is supported by key associate André Ruiz, who specialises in litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Guilherme Capuruço

Les références

‘It is a dedicated team that is committed to the client, and acts decisively in complex judicial recovery processes.’

‘Guilherme Capuruço is a natural leader. With an energetic approach, he knows how to delegate and bring together dedicated young professionals.’

Principaux clients

Successors of Ajax Corrêa Rabello

Horizonte Minerals

BTS Properties Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Magnesita Refratários

Cosimat Siderúrgica de Matozinhos and Forte Empreendimentos e Participações

C.E.I – Energética Integrada

CUREM Cursos de Urgência e Emergência e Editora

Diniz Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Nutep S/A Indústria Metalúrgica

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted the successors of Ajax Corrêa Rabello in a civil liability claim and advised on matters related to its liquidation and bankruptcy process.
  • Assisted Horizonte Minerals in a dispute regarding land access.
  • Assisted BTS Properties Empreendimentos Imobiliários in a civil liability claim.

Humberto Theodoro Jr. Sociedade de Advogados

With a longstanding reputation in the Belo Horizonte market, Humberto Theodoro Jr. Sociedade de Advogados is best known for its strong expertise in dispute resolution. The group regularly acts for clients from the banking, mining, technology and real estate sectors seeking assistance in litigation and arbitration proceedings involving corporate and commercial matters. Key contacts include Humberto Theodoro Junior, Juliana Cordeiro De Faria and Humberto Theodoro Neto.

Principaux dossiers

Tolentino Advogados S/C

The compact team at Tolentino Advogados S/C, lauded by clients as ‘highly business-focused, engaged and technically competent’, handles administrative and judicial disputes as well as corporate and commercial arbitration and mediation. The practice is frequently instructed by companies working in the banking, agribusiness, logistics, mining and telecoms sectors. The group is led by two partners who specialise in litigation and arbitration: Augusto Tolentino, who boasts 30 years experience in the field, and Cláudia Ferraz, who is highlighted for her ‘technical knowledge, negotiation and leadership skills’. Partner Daniel Freitas Drumond Bento excels in corporate deals and arbitrations, and is singled out for his ‘deep technical knowledge’.

Responsables de la pratique:

Augusto Tolentino; Cláudia Ferraz

Les références

‘The Tolentino team is highly business-focused, engaged, technically competent, and we are served directly by the partners.’

‘Cláudia Ferraz: Technical knowledge, negotiation skills, availability and leadership of the team – excellent service.’

‘Daniel Bento: Deep technical knowledge, including on complex arbitrations, and acts decisively.’

Vilas Boas, Lopes e Frattari Advogados

The ‘extremely technical and available’ team at Vilas Boas, Lopes e Frattari Advogados specialises in civil and commercial litigation, and provides additional support in arbitration proceedings and corporate reorganisations. The group is regularly instructed by clients from the automotive, mining, steel, construction, telecoms and energy sectors. The practice is co-led by a seasoned trio of partners: Daniel Vilas Boas, who has extensive experience in commercial and civil law disputes; Leonardo Martins Wykrota, a key contact for litigation involving corporate, consumer, regulatory and civil law; and Christian Lopes, who excels in arbitration and mediation. Litigation team coordinator Eduardo Metzker Fernandes is also noted for his capabilities in contentious matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Vilas Boas; Leonardo Martins Wykrota; Christian Lopes

Les références

‘The team stands out for the quality of services provided and assertiveness in dealing with issues.’

‘They have technical knowledge combined with availability. Leonardo Wykrota and Daniel Vilas Boas are recommended.’

‘Ability to understand and address extremely complex topics, making it possible for third parties to understand the process.’

Cescon Barrieu

Cescon Barrieu‘s ‘highly technical’ team shines in mining disputes, and counts Vale and Anglo American among its clients. The group has additional experience in litigation involving the forestry, financial and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as commercial arbitration and disputes stemming from M&A transactions. With 'a strong background in litigation', the 'extremely skilledLuiz Nardy is noted for his expertise in mining and environmental disputes, arbitration and corporate recovery cases. Associates Gabriella Vial and Henrique Moniz specialise in litigation, and have been particularly active in contentious matters involving mining and environmental law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luiz Philipe Nardy Nascimento

Les références

‘Firm with available professionals, broad market presence and a sense of proximity to the client.’

‘Consistency in the quality of services, cordiality and flexibility.’

‘Luiz Nardy – Competence, security, legal technique and flexibility. Gabriella Vial – Competence, security, legal technique and availability.’

Principaux clients


Anglo American Minério de Ferro Brasil

RHI Magnesita

Nexa Recursos Minerais

Samarco Mineração

Banco Mercantil do Brasil

Associação Nacional de Empresas de Aluguel de Veículos e Gestão de Frotas

Localiza Rent a Car


Hipolabor Farmacêutica

Itapeva Florestal

Mineração Morro do Ipê

Grupo Patrimar

Grupo Multipar

Grupo Herculano

Celulose Nipo-Brasileira (CENIBRA)

Intercement Brasil

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Vale on disputes relating to its largest mining operation in the State of Minas Gerais.
  • Represented Anglo American in numerous disputes related to iron ore exploitation in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.
  • Assisted Banco Mercantil in a public civil action proposed by Minas Gerais’s Public Defenders Office regarding payroll loans.

Grebler Advogados

Mediation, arbitration and litigation are core areas of activity for Grebler Advogados, which is well positioned to advise on M&A, real estate, antitrust and corporate insolvency-related disputes. The team is jointly led by founding partner Eduardo Grebler, a key name to note for arbitration, and Eduardo Mohallem, who handles cases before judicial courts and arbitration tribunals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Eduardo Grebler; Eduardo Mohallem

Henrique Mourão Advocacia

With strong capabilities in both litigation and arbitration work, Henrique Mourão Advocacia is regularly instructed by mining, real estate and construction companies in commercial disputes. The group is also well placed to serve as counsel in administrative proceedings before federal and state audit courts. Drawing on over three decades of experience in dispute resolution, founding partner Henrique Mourão handles matters involving M&A, mining and environmental law. Juliana Safar specialises in commercial and civil litigation, while Raul De Araújo Filho is singled out for his impressive track record in arbitration.

Responsables de la pratique:

Henrique Mourão; Raul de Araujo Filho; Juliana Safar

Les références

‘Very prepared team to advise on civil and commercial disputes. Very dedicated members.’

‘Henrique Mourão and Juliana Safar are recommended.’

Principaux clients

Samarco Mineração

Paranasa Empreendimentos e Comércio


Galícia Empreendimentos e Participações

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Samarco Mineração in a lawsuit filed by a plaintiff in the cellulose industry claiming compensation for material and moral damages.
  • Represented Samarco Mineração in a lawsuit filed by the owners of a hydroelectric plant claiming compensation for material damages.
  • Assisted Galícia Empreendimentos e Participações in a real estate dispute.

Tavernard Advogados

Tavernard Advogados‘highly qualified and experienced’ team handles civil, commercial, and public law disputes on behalf of corporate clients in the finance, education and healthcare sectors, to name a few. The group strikes a strong balance between litigation and arbitration, and is led by the ‘exceptional’ Guilherme Vinseiro Martins, described by clients as ‘a reference for strategic litigation’; in addition to civil lawsuits, he is well versed in corporate disputes and arbitration. Other key contacts in the team include the ‘extremely technical’ Mário Tavernard, who focuses on disputes related to M&A transactions, and public law specialist Murilo Melo Vale.

Responsables de la pratique:

Guilherme Vinseiro Martins

Les références

‘The firm stands out for providing excellent legal solutions, with a highly qualified team specialised in complex and dynamic markets. The specialisation of the partners stands out, as does the diversity, professionalism and availability of the team.’

‘The team is highly qualified and experienced team. Murilo Melo Vale and Mário Tavernard Martins de Carvalho shine on litigation, offering innovative and effective legal solutions.’

‘The team at Tavernard Advogados is characterised by the competence of its partners, each having expertise in a specific legal area, which allows for a diversified client service. The entire team, including partners, is always available to the client.’

Principaux clients

123 Milhas

TSX Participações e Administração Limitada – Transaex Assessoria

Ceres Inteligência Financeira

BII BTS – FII Investment Fund shareholders

Ster Engenharia

Concert Technologies


Fernando Silveira e Silva and Wagner Spínola

Inelto – Construções e Comércio

Fernandes Administradora de Bens e Negócios

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Hot Milhas owner José Augusto Madureira in a R$100m civil lawsuit regarding the right to negotiate air miles.
  • Represented the shareholders of BII BTS – FII Investment Fund in a lawsuit filed by Votorantim Asset Management.
  • Represented Ceres Inteligência Financeira in a lawsuit brought by SINDSEP-MG concerning the privatisation process of the entities CEASAMINAS and CEAGESP.

Martinelli Advogados

A popular choice for private pension funds engaged in large class actions and individual claims, the dispute resolution team at Martinelli Advogados has a strong track record in complex civil litigation, including cases before the superior courts. Vanessa Lima Nascimento, who possesses extensive experience in all stages of judicial proceedings, is a key name to note in Belo Horizonte, along with Tiago de Oliveria Brasileiro, who specialises in tax litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tiago de Oliveira Brasileiro; Vanessa Lima Nascimento

Principaux clients

Fergubrás Ferro Gusa Do Brasil

Esab Indústria e Comércio

Esab Indústria e Comércio

Siderúrgica Carbofer

Fergubrás Ferro Gusa Do Brasil


Construtora D´Avila Reis

Mjr Gestão Patrimonial


Fundação Forluminas De Seguridade Social- Forluz

Sodecia Da Bahia

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for Construtora D’Avila Reis in a public civil action for alleged administrative impropriety.
  • Assisted MJR Gestão Patrimonial in a declaratory suit involving the termination of a contract and repossession issues.
  • Advises ESAB Indústria e Comércio on a collection suit filed by Indumyll Comércio e Beneficiamento de Aço.

Portela, Lima, Lobato & Colen Advogados

The dispute resolution practice at Portela, Lima, Lobato & Colen Advogados is particularly skilled at handling complex real estate and construction disputes before both arbitral and judicial courts. The group also has a notable track record in public civil actions. João Víctor Martins, who is active in arbitration and litigation, jointly oversees the department with Ronaldo Ferreira. Key partner-level contacts also include litigation specialist Diogo Silva and Júlio Carvalho De Paula Lima, who is regularly engaged in contentious matters involving corporate and real estate issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

João Víctor Martins; Ronaldo Carlos Ferreira

Principaux clients

Patrimar Engenharia

Construtora Canopus

E.P.O. Engenharia Planejamento e Obras

Direcional Engenharia

Construtora Caparaó

Dornelas e Abreu

BBB Equipos

AD Shopping Agência de Desenvolvimento de Shopping Centers

Ical Energética

MP Participações

Apis Engenharia e Empreendimentos

C.R.A.L. Empreendimentos e Participações

Condomínio Geral do Milennium Center

Condomínio Civil Voluntário de Suzano

Shopping Center (HBR Realty)

Empreendimentos Imobiliarios

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Petiolare Empreendimentos in a dispute concerning a real estate development.
  • Represented Construtora Caparaó in a public civil action filed by the Public Prosecution Office of Minas Gerais.
  • Assisted Select Fund Reflorestamento e Exploração de Madeira in a contract termination action.

Sion Advogados

Companies in the mining, energy, steel, logistics, infrastructure, and oil and gas sectors regularly turn to Sion Advogados for representation in judicial and administrative proceedings, most notably mining and environmental disputes. Founding partner Alexandre Sion leads the group and has focused his practice on major energy and infrastructure projects; he is lauded as ‘an outstanding negotiator and a lawyer with a great multidisciplinary background‘. With a wealth of experience in commercial litigation and arbitration, Bernardo Pessoa is well versed in environmental, corporate and real estate disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexandre Sion

Les références

‘Sion Advogados stands out for being able to deliver personalised services at a competitive cost despite being a highly renowned firm. The team is well-sized, multidisciplinary, agile, attentive and collaborative.’

‘Bernardo Pessoa can deal with highly complex topics without leaving aside the pragmatism and competitiveness necessary to serve large companies and volatile businesses. Bernardo has a holistic vision in both the litigation and consultancy spheres and his significant experience in large firms allows him to deal with challenging topics with admirable simplicity’

‘Alexandre Sion is an outstanding negotiator and a lawyer with a great multidisciplinary background. His collaborative and results-oriented focus, combined with his experience in various sectors, make him an important partner in crisis management and complex litigation.’