Leading Associates

Tax in Brazil

Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados

Covering both contentious and non-contentious mandates, the tax team at  Rolim Goulart Cardoso Advogados has a broad offering which continues to attract new and impressive clients from a range of industries, including steel, telecoms, and energy. The litigation arm of the department is often engaged in administrative, regulatory and judicial proceedings, including the superior courts, while the advisory group specialises in handling the tax aspects of M&A transactions and reorganisations. Joao Dácio Rolim, Alessandro Mendes Cardoso, and Luciana Goulart co-lead the team and bring together a multitude of expertise in the tax field: Rolim specialises in international tax and arbitration, and currently acts as an arbitrator for the Chamber of Commerce Brazil; Cardoso holds extensive experience representing clients before administrative tribunals, such as CARF and the Supreme Federal Court, in a variety of domestic and foreign tax matters; and Goulart’s former role as a member of the Tax Administrative Court of the State of Minas Gerais makes her adept at handling administrative defence cases and debt disputes. On the consulting front, Frederico de Almeida Fonseca  heads up the tax consulting team and concentrates on tax and estate planning, alongside M&A transactions. Tatiana Rezende Torres and Tadeu Negromonte de Moura, who was notably promoted to partner in 2023, focus on litigation regarding federal, state, and municipal taxes, as well as customs and social security disputes.

Responsables de la pratique:

João Dácio Rolim; Alessandro Mendes Cardoso; Luciana Goulart

Autres avocats clés:

Frederico de Almeida Fonseca; Tatiana Rezende Torres; Tadeu Negromonte de Moura,

Les références

‘Extremely competent, dedicated team, fast service. Deep knowledge of tax issues and true business partners.’

Principaux clients

FCA Fiat Chrysler Automóveis Brasil

Gerdau Açominas



Furnas Centrais Elétricas

Zurich Seguros


Norte Energia


Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais

Sada Transportes e Armazenagens



Aliança Geração de Energia

Raízen Combustíveis


Hidrovias do Brasil


Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Furnas in a motion to stay execution against the Federal Government for the cancellation of IRPJ and CSLL debts.
  • Acts for Gerdau in a challenge to the Notice of Infraction issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office in which PIS and COFINS (social contributions), interest and automatic fine are required on import operations carried out under the Special Regime for the Acquisition of Capital Goods for Exporting Companies (RECAP).

Sacha Calmon e Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados

Boutique tax firm Sacha Calmon e Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados is a powerhouse in the Minas Gerais market and is highly regarded for its expertise in litigation, tax planning, and indirect taxation. The group has vast experience representing recognisable clients from the mining, healthcare, and telecoms sectors before judicial and administrative authorities, including CARF and the superior vourts. André Mendes Moreira and Valter Lobato co-head the tax practice and are established names in the region – Moreira specialises in handling litigation and consultancy work for domestic and multinational companies, predominantly from the telecoms, energy, food and beverage, and mining sectors, while Lobato has a breadth of expertise, covering both litigation and consultancy work pertaining to the mining and steel industries. Another notable name in the group is Fernando Moura, who is a specialist in direct taxation and also stands out for his involvement in international tax and restructuring.

Responsables de la pratique:

André Mendes Moreira; Valter Lobato

Autres avocats clés:

Fernando Moura

Les références

‘Impeccable quality. Fast and accurate service.’

‘The team has vast technical knowledge in the tax area, with the ability to understand the specificities of specific operations and businesses.’

‘Fernando Moura demonstrates genuine interest in the client’s needs, with extreme ability to evaluate all businesses and operations presented on a tax basis.’

Principaux clients

Regina Pardini e Victor Cavalcanti Pardini

Distribuidora Cummins Minas LTDA.

Líder Táxi Aéreo S/A – Air Brasil

Eletrozema S/A

Totalenergies Distribuidora Brasil LTDA.

Empresa de Mineração Esperança S/A

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing Regina Pardini and Victor Cavalcanti Pardini —who originally held shares of Instituto Pardini that were exchanged by shares of Fleury S/A within the scope of a business combination between the companies — in a writ of mandamus filed to exclude the individual income tax levied on Fleury’s shares.
  • Representing Distribuidora Cummins in a lawsuit seeking to reverse the entries of the Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Profits (CSLL) for the 2009 and 2010 financial years, plus a 150% penalty.
  • Representing Líder Taxi Aéreo in a declaratory action to have recognised that no Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Profits (CSLL) are levied on profits held by its related companies abroad.

Madrona Fialho Advogados

The 2023 merger between Madrona Advogados and Fialho Salles Advogados has only increased the bench strength and range of expertise of Madrona Fialho Advogados‘ tax practice. The group has notable experience in litigation and transactional tax matters, although it also offers consultancy services including due diligence and regulatory compliance. The team is regularly engaged by a number of mining clients, but maintains an expanding client base, where companies from the energy, healthcare and construction sectors are also featured. Co-leading the practice are Patrícia Lima and Pedro Magalhães, who specialise in tax litigation and tax consulting, respectively. Lima is regularly involved in high-value lawsuits involving tax reductions and exemptions, while Magalhães is recognised for advising companies on tax planning, M&A transactions, and contracts. Another key member of the team is senior associate Leandro Vieira who contributes to both the litigation and advisory teams; he concentrates on tax planning, tax credit recoveries, and drafting legal opinions on tax matters. Rafael Malheiros notably joined the firm as partner in February 2024 from Felsberg Advogados.

Responsables de la pratique:

Patrícia Lima; Pedro Magalhães

Autres avocats clés:

Leandro Vieira; Rafael Malheiros

Les références

‘The speed, clarity, and control make the team unique.’

‘High-performance services provided.’

Principaux clients


VLI Group

Aperam Group

Confederação Nacional Da Indústria


Rio Branco Alimentos

Igb Eletronica

Equinox Gold

Magnesita Mineração


Tropical Industria de Alimentos

Fricasa Alimentos

Solairedirect Holding Brasil

Komatsu Brasil International

Lhoist Group



Aliança Geração de Energia

CMOC Brasil Mineração, Indústria e Participações

Banco Mercantil do Brasil

Embaré Industrias Alimentícias

Grupo Arcor/ Bagley do Brasil Alimentos

Vilma Alimentos

Jaguar Mining

BRK Ambiental

BTG Pactual Gestora de Recursos

Engelmig Energia

CSEM Brasil

CSUL Desenvolvimento Urbano

Grupo Peterfrut Comercial

Principaux dossiers

Rodolfo Gropen Advocacia

The tax boutique Rodolfo Gropen Advocacia is made up of a large team specialising in matters related to consumption tax, social security contributions, pensions, and income tax. The team is particularly well positioned to represent clients in administrative and judicial proceedings, but also possesses strong capabilities in non-contentious matters. In the advisory sphere, the group is engaged in tax planning, risk management, due diligence, and compliance. The breadth of the practice has attracted a strong client base made up of companies from the mining, steel, and telecom sectors, among others, which continues to grow. With a special focus on the mining and steel industries, practice head João Manoel Rolla has particular expertise in indirect taxation matters, including tax exemptions and reductions concerning ICMS, IPI, PIS, and COFINS. Concentrating on administrative cases, Guilherme Rodrigues Macedo regularly acts before the CARF and has deep tax litigation experience. Juliana Melo Ribeiro stands out for her aptitude in dealing with indirect taxation and social security matters, as well as due diligence for the mining and food sectors.

Responsables de la pratique:

João Manoel Rolla

Autres avocats clés:

Guilherme Rodrigues Macedo; Juliana Melo Ribeiro

Les références

‘The team has deep expertise in tax law and provides high-quality client service.’

‘Partners João Manoel Rolla and Guilherme Rodrigues Macedo in addition to being a reference in technical knowledge, provide personalised service to clients.’

‘Extremely technical lawyers dedicated to the tax practice.’

Principaux clients

Fujifilm do Brasil Ltda.

SITREL – Siderurgica Três Lagoas Ltda.


Companhia de Locação das Américas (Former Unidas)

Garoto S.A.

Fundação De Seguridade Social da ArcelorMittal Brasil – FUNSSEST

ArcelorMittal Pecém S.A.

Ingleza Indústria de Produtos de Limpeza e Cosméticos

Novelis do Brasil

Ligas de Alumínio S.A.


Mosaic P&K

Direcional Engenharia

Equinox Gold



CPW do Brasil

Paul Wurth do Brasil

Major Drilling

Salus Infraestrutura Portuária S.A.

Stellantis (FCA Fiat Chrysler)

Belgo Bekaert Arames

Ferrovia Norte Sul

VLI Multimodal S.A.

Usiminas S.A.

Vale S.A.

Localiza & Co.


Onno Logística Ltda

Patrus Transportes LTDA

Principaux dossiers

  • Represents Vale in a lawsuit filed by the Federal Government seeking reimbursement for benefits paid by the Social Security System.
  • Assisted ArcelorMittal Brasil on administrative and judicial matters concerning PIS/COFINS tax collection.
  • Engaged by Supermercados BH to prepare and submit a writ of mandamus to contest the calculation basis of various taxes that the client was required to pay to the relevant Tax Authority.

Bernardes & Advogados Associados

The tax practice at Bernardes & Advogados Associados primarily focuses on non-contentious mandates, including tax planning, tax reviews, and due diligence, though the team is also engaged in judicial and administrative proceedings concerning PIS, COFINS and ICMS contributions. Companies from the automotive, transport, and telecoms sectors, among others, regularly seek the team's advice on complex tax litigation. Flávio Couto Bernardes and André Tostes Carvalho co-head the group, with Bernardes specialising in advisory work and Carvalho concentrating on tax planning. The practice also benefits from the expertise of associate Valéria Cabral Géo Verçoza, a former counsellor of CARF and the Tax Appeals Board.

Responsables de la pratique:

Flávio Couto Bernardes; André Tostes Carvalho

Autres avocats clés:

Valéria Cabral Géo Verçoza

Les références

‘The tax area is one of the firm’s specialities and the work provided is of the highest quality.’

‘Flávio Bernardes is a scholar and has in-depth knowledge of the tax area, with very high-quality deliveries.’

‘Bernardes Advogados is extremely committed to its clients, being ready to discuss any topic at any time. The partners discuss ideas and contribute to our business as if they were effective members of our team.’

Principaux clients

Expresso Nepomuceno

Infoline Comunicações

Utilidad Comércio and Prime Comercial

E.P.O Empreendimentos

Carglass Automotiva

Cervam – Cervejaria da Amazônia

JAM Soluções

ECM Projetos Industriais

Principaux dossiers

Botelho, Spagnol, Carvalho, Ibraim Advogados

'Standing out not only for its remarkable technical capacity, but also for its unwavering ethics, unparalleled transparency, and commitment to client satisfaction', Botelho, Spagnol, Carvalho, Ibraim Advogados’ tax department offers consultancy services as well as representation in administrative and judicial litigation to a myriad of clients. The advisory arm of the practice is adept at handling matters pertaining to direct and indirect taxes, social security, regulations, and customs. The group also has experience in transactional issues, advising recognisable clients from the automotive, steel, machinery and equipment, and maintenance service sectors. Co-leading the practice are Werther Botelho Spagnol, Daniela Procópio ('a prominent lawyer in both the advisory and litigation areas'), the 'very competent, technical, and available' Marco Túlio Ibraim, and Otto Carvalho.

Responsables de la pratique:

Werther Botelho Spagnol; Daniela Procópio; Marco Túlio Ibraim; Otto Carvalho

Les références

‘The practice has high-quality technical staff with personalised services.’

‘Daniela Procópio is extremely careful in handling demands and has shown high technical performance. She prioritises the provision of personalised services, always with clear and transparent communication.’

‘Botelho Advogados is a true reference, standing out not only for its remarkable technical capacity, but also for its unwavering ethics, unparalleled transparency, and commitment to client satisfaction.’

Principaux clients

Anfavea- Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores


Peugeot-Citroen do Brasil Automóveis

Arcelormittal Brasil

Crown Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia

FCA Fiat Chrysler Automóveis do Brasil


Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais

Mineração Usiminas

Diefra Engenharia

CNH Industrial Latin America

Marelli Cofap do Brasil

Banco Inter

Aço Verde do Brasil

Banco Mercantil do Brasil

Empresa de Mecanização Rural

Eleva In Haus Manutenção Industrial


Comau do Brasil Automação e Serviços Industriais

Toro Investimentos

Arthur Lundgren Tecidos

Santa Cruz Distribuidora

Principaux dossiers

Freitas Ferraz Advogados

Noted for its ‘deep technical and practical knowledge of taxation,Freitas Ferraz Advogados has a growing presence in the Minas Gerais market. The tax practice has a strong offering which covers both litigation and consultancy work, including audits, debt negotiations, challenges to tax collections, tax structuring and planning. Practice head Thiago Braichi concentrates on tax advisory services and assists both foreign and domestic companies in matters related to tax planning, corporate transactions, and investment structuring. Other key names in the group are associates Júlia Barreto and Romero Marinho, both of whom co-manage tax advisory matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Thiago Braichi

Autres avocats clés:

Júlia Barreto; Romero Marinho

Les références

‘Freitas Ferraz has a strong multi-functional team that is able to connect the dots between tax planning, corporate matters, and how clients apply it to commercial operations. The team has a good understanding of local tax laws but also international tax considerations which make it easy to work with foreign clients who are doing business in Brazil. ’

‘Thiago Braichi has been able to communicate very complicated tax matters in a way that clients can understand and apply to their businesses. His ability to interact and communicate with clients from different cultures and parts of the world has been extremely helpful. He also makes himself available with a moment’s notice. ’

‘Romero Marinho has excellent accounting knowledge and the ability to propose solutions and modelling for complex transactions.’

Principaux clients

Avenue Code

Seaborn Networks


Grupo Arcor

Grupo Anima

Sumicity, Alloha, Mob Telecom



Canadian Solar




Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Avenue Code on its tax structuring prior to a transaction with a technology company.
  • Advised Seaborn Networks on its international tax planning regarding intra-group transactions.

Vilas Boas, Lopes e Frattari Advogados

With notable strength in administrative and judicial litigation, alongside advisory work, the tax team at Vilas Boas, Lopes e Frattari Advogados is capable of handling a range of tax matters. Tax planning and matters concerning tax benefits are key areas of activity for the group, which acts for an impressive client base made up of companies predominantly from the mining, energy, and steel industries. Department head Rafhael Frattari is a reference for both tax litigation and transactional issues. Associate Henrique Coimbra regularly provides legal opinions relating to tax planning and tax recovery.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rafhael Frattari

Autres avocats clés:

Henrique Coimbra; Vinícius Vasconcelos

Principaux clients


Aperam Inox América do Sul

Equinox Gold Fazenda Mine

CMU Energia

Colégio Registral Imobiliário do Estado de Minas Gerais

Belgo Bekaert Arames

Principaux dossiers

Ayres Ribeiro Advogados

Ayres Ribeiro Advogados offers representation to clients in tax litigation at the administrative and judicial levels, and is also skilled at advising on non-contentious mandates, including due diligence and regulatory compliance. On the litigation front, the group frequently acts in matters related to infraction notices, regulations, and direct and indirect taxation issues. The team has a growing client base covering various sectors, including the mining, food and beverage, and automotive industries. Gilberto Ayres Moreira leads the tax practice and is recognised for his expertise in international tax matters. Tax litigation specialists Fernando Westin Marcondes Pereira and Victor Castro are noted for their experience in judicial and administrative proceedings. Another active member of the team is Marcelo Correa, who was promoted to partner in January 2024; he specialises in non-contentious tax issues, including tax planning.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gilberto Ayres

Autres avocats clés:

Fernando Westin Marcondes Pereira; Victor Castro; Marcelo Correa

Les références

‘The team shows seriousness, responsibility, great professionalism, and above all a unique treatment with each client.’

‘Capacity, knowledge, and availability explain each professional in the firm.’

‘The availability and accessibility of the team is a big differentiator. There are numerous firms with good technical quality, but the service and availability of the Ayres Ribeiro team is unparalleled.’

Principaux clients


ABC Transportes

Cervejaria Inconfidentes

Kardex Holding

L4b Logística

Lupin Group

VACCINAR Indústria e Comércio

Globalbev Bebidas e Alimentos

Fortaleza de Santa Teresinha Agricultura e Pecuária

Bem Brasil Alimentos

Companhia Industrial Cataguases

Celulose Nipo Brasileira

Rio Branco Alimentos

Faurecia Automotive Brasil

Sequoia Properties

Empresa 1


Banco Yamaha


Postos H7


CRH Sudeste Indústria de Cimentos


Algar Telecom


GP Investiments

Paresi Holding

Mene e Portella Publicidade


Total Meio Ambiente

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisting Cenibra with managing and complying with federal tax obligations related to rural property.

Azevedo Geraldes Advogados

With a strong following of clients from the retail sector, the tax advisory practice at Azevedo Geraldes Advogados is adept at handling matters concerning tax planning, tax benefits, and tax credit compensation. On the contentious front, the team regularly assists clients with the initiating of actions concerning tax and contribution compensations. Practice head Henrique Azevedo has extensive experience in direct and indirect taxes, compliance, and M&A transactions.

Responsables de la pratique:

Henrique Azevedo

Autres avocats clés:

Luiz Gustavo Dias Grapiúna; Daniela Michel Bueno; Ana Laura de Castro Lacerda; Ana Carolina Silva; Paulo Henrique Martins da Costa Queiroga

Les références

‘Good communication, cooperation, proactivity, organisation, and agility. Excellent quality service.’

‘Quality in delivery.’

‘The firm is dedicated to understanding the real needs of our company.’

Principaux clients

Mart Minas Distribuição

Villefort Atacado E Varejo

Multiformato / Supernosso Group

VGX Contact Center


Via Mondo Group

Grupo Zelo

Farid Group

Otimiza Group

Tecidos E Armarinho Miguel Bartolomeu

DME Poços De Caldas Participações

Santa Helena Group

Olléa Group

WRV Empreendimentos

Estrela Distribuição

Vet Line Group

Chalezinho / Nasala Group


Engecon Engenheiros Construtores

Dom Atacadista

Atalaia Alimentos

Hercal Foundry

Coimbra & Chaves

The tax practice at Coimbra & Chaves is regarded for its aptitude in matters related to ADRAT contributions for clients from the third sector, although the team is also capable of representing businesses in enforcement actions, declaratory actions, and collective lawsuits. On the non-contentious front, the group showcases strength in tax planning, tax offsets, and regulatory compliance. The practice is under the joint leadership of five practitioners: international tax planning specialist Paulo Roberto CoimbraOnofre Alves Batista Júnior, a key name for mining clients; compliance and tax planning exper Alice de Abreu Lima JorgeGuilherme Bagno Pires De Morais, who focuses on social security issues; and customs tax law consultant Filipe Piazzi. Senior partner Flávia Gontijo De Freitas Noronha departed the firm in September 2023.

Responsables de la pratique:

Paulo Roberto Coimbra; Onofre Alves Batista Júnior; Alice de Abreu Lima Jorge; Guilherme Bagno Pires de Morais; Filipe Piazzi

Les références

‘This is one of the best firms in its area of ​​activity, presenting proposals and opinions using the most assertive language and truly designed to serve legal managers, with a very clear, robust and state-of-the-art risk assessment methodology.’

‘The results obtained and the technical capacity of the partners are noteworthy.’

‘Paulo Roberto Coimbra is a highly respected, solid professional, with an outstanding academic background and accurate business vision, like few others in the market.’

Principaux dossiers

Corrêa Ferreira Advogados

Corrêa Ferreira Advogados has extensive experience in advising clients from a variety of industries - most notably healthcare, steel and infrastructure companies - on both contentious and non-contentious tax matters. Marco Antônio Corrêa Ferreira leads the tax practice and receives key support from André Perdigão Viana and Camila Rocha Guerra, both of whom are skilled in tax reviews and tax reduction agreements.

Responsables de la pratique:

Marco Antônio Corrêa Ferreira

Autres avocats clés:

André Perdigão Viana; Camila Rocha Guerra

Les références

‘The distinction lies in their ability to resolve the demands made of them, as they have a highly qualified technical team, with better and more assertive targeting of actions. They always bring current issues to the table through face-to-face and online meetings with speakers who have mastered the subject.’

‘Marco Antônio stands out for his ability to indicate the best paths and direct actions, as well as his leadership skills.’

Principaux dossiers

Cunha Leão Advogados

Cunha Leão Advogados’ tax practice offers consulting and litigation services to a varied client base, which features prominent names from the mining, real estate, retail, energy, and fuel distribution sectors. The group, noted for its 'great technical knowledge of federal, state, and municipal taxes', is regularly involved in mandates concerning tax filings, tax exemptions, corporate and debt restructuring, and tax planning. Luiz Henrique Cunha and Fabiana Leão jointly oversee the team, with Cunha specialising in non-contentious tax issues and Leão taking the lead on administrative and judicial proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Luiz Henrique Cunha; Fabiana Leão

Autres avocats clés:

Danielle Victor; Vinícius Torres

Les références

‘The firm stands out in the national legal market due to a series of unique characteristics that differentiate its approach, quality of service, and team capabilities. Some of the distinctive qualities that make this firm unique include personalised services and deep knowledge of the activities of the companies they serve.’

‘Fabiana Leão provides a differentiated service.’

‘The team has extensive expertise in tax and accounting matters. They have great technical knowledge of federal, state, and municipal taxes, which increases the quality of the advice, consultancy provided, and defences presented in tax assessments.’

Principaux clients



Vibra Energia



Coelho Diniz Supermercado

Morro do Ipê Mineração

M. Dias Branco


Luiza Barcelos


Principaux dossiers

  • Advised Samarco on tax matters related to its court reorganisation.
  • Advised Vibra Energia in relation to the impacts arising from the Brazilian Supreme Court which stated that ICMS should not be levied on the transfer of goods between establishments of the same taxpayer.
  • Represented Vaccinar in a judicial dispute involving the taxation of ICM tax benefits.

Lacerda Diniz Advogados

The tax department at Lacerda Diniz Advogados is noted for representing multinational companies in complex tax matters that often involve multijurisdictional issues. It offers both litigation and consultancy services, including tax credit evaluations, tax statement calculations, infraction notices, and tax foreclosures. With a breadth of expertise covering tax compliance projects and M&A transactions, Daniel Jardim Sena heads up the practice and is particularly recognised for his experience in tax planning. Focusing on tax litigation, Fernanda Silveira handles administrative and judicial proceedings, as well as customs and social security matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Jardim Sena

Autres avocats clés:

Fernanda Silveira

Les références

‘A highly qualified team, with exemplary service and a difference in terms of people, data, billing, diversity, technology and collaboration.’

‘Fernanda Silveira is a highly qualified lawyer who is committed to her clients and provides exemplary service.’

Principaux clients

Direcional Engenharia

Lenarge Transportes


Laticínios Bela Vista – Piracanjuba

MIP Engenharia

Laticínios Porto Alegre

Vilma Alimentos

Expresso Nepomuceno

Grupo Mateus

Oncoclínicas Group

Supermercados BH

Grupo Pereira

Grupo Vitória da União

DL Eletrônicos

PIF PAF Alimentos

MRV Engenharia


Grupo Amanco Wavin

Magnum Tires

CBAA Asfaltos Group

Principaux dossiers

Moura Tavares, Figueiredo, Moreira e Campos Advogados

Moura Tavares, Figueiredo, Moreira e Campos Advogados‘ tax department offers consultancy services alongside representation in administrative and judicial matters. The team frequently acts for clients from the engineering, construction, and retail sectors in tax collection disputes, tax benefit applications, and tax exemptions, as well as actions for provisional tax relief and social contribution lawsuits. On the advisory front, the group engages in tax planning, compliance, and due diligence. Ricardo Alves Moreira and Ismail Antonio Vieira Salles co-lead the practice, bringing together extensive experience in tax litigation and non-contentious matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ricardo Alves Moreira; Ismail Antonio Vieira Salles

Autres avocats clés:

André Fellipe Lara; Alex dos Santos Ribas

Principaux clients

Soluções em Aço Usiminas

Reframax Engenharia

Cencosud Brasil Comercial

LRC Mídia Out Of Home

Província Carmelitana de Santo Elias

Fuchs Agro Brasil

Paranasa Engenharia e Comércio

KTM Administração e Engenharia

Elasa Elo Alimentação

RCC Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Veríssimo, Moreira & Simas Advogados

Acting for a variety of clients from the banking, engineering, construction, and mining sectors, the tax practice at Veríssimo, Moreira & Simas Advogados is capable of handling both tax litigation and tax consulting matters. The team is regularly engaged in regulatory compliance, inspections, tax regime applications, infraction notices, due diligence, and tax planning. Leading the group are the 'very helpful, available, and competent professional' Eurides Veríssimo De Oliveira Júnior, Gabriela Costa, and Fernanda Fagundes: Oliveira Júnior and Fagundes are adept in administrative and judicial proceedings, while Costa has particular expertise in non-contentious tax mandates.

Responsables de la pratique:

Eurides Veríssimo de Oliveira Júnior; Gabriela Paula Costa; Fernanda Fagundes

Les références

‘Strong knowledge of the infrastructure sector.’

‘Eurides Veríssimo stands out due to his multidisciplinary approach.’

‘Technical knowledge of the areas of activity, suggestions, and alternatives for solving problems and team involvement.’

Principaux clients

Da Terrinha

Santana Produtos Siderúrgicos

ABS Produtos Hospitalares

Fralia Imperial Fabricação De Derivados Do Cacau E Chocolates

Precon Sistemas Construtivos

Veredas Industria E Comercio

Comercio De Resíduos Bandeirante

Progeo Engenharia

Calixto E Dias Serviços

Nonapack Indústria e Comércio

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted Fralia with an ICMS’ tax benefit agreement.
  • Represented Lyon Engineering in a tax dispute.
  • Advised Alta Genetics on an investment subsidy which could exclude ICMS tax benefits.