Next Generation Partners

Leading Associates

Litigation in Brazil

Bermudes Advogados

Bermudes Advogados, which is ‘highly prepared to meet the demands of its clients in Brasília‘, fields a team of dedicated practitioners experienced in constitutional, public, corporate, commercial, and electoral law. Retained by clients from the healthcare, energy, oil and gas, and mining sectors, among others, the firm often appears before the STJ and the STF, including in cases against regulatory agencies. The firm is led by a capable duo: André Silveira, a civil litigation and public law veteran; and Flavio Jardim, a specialist in administrative, constitutional, and regulatory litigation. Guiomar Feitosa Lima Mendes is skilled at representing large companies in high-profile disputes and Guilherme Coelho focuses on public, energy, insurance, and environmental law. Luís Felipe Freire Lisbôa and Jessica Baqui also field extensive experience in civil procedure and administrative matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

André Silveira; Flavio Jardim

Les références

‘The firm is highly prepared to meet the demands of its clients in Brasília. The specialised team is always available to assist clients in any location and at any time.’

‘A highly specialised firm with a team fully allocated in Brasília, available to clients for the adoption of any and all measures that may be necessary in the city.’

‘Diligent. I believe that this is what sets this renowned firm apart, not to mention, of course, its impeccable technique. Hyper-qualified team with notable legal experience in various areas of law. Impeccable client service with personal and direct relationships.’

Principaux clients

CNC – Confederação Nacional do Comércio

Leste Litigation Finance

Jus Capital

Confederação Nacional das Santas Casas

DPSP / Drogaria Pacheco-Drogaria São Paulo



Vibra Energia

White Martins


Bradesco Seguros

Banco Safra

AMB – Associação da Magistratura Brasileira

NTU – Associação das Empresas de Ônibus Urbanos

Cassi – Caixa de Assist. dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil

Fieam – Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Amazonas

Fenasaúde – Federação Nacional de Saúde Suplementar

Abradee – Assoc. Bras. dos Distrib. de Energia Elétrica

Anup – Associação Nacional de Faculdades Particulares

Abrace – Assoc. dos Grandes Consum. de Energia Elétrica

Abragel – Assoc. Bras. de Geração de Energia Limpa

Apine – Assoc. Bras. dos Prod. Indep. de Energia Elétrica

Sindifisco Nacional




ABIAPE – Associação Brasileira de Investidores em Autoprodução de Energia


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Abradee in a declaratory action brought by Santo Antonio Energia against ANEEL.
  • Represented Vibra Energia in a $8bn dispute filed by Grupo Forte.
  • Represented White Martins in complex public law matters involving the oxygen supply to hospitals in the state of Amazonas during the Covid-19 crisis.

Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados

The Brasília-based dispute resolution team at Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados is routinely sought out by private pension funds and companies from regulated industries, including oil and gas, financial services, healthcare, and telecoms. Particularly known for securing wins for industry associations before the superior courts, the team is well equipped to act in administrative and judicial proceedings of national relevance. Practice head Cristiane Romano has a reputable litigation practice focusing on high-profile disputes before the Supreme Federal Court (STF), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and the Administrative Court of Tax Appeals (CARF). João Vitor Luke Reis, a litigation and regulatory law expert, and Diana Piatti Lobo, an administrative and judicial tax dispute specialist, are other names to note in the capital. Associate Maia Alexia Martinovich is further recommended for civil procedural and tax litigation matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Cristiane Romano

Principaux clients

Breitener Tambaqui

Breitener Jaraqui

Eólica Cerro Chato IV

Eólica Cerro Chato V

Eólica Cerro Chato VI

Eólica Cerro dos Trindade

Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina (CAF)

POSTALIS – Instituto de Previdência Complementar

FIPECq – Fundação de Previdência Privada Empregados da FINEP, do IPEA, do CNPq, do INPE e do INPA

Petróleo Brasileiro – Petrobras

Gera Maranhão

Fundação Sistel de Seguridade Social

International Health Insurance Danmark e BUPA Insurance Limited

INFRAMERICA Concessionaria Do Aeroporto De Brasília

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina (CAF) with a citizen suit to discuss the legality of a loan contract with the municipality of Canoas and the Attorney General’s Office for Federal Taxes to finance the “Canoas for All” programme.
  • Advised Breitener on four lawsuits against Amazonas Energia and Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras) seeking the fulfilment of contracts and due payments.
  • Assisted FIPECq with a leading case in the private pension fund sector involving the management of public-funded pension plans.

Mattos Filho

Following an expansion into new premises in 2022, Mattos Filho‘s litigation and arbitration team in Brasília offers a comprehensive service across the energy, education, telecoms, technology, life sciences and mining sectors. In addition to its noteworthy representation of BHP Billiton in the R$155bn Mariana dam disaster action, the team is also heavily engaged in electoral investigations of abuse of political power, cross-border arbitration, and civil disputes before the STJ. Maricí Giannico focuses on administrative and regulatory appellate litigation, while the addition of Diego Herrera de Moraes from HD Advogados in July 2022 strengthened the team on the regulatory and corporate disputes front. At the associate level, Marselhe Cristina de Mattos and Flávia Marangoni, the latter of whom joined from the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association in June 2022, have a wealth of experience in civil litigation before the superior courts. Marina De Mello Cerqueira Zarur and Frederico Bastos Pinheiro Martins are no longer at the firm.

Les références

‘What differentiates Mattos Filho from the others is the plurality and quality of its team. The client can be served by good professionals in all areas.’

‘Without a doubt, the support of Diego Herrera de Moraes is fundamental for our success. Vast knowledge of Brasília and its courts.’

Principaux clients

CESP – Cia Energética de São Paulo

Bunge Alimentos

Caoa Montadora de Veículos

Prudential do Brasil Seguros de Vida

Notre Dame Intermédica Saúde

Chubb Seguros Brasil

Oncoclínicas do Brasil Serviços Médicos

Votorantim Cimentos

Equatorial Energia

Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa

Allianz Saúde

FCA Fiat Chrysler Automóveis Brasil

Millennium BCP Escritório de Representações e Serviços

Magazine Luiza

PPG Industries

CELSE – Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe

CNH Industrial Brasil

Banco BTG Pactual

Meta Platforms (WhatsApp)

GNL Gemini Comercialização e Logística de Gás – Concessionária Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro


BHP Billiton Brasil

Cooperativa de Crédito de Livre Admissão – SICOOB Credicoonai

Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Meta Platforms in several lawsuits before the superior courts and the electoral justice relating to the interaction between WhatsApp services and electoral propaganda, and the constitutionality of blocking WhatsApp services for non-compliance with wiretap orders.
  • Represented Facebook as amicus curiae in two leading cases before the Supreme Court, the first regarding the  enforcement of the constitutionality of the MLAT, and the second related to the constitutional limits for judicial orders to breach the secrecy of telematics data in criminal proceedings.
  • Assisted BHP in the R$155bn judicial litigation arising from the collapse of the Fundão tailings dam in Mariana, Brazil.

Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Pinheiro Neto Advogados‘ Brasília-based office is skilled at acting before the superior courts on behalf of domestic and international clients from the industrial, commercial, and service sectors. Much of its civil litigation work takes place at the appellate level, spanning bribery and corruption cases, public interest claims, and electoral investigations before the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Vicente Coelho Araujo focuses on appellate litigation before the higher courts. Key support is offered by a strong team of associates: civil and commercial litigator Lucas Santos de Sousa; Laís de Oliveira e Silva, who concentrates on consumer, digital, and public law, and commercial disputes; and Isabella Bittencourt Tannús, whose focus is on corporate and commercial litigation.

Les références

‘The firm is widely known for its quality service provision. Fame matches the work delivered, solutions created and proximity to the client at the time of decision-making. They are always open to debate, hold meetings and present innovative solutions.’

‘Of the professionals I have contact with, I highlight Vicente Coelho Araújo and Laís de Oliveira e Silva. Both are excellent in their areas of expertise, and have excellent communication. This is because matters are often multidisciplinary and depend on the firm’s internal communication, which works very well.’

Principaux clients

Caixa Econômica Federal


Siemens Healthineers and Siemens Energy

Grupo CCR

Foz do Chapecó Energia


Cast Informática

HOB – Hospital Oftalmológico de Brasília


Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Apple in civil actions for compensatory damages and a dispute over the legality of loot boxes.
  • Represented Caixa Econômica Federal in various fronts of litigation regarding the bank’s decision to initiate a profound divestiture programme, in which Caixa Seguridade Participações was elected as the first subsidiary to go partially private.
  • Assisted Compahia Hidrelética do São Francisco (CHESF) in a 30-year action against Consortium Xingó seeking the declaration of partial nullity of a contractual amendment.

Advocacia Fernanda Hernandez

Boutique firm Advocacia Fernanda Hernandez is home to practitioners specialised in dispute resolution, who provide legal advice and litigation services with a focus on finance and tax. In addition to its strong credentials in tax litigation and claims for economic damage against the federal government and treasury before the superior courts, the firm is also known for participating as amicus curiae in complex appeals. Founding partner Fernanda Guimarães Hernandez possesses over three decades' experience in tax law. She oversees the practice, which includes the 'excellent' Luciana Marques Dos Reis FrattiniRebeca Azevedo da Silva and Beatriz de Oliveira Machado, who advise on administrative law matters. Rafaella Alencar Ribeiro, Isadora Cronemberger Caixeta, Laura Maria Hypólito Pentagna and Gabriel Ribeiro Gonçalves Ramos are names to note for tax litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fernanda Guimarães Hernandez

Les références

‘The firm has great expertise in strategic litigation and public law, with a strong presence in Brasília.’

‘Fernanda Guimarães Hernandez demonstrates strategic performance in Brasília in civil litigation.’

‘Luciana Marques Dos Reis Frattini is recommended for her strategic action and quick return to clients.’

Principaux clients

Advocacia Gandra Martins

Expressa Distribuidora de Medicamentos

Camargo Correa

Ball Beverage Can South America

Grupo Solví Participações

Group Attos

Anglo Ferrous Brazil

Líder Táxi Aéreo

Sotave Amazônica Química e Mineral

HC Pneus

Maisbarato Comércio de Bebida e Alimentos

Base Investimentos e Incorporações

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Sotave in an expropriation action of a harbour area filed by the public company Portobrás, which is no longer in existence and whose rights and obligations had been transferred to the Federal Union.
  • Represented Grupo Solvi in a special appeal to discuss the incidence of interest and monetary correction provided in an arbitration award.
  • Acted for Expressa Distribuidora de Medicamentos in a leading case in which the Supreme Court decided what kind of law is needed for the State to demand the differential aliquot of ICMS.

BFBM – Barroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & Associados

Best-known for its strong capabilities in the dispute resolution space, BFBM – Barroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & Associados is particularly active in the telecoms, technology and banking sectors, and a popular choice for banks and financial institutions in cases of administrative improbity and white-collar crime. Regular mandates also include discussions before the superior courts relating to the disclosure of sensitive information in the context of regulatory and criminal investigations. Co-head Eduardo Mendonça specialises in constitutional, digital, administrative, regulatory, and economic law, while Felipe Monnerat Solon de Pontes oversees the telecoms department. Rafael Barroso Fontelles has a keen focus on the banking sector. Other key individuals include Márcio Monteiro Reis and recently promoted partner Roberta Mundim.

Responsables de la pratique:

Eduardo Mendonça; Felipe Monnerat Solon de Pontes

Principaux clients


Banco Volkswagen




Banco Triângulo


Princesa do Sul

Indústria Missiato de Bebibas

Meta Facebook

Cocelpa – Celulose e Papel do Paraná

Atento Brasil

CPFL – Cia Piratininga


Sindicato de Jogadores de Futebol – SP e MG


Sena Advogados

Banco Votorantin

Moara Bio estimulante agro ambientais

Luis Dreyfus

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Telefônica in a class action filed by the Federal Public Defender’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Pará to impose the obligation of creating an online awareness campaign on cybersecurity.
  • Acted for ACEL and ABRAFIX in filing a judicial claim against the Speaker of the City Council of São Paulo to declare unconstitutional the Consumer Defence Code (CDC) after the municipal legislature created a series of new telecoms consumer norms applicable only to the city of São Paulo.
  • Represented Google in several lawsuits concerning orders to provide the location history data of claimants who are seeking payment of labour claims, especially additional working hours.

BMA Advogados

BMA Advogados‘s Brasília office excels in appellate and judicial review work before the superior courts. Its varied caseload also features antitrust proceedings before the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), administrative improbity matters before the Comptroller General (CGU), and claims against regulatory agencies. The team is led by André Macedo de Oliveira, 'an exceptional lawyer' who is widely recognised for his extensive experience before government agencies and the superior courts. Associates Giovani Menicucci, whose expertise lies in administrative proceedings and judicial challenges involving antitrust law and administrative misconduct, and Sarah Roriz de Freitas, who focuses on litigation before the higher courts, provide key support.

Responsables de la pratique:

André Macedo de Oliveira

Les références

‘A service always provided with excellence and at a very high level.’

‘It is very good to have the support of a firm that looks to the future, is a partner and ethical.’

‘André Macedo de Oliveira is an exceptional lawyer, ethical, with a very high level of knowledge, extremely meticulous and with great negotiating and strategic power.’

Principaux clients

Airbnb Ireland UC


Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Associação Brasileira de Mobilidade e Tecnologia (AMOBITEC)

Agropecuária Santa Bárbara

TAM Linhas Aéreas

Abengoa Construção Brasil

A LNG-to-power project located in Rio de Janeiro

Naurican Ludovico Lacerda

Celeo Redes Brasil

Companhia Ultragaz

Petro Rio Jaguar Petróleo

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Airbnb in strategic litigation before the STJ related to limitations on rights of property that may affect the client’s business model and its activities in Brazil.
  • Represented Ambev in five appeals before the STJ and the STF, in which the purchase of shares of the company in the 1990s was discussed.
  • Represented HP before the STJ in a matter related to a sales agency agreement entered into by the parties in the 1990s and the validity of a limitation of liability clause.

MJ Alves Burle e Viana Advogados

The dispute resolution team at MJ Alves Burle e Viana Advogados acts for clients from an array of sectors, including banking, financial services, real estate, and infrastructure. Recently, the firm has been particularly active in requests of unconstitutionality before the STF, proceedings before the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) and CARF. Founding partner Marcos Joaquim Gonçalves Alves is a tax and administrative law veteran, and jointly leads the team with Alan Flores Viana, who fields expertise in negotiations and settlement agreements with public agencies. Other noteworthy practitioners include civil and tax procedural law specialist Gabriella Alencar Ribeiro and Andresa dos Santos Sena, a key contact for insurance companies, unions, private pension funds and oil and gas players. The firm was strengthened by the arrival of Leandro Bettini from Mattos Filho in January 2023 and Adriana Rocha Abrão from the Court of Auditors in the February 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marcos Joaquim Gonçalves Alves; Alan Flores Viana

Les références

‘Technical and practical knowledge of the subjects. A lot of articulation capacity to achieve success.’

‘Marcos Joaquim Gonçalves Alves is extremely well-connected and respected.’

‘Alan Flores Viana has a high technical capacity, with good arguments and writing.’

Principaux clients

Oeste Sul Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Super Quadra Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Mira Participações

ASOEC – Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura

Expresso Maringá

Empresa de Ônibus Nossa Senhora da Penha

Colégio Registral

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Oeste Sul Empreendimentos Imobiliários before the regional court in the judicial discussion about the creation of a new commercial and residential sector in Brasília.
  • Acted for Colégio Registral in two writs of mandamus before the STJ.

Mudrovitsch Advogados

Bringing together expertise in constitutional, administrative, tax, and electoral law, Mudrovitsch Advogados' dispute resolution group has a strong reputation for matters involving environmental degradation, white-collar crime, and construction disputes. Clients in the real estate, energy, banking, transportation and construction sectors turn to the team for assistance in a variety of issues, including class actions, STJ appeals, and cross-border arbitrations. Public and constitutional law experts Rodrigo Mudrovitsch and Guilherme Pupe da Nóbrega jointly lead the team. Victor Santos Rufino specialises in competition law, while Felipe Fernandes de Carvalho focuses on white-collar crime and corruption matters. Raphael Marcelino left the firm in June 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rodrigo Mudrovitsch; Guilherme Pupe da Nóbrega

Les références

‘The team is notable for its creation of strategies and participation of the partners in matters.’

‘Rodrigo Mudrovitsch serves us very well.’

‘A team of professionals with solid academic training.’

Principaux clients



Grupo Heber

Cosan Lubrificantes



Grupo SHC







Universidade Paulista – UNIP

Sia Offices Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Concessionária do Centro Administrativo do Distrito Federal – Centrad

Tim Celular, Telefonica Brasil – Vivo, Americel e Claro and Oi

Jardins Mangueiral Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal – UNIPLAN


Comércio e Construção Camargo Corrêa

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Banco BTG Pactual in a lawsuit filed to revert a decision that considered the state of Pará as the competent jurisdiction to judge the court restructuring of the Jari Group.
  • Advised Heber Participações on an enforcement action filed by Viqtoria involving an agreement for the transfer of social shares of a cosmetics and hygiene brand.
  • Acted for VIBRA in a dispute over a fuel supply agreement.

Perdiz de Jesus Advogados Associados

With extensive experience in first and second-instance trials, Brasília-based Perdiz de Jesus Advogados Associados is frequently instructed by national and foreign clients, most notably companies operating in the construction, agribusiness and energy sectors, seeking representation in corporate and commercial disputes. At the superior court level, the firm is also engaged in discussions surrounding the legal-constitutional status of indigenous lands. Leadership is in the hands of founding partner José Perdiz de Jesus, who possesses 30 years of experience in civil and procedural litigation. Rodrigo Neiva Pinheiro and Vitor Perdiz de Jesus Borba specialise in administrative and judicial litigation, including appeals.

Responsables de la pratique:

José Perdiz de Jesus

Les références

‘Excellent technical staff, with a lot of market and legal knowledge.’

‘Sensational relationship with each of the team members.’

Principaux clients

Itaipu Binacional

Globo Comunicações e Participações

Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF)

Empresa Sul Americana de Montagens (EMSA)

Associação Mato-grossense de Plantadores de Algodão (AMPA)

Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho do Estado do Mato Grosso (APROSOJA)

Banco Cooperativo do Brasil

Grupo Premium Brasil

Gran Nutriz

Editora Globo

GP – Comércio de Petróleo

Algodoeira Zandonadi

Cooperativa de Biocombustíveis (Cooperbio)

Centro de Educação Superior de Brasília (CESB)

Hospital Santa Maria

Fidelity Investimentos Imobiliários

Valence Química e Agrosoluta

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted AMPA and ABRAPA in an action discussing the timeframe of the definition of the legal-constitutional status of tenure relations in areas of traditional indigenous occupation.
  • Represented Itaipu Binacional in various actions filed by UNICON before the superior courts, demanding compensation for losses allegedly suffered by construction companies during the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant.
  • Represented CBF before the STJ in a special appeal aiming to increase the amount of a contractual penalty for breach of a sponsorship contract.

Piquet, Magaldi e Guedes Advogados

The dispute resolution team at Piquet, Magaldi e Guedes Advogados specialises in matters involving public contracts, government and regulatory matters, and high-profile litigation in the infrastructure sphere. The team frequently appears before the superior courts, especially in constitutional challenges regarding rulings by the TCU, as well as administrative improbity matters. Guilherme Magaldi, who has extensive experience in cases of national relevance, and Antonio Henrique Medeiros Coutinho, whose expertise lies in TCU matters and public sector litigation, jointly head up the department.

Responsables de la pratique:

Guilherme Magaldi; Antonio Henrique Medeiros Coutinho

Principaux clients

Concessionária Rota do Oeste

Concessionária Rio-Teresópolis

Deltan Martinazzo Dallagnol

Tibagi Energia SPE

Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia


Artplan Comunicação

Ultracargo Logística

Quadra Gestão de Recursos

Editora o Dia

ADM do Brasil

Triunfo Logística


Construtora Barbosa Mello

Capgemini Latin America and Capgemini Brasil

Consortium Metrosal

Royal Química

Concessionária de Rodovias Galvão BR-153 SPE

Montreal Informática

Principaux dossiers

  • Advised CRO on different actions filed against Energisa.
  • Acted for Ultracargo Logística in an action seeking the long-term extension of its port terminal lease agreements until the end of the negotiation with the Ministry of Infrastructure.
  • Represented Editora o Dia in three cases before the STJ concerning an attempt to collect credit owed by the company Insight Strategic Investiments.

Siqueira Castro – Advogados

Underpinning Siqueira Castro – Advogados‘ dispute resolution offering, the Brasília office demonstrates strength in public interest claims and declarations of unconstitutionality. The team acts for several high-profile clients, with a particular focus on the oil and gas and mining sectors. Leadership is split between three partners: founder and constitutional law expert Carlos Roberto Siqueira Castro, and civil litigation and arbitration specialist Daniela Soares Domingues, who work out of Rio de Janeiro; and Brasília-based Marina de Araújo Lopes, who boasts extensive experience in business litigation.

Responsables de la pratique:

Carlos Roberto Siqueira Castro; Marina de Araújo Lopes; Daniela Soares Domingues

Les références

‘They serve the client in a customised way, with quality and qualification and with the direct supervision of the partners on relevant topics. They are a full-service office and stand out for this, being able to provide diagnoses and services globally to clients.’

Principaux clients

IBP – Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás

Indaiá Brasil Águas Minerais

CEG – Companhia Distribuidora de Gás do Rio de Janeiro

FETRANSPOR – Federação das Empresas de Transporte de Passageiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Fraport Brasil Aeroporto de Fortaleza

Fraport Brasil Aeroporto de Porto Alegre

Serra Do Facão

Fernanda Mara Henriques Gomes Cortez Toledo


Amil Assistência Médica Internacional

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented CEG in a civil action in the public interest filed by the Federal Attorney’s Office seeking R$300m of credit granted by IRS in favour of CEG.
  • Represented FETRANSPOR in two cases seeking the declaration of unconstitutionality of sections of a Rio de Janeiro state law pertaining to public passenger transport services.
  • Acted for Vale in several popular actions aiming for the declaration of nullity of the federal government’s alienation of the company’s common and preferred shares, as well as the payment of compensation for alleged material damages caused by the process of privatisation.

Tauil & Chequer Advogados

Tauil & Chequer Advogados has a strong track record in public law appellate litigation, representing clients from the construction, energy, telecoms, and banking sectors before the superior courts. Regulatory disputes against state governments, administrative improbity cases, and proceedings before the TCU and the CGU are all core areas of activity for the firm. Cross-border matters are further facilitated by the firm’s association with Mayer Brown. Luis Inácio Lucena Adams boasts substantial tax law experience; he jointly oversees the practice with Mauro Pedroso Gonçalves, who is well versed in administrative proceedings at the federal level.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luis Inácio Lucena Adams; Mauro Pedroso Gonçalves

Les références

‘Excellent understanding of the TCU’s reasons, the best way to deal with its idiosyncrasies, good description from the defence’s point of view.’

‘Luis Inácio Lucena Adams is recommended for his knowledge of the subject and the issues involved.’

‘Tauil & Checker Advogados is a unique firm in Brazil. In addition to having a strategic association with Mayer Brown, it manages, in Brasília, to be a true boutique, with highly qualified lawyers in the area of litigation and antitrust.’

Principaux clients

Confederação Nacional das Indústrias (CNI)

Confederação Nacional das Seguradoras (CNSeg)


Sindicato Nacional das Empresas de Telefonia e de Serviço Móvel Celular e Pessoal (Sinditelebrasil)

Indra Brasil Soluções e Serviços Tecnológicos

COFCO International

Açúcar e Álcool Oswaldo Ribeiro de Mendonça

Eletronorte (Amazonas Geração e Transmissão de Energia)

Magazine Luiza

Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacêuticos

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for CNSEG in several lawsuits seeking a declaration of unconstitutionality of state laws that violate the federal government’s competence to legislate on matters relating to health plans and insurance.
  • Represented Hub Pagamentos in a class action filed by Rafael Severino Gama before the Federal Court of Porto Alegre seeking to annul contracts executed between Caixa Econômica Federal and Hub Pagamentos for the joint exploitation of prepaid cards without a prior bidding procedure.
  • Acts as counsel to the National Federation of General Insurance (FENSEG) and Union of Private Insurance, Reinsurance and Capitalization Companies of the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso doSul (SINDSEG PR/MS) as amici curiae in an incident initiated to decide on a matter of great social repercussion in the Paraná State Court of Justice.